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187 lines (131 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (131 loc) · 10.2 KB

Kara's running notes

Test URL for data:

Test URL for software:

Test URL for terrible software repo on GitHub (private):

Test URL for software not on GH:


Working paper about metrics:

Paper about tool:

EASE repos:

CESSDA repos:


  • signposting: Use typed links to make it easier for machine agents to understand what links lead to on the scholarly web. (blog article). Adds a relation property to the link (rel=author).
  • typed links: links that have info on link relations, i.e. rel, also called "link relation types".

deploying LEMP

Guide for reference.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'
sudo service mysql start  # expects that mysql is already installed, if not run sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo apt install php8.1-fpm php-mysql
sudo apt install php8.1-curl
sudo phpenmod curl
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/fuji-dev


server {
    listen 9000;
    server_name fuji-dev;
    root /var/www/fuji-dev;

    index index.php;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;

    location ~ /\.ht {
        deny all;

Link index.php to /var/www/fuji-dev by running sudo ln /home/kmoraw/SSI/fuji/simpleclient/* /var/www/fuji-dev/. You might need to adjust the file permissions to allow non-root writes.


sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/fuji-dev /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
#sudo unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo nginx -t
sudo service nginx reload
sudo service php8.1-fpm start

nginx and WSL

Add fuji-dev to Windows hosts file %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts:

Add-Content "$env:windir\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" -value " fuji-dev"

Access http://localhost:9000/, things should be fine.


In fuji/, run python -m fuji_server -c fuji_server/config/server.ini. Access at http://localhost:1071/fuji/api/v1/ui/.


Things sort of start at fair_object_controller/assess_by_id. Here, we create a FAIRCheck object. This reads the metrics file during initialisation and will provide all the check methods.

Next, we start harvesting. This is again a method of the FAIRCheck object. First, we call harvest_all_metadata, followed by harvest_re3_data (which seems to be about Datacite) and finally harvest_all_data.

It seems to me that we always scrape all data, but then only calculate the FAIR score based on the metrics listed in the metrics file.

The metadata harvester looks through HTML markup following, Dublincore etc., through signposting/typed links (see above). Ideally, it can find things like author information or license names that way. It doesn't do much with GitHub, which doesn't seem to be signposted accordingly.

The data harvester is only run if the metadata harvester finds an object_content_identifier, which I think is supposed to point to actual content (videos, pictures, but also data files). Then, the data harvester runs over the data file and checks things like file format. I haven't seen it do anything yet (metadata harvester has not found an object_content_identifier as of date).

Each specific evaluator, e.g. FAIREvaluatorLicense, is associated with a specific FsF metric. This makes it more difficult for us to reuse them. They seem to just look into the harvested data. All evaluators are always called, but before they do anything, they check whether their associated metric is listed in the metrics YAML file. Only if it is, the evaluator runs through and computes a local score.

In the end, all scores are aggregated into F, A, I, R scores. This might be a problem for us for metrics that are associated with more than one of these.


  • new requirement: pygithub package, using 2.1.1


❓ for open questions

❗ for answered questions

What are all the files in fuji_server/data for? ❓

  • linked_vocabs/*_ontologies.json: ...
  • access_rights.json: lists COAR, EPRINTS, EU, OPENAIRE access rights. Seems to relate to metric FsF-A1-01M, which looks for metadata item access_level. Is that found during metadata harvesting?
  • bioschemastypes.txt: added to schema_org_creativeworks, just a list of words. Not sure what happens with that.
  • creativeworktypes.txt: added to schema_org_creativeworks, just a list of words. Not sure what happens with that.
  • default_namespaces.txt: "excluded" (whatever that means) during evaluation of FsF-I2-01M.
  • file_formats.json: dictionary of scientific file formats. Used in evaluation of R1.3-02D to check the file format of the data.
  • google_cache.db: Used for evaluating FsF-F4-01M (searchable in major catalogues like DataCite registry, Google Dataset, Mendeley, ...). Google Data search is queried for a PID in column google_links. It's a dataset with metadata about datasets that have a DOI or persistent identifier from
  • identifiers_org_resolver_data.json: Used in IdentifierHelper. I'm not quite sure what that class does - does it extract IDs from URLs?
  • jsonldcontext.json: Loaded into Preprocessor.schema_org_context. I think this is used in FsF-R1-01MD. No idea what it does though.
  • licenses.json: Used to populate Preprocessor.license_names, a list of SPDX licences. Used in evaluation of FsF-R1.1-01M.
  • linked_vocab.json: ...
  • longterm_formats.json: This doesn't seem to be used any more (code is commented out). Instead, the info might be pulled from file_formats.json.
  • metadata_standards_uris.json: ...
  • metadata_standards.json: Used in evaluation of FsF-R1.3-01M. Something about community specific metadata standards, whatever that means. Also, no idea how it recognises which standard it should be using?
  • open_formats.json: This doesn't seem to be used any more (code is commented out). Instead, the info might be pulled from file_formats.json.
  • repodois.yaml: DOIs from re3data (Datacite). No idea where these are used.
  • ResourceTypes.txt: List of content type identifiers? Seems to be loaded into VALID_RESOURCE_TYPES and used in evaluation of FsF-R1-01MD somehow.
  • standard_uri_protocols.json: Used for evaluating access through standardised protocols (FsF-A1-03D). Mapping of acronym to long name (e.g. FTP, SFTP, HTTP etc.)

What is fuji_server/harvester/ for? ❓

It defines class RepositoryHarvester, which doesn't seem to be used. What's envisioned for this class? Should we reuse it? Is it meant for something else?

What does IdentifierHelper do? ❓


What do test score and test maturity mean as results? ❗

Resulting maturity is the highest maturity of all tests that passed. Score is the sum of the scores of all tests.

How are metric requirements used? ❓


test_requirements = self.metric_tests[self.metric_identifier + "-3"].metric_test_requirements[0]


  • extension requires quite a lot of copying around
  • metric YAML isn't used to full potential, e.g. principle is extracted from metric identifier instead of from config YAML
  • some refactoring around the evaluators could go a long way
    • e.g. having an evaluator factory and a test factory, and you just register those, instead of writing a mini-function in which just calls the new evaluator object, and calling that function in fair_object_controller and collecting the result in an if-clause there.
    • evaluate should just be an implemented base method, it always does basically the same thing
  • some unintuitive code, e.g. test_status in evaluator class - it passes if one passes but fails o/w. but that doesn't really mean anything to the user, they just get a score.

Adding a new evaluator

  • write a new FAIREvaluator class with tests and evaluate function
  • write a new FAIRCheck.check_xy function that instantiates the new evaluator and returns its getResult method
  • call the FAIRCheck.check_xy function from fair_object_controller.assess_by_id()
  • check if the result is non-empty, append to the results list