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182 lines (145 loc) · 3.68 KB

File metadata and controls

182 lines (145 loc) · 3.68 KB

typescript helps with static type checking, ensuring u cannot reasign varaiable sto different primitive type, interface declaration on an object, tells when u misspell a varaiable name. Typescript is compiled, functions returns and possible errors have to be checked before compilation.


  1. npm i typescript -g
  2. npx tsc --init to set up the ts config file, set src folder, "outDir": "./dist", "noEmitOnError": true, "sourceMap": true, "module": "ES6",
  3. run tsc to coimpile.
  4. with node installed run npx dist/index.js to run the js file.

declaring types

let age: number;
let age1: number = 50;
// cannot be declared to another type , age = "50"❌
// let name: string = 50; type of string cannot be declared to number.

//infered types
let age2 = 70; // ts is able to assign this value a type without even writing

//variables with no set type to any- can be dynamically reasigned just like js.
let a; // type will

let numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
let age3 = [20]; //also infered

let age4 = []; //empty arrays set to any
const age: Array<number> = [10, 292];

//fixed length array- with type declared.
// should be ideally only be used with 2 values only.
let age: [number, string] = [20, "twenty"];
[(y:string)=> void, (v:number)=> number]

//ENUM- object with defined values
enum size {
// enum values will be set to number set from 0,1,2.. if not declared.
//if a number the others will be set according to previous number + 1, large to  1 and 2
enum size {
  small = 0,
  medium = 3,
//if a number's value is not set, its value will beprevious value + 1, large to  1 and 2

//the compiation of enum  will produce alot of js code

//to reduce the amount of code asign const to enum
const enum size {
  small = 0,
//and use one of the values
const size = size.large;

//the comilation will only be
const size = 0;
//removin the unused enums

//enum with strings- all values have to be declared.
const enum names {
  first = "nana",
  second = "kena",


  1. setting the types of objects, readonly fields and optional fields inluded
const cart: {
  readonly item: string;
  quantity: number;
  addWishlist?: boolean;
  getprice: (itemId: string) => void;
} = {
  item: "sugar",
  quantity: 1,
  getprice: (sugarId) => {
  1. Object interface
interface Coordinate {
  x: number;
  y: number;
interface CoordinateWithZ extends Coordinate {
  z: number;
  1. Object type-the verbose type declartions for the object can be made into an alias
type ShoppingCart: {
    readonly item: string;
  quantity: number;
  addWishlist?: boolean;
  getprice: (itemId: string) => void;

const Cart: ShoppingCart= {
  item: "sugar",
  quantity: 1,
  getprice: (sugarId) => {
  1. Object Record- declaring the proprties and values. Record can only have two types declared (property + value )
const Cart: Record<string, number> = {
  item: "sugar",
  quantity: 1,
  getprice: (sugarId) => {

Union Types

one variable or paarameter with differnet type options

function CatDog(food: number | string) {
  if (typeof food == number) {
    return "Cat";
  return "Dog";

type intersections

type Draggable(){
    drag: ()=> void
type Resizable(){
        resize: ()=> void


type: UIwidget = Draggable and Resizable

let textBox : UIwidget: {
     drag: ()=> void,
     resize: ()=> void

Literal types

let quantity : 50
let quantity : 50 | 100

//using types
type Quantity: 50 | 100
const size: Quantity= 50