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775 lines (528 loc) · 30.1 KB

File metadata and controls

775 lines (528 loc) · 30.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

This project uses towncrier and the changes for the upcoming release can be found in changelog.d.

4.1.0 - 2024-07-31


  • Update b2sdk to 2.5.0, to fix TruncatedOutput download errors when network is congested (e.g., due use of high downloader thread count). (#554)


  • Add b2 file unhide command.
  • Support both new b2_uri and deprecated bucket_name file_name arguments in b2 file hide.

4.0.3 - 2024-06-19


  • Fix sync reuploading files on re-run despite no changes in the source. Fixed by updating b2sdk to 2.4.1.

4.0.2 - 2024-06-17


  • Fix --lifecycle-rule validation on python<3.10.
  • Update required b2sdk to 2.4.0 which includes following fixes:
    • Move scan filters before a read on filesystem access attempt.
    • Fix & improve Lifecycle Rule validation.
    • Don't retry on NoPaymentHistory exception.


  • Add --lifecycle-rule example to CLI --help and documentation. (#432)

4.0.1 - 2024-05-15


  • Fix - handling in file upload commands - even if file with - name exists, the stdin will be chosen over it. This change affects b2v4 (which is also aliased as b2), but not b2v3 to keep backwards compatibility.
  • Fix b2 ls b2://bucketName/fileName and b2 rm b2://bucketName/fileName to respectively, list and remove file identified by supplied B2 URI.

4.0.0 - 2024-05-13


  • CLI b2 executable now points to the latest stable ApiVer version, b2v4, previously it pointed to b2v3. These means following breaking changes:
    • b2 will no longer persists credentials and other secrets on disk if credentials were passed through B2_* environment variables. To explicitly persist them and keep using local cache for better performance, user can simply call b2 account account
    • b2 ls and b2 rm no longer accept two positional arguments, instead accepting only B2 URI (e.g. b2://bucketName/path)
    • - is no longer supported as a valid filename, always being interpreted as standard input alias instead
  • Changed sync command exit status code from 0 to 1 if any warnings or errors were encountered during the operation.


  • Invalid unicode characters read from filesystem will no longer interrupt b2 sync


  • Deprecated authorize-account, get-account-info and clear-account, use account {authorize|get|clear} instead.
  • Deprecated delete-file-version, use rm instead. Added --bypass-governance option to rm.
  • Deprecated file-info, get-url, cat, upload-file, download-file, copy-file-by-id, hide-file, update-file-legal-hold and update-file-retention, use file {info|url|cat|upload|download|copy-by-id|hide|update} instead.
  • Deprecated get-download-url-with-auth, use file url instead. Added --with-auth and --duration options to file url.
  • Deprecated list-buckets, get-bucket, create-bucket, update-bucket, delete-bucket, get-download-auth and notification-rules, use bucket {list|get|create|update|delete|get-download-auth|notification-rule} instead.
  • Deprecated list-keys, create-key and delete-key, use key {list|create|delete} instead.
  • Deprecated list-parts, use file large parts instead. Deprecated list-unfinished-large-files, use file large unfinished list instead. Deprecated cancel-large-file amd cancel-all-unfinished-large-files, use file large unfinished cancel instead.
  • Deprecated replication-{setup|delete|pause|unpause|status}, use replication {setup|delete|pause|unpause|status} instead.


  • Add account {authorize|get|clear} commands.
  • Add bucket {list|get|create|update|delete|get-download-auth|notification-rule} commands.
  • Add file large {parts|unfinished list|unfinished cancel} commands.
  • Add file {info|url|cat|upload|download|copy-by-id|hide|update} commands.
  • Add key {list|create|delete} commands.
  • Add replication {setup|delete|pause|unpause|status} commands.
  • Allow b2v3 to be run in official Docker image without the need to change entrypoint.


  • Automate nested subcommand documentation generation.
  • Display short descriptions instead of arguments in subcommands help messages.
  • Sort subcommands in --help alphabetically for better readability.

3.19.1 - 2024-04-23


  • Fix create-key --all-capabilities error when using b2sdk>=2.1.

3.19.0 - 2024-04-15


3.18.0 - 2024-04-02


  • Change all _b2v4 --camelCase CLI flags to --kebab-case. Add deprecation warning for b2v3 --camelCase CLI flags.


  • Don't persist credentials provided in the Environment variables in any command other than authorize-account when using b2v4.
  • Fix b2 --help showing full binary path instead of just basename.


  • Add autocomplete support for zsh and fish shells.
  • Add support for calling b2 ls without arguments to list all buckets.


  • Add dockerhub description deployment to CD workflow.
  • Add support for pre-releases in CD.
  • Fix missing command output when running nox under CI.
  • Increase verbosity when running tests under CI.
  • Update to GitHub Actions using Node 20.

3.17.0 - 2024-03-15


  • Control character escaping is now enabled by default if running in a terminal for improved security.


  • Added --escape-control-characters and --no-escape-control-characters flags, as well as B2_ESCAPE_CONTROL_CHARACTERS env var to explicitly enable or disable control character escaping.

3.16.1 - 2024-02-26


  • Fix --threads option being silently ignored in upload commands.

3.16.0 - 2024-02-19


  • All internal Python modules were moved to the b2._internal package to further discourage users from importing them.
  • Change ls and rm commands to use the b2:// URI scheme in the pre-release _b2v4 command.


  • Fix --minPartSize not supporting values above 100MB.
  • Fix a bug where rm bucketName folderName command without the --recursive flag would remove a first file from every subdirectory inside folderName.
  • Fix handling of ? and # in B2 URI.


  • ApiVer introduced. b2 executable points to the latest stable ApiVer version, while b2v3 will always point to v3 ApiVer release of b2 CLI.
  • Add --include and --exclude filters to the ls and rm commands.
  • Add support for deleting a single file by b2id:// URI in the pre-release _b2v4 command.
  • Print account info if b2 authorize-account is successful using the same format as b2 get-account-info.
  • Print output file path in download-file command.


  • Fix CI failing on mkdir when testing docker image.
  • Use pdm for building, testing and managing dependencies.
  • Remove unnecessary files (continuous integration scripts, tests) from sdist tarball.

3.15.0 - 2023-12-07


  • Use Python 3.12 in the official b2 Docker image.


  • Loosen platformdirs dependency version specifier.


  • Whenever target filename is a directory, file is downloaded into that directory.

3.14.0 - 2023-12-06


  • Update b2sdk to 1.28.0 (resolves #958, #934).


  • Don't print `Using https://REALM" in stderr unless explicitly set by user. (#949)
  • Added autocomplete suggestion caching to improve autocomplete performance.
  • Do not include build cache in official b2 docker image.
  • Fix an error that caused multiprocessing semaphores to leak on OSX.


  • Deprecated download-file-by-id and download-file-by-name, use download-file instead. Deprecated get-file-info, use file-info instead. Deprecated make-url and make-friendly-url, use get-url instead.


  • Add --expires, --content-disposition, --content-encoding, --content-language options to subcommands upload-file, upload-unbound-stream, copy-file-by-id.
  • Add download-file, file-info and get-url commands using new B2 URI syntax allowing for referring to file-like objects by their bucket&name or ID.


  • Add cat command to documentation.
  • Add additional linebreaks to ensure lists are properly rendered.


  • Ensure CI checks Python package compatibility with latest setuptools. (#952)
  • Allow skipping changelog for PRs marked with -changelog label.
  • Changelog entries are now validated as a part of CI pipeline.
  • Disable dependabot requests for updates unrelated to security issues.
  • Fix CI badge not showing correct status in README.
  • Remove unused exception class and outdated todo.
  • Skip draft step in releases - all successful releases are public.
  • Update license text generation dependencies to prevent triggering security scan false-positives.
  • Use cpython 3.12 (not 3.11) for integration tests with secrets.

3.13.1 - 2023-11-21


  • Fix "pip install" by making pyproject.toml viable. (#952)


  • Fix docker run example in


  • Towncrier changelog generation - to avoid conflicts when simultaneously working on PRs
  • fix towncrier generated changelog to work with mindsers/changelog-reader-action

3.13.0 - 2023-11-16


  • Add linux/arm64 platform support to the official Docker image
  • Add cat command for downloading file contents directly to stdout
  • Add -r as an alias for --recursive argument
  • Add -q as an alias for --quiet argument


  • Emit Using message to stderr instead of stdout, therefor prevent JSON output corruption


  • Stream ls --json JSON output instead of dumping it only after all objects have been fetched
  • Alias - to stdout in download-file-by-name or download-file-by-id command

3.12.0 - 2023-10-28


  • docker tests and pushing the official docker image on release


  • --quiet now will implicitly set --noProgress option as well
  • pypy integration tests


  • Use stable Python 3.12 in CI
  • Fix readthedocs build by updating to v2 configuration schema

3.11.0 - 2023-10-04


  • Add --quiet option to all commands to suppress all messages printed to stdout & stderr


  • Improve --quiet and --profile options documentation mentions, while suppressing them in --help output


  • Fix gathering licenses of typeshed libraries
  • Fix spellcheck erroring out on LICENSE file

3.10.1 - 2023-09-27


  • Fix lifecycle rules being cleared after using update-bucket command if not explicitly set again.
  • Fix missing key ID for large file encrypted with SSE-C (fixed by b2sdk update)


  • Fix bad version number generation in CD

3.10.0 - 2023-09-10


  • Add ability to upload from an unbound source such as standard input or a named pipe
  • --bypassGovernance option to delete_file_version
  • Declare official support of Python 3.12
  • Cache-Control option when uploading files
  • Add --lifecycleRule to create-bucket and update-bucket and deprecate --lifecycleRules argument
  • Add extra dependencies for better UX, installable with pip install b2[full]
  • Add s3 endpoint to get-account-info


  • Deprecate support of - as a valid filename in upload-file command. In the future - will always be interpreted as standard input


  • Better help text for --corsRules
  • if --threads is not explicitly set, number of threads is no longer guaranteed to be 10


  • Remove unsupported PyPy 3.7 from tests matrix and add PyPy 3.10 instead
  • Autocomplete integration tests will now work properly even if tested package has not been installed
  • Automatically set copyright date when generating the docs
  • Increase timeout time in autocomplete tests to accommodate slower CI environments
  • Update pyinstaller to fix Linux Bundle build
  • Replace pyflakes with ruff for linting
  • Make dependency version pinning less restrictive
  • Fix tests by making mocks compatible with latest b2sdk version
  • Fix readthedocs build


  • Fast rm sometimes failing due to a rare race condition
  • Fix UnicodeEncodeError in non-Unicode terminals by prioritizing stdout encoding
  • When listing licenses in license command only show licenses of b2 and its dependencies
  • Fix license command failing on Windows when non-UTF8 encoding is the default

3.9.0 - 2023-04-28


  • Support for custom file upload timestamp


  • Limit GitHub CI workload by running most integration tests only against edge versions of supported Python versions
  • Add a direct dependency from tqdm

3.8.0 - 2023-03-23


  • Add install-autocomplete command for installing shell autocompletion (currently only bash is supported)


  • Hitting the download endpoint twice in some cases


  • GitHub CD builds and uploads an official B2 CLI image to docker hub
  • Disable changelog verification for dependabot PRs

3.7.1 - 2023-02-08


  • Remove unnecessary printing options from rm
  • Clarify that --recursive is required when --withWildcard is used
  • Adjust description of rm


  • Remove macos stand-alone binary from CI/CD

3.7.0 - 2023-02-07


  • Add --incrementalMode to sync and upload-file
  • Add license command for printing licenses of b2 and libraries
  • Add wildcard support for the ls command
  • Add rm command


  • Stop using b2sdk.v1 in
  • Fix issues when running commands on Python 3.11
  • Fix tests after changes introduced in b2sdk 1.19.0
  • rm can handle any number of files


  • GitHub CI got checkout action updated to v3 and setup-python to v4
  • Ensured that changelog validation only happens on pull requests
  • GitHub CI uses GITHUB_OUTPUT instead of deprecated set-output
  • Releases now feature digests of each file
  • Change default Python version in CI/CD to 3.11
  • Temporary marking all directories as inside CI/CD when bundling

3.6.0 - 2022-09-20


  • Add replication-delete command
  • Add replication-pause command
  • Add replication-status command
  • Add replication-unpause command
  • Add --include-existing-files to replication-setup
  • Add --max-streams parameter to download commands
  • Add --fileLockEnabled switch to update-bucket subcommand


  • Fix replication-setup default priority setter


  • Fix warnings in tests
  • Fix test_keys unit test after changes in b2sdk
  • Fix running tests on the CI with the latest SDK from the master branch

3.5.0 - 2022-07-27

As in 3.4.0, replication support may be unstable, however no backward-incompatible changes are currently planned. This version is pinned strictly to b2-sdk-python==1.17.3 for the same reason.


  • Add --write-buffer-size parameter
  • Add --skip-hash-verification parameter


  • Minimum MacOS version from 10.15 to 11.0


  • Try not to crash tests due to bucket name collision
  • Fix replication integration tests
  • Fix leaking buckets in integration tests
  • Limit number of workers for integration tests to 1 for now
  • Make integration tests remove buckets only based on name, not based on creation time
  • Add dependabot configuration

3.4.0 - 2022-05-04

This release contains a preview of replication support. It allows for basic usage of B2 replication feature (currently in closed beta). Until this notice is removed, the interface of replication related functionality should be not considered as public API (as defined by SemVer). This version is pinned strictly to b2-sdk-python==1.16.0 for the same reason.


  • Add basic replication support to create-bucket and update-bucket
  • Add more fields to get-account-info json
  • Add --replication to ls --long
  • Add replication-setup command
  • Add "quick start guide" to documentation


  • Made bucketType positional argument to update-bucket optional
  • Run unit tests on all CPUs

3.3.0 - 2022-04-20


  • Add --threads parameter to download-file-by-name and download-file-by-id
  • Add --uploadThreads and --downloadThreads parameters to sync
  • Add --profile switch support
  • Add applicationKeyId and isMasterKey to the output of get-account-info


  • Rename --threads parameter for --sync to --syncThreads


  • Fix license header checker on Windows
  • Fix UnicodeEncodeError after successful SSE-C download on a non-utf8 terminal (#786)


  • Remove official support for python 3.5
  • Remove official support for python 3.6

3.2.1 - 2022-02-23


  • Fix setting permissions for local sqlite database (thanks to Jan Schejbal for responsible disclosure!)

3.2.0 - 2021-12-23


  • Add compatibility support for arrow >= 1.0.2 on newer Python versions while continuing to support Python 3.5


  • Fallback to ascii decoder when printing help in case the locales are not properly set
  • Apply the value of --threads parameter to sync downloader threads

3.1.0 - 2021-11-02


  • Add --allCapabilities to create-key
  • Add support for Python 3.10


  • Fix testing bundle in CI for a new staticx version

3.0.3 - 2021-09-27


  • Fix pypy selector in CI
  • Fix for static linking of Linux binary (CD uses python container)

3.0.2 - 2021-09-17


  • Sign Windows binary


3.0.1 - 2021-08-09


  • logs from all loggers (in dependencies too) brought back

3.0.0 - 2021-08-07


  • Add possibility to change realm during integration tests
  • Add possibility to install SDK from local folder instead of pypi when running tests
  • Add full support of establishing file metadata when copying, with either source or target using SSE-C
  • Add --noInfo option to copy-file-by-id
  • Integration test for checking if bad_bucket_id error code is returned


  • Fix integration tests on non-production environments
  • Fix warnings thrown by integration tests
  • delete-key unit test adjusted to a less mocked simulator
  • Fix integration test cleanup
  • Representing encryption-related metadata in buckets and file versions is now consistent


  • CLI now uses b2sdk.v2
  • Downloading files prints file metadata as soon as the download commences (not when it finishes)
  • New way of establishing location of the SQLite cache file, using XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var
  • Downloaded file's metadata is complete and is displayed before the file is downloaded, a Download finished message is issued at the end
  • contentLength changed to size where appropriate
  • Log configuration: stack traces are not printed in case of errors by default, --verbose changes that
  • Log configuration arguments behaviour altered: --logConfig is exclusive with --verbose and --debugLogs
  • Log configuration arguments behaviour altered: --verbose and --debugLogs can be used at the same time (and they will both be taken into account)


  • Support of --metadataDirective argument in copy-file-by-id (the metadataDirective sent to B2 cloud is detected automatically)

2.5.1 - 2021-08-06


2.5.0 - 2021-05-22


  • Add integration test for sync within one bucket with different encryption
  • Notarize OSX binary
  • File lock arguments and new commands


  • Fixed breaking integration test case
  • Add zoneinfo to the Windows bundle
  • Fixed unit tests failing on new attributes of FileVersionInfo
  • Removing old buckets in integration tests
  • Bucket name entropy in tests increased

2.4.0 - 2021-04-22


  • Sign OSX binary
  • Add support for SSE-C server-side encryption mode


  • Exclude packages inside the test package when installing

2.3.0 - 2021-03-25


  • Add support for SSE-B2 server-side encryption mode


  • Pin setuptools-scm<6.0 as >=6.0 doesn't support Python 3.5
  • Fix boot speed regression caused by the rst2ansi invocations

2.2.0 - 2021-03-15


  • Option to automatically authorize account when running commands other than authorize-account via B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID and B2_APPLICATION_KEY env vars


  • Improve setup and teardown for the integration tests
  • Use setuptools-scm for versioning
  • Improve CLI and RTD descriptions of the commands
  • Add upper version limit for arrow dependency, because of a breaking change


  • Fix for the Windows bundled version
  • Fix docs autogen

2.1.0 - 2020-11-03


  • Add support for Python 3.9
  • Add a possibility to append a string to the User-Agent via B2_USER_AGENT_APPEND env


  • Update b2 sync usage text for bucket-to-bucket sync


  • Drop Python 2 support 🎉 (for old systems you can now use the binary distribution)
  • Remove --prefix from ls (it didn't really work, use folderName argument)
  • Clean up legacy code (CliBucket, etc.)


  • Fix docs generation in CI
  • Correct names of the arguments in b2 create-key usage text

2.0.2 - 2020-07-15


  • Add --environment internal parameter for authorize-account

2.0.0 - 2020-06-25


  • Add official support for python 3.8
  • Add make-friendly-url command
  • Add --excludeIfModifiedAfter parameter for sync
  • Add --json parameter to ls and list-buckets
  • Introduce bundled versions of B2 CLI for Linux, Mac OS and Windows


  • Switch to b2sdk api version v1: remove output of delete-bucket
  • Use b2sdk >1.1.0: add large file server-side copy
  • Switch option parser to argparse: readthedocs documentation is now generated automatically
  • Normalize output indentation level to 4 spaces


  • Remove the ability to import b2sdk classes through b2cli (please use b2sdk directly)
  • Remove official support for python 3.4
  • Remove list-file-names command. Use ls --recursive --json instead
  • Remove list-file-versions command. Use ls --recursive --json --versions instead

1.4.2 - 2019-10-03


  • Add prefix parameter to list-file-names and list-file-versions
  • Add support for (server-side) copy-file command


  • Make parameters of list-file-names and list-file-versions optional (use an empty string like this: "")
  • (b2sdk) Fix sync when used with a key restricted to filename prefix
  • When authorizing with application keys, optional application key ID and application key can be added using environment variables B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID and B2_APPLICATION_KEY respectively.

1.4.0 - 2019-04-25


  • (b2sdk) Support for python 3.7


  • Renaming accountId for authentication to application key Id Note: this means account Id is still backwards compatible, only the terminology has changed.
  • Most of the code moved to b2sdk repository and package
  • (b2sdk) Fix transferer crashing on empty file download attempt
  • (b2sdk) Enable retries of non-transfer operations
  • (b2sdk) Enable continuation of download operations


  • Deprecation warning added for imports of sdk classes from cli package

1.3.8 - 2018-12-06


  • New --excludeAllSymlinks option for sync.
  • Faster downloading of large files using multiple threads and bigger buffers.


  • Fixed doc for cancel-all-unfinished-large-files

1.3.6 - 2018-08-21


  • Fix auto-reauthorize for application keys.
  • Fix problem with bash auto-completion module.
  • Fix (hopefully) markdown display in PyPI.

1.3.4 - 2018-08-10


  • Better documentation for authorize-account command.
  • Fix error reporting when using application keys
  • Fix auth issues with bucket-restricted application keys.

1.3.2 - 2018-07-28


  • Tests fixed for Python 3.7
  • Add documentation about what capabilities are required for different commands.
  • Better error messages for authorization problems with application keys.

1.3.0 - 2018-07-20


  • Support for application keys.
  • Support for Python 3.6
  • Drop support for Python 3.3 (setuptools no longer supports 3.3)


  • Faster and more complete integration tests


  • Fix content type so markdown displays properly in PyPI
  • The testing package is called test, not tests

1.2.0 - 2018-07-06


  • New --recursive option for ls
  • New --showSize option for get-bucket
  • New --excludeDirRegex option for sync


  • Include LICENSE file in the source tarball. Fixes #433
  • Test suite now runs as root (fixes #427)
  • Validate file names before trying to upload
  • Fix scaling problems when syncing large numbers of files
  • Prefix Windows paths during sync to handle long paths (fixes #265)
  • Check if file to be synced is still accessible before syncing (fixes #397)

1.1.0 - 2017-11-30


  • Add support for CORS rules in create-bucket and update-bucket. get-bucket will display CORS rules.


  • cleanup in integration tests works

1.0.0 - 2017-11-09


  • Require --allowEmptySource to sync from empty directory, to help avoid accidental deletion of all files.

0.7.4 - 2017-11-09


  • More efficient uploads by sending SHA1 checksum at the end.


  • File modification times are set correctly when downloading.
  • Fix an off-by-one issue when downloading a range of a file (affects library, but not CLI).
  • Better handling of some errors from the B2 service.