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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-go


10 Sep 22:53
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0.6.2 (2024-09-10)

Features Added

  • Added Batch and File APIs.

Breaking Changes

  • FunctionDefinition.Parameters has been changed to take JSON instead of an object/map. You can set it using code
    similar to this:

      parametersJSON, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
        "required": []string{"location"},
        "type":     "object",
        "properties": map[string]any{
          "location": map[string]any{
            "type":        "string",
            "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
      if err != nil {
        // TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
        log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
      // and then, in ChatCompletionsOptions
      opts := azopenai.ChatCompletionsOptions{
        Functions: []azopenai.FunctionDefinition{
            Name:        to.Ptr("get_current_weather"),
            Description: to.Ptr("Get the current weather in a given location"),
            Parameters: parametersJSON,


02 Sep 06:04
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1.2.1-beta.1 (2024-08-30)

Features Added

  • Upgraded service version to 2024-08-04.

Other Changes

  • Updated azcore version to 1.14.0
  • Updated azblob version to 1.4.1-beta.1


27 Aug 05:34
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1.3.1-beta.1 (2024-08-27)

Features Added

  • Snapshot management support via REST for NFS shares.
  • Upgraded service version to 2024-08-04.

Other Changes

  • Updated azcore version to 1.14.0


27 Aug 05:33
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1.4.1-beta.1 (2024-08-27)

Features Added

  • Upgraded service version to 2024-08-04.

Other Changes

  • Updated azcore version to 1.14.0


21 Aug 02:45
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7.2.0 (2024-08-23)

Features Added

  • New field ReplicationID in struct Replication


21 Aug 07:39
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4.0.0 (2024-08-23)

Breaking Changes

  • Type of ComputeStartStopSchedule.Cron has been changed from *CronTrigger to *Cron
  • Type of ComputeStartStopSchedule.Recurrence has been changed from *RecurrenceTrigger to *Recurrence
  • Type of ComputeStartStopSchedule.TriggerType has been changed from *TriggerType to *ComputeTriggerType
  • Struct AmlOperation has been removed
  • Struct AmlOperationDisplay has been removed
  • Struct AmlOperationListResult has been removed
  • Field AmlOperationListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field SubnetArmID of struct PrivateEndpoint has been removed

Features Added

  • New value ConnectionAuthTypeAAD, ConnectionAuthTypeAPIKey, ConnectionAuthTypeAccessKey, ConnectionAuthTypeAccountKey, ConnectionAuthTypeCustomKeys, ConnectionAuthTypeOAuth2, ConnectionAuthTypeServicePrincipal added to enum type ConnectionAuthType
  • New value ConnectionCategoryADLSGen2, ConnectionCategoryAIServices, ConnectionCategoryAPIKey, ConnectionCategoryAmazonMws, ConnectionCategoryAmazonRdsForOracle, ConnectionCategoryAmazonRdsForSQLServer, ConnectionCategoryAmazonRedshift, ConnectionCategoryAmazonS3Compatible, ConnectionCategoryAzureBlob, ConnectionCategoryAzureDataExplorer, ConnectionCategoryAzureDatabricksDeltaLake, ConnectionCategoryAzureMariaDb, ConnectionCategoryAzureMySQLDb, ConnectionCategoryAzureOneLake, ConnectionCategoryAzureOpenAI, ConnectionCategoryAzurePostgresDb, ConnectionCategoryAzureSQLDb, ConnectionCategoryAzureSQLMi, ConnectionCategoryAzureSynapseAnalytics, ConnectionCategoryAzureTableStorage, ConnectionCategoryBingLLMSearch, ConnectionCategoryCassandra, ConnectionCategoryCognitiveSearch, ConnectionCategoryCognitiveService, ConnectionCategoryConcur, ConnectionCategoryCosmosDb, ConnectionCategoryCosmosDbMongoDbAPI, ConnectionCategoryCouchbase, ConnectionCategoryCustomKeys, ConnectionCategoryDb2, ConnectionCategoryDrill, ConnectionCategoryDynamics, ConnectionCategoryDynamicsAx, ConnectionCategoryDynamicsCrm, ConnectionCategoryEloqua, ConnectionCategoryFileServer, ConnectionCategoryFtpServer, ConnectionCategoryGenericContainerRegistry, ConnectionCategoryGenericHTTP, ConnectionCategoryGenericRest, ConnectionCategoryGoogleAdWords, ConnectionCategoryGoogleBigQuery, ConnectionCategoryGoogleCloudStorage, ConnectionCategoryGreenplum, ConnectionCategoryHbase, ConnectionCategoryHdfs, ConnectionCategoryHive, ConnectionCategoryHubspot, ConnectionCategoryImpala, ConnectionCategoryInformix, ConnectionCategoryJira, ConnectionCategoryMagento, ConnectionCategoryMariaDb, ConnectionCategoryMarketo, ConnectionCategoryMicrosoftAccess, ConnectionCategoryMongoDbAtlas, ConnectionCategoryMongoDbV2, ConnectionCategoryMySQL, ConnectionCategoryNetezza, ConnectionCategoryODataRest, ConnectionCategoryOdbc, ConnectionCategoryOffice365, ConnectionCategoryOpenAI, ConnectionCategoryOracle, ConnectionCategoryOracleCloudStorage, ConnectionCategoryOracleServiceCloud, ConnectionCategoryPayPal, ConnectionCategoryPhoenix, ConnectionCategoryPostgreSQL, ConnectionCategoryPresto, ConnectionCategoryQuickBooks, ConnectionCategoryRedis, ConnectionCategoryResponsys, ConnectionCategoryS3, ConnectionCategorySQLServer, ConnectionCategorySalesforce, ConnectionCategorySalesforceMarketingCloud, ConnectionCategorySalesforceServiceCloud, ConnectionCategorySapBw, ConnectionCategorySapCloudForCustomer, ConnectionCategorySapEcc, ConnectionCategorySapHana, ConnectionCategorySapOpenHub, ConnectionCategorySapTable, ConnectionCategorySerp, ConnectionCategoryServerless, ConnectionCategoryServiceNow, ConnectionCategorySftp, ConnectionCategorySharePointOnlineList, ConnectionCategoryShopify, ConnectionCategorySnowflake, ConnectionCategorySpark, ConnectionCategorySquare, ConnectionCategorySybase, ConnectionCategoryTeradata, ConnectionCategoryVertica, ConnectionCategoryWebTable, ConnectionCategoryXero, ConnectionCategoryZoho added to enum type ConnectionCategory
  • New value DatastoreTypeOneLake added to enum type DatastoreType
  • New value JobTypeSpark added to enum type JobType
  • New value OutputDeliveryModeDirect added to enum type OutputDeliveryMode
  • New value ScheduleActionTypeCreateMonitor added to enum type ScheduleActionType
  • New enum type ActionType with values ActionTypeInternal
  • New enum type AssetProvisioningState with values AssetProvisioningStateCanceled, AssetProvisioningStateCreating, AssetProvisioningStateDeleting, AssetProvisioningStateFailed, AssetProvisioningStateSucceeded, AssetProvisioningStateUpdating
  • New enum type BatchDeploymentConfigurationType with values BatchDeploymentConfigurationTypeModel, BatchDeploymentConfigurationTypePipelineComponent
  • New enum type CategoricalDataDriftMetric with values CategoricalDataDriftMetricJensenShannonDistance, CategoricalDataDriftMetricPearsonsChiSquaredTest, CategoricalDataDriftMetricPopulationStabilityIndex
  • New enum type CategoricalDataQualityMetric with values CategoricalDataQualityMetricDataTypeErrorRate, CategoricalDataQualityMetricNullValueRate, CategoricalDataQualityMetricOutOfBoundsRate
  • New enum type CategoricalPredictionDriftMetric with values CategoricalPredictionDriftMetricJensenShannonDistance, CategoricalPredictionDriftMetricPearsonsChiSquaredTest, CategoricalPredictionDriftMetricPopulationStabilityIndex
  • New enum type ComputeRecurrenceFrequency with values ComputeRecurrenceFrequencyDay, ComputeRecurrenceFrequencyHour, ComputeRecurrenceFrequencyMinute, ComputeRecurrenceFrequencyMonth, ComputeRecurrenceFrequencyWeek
  • New enum type ComputeTriggerType with values ComputeTriggerTypeCron, ComputeTriggerTypeRecurrence
  • New enum type ComputeWeekDay with values ComputeWeekDayFriday, ComputeWeekDayMonday, ComputeWeekDaySaturday, ComputeWeekDaySunday, ComputeWeekDayThursday, ComputeWeekDayTuesday, ComputeWeekDayWednesday
  • New enum type ConnectionGroup with values ConnectionGroupAzure, ConnectionGroupAzureAI, ConnectionGroupDatabase, ConnectionGroupFile, ConnectionGroupGenericProtocol, ConnectionGroupNoSQL, ConnectionGroupServicesAndApps
  • New enum type ContentSafetyStatus with values ContentSafetyStatusDisabled, ContentSafetyStatusEnabled
  • New enum type DataAvailabilityStatus with values DataAvailabilityStatusComplete, DataAvailabilityStatusIncomplete, DataAvailabilityStatusNone, DataAvailabilityStatusPending
  • New enum type DataCollectionMode with values DataCollectionModeDisabled, DataCollectionModeEnabled
  • New enum type DataReferenceCredentialType with values DataReferenceCredentialTypeDockerCredentials, DataReferenceCredentialTypeManagedIdentity, DataReferenceCredentialTypeNoCredentials, DataReferenceCredentialTypeSAS
  • New enum type EmailNotificationEnableType with values EmailNotificationEnableTypeJobCancelled, EmailNotificationEnableTypeJobCompleted, EmailNotificationEnableTypeJobFailed
  • New enum type EndpointServiceConnectionStatus with values EndpointServiceConnectionStatusApproved, EndpointServiceConnectionStatusDisconnected, EndpointServiceConnectionStatusPending, EndpointServiceConnectionStatusRejected
  • New enum type EnvironmentVariableType with values EnvironmentVariableTypeLocal
  • New enum type FeatureAttributionMetric with values FeatureAttributionMetricNormalizedDiscountedCumulativeGain
  • New enum type FeatureDataType with values FeatureDataTypeBinary, FeatureDataTypeBoolean, FeatureDataTypeDatetime, FeatureDataTypeDouble, FeatureDataTypeFloat, FeatureDataTypeInteger, FeatureDataTypeLong, FeatureDataTypeString
  • New enum type FeatureImportanceMode with values FeatureImportanceModeDisabled, FeatureImportanceModeEnabled
  • New enum type ImageType with values ImageTypeAzureml, ImageTypeDocker
  • New enum type IsolationMode with values IsolationModeAllowInternetOutbound, IsolationModeAllowOnlyApprovedOutbound, IsolationModeDisabled
  • New enum type JobTier with values JobTierBasic, JobTierNull, JobTierPremium, JobTierSpot, JobTierStandard
  • New enum type ManagedNetworkStatus with values ManagedNetworkStatusActive, ManagedNetworkStatusInactive
  • New enum type MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningState with values MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateCanceled, MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateCreating, MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateDeleting, MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateFailed, MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateSucceeded, MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningStateUpdating
  • New enum type MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus with values MarketplaceSubscriptionStatusSubscribed, MarketplaceSubscriptionStatusSuspended, MarketplaceSubscriptionStatusUnsubscribed
  • New enum type MaterializationStoreType with values MaterializationStoreTypeNone, MaterializationStoreTypeOffline, MaterializationStoreTypeOnline, MaterializationStoreTypeOnlineAndOffline
  • New enum type ModelTaskType with values ModelTaskTypeClassification, ModelTaskTypeRegression
  • New enum type MonitorComputeIdentityType with values MonitorComputeIdentityTypeAmlToken, MonitorComputeIdentityTypeManagedIdentity
  • New enum type MonitorComputeType with values MonitorComputeTypeServerlessSpark
  • New enum type MonitoringFeatureDataType with values MonitoringFeatureDataTypeCategorical, MonitoringFeatureDataTypeNumerical
  • New enum type MonitoringFeatureFilterType with values MonitoringFeatureFilterTypeAllFeatures, MonitoringFeatureFilterTypeFeatureSubset, MonitoringFeatureFilterTypeTopNByAttribution
  • New enum type MonitoringInputDataType with values MonitoringInputDataTypeFixed, MonitoringInputDataTypeRolling, `MonitoringInp...
Read more


21 Aug 08:01
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9.0.0 (2024-08-23)

Breaking Changes

  • Type of AzureTableStorageLinkedService.TypeProperties has been changed from *AzureStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties to *AzureTableStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties

Features Added

  • New value SQLServerAuthenticationTypeUserAssignedManagedIdentity added to enum type SQLServerAuthenticationType
  • New struct AzureTableStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New struct ContinuationSettingsReference
  • New field Version in struct AmazonMWSLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AmazonRdsForSQLServerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AmazonRedshiftLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AmazonS3LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AppFiguresLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AsanaLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureBatchLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureBlobFSLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureBlobStorageLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureDataExplorerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureDatabricksLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureFileStorageLinkedService
  • New field Credential, ServiceEndpoint in struct AzureFileStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct AzureFunctionLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureKeyVaultLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureMLLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureMLServiceLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureMariaDBLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureMySQLLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzurePostgreSQLLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureSQLDWLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureSQLDatabaseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureSQLMILinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureSearchLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureStorageLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct AzureTableStorageLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CassandraLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService
  • New field Domain in struct CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct ConcurLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CosmosDbLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CosmosDbMongoDbAPILinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CouchbaseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct CustomDataSourceLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct DataworldLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct Db2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct DrillLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct DynamicsAXLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct DynamicsCrmLinkedService
  • New field Domain in struct DynamicsCrmLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct DynamicsLinkedService
  • New field Domain in struct DynamicsLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct EloquaLinkedService
  • New field ContinuationSettings in struct ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypeProperties
  • New field ContinuationSettings in struct ExecutePowerQueryActivityTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct FileServerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct FtpServerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GoogleAdWordsLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GoogleBigQueryLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GoogleBigQueryV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GoogleSheetsLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct GreenplumLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HBaseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HDInsightLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HTTPLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HdfsLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HiveLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct HubspotLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ImpalaLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct InformixLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct JiraLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct LakeHouseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MagentoLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MariaDBLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MarketoLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MicrosoftAccessLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MongoDbAtlasLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MongoDbLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MongoDbV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct MySQLLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct NetezzaLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ODataLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct OdbcLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct Office365LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct OracleCloudStorageLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct OracleLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct OracleServiceCloudLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct PaypalLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct PhoenixLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct PostgreSQLLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct PostgreSQLV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct PrestoLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct QuickBooksLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct QuickbaseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ResponsysLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct RestServiceLinkedService
  • New field ServicePrincipalCredentialType, ServicePrincipalEmbeddedCert, ServicePrincipalEmbeddedCertPassword in struct RestServiceLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct SQLServerLinkedService
  • New field Credential in struct SQLServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct SalesforceLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SalesforceV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapBWLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapEccLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapHanaLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapOdpLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapOpenHubLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SapTableLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ServiceNowLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ServiceNowV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SftpServerLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SharePointOnlineListLinkedService
  • New field ServicePrincipalCredentialType, ServicePrincipalEmbeddedCert, ServicePrincipalEmbeddedCertPassword in struct SharePointOnlineListLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct ShopifyLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SmartsheetLinkedService
  • New field StorageIntegration in struct SnowflakeExportCopyCommand
  • New field StorageIntegration in struct SnowflakeImportCopyCommand
  • New field Version in struct SnowflakeLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SnowflakeV2LinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SparkLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SquareLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct SybaseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct TeamDeskLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct TeradataLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct TwilioLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct VerticaLinkedService
  • New field Database, Port, Server, UID in struct VerticaLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field Version in struct WarehouseLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct WebLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct XeroLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ZendeskLinkedService
  • New field Version in struct ZohoLinkedService


21 Aug 02:45
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6.1.0 (2024-08-23)

Features Added

  • New enum type AllocationStrategy with values AllocationStrategyCapacityOptimized, AllocationStrategyLowestPrice
  • New enum type ZonalPlatformFaultDomainAlignMode with values ZonalPlatformFaultDomainAlignModeAligned, ZonalPlatformFaultDomainAlignModeUnaligned
  • New struct SKUProfile
  • New struct SKUProfileVMSize
  • New field ScheduledEventsPolicy in struct AvailabilitySetProperties
  • New field LogicalSectorSize in struct DiskRestorePointProperties
  • New field SKUProfile, ZonalPlatformFaultDomainAlignMode in struct VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties
  • New field Zones in struct VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdate
  • New field SKUProfile, ZonalPlatformFaultDomainAlignMode in struct VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateProperties
