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File metadata and controls

110 lines (89 loc) · 14.9 KB


The fuzz CLI tool allows configuration through 4 sources:

  1. YAML config file
  2. .env file
  3. Environment variables
  4. Command options

Each source has a different priority, based on the order in which they appear in the list. The sources with a lower priority are overridden by the ones with a higher priority. The order of precedence is as follows (from high to low priority):

  1. Command options
  2. Environment variables
  3. .env file
  4. YAML config file
Variable Environment Variable Default Value Type Description
ci_mode FUZZ_CI_MODE False bool CI mode toggle. In CI mode (i.e. ci_mode = true) any interactive prompts (to fix something or change something dynamically) will be disabled and default actions will be performed
report_crashes FUZZ_REPORT_CRASHES True bool Switch to allow/disallow fuzzing-cli to send crash reports.
allow_analytics FUZZ_ALLOW_ANALYTICS True bool Switch to allow/disallow fuzzing-cli to send product usage analytics. Can also be turned off using fuzz config set no-product-analytics or on a prompt upon first campaign submission
Variable Environment Variable Default Value Type Description
ide FUZZ_IDE None Optional str The IDE that the project is using (e.g., truffle, hardhat). Usually, detected automatically
build_directory FUZZ_BUILD_DIRECTORY None Optional Path The path to the build directory of the project.
sources_directory FUZZ_SOURCES_DIRECTORY None Optional Path The path to the sources directory of the project.
key FUZZ_API_KEY None Optional str The API key used to submit campaigns to the Diligence Fuzzing API.
smart_mode FUZZ_SMART_MODE False bool Whether to use smart mode for the fuzzing campaign.
project FUZZ_PROJECT None Optional str The name of the project to add submitted campaigns to
corpus_target FUZZ_CORPUS_TARGET None Optional str The name of the corpus target to be used in the Diligence Fuzzing API.
number_of_cores FUZZ_NUMBER_OF_CORES 1 int The number of CPU cores to use for fuzzing.
time_limit FUZZ_TIME_LIMIT None Optional str The time limit for each individual fuzzing job (e.g., 10m, 1h, 30s).
targets FUZZ_TARGETS None Optional List[str] A list of Solidity files to be fuzzed.
deployed_contract_address FUZZ_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS None Optional str The address of the deployed contract to be used in the fuzzing campaign.
additional_contracts_addresses FUZZ_ADDITIONAL_CONTRACTS_ADDRESSES None Optional Union[List[str], str] A list of additional contract addresses to be used in the fuzzing campaign (could be a string with comma-separated addresses)
rpc_url FUZZ_RPC_URL "http://localhost:8545" str The URL of the RPC node where the contract are deployed.
campaign_name_prefix FUZZ_CAMPAIGN_NAME_PREFIX "untitled" str The prefix to use for the name of the fuzzing campaign.
map_to_original_source FUZZ_MAP_TO_ORIGINAL_SOURCE False bool Whether to map the generated inputs to the original source code.
enable_cheat_codes FUZZ_ENABLE_CHEAT_CODES None Optional bool Whether to enable cheat codes for the fuzzing campaign (True by default for foundry tests campaigns)
chain_id FUZZ_CHAIN_ID None Optional str The chain ID for the blockchain.
incremental FUZZ_INCREMENTAL False bool Whether to use incremental mode for the fuzzing campaign.
truffle_executable_path FUZZ_TRUFFLE_EXECUTABLE_PATH truffle Optional str The path to the Truffle executable (for projects using the Truffle)
dry_run FUZZ_DRY_RUN False bool Whether to run the fuzzer in dry run mode when the campaign isn't submitted but the payload is outputted.
max_sequence_length FUZZ_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH None Optional int Max sequence length (fuzzer parameter)
ignore_code_hash FUZZ_IGNORE_CODE_HASH None Optional bool Ignore code hash (fuzzer parameter)
include_library_contracts FUZZ_INCLUDE_LIBRARY_CONTRACTS False Optional bool Submit library contracts along with regular contracts. By default, fuzzing-cli will ignore libraries and won't send them as contract objects because ones will be included in the main contract. For cases, when library is deployed, set this option to False.
check_updates FUZZ_CHECK_UPDATES True bool Allow fuzzing-cli to check for updates in the PyPi registry.
Variable Environment Variable Default Value Type Description
solc_version ANALYZE_SOLC_VERSION None Optional str The version of the Solidity compiler to use for analysis. If not specified, the default version will be used.
remappings ANALYZE_REMAPPINGS [] Optional List[str] List of Solidity source path remappings in the form from=to separated by ";".
scribble_path ANALYZE_SCRIBBLE_PATH "scribble" Optional str Path to the Scribble binary.
no_assert ANALYZE_NO_ASSERT True bool If True, assertions will not be checked.
assert_ ANALYZE_ASSERT False bool If True, assertions will be checked.

YAML config file

YAML config file are a convenient way to store configuration parameters in a file. They can be provided as an argument to the fuzz command using the -c option. For example:

fuzz -c .fuzz.yml run

The YAML file should be structured as a dictionary, with the configuration parameters as keys and their values as values. For example:

  smart_mode: true
  time_limit: 60
  solc_version: 0.8.12

.env file

.env files are used to set environment variables in a local development environment. They should be placed in the project's root directory and named .env. Each line in the file should contain a key-value pair, separated by an equal sign. They should be prefixed by FUZZ_. For example:


Environment variables

Environment variables can be used to set configuration parameters for fuzz. They should be prefixed by FUZZ_. For example:

export FUZZ_API_KEY=1234567890abcdef

Command options

Each fuzz command has its own set of options that can be provided as command-line arguments. These options have the highest priority and override any other configuration source. For example:

fuzz run --map-to-original-source --smart-mode


fuzz arm --solc-version 0.8.12