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138 lines (121 loc) · 8.43 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (121 loc) · 8.43 KB

General TODOs

  • Refactor TODO List
  • Move Big TODOs here to clean up some of the code.
  • Get it on NPM? What other platforms can I put it on?
  • Make a Document/Wiki page
  • Create a HowTo for using simplySass?
  • Find out how to make a release
  • Like gridlex (which I think has the code moved into different functions) have media request code moved/made all in one spot.
  • Add more info to the
  • (Done, for now) TODO Write a better
  • Update and find out how to add the features that tell it's status and other info at a glance.
  • Create a feature list to list out wanted ones
  • Update Feature List
  • Rewrite this list as a markdown
  • Is the _standards file nessasary?
  • Design and create a Logo for this project.
  • Make a way for the code to output some fallback code (@supports()) when using more newer css code.
  • A minified version of the project.
  • Update (Add to "Wanted Features" and "Current Featrues")
  • Remove TODO-List.txt
  • Start using branching for development and bug fixing.

_color TODOs

  • Make a color checkers to help users know the if text will be visible.
    • Maybe a function that will output two color that is visible that takes in the colors being tested ($background, $text-color), a minimum contrast level ($contrast: 50% <-- in percentage) to have between the two colors, and outputs a list of colors on either side of the text-color that matches the requirements
  • Make these color functions work in different color spaces
  • Comment and maybe name the color functions to their color spaces that they work in.
  • Make the gradient function take more starting colors to work with. ex. (c1 <-> c2 <-> c3)
  • Make a function that outputs the contrast level, between at least two colors.
  • Write better comments for each function.
  • Rewrite the function that choose color harmonies in _colors for the mixins that reside in _mixins. (I broke something. My grammar. LOL)
  • Transfer TODOs, that can be moved, from _color to here.
  • Document _colors partials section

_flexbox TODOs

  • [-] Check if media queries here will merge with the ones in _grid if they have the same attributes. (Ignore this one.)
  • Make a set of mixins for _flexbox
  • Add columns to the _flexbox partials
  • Look up some Flexbox patterns and try to implement them.
  • Document _flexbox partials

_functions TODOs

  • Think of some functions that would work here.

_grid TODOs

  • Future idea, make the .grid-items take a modifier to add a name from the user so they have more unique names?
  • Based on the idea above, have the grid-item do it all.
    • Have it check for the type <number>, <list>, and <map> then respon accordingly.
  • Add place-items to the _grid/_sub-grid code (replaces justify/align-items?)
  • Add new CSS code to _grid()
    • place-items,
    • grid-template?
    • place-self(? this can be added in the grid-items code itself)
    • align-content(_grid and _sub-grid?),
    • place-content
    • grid-auto-(colemns/rows)
    • grid-auto-flow
    • grid (the version like CSS background?)
    • Maybe for the grid-template, I can add it so that it or the other code is used.
  • See if there's a way to make it easier to overlap items.
  • Should I have to manually enter in all the data for tablet and desktop in the _grid function?
    • If they do, it will allow for cleaner code. but then it will mean that people using the library will have to write more in.
    • What is something that is common that doesn't change often? Maybe that won't need to be changed, so there's a mix of items that don't need to be "changed" and some that do.
      • Ex. The padding on the sides of _grid
  • While _sub-grid() needs to be separate to do it's work, can I combine the grid-items and sub-grid-items into one so it will generate less code and hopefully make it easier to work with?
  • Another way to cut some code would be to remove the repeat() from the outputed code when the associating section is equal to 1.
  • Have _grid check to see if $rows and $cols has been sent a string, because this causes them to only output one --grid-item being that they only see a length of 1 from each making 1 * 1 = 1.
  • Why does _grid produce code that outputs justify-content instead of having it inside of .grid itself?
  • grid-template-areas works without the need to predefine cols and rows. Add this functionality into _grid()
  • Add as many features from _sub-grid() to _grid() that will work.
    • Based on some of the ways the methods/functions/features that I want in _grid, they will most likely have to be added to _sub-grid(). This is do to the padding that is involved in _grid() which messes up how things fall into place. I will still need to test out all of the features I wish to add, it may be possible to add some of them.
  • Add an "s" to the end of grid-item and grid-area
  • Can I make _grid create --grid-items that are --grid-area? Would that be benificial? I think that I've already done this.
  • Make a variable for grid-items that can hold a prefix to name the class, if none then name it grid-item-#
  • Add better documentation to _grid partials
  • See about combining sub-grid and grid mixins to shorten code
  • Try and see if auto-fill and auto-fit will work like I tried before. (_sub-grid?)
  • When making non repeating cols and rows make the code not use the CSS repeat() (Makes it more custom) (for tablet/desktop too)
  • Have the code check whether or not to auto create grid item variables in _grid/_sub-grid (Using a passed variable) (auto-items)
  • Have the ability to pass custom grid item variables to _grid/_sub-grid (in a passed variable) (custom-items)
    • Do I need to have $auto-items if I can check if $custom-items is not null?
    • What if I create a separate function to make --grid-items inside a class instead?
  • [T] Have _grid/_sub-grid take a map as well as a list to handle custom lists (done, needs testing)
  • Have the $auto-items switch the direction how they're created? (Used for something else) (Along the X-axis or Y-axis first)
  • Have grid-items/sub-grid-items also take in a to create custom grid areas with the 1/1/1/1 system
    • (possible?) (Already done in grid-item-areas?) (Yep, I already created this)
  • Shorten names to make creating layouts faster.
  • Remove grid-item-areas since grid-items now covers it all.
  • Make _sub-grid-items not use names and use exclusively numbers?
  • Maybe try converting some of _grid/_sub-grid code to use function like parts to reuse and simplify code. (I don't know if this is possible)
  • Add some error checking and messages to the output of the code. (if possible)
  • Make sub-grid-items copy grid-itmes if not removing it.
  • When grid-items start to use modifiers for the name, _grid/_sub-grid will need to have a modifier to possibly
  • Make grid-items use more variables to create more custom classes?
  • Add an extra screen sizes (large screen, portrait and landscape) to _grid
  • Add an extra screen sizes (large screen, portrait and landscape) to _sub-grid
  • Test the extra screen sizes
  • Create a mixin inside of _grid to condense code
  • Add a top and bottom padding var to _grid/_sub-grid (Just a simple way to add space between sections)
  • An idea for the future (not sure if it would be helpful/useful). Make a dynamic generated media queries that are made from lists and maps?

_mixins TODOs

  • This file is broken. It calls functions that have been moved and don't exist anymore. Fix it.
  • Go through each mixin and see what can be removed.
  • For Mixins that are kept, see what can be changed to make them more usefull/robust.
  • Make a button mixin
  • Make a card mixin
  • Make a nav-bar mixin

_standards TODOs

  • TODO See if this file is really needed.

_variables TODOs

  • This needs more colors?
  • What other variables is good to put here?

test.scss TODOs