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Reconstruct DTI from DWI using mrtrix

stnava edited this page May 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

ANTs lacks dcm to dwi to dti functionality. We previously relied on camino but this software is no longer maintained, afaik. thus mrtrix.

brief notes on how to go from dicom to nifti files we can use in ants.

useful programs

  • mrconvert sid/ep2d_64dir/date/ptid /tmp/my.mif # convert dcm to mif
  • dwidenoise /tmp/my.mif /tmp/myd.mif # mysterious denoising method for dwi
  • dwiextract /tmp/myd.mif - -bzero | mrmath - mean /tmp/mymeanb0.nii.gz -axis 3 # mean b0 image
  • dwipreproc -rpe_none /tmp/my.mif /tmp/myp.mif # preprocess dwi e.g. with motion (needs fsl)
  • dwi2mask /tmp/myd.mif /tmp/mymask.nii.gz # mask dwi (not reliably)
  • dwi2tensor /tmp/myd.mif /tmp/mydti.nii.gz # convert to dti
  • tensor2metric -fa /tmp/myfa.nii.gz /tmp/mydti.nii.gz # get fa from dti

one might also do warping with ANTs or other programs

i would like to know how to apply motion correction ...

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