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AliSoftware edited this page Nov 18, 2012 · 43 revisions

Revisions History

This page lists the major changes that appeared across the various OHAttributedLabel versions / git tags.

  • You can download any tagged version of OHAttributedLabel here.
  • You can also download the latest "master" version here.

(ZIP files generated by GitHub dynamically)

Version 3.2.0 - Added link attribute to NSAttributedString

  • NSAttributedString+Attributes now has linkAtIndex:effectiveRange: and setLink:range:methods to add links to and NSAttributedString directly.
    This method use an attribute named kOHLinkAttributeName to add to the attributed string. (This constant is equal to the value @"NSLinkAttribute" which is the value used in OSX, so that if this attribute is ported to iOS in a future iOS version, it will probably work with it too)
  • OHASBasicHTMLParser now support <a href="someURL">some text</a> tags to add links
  • OHASBasicMarkupParser now support [some text](someURL) markup to add links

Note that now that it is possible to add links directly to NSAttributedStrings, it is the preferred way to add links to a text (instead of calling addCustomLink:inRange: on the OHAttributedLabel), so that the link is attached to the string and not the label that displays it.

Version 3.1.1 - Fix issues, added @autoreleasepools

  • Removed "Installation" phase from compilation (Skip Install = YES) to avoid mess like in #90.
    Now we are back to straight quoted-style imports #import "OHAttributedLabel.h" (instead of square braquets) but users must add the path to the OHAttributedLabel headers to their project's "User Header Search Paths"
  • Added some @autoreleasepool to reduce memory footprint, some code reformatting
  • Fixes #55 and #99

And improved TableView example to show how to manage variable cell heights depending on NSAttributedString size.

Version 3.1.0 - Added possibility to set bold style for links

  • Now you can bitwise-OR the linkUnderlineStyle (the property as well as the one used in the delegate method) with kOHBoldStyleTraitSetBold or kOHBoldStyleTraitUnSetBold to change the font weight used for links.

Version 3.0.1 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixed crash in OHASMarkupParsers when empty match (when no text between opening and closing markup)
  • Fixed library Deployment Target (#93)

Verison 3.0.0 - Renamed markup parser classes for cleaner API

  • Renamed OHASTagParser* classes to OHAS*Parser names invoking markup and not tags (as it is more flexible that just HTML tags).

Version 2.2.0 - Very simple HTML or markup tags support

  • Added OHASTagParser classes to build NSAttributedString using simple HTML (<b>, <u>, <font name=… size=…>, <font color=…>) or simple markup tags ("*bold*", "_underline_", "{red|red text}"…)
  • Improved memory usage for link detection by recycling NSDataDetector instances. This also improves stability (as the DataDetectorCore library does not like to be stressed)
  • This also fix an issue where textIsUnderlinedAtIndex:effectiveRange: returned the opposite value of the one expected.

Version 2.1.1 - iOS6 compatibility & standalone library

  • Removed iOS6 warnings.
  • Modified the project to create a separate library libOHAttributedLabel.a, to facilitate integration using an Xcode 4 workspace (see example and README

Version 2.1.0 — UIAppearance support and optimizations

  • Adds UIAppearance support for iOS5, to let you easily customize the link color and style of all of your OHAttributedLabel instances for your whole app, to fit your application design.
  • Optimize the calls to recomputeLinksInText, to prevent the computation to be done multiple times (i.e. each time we change one of the properties) per RunLoop and enforce it to be done only once per RunLoop iteration. (Meaning it now uses the pattern similar to the setNeedsDisplay methods, only setting a flag to trigger the computation only once when needed).

This last optimization should reduce the time used especially when you change multiple properties in a row.

Version 2.0.0 — Change in delegate API

  • Changed the name of the delegate method from colorForLink:underlineStyle: to attributedLabel:colorForLink:underlineStyle:.

This is the only change since 1.3.1 but it had to be done to better fit the naming conventions, and is needed if you want to return the default link color and underline style from your delegate methods depending on some conditions.

Besides, as it changes the delegate API, and this version as been retested for various bugs and considered stable enough, it was time to increase to the next major version.

Important Note

If you update from a previous version, be sure to update your code to change the method signature in your delegate implementation to the new one! (As the previous delegate method signature will stop being called in this new version, the new one being used instead)

Version 1.3.1 — Optimizations

  • Optimizations for links computation, by avoiding to allocate an NSDataDetector at each computation of the links (but allocating it once, when automaticallyAddLinksForTypes changes).

This trick may be simple but increase performance a lot compared to 1.3.0 especially when OHAttributedLabel is used in a UITableViewCell, as links are recomputed each time a cell is reused and its attributedText property is set to a new value.

Version 1.3.0 — Optimizations

  • Various drawing optimizations, especially by now keeping the NSAttributedString with detected links in cache instead of recomputing the automatically detected links each time (at each redraw).
  • Fix regressions introduced in 1.2.0 (especially on highlightedLinkColor and some text color issues)
  • Adds the NSTextCheckingResult addition to retrieve preformatted NSURL for Google or Apple Maps app.

Version 1.2.0 — ARC support, iOS6 compatibility

  • ARC support
  • The class has been tested with the iOS6 Beta SDK
  • Depreciation of fake constant UITextAlignmentJustify because it now throws an exception in iOS6. Use setTextAlignment:lineBreakMode: on your NSAttributedString instead now.
  • Added warnings for known issues (for properties not supported by CoreText)
  • Accessibility label now updated when text is updated
  • some performance (customLinks allocation deferred, attributedTextWithLinks not copied anymore -- note that this introduced a regression that was fixed in 1.3.0 -- and respondsToSelector: check cached)

Version 1.1.1 — Fix Leaks

  • Fixed Apple leak (adding an attribute on an NSAttributedString does not release the previous affected attribute) and removed some warnings about undeclared private methods.

Version 1.1.0 — Link detection for any type

  • Generalized automatic link detection to any NSTextCheckingType allowing links of any kind to be detected automatically.
  • Added setTextIsBold:range: method to change the font variant easily, even across CTRuns that use different fonts.
  • Tried to add subscript/superscript support in NSAttributedString+Attributes, but aborted since quite no CoreText font support it in practice.

Version 1.0.0 — First stable release. Optimizations + Xcode4/LLVM compatibility

  • Optimized CTFrame computation, fixed leaks, fixed link touch detection when centerVertically=YES and various other bug fixes.
  • Also fixed Clang-LLVM and Xcode4 warnings (version before 0.0.4 was developed with GCC & Xcode3)
  • First version considered stable and trustworthy for production

Version 0.3.0 — Bug Fixes

  • Bug fixes & merge of various pull requests.
  • Especially adding link color and underline style properties, fixed sizeThatFits and various links touches detection, and added initWithFrame: (before 0.0.3 only initWithCoder: was implemented)

Version 0.2.0 — Links

  • Added links autodetection

Version 0.1.0 — First basic version

  • First and basic pre-release version
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