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Jackson Release 2.6.4

Tatu Saloranta edited this page Oct 29, 2015 · 24 revisions

Patch version of [2.6](Jackson Release 2.6), not yet released (as of Oct 2015).

Changes, core

  • #984: JsonStreamContexts are not build the same way for write.. and convert methods
  • #989: Deserialization from "{}" to java.lang.Object causes "out of END_OBJECT token" error

Changes, dataformats

  • #90: Unexpected output with arrays starting with a null/empty element

Changes, datatypes

  • #20: fails to serialize empty Optional with @JsonUnwrapped annotation
  • #21: Manifest file missing OSGi import for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect

Changes, other

  • #27: JSON.Feature.READ_JSON_ARRAYS_AS_JAVA_ARRAYS does not work
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