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  • Radarchart ver. 1.0.0
  • Installation

    To install this Macro, simply copy the contents of either the Pretty or Minified Radarchart JavaScript into your Story's JavaScript page.


    The Radarchart Macro takes in values or a collection to visualise it as a SVG Radarchart which can be further customized via CSS.

    <<radarchart Collection/Name [, Min=value] [, Max=value] [, Size=value] [, Useimage] [, Decorsize=value] [, TxtLimit=value]>> 
        [<<addstat "name" value>>]
        [<<newgroup "groupname" [groupcolor]>>]
        [<<addcollection collection>>]
        [<<setlabels collection>>]

    Each stat will be it's own axis on the Radarchart going clockwise starting at the upper left corner or middle.

    When providing a single stat to the macro it will render a circle. When two stats are provided it will display two half circles. Everything more then two will result in a Poligon of various shapes.

    Macro Parameters:

    • Collection/Name: Sting / Object
      It's always required as the first Argument. Can be either a name for the first group eg.: "Player", or the variable name that holds a collection eg.: "$Player" or "$Player.Propertyname", or a object collection itself. See Supported Strucutres.

    • Min=Number: Optional, Default 0;
      Is used to create a helper circle at the position of the provided number ex.: Min=50 Max=100 would be a cirlce on the half way mark.

    • Max=Number: Optional, Default 100;
      It's used to set the maximum range that the chart can have.

    • Size=Number: Optional, Default 200;
      Sets the Size of the SVG element containing the Radarchart.

    • Useimage: Optional Keyword;
      Used to hide the generated decor text around the radarchart, and to enable the possibility to set image icons instead.

    • Decorsize=Number: Optional, Default 32;
      Sets the font/Icon -size which are around the Radarchart.

    • TxtLimit=Number: Optional, Default 3;
      Sets the Limit of Characters of the Decor Text (the Text around the Radarchart), 0 means all Characters will be displayed.

    Note: Keywords spelling does not matter it could be all upper/lower -case and the = can be replaced by any other character eg.: max=20 MIN!5
    Note: It mgiht be changed to min 5 Max 50

    Child Macros:

    • <<addstat "name" value>> : Optional;
      Adds an Attribute to the current Group.
    • <<newgroup "groupname" [color]>> : Optional;
      Creates a new Group to be overlayed onto the prior Group, optionally a color in hex can be provided.
    • <<addcollection collection>> : Optional;
      Adds an entire collection.
    • <<setlabels collection>> : Optional;
      Sets the Decor Text, which are by default the stat names.

    Supported Collections

    Done Description Structure
    - [x] Arrays: ["name1", value1, "name2", value2]
    - [x] Objects: {name1: value1, name2: value2}


    Sugarcube Code


    Minimal example using an Object.

    <<set $player = {
        health: 70,
        mana: 30,
        stamina: 50
    <<radarchart "$player">><</radarchart>>

    Simple example with single variable Values.

    <<set $pHealth = 70>>
    <<set $pMana = 30>>
    <<set $pStamina = 50>>
    <<radarchart "Player">>
        <<addstat "Health" $pHealth>>
        <<addstat "Mana" $pMana>>
        <<addstat "Stamina" $pStamina>>

    Simple example with Arrays.

    <<set $player = ["Health", 70, "Mana", 30, "Stamina", 50]>>
    <<radarchart "$player">><</radarchart>>

    Comparing Two Groups.

    <<set $player = {Health: 70, Mana: 30, Stamina: 50}>>
    <<set $enemy = {Health: 30, Mana: 45, Stamina: 70}>>
    <<radarchart "$player">>
        <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
        <<addcollection $enemy>>

    Comparing Two Groups with set labels.

    <<radarchart "Player">>
        <<setlabels "HP" "MP" "SP">>
        <<addstat "Health" 70>>
        <<addstat "Mana" 30>>
        <<addstat "Stamina" 50>>
        <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
        <<addstat "Health" 30>>
        <<addstat "Mana" 50>>
        <<addstat "Stamina" 70>>

    Using Icons instead.

    <<radarchart "Player" useimages>>
        <<addstat "Health" 70>>
        <<addstat "Mana" 30>>
        <<addstat "Stamina" 50>>
        <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
        <<addstat "Health" 30>>
        <<addstat "Mana" 50>>
        <<addstat "Stamina" 70>>


    The Radarchart Macro creates a SVG with multiple elements each can be targeted by their css ID and/or css Class.
    All ID's and Classes start with radarchart- followed by their type (id's are singular where as classes are plural)

    • circle/circles for the helper/progression Circles;
    • line/lines for the axis Lines of an Attribute/Stat;
    • decor/decors for the Text/Images;
    • stat/stats for the Attributes.

    Classes have no further specification but ID's do get the Stats/Attributes or collections name tagged on after it. So an id for the "health" axis would look like this: "radarchart-line-health",
    where as a class for the axis looks like this: "radarchart-lines".

    Note: That providing only 2 Stats/Attributes results in two half circles in which the id's get an added -top and -bottom at the end eg.: "radarchart-stat-player-top".

    Styling Examples

    Provided the <<radarchart>> gets an object like this: Player{ Health: 70, Mana: 30, Stamina: 50}

    CSS Code


    Changing the default color of the player object.

    #radarchart-stats-Player {
      stroke: rgba(253, 102, 0, .9);
      fill: rgba(253, 102, 0, .2);

    Changing the helper circles.

    #radarchart-circle-0 {
      stroke: none;
    #radarchart-circle-25 {
      stroke: white;
    #radarchart-circle-50 {
      stroke: lime;
      stroke-dasharray: 2, 10;
    #radarchart-circle-75 {
      stroke: deepskyblue;
      stroke-dasharray: 15, 5;
    #radarchart-circle-100 {
      stroke: rebeccapurple;
      stroke-width: 3;

    Changing axis lines.

    .radarchart-lines {
      stroke: lime;
      stroke: #FF0011;
      stroke-dasharray: 17, 8;

    Mouse hover over player stat.

      transform-origin: center;
      transform-box: fill-box;
      stroke: rgba(253, 102, 0, .9);
      fill: rgba(253, 102, 0, .2);
      stroke-width: 3;
      transform: scale(1.2);
      filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 4px deepskyblue);

    Changing label colors.

      stroke: white;
      stroke-width: 0.2;
      fill: red;
      stroke: white;
      stroke-width: 0.4;
      fill: rebeccapurple;

    Assinging images.

    #radarchart-decor-Health {
      background-image: url(Images/Heart3.png);
    #radarchart-decor-Stamina {
      background-image: url(Images/Stamina2.png);
    #radarchart-decor-Magic {
      background-image: url(Images/Magic2.png);

    Possible future features (undecided):

    • Editmode: a keyword to generate sliders along with the Radarchart. eg.:
    • Possibility to use Pentagonal shape instead of Circles.
    • Possibility to automatically register a Sugarcubes Templates for quick and easy display. (?MyRadarchartName)