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67 lines (55 loc) · 5.15 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (55 loc) · 5.15 KB

Developer Documentation

Folder Structure

  • Top-level folders separate concerns
  • ~app/:
    • Contains app source code
    • Inspired by the Redux recommended folder structure
    • entry.client.tsx/entry.server.tsx:
      • Entry points on the server/client side - This is where React first takes control of the DOM, and initial scripts run
      • Allows for running custom code before React renders the DOM
    • root.tsx:
      • This is the "root layout" and the direct child of both entry points
      • Other layouts and pages are then rendered into its Outlet
      • Here's where global React logic goes (such as style caching, loading global data, etc.)
    • server.ts:
      • Remix is configured to not run via its built-in app server, but with a custom express configuration defined in this file
      • Express is a very mature (good old) server library that provides convenient helpers and, most importantly, is endorsed by Remix to be used with Fly deployments in their example
      • Mostly ripped from said example
      • Allows for fine-grained routing and inspection of individual requests if ever desired (for example, to check certain headers, or do some magic with Fly regions)
    • ~assets/:
      • Makes it more convenient to import assets
      • Put your static(!) assets here (media, images, etc) - They will be copied to /public/build when deployed and served over a faster CDN network with aggressive caching
    • ~colormode/:
      • Contains helper components, functions etc. to deal with the challenge of rendering light/dark mode per user preference correctly on the server-side, syncing across tabs, switching automatically as time passes, etc.
      • Imported in top-level entry files, but not really needed in nested routes or components -> not a good fit for the features/ folder
    • features/ (~feat/):
      • Feature-folder style: sub-folders contain files all belonging to the same feature -> Nesting is encouraged for parent-client feature relationships
    • ~lib/:
      • Contains general utility functions
    • ~models/:
      • Imports and enhances the automatically generated zod-prisma type definitions for all Prisma models (/database tables)
      • These should ALWAYS be used whenever possible to validate untrusted user input BEFORE running sensitive code
    • ~routes/:
      • Contains the front-facing Remix pages, referencing features from ~from/
  • db/:
    • Contains database-related files
    • data/: This is used by the seed script, not interesting
    • migrations/: This folder is managed by Prisma. DO NOT TOUCH ALREADY COMMITTED MIGRATIONS.
    • zod/: Contains automatically generated type definitions for every Prisma model using zod-prisma -> see ~models/ for in-app usage
    • schema.prisma: Database schema (For prisma, a JavaScript ORM that makes it fairly easy and type-safe to query the database with JS/without SQL)
    • seed.ts: Database seeding instructions ("seeding": Feeding a local database with example garbage data for development/testing)
  • public/:
    • Contains static files (assets, media, images, etc.) that are served directly from the CDN and are cached aggressively
    • Put your assets in ~assets/ instead for more convenient importing/usage
  • types/:
    • Contains global TypeScript type definitions and utilities (these are all eradicated during compilation)

(Code) Style

After getting the gist of how Chakra UI works, it might seem enticing to pass a bunch of custom style properties and hooks into generic components (such as Box or Flex). This is a bad practice! Try using as little custom props, hooks, logic etc. as possible and instead building on semantically correct html tags (such as Image, Popover, Wrapper, VStack etc.), which most often already have sane default styling.

Less is More

Keeping code readable is a top priority for future maintainability and elegance. It is easy to churn out hundreds of lines of code in a day, it's hard to achieve the same in a fraction of the size (leading to better performane and readability). Most props and function arguments have usable defaults and should not be set explicitly.


Props should be ordered by importance and "distance" from the core component (p > m > box-shadow > font-weight).

Linting rules >:(

ESLint is setup to report and prevent bad code from finding its way into the codebase. In most cases, if the linter complains, You're the problem, not the linting rule. Ignoring is not a solution. Asserting is a solution. (Safe) Casting is a solution. Conditions are a solution. Google is a solution.

