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[MediaWiki] Generators

Chen edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 32 revisions

Library references

How to work with IAsyncEnumerable<T>

IAsyncEnumerable<T> and IAsyncEnumerator<T> are introduced in Ix.Async package as asynchronous counterpart for IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>.

How to consume IWikiList-implementation classes

static async Task SearchAsync()
    Console.Write("Enter your search keyword: ");
    var generator = new SearchGenerator(myWikiSite, Console.ReadLine())
        PaginationSize = 22
    // We are only interested in the top 20 items.
    foreach (var item in await generator.EnumItemsAsync().Take(20).ToList())
        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", item.Snippet);

Most of the WikiPageGenerator-derived classes (including AllPagesGenerator) implement IWikiListGenerator<WikiPageStub>, i.e., .EnumItemsAsync() will return a sequence of WikiPageStub. If you are only interested in the titles of the pages, consider using .EnumItemsAsync() instead of .EnumPagesAsync().

Still, there are some classes implementing IWikiList<T> where T is something other than WikiPageStub, including

  • class RecentChangesGenerator : WikiPageGenerator<RecentChangeItem, WikiPage>, IWikiList<RecentChangeItem>, IWikiPageGenerator<WikiPage>
  • class RecentChangesGenerator : WikiPageGenerator<RecentChangeItem, WikiPage>, IWikiList<RecentChangeItem>, IWikiPageGenerator<WikiPage>
  • class SearchGenerator : WikiPageGenerator<SearchResultItem, WikiPage>, IWikiList<SearchResultItem>, IWikiPageGenerator<WikiPage>
  • class GeoSearchGenerator : WikiPageGenerator<GeoSearchResultItem, WikiPage>, IWikiList<GeoSearchResultItem>, IWikiPageGenerator<WikiPage>
  • class RevisionsGenerator : WikiPagePropertyGenerator<Revision, WikiPage>, IWikiList<Revision>, IWikiPageGenerator<WikiPage> The items These

How to consume IWikiPageGenerator-implementation classes

static async Task ShowAllTemplatesAsync()
    var generator = new AllPagesGenerator(myWikiSite)
        StartTitle = "A",
        NamespaceId = BuiltInNamespaces.Template,
        PaginationSize = 50
    // You can specify EnumPagesAsync(PageQueryOptions.FetchContent),
    // if you are interested in the content of each page
    using (var enumerator = generator.EnumPagesAsync().GetEnumerator())
        int index = 0;
        // Before the advent of "async for" (might be introduced in C# 8),
        // to handle the items in sequence one by one, we need to use
        // the expanded for-each pattern.
        while (await enumerator.MoveNext(CancellationToken.None))
            var page = enumerator.Current;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", index, page);
            // Prompt user to continue listing, every 50 pages.
            if (index % 50 == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Esc to exit, any other key for next page.");
                if(Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)