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106 lines (88 loc) · 9.29 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (88 loc) · 9.29 KB


Here is a list of tasks to do (please move to once done).

Follow instructions in before you implement a task below and contribute via a Pull Request (ensuring it hasn't been reported or contributed already).

Related TODO files:


  • Shine Data Binding Expression (+ optimize shine to avoid calling bind)
  • Observe an array or nested arrays for all children changes on a specific property (e.g. observe(@game, 'tetris_blocks[][].color') ; returns |new_color, tetris_block| / observe(@game.players, '[].name') ; returns |name, player|)
  • Observe multiple attributes (e.g. observe(@game, [:width, :height]) returns |value, attribute_name|)
  • Fix issue with computed data-binding when combined with nested/indexed data-binding (it looks up computed attributes on root object instead of nested object, it seems)
  • Support nested computed attributes (e.g. computed_by: {address1: [:street, :city, :state, :zip]})
  • Consider the idea of having Observer#observe accept an optional block to do observation without implementing call (kinda like when using the observe keyword in the Glimmer DSL).
  • Ensure removing observers from hash in ObservableModel when removed from observable
  • Avoid < in specs (tests)
  • Add built-in support to Glimmer::DSL::Engine to memoize/cache expressions similar to how that is supported for StaticExpression (but allowing an outside keyword and non-static expression to be used)

Version TBD

  • Support observing multiple model attributes at the same time for the same model or different models, providing syntax for it in ModelBinding, observe keyword, data-binding, and content data-binding (e.g. content(paginator, :page_count, :page_number), considering aliases content(paginator, [:page_count, :page_number]) and content(paginator => [:page_count, :page_number]) , or content(user, :addresses, friend, :addresses) , considering alias content(user => :addresses, friend => :addresses) if it was beneficial at all )
  • Improve API for add_observer methods on observables (make it accept a block, and perhaps reverse arg order)
  • Allow being able to include Glimmer for a particular DSL (e.g. include Glimmer[:data_binding] to add observe keyword only) without having to enable/disable DSLs (create scoped realms of DSL activation)
  • refactor observer registration code to be more smart/polymorphic/automated and honor open/closed principle (e.g. for SomeClass, search if there is ObservableSomeClass for the various hash, array, and model observables)
  • Support automatic computed data-binding by monitoring method invocations of a top-level data-bound attribute. This will need the newest Ruby updates for Tracepoint, and perhaps passing options to Ruby when running apps. Whatever this Ruby bug yielded must be used:
  • Support observed keyword to use in Observables around blocks of code that wouldn't trigger changes till completed.
  • Consider specifying a bind(triggered_by: method_name) option that would provide the scope for when to react to an observation. This is similar to computed_by: except it negates updates happening outside of the computed_by method.
  • General nested data-binding not just on an index (e.g. 'addresses.street' not just 'addresses[0].street')
  • Consider supporting the idea of observing what (nested) methods are in progress of execution on a model (maybe call methods_in_progress returning an array ordering from earliest outermost to latest innermost method invocation). That way if many fine-grained updates are happening and the observer isn't interested in reacting till a large-scale operation completed, it can do so.
  • Refactor Engine: consider replacing Glimmer::DSL::Engine.static_expressions[keyword].keys - Glimmer::DSL::Engine.disabled_dsls with Glimmer::DSL::Engine.enabled_static_expression_dsls(keyword)
  • Deal with Engine issue regarding async_exec static expression
  • Document Observer/Observable/Data-Binding API
  • Extract glimmer-dsl-databinding out of glimmer as an observer/data-binding DSL library and reuse across other DSLs (SWT, Opal, and Tk)
  • Move glimmer projects underneath glimmer organization
  • Extract glimmer rake tasks that are common from glimmer-dsl-swt into glimmer such as list:gems:dsl
  • Consider the performance enhancement of having varied command_handlers per parent class type, hashed and ready to go
  • Extract computed data-binding specs and other ModelBinding indirect specs from glimmer-dsl-swt to glimmer
  • Add in-model support for specifying computed observer dependencies to avoid specifying it in the bind statement.
  • Check if TopLevelExpression must be verified for dynamic expressions (currently only verified for static expressions)
  • Ability to observe all properties of an ObservableModel and pass property names in observer calls as second argument
  • Observe nested hashes recursively for all keys (similar to Array recursive observation)
  • Consider making #ensure_array_object_observer optional in ObservableModel/ObservableHash/ObservableArray since it has performance implications (and perhaps make it happen as part of recursive: 1, shifting the depth understanding, instead of happening on recursive: false like it is now)
  • Fix issue with #ensure_array_object_observer not receiving recursive: true option (except first time) when updating value of an attribute in ObservableModel
  • Fix issue with #ensure_array_object_observer not receiving recursive: true option (except first time) when updating value of an attribute in ObservableHash
  • Support keyword arguments via **kwargs in expression interpretors (new Ruby 2.7+ feature to implement once supported by JRuby and Ruby 2.6 support is dropped)
  • Rubocop checker for Glimmer GUI DSL syntax


  • Observe all attribute writers in an Object (observe every attribute ending with =)
  • Observe all attribute writers in a Struct (observe every attribute ending with = as well as []= method)
  • Observe all attribute writers in an OpenStruct (observe set_ostruct_member_value method)
  • Support recursive: true with hashes that have nested hashes
  • Support recursive: true with models that have nested models
  • Observe multiple attributes or indexed/keyed/nested attribute expressions with a single observer
  • Consider the idea of having before_read and before_write support cancelling a data-binding operation by returning false, returning :cancel, Or by receiving an extra arg that enables calling arg.cancel on or something similar to avoid having normal code cancel the data-binding operation just because it returns nil.
  • Consider supporting concurrent/parallel interpretation of expression hierarchies by assigning each one an ID that is used to identify it if multiple hierarchies were interpreted in multiple concurrent/parallel threads.
  • Consider model attribute to attribute data-binding that prevents the need for calling Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc {}.observe() explicitly


  • Report Opal project issue regarding method/singleton_method and define_method/define_singleton_method not working in direct class/module vs instance like in Ruby
  • After hitting v1.0.0 on Glimmer DSL for LibUI, suggest merging Glimmer into Ruby core to provide Ruby developers with built-in support for creating the best Internal (Embedded) DSL syntax possible. This should elevate Ruby into a whole other level.


  • Prefix ObservableModel/ObservableArray utility methods with double-underscore
  • Observer: refactor code to be more smart/polymorphic/automated and honor open/closed principle
  • Observer: Consier memoizing Observer#registration_for (with the caveat being more memory usage, which might not be needed if it's fast enough to create and dispose)


  • glimmer-dsl-rubymotion: Ruby Motion enables mobile app development with Ruby. Providing a DSL for it is useful.
  • glimmer-dsl-ruby2d: Declarative Glimmer DSL for Ruby2D gaming library
  • glimmer-dsl-hexapdf: Declarative Glimmer DSL for HexaPDF's canvas graphics (and general PDF generation) imperative syntax (maybe even attempt to merge back to HexaPDF if its author is interested)
  • glimmer-dsl-optparse: A clean Glimmer DSL for optparse since its built-in DSL is extremely verbose and redundant
  • glimmer-dsl-tui: Glimmer DSL for Text-Based User Interfaces (aka Textual User Interfaces). Have it adapt desktop apps just like Glimmer DSL for Opal
  • glimmer-dsl-object: A configuration DSL for building any Ruby object via DSL syntax instead of plain old Ruby syntax (perhaps replacing PropertyExpression in Glimmer DSL for SWT with it) (perhaps using as a way to scaffold the base of new DSLs since they all share a few things like elements, properties, listeners, and data-binding)
  • glimmer-dsl-ruby: Use Glimmer DSL to generate Ruby code. Useful for building class generators as an alternative to ERB
class(*init_args) {
  attribute_name value
  block_attribute {
  nested_child_class(*init_args) { # added to parent children


rectangle(width: 30, height: 40) {
  width 30
  height 40
  circle(x: 30, y: 70) {
    radius 70