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Signing on mobile v1: design decisions

Sasha Postnikova edited this page Oct 13, 2020 · 14 revisions

Signing on mobile v1 #348 🐱
Kickoff meeting 📆
Hypothetical press release 📆
Specs doc 📆
Gnosis Safe - 5 Inconvenient multisig signature collection on-the-go 📆
Miro Dima, Dirk, Mouaz Signing on mobile 📌
iOS Invision 💖
Android Invision 💖

User tests
#27 Signing on mobile test script 📋
#27 Prototype A 💖
#27 Prototype B 💖
Dovetail project 💡

Past ideas
Authorize mobile device for Safe #310 🐱
Dapp interaction via WalletConnect #294 🐱
Safe Multisig mobile post phase 1 📆
Authorized device & initiate tx via WalletConnect 📆
Miro Tobi’s wireframes WalletConnect 📌

Platform: iOS, Android

App version: tbd

Which problem do we solve?
Inconvenient multisig signature collection on-the-go (see Gnosis Safe - 5 Inconvenient multisig signature collection on-the-go 📆 and Signing on mobile v1 #348 🐱).

What are the metrics and KPIs we will be measuring for this feature?
Funnel: how many users achieve successful owner import (owner_enter_seed -> owner_select_account -> success).

Is there user research or quantitative data informing decisions made here?
Data from discovery interviews Q1 2020 💡
Insights from discovery interviews Q1 2020 💡
Insights from #18 Safe Keys mobile prototype 💡
Insights from #19 Android Basics mobile prototype 💡
Roadmap Q3/Q4 2020 📆
Insights from #23 Read-Only mobile prototype 💡
Insights from #27 Signing on mobile iOS 💡

User flows

  1. Import owner key
  2. Sign transaction
  3. Remove owner
  4. Import owner when no Safe is loaded

1. Import owner key

2. Sign transaction

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