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Source code map

David Anderson edited this page Jan 13, 2024 · 4 revisions

The BOINC software consists of a number of parts:

Client-side software

  • Client
  • Manager (desktop GUI)
  • Screensaver (Win/Mac/Linux)
  • App API (linked with applications)
  • Wrappers (wrapper, vboxwrapper)
  • Demo applications
  • boinctray (Windows program to detect user input)

Server-side software

  • CGI programs (scheduler, file upload handler)
  • Daemons (feeder, validators, assimilators)
  • Command-line tools (job submission, file management)
  • Web (user and admin web sites; RPC handlers)

Source code tree map

directory contents
android the Android GUI (java, kotlin)
api the App API
apps demo applications
client the client (C++)
clientgui the Manager
clienscr the screensaver
clientsetup/win C++ 'custom actions' for Win installer
clienttray boinctray
db database schema and C++ access library (used by all server programs)
html/inc utility functions for web interfaces
html/ops admin web interface
html/project.sample sample project web configuration files
html/user public web interface
lib utility functions used by all C++ code
mac_build scripts for building the Mac client software
mac_installer scripts and C++ code for building Mac installers
py/Boinc scripts for project creation and control
samples/vbox_wrapper the Vbox wrapper
samples/wrapper the wrapper
sched C++ code for CGI programs, daemons, and some command-line tools
tools command-line tools (C++, PHP, Python)
win_build Visual Studio project files for Win build
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