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2450 lines (1538 loc) · 86.6 KB


File metadata and controls

2450 lines (1538 loc) · 86.6 KB



  • api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
  • api-change:waf: [botocore] Update waf client to latest version


  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Update resource-groups client to latest version
  • api-change:opsworkscm: [botocore] Update opsworkscm client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:cur: [botocore] Update cur client to latest version


  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:mediastore: [botocore] Update mediastore client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] Update autoscaling client to latest version


  • api-change:athena: [botocore] Update athena client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:stepfunctions: [botocore] Update stepfunctions client to latest version
  • api-change:cloud9: [botocore] Update cloud9 client to latest version


  • api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: [botocore] Update kinesis-video-archived-media client to latest version
  • api-change:workdocs: [botocore] Update workdocs client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesisvideo: [botocore] Update kinesisvideo client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesis-video-media: [botocore] Update kinesis-video-media client to latest version
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] Update transfer client to latest version


  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version
  • api-change:directconnect: [botocore] Update directconnect client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version
  • enhancement:Paginator: [botocore] Add additional paginators for CloudFormation
  • api-change:efs: [botocore] Update efs client to latest version


  • api-change:athena: [botocore] Update athena client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version


  • api-change:chime: [botocore] Update chime client to latest version
  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version


  • api-change:kinesisvideo: [botocore] Update kinesisvideo client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Update mediatailor client to latest version
  • api-change:efs: [botocore] Update efs client to latest version


  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version


  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version


  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version


  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:gamelift: [botocore] Update gamelift client to latest version
  • api-change:robomaker: [botocore] Update robomaker client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:fsx: [botocore] Update fsx client to latest version


  • api-change:shield: [botocore] Update shield client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version
  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version


  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconnect: [botocore] Update mediaconnect client to latest version


  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Update logs client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:sms-voice: [botocore] Update sms-voice client to latest version
  • api-change:ecr: [botocore] Update ecr client to latest version


  • api-change:worklink: [botocore] Update worklink client to latest version
  • api-change:apigatewaymanagementapi: [botocore] Update apigatewaymanagementapi client to latest version
  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] Update acm-pca client to latest version


  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:fms: [botocore] Update fms client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] Update lightsail client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version


  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:backup: [botocore] Update backup client to latest version


  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:rds-data: [botocore] Update rds-data client to latest version
  • api-change:emr: [botocore] Update emr client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version


  • api-change:docdb: [botocore] Update docdb client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version


  • api-change:appmesh: [botocore] Update appmesh client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version


  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version


  • enhancement:Paginator: [botocore] Added over 400 new paginators.
  • api-change:opsworkscm: [botocore] Update opsworkscm client to latest version


  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] Update acm-pca client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • api-change:sms-voice: [botocore] Update sms-voice client to latest version
  • api-change:stepfunctions: [botocore] Update stepfunctions client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • enhancement:EndpointDiscovery: [botocore] Add a config option, endpoint_discovery_enabled, for automatically discovering endpoints
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Update firehose client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Update cognito-idp client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:waf: [botocore] Update waf client to latest version


  • api-change:apigatewayv2: [botocore] Update apigatewayv2 client to latest version
  • bugfix:Credentials: [botocore] Fixes an issue where credentials would be checked when creating an anonymous client. Fixes #1472
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version
  • api-change:globalaccelerator: [botocore] Update globalaccelerator client to latest version
  • enhancement:StreamingBody: [botocore] Support iterating lines from a streaming response body with CRLF line endings
  • api-change:apigatewaymanagementapi: [botocore] Update apigatewaymanagementapi client to latest version


  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Update quicksight client to latest version
  • api-change:ecr: [botocore] Update ecr client to latest version


  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Update cloudformation client to latest version


  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint-email: [botocore] Update pinpoint-email client to latest version


  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Update eks client to latest version


  • api-change:mediastore: [botocore] Update mediastore client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update connect client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • enhancement:AssumeRole: [botocore] Add support for duration_seconds when assuming a role in the config file (#1600).
  • api-change:iam: [botocore] Update iam client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:mq: [botocore] Update mq client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Update mediatailor client to latest version


  • api-change:health: [botocore] Update health client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version


  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version


  • bugfix:s3: [botocore] Add md5 header injection to new operations that require it
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version


  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:stepfunctions: [botocore] Update stepfunctions client to latest version
  • api-change:xray: [botocore] Update xray client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:serverlessrepo: [botocore] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version
  • api-change:kafka: [botocore] Update kafka client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:appmesh: [botocore] Update appmesh client to latest version
  • api-change:license-manager: [botocore] Update license-manager client to latest version
  • api-change:servicediscovery: [botocore] Update servicediscovery client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] Update lightsail client to latest version


  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Update securityhub client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:fsx: [botocore] Update fsx client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version


  • api-change:meteringmarketplace: [botocore] Update meteringmarketplace client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version
  • api-change:translate: [botocore] Update translate client to latest version
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Update logs client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesisanalytics: [botocore] Update kinesisanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehendmedical: [botocore] Update comprehendmedical client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconnect: [botocore] Update mediaconnect client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: [botocore] Update kinesisanalyticsv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:sms: [botocore] Update sms client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:greengrass: [botocore] Update greengrass client to latest version
  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Update kms client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:globalaccelerator: [botocore] Update globalaccelerator client to latest version


  • api-change:amplify: [botocore] Update amplify client to latest version
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] Update transfer client to latest version
  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Update snowball client to latest version
  • api-change:robomaker: [botocore] Update robomaker client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:datasync: [botocore] Update datasync client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version


  • api-change:autoscaling-plans: [botocore] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version
  • api-change:xray: [botocore] Update xray client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:rds-data: [botocore] Update rds-data client to latest version
  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Update appsync client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Update quicksight client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] Update cloudfront client to latest version


  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] Update lightsail client to latest version
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version
  • api-change:workdocs: [botocore] Update workdocs client to latest version
  • api-change:batch: [botocore] Update batch client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Update cloudformation client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Update cloudtrail client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:sms-voice: [botocore] Update sms-voice client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:s3control: [botocore] Update s3control client to latest version
  • api-change:directconnect: [botocore] Update directconnect client to latest version
  • api-change:ram: [botocore] Update ram client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:route53resolver: [botocore] Update route53resolver client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:iam: [botocore] Update iam client to latest version


  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Update resource-groups client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] Update autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Update mediatailor client to latest version
  • api-change:sns: [botocore] Update sns client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:chime: [botocore] Update chime client to latest version
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version


  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Update polly client to latest version
  • api-change:batch: [botocore] Update batch client to latest version
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Update firehose client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Update cloudformation client to latest version
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version
  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Update codepipeline client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version
  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version


  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint-email: [botocore] Update pinpoint-email client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
  • bugfix:session config: [botocore] Added the default session configuration tuples back to session.session_vars_map.


  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Update eks client to latest version
  • enhancement:Configuration: [botocore] Added new configuration provider methods allowing for more flexibility in how a botocore session loads a particular configuration value.
  • api-change:serverlessrepo: [botocore] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version
  • api-change:clouddirectory: [botocore] Update clouddirectory client to latest version


  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • enhancement:Exceptions: [botocore] Add the ability to pickle botocore exceptions (834)


  • api-change:mediastore-data: [botocore] Update mediastore-data client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:greengrass: [botocore] Update greengrass client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version


  • api-change:chime: [botocore] Update chime client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:codestar: [botocore] Update codestar client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version
  • api-change:shield: [botocore] Update shield client to latest version


  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version


  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] Update lightsail client to latest version
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Update resource-groups client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Update cloudtrail client to latest version


  • api-change:athena: [botocore] Update athena client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:directconnect: [botocore] Update directconnect client to latest version


  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version


  • enhancement:TLS: [botocore] Added support for configuring a client certificate and key when establishing TLS connections.
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • bugfix:InstanceMetadataFetcher: [botocore] Fix failure to retry on empty credentials and invalid JSON returned from IMDS 1049 1403


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:iot-jobs-data: [botocore] Update iot-jobs-data client to latest version


  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • enhancement:HTTP Session: [botocore] Added the ability to enable TCP Keepalive via the shared config file's tcp_keepalive option.
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version


  • api-change:codestar: [botocore] Update codestar client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:mq: [botocore] Update mq client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • enhancement:Event: [botocore] Add the before-send event which allows finalized requests to be inspected before being sent across the wire and allows for custom responses to be returned.
  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version


  • api-change:sqs: [botocore] Update sqs client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:opsworkscm: [botocore] Update opsworkscm client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] Update cloudfront client to latest version
  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version


  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update connect client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version


  • bugfix:Serialization: [botocore] Fixes #1557. Fixed a regression in serialization where request bodies would be improperly encoded.
  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version


  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:elastictranscoder: [botocore] Update elastictranscoder client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:elasticache: [botocore] Update elasticache client to latest version


  • enhancement:s3: [botocore] Adds encoding and decoding handlers for ListObjectsV2 #1552
  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Update polly client to latest version


  • api-change:ses: [botocore] Update ses client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:fms: [botocore] Update fms client to latest version
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update connect client to latest version


  • api-change:opsworkscm: [botocore] Update opsworkscm client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudhsmv2: [botocore] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version


  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Update logs client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • feature:Events: [botocore] This migrates the event system to using sevice ids instead of either client name or endpoint prefix. This prevents issues that might arise when a service changes their endpoint prefix, also fixes a long-standing bug where you could not register an event to a particular service if it happened to share its endpoint prefix with another service (e.g. autoscaling and application-autoscaling both use the endpoint prefix autoscaling). Please see the upgrade notes to determine if you are impacted and how to proceed if you are.
  • feature:Events: This migrates the event system to using sevice ids instead of either client name or endpoint prefix. This prevents issues that might arise when a service changes their endpoint prefix, also fixes a long-standing bug where you could not register an event to a particular service if it happened to share its endpoint prefix with another service (e.g. autoscaling and application-autoscaling both use the endpoint prefix autoscaling). Please see the upgrade notes to determine if you are impacted and how to proceed if you are.


  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • api-change:elb: [botocore] Update elb client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version


  • api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
  • api-change:waf: [botocore] Update waf client to latest version
  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Update eks client to latest version


  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • bugfix:signing: [botocore] Fix an issue where mixed endpoint casing could cause a SigV4 signature mismatch.


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker-runtime: [botocore] Update sagemaker-runtime client to latest version
  • api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:xray: [botocore] Update xray client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:signer: [botocore] Update signer client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version


  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Update cognito-idp client to latest version
  • feature:urllib3: [botocore] The vendored version of requests and urllib3 are no longer being used and botocore now has a direct dependency on newer versions of upstream urllib3.


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version
  • api-change:lex-models: [botocore] Update lex-models client to latest version
  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version


  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Update snowball client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version


  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version


  • api-change:dax: [botocore] Update dax client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version


  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version


  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] Update autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] Update cloudfront client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:dax: [botocore] Update dax client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Update logs client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version


  • api-change:health: [botocore] Update health client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version


  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Update polly client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesis: [botocore] Update kinesis client to latest version
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Update resource-groups client to latest version


  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version


  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Update kms client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update connect client to latest version


  • api-change:directconnect: [botocore] Update directconnect client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudhsmv2: [botocore] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:mq: [botocore] Update mq client to latest version
  • enhancment:Timestamp Serialization: [botocore] Support explicit timestamp serialization per timestamp shape.
  • api-change:glacier: [botocore] Update glacier client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:greengrass: [botocore] Update greengrass client to latest version
  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version


  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version


  • api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version


  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Update polly client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Update snowball client to latest version


  • api-change:kinesisvideo: [botocore] Update kinesisvideo client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: [botocore] Update kinesis-video-archived-media client to latest version


  • api-change:iam: [botocore] Update iam client to latest version
  • api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version
  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Update appsync client to latest version
  • api-change:efs: [botocore] Update efs client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:emr: [botocore] Update emr client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:opsworks: [botocore] Update opsworks client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version


  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version


  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version


  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:serverlessrepo: [botocore] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version
  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] Update cloudfront client to latest version
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Update codepipeline client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • enhancement:StreamingResponses: [botocore] Add iter_lines() and iter_chunks() to streaming responses (#1195)


  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version


  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


  • api-change:clouddirectory: [botocore] Update clouddirectory client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:macie: [botocore] Update macie client to latest version
  • api-change:neptune: [botocore] Update neptune client to latest version


  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] Update acm-pca client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version


  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version


  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version


  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:clouddirectory: [botocore] Update clouddirectory client to latest version


  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Update mediatailor client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version


  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Update polly client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:shield: [botocore] Update shield client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:mgh: [botocore] Update mgh client to latest version
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Update eks client to latest version


  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Update mediatailor client to latest version
  • api-change:sns: [botocore] Update sns client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version


  • api-change:neptune: [botocore] Update neptune client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version


  • api-change:pi: [botocore] Update pi client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version


  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version


  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version
  • enhancement:Credentials: [botocore] Disable proxy configuration when fetching container credentials
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Update cloudformation client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:ses: [botocore] Update ses client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Update cognito-idp client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version


  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version


  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version


  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
  • api-change:iot1click-devices: [botocore] Update iot1click-devices client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:iot1click-projects: [botocore] Update iot1click-projects client to latest version


  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Update firehose client to latest version


  • api-change:gamelift: [botocore] Update gamelift client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version
  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version


  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version


  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Update appsync client to latest version


  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version
  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Update codepipeline client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version
  • api-change:route53domains: [botocore] Update route53domains client to latest version
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version


  • api-change:glacier: [botocore] Update glacier client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version


  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Update rekognition client to latest version
  • api-change:xray: [botocore] Update xray client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version


  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version


  • api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling-plans: [botocore] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Update firehose client to latest version


  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Update codepipeline client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • bugfix:dynamodb: Fixes a bug causing dynamodb operations with no output to throw errors.


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:workmail: [botocore] Update workmail client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version


  • api-change:clouddirectory: [botocore] Update clouddirectory client to latest version


  • api-change:batch: [botocore] Update batch client to latest version


  • enhancement:shield: [botocore] Added paginator for list_protections operation.
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version


  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Update secretsmanager client to latest version
  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] Update acm-pca client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • feature:s3: Add support for S3 Select. Amazon S3 Select is an Amazon S3 feature that makes it easy to retrieve specific data from the contents of an object using simple SQL expressions without having to retrieve the entire object. With this release of the Amazon S3 SDK, S3 Select API (SelectObjectContent) is now generally available in all public regions. This release supports retrieval of a subset of data using SQL clauses, like SELECT and WHERE, from delimited text files and JSON objects in Amazon S3 through the SelectObjectContent API available in AWS S3 SDK.
  • api-change:fms: [botocore] Update fms client to latest version


  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
  • api-change:translate: [botocore] Update translate client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] Update cloudfront client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:es: [botocore] Update es client to latest version


  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update connect client to latest version
  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version


  • api-change:greengrass: [botocore] Update greengrass client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Update cloudformation client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


  • api-change:mturk: [botocore] Update mturk client to latest version
  • api-change:sts: [botocore] Update sts client to latest version
  • api-change:iam: [botocore] Update iam client to latest version


  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version


  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • bugfix:s3: [botocore] Fix bug where invalid head_object requests would cause an infinite loop (alternate fix to #1400)


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version


  • bugfix:s3: [botocore] Fix regression in redirects in using wrong region


  • bugfix:s3: [botocore] Fixed a bug where head object and bucket calls would attempt redirects incorrectly.
  • api-change:serverlessrepo: [botocore] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version


  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version
  • enhancement:Credentials: [botocore] Add the ability to disable fetching credentials from EC2 metadata by setting the environment variable AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED to 'true'.
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version
  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • bugfix:Credentials: [botocore] Fix a race condition related to assuming a role for the first time (#1405)
  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: [botocore] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version


  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] Update lightsail client to latest version


  • api-change:servicediscovery: [botocore] Update servicediscovery client to latest version


  • api-change:cloudhsmv2: [botocore] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update redshift client to latest version


  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:mgh: [botocore] Update mgh client to latest version


  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version


  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version


  • api-change:ecr: [botocore] Update ecr client to latest version


  • enhancement:Stubber: [botocore] Added the ability to add items to response metadata with the stubber.
  • api-change:sts: [botocore] Update sts client to latest version
  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version
  • feature:s3: [botocore] Default to virtual hosted addressing regardless of signature version (boto/botocore`#1387 <boto/botocore#1387>`__)


  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version


  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Update ce client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:serverlessrepo: [botocore] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version
  • api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version


  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] Update autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
  • api-change:waf: [botocore] Update waf client to latest version


  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] Update mediaconvert client to latest version
  • api-change:gamelift: [botocore] Update gamelift client to latest version


  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Update appsync client to latest version
  • api-change:lex-models: [botocore] Update lex-models client to latest version


  • api-change:glacier: [botocore] Update glacier client to latest version
  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version


  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Update cognito-idp client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Update kms client to latest version


  • api-change:lex-runtime: [botocore] Update lex-runtime client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:lex-models: [botocore] Update lex-models client to latest version


  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version
  • api-change:gamelift: [botocore] Update gamelift client to latest version
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
  • api-change:dms: [botocore] Update dms client to latest version
  • api-change:mediastore: [botocore] Update mediastore client to latest version


  • api-change:servicediscovery: [botocore] Update servicediscovery client to latest version
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version


  • api-change:cloud9: [botocore] Update cloud9 client to latest version
  • api-change:acm: [botocore] Update acm client to latest version
  • api-change:kinesis: [botocore] Update kinesis client to latest version
  • api-change:opsworks: [botocore] Update opsworks client to latest version


  • api-change:mturk: [botocore] Update mturk client to latest version
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
  • api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version


  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version
  • bugfix:Presign: [botocore] Fix issue where some events were not fired during the presigning of a request thus not including a variety of customizations (#1340)
  • enhancement:Credentials: [botocore] Improved error message when the source profile for an assume role is misconfigured. Fixes aws/aws-cli`#2763 <aws/aws-cli#2763>`__
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version
  • enhancment:Paginator: [botocore] Added paginators for a number of services where the result key is unambiguous.


  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling-plans: [botocore] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version


  • api-change:application-autoscaling: [botocore] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:autoscaling-plans: [botocore] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version
  • enhancement:cloudformation get_template template body ordering: [botocore] fixes boto/boto3`#1378 <boto#1378>`__


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
  • api-change:elb: [botocore] Update elb client to latest version


  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Update kms client to latest version


  • api-change:ds: [botocore] Update ds client to latest version


  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version
  • api-change:discovery: [botocore] Update discovery client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version


  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version
  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Update snowball client to latest version


  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version


  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Update workspaces client to latest version


  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:inspector: [botocore] Update inspector client to latest version
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version


  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
  • enhancement:Paginator: [botocore] Added paginator support for lambda list aliases operation.
  • api-change:kinesisanalytics: [botocore] Update kinesisanalytics client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version


  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Update iot client to latest version
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Update config client to latest version


  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update route53 client to latest version
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
  • api-change:mediastore-data: [botocore] Update mediastore-data client to latest version


  • bugfix:presigned-url: [botocore] Fixes a bug where content-type would be set on presigned requests for query services.
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version


  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version


  • bugfix:Filters: Fixes a bug where parameters passed to resource collections could be mutated after the collections were created.
  • api-change:ses: [botocore] Update ses client to latest version
  • enhancement:credentials: [botocore] Moved the JSONFileCache from the CLI into botocore so that it can be used without importing from the cli.
  • feature:botocore dependency: Update dependency strategy to always take a floor on the most recent version of botocore. This means whenever there is a release of botocore, boto3 will release as well to account for the new version of botocore.
  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version


  • enhancement:botocore: Raised minor version dependency for botocore


  • enhancement:botocore: Raised minor version dependency for botocore


  • enhancement:Logging: Switch log levels from INFO to DEBUG (#1208)


  • enhancement:s3: Add a LifecycleConfiguration resource to resolve issues with the existing Lifecycle resource.


  • feature:s3: Add ability to disable thread use with use_threads option
  • bugfix:Resource: Fix resource hashing.


  • feature:ec2: Update client to latest version


  • feature:Session: Expose available_profiles property for Session (``#704 <boto#704>`__)
  • bugfix:s3: Fix issue when transfers would not exit quickly from signals
  • bugfix:sqs.Queue: Fix issue in DeadLetterSourceQueues collection


  • feature:DynamoDB: Add request auto de-duplication based on specified primary keys for batch_writer. (#605)
  • feature:s3: Add managed file-like object uploads to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
  • bugfix:Session: Fixed Session.__repr__ region argument name.
  • feature:s3: Add managed copies to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
  • feature:s3: Add managed downloads to file-like objects in the S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
  • bugfix:s3: Port s3.transfer module to use s3transfer package. Please refer to Upgrading Notes when upgrading. In porting the logic over, various performance issues and bugs were fixed.
  • feature:s3: Add io_chunksize parameter to TransferConfig


  • feature:S3: Add custom load to ObjectSummary
  • feature:Session: Add method to get session credentials
  • bugfix:DynamoDB: Ensure batch writer never sends more than flush_amount (#483)
  • feature:Resources: Add get_available_subresources to Resources (#113)


  • feature:EC2: Update resource model to include Route resources. (issue 532)


  • bugfix:S3: Forward extra_args when using multipart downloads. (issue 503)


  • feature:Session: Add region_name property on session. (issue 414)
  • bugfix:S3: Fix issue with hanging downloads. (issue 471)


  • feature:CloudWatch: Add resource model. (issue 412)
  • feature:S3: Add a start_restore() on Object and ObjectSummary resources. (issue 408)
  • feature:Documentation: Add examples for S3. (issue 402)
  • bugfix:Collections: Fix regression where filters could not be chained. (issue 401)
  • bugfix:S3: Progress callback will be triggered when rewinding stream. (issue 395)


  • feature:Dependencies: Relax version constraint of futures to support version 3.x.
  • feature:Resources: Allow config object to be provided when creating resources (issue 325)
  • feature:Documentation: Add docstrings for resource collections and waiters (issue 267, issue 261)


  • bugfix:setup.cfg: Fix issue in formatting that broke PyPI distributable


  • feature:Docstrings: Add docstrings for resource identifiers, attributes, references, and subresources. (issue 239)
  • feature:S3: Add ability to configure host addressing style when making requests to Amazon S3. (botocore issue 673)
  • bugfix:IAM: Fix model issue with attached groups, roles, and policies. (issue 304)
  • bugfix:EC2.ServiceResource.create_key_pair: Fix model issue where creating key pair does not have a key_material on KeyPair resource. (issue 290)


  • bugfix:Identifier: Make resource identifiers immutable. (issue 246)
  • feature:S3: Both S3 Bucket and Object obtain upload_file() and download_file() (issue 243)


  • feature:aws storagegateway: Add support for resource tagging.
  • feature:timeouts: Add support for customizable timeouts.


  • feature:session.Session: Add events property to access session's event emitter. (issue 204)
  • bugfix:Glacier.Account: Fix issue with resource model. (issue 196)
  • bugfix:DynamoDB: Fix misspelling of error class to DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError. (issue 218)


  • bugfix:EC2.ServiceResource.create_tags: Fix issue when creating multiple tags. (issue 160)


  • bugfix:EC2.Vpc.filter: Fix issue with clobbering of Filtering paramter. (issue 154)


  • bugfix:s3.client.upload_file: Fix double invocation of callbacks when using signature version 4. (issue 133)
  • bugfix:: s3.Bucket.load (issue 128)


  • bugfix:Installation: Fix regression when installing via older versions of pip on python 2.6. (issue 132)


  • feature:ec2: Update resource model. (issue 129)


  • breakingchange:Collections: Remove the page_count and limit arguments from all(). Undocument support for the two arguments in the filter() method. (issue 119)
  • feature:DynamoDB: Add batch writer. (issue 118)


  • feature:DynamoDB: Add document level interface for Table resource (issue 103)
  • feature:DynamoDB: Add ConditionExpression interface for querying and filtering Table resource. (issue 103)
  • feature:Clients: Add support for passing of botocore.client.Config object to instantiation of clients.


  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.107.0.


  • bugfix:Packaging: Fix release sdist and whl files from 0.0.15.
  • feature:Amazon Dynamodb: Add resource model for Amazon DynamoDB.


  • bugfix:Packaging: Fix an issue with the Amazon S3 upload_file and download_file customization. (issue 85)
  • bugfix:Resource: Fix an issue with the Amazon S3 BucketNofitication resource.
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.103.0.


  • feature:Resources: Update to the latest resource models for
  • feature:Amazon S3: Add an upload_file and download_file to S3 clients that transparently handle parallel multipart transfers.
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.102.0.


  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.100.0.


  • feature:Resources: Add the ability to load resource data from a has relationship. This saves a call to load when available, and otherwise fixes a problem where there was no way to get at certain resource data. (issue 74,
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.99.0


  • feature:Resources: Add Amazon EC2 support for ClassicLink actions and add a delete action to EC2 Volume resources.
  • feature:Resources: Add a load operation and user reference to AWS IAM's CurrentUser resource. (issue 72,
  • feature:Resources: Add resources for AWS IAM managed policies. (issue 71)
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.97.0


  • bugfix:Documentation: Name collisions are now handled at the resource model layer instead of the factory, meaning that the documentation now uses the correct names. (issue 67)
  • feature:Session: Add a region_name option when creating a session. (issue 69, issue 21)
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.94.0


  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.92.0


  • bugfix:Resources: Fix Amazon S3 resource identifier order. (issue 62)
  • bugfix:Resources: Fix collection resource hydration path. (issue 61)
  • bugfix:Resources: Re-enable service-level access to all resources, allowing e.g. obj = s3.Object('bucket', 'key'). (issue 60)
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.87.0


  • feature:Resources: Enable support for Amazon Glacier.
  • feature:Resources: Support plural references and nested JMESPath queries for data members when building parameters and identifiers. (issue 52)
  • feature:Resources: Update to the latest resource JSON format. This is a backward-incompatible change as not all resources are exposed at the service level anymore. For example, s3.Object('bucket', 'key') is now s3.Bucket('bucket').Object('key'). (issue 51)
  • feature:Resources: Make resource.meta a proper object. This allows you to do things like resource.meta.client. This is a backward- incompatible change. (issue 45)
  • feature:Dependency: Update to JMESPath 0.6.1
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.86.0


  • feature:Amazon SQS: Add purge action to queue resources
  • feature:Waiters: Add documentation for client and resource waiters (issue 44)
  • feature:Waiters: Add support for resource waiters (issue 43)
  • bugfix:Installation: Remove dependency on the unused six module (issue 42)
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.80.0


  • feature:Resources: Add support for batch actions on collections. (issue 32)
  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.78.0


  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.77.0
  • feature:EC2: Update `Amazon EC2 <http
  • feature:Resources: Support belongsTo resource reference as well as path specified in an action's resource definition.
  • bugfix:SQS: Fix an issue accessing SQS message bodies (issue 33)


  • feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.76.0.



  • feature:Resources: Supports S3, EC2, SQS, SNS, and IAM resources
  • feature:Clients: Supports low-level clients for most services