From a9aa518314250aa55881573a444f8b9511421019 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gerrit Hoogenboom Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 22:52:55 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Replace DATA.CDE with ASCII compatible format --- Data/DATA.CDE | 1433 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1433 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Data/DATA.CDE diff --git a/Data/DATA.CDE b/Data/DATA.CDE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e02cac2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/DATA.CDE @@ -0,0 +1,1433 @@ +*Codes for Field and Simulated Data +! DSSAT v4.8; 2023-05-11 + +! Codes currently used for both simulated and field data are listed in sections +! relating to specific model output files. Codes currently only used for field +! data are listed in a section headed Expdata. +! Codes are assigned as far as possible in accord with the following convention: +! 1st letter: Plant component (eg. C for canopy; H for harvest product) +! 2nd letter: Measurement aspect (eg. W for dry weight; N for nitrogen weight) +! 3rd letter: Basis of measurement (eg. A for unit area; P for plant) +! 4th letter: Time or stage of measurement (eg. D for specific day) +! For some aspects, however, this convention has been modified by dropping one +! of the letters and using the first 2 letters for the specific component(s).eg +! SU for sucrose. +! Codes for dates have letters for the stage first and then a D or DAT. +! +! Codes added for use with models other than those from DSSAT (eg.the ORYZA1 +! model of the SARP network) are listed in the OTHER MODELS section. +! +! The fields in the file are as follows: +! CDE The 'universal' code used to facilitate data interchange. +! LABEL A short description used when labelling graphs. +! DESCRIPTION A 55 character description of the aspect. +! SYNONYMS Additional codes that may be used locally (eg. YIELD for HWAM) + +*SUMMARY +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +ADAP Anthesis day Anthesis day (dap) . +ADAT Anthesis date Anthesis date (YrDoy) Z60D ANTH FL1D ADAY ADOY +AMDY Anth to matur Anthesis to maturity (days) . +B1DAP Branch 1 dap Days after planting to the first branch B1DAP +B2DAP Branch 2 dap Days after planting to the second branch B2DAP +B3DAP Branch 3 dap Days after planting to the third branch B3DAP +B4DAP Branch 4 dap Days after planting to the fourth branch B4DAP +B5DAP Branch 5 dap Days after planting to the fifth branch B5DAP +B1DAT Branch 1 date Date of first branching (YrDoy) B1DAT +B2DAT Branch 2 date Date of second branching (YrDoy) B2DAT +B3DAT Branch 3 date Date of third branching (YrDoy) B3DAT +B4DAT Branch 4 date Date of fourth branching (YrDoy) B4DAT +B5DAT Branch 5 date Date of fifth branching (YrDoy) B5DAT +BADMF Biomass@forcing Above-ground biomass at forcing (pineapple, t/ha) . +BADMH Aerial t[dm]/ha Aerial biomass (green+dead), dm at harvest (t/ha) . +BR#SH SHOOT NO #/m2 Shoot (apex) number at harvest (no/m2) . +BWAH Byproduct kg/ha By-product removed during harvest (kg [dm]/ha) . +BWAM Byproduct kg/ha By-product produced (stalk) at maturity (kg[dm]/ha) . +CFAH F cane yl t/ha Fresh cane yield (t/ha) . +CH4EM Cum CH4 emitted Cumulative methane emitted at maturity (kg[C]/ha) . +CHTA Canopy height m Canopy height (m) . +CNAA Tops N,anthesis Tops N at anthesis (kg/ha) . +CNAM Tops N kg/ha Tops N at maturity (kg/ha) . +CO2A Avg CO2 (ppm) Average atmospheric CO2 (ppm), planting to harvest . +CO2EM Cum CO2 emitted Cumulative CO2 emitted from soil at maturity (kg[C]/ha) . +CPAM Tops P kg/ha Tops P at maturity (kg/ha) . +CWAA Tops wt,anthsis Tops weight at anthesis (kg [dm]/ha) . +CWAM Tops wt kg/ha Tops weight at maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +DMPEM DM-ET Prod Dry matter-ET productivity (kg[DM]/ha/mm[ET]) . +DMPIM DM-Irrig Prod Dry matter-irrigation productivity (kg[DM]/ha/mm[irrig]) . +DMPPM DM-Rain Prod Dry matter-rainfall productivity (kg[DM]/ha/mm[rain]) . +DMPTM DM-Transp Prod Dry matter-transp. productivity (kg[DM]/ha/mm[EP]) . +DPNAM DM-N fert Prod Dry matter-N fertilizer productivity (kg[DM]/kg[N fert] . +DPNUM DM-N upt Prod Dry matter-N uptake productivity (kg[DM]/kg[N uptake] . +DRCM Drainage mm Season water drainage (mm) . +DWAP Sowing wt kg/ha Planting material weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +DAYLA Avg day (hr) Average daylength (hr/d), planting to harvest . +E#AM Number #/m2 Eye number at maturity (no/m2) . +E#UM Number #/unit Eye number at maturity (no/fruit) . +EDAP Emergence day Emergence day (dap) . +EDAT Emergence date Emergence date (YrDoy) . +ELEV Elevation m Elevation (m) +EPCM EP total mm Total season transpiration (mm) . +EPCP EP plant seas Total transpiration, planting to harvest (mm) . +ESCM ES total mm Total season soil evaporation (mm) . +ESCP ES plant seas Total soil evaporation, planting to harvest (mm) . +ETCM ET total mm Total season evapotranspiration, simulation-harvest (mm) . +ETCP ET plant seas Total evapotranspiration, planting to harvest (mm) . +EWAM Ear wt. kg/ha Ear (grain+chaff) or eye weight at maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +EWUM Eye wt. g Eye weight (g) . +FBWAH Fr. byproduct By-product removed during harvest fresh wt (kg/ha) . +FCWAM Fr tops wt Fresh tops weight at maturity (kg/ha) . +FDAP Forcing dap Forcing or flowering date (dap) . +FDAT Forcing date Forcing or flowering date (YrDoy) . +FHWAM Fresh harvest Harvest product fresh wt at maturity (kg/ha) . +FNAM Field name Field name . +FPWAM FreshPodWt k/h Fresh pod (ear) weight at maturity (kg/ha) . +FRN%M Fruit N% @ mat Fruit N concentration at maturity (%) . +FRNAM Fruit N @ mat Fruit N content at maturity (kg/ha) . +FWAH Fresh wt @ harv Yield fresh weight at harvest (t/ha) . +GL%M Grain oil%,matu Grain oil at maturity (%) . +GN%M Grain N%,mature Grain N at maturity (%) . +GNAM Grain N kg/ha Grain N at maturity (kg/ha) . +H#AM Number #/m2 Number at maturity (no/m2) . +H#GM Number #/m2 Number at maturity (no/m2) . +H#UM Number #/unit Number at maturity (no/unit) . +HDAP Harvest day Harvest day (dap) . +HDAT Harvest date Harvest date (YRDOY) . +HIAM Harvest index Harvest index at maturity . +HINM N harvest index Nitrogen harvest index at maturity (fr) . +HIPM Pod index Pod harvest index at maturity . +HPRH Purity % Purity immediately after harvest (%) . +HWAH Harvested yield Harvested yield (kg [dm]/ha) . +HWAHF Fresh yield Harvested yield (fresh weight) (kg/ha) . +HWAM Mat Yield kg/ha Yield at harvest maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +HWUM Weight g/unit Unit wt at maturity (g [dm]/unit) . +HYAH Field wt Mg/ha Field weight at harvest (Mg [fm]/ha) . +HYEAR Harvest year Year at harvest . +IDAP Panicle in day Panicle Initiation day (dap) . +IDAT Panicle in date Panicle Initiation date (YrDoy) . +IR#M Irrig apps # Irrigation applications (no) . +IRCM Irrig mm Season applied irrigation (includes losses) (mm) . +KI#M K application # Number of K applications (no) . +KICM K applied kg/ha Inorganic K applied (kg/ha) . +KUPC K uptake kg/ha Seasonal cumulative K uptake (kg[K]/ha) . +L#SM Leaf number # Leaf number per stem at maturity . +L#SX Leaf number # Leaf number per stem, maximum . +LAIH LAI harvest Leaf area index, at harvest . +LAIX LAI maximum Leaf area index, maximum . +LIWAM Lint Yld kg/ha Lint Yield at maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +LONG Longitude ° Longitude (degrees) . +LWAH Leaf wt kg/ha Leaf weight at harvest (kg/ha) . +MDAP Maturity day Physiological maturity day (dap) . +MDAT Maturity date Physiological maturity date (YrDoy) . +N2OEM Cum N2O emitted Cumulative N2O emissions at maturity (kg[N]/ha) . +NDCH Days to harvest Number of days from planting to harvest (d) . +NFXM N fixed kg/h N fixed during season (kg/ha) . +NI#M N application # N applications (no) . +NIAM Soil N kg/ha Inorganic N at maturity (kg [N]/ha) . +NICM Tot N app kg/ha Inorganic N applied (kg [N]/ha) . +NLCM N leached kg/ha N leached during season (kg [N]/ha) . +NUCM N uptake kg/ha N uptake during season (kg [N]/ha) . +NMINC Net N mineraliz Cumulative seasonal net N mineralization (kg[N]/ha) . +OCAM Organic C kg/ha Organic soil C at maturity (kg/ha) . +OCTAM Tot Org C kg/ha Total Organic C at maturity, soil and surface (kg/ha) . +ONAM Organic N kg/ha Organic soil N at maturity (kg/ha) . +ONTAM Tot Org N kg/ha Total Organic N at maturity, soil and surface (kg/ha) . +OPAM Organic P kg/ha Organic soil P at maturity (kg/ha) . +OPTAM Tot Org P kg/ha Total Organic P at maturity, soil and surface (kg/ha) . +OZONX Max ozone ppb Maximum daily surface ozone concentration (ppb) . +P#AM Pod/Panicle#/m2 Pod or panicle number (no/m2) . +PD1P 1st pod day yd First pod day (dap) . +PD1T 1st pod date yd First pod date (YrDoy) . +PDAT Planting date Planting date (YrDoy) . +PDFP 1st seed day First seed day (dap) . +PDFT 1st seed date First seed date (YrDoy) . +PI#M P application # Number of P applications (no) . +PICM P applied kg/ha Inorganic P applied (kg/ha) . +PM%M Mature pods % Mature Pods (%) . +PRCM Precip mm Total season precipitation (mm), simulation - harvest . +PRCP Precip, plant Total season precipitation (mm), planting to harvest . +PUPC P uptake kg/ha Seasonal cumulative P uptake (kg[P]/ha) . +PWAM Pod/Ear w kg/ha Pod/Ear/Panicle weight at maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +R1AT First bloom Beginning Bloom Stage . +R2AT First peg Beginning Peg Stage . +R3AT First pod Beginning Pod Stage . +R4AT Full pod Full Pod Stage . +R5AT First seed Beginning Seed Stage . +R6AT Full seed Full Seed Stage . +R7AT First maturity Beginning Maturity Stage . +R8AP Harv maturity Harvest maturity day (dap) . +R8AT Harv maturity Date of Harvest Maturity Stage (YrDoy) . +R9AT Over-mature Over-Mature Pod Stage . +RECM Residue kg/ha Residue applied (kg/ha) . +RNAH Rt N upt kg/ha Root N uptake (kg/ha) . +ROCM Runoff mm Season surface runoff (mm) . +SDAH Dead stem wt Dead stem weight at harvest (kg/ha) . +SDAT Simulation date Simulation start date (YrDoy) . +SKAM Soil K kg/ha Soil K at maturity (kg/ha) . +SNAM Stem n,maturity Stem N at maturity (kg/ha) . +SPAM Soil P kg/ha Soil P at maturity (kg/ha) . +SRADA Avg solar rad Average solar radiation (MJ/m2/d), planting - harvest . +SWAH Stem wt kg/ha Stem weight at harvest (kg/ha) . +SWXM Extr water mm Extractable water at maturity (mm) . +T#AM Tiller no #/m2 Tiller number at maturity (no/m2) . +TDAP Tuber init day Tuber initiation day (dap) . +TDAT Tuber init date Tuber initiation date (YrDoy) . +THAM Threshing % Threshing % at maturity . +TMINA Minimum temp °C Avg minimum air temperature (°C) TMNA +TMAXA Maximum temp °C Avg maximum air temperature (°C) TMXA +TN%H Tuber N % Tuber N at harvest (%) . +TNAH Biomass N kg/ha Tuber+stem+leaf N at harvest (kg/ha) . +TNAM Treatment name Treatment title . +TWAH Total wt kg/ha Total wt, harvest (kg [dm]/ha) . +UN%H Tuber N % Tuber N at harvest (%) . +UNAM Tuber N kg/ha Tuber N at harvest (kg/ha) . +UWAH Tuber kg dm/ha Tuber dry weight (kg [dm]/ha) harvest . +UYAH Tuber Mg fm/ha Tuber fresh weight (Mg [fm]/ha) harvest . +VN%M Veg N% @ matur. Vegetative N at maturity (%) . +VNAM Veg N @ matur. Vegetative N at maturity (kg/ha) . +VWATM Veg t/h @ matur Vegetative dry matter at maturity (t/ha) . +WSTA Weather station Weather station . +WYEAR Weather year Year for weather data (for forecast ensembles) . +XLAT Latitude ° Latitude (degrees) . +YDWAH Yield, dry t/ha Yield dry weight at harvest (t/ha) . +YPEM Yd-ET Prod Yield-ET productivity (kg[yield]/ha/mm[ET]) . +YPIM Yd-Irrig Prod Yield-irrigation productivity (kg[yield]/ha/mm[irrig]) . +YPNAM Yd-N fert Prod Yield-N fertilizer productivity (kg[yield]/kg[N fert] . +YPNUM Yd-N upt Prod Yield-N uptake productivity (kg[yield]/kg[N uptake] . +YPPM Yd-Rain Prod Yield-rainfall productivity (kg[yield]/ha/mm[rain]) . +YPTM Yd-EP Prod Yield-transpiration productivity (kg[yield]/ha/mm[EP]) . + +*GROWTH +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +A#PD Apex number Apex number per plant (#) . +BADMH Aerial t[dm]/ha Aerial biomass (green+dead), dm at harvest (t/ha) . +BWAD Basal weight Basal weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +CAID Canopy area ix Canopy area index (Laminae+sheaths+stems+ear+??) . +CDAD Dead canopy Dead canopy weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +CDAY Crop age days Crop age (days from planting) . +CDVD Crop age vdays Crop age (Vegetative days) . +CFAD F cane yl t/ha Fresh cane yield (t [fm]/ha) . +CHTD Canopy height m Canopy height (m) . +CHTCM Canopy ht, cm Canopy (forage) height (cm) . +CMDMD Cellulose DM Stalk cellulose dry mass (t/ha) . +CRAD Crown weight Crown weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +CRWAD Crown weight Crown weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +CWAD Tops wt kg/ha Tops weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +CWID Canopy width m Canopy width (m;for 1 row) . +CWPD Tops wt g/pl Tops weight (g [dm]/pl) . +CWSI Water stress Recovery time-lagged photosynthesis water stress factor . +DAP Days after pl Days after planting (#) . +DAS Days after st Days after start of simulation (#) . +DCCD Zadoks code Growth stage (Zadoks code, 1-90) . +DLAID LAI-dead Leaf area index, dead leaves . +DLW_1 Dead Lf wt stk1 Dead leaf weight, primary stalk (g[dm]/stk) . +DTTD Grow deg-days Growing degree days (°C-d/d) . +DU Develpm units Developmental units (PVC.d) . +DWTCO Dead canopy Dead canopy weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +DWTLO Dead leaf Dead leaf weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +DWTSO Dead stem Dead stem weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +DYLFD Daylength fac. Daylength factor for development (0-1) . +E#AD Ear no./m2 Ear number (no/m2) . +EAID Ear area index Ear area index (ha [ear]/ha [ground]) . +EWAD Ear wt. kg/ha Ear (grain+chaff) or eye weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +EWSD Excess H20 str Excess Water Stress - (0-1) . +EY#AD Eye #/m2 Eye number per area (#/m2) . +EY#UD Eye #/fruit Eye number per fruit (#/fruit) . +EYWAD Eye mass kg/ha Eye weight (kg[dm]/ha) . +EYWUD Eye unit wt g Eye unit weight (g/eye) . +FHL% % Leaf in herb Percent leaf in the harvested herbage . +FWAD Fruit weight Fruit Weight (kg[DM]/ha) . +FLWAD Flower weight Flower Weight (kg[DM]/ha) . +G#AD Grain no #/m2 Grain number (no/m2) . +G#AD2 Grain no #/m2 Grain number (no/m2) if there was no temperature effect . +GL%D Grain oil % Grain oil (%) . +G_RESP Growth resp. Growth respiration rate (t/ha/d) . +GSTD Growth stage Growth stage . +GWAD Grain wt kg/ha Grain weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +GWGD Grain wt mg Unit grain weight (mg [dm]/grain) . +H#AD Number #/m2 Number (no/m2) . +HCRD Comm cane sugar Commercial cane sugar . +HERB Herbage kg/ha Herbage mass harvested kg/ha . +HIAD Harvest index Harvest index (grain/top) . +HIDC Harvest index Harvest index (sucrose/(stalk dm + sucrose)) . +HIPD Pod index Pod harvest index (pod/top) . +HWAD Harvest wt Harvest product wt (kg [dm]/ha . +HWUD Harvest wt/unit Harvest wt (wt/unit) . +HYAD Field wt Mg/ha Field weight (Mg [fm]/ha) . +KSTD K stress factor Potassium stress factor (0-1) . +L#S1D Leaf# stalk 1 Leaf number primary stalk . +L#SD Leaf number Leaf number per stem . +LAD_1 Green leaf cm2 Green leaf area, primary stalk (cm2 /stalk) . +LAID LAI Leaf area index . +LAITD Total LAI Total leaf area index (green+dead) . +LAWD SLA cm2/g Specific leaf area (cm2/g) . +LDAD Dead leaf kg/ha Dead leaf weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +LF%D % Leaf of tops Percent leaf of tops (LWAD*100/CWAD) . +LLAID LAI-green Leaf area index, green leaves . +LN%D Leaf N % Leaf nitrogen concentration (%) . +LN_1 Leaf # stk 1 Leaf number, primary stalk . +LNUM Leaf number Leaf number (Haun stage) . +LRSD Leaf app rate Leaf appearance rate (#/bday) . +LWAD Leaf wt kg/ha Leaf weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +LWD_1 Leaf wt stk 1 Green leaf weight, primary stalk (g[dm]/stk) . +M_RESP Maint. resp. Maintenance respiration rate (t/ha/d) . +NFLF2 N factor leaf N factor for leaf area (0-1) . +NFTID N factor till N factor for tillering (0-1) . +NSPAV N stress (av) Nitrogen stress (av) - photosynthesis (0-1, 0=none) . +NSTD N stress factor Nitrogen stress factor (0-1) . +NDEMD N demand kg/ha N demand (kg/ha) . +NUPRD N upt demand N uptake to demand ratio (#) . +NWAD Nodule wt kg/ha Nodule weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +O#AD Corm no #/m2 Corm (no/m2) . +OWAD Corm kg dm/ha Corm dry weight (kg/ha) . +OWGD Corm wt g Unit corm weight (g [dm]/corm) . +P#AD Pod no #/m2 Pod number (no/m2) . +PARCE Average RUE Daily photosynthetic conversion efficiency (g/MJ) . +PMWD Planting wt Planting material wt (kg/ha) . +PRSD Shoot fraction Partitioning of wt to shoot (ratio) . +PWAD Pod wt kg/ha Pod weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +PWDD Det pod kt/ha Detached pod mass (kg [dm]/ha) . +PWTD Pod wt kg/ha Total pod weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +Q1%D Stor in layer 1 Storage organ in soil layer 1 (%) . +QS%D Stor on SS (%) Storage organ on soil surface (%) . +QWAD Storage wtkg/ha Storage/stolon/rhizome/crown weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +QDAD Dead stol kg/ha Cumulative dead storage abscised (kg [dm]/ha) . +RDAD Dead root kg/ha Dead root weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +RDPD Root depth m Root depth (m) . +RGRD Relative gr (%) Relative growth rate (g/ . +RL10D RLD layer 10 Root density, soil layer 10(cm/cm3) . +RL1D RLD layer 1 Root density, soil layer 1 (cm/cm3) . +RL2D RLD layer 2 Root density, soil layer 2 (cm/cm3) . +RL3D RLD layer 3 Root density, soil layer 3 (cm/cm3) . +RL4D RLD layer 4 Root density, soil layer 4 (cm/cm3) . +RL5D RLD layer 5 Root density, soil layer 5 (cm/cm3) . +RL6D RLD layer 6 Root density, soil layer 6 (cm/cm3) . +RL7D RLD layer 7 Root density, soil layer 7 (cm/cm3) . +RL8D RLD layer 8 Root density, soil layer 8 (cm/cm3) . +RL9D RLD layer 9 Root density, soil layer 9 (cm/cm3) . +RL10 RLD layer 10 Root density, soil layer 10(cm/cm3) . +RSCD Reserves conc. Reserves concentration (fr) . +RSFPD Reserves factor Reserves factor for photosynthesis (0-1) . +RSPD Rt senesce g/pl Root senescence (g [dm]/pl) . +RSTD Reproductive st Reproductive development stage (0-9 for cereals) . +RWAD Root wt kg/ha Root weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SDAD Dead stem kg/ha Dead stem weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SEAD Senesce kg/ha.d Senescence,tops (kg [dm]/( . +SH%D Shelling % Shelling % (seed wt/pod wt*100) . +SHAD Shell wt kg/ha Shell weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SLAD SLA cm2/g Specific leaf area (cm2/g) . +SLFT Leaf sen factor Leaf senescence factor due to temperature (0-1) . +SSTKH Stalk t[dm]/ha Stalk (structural) dry mass at harvest (t/ha) . +STD_1 Stk1+Suc g [dm] Primary stalk dry weight with sucrose (g [dm]/stalk) . +STTD Leaf exp °C-day Sum of heat units, emrg & leaf expansion °C-day TB(1) . +STTG Tillering°C-day Sum of heat units, tillering °C-day TB(2) . +SUAD Sucrose kg/ha Sucrose weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SUGD Sucker weight Sucker weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SUID Sucrose index Sucrose harvest index (sucrose/top) . +SUMDTT Sum of GDD (°C) Sum of growing degree days since stage initiation, °C . +SUW_1 Sucrose stk 1 Sucrose weight, primary stalk (g /stk) . +SWAD Stem wt kg/ha Stem weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +SWD_1 Stalk 1 g[dm] Primary stalk dry weight - no sucrose (g [dm]/stalk) . +SWF_1 Stalk 1 fresh g Primary stalk fresh weight - with sucrose (g /stalk) . +T#AD Tiller no #/m2 Tiller number (no/m2) . +T#SD Leaf tip no Leaf tip number per stem . +TCDIF Temp difference Temperature difference, canopy - air (°C) . +TDIF Temp difference Temperature difference, canopy - air (°C) . +TDRW Total biomass Total crop biomass (kg [dm]/ha) . +TFDD Temp.factor,dev Temperature factor for development (0-1) . +TKILL Pl death tmp °C Temperature for plant death (°C) . +TLA_1 Leaf area stk 1 Total green+dead leaf area, primary stalk only (cm2) . +TLW_1 Leaf wt stalk 1 Total green+dead leaf+sheath prim stalk (g [dm]/stalk) . +TPSM Tillers no #/m2 Tiller number (no/m2) . +TRAD Trash DM kg/ha Trash weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +TT Thermal time Daily thermal (°C.d) . +TWUPD Pot H2O uptake Potential water uptake (mm/d) . +UWAD Tuber kg dm/ha Tuber dry weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +UYAD Tuber Mg fm/ha Tuber fresh weight (Mg [fm]/ha) . +VCN% Veg crit N conc Vegetative critical N conc (%) . +VMN% Veg min N conc Vegetative minimum N conc (%) . +VRNFD Vernalize fac. Vernalization factor (0-1) . +VWAD Veg wt kg/ha Vegetative weight (stem+leaf)(kg/ha) . +WAVRD H2O av to dm Water available to demand ratio (#) . +WFGD H20 factor,gr Water factor for growth (0-1) . +WFPD H20 factor,ph Water factor for photosynthesis (0-1) . +WFTID H2O factor, til Water factor tillering (0-1) . +WLVG Green lf kg/ha Dry weight of green leaves (kg/ha) . +WSGD H20 stress,ex Water stress - expansion/partioning/development (0-1) . +WSPAV H2O stress (av) Water stress (avg) - photosynthesis (0-1,0=none) . +WSPD H20 stress,ph Water stress - photosynthesis (0-1) . +WUPRD H2O upt to dem Water uptake to demand ratio (#) . + +*NITROGEN +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +AMLC NH3vol kgN/ha Cumulative ammonia volatilization (kg [N]/ha) . +AMLS NH3vol kgN/ha/d Ammonia volatilization rate (kg [N]/( . +CNAD Crop N kg/ha Tops N (kg/ha) . +CPROT Crude prot % Crude protein (forage herbage) % . +GN%D Grain N % Grain N concentration (%) . +GNAD Grain N kg/ha Grain N (kg/ha) . +FRN%D Fruit N % Fruit N (%) . +FRNAD Fruit N kg/ha Fruit N (kg/ha) . +LCNF Leaf Crit N Fac Leaf critical N factor (ratio) . +lfshthNSheath N kg/ha Weight of nitrogen in leaf sheath, kg/ha . +LN%RD LeafN% relative Leaf tissue relative (to critical) N conc. (%) . +LNAD Leaf N kg/ha Leaf N (kg/ha) . +N2EC Cum N2 emitted Cumulative N2 emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +N2ED N2 emitted kg Daily N2 emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +N2GED N2 emitted g Daily N2 emissions from soil (g[N]/ha) . +N2FLC Cum N2 flux k/h Cumulative N2 flux, soil profile (kg[N]/ha) . +N2FLD Day N2 flux g/h Daily N2 flux, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +N2F10 N2 flux lyr 10 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 10(g[N]/ha) . +N2F1D N2 flux layer 1 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 1 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F2D N2 flux layer 2 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 2 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F3D N2 flux layer 3 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 3 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F4D N2 flux layer 4 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 4 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F5D N2 flux layer 5 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 5 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F6D N2 flux layer 6 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 6 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F7D N2 flux layer 7 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 7 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F8D N2 flux layer 8 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 8 (g[N]/ha) . +N2F9D N2 flux layer 9 Daily N2 flux, soil layer 9 (g[N]/ha) . +NAPC N Applied kg/ha Inorganic N applied (kg/ha) . +NFact1 Nstress (0-1) Nstress on grain N potential (0-1) . +NFact2 Nstress (0-1) Nstress photosynthesis (0-1) . +NFact3 Nstress (0-1) Nstress on leaf senes., grain N conc. & cell exp (0-1) . +NFact4 Nstress (0-1) Nstress on grain number (0-1) . +NDNC Denitrification Cumulative denitrification (kg [N]/ha) . +NDND Day denit g/ha Daily denitrification, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +NDN10 Denit layer 10 Daily denitrification, soil layer 10(g[N]/ha) . +NDN1D Denit layer 1 Daily denitrification, soil layer 1 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN2D Denit layer 2 Daily denitrification, soil layer 2 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN3D Denit layer 3 Daily denitrification, soil layer 3 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN4D Denit layer 4 Daily denitrification, soil layer 4 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN5D Denit layer 5 Daily denitrification, soil layer 5 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN6D Denit layer 6 Daily denitrification, soil layer 6 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN7D Denit layer 7 Daily denitrification, soil layer 7 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN8D Denit layer 8 Daily denitrification, soil layer 8 (g[N]/ha) . +NDN9D Denit layer 9 Daily denitrification, soil layer 9 (g[N]/ha) . +NFXC N Fixed kg/ha N fixed (kg/ha) . +NFXD N Fixed kg/ha.d N fixation rate (kg/( . +NH10 NH4 layer 10 NH4, soil layer 10(g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH1D NH4 layer 1 NH4, soil layer 1 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH2D NH4 layer 2 NH4, soil layer 2 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH3D NH4 layer 3 NH4, soil layer 3 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH4D NH4 layer 4 NH4, soil layer 4 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH5D NH4 layer 5 NH4, soil layer 5 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH6D NH4 layer 6 NH4, soil layer 6 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH7D NH4 layer 7 NH4, soil layer 7 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH8D NH4 layer 8 NH4, soil layer 8 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NH9D NH4 layer 9 NH4, soil layer 9 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NHTD Total NH4 kg/ha Total soil NH4 (kg [N]/ha) . +NI10 NO3 layer 10 NO3, soil layer 10(g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI1D NO3 layer 1 NO3, soil layer 1 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI2D NO3 layer 2 NO3, soil layer 2 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI3D NO3 layer 3 NO3, soil layer 3 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI4D NO3 layer 4 NO3, soil layer 4 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI5D NO3 layer 5 NO3, soil layer 5 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI6D NO3 layer 6 NO3, soil layer 6 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI7D NO3 layer 7 NO3, soil layer 7 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI8D NO3 layer 8 NO3, soil layer 8 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NI9D NO3 layer 9 NO3, soil layer 9 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NIAD Tot soil N kg/haTotal soil NO3+NH4 (kg [N]/ha) . +NIMC N Immobilized Cumulative N immobilization (kg [N]/ha) . +NITC Nitrification Cumulative nitrification (kg [N]/ha) . +NITRD Daily nitrif Daily nitrification, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +NIT10 Nitrif layer 10 Daily nitrification, soil layer 10(g[N]/ha) . +NIT1D Nitrif layer 1 Daily nitrification, soil layer 1 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT2D Nitrif layer 2 Daily nitrification, soil layer 2 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT3D Nitrif layer 3 Daily nitrification, soil layer 3 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT4D Nitrif layer 4 Daily nitrification, soil layer 4 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT5D Nitrif layer 5 Daily nitrification, soil layer 5 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT6D Nitrif layer 6 Daily nitrification, soil layer 6 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT7D Nitrif layer 7 Daily nitrification, soil layer 7 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT8D Nitrif layer 8 Daily nitrification, soil layer 8 (g[N]/ha) . +NIT9D Nitrif layer 9 Daily nitrification, soil layer 9 (g[N]/ha) . +NITD Total NO3 kg/ha Total soil NO3 (kg [N]/ha) . +NLCD N Leached kg/ha Daily N leached (kg [N]/ha/d) . +NLCC N Leached kg/ha Cumulative N leached (kg [N]/ha) . +NMNC N Mineralize Cumulative N mineralization (kg [N]/ha) . +NNMNC Net N mineraliz Cumulative net N mineralization (miner - immob) . +NOAD Organic N kg/ha Organic N in soil (kg [N]/ha) . +NOEC Cum NO emitted Cumulative NO emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +NOED NO emitted kg Daily NO emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +NOGED NO emitted g Daily NO emissions from soil (g[N]/ha) . +NOFLC Cum NO flux k/h Cumulative NO flux, soil profile (kg[N]/ha) . +NOFLD Day NO flux g/h Daily NO flux, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +NOF10 NO flux lyr 10 Daily NO flux, soil layer 10(g[N]/ha) . +NOF1D NO flux layer 1 Daily NO flux, soil layer 1 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF2D NO flux layer 2 Daily NO flux, soil layer 2 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF3D NO flux layer 3 Daily NO flux, soil layer 3 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF4D NO flux layer 4 Daily NO flux, soil layer 4 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF5D NO flux layer 5 Daily NO flux, soil layer 5 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF6D NO flux layer 6 Daily NO flux, soil layer 6 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF7D NO flux layer 7 Daily NO flux, soil layer 7 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF8D NO flux layer 8 Daily NO flux, soil layer 8 (g[N]/ha) . +NOF9D NO flux layer 9 Daily NO flux, soil layer 9 (g[N]/ha) . +NT10 InorgN layer 10 Total inorganic N, soil layer 10(g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT1D InorgN layer 1 Total inorganic N, soil layer 1 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT2D InorgN layer 2 Total inorganic N, soil layer 2 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT3D InorgN layer 3 Total inorganic N, soil layer 3 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT4D InorgN layer 4 Total inorganic N, soil layer 4 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT5D InorgN layer 5 Total inorganic N, soil layer 5 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT6D InorgN layer 6 Total inorganic N, soil layer 6 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT7D InorgN layer 7 Total inorganic N, soil layer 7 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT8D InorgN layer 8 Total inorganic N, soil layer 8 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NT9D InorgN layer 9 Total inorganic N, soil layer 9 (g[N]/kg[soil]) . +NUAC N Uptake kg/ha N uptake, cumulative (kg [N]/ha) . +NUAD N Uptake kg/ha N uptake (kg [N]/ha) . +NUPC N Uptake kg/ha N uptake (kg [N]/ha) . +NURTD Urea-N kg/ha Total soil urea (kg [N]/ha) . +OXRN Oxnitr kgN/ha/d Ox Layer Nitrif Rt (kg [N]/ha/d) . +QNAD Stolon N kg/ha Stolon N (kg/ha) . +QN%D Stolon N % Stolon N concentration (%) +R#AC Res Applic # Number of organic matter applications . +RADN Solar@noon W/m2 Solar radiation at noon (W/m2) . +RCNF Roots Crit N Fc Roots critical [N] factor (ratio) . +RN%CD RootN% critical Root tissue critical N conc. (%) . +RN%D Root N % Root N concentration (%) . +RN%LD Root N% minimum Root tissue minimum N conc. (%) . +RN%RD RootN% relative Root tissue relative (to critical) N conc. (%) . +RNUA NUptake kg/ha.d N uptake (kg [N]/(ha.d)) . +ROOTN Root N (kg/ha) Weight of nitrogen in roots, kg/ha . +RSNAD Reserve N kg/ha Reserve N (kg/ha) . +RSVN Reserve N g/p Reserve N (g/p) . +SCNF Stem Crit N Fac Stem critical N factor (ratio) . +SENC0 Sen C to lit Senesced C added to litter (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENCS Sen C to soil Senesced C added to soil (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENL0 Sen lign to lit Senesced lignin added to litter (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENLS Sen lign to sl Senesced lignin added to soil (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENN0 Sen N to litter Senesced N added to litter (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENNS Sen N to soil Senesced N added to soil (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENNT Sen N kg/ha.d Senesced N added to litter+soil (kg/(ha.d)) . +SENWT Sen wt kg/ha.d Senesced wt added to litter+soil (kg/(ha.d)) . +SHND Shell N % Shell N concentration (%) . +SN%D Stem N % Stem N concentration (%) . +SN%RD ShootN% relativ Shoot tissue relative (to critical) N conc. (%) . +SNAD Stem N kg/ha Stem N (kg/ha) . +SNNPD Dead N kg/ha N in dead material retained on plant (kg[N]/ha) . +SNWPD Dead wt kg/ha Dead material retained on plant (kg [dm]/ha) . +TUNA Total N kg/ha Tuber+stem+leaf N (kg/ha) . +UN%D Tuber N % Tuber N concentration (%) . +UNAD Tuber N kg/ha Tuber N (kg/ha) . +VN%D Veg N % Veg (stem+leaf) N concentration (%) . +VNAD Vege N kg/ha Veg (stem+leaf) N (kg/ha) . + +*WATER +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +DA3D Daylength h Daylength (h;3 deg basis) . +DAYD Daylength h Daylength (h;sunrise to sunset) . +DRNC Drainage Mm Cumulative drainage (mm) . +DTR Shortwave RAD Daily shortwave radiation (J/(m2.d)) . +DTWT Water table cm Water table depth (cm) . +EFAA Flood evap mm/d Avg flood evaporation (mm/d) . +EMAA Mulch EVAP mm/d Average mulch evaporation (mm/d) . +EMAC Mulch EVAP mm Cumulative mulch evaporation (mm) . +Enit Evap@midnt mm/h Soil evaporation rate at midnight (mm/h) . +Enoon Evap@noon mm/h Soil evaporation rate at noon (mm/h) . +EOAA Pot ET mm/d Avg pot.evapotranspiration (mm/d) . +EOAC Pot ET mm Cumulative potential evapotranspiration (mm) . +EOAD Pot ET mm/d Potential evapotranspiration (mm/d) . +EOPA Pot transpir Avg pot. transpiration (mm/d) . +EOPD Pot transpir Potential transpiration (mm/d) . +EOSA Pot soil evap Average potential soil evaporation per day (mm/day) . +EPAA Transpir mm/d Avg plant transpiration (mm/d) . +EPAC Transpiration Cumulative transpiration (mm) . +EPAD Transpir mm/d Plant transpiration (mm/d) . +ES10 Evap layer 10 Soil evaporation, layer 10(mm/d) . +ES1D Evap layer 1 Soil evaporation, layer 1 (mm/d) . +ES2D Evap layer 2 Soil evaporation, layer 2 (mm/d) . +ES3D Evap layer 3 Soil evaporation, layer 3 (mm/d) . +ES4D Evap layer 4 Soil evaporation, layer 4 (mm/d) . +ES5D Evap layer 5 Soil evaporation, layer 5 (mm/d) . +ES6D Evap layer 6 Soil evaporation, layer 6 (mm/d) . +ES7D Evap layer 7 Soil evaporation, layer 7 (mm/d) . +ES8D Evap layer 8 Soil evaporation, layer 8 (mm/d) . +ES9D Evap layer 9 Soil evaporation, layer 9 (mm/d) . +ESAA Soil EVAP mm/d Avg soil evaporation (mm/d) . +ESAC Soil EVAP mm Cumulative soil evaporation (mm) . +ESAD Soil EVAP mm/d Soil evaporation (mm/d) . +ETAA Evapotrans mm/d Avg evapotranspiration (mm/d) . +ETAC Evapotrans mm Cumulative evapotranspiration (mm) . +ETAD Evapotrans mm/d Evapotranspiration (mm/d) . +ETnit ET@midnite mm/h Evapotranspiration rate at midnight (mm/h) . +ETNOON ET@noon mm/h Evapotranspiration rate at noon (mm/h) . +H2OA H2O in root zn Water available in root zone (mm) . +IR#C Irrigation # Irrigation applications (no) . +IRRC Irrig effect mm Cumulative effective irrigation (mm) . +IRRAC Irrig apply mm Cumulative applied irrigation (includes losses) (mm) . +KCAA Kc FAO-56 single crop coefficient (Kc=ETAA/REFA) . +KBSA Kcb*Ks FAO-56 basal crop coef * stress coef (Kcb*Ks=EPAA/REFA) . +KEAA Ke FAO-56 evaporation coefficient (Ke=(ESAA+EFAA+EMAA)/REFA). +LATFC Lateral flow mm Subsurface Lateral flow to maintain water table (mm) . +MCFD Mulch coverage Fraction of soil covered by mulch . +MDEPD Mulch thick cm Thickness of mulch layer (cm) . +MWAD Mulch mass k/h Mass of mulch layer (kg/ha) . +MWTD Mulch water mm Water stored in mulch layer (mm) . +PREC Precipitation Cumulative precipitation (mm) . +REFA Reference ET mm ASCE standardized reference ET (grass or alfalfa) . +ROFC Cum Runoff mm Cumulative runoff (mm) . +ROFD Surface runoff Total daily surface runoff (mm/d) . +ROSD Sat surf runoff Daily surface runoff due to sl saturation excess (mm/d) . +SEDM Sediment LOSS Sediment loss . +SNOWD Snow accum (mm) Snow accumulation (mm water) . +SRAA SRAD MJ/ Avg solar radiation (MJ/( . +SW1D SWC layer 1 Soil water, soil layer 1 (cm3/cm3) . +SW2D SWC layer 2 Soil water, soil layer 2 (cm3/cm3) . +SW3D SWC layer 3 Soil water, soil layer 3 (cm3/cm3) . +SW4D SWC layer 4 Soil water, soil layer 4 (cm3/cm3) . +SW5D SWC layer 5 Soil water, soil layer 5 (cm3/cm3) . +SW6D SWC layer 6 Soil water, soil layer 6 (cm3/cm3) . +SW7D SWC layer 7 Soil water, soil layer 7 (cm3/cm3) . +SW8D SWC layer 8 Soil water, soil layer 8 (cm3/cm3) . +SW9D SWC layer 9 Soil water, soil layer 9 (cm3/cm3) . +SW10D SWC layer10 Soil water, soil layer 10 (cm3/cm3) . +SW11D SWC layer11 Soil water, soil layer 11 (cm3/cm3) . +SW12D SWC layer12 Soil water, soil layer 12 (cm3/cm3) . +SW13D SWC layer13 Soil water, soil layer 13 (cm3/cm3) . +SW14D SWC layer14 Soil water, soil layer 14 (cm3/cm3) . +SW15D SWC layer15 Soil water, soil layer 15 (cm3/cm3) . +SW16D SWC layer16 Soil water, soil layer 16 (cm3/cm3) . +SW17D SWC layer17 Soil water, soil layer 17 (cm3/cm3) . +SW18D SWC layer18 Soil water, soil layer 18 (cm3/cm3) . +SW19D SWC layer19 Soil water, soil layer 19 (cm3/cm3) . +SW20D SWC layer20 Soil water, soil layer 20 (cm3/cm3) . +SWTD Total water Total soil water in profile (mm) . +SWXD Extr water mm Extractable water (mm) . +TCADD Canopy-air temp Canopy-air temperature difference (oC) . +TCnt Cano.T midnight Canopy temperature at midnight (oC) TCAN(h) +TDFC Cum. tile drain Cumulative water lost to tile drain (mm) . +TDFD Tile drainage Water lost to tile drain (mm/d) . +TMINA Minimum temp °C Avg minimum air temperature (°C) TMNA +TMAXA Maximum temp °C Avg maximum air temperature (°C) TMXA +TSRNIT Surf T midnight Surface temperature midnight (°C) TSURF +TS0D Surface temp °C Soil surface temperature (°C) . +TS10 S-TMP layer 10 Soil temperature, soil layer 10(°C) . +TS1D S-TMP layer 1 Soil temperature, soil layer 1 (°C) . +TS2D S-TMP layer 2 Soil temperature, soil layer 2 (°C) . +TS3D S-TMP layer 3 Soil temperature, soil layer 3 (°C) . +TS4D S-TMP layer 4 Soil temperature, soil layer 4 (°C) . +TS5D S-TMP layer 5 Soil temperature, soil layer 5 (°C) . +TS6D S-TMP layer 6 Soil temperature, soil layer 6 (°C) . +TS7D S-TMP layer 7 Soil temperature, soil layer 7 (°C) . +TS8D S-TMP layer 8 Soil temperature, soil layer 8 (°C) . +TS9D S-TMP layer 9 Soil temperature, soil layer 9 (°C) . +WINNIT Wind speed(noon)Wind speed at midnight (m/s) WINDHR + +*CARBON +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +CGRD CGR g/m2.d Crop growth rate (g [top+store]/(m2.d)) . +CHAD CH2O g/m2.d Shoot carbohydrate accumulation (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +CSHn Lf conductance Leaf conductance to water for sunlit leaves at noon m/s CONDSH +CSHt Lf conductance Leaf conductance to water for sunlit leaves midnight m/s CONDSH +CSLn Lf conductance Leaf conductance to water for shaded leaves at noon m/s CONDSL +CSLt Lf conductance Leaf conductance to water for shaded leaves midnight m/s CONDSL +CL%D LEAF CH2O % Carbohydrate in leaf (%) . +CMAD CH2O MOB g/m2.d Carbohydrate mobilization (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +CS%D STEM C % Carbohydrate in stem (%) . +CR%D Root CH2O % Carbohydrate in root (%) . +Enit Evap@midnt mm/h Soil evaporation rate at midnight (mm/h) EHR +ENN Evap@noon mm/h Soil evaporation rate at noon (mm/h) EHR +ETnt ET@midnite mm/h Evapotranspiration rate at midnight (mm/h) . +ETn ET@noon mm/h Evapotranspiration rate at noon (mm/h) . +GMT Mt S Ht Fx W/m2 Midnight surface Soil Heat Flux (W/m2) . +GN Nn S Ht Fx W/m2 Noon surface Soil Heat Flux (W/m2) . +GC%D GRAIN CH2O % Seed carbohydrate concentration (%) . +GRAD GR RESP g/m2.d Growth respiration (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +HUM1 SOIL C1 kg/ha Soil carbon in layer 1 (kg/ha) . +HUM2 SOIL C2 kg/ha Soil carbon in layer 2 (kg/ha) . +HUM3 SOIL C3 kg/ha Soil carbon in layer 3 (kg/ha) . +HUM4 SOIL C4 kg/ha Soil carbon in layer 4 (kg/ha) . +HUM5 SOIL C5 kg/ha Soil carbon in layer 5 (kg/ha) . +LH1n Nn Lt Ht 1 W/m2 Noon latent heat flux from sunlit leaves (W/m2) . +LH2n Nn Lt Ht 2 W/m2 Noon latent heat flux from shaded leaves (W/m2) . +LH3n Nn Lt Ht 3 W/m2 Noon latent heat flux from soil surface (W/m2) . +LH1t Mt Lt Ht 1 W/m2 Midnight latent heat flux from sunlit leaves (W/m2) . +LH2t Mt Lt Ht 2 W/m2 Midnight latent heat flux from shaded leaves (W/m2) . +LH3t Mt Lt Ht 3 W/m2 Midnight latent heat flux from soil surface (W/m2) . +LHN Nn Lt Ht (W/m2) Noon total latent heat flux (W/m2) . +LHT MT Lt Ht (W/m2) Midnight total latent heat flux (W/m2) . +LI%D LIGHT INTER % Light (PAR) interception (%) . +LI%N NOON LIGHT IN % Noon light (PAR) interception (%) . +LMHN NOON PMAX,SHADE Noon Pmax shaded leaves (mg/(m2.s)) . +LMLN NOON PMAX,LIGHT Noon Pmax sunlit leaves (mg/(m2.s)) . +LSHn LAI-shaded noon Leaf area index of shaded leaves at noon (m2/m2) LAISH +LSHt LAIshaded night Leaf area index of shaded leaves at midnight (m2/m2) LAISH +LSLt LAIsunlit night Leaf area index of sunlit leaves at midnight (m2/m2) LAISL +LSLn LAI-sunlit noon noon Leaf area index of sunlit leaves at noon LAISL +MRAD M RESP g/m2.d Maintenance resp (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +N%HN NOON N,SHADE % Noon N shaded leaves (%) . +N%LN NOON N,LIGHT % Noon N sunlit leaves (%) . +NHU1 SOIL N1 kg/ha Soil nitrogen in layer 1 (kg/ha) . +NHU2 SOIL N2 kg/ha Soil nitrogen in layer 2 (kg/ha) . +NHU3 SOIL N3 kg/ha Soil nitrogen in layer 3 (kg/ha) . +NHU4 SOIL N4 kg/ha Soil nitrogen in layer 4 (kg/ha) . +NHU5 SOIL N5 kg/ha Soil nitrogen in layer 5 (kg/ha) . +OMAC OM APPL kg/ha Cumulative organic matter applied (kg [dm]/ha) . +ONAC ON APPL kg/ha Cumulative N in applied organic matter (kg [N]/ha) . +OPAC OP APPL kg/ha Cumulative P in applied organic matter (kg [P]/ha) . +PHAD P GROSS g/m2.d Gross photosynthesis (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +PHAN PG,NOON mg/m2.s Gross photosyn.,noon (mg CO2/(m2.s)) . +QC%D Storage CH2O % Carbohydrate in stolon/rhizome/crown (%) . +QHAD CH2O g/m2.d Storage carbohydrate accumulation (g [CH2O]/(m2.d)) . +RSHN Rshn s/m Noon resistance of shaded leaves (s/m) . +RSHT Rsht s/m Midnight resistance of shaded leaves (s/m) . +RSLN Rsln s/m Noon resistance of sunlit leaves (s/m) . +RSLT Rslt s/m Midnight resistance of sunlit leaves (s/m) . +RSSN Rssn s/m Noon resistance of soil surface (s/m) . +RSST Rsst s/m Midnight resistance of soil surface (s/m) . +SCDD SOIL ORG C Soil organic C in top 20 cm (kg/ha) . +SHN Noon Sn Ht W/m2 Noon total sensible heat (W/m2) . +SHT Mdnt Sn Ht W/m2 Midnight total sensible heat (W/m2) . +SH1N Nn Sn Ht 1 W/m2 Noon sensible heat from sunlit leaves (W/m2) . +SH2N Nn Sn Ht 2 W/m2 Noon sensisble heat from shaded leaves (W/m2) . +SH3N Nn Sn Ht 3 W/m2 Noon sensible heat from soil surface (W/m2) . +SH1T Mt Sn Ht 1 W/m2 Midnight sensible heat from sunlit leaves (W/m2) . +SN2T Mt Sn Ht 2 W/m2 Midnight sensible heat from shaded leaves (W/m2) . +SN3T Mt Sn Ht 3 W/m2 Midnight sensible heat from soil surface (W/m2) . +SLHN NOON SLW,SHADE SLW in shaded leaves,noon (mg [dm]/cm2) . +SLLN NOON SLW,Light SLW in sunlit leaves,noon (mg [dm]/cm2) . +SNDD SOIL ORG N Soil organic N in top 20 cm (kg/ha) . +SOCD Total OC kg/ha Soil plus surface organic carbon SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SOND SOIL ON kg/ha Soil plus surface organic nitrogen SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SOPD SOIL OP kg/ha Soil plus surface organic phosphorus SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SPDD SOIL ORG P Soil organic P in top 20 cm (kg/ha) . +TCNN Canopy T noon Canopy temperature at noon (oC) . +TDNC Cum tile N lost Cumulative N lost to tile drain (kg[N]/ha/d) . +TDND Tile N lost k/h Daily N lost to tile drain (kg[N]/ha/d) . +TEMt Temp/h midnight Hourly air temperature at midnight TAIRHR +TFOM RESIDUE kg/ha Plant residue remaining (kg [dm]/ha) . +TFON RESIDUE N kg/ha Plant residue N remaining (kg/ha) . +TGAV AVG CAN TMP °C Daily average canopy temp (°C) . +TGNN NOON CAN TMP °C Noon canopy temperature (°C) . +TGON NOON GRO TMP °C Noon growth temperature (°C) . +Tnit Temp midnight°C Temperature midnight (°C) THR +TNN T@noon mm/h Transpiration rate at noon (mm/h) +TSR1n Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature sunlit leaves midnight (°C) TSURF(1) +TSR1t Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature sunlit leaves midnight (°C) TSURF(1) +TSR2n Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature shaded leaves midnight (°C) TSURF(2) +TSR2t Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature shaded leaves midnight (°C) TSURF(2) +TSR3n Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature soil midnight (°C) TSURF(3) +TSR3t Sur T sunlit nt Surface temperature soil midnight (°C) TSURF(3) +TWAD TOTAL WT kg/ha Tops+roots+storage wt (kg [dm]/ha) . +WDNN Wind speed(noon)Wind speed at noon (m/s) WINDHR +WINn Wind speed(noon)Wind speed at noon (m/s) WINDHR + +*PESTS +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +CASM ASSIM g CH2O Cumulative assimilate reduction . +CEW CEW #/row-m Corn Earworm . +CLAI DIS LAI m2/m2 Cumulative leaf area consumed . +CLFM DIS LEAF kg/ha Cumulative leaf mass consumed . +CPO% DIS PLTPOP % Cumulative pl population reduction . +CRLF DIS ROOT cm/cm2 Cumulative root length consumed . +CRLV DIS ROOT cm/cm2 Cumulative root ln density consumed . +CRTM DIS ROOT kg/ha Cumulative root mass consumed . +CSD# DIS SEED #/m2 Cumulative seed number consumed . +CSDM DIS SEED kg/ha Cumulative seed mass consumed . +CSH# DIS SHELL #/m2 Cumulative shell number consumed . +CSHM DIS SHELL kg/ha Cumulative shell mass consumed . +CSTM DIS STEM kg/ha Cumulative stem mass consumed . +DASM ASSIM g CH2O/d Daily carbohydrate pool reduction . +DLA DIS. LAI cm2/m2 Daily diseased leaf area increase . +DLA% DIS. LAI %/d Daily % diseased leaf area increase . +DLAI DIS LAI m2/m2.d Daily leaf area consumed . +DLFM DIS. LF kg/ha.d Daily leaf mass consumed . +DPO% DIS PLPOP %/day Daily plant population reduction . +DRLF DIS RT cm/cm2.d Daily total root length consumed . +DRLV DIS RT cm/cm3.d Daily root length density consumed . +DRTM DIS RT kg/ha.d Daily root mass consumed . +DSD# DIS SEED #/m2.d Daily seed number consumed . +DSDM DIS SEED kg/ha Daily seed mass consumed . +DSH# DIS SHL #/m2.d Daily shell number consumed . +DSHM DIS SHL kg/ha.d Daily shell mass consumed . +DSTM DIS STEM kg/ha Daily stem mass consumed . +FAW FAW #/m Fall armyworm . +IBCUT Cutworm, no. m-2 . +LFMIN Leafminer (Aproaerema Modicella-Deventer) no.m-2, m2 m-2 leaf damage . +PCLA Defoliation, % . +PDLA Diseased leaf area, % . +PRP Reduction in photosynthetic rate, % . +PSTDS General pest and diseases losses due to rot, tikka, leafminer, etc. . +RTWM RTWM #/m Root worm . +SGSB SGSB #/m Southern green stinkbug . +SL SB LOOPER #/m Soybean looper . +VBC5 VBC5 #/m 5 instar velvetbean caterpillar . +VBC6 VBC6 #/m 6 instar velvetbean caterpillar . +UFCEW Corn earworm (Heliothis zea), no. m-2 . +UFRKN Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.), no. cm-3 soil . +UFSBL Soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens), no. m-2 . +UFSKB Southern green stinkbug (Mezara viridula), no. m-2 . +UFVBC Velvetbean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis), no. m-2 . + +*EXPERIMENTAL DATA +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +AP1D APEX 1cm day Apex 1cm date (YrDoy) . +BR1D Branch 1 date Date of first branching (YrDoy) B1DAT +BR2D Branch 2 date Date of second branching (YrDoy) B2DAT +BR3D Branch 3 date Date of third branching (YrDoy) B3DAT +BR4D Branch 4 dap Date of fourth branching (YrDoy) B4DAT +BR1P Branch 1 dap Days after planting to the first branch B1DAP +BR2P Branch 2 dap Days after planting to the second branch B2DAP +BR3P Branch 3 dap Days after planting to the third branch B3DAP +BR4P Branch 4 dap Days after planting to the fourth branch B4DAP +CDWA CANOPY+D kg/ha Tops+dead wt (kg [dm]/ha . +CHN% CHAFF N % Chaff N (%) . +CHWA CHAFF WT kg/ha Chaff weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +DRID DOUBLE RIDGES d Double ridges date (YrDoy) . +DWAD DEAD WT kg/ha Dead material weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +EDAT0 PRIMARY EMERGE Primary stalk emergence day (dap) . +EDAT1 TILLR 1 EMERGE First tiller emergence day (dap) . +EDAT2 TILLR 2 EMERGE Second tiller emergence day (dap) . +EEMD EAR EMERGENCE d Ear emergence date (YrDoy) . +EGWA EAR+GRAIN kg/ha Ear plus grain weight (kg [dm]/ha) . +EGWS EAR+GRAIN g/s Ear+grain weight (g [dm]/shoot . +G#PD GRAIN NO #/pl Grain number (no/plant) . +G#SD GRAIN NO #shoot Grain number (no/shoot) . +GW%M GRAIN H20 % Grain moisture at maturity (%) . +GWAM GRAIN WT kg/ha Grain wt at maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +GWGM GRAIN WT mg Unit wt at maturity (mg [dm]/grain) . +GWPM GRAIN WT g/pl Grain wt at maturity (g [dm]/plan . +GYAM GRAIN YLD kg/ha Grain yield at maturity (kg [fm]/ha) . +GYPM GRAIN YLD g/pl Grain yld at maturity (g [fm]/plan . +GYVM TEST WT kg/hl Test weight at maturity (kg [fm]/hl) . +HWAC COR YIELD kg/ha Corrected yield (kg [dm]/ha) . +HYAM HARVEST kg/ha Harvest yld at maturity (kg [fm]/ha) . +L#IR LEAF # INCREASE Leaf number increase rate (#/day) . +LAASH LEAF cm2/stalk Total leaf area/stalk (avg) at harvest(cm2/stalk) . +LAFD FLAG AREA cm2 Flag leaf area (cm2/leaf) . +LAIXD LAI max date Day at which maximum leaf area index occurs (dap) . +LAIXT LAI at stalkmax LAI at maximum tiller population . +LALD LEAF AREA cm2 Leaf area (cm2/leaf) . +LALN LEAF AREA,NEW Leaf area,new leaves (cm2/[leaf]) . +LAPD LEAF AREA cm2/p Leaf area (cm2/plant) . +LARD LEAF APPEARANCE Leaf appearance rate (#/day) . +LF3D LEAF 3 FULL day Full expansion, leaf 3 (Yrdoy) . +LF5D LEAF 5 FULL day Full expansion, leaf 5 (Yrdoy) . +LLFD LAST LEAF day Last leaf date (YrDoy) . +LWAM LEAF WT kg/ha Leaf weight (kg/ha) . +LWASH LEAF WT g/stalk Total leaf weight/stalk (avg) at harvest(g/stalk) . +LWPD LEAF WT g/plant Leaf weight (g/plant) . +NAPSH NODE #/stalk Average nodes per stalk at harvest (nodes/stalk) . +PARID PAR INTERCEPT % PAR interception (%) . +RLAD ROOT LN cm/cm2 Root length (cm/cm2) . +RLWD ROOT L/W cm/g Root length/weight (cm/g) . +RWLD ROOT W/L g/cm Root weight/length (g/cm) . +S#AD SHOOT NO #/m2 Shoot (apex) number (no/m2) . +S#PD SHOOT NO #/pl Shoot (apex) number (no/plant) . +S#AH STALK HARV POP Stalk population at harvest (stalks/m2) . +SCWA STM+CHAFF kg/ha Stem plus chaff (kg/ha) . +SDWT SEED WT g/pl Seed weight (g/plant) . +SHTH STALK HARV HT Average height of stalks at harvest (m) . +SP#P SPIKELETS #/pl Spikelet number (no/plant) . +SPDAP SPROUT DAY Primary stalk bud sprouts from sett (dap) . +SPDAT SPROUT DAY Primary stalk bud sprouts from sett (YrDoy) . +SWPD STEM WT g/plant Stem weight (g [dm]/plant) . +T#AD1 TILLER # DATE 1 Tiller population at user-determined date 1 (YrDoy) . +T#AD2 TILLER # DATE 2 Tiller population at user-determined date 2 (YrDoy) . +T#AD3 TILLER # DATE 3 Tiller population at user-determined date 3 (YrDoy) . +T#MX TILLER MAX POP Tiller maximum population (stalks/m2) . +T#MXD MAX POP DATE Tiller maximum population day (dap) . +T#PD TILLER NO.#/pl Tiller number (no/plant) . +TDECD TLR DECLINE DAY Initiation of tiller population decline (dap) . +TDWA TOTAL+D kg/ha Tops+roots+storage+dead (kg [dm]/ha) . +TNIM TOTAL N kg/ha Total N at maturity (kg [N]/ha) . +TSPD TERMINAL SPKL d Terminal spikelet date (YrDoy) . +TWAM TOTAL WT kg/ha Total wt, maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +VWAM VEG WT kg/ha Veg (leaf+stemt) wt,maturity (kg [dm]/ha) . +Z21D ZADOKS 21 day Zadoks 21 date (YrDoy) . +Z30D ZADOKS 30 day Zadoks 30 date (YrDoy) . +Z31D ZADOKS 31 day Zadoks 31 date (YrDoy) . +Z37D ZADOKS 37 day Zadoks 37 date (YrDoy) . +Z39D ZADOKS 39 day Zadoks 39 date (YrDoy) . + +*USER +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +ABUND BUND HT mm Bund height (mm) . +EFAC CUM FLD EVAP mm Cumulative floodwater evaporation (mm) . +EFAD FLD EVAP mm/d Floodwater evaporation rate (mm/d) . +FALG ALGAL ACTIVITY Floodwater Photosynth. Act. Index (0 to 1) . +FALI FLOOD LT INDX Floodwater Light Index (0 to 1) . +FDEN DNITRF kgN/ha/d Floodwater Denitrification Rate (kg [N]/( . +FL3C FLD NH3 mg N/l Floodwater Aqueous Ammonia (NH3) Conc. (mg [N]/l) . +FL3N FLD NO3 mg N/l Floodwater Nitrate N (NO3) Conc. (mg [N]/l) . +FL4N FLD NH4 kgN/ha Floodwater Ammoniacal N (kg [N]/ha) . +FL4C FLD NH4 mg N/l Floodwater Ammonium N (NH4) Conc. (mg [N]/l) . +FLBD Puddle BD g/cc Puddled Soil Surface Layer Bulk Density (g/cc) . +FLOD FLOOD DEPTH mm Flood water depth (mm) . +FLNI FLOOD NIT INDX Floodwater Nitrogen Index (0 to 1) . +FLPH FLOOD pH Maximum Daytime Floodwater pH . +FLTI FLOOD TMP INDX Floodwater Temperature Index (0 to 1) . +FLUR FLD UREA kgN/ha Floodwater Urea N (kg N/Ha) . +FROD FLOOD RO mm/d Flood water runoff over bund (mm/d) . +FUHY UREA HYD kgN/ha Urea Hydrolysis Rate in Floodwater (kg [N]/( . +INFD INFILT mm/d Infiltration rate (mm/d) . +IRRD Eff Irrig mm/d Daily effective irrigation (mm/d) . +IRRAD App Irrig mm/d Daily applied irrigation (includes losses) (mm/d) . +TL#C TILLAGE # Number of tillage operations . +TLDD TILL DEP cm Depth of last tillage operation (cm) . + +*WEATHER +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +CLDD CLOUD FRAC Relative cloudiness factor (0-1) . +CO2D CO2 ppm Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm) . +DAYLD DAYLENGTH hr Day length sunrise to sunset (hr) . +OZON7 Ozone ppb Daily 7-hour mean ozone concentration (9:00-15:59), ppb . +PARD PAR Daily PAR or photon flux density (moles[quanta]/(m2.d)) . +PRED PRECIP mm/d Precipitation depth (mm/d) . +SRAD SRAD MJ/m2.d Solar radiation (MJ/(m2.d)) . +TAVD AVG TEMP °C Average daily temperature (°C) . +TDWD DEWPOINT °C Dewpoint temperature (°C) . +TDYD AV DAY TMP °C Average temperature during daylight hours (°C) . +TGAD AV GRWTH TMP °C Average daily air temperature for growth (°C) . +TGRD AV GRWTH TMP °C Average air temp. daylight hours for growth (°C) . +TMEAN MEAN TEMP °C Mean Temperature (TMAX+TMIN/2; °C) . +TMND MIN TEMP °C Minimum daily temperature (°C) . +TMXD MAX TEMP °C Maximum daily temperature (°C) . +TWLD TWILIGHT hr Twilight to twilight day length (hr) . +VPD Vapor Pres Def Vapor pressure deficit . +VPDF Vapor Pres Fact Vapor pressure deficit factor . +WDSD WIND SPEED km/d Wind speed (km/d) . +WDATE WEATHER DATE Date for weather data (YYYYDDD, for forecast ensembles) . + +*OTHER MODELS +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +ACO2 AMBIENT CO2 Ambient CO2 level (ppm) . +AWAD ASSIM kg/ha.d Assimilate production (kg/(ha.d)) . +CHNAD CHAFF N kh/ha Chaff N (kg/ha) . +CHWAD CHAFF WT kg/ha Chaff weight (kg/ha) . +CN%D TOPS N % Tops (ie.canopy) N (%) . +CNAD CROP N kg/ha Tops N (kg/ha) . +CO2FD CO2 FACTOR CO2 factor for photosynthesis (0-10) . +DAYLF DAYLENGTH FAC Daylength factor (0-1) . +DNAG DEAD N kg/ha.d Dead N increment (kg/(ha.d)) . +DOY DAY OF YEAR Day of year . +DWAG DEAD WT kg/ha.d Dead material increase (kg [dm]/(ha.d)) . +HIND HARVEST N INDEX Harvest index fo N (grain [N]/tops [N]) . +HNAD Harvest N kg/ha Harvest product (eg.,grain,storage root) N (kg/ha) . +HNAM Harvest N kg/ha Harvest product (eg.,grain,tuber) N at maturity (kg/ha) . +HNCD Harvest N conc. Harvest product (eg.,grain,storage root) N conc (fr) . +HN%D Harvest N % Harvest product (eg.,grain,storage root) N conc (%) . +HN%M Harvest N % Harvest product (eg.,grain,tuber) N conc at maturity (%) . +LA%D ABSORBED PAR Absorbed PAR (%) . +LAIPD LAI produced Leaf area index produced to the present time (m2/m2) . +LAISD LAI senesced Leaf area index senesced to the present time (m2/m2) . +NFGD N FACTOR,GROWTH N factor for leaf growth (0-1) . +NFPD N FACTOR,PHOTSN N factor for photosynthesis (0-1) . +NFSD N FACTOR,SENES N factor for senescence (0-1) . +NFTD N FACTOR,TILLER N factor for tillering (0-1) . +NFUD N FACTOR,UPTAKE N factor for N uptake (fr) . +NSTD N STRESS FACTOR Nitrogen stress factor (0-1) . +PARUD PAR UTIZATION PAR utilization efficiency (g/MJ) . +PMAD PANICLE WT g/m2 Panicle weight (grain+structural;g/m2 or kg/ha) . +PTF SHOOT FRACTION Partition fraction of assimilates to shoot (0-1) . +PTFD SHOOT FRACTION Partition fraction of assimilates to shoot (0-1) . +RNAD ROOT N kg/ha Root N (kg/ha) . +RNCD ROOT N % Root nitrogen concentration on a specific day % . +RS%D RESERVES % Reserves concentration (%) . +RSAD STEM RESERVES Stem reserves weight (g/m2 or kg/ha) . +RSFP RESERVES FACTOR Reserves factor for photosynthesis (0-1) . +RSWAD RESERVES kg/ha Reserves weight (kg/ha) . +SAID STEM AREA INDEX Stem area index (m2/m2) . +SDNAD SEED N kg/ha Seed (ie.what sown) N (kg/ha) . +SDNCD SEED N % Seed (ie.what sown) N concentration % . +SDWAD SEED WT kg/ha Seed (ie.what sown) weight (kg/ha) . +SDN%D SEED N % Seed (ie.what sown) N concentration (%) . +SGDMD Grn Leaf Sheath Green leaf sheath weight (t/ha) . +SLND SPECIFIC LF N Specific leaf N (g [N]/cm2 [leaf]) . +SNCD STEM N % Stem nitrogen concentration on a specific day % . +SNN0C Senes Surf N Cumulative senesced N to surface (kg[N]/ha) . +SNN0D Senes Surf N Senesced N to surface (kg[N]/ha.d) . +SNN1C Senes Soil N Cumulative senesced N to soil (kg[N]/ha) . +SNN1D Senes Soil N Senesced N to soil (kg[N]/ha.d) . +SNNTC Senes Soil N Cumulative senesced N to soil and surface (kg[N]/ha) . +SNPTC Senes Soil P Cumulative senesced P to soil and surface (kg[P]/ha) . +SNW0C Senes Surf Wt. Cumulative senesced dry matter to surface (kg/ha) . +SNW0D Senes Surf Wt. Daily senesced dry matter to surface (kg/ha.d) . +SNW1C Senes Soil Wt. Cumulative senesced dry matter to soil (kg/ha) . +SNW1D Senes Soil Wt. Daily senesced dry matter to soil (kg/ha.d) . +SNXD Extr. N kg/ha Extractable soil N (kg[N]/ha) . +SSAD STRUCTURAL STEM Structural stem weight (g/m2 or kg/ha) . +TFGD TEMP FAC GROWTH Temperature factor for leaf growth (0-1) . +TFPD TEMP FAC PHS Temperature factor for photosynthesis (0-1) . +TNAD TOPS N kg/ha Tops (ie canopy) N (kg/ha) . +TRRD TRANSLOC RESP Translocation respiration (g/(m2.d) or kg/(ha.d)) . +TRWUD Act H2O uptake Root water uptake (cm/d) . +TWUPD Pot H2O uptake Potential root water uptake (cm/d) . +VNCD Veg N conc. fr Vegetative above-ground tissue N concentration (fr) . +VN%D Veg N% Vegetative above-ground tissue N concentration (%) . +VN%LD Veg N% minimum Vegetative above-ground tissue minimum N conc. (%) . +VN%CD Veg N% critical Vegetative above-ground tissue critical N conc. (%) . +VRNF VERNALIZE FAC Vernalization factor (0-1) . +WFSD WATER FAC SENES Water factor for senescence (0-1) . +WFTD WATER FAC TRANS Water factor for transpiration (0-1) . +WSTD H2O STRESS,TILR Water stress - tillering (0-1) . +YEAR YEAR Year (4 digits) . +RCANE Cane Type PlantCane or Ratoon Cane . +DDLMD Dead Leaf Biom. Dead Leaves Biomass (ton/ha) . +DDTMD Dead Tillers B. Dead Tillers Biomass (ton/ha) . +SEQR Ratoon Seq. Ratooning Cane Sequence . +TTTOT Total TT Total thermal time accumulated (oCdays) . +BBDMD Below Ground W Total below ground dry weight (ton/ha) . +CSTAT Crop Status Crop Status (1=alive, 0=dead) . +GLI%D Light Int. GL Fraction of light intercepted by green leaves (0-1) . +TLI%D Light Int. TL Fraction of light intercepted by dry+green leaves (0-1) . +TRWUP TotRootUpPot Potential Root Water Uptake (mm/d) . +EOP PTranspiration Potential Crop Transpiration (mm/d) . +COAD Oil kg/ha Total oil accumulated (kg/ha) . +COAM Oil kg/ha at PM Total oil accumulated at physiological maturity (kg/ha) . +XWAD Oil kg /ha Oil kg/ha . +XO%D Seed oil % Seed oil concentration (%) . +HSAM Seed Yield Yield at harvest maturity (kg/ha 9% moisture) . + +*SOIL ORGANIC MATTER +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +CO20C SurfCO2 (kg/ha) Cumul. CO2 from surface org. matter decomp (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2SC SoilCO2 (kg/ha) Cumul. CO2 from soil org. matter decomposition (kg[C]/ha). +CO2TC TotSoilCO2(k/h) Cumul. CO2 from surface + soil OM decomp. (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2TD SoilCO2(kg/ha) Daily CO2 from surface + soil OM decomp. (kg[C]/ha) . +HRCH C harvest res C in harvest residue (kg [C]/ha) . +HRNH N harvest res N in harvest residue (kg [N]/ha) . +HRPH P harvest res P in harvest residue (kg [P]/ha) . +LC0D LitC L0 (kg/ha) Litter C on surface (kg/ha) . +LC1D LitC L1 (kg/ha) Litter C - soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +LC2D LitC L2 (kg/ha) Litter C - soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +LC3D LitC L3 (kg/ha) Litter C - soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +LC4D LitC L4 (kg/ha) Litter C - soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +LC5+D LitC L5+(kg/ha) Litter C - soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile (kg/ha) . +LCTD LitC (kg/ha) Total soil litter carbon (kg/ha) . +LN0D LitN L0 (kg/ha) Litter N on surface (kg/ha) . +LN1D LitN L1 (kg/ha) Litter N - soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +LN2D LitN L2 (kg/ha) Litter N - soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +LN3D LitN L3 (kg/ha) Litter N - soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +LN4D LitN L4 (kg/ha) Litter N - soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +LN5+D LitN L5+(kg/ha) Litter N - soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +LNTD LitN (kg/ha) Total soil litter N (kg/ha) . +LP0D LitP L0 (kg/ha) Litter P on surface (kg/ha) . +LP1D LitP L1 (kg/ha) Litter P - soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +LP2D LitP L2 (kg/ha) Litter P - soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +LP3D LitP L3 (kg/ha) Litter P - soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +LP4D LitP L4 (kg/ha) Litter P - soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +LP5+D LitP L5+(kg/ha) Litter P - soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +LPTD LitP (kg/ha) Total soil litter P (kg/ha) . +MEC0D MLitC-0 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter C surface (kg/ha) . +MEC1D MLitC-1 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter C layer 1 (kg/ha) . +MEC2D MLitC-2 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter C layer 2 (kg/ha) . +MEC3D MLitC-3 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter C layer 3 (kg/ha) . +MEC4D MLitC-4 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter C layer 4 (kg/ha) . +MEC5+D MLitC-5+(kg/ha) Metabolic litter C layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +MECTD MetLitC (kg/ha) Total soil metabolic litter C (kg/ha) . +MEN0D MLitN-0 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter N surface (kg/ha) . +MEN1D MLitN-1 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter N layer 1 (kg/ha) . +MEN2D MLitN-2 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter N layer 2 (kg/ha) . +MEN3D MLitN-3 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter N layer 3 (kg/ha) . +MEN4D MLitN-4 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter N layer 4 (kg/ha) . +MEN5+D MLitN-5+(kg/ha) Metabolic litter N layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +MENTD MetLitN (kg/ha) Total soil metabolic litter N (kg/ha) . +MEP0D MLitP-0 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter P surface (kg/ha) . +MEP1D MLitP-1 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter P layer 1 (kg/ha) . +MEP2D MLitP-2 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter P layer 2 (kg/ha) . +MEP3D MLitP-3 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter P layer 3 (kg/ha) . +MEP4D MLitP-4 (kg/ha) Metabolic litter P layer 4 (kg/ha) . +MEP5+D MLitP-5+(kg/ha) Metabolic litter P layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +MEPTD MetLitP (kg/ha) Total soil metabolic litter P (kg/ha) . +RESC CumRes (kg/ha) Cumulative residue added (kg/ha) . +RESNC CumResN (kg/ha) Cumulative residue N added (kg[N]/ha) . +RESPC CumResP (kg/ha) Cumulative residue P added (kg[P]/ha) . +S1C0D SOC1 L0 (kg/ha) Active organic C on surface (kg/ha) . +S1C1D SOC1 L1 (kg/ha) Active organic C - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S1C2D SOC1 L2 (kg/ha) Active organic C - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S1C3D SOC1 L3 (kg/ha) Active organic C - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S1C4D SOC1 L4 (kg/ha) Active organic C - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S1C5+D SOC1 L5+(kg/ha) Active organic C - layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S1CTD SOC1 (kg/ha) Total active soil organic C (kg/ha) . +S1N0D SON1 L0 (kg/ha) Active organic N on surface (kg/ha) . +S1N1D SON1 L1 (kg/ha) Active organic N - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S1N2D SON1 L2 (kg/ha) Active organic N - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S1N3D SON1 L3 (kg/ha) Active organic N - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S1N4D SON1 L4 (kg/ha) Active organic N - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S1N5+D SON1 L5+(kg/ha) Active organic N - layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S1NTD SON1 (kg/ha) Total active soil organic N (kg/ha) . +S1P0D SOP1 L0 (kg/ha) Active organic P on surface (kg/ha) . +S1P1D SOP1 L1 (kg/ha) Active organic P - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S1P2D SOP1 L2 (kg/ha) Active organic P - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S1P3D SOP1 L3 (kg/ha) Active organic P - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S1P4D SOP1 L4 (kg/ha) Active organic P - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S1P5+D SOP1 L5+(kg/ha) Active organic P - layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S1PTD SOP1 (kg/ha) Total active soil organic P (kg/ha) . +S2C1D SOC2 L1 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. C - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S2C2D SOC2 L2 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. C - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S2C3D SOC2 L3 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. C - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S2C4D SOC2 L4 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. C - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S2C5+D SOC2 L5+(kg/ha) Intermed. org. C - layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S2CTD SOC2 (kg/ha) Total intermed. soil organic C (kg/ha) . +S2N1D SON2 L1 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. N - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S2N2D SON2 L2 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. N - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S2N3D SON2 L3 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. N - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S2N4D SON2 L4 (kg/ha) Intermed. org. N - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S2N5+D SON2 L5+(kg/ha) Intermed. org. N - layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S2NTD SON2 (kg/ha) Total intermed. soil organic N (kg/ha) . +S23P1D SOP23 L1(kg/ha) Intermediate and stable organic P - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S23P2D SOP23 L2(kg/ha) Intermediate and stable organic P - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S23P3D SOP23 L3(kg/ha) Intermediate and stable organic P - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S23P4D SOP23 L4(kg/ha) Intermediate and stable organic P - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S23P+D SOP23 L5+(kg/h) Intermed. & stable org. P - bottom layers (kg/ha) . +S23PTD SOP23 (kg/ha) Total intermed. soil organic P (kg/ha) . +S3C1D SOC3 L1 (kg/ha) Passive organic C - layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S3C2D SOC3 L2 (kg/ha) Passive organic C - layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S3C3D SOC3 L3 (kg/ha) Passive organic C - layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S3C4D SOC3 L4 (kg/ha) Passive organic C - layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S3C5+D SOC3 L5+(kg/ha) Passive organic C - layer 5 -> bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S3CTD SOC3 (kg/ha) Total passive soil organic C (kg/ha) . +S3N1D SON3 L1 (kg/ha) Passive organic N layer 1 (kg/ha) . +S3N2D SON3 L2 (kg/ha) Passive organic N layer 2 (kg/ha) . +S3N3D SON3 L3 (kg/ha) Passive organic N layer 3 (kg/ha) . +S3N4D SON3 L4 (kg/ha) Passive organic N layer 4 (kg/ha) . +S3N5+D SON3 L5+(kg/ha) Passive organic N layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +S3NTD SON3 (kg/ha) Total passive soil organic N (kg/ha) . +SC%20D SOC 0-20cm (%) Organic C (SOM) in top 20 cm (%) . +SC%40D SOC 20-40cm (%) Organic C (SOM) between 20 and 40 cm depth (%) . +SC0D SOC L0 (kg/ha) Organic C on surface SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SC1D SOC L1 (kg/ha) Organic C in soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +SC2D SOC L2 (kg/ha) Organic C in soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +SC3D SOC L3 (kg/ha) Organic C in soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +SC4D SOC L4 (kg/ha) Organic C in soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +SC5+D SOC L5+(kg/ha) Organic C in soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +SCS20D SOC 0-20cm kg/h Organic C (SOM) in top 20 cm (kg/ha) . +SCS40D SOC20-40cm kg/h Organic C (SOM) between 20 and 40 cm depth (kg/ha) . +SCTD SOC (kg/ha) Total soil organic carbon SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SL%20D TOC 0-20cm (%) Organic C (SOM + litter) in top 20 cm (%) . +SL%40D TOC 20-40cm (%) Organic C (SOM + litter) between 20 and 40 cm depth (%) . +SLC20D TOC 0-20cm kg/h Organic C (SOM + litter) in top 20 cm (kg/ha) . +SLC40D TOC20-40cm kg/h Organic C (SOM + litter) from 20 to 40 cm depth (kg/ha) . +SN%20D SON % 0-20 cm Organic N in top 20 cm of soil (%) . +SN%40D SON % 20-40 cm Organic N in 20-40 cm of soil (%) . +SN0D SON L0 (kg/ha) Organic N on surface (kg/ha) . +SN1D SON L1 (kg/ha) Organic N in soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +SN2D SON L2 (kg/ha) Organic N in soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +SN3D SON L3 (kg/ha) Organic N in soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +SN4D SON L4 (kg/ha) Organic N in soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +SN5+D SON L5+(kg/ha) Organic N in soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +SNS20D SON top 20 cm Organic N in top 20 cm of soil (kg/ha) . +SNS40D SON 20-40 cm Organic N in 20-40 cm of soil (kg/ha) . +SNTD SON (kg/ha) Soil organic N in SOM + FOM (kg/ha) . +SNWLD Sen OM to surf Senesced OM added to surface (kg/ha) . +SNWSD Sen OM to soil Senesced OM added to soil (kg/ha) . +SENCC Sen OM Tot Cum Cumulative senesced organic C (kg/ha) . +SOMCT Soil SOMC kg/ha C in soil organic matter in soil profile (kg/ha) . +SOMNT Soil SOMN kg/ha N in soil organic matter in soil profile (kg/ha) . +SOMPT Soil SOMP kg/ha P in soil organic matter in soil profile (kg/ha) . +SP%20D SOP % 0-20 cm Organic N in top 20 cm of soil (%) . +SP%40D SOP % 20-40 cm Organic N in 20-40 cm of soil (%) . +SP0D SOP L0 (kg/ha) Organic P on surface (kg/ha) . +SP1D SOP L1 (kg/ha) Organic P in soil layer 1 (kg/ha) . +SP2D SOP L2 (kg/ha) Organic P in soil layer 2 (kg/ha) . +SP3D SOP L3 (kg/ha) Organic P in soil layer 3 (kg/ha) . +SP4D SOP L4 (kg/ha) Organic P in soil layer 4 (kg/ha) . +SP5+D SOP L5+(kg/ha) Organic P in soil layer 5 thru bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +SPS20D SOP top 20 cm Organic N in top 20 cm of soil (kg/ha) . +SPS40D SOP 20-40 cm Organic N in 20-40 cm of soil (kg/ha) . +SPTD SOP (kg/ha) Soil organic P (kg/ha) . +STC0D SLitC-0 (kg/ha) Structural litter C surface (kg/ha) . +STC1D SLitC-1 (kg/ha) Structural litter C layer 1 (kg/ha) . +STC2D SLitC-2 (kg/ha) Structural litter C layer 2 (kg/ha) . +STC3D SLitC-3 (kg/ha) Structural litter C layer 3 (kg/ha) . +STC4D SLitC-4 (kg/ha) Structural litter C layer 4 (kg/ha) . +STC5+D SLitC-5+(kg/ha) Structural litter C layer 5 -> bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +STCTD StrLitC (kg/ha) Total soil structural litter C (kg/ha) . +STN0D SLitN-0 (kg/ha) Structural litter N surface (kg/ha) . +STN1D SLitN-1 (kg/ha) Structural litter N layer 1 (kg/ha) . +STN2D SLitN-2 (kg/ha) Structural litter N layer 2 (kg/ha) . +STN3D SLitN-3 (kg/ha) Structural litter N layer 3 (kg/ha) . +STN4D SLitN-4 (kg/ha) Structural litter N layer 4 (kg/ha) . +STN5+D SLitN-5+(kg/ha) Structural litter N layer 5 -> bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +STNTD StrLitN (kg/ha) Total soil structural litter N (kg/ha) . +STP0D SLitP-0 (kg/ha) Structural litter P surface (kg/ha) . +STP1D SLitP-1 (kg/ha) Structural litter P layer 1 (kg/ha) . +STP2D SLitP-2 (kg/ha) Structural litter P layer 2 (kg/ha) . +STP3D SLitP-3 (kg/ha) Structural litter P layer 3 (kg/ha) . +STP4D SLitP-4 (kg/ha) Structural litter P layer 4 (kg/ha) . +STP5+D SLitP-5+(kg/ha) Structural litter P layer 5 -> bottom of profile(kg/ha) . +STPTD StrLitP (kg/ha) Total soil structural litter P (kg/ha) . + +*PLANT PHOSPHORUS +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +NTOPD N:P ratio veg N:P ratio in vegetative tissue . +PHFR1 Frac PTT veg Fraction of photothermal time in phase 1 (vegetative) . +PHFR2 Frac PTT rep Fraction of photothermal time in phase 2 (reproductive) . +PPAD Plant P kg/ha P content in plant (kg[P]/ha) . +PLPPD Plant P conc % Whole plant P concentration (%) . +PRTMD Min root P % Minumum root P concentration (%) . +PRTOD Opt root P % Optimum root P concentration (%) . +PSDMD Min seed P % Minumum seed P concentration (%) . +PSDOD Opt seed P % Optimum seed P concentration (%) . +PSHMD Min shoot P % Minumum P concentration in leaf and stem (%) . +PSHOD Opt shoot P % Optimum P concentration in leaf and stem (%) . +PSLMD Min shell P % Minumum shell P concentration (%) . +PSLOD Opt shell P % Optimum shell P concentration (%) . +PST1A P stress photo P stress factor for reducing photosynthate (0-1) . +PST2A P stress veg P stress which affects vegetative growth (0-1) . +PSTRAT P stress ratio Fraction of veg P conc between minimum and optimum . +PTDD P demand Plant daily demand for phosphorus (kg/ha) . +PUPD P uptake kg/ha P uptake (kg[P]/ha-d) . +RTPAD Root P kg/ha P content in roots (kg[P]/ha) . +RTPPD Root P conc % Root P concentration (%) . +SDPAD Seed P kg/ha P content in seed (kg[P]/ha) . +SDPPD Seed P conc % Seed P concentration (%) . +SHPAD Veg P kg/ha P content in leaf and stem tissue (kg[P]/ha) . +SHPPD Veg P conc % P concentration in leaf and stem tissue (%) . +SHWAD Shoot mass Mass of vegetative tissue (leaf and stem) (kg[DM]/ha) . +SHRTD Shoot/root Shoot/root ratio . +SLPAD Shell P kg/ha P content in shell (kg[P]/ha) . +SLPPD Shell P conc % Shell P concentration (%) . +SNP0C P senesce surf P senesced to surface (kg[P]/ha) . +SNP1C P senesce soil P senesced to soil (kg[P]/ha) . + +*SOIL PHOSPHORUS +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +PACTD P Active kg/ha Active soil P (kg [P]/ha) . +PAPC P Applied kg/ha Inorganic P applied (kg/ha) . +PAV1D P avail layer 1 P available for uptake in soil layer 1 (kg [P]/ha) . +PAV2D P avail layer 2 P available for uptake in soil layer 2 (kg [P]/ha) . +PAV3D P avail layer 3 P available for uptake in soil layer 3 (kg [P]/ha) . +PAV4D P avail layer 4 P available for uptake in soil layer 4 (kg [P]/ha) . +PAV5D P avail layer 5 P available for uptake in soil layer 5 (kg [P]/ha) . +PAVLD P Avail kg/ha P available to plant, soluble in root zone (kg [P]/ha) . +PIAD Tot soil P kg/h Total soil inorganic P (kg [P]/ha) . +PIMC P Immobilized Cumulative P immobilized (kg[P]/ha) . +PIMD P Immobilized Daily P immobilized (kg[P]/ha/d) . +PLABD P Labile kg/ha Labile soil P (kg [P]/ha) . +PMNC P Mineralize Cumulative P mineralized (kg [P]/ha) . +PMND P Mineralize Cumulative P mineralized (kg[P]/ha/d) . +PSOLD P Soluble kg/ha Soluble P (kg [P]/ha) . +PSTAD P Stable kg/ha Stable soil P (kg [P]/ha) . +PUP1D P uptake layr 1 P uptake in soil layer 1 (kg [P]/ha) . +PUP2D P uptake layr 2 P uptake in soil layer 2 (kg [P]/ha) . +PUP3D P uptake layr 3 P uptake in soil layer 3 (kg [P]/ha) . +PUP4D P uptake layr 4 P uptake in soil layer 4 (kg [P]/ha) . +PUP5D P uptake layr 5 P uptake in soil layer 5 (kg [P]/ha) . +PLAB1 P labile 1 ppm Labile soil P in layer 1 (ppm) . +PLAB2 P labile 2 ppm Labile soil P in layer 2 (ppm) . +PLAB3 P labile 3 ppm Labile soil P in layer 3 (ppm) . +PLAB4 P labile 4 ppm Labile soil P in layer 4 (ppm) . +PLAB5 P labile 5 ppm Labile soil P in layer 5 (ppm) . + +*SOIL POTASSIUM +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +KAPC K fert kg/ha Cumulative K fertilizer applied (kg/ha) . +KAPD K fert kg/ha Daily K fertilizer applied (kg/ha) . +KAV1D K avail layr 1 K available in soil layer 1 (ppm) . +KAV2D K avail layr 2 K available in soil layer 2 (ppm) . +KAV3D K avail layr 3 K available in soil layer 3 (ppm) . +KAV4D K avail layr 4 K available in soil layer 4 (ppm) . +KAV5D K avail layr 5 K available in soil layer 5 (ppm) . +KAVLD K avail kg/ha Available inorganic K in profile (kg/ha) . +KTOTD K total kg/ha Total inorganic K in profile (kg/ha) . +KUP1D K uptake lyr 1 K taken up by plant in soil layer 1 (ppm) . +KUP2D K uptake lyr 2 K taken up by plant in soil layer 2 (ppm) . +KUP3D K uptake lyr 3 K taken up by plant in soil layer 3 (ppm) . +KUP4D K uptake lyr 4 K taken up by plant in soil layer 4 (ppm) . +KUP5D K uptake lyr 5 K taken up by plant in soil layer 5 (ppm) . +KUPC K uptake kg/ha Cumulative K uptake by plants (kg/ha) . +KUPD K uptake kg/ha Daily K uptake by plants (kg/ha) . + +*FRESH WEIGHT +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +PDMCD DryMatterC frac Average dry matter concentration product (fraction) . +AFPWD FreshWt g/fruit Average fresh fruit (pod, ear) weight (g/fruit) . +ADPWD DryWt g/fruit Average dry fruit (pod, ear) weight (g/fruit) . +PAGED Pod age days Age of oldest pod or ear (days) . +FCULD Fr wt cullkg/ha Fresh weight for cull fruit/pods (kg/ha) . +FSZ1D Fr wt 1 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 1 (kg/ha) . +FSZ2D Fr wt 2 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 2 (kg/ha) . +FSZ3D Fr wt 3 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 3 (kg/ha) . +FSZ4D Fr wt 4 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 4 (kg/ha) . +FSZ5D Fr wt 5 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 5 (kg/ha) . +FSZ6D Fr wt 6 kg/ha Fresh weight for size class 6 (kg/ha) . +XMAGE Req. pod age d Required pod age for Multi-Harvest (days) . +CHNUM Cum. Harvest # Cumulative harvest number (#) . +TOSHN Tot # sh #/m2 Total Number of shells (#/m2) . +TOWSH Tot sh m. kg/ha Total Shell mass (kg/ha) . +MTDSH Sh m. MtF kg/ha Shell mass of mature fruits (kg/ha) . +HSHEL Har sh Wt kg/ha Harvested shell weight (kg/ha) . +TOPOW Tot pod W kg/ha Total pod weight (kg/ha) . +HPODW Har pod W kg/ha Harvested pod weight (kg/ha) . +CHPDT C.H.podWt kg/ha Cumulative harvested pod weight of mature fruits (kg/ha) . +CPODN C. pod Wt kg/ha Cumulative pod weight (kg/ha) . +TOFPW Fr pod Wt kg/ha Total pod (ear) fresh weight (kg/ha) . +MTFPW Fr Wt Mat kg/ha Fresh weight of mature fruits (kg/ha) . +MTDPW Dry Wt Ma kg/ha Dry weight of mature fruits (seed and shell) (kg/ha) . +CHFPW C.H. Fr W kg/ha Cumulative harv. fresh weight of mature fruits (kg/ha) . +CMFNM C.M. Fruit #/m2 Cumulative mature fruit number (#/m2) . +TOSDN Tot # sd #/m2 Total Number of seeds (#/m2) . +TOWSD Tot sd m. kg/ha Total Seed mass (kg/ha) . +MTDSD Sd m. MtF kg/ha Seed mass of mature fruits (kg/ha) . +HSDWT Har sd Wt kg/ha Harvested seed weight (kg/ha) . +ADPWM DryWt g/fruit Avg dry fruit (pod, ear) weight at maturity (g/fruit) . +AFPWM FreshWt g/fruit Avg fresh fruit (pod, ear) weight at maturity (g/fruit) . +FHWAD Fresh harvest Harvest product fresh wt (kg/ha) . +FPWAD Tot Fr Wt kg/ha Total pod (ear) fresh weight (kg/ha) . +RTFPW FreshMatWt k/h Fresh weight of mature fruits (periodic) (kg/ha) . +RTDPW DryWtMatur k/h Dry weight of mature fruits (periodic) (kg/ha) . +MFWAD Mrkt Fr Wt k/h Market fresh fruit (pod, ear) weight (kg/ha) . +NFWAD # market/ha Market fruit (pod, ear) number (fruit/ha) . +PAGEM Pod age d Age of oldest pod or ear at maturity (days) . +PDMCM DryMatter frac Avg dry matter concentration at maturity (fraction) . +PDMCH DryMatter frac Avg dry matter concentration at harvest (fraction) . +SMFMH Stalk fresh massMillable cane fresh weight at harvest (t/ha) . + +*CANEGRO - South Africa +! Added by Matthew Jones 20070323 for the CANEGRO output analysis exercises +! New codes, MJ Feb 2008 (mainly t/ha measures as conv. for sugarcane) +! MJ: March 2008: t/ha values at harvest +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +AELH Aerial DM t/ha Aerial dry biomass at harvest (t/ha) . +BADMD Aerial DM t/ha Aerial dry biomass (t/ha) . +BRDMD Bioms increase Biomass increase per day (kg/ha/day) . +DL#D Dead leaf # Dead leaf number . +LAIGD Green LAI Green leaf area index (m2/m2) . +LAIGH Green LAI @ har Green leaf area index at harvest (m2/m2) . +LDDMD Trash DM t/ha Trash (residue) dry mass (t/ha), exclud. green tops & ms . +LDGFD Lodging Extent of lodging (0-1) . +LGDMD Green tops DM Green leaf canopy + meristem dry mass(t/ha)[green tops] . +PGRD Gross photos. Gross photosynthesis rate (t/ha/day) . +RDMD Root DM t/ha Root dry mass (t/ha) . +RTLD Total RLV (cm2) Total root length per cm2 (cm/cm2) . +SHTD Stalk height m Stalk height (m) . +SMDMD Stalk DM t/ha Stalk (millable) dry mass, t/ha) . +SMFMD Stalk fresh massStalk (millable) fresh mass (t/ha) . +STKH Stalk DM t/ha Stalk (millable) dry mass at harvest (t/ha) . +SU%DMD Sucrose % DM Sucrose content (%) of dry stalk mass . +SU%FMD Sucrose % WM Sucrose content (%) of fresh ('wet') stalk mass . +SUCH Sucrose DM t/ha Sucrose dry mass at harvest (t/ha) . +SUCMD Sucrose DM t/ha Sucrose dry mass (t/ha) . +TRSH Trash DM t/ha Trash (residue) dry mass at harvest (t/ha) . +TTEBC HeatUnits Emrg. Thermal Time (heat units) for emergence base temp. . +TTLEC HeatUnits Stlk. Thermal Time (heat units) for stalk population Tbase . +TTSPC HeatUnits Leaf. Thermal Time (heat units) for leaf extension Tbase . +LGNAD Green Leaf N Green leaf canopy + meristem N mass (kg/ha) . +LDNAD Senesced Leaf N Senesced leaf N mass (kg/ha) . +LGN%D Green Leaf N% Green leaf canopy + meristem N concentration (%) . +LDN%D Senesced Leaf N%Senesced leaf N concentration (%) . + +*Dynamic soil properties +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +BD1 Bulk Dens Lyr 1 Bulk density in soil layer 1 (g/cm3) . +BD2 Bulk Dens Lyr 2 Bulk density in soil layer 2 (g/cm3) . +BD3 Bulk Dens Lyr 3 Bulk density in soil layer 3 (g/cm3) . +BD4 Bulk Dens Lyr 4 Bulk density in soil layer 4 (g/cm3) . +ROCN Curve Number SCS Surface runoff curve number . +CRAIN Cum. Rain Till Cum. rainfall & irrigation since last tillage event (mm) . +DLAYR1 Thickness Lyr 1 Thickness of soil layer 1 (cm) . +DLAYR2 Thickness Lyr 2 Thickness of soil layer 2 (cm) . +DLAYR3 Thickness Lyr 3 Thickness of soil layer 3 (cm) . +DLAYR4 Thickness Lyr 4 Thickness of soil layer 4 (cm) . +DUL1 Drained UL Lyr1 Water content at drained upper limit, layer 1 (mm3/mm3) . +DUL2 Drained UL Lyr2 Water content at drained upper limit, layer 2 (mm3/mm3) . +DUL3 Drained UL Lyr3 Water content at drained upper limit, layer 3 (mm3/mm3) . +DUL4 Drained UL Lyr4 Water content at drained upper limit, layer 4 (mm3/mm3) . +KECHGE1Kin Energy Lyr1 Kinetic energy since last tillage to layer 1 (J/cm2) . +KECHGE2Kin Energy Lyr2 Kinetic energy since last tillage to layer 2 (J/cm2) . +KECHGE3Kin Energy Lyr3 Kinetic energy since last tillage to layer 3 (J/cm2) . +KECHGE4Kin Energy Lyr4 Kinetic energy since last tillage to layer 4 (J/cm2) . +LL1 Lower Lim Lyr 1 Water content at lower limit, layer 1 (mm3/mm3) . +LL2 Lower Lim Lyr 2 Water content at lower limit, layer 2 (mm3/mm3) . +LL3 Lower Lim Lyr 3 Water content at lower limit, layer 3 (mm3/mm3) . +LL4 Lower Lim Lyr 4 Water content at lower limit, layer 4 (mm3/mm3) . +SAT1 Saturation Lyr1 Saturated water content, layer 1 (mm3/mm3) . +SAT2 Saturation Lyr2 Saturated water content, layer 2 (mm3/mm3) . +SAT3 Saturation Lyr3 Saturated water content, layer 3 (mm3/mm3) . +SAT4 Saturation Lyr4 Saturated water content, layer 4 (mm3/mm3) . +SOLCOV Soil cover frac Soil cover due to canopy and mulch (fraction) . +SUMKE Sum Kin Energy Kinetic energy to soil since last tillage (J/cm2) . +SWCN1 Ksat Lyr 1 Saturated hydraulic conductivity in layer 1 (cm/hr) . +SWCN2 Ksat Lyr 2 Saturated hydraulic conductivity in layer 2 (cm/hr) . +SWCN3 Ksat Lyr 3 Saturated hydraulic conductivity in layer 3 (cm/hr) . +SWCN4 Ksat Lyr 4 Saturated hydraulic conductivity in layer 4 (cm/hr) . +TOTAW Avail wat mm Available water capacity (mm) . + +*Leaves +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +LNUM Leaf # Number of leaf on one axis . +AREAP Potential area Potential area of leaf on main axis (cm2) . +AREA1 Area youngest Area of youngest mature leaf on main axis (cm2) . +AREAT Area cohort Area of cohort of leaves at leaf position (cm2) . +AREAS Area senesced Senesced area of lf cohort at leaf position (cm2) . +T#PL Tiller# at leaf Tiller number/plant at leaf position . +T#AL Tiller# at leaf Tiller number/area(m2) at leaf position . +WFLF Water stress lf Water stress factor for leaf (0-1,1=0 stress) . +WFLFP Water stress ph Water stress factor for photosynthesis (0-1,1=0 stress) . +NFLF N stress leaf N stress factor for leaf (0-1,1=0 stress) . +NFLFP N stress phs N stress factor for photosynthesis (0-1,1=0 stress) . +AFLF Assimilate fac Assimilate factor for leaf (0-1,1=0 no limitation) . +TFLF Temperature fac Temperature factor for leaf (0-1,1=0 no limitation) . +DAYSG Days growth lf Number of days of growth . + +*MOW & GRAZING +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +MOW Residue biomass Residual biomass after mowing (kg/ha) . +MVS Residual V stg Residual vegetative stage after mowing (node #) . +RSHT Residual hght Residule height after mowing (cm) [not used] . +RSPLF Residual leaf Residual leaf after mowing (%) . + +*FORAGES +@CDE LABEL DESCRIPTION............................................ SYNONYMS +FHC%H Harv. For.%CH2O Harvested forage carbohydrate conc. at harvest (% CH2O) . +FHLGH Harv. For. Lig. Harvested forage lignin conc. at forage harv. (% lignin) . +FHL%H Harv. For. %Lf Harvested forage leaf percentage at forage harv. (% leaf). +FHN%H Harv. For. %N Harvested forage nitrogen conc. at forage harvest (% N) . +FHNAH Harv. For. N Harvested forage N weight at forage harvest (kg N/ha) . +FHNO Forage harvest Count of forage harvests within current run . +FHWAH Harv. For. Wt. Harvested forage wt. (leaf+stem) @ forage harv. (kg/ha) . +RCWAH Resid. Can. Wt. Residual canopy weight after forage harvest (kg/ha) . +RLAIH Resid. LAI Residual leaf area index after forage harvest . +RLWAH Resid. Leaf Wt. Residual leaf weight after forage harvest (kg/ha) . +RSWAH Resid. Stem Wt. Residual stem weight after forage harvest (kg/ha) . +RSRWH Resid. Stor.Wt. Residual storage organ weight after forage harv. (kg/ha) . +RRTWH Resid. Root Wt. Residual root weight after forage harvest (kg/ha) . +RLAIH Resid. LAI Residual leaf area index after forage harvest . + +*Greenhouse Gas Emissions +CCEQC CO2eq-CO2 CO2 emissions as CO2 equivalent (kg[CO2eq]/ha) . +CH4BLC Cum_CH4_bal Cumulative CH4 balance (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4BLD CH4_balance Daily CH4 Balance (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4COC CumCH4Consumpt Cumulative CH4 consumption (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4COD CH4Consumption Daily CH4 Consumption (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4DID CH4Diffusion Daily CH4 Diffusion (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4EBD CH4Ebullition Daily CH4 Ebullition (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4EC Cum CH4 emitted Cumulative methane emitted kg[C]/ha . +CH4ED CH4Emission kg Daily CH4 Emission (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4GED CH4Emission g Daily CH4 Emission (g[C]/ha) . +CH4LCC CumCH4Leaching Cumulative CH4 leaching (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4LCD CH4Leaching Daily CH4 Leaching (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4PLD CH4PlantFlux Daily CH4 PlantFlux (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4PRD CH4Production Daily CH4 Production (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4SBD TCH4Substrate Daily portion of new CO2 proportioned to CH4 (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4SFD StorageFlux Daily CH4 Storage flux (kg[C]/ha) . +CH4STD CH4Stored CH4 stored in soil and floodwater (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2EC Cum CO2 emitted Cumulative CO2 emissions from soil (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2ED CO2emission kg Daily CO2 emission (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2GED CO2emission g Daily CO2 emission (g[C]/ha) . +CO2TC CumNewCO2 Cumul. CO2 from surface + soil OM decomp. (kg[C]/ha) . +CO2TD newCO2Tot Daily CO2 from surface + soil OM decomp. (g[C]/ha) . +MCEQC CO2eq-CH4 Methane emissions as CO2 equivalent (kg[CO2eq]/ha) . +N2ODC Cum N2O denit Cumulative N2O from denitrification, soil profile (kg/ha). +N2ODD Day N2O denit Daily N2O from denitrification, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +N2OEC Cum N2O emitted Cumulative N2O emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +N2OED N2O emitted kg Daily N2O emissions from soil (kg[N]/ha) . +N2OGED N2O emitted g Daily N2O emissions from soil (g[N]/ha) . +N2OFC Cum N2O flux Cumulative N2O flux, soil profile (kg/ha) . +N2OFD Day N2O flux Daily N2O flux, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +N2ONC Cum N2O nitrif Cumulative N2O from nitrification, soil profile (kg/ha) . +N2OND Day N2O nitrif Daily N2O from nitrification, soil profile (g[N]/ha/d) . +N2O10 N2O flux lyr 10 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 10(g[N]/ha) . +N2O1D N2O flux lyr 1 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 1 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O2D N2O flux lyr 2 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 2 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O3D N2O flux lyr 3 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 3 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O4D N2O flux lyr 4 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 4 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O5D N2O flux lyr 5 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 5 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O6D N2O flux lyr 6 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 6 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O7D N2O flux lyr 7 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 7 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O8D N2O flux lyr 8 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 8 (g[N]/ha) . +N2O9D N2O flux lyr 9 Daily N2O flux, soil layer 9 (g[N]/ha) . +NCEQC CO2eq-N2O N2O emissions as CO2 equivalent (kg[CO2eq]/ha) . +TCEQC CO2eq-Total Total GHG emissions as CO2 equivalent (kg[CO2eq]/ha) . +