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If you'd like to run the Molecule tests, you'll need a few things installed:

Note that this is ONLY required if you want to run the test harness. You don't need any of this to run the playbook. This is a special setup that allows you to test the Ansible playbook against disposable VMs.

Install Notes

Setting up Molecule requires installing a number tools for the VM environment.

Install Virtualenv, Molecule, and testinfra

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip libssl-dev python3-virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install "molecule[lint]"
pip3 install testinfra

Install Vagrant

sudo wget -nv
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_2.2.9_x86_64.deb
vagrant --version
pip3 install python-vagrant molecule-vagrant

Test that Vagrant works

vagrant init generic/ubuntu1804
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt

Test that Molecule works

git clone
cd graylog-ansible-role
molecule create
molecule converge
molecule login
systemctl status graylog-server
molecule destroy


To spin up a test VM:

export MOLECULE_DISTRO='generic/ubuntu2004'
export GRAYLOG_VERSION=4.2.0
molecule create

To run the Ansible playbook:

molecule converge

To run the smoke tests:

molecule verify

To login to the VM:

molecule login

To destroy the VM:

molecule destroy

To test against other distros, you can also set the MOLECULE_DISTRO environment variable to one of these:

export MOLECULE_DISTRO='geerlingguy/centos8'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='debian/jessie64'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='debian/stretch64'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='debian/buster64'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='generic/ubuntu1604'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='generic/ubuntu1804'
export MOLECULE_DISTRO='generic/ubuntu2004'