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Allow referencing non-mut statics, including trusted statics from extern blocks, in pattern matches wherever referencing a const of the same type would be allowed.


Rust pattern matches compare a scrutinee against compile-time information. Rust generally doesn't allow patterns to depend on runtime information; that is relegated to match guards. However, there is a category between "compile-time", when rustc runs, and "runtime", when Rust code runs. Some information a Rust program relies on may be determined at link-time, or by the target operating system, or before main() by the C runtime. Rust currently prevents patterns from depending on such information. Specifically, Rust patterns cannot reference statics from extern blocks.

I encountered this restriction while trying to port the Rust standard library to cosmopolitan libc. Cosmopolitan provides an API that mostly matches POSIX, with one major exception: constants like ENOSYS and EINVAL, which the POSIX standard specifies as C #defines (equivalent to Rust consts), are instead out of necessity provided as C consts (equivalent to Rust non-mut statics).

// libc crate

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(target_env = "cosmopolitan")] {
        extern "C" {
            pub static EINVAL: i32;
            pub static ENOSYS: i32;
            pub static ENOENT: i32;
    } else {
        pub const EINVAL: i32 = 42;
        pub const ENOSYS: i32 = 43;
        pub const ENOENT: i32 = 44;

// stdlib code

use libc::*;

fn process_error(error_code: i32) {
    match error_code {
        // Compiler throws error EO530 on Cosmopolitan,
        // because `static`s can't be used in patterns, only `const`s
        EINVAL => do_stuff(),
        ENOSYS => panic!("oh noes"),
        ENOENT => make_it_work(),
        _ => do_different_stuff(),

Because Rust patterns don't support statics, all the match expressions in the standard library, and in third-party crates as well, that refer to POSIX constants would currently need to be rewritten to accommodate Cosmopolitan.

// stdlib code adapted for cosmopolitan

use libc::*;

fn process_error(error_code: i32) {
    if error_code == EINVAL {
    } else if error_code == ENOSYS {
        panic!("oh noes");
    } else if error_code == ENOENT {
    } else {

Needless to say, this is unlikely to ever be upstreamed. Allowing statics in patterns would solve this use-case much more cleanly.

Guide-level explanation

Rust patterns can refer to constants.

const EVERYTHING: i32 = 42;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        EVERYTHING => println!("have all of it"),
        _ => println!("need moar"),

With this feature, they can refer to statics as well.

static EVERYTHING: i32 = 42;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        EVERYTHING => println!("have all of it"),
        _ => println!("need moar"),

Mutable statics are not allowed, however. Patterns can't reference information that can change at runtime, and also can't be unsafe.

static mut EVERYTHING: i32 = 42;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        // ERROR can't refer to mutable statics in patterns
        /* EVERYTHING => println!("have all of it"), */
        _ => println!("need moar"),

Statics from extern blocks are allowed, but they must be marked as trusted using the (not-yet-implemented) trusted external statics feature.

extern "C" {
    static EVERYTHING: i32;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        EVERYTHING => println!("have all of it"),
        _ => println!("need moar"),

Reference-level explanation

For a static to be eligible for use in a pattern, it must:

  • not be marked mut
  • not be marked #[thread_local]
  • not come from an extern block, unless it is marked as safe to use with the trusted external statics feature
  • have a type that satisfies the structural match rules, as described in RFC 1445, but without any allowances for backward compatibility like there are for const matches (e.g., floating point numbers in patterns). These rules exclude all statics with interior mutability. In addition, function pointers and types that contain them are also excluded, as they do not implement PartialEq.

Static patterns match exactly when a const pattern with a const of the same type and value would match.

The values of statics are treated as opaque for reachability and exhaustiveness analysis.

static TRUE: bool = true;
static FALSE: bool = false;

fn foo(scrutinee: bool) {
    match scrutinee {
        TRUE | FALSE => println!("bar"),

        // The compiler will throw an error if you remove this branch;
        // it is not allowed to look into the values of the statics
        // to determine that it is unreachable.
        _ => println!("baz"),

As an exception, when all valid values of a type are structurally equal, the compiler considers that the match will always succeed.

// Not all `&()` are bitwise equal,
// but they are structurally equal,
// that is what matters.
static ONE_TRUE_VALUE: &() = &();

fn foo(scrutinee: &()) {
    match scrutinee {
        ONE_TRUE_VALUE => println!("only one branch"),
        // No need for a wildcard.
        // The above match always succeeds.

Visibility and #[non_exhaustive] can affect whether the compiler can tell that all values of the type are structurally equal.

mod stuff {
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub(super) struct PrivateZst(());

    pub(super) static PRIVATE_ZST: PrivateZst = PrivateZst(());

fn foo(scrutinee: stuff::PrivateZst) {
    match scrutinee {
        stuff::PRIVATE_ZST => println!("secrets abound"),
        // `stuff::PrivateZst` has a field that's not visible in this scope,
        // so we can't tell that all values are equivalent.
        // The wildcard branch is required.
        _ => println!("incorrect password"),
// crate `stuff`
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PrivateZst();

pub static NON_EXHAUSTIVE_ZST: PrivateZst = PrivateZst();

// main crate
extern crate stuff;

fn foo(scrutinee: stuff::PrivateZst) {
    match scrutinee {
        stuff::NON_EXHAUSTIVE_ZST => println!("secrets abound"),
        // `stuff::PrivateZst` is marked `#[non_exhaustive]`
        // and comes from an external crate,
        // so we can't tell that all values are equivalent.
        // The wildcard branch is required.
        _ => println!("incorrect password"),

Static patterns can be nested in other patterns:

static ONE: i32 = 1;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        ONE | 2 => println!("a"),
        _ => (),

    match (scrutinee, scrutinee) {
        (ONE, ONE) =>  println!("a"),
        _ => (),

When multiple identical static patterns appear in succession, the latter patterns are considered unreachable, unless the static's type contains a reference. This exception exists because under Stacked Borrows rules, a value behind multiple layers of immutable references, and possibly even a single layer, might not actually be immutable.

static ONE: i32 = 1;
static AND_ONE: &i32 = &1;

fn foo(scrutinee: i32) {
    match scrutinee {
        ONE => println!("a"),
        // The following pattern is considered unreachable by the compiler
        ONE => unreachable!(),
        _ => (),

    match &scrutinee {
        AND_ONE => println!("a"),
        // The following pattern is considered reachable by the compiler
        AND_ONE => println!("b"),
        _ => (),

The following code runs without panicking or undefined behavior under the current Stacked Borrows rules.

static mut MUT_INNER: i32 = 5;
static NESTED_REF: &&i32 = unsafe { &&MUT_INNER };

let val = match &&0 {
    NESTED_REF => false,
    _ if unsafe {
        // Following is sound under Stacked Borrows rules,
        // shared reference asserts immutability one level deep
        **(core::mem::transmute::<_, *mut *mut i32>(NESTED_REF)) = 0;
    } => false,
    NESTED_REF => true,
    _ => false,

assert!(val, true);

The examples above all use match, but statics would be allowed in all other language constructs that use patterns, including let, if let, and function parameters. However, as statics cannot be used in const contexts, static patterns are be unavailable there as well.

Static patterns perform a runtime equality check each time the match arm/pattern is reached. In match statements, the value of the static is not cached between match arms, it is loaded anew from the static each time the static pattern is encountered.


  • This feature slightly weakens the rule that patterns can only rely on compile-time information.
  • Static patterns may have slightly worse performance than the equivalent constant patterns.
  • The rules around single-valued types and nested references add some additional complexity. However, based on the fully-functional implementation of this feature, I believe this complexity is not excessive.
  • This feature may make complicate planned changes to the pattern-matching code. It may be best to postpone consideration of it until those changes are fully implemented, so we can see if the implementation is still simple with the new code.

Rationale and alternatives

The proposed rules around reachability and exhaustiveness checking are designed to ensure that changing the value of a static, or changing from a static defined in Rust to a trusted extern static, is never a breaking change. This RFC assumes that the trusted externs feature will allow for Rust-defined and extern statics to be fully interchangeable.

The special dispensations for types with a single value could be considered unnecessary, as matching on such a type is a pointless operation. However, the rules are not difficult to implement (I managed to do it myself, despite near-zero experience contributing to the compiler), and are arguably the most correct and least surprising semantics.

Allowing unsafe-to-access statics in patterns (static muts, untrusted extern statics, #[thread_local] statics) is another possibility. However, I believe this option to be unwise:

  • Rust generally has not allowed unsafe operations (like union field accesses) in pattern matches
  • It's not clear where the unsafe keyword would go (within the pattern? around the whole match or let? what about patterns in function parameters?)
  • it requires Rust to commit to and document, and users to understand, when exactly it is allowed to dereference the static when performing a pattern match

The special rules around reachability for static patterns containing references are necessary for soundness. One alternative is to forbid using such types in static patterns completely. However, this alternative expands the set of situations in which adding a reference to a type is a breaking change.

Another alternative is to add a new kind of pattern for runtime equality comparisons, with its own dedicated syntax. In addition to making the language grammar more complex, this option would prevent existing const patterns from being interchangeable with static patterns.

As for not making this change at all, I believe this would be a loss for the language as it would lock out the use-cases described above. This is a very simple feature, it doesn't conflict with any other potential extensions, the behavior and syntax fit well with the rest of the language, and it is immediately understandable to anyone who is already familiar with matching on consts.

This feature cannot be fully emulated with a macro, because it's impossible to distinguish a static pattern from a wildcard binding without knowing what statics are in scope. And even an imperfect emulation would potentially require proc macros, which can't easily be used inside the standard library. Also, every crate that needs this feature would need to copy-paste the macro implementation into their own source code.

Prior art

The D language's switch statement allows referencing "runtime initialized const or immutable variable[s]", which are equivalent to non-mut statics in Rust, or consts in C. However, D also requires that these immutable variables be "of integral type"; they can't contain pointers/references.

import std;

immutable(int) my_amazing_static = 42;

void main()
    switch (42)
    case my_amazing_static:
        writeln("Match succeeded");
        writeln("Match failed");

C's switch statement does not allow referring to C consts.

C++'s switch statement allows arbitrary constant expressions, but does not allow referring to C++ extern consts (only C++-defined consts).

Scala allows matching on arbitrary expressions via special syntax (backticks).

Unresolved questions

  • The motivation for this RFC assumes that trusted external statics will eventually be implemented and stabilized.
  • Should statics be accepted in range patterns (LOW_STATIC..=HIGH_STATIC)? One wrinkle is that the compiler currently checks at compile time that ranges are non-empty, but the values of statics aren't known at compile time. Such patterns could be either always accepted, accepted only when known to be non-empty (because the lower or upper bound is set to the minimum or maximum value of the type, respectively), or always rejected.

Future possibilities

None; this is a very simple and self-contained feature. I've argued against some possible extensions in the rationale and alternatives section. Future changes to the structural equality rules might affect this feature, but that is anther discussion and out of scope for this RFC.