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File metadata and controls

381 lines (245 loc) · 14.8 KB

Installing Eirene

If you haven't done so already, install Eirene with these steps: 0) ensure you are running the most recent version of Eirene 1) open a Julia REPL, 2) press ] to switch to the Pkg REPL, and 3) type add Eirene and press return.

(v1.3) pkg> add Eirene

It's fairly common to get error messages when you do this. Generally they will want you to install additional (supporting) packages. Read these messages, and follow the instructions. When in doubt, always double check that you are running the latest version of Eirene (it's been observed that installers such as Homebrew install dated versions of the language, so the only way to be sure you're up to date is to visit the Julia homepage), and use

(v1.3) pkg> update

to ensure that you are using the latest versions of the supporting packages.

You can now run any Eirene function by running Eirene.<function_name>. For example, to run example_function, which takes no arguments, you can enter

julia> Eirene.example_function()

This will return the message

Welcome to Eirene!  Great job running the example function.

Typing the prefix Eirene. quickly becomes tiresome. Entering command

julia> using Eirene

will allow you to call Eirene functions without the prefix.

1: The Noisy Circle

Let's load a point cloud sampled from a noisy circle, and compute its persistent homology. The cloud we'll use is stored in a .csv file within the Eirene library, and its file path can be found via

julia> filepath = eirenefilepath("noisycircle")

The contents of this file can be loaded via

julia> using DelimitedFiles
julia> pointcloud = readdlm(filepath,',')
2×300 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.11307    1.13696   1.13899   1.13758   …  1.06921    1.09202   1.18673
 0.0750878  0.263837  0.397422  0.529262     0.0550878  0.182685  0.17544

This stores the points in the cloud as the columns of matrix pointcloud. To see this cloud for yourself, call

julia> ezplot_pjs(pointcloud)

To compute persistent homology in dimensions 0 and 1, run

julia> C = eirene(pointcloud, model = "pc")

Anything you'd like to know about the persistent homology of the cloud can now be accessed via C. For example, if you wanted to plot the persistence diagram or barcode in dimension 1, you could call

julia> plotbarcode_pjs(C,dim=1)

julia> plotpersistencediagram_pjs(C,dim=1)

If you hover the mouse over a point in the persistence diagram you'll see some information about the associated persistent homology class:

  • (x coordinate, y coordinate): birth and death times
  • class: a unique id number for the class in question
  • size: if a value has been given for size, then Eirene has computed a cycle representative for the homology class, and size refers to the number of cells in the support of that representative.

Suppose you are looking at the persistence diagram in dimension 1, and want to know more about the unique point sitting high above the diagonal. Hovering your mouse over this point, you see that it comes from a persistent homology class with unique id number 50. The class was born at time t = 0.141 and died at time t = 1.48. Eirene computed a cycle representative for this class, and that representative involved 153 cells (wow!). To plot this class, call

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=50,dim=1)

Note that every point on the cycle representative has a number; these numbers correspond to the columns of the pointcloud matrix. To plot the class without point labels, call

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=50,dim=1,showlabels=false)

and to plot only the points incident to the class representative, call

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=50,dim=1,showlabels=false,showcloud = false)

Sometimes you don't have natural coordinates to work with (eg, if your data comes from a similarity matrix). In that case you can generate coordinates with the built-in MDS system:

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=50,dim=1,showlabels=false,showcloud = false,coords="mds",embeddingobj="hop")

2: Noisy Torus

Let's try a larger point cloud. Run

julia> filepath = eirenefilepath("noisytorus")

julia> pointcloud = readdlm(filepath,',')

julia> ezplot_pjs(pointcloud)

and checkout the new point cloud (it's a noisy torus). Note that

julia> size(pointcloud)
(3, 1800)

so there are 1800 points in this cloud. That's large for an H2 compuation, so let's use a cutoff radius:

julia> C = eirene(pointcloud,maxdim=2,maxrad=0.3,model="pc")

To find and plot the two primary H1 generators for this cloud:

julia> plotbarcode_pjs(C,dim=0:1)

julia> plotpersistencediagram_pjs(C,dim=1)

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=768,dim=1)

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=769,dim=1)

Red points on the diagonal represent classes that "never die". Technically they should be infinitely high up on the y-axis, but since that's not possible, we color them red and place them on the diagonal.

For H2, use the following. Make sure to set showlabels=false, otherwise the graphics will be expensive to render!

julia> plotbarcode_pjs(C,dim=2)

julia> plotpersistencediagram_pjs(C,dim=2)

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class=12,dim=2,showlabels=false)

3: Clouds

You can generate several other point clouds and distance matrices via built-in functions with Eirene. Check out

julia> noisycircle()

julia> noisycircle3()

julia> torus(m = 100,n = 50,mrad=1,nrad = 0.2)

julia> noisytorus(m = 100,n=50,mrad=1,nrad = 0.2,noiserad= 0.5*nrad)

julia> sphere()

julia> matchingcomplex_symmat(2,3)

julia> chessboardcomplex_symmat(numrows=3,numcols=5)

julia> plane2torus(rand(1000,2)*pi/2)

julia> zerodrandmat(10)

4: Around the World

Suppose you want to explore world geography vis-a-vis networks of neighboring cities. A wealth of data is available online, and for this exercise we will use a catalog of 7322 cities from This data comes preloaded in the form of a .csv file with the Eirene library, and can be accessed via

julia> filepath = eirenefilepath("simplecity")
julia> a = ezread(filepath)

	7323x9 Array{Any,2}:
	 "city"           "city_ascii"       "lat"    "lng"  …  "country"      "iso2"  "iso3"  "province"
	 "Qal eh-ye Now"  "Qal eh-ye"      34.983   63.1333     "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Badghis"
	 "Chaghcharan"    "Chaghcharan"    34.5167  65.25       "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Ghor"
	 "Lashkar Gah"    "Lashkar Gah"    31.583   64.36       "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Hilmand"
	 "Zaranj"         "Zaranj"         31.112   61.887      "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Nimroz"
	 "Tarin Kowt"     "Tarin Kowt"     32.6333  65.8667  …  "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Uruzgan"
	 "Zareh Sharan"   "Zareh Sharan"   32.85    68.4167     "Afghanistan"  "AF"    "AFG"   "Paktika"
	 ⋮                                                   ⋱  ⋮
	 "Gweru"          "Gweru"         -19.45    29.82       "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Midlands"
	 "Mutare"         "Mutare"        -18.97    32.65       "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Manicaland"
	 "Kadoma"         "Kadoma"        -18.33    29.9099     "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Mashonaland West"
	 "Chitungwiza"    "Chitungwiza"   -18.0     31.1     …  "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Harare"
	 "Harare"         "Harare"        -17.8178  31.0447     "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Harare"
	 "Bulawayo"       "Bulawayo"      -20.17    28.58       "Zimbabwe"     "ZW"    "ZWE"   "Bulawayo"

A comment on the meaning of Array{Any,2}, which appears in the second line: Julia differentiates arrays based on the type (or class) of elements they can contain. An n-dimensional array that is formally declared to have elements of type T is called an array of type Array{T,n}. A 5x5 matrix with 64-bit floating point entries can be realized either as an array of type Array{Float64,2} or, as the name suggests, as an array of type Array{Any,2}. Many functions in Julia are specialized to work with numerical arrays, so it's in our interest to extract the numeric part we are interested in, namely columns 3 and 4, sans headers, and convert to an array of type Array{Float64,2} before proceeding.

julia> b = a[2:end,3:4]
7322x2 Array{Any,2}:
  34.983   63.1333
  34.5167  65.25
  31.583   64.36
 -17.8178  31.0447
 -20.17    28.58

julia> b = convert(Array{Float64,2},b)
7322x2 Array{Float64,2}:
  34.983   63.1333
  34.5167  65.25
  31.583   64.36
 -17.8178  31.0447
 -20.17    28.58

Eirene has a built-in function to convert spherical coordinates (in degrees, with fixed radius 1) to 3D Euclidean coordinates. The rowsare keyword argument determines wether rows are treated as points or dimensions.

julia> c = latlon2euc(b,model = "points")
3x7322 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.370265  0.344959  0.368622  0.403432  0.344318  0.309031  …   0.796253   0.822829   0.814358   0.81567    0.824296
 0.730885  0.748275  0.767998  0.755149  0.768533  0.781189      0.510205   0.473338   0.491252   0.490971   0.449048
 0.573333  0.566646  0.523733  0.516713  0.53926   0.542442     -0.325073  -0.31449   -0.309017  -0.305991  -0.344807

Now that we have a point cloud we can take a preliminary look at its shape and scale with the ezplot_pjs wrapper. Note you can always select "deny" when PlotlyJS asks for web access, without penalty.

julia> ezplot_pjs(c)

A cursory inspection shows that a number of interesting features appear at or below epsilon = 0.15, so we'll use that as our initial cutoff. To pass city names to the eirene function, extract column 2 of array a, sans header, and store in a 1-dimensional array of type Array{Any}. Due to potential errors resulting from nonstandard character strings, it's good practice to use the built-in label sanitzer ezlabel to clean this column before assigning to d. The wrapper will replace any element of the column that cannot be expressed as an ACIIString with the number corresponding to its row. Aside: n can be omitted from the expression Array{T,n} when n=1.

julia> d = ezlabel(a[2:end,2])
7322-element Array{Any,1}:
 "Qal eh-ye"
 "Lashkar Gah"

With our inputs in order, it's time to call eirene. The calculation should take around 2.5GB of memory and 2 min to complete.

julia> C = eirene(c,model="pc",maxrad = 0.15,pointlabels=d)
elapsed time: 118.869523387 seconds
Dict{ASCIIString,Any} with 14 entries:
  "symmat"               => 7322x7322 Array{Int64,2}:…
  "filtration"           => Any[[515055,515055,515055,515055,515055,515055,515055,515055,515055,515055  …  515055,51505…
  "lowlab0"              => Any[Int64[],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  …  7313,7314,7315,7316,7317,7318,7319,7320,7321,7322],[3…
  "firstv"               => Any[[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  …  7314,7315,7316,7317,7318,7319,7320,7321,7322,7323],[1,346,688…
  "filtrationtranslator" => [0.149999,0.149999,0.149999,0.149999,0.149999,0.149999,0.149999,0.149998,0.149998,0.149998 …
  ⋮                      => ⋮

The package JLD can be used to save this output. Install this package, and enter


The file will be saved to your current working directory. To recover what you have saved, run

julia> X = JLD.load("demography.jld")

This returns a dictionary object X with one key, "C". Running

julia> C = X["C"]

will leave C unchanged.

We did not specify bettimax, so only the persistence modules in dimensions 0 and 1 are computed. To view the persistence diagram in dimension 1, enter

julia> plotpersistencediagram_pjs(C)

Hovering over a point in the diagram will display the identification number of the corresponding persistent homology class, together with the size the cycle representative Eirene computed for it. Fix a feature of interest - say number 1757 - and plot the corresponding cycle, noting that only vertices will appear in the figure (cells of dimension 1 and higher are generally too numerous to plot efficiently).

Note: The cost of displaying text labels for individual points in the Plotly platform is higher than that of displaying points alone. Consider using showlabels=false, if your graphics card has any difficulties.

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class = 1757)

Class 1757, shown above, is among my favorites: the Himalayan branch of the silk road is clearly visible on its South West arc; to the North it follows the Trans-Siberian railroad from Moscow in the west to Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan, by way of Omsk, Irktsk, and Chita; from there, it follows the connecting route from Beijing to Hong Kong, passing Nanning, Hanoi, and close to Ho Chi Min on its way to Bangkok (not all of these appear in the cycle itself, but they are easily spotted nearby). With a little exploration you can find large features formed by the Sahara Desert, Tapajos River, Falkland Islands, South China Sea, Guam, and Hudson Bay, and smaller ones shaped by the Andes mountains and Gulf of Mexico - all through the proxy of urban development.

To plot the same class-representative without text labels, use

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class = 1757,showlabels=false)

To plot only the cities incident to the cycle representative, use

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class = 1757,showcloud=false)

To plot these using MDS, use

julia> plotclassrep_pjs(C,class = 1757,showcloud=false,coords="mds",embeddingobj="hop")

To make any further changes to the appearance of your plot, share it with others, or export to still-frames, you can upload to the interactive, open-source Plotly web API. This requires the setup of a personal account beforehand (see the github documentation for Plotly.jl for instructions), but once this has been done and the connection between your Julia REPL and Plotly account has been established, uploading is quite simple: create an object p for the PlotlyJS figure, and call

julia> p = plotclassrep_pjs(C,class = 1757)


The figure will appear under the My Charts tab of your plotly library.

We hope to add more examples like this one in the future, but there is much left to learn from the Simplemaps data set. It is instructive, for instance, to observe which features change, and how, under subsampling. If you have a fun, interesting, or educational example you'd like to share with others, please let us know!