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Game freezes and crashes when trying to 'Render Statue Block Entity' #47

Libby996 opened this issue Jan 27, 2023 · 0 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Libby996 commented Jan 27, 2023

The game freezes then crashes shortly after I encounter a sandy llama. Usually it is immediately or not long after the llamas have loaded in. I suspect it is when the llama tries to create a sand statue of entities added by other mods.

If you encounter a Sandy Llama and there are other modded entities nearby it should happen.

After seeing the llamas the game will freeze then crash.

I attempted to get screenshots but it freezes too quickly after seeing the llamas to do so.

My only option so far to prevent this happening has been to uninstall either Llamarama or the other mod/s involved. Which I don't want to do because I really like the Llamarama mod.

I am playing with 1.19.2 and have quite a few other mods installed. Llamarama is at the latest version for 1.19.2. Of two different times this has happened, according to the crash reports, it has been 'Chirpy's Wildlife' and 'World of a Feather' involved.

I have attached what I think is the latest log file (I'm not sure I got the right one)

The two latest crash reports are as follows:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// You're mean.

Time: 2023-01-27 18:03:35
Description: Rendering Block Entity

java.lang.ClassCastException: class net.neisvestney.worldoffeather.client.entity.renderer.MagpieEntityRenderer cannot be cast to class net.minecraft.class_922 (net.neisvestney.worldoffeather.client.entity.renderer.MagpieEntityRenderer and net.minecraft.class_922 are in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @80ec1f8)
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23079(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23081(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23079(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23081(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(

-- Block Entity Details --
Name: llamarama:statue //
Block: Block{llamarama:statue}[facing=north,hardened=false]
Block location: World: (-8489,66,839), Section: (at 7,2,7 in -531,4,52; chunk contains blocks -8496,-64,832 to -8481,319,847), Region: (-17,1; contains chunks -544,32 to -513,63, blocks -8704,-64,512 to -8193,319,1023)
Block: Block{llamarama:statue}[facing=north,hardened=false]
Block location: World: (-8489,66,839), Section: (at 7,2,7 in -531,4,52; chunk contains blocks -8496,-64,832 to -8481,319,847), Region: (-17,1; contains chunks -544,32 to -513,63, blocks -8704,-64,512 to -8193,319,1023)
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; [class_746['Librarian996'/20859, l='ClientLevel', x=-8503.86, y=63.92, z=897.71]]
Chunk stats: 1521, 816
Level dimension: minecraft:overworld
Level spawn location: World: (-256,80,736), Section: (at 0,0,0 in -16,5,46; chunk contains blocks -256,-64,736 to -241,319,751), Region: (-1,1; contains chunks -32,32 to -1,63, blocks -512,-64,512 to -1,319,1023)
Level time: 247702 game time, 391627 day time
Server brand: fabric
Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
at net.minecraft.class_638.method_8538(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1587(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

-- Last reload --
Reload number: 1
Reload reason: initial
Finished: Yes
Packs: Default, Fabric Mods, charmonium/journeyman, Supplementaries Generated Pack, fabric-diagonal-panes/default

-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2
Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 17.0.3, Microsoft
Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft
Memory: 901608832 bytes (859 MiB) / 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB)
CPUs: 12
Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel
Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10
Microarchitecture: Coffee Lake
Frequency (GHz): 2.21
Number of physical packages: 1
Number of physical CPUs: 6
Number of logical CPUs: 12
Graphics card #0 name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
Graphics card #0 vendor: Intel Corporation (0x8086)
Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 1024.00
Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x3e9b
Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=
Graphics card #1 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design
Graphics card #1 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Graphics card #1 VRAM (MB): 4095.00
Graphics card #1 deviceId: 0x1c20
Graphics card #1 versionInfo: DriverVersion=
Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00
Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67
Memory slot #0 type: DDR4
Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00
Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67
Memory slot #1 type: DDR4
Virtual memory max (MB): 30514.28
Virtual memory used (MB): 24629.99
Swap memory total (MB): 14336.00
Swap memory used (MB): 1622.64
JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx4096m -Xms256m
Fabric Mods:
adorn: Adorn 3.8.1+1.19.2
alloy_forgery: Alloy Forgery 2.0.17+1.19
ants: Little Ants 1.2.0
architectury: Architectury 6.4.62
auto_third_person: Auto Third Person 1.2.1
axolotlitemfix: Axolotl Item Fix 1.1.4
basicshields: Basic Shields [Fabric] 1.4.0-1.19.2
crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19
bclib: BCLib 2.1.5
bedspreads: Bedspreads 6.0.0+1.19.2
beekeeperhut: Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut 1.2.0
betteradvancements: Better Advancements
betterend: Better End 2.1.2
betterf3: BetterF3 4.0.0
betternether: Better Nether 7.1.2
betterthirdperson: Better Third Person 1.9.0
bountiful: Bountiful 3.0.0
brewinandchewin: Brewin And Chewin fabric-1.0.5+1.19.2
bushierflowers: Bushier Flowers 0.0.1-1.19.2
cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 5.0.2
cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 5.0.2
carryon: Carry On
com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.2.0-beta.1
cave_enhancements: Cave Enhancements 1.19.2-2.1.7-fabric
charm: Charm 4.4.4
com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j: toml4j 0.7.2
charmonium: Charmonium 4.2.1
chas: Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle 1.19-1.9-Fabric
chimes: Chimes 1.1.4
clickadv: Clickable Advancements Mod 3.0
cloth-config: Cloth Config v8 8.2.88
cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
collective: Collective 6.43
connectiblechains: Connectible Chains 2.1.4+1.19.2
copper_pipe: Simple Copper Pipes 1.11.4
copperhopper: Copper Hopper 0.0.12+1.19.2
crittersandcompanions: Critters and Companions 1.19.2-1.0.3
cull-less-leaves: Cull Less Leaves 1.0.6
conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.3.0
cullleaves: Cull Leaves 3.0.1
culturaldelights: Cultural Delights Fabric 0.14.9+1.19.2
terraform-wood-api-v1: Terraform Wood API (v1) 4.2.0
dataattributes: Data Attributes 1.4.0
decorative_blocks: Decorative Blocks 3.0.0
delightchef: Chef's Delight 1.0.1-1.19.2
structurized-reborn: Structurized Reborn 1.19-01
diagonalfences: Diagonal Fences 4.2.3
disable_custom_worlds_advice: Disable Custom Worlds Advice 3.0
ecologics: Ecologics 2.1.11
edenring: EdenRing 0.6.4
emerald_tools: Emerald Tools 1.4.38
pugh_tools: Pugh Tools 1.3.23
emeraldapple: Emerald Apple 1.0.3
entityculling: EntityCulling-Fabric 1.5.2-mc1.19
com_logisticscraft_occlusionculling: occlusionculling 0.0.6-SNAPSHOT
expandeddelight: Expanded Delight
explorerscompass: Explorer's Compass 1.19.2-2.2.0-fabric
fabric-api: Fabric API 0.73.0+1.19.2
fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.14+6e0787e690
fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.13+93d8cb8290
fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.1.0+82db024a90
fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.2+e415d50e90
fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.23+c6af733c90
fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.4+b35fea8390
fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.15+f71b366f90
fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.0+413cbbc790
fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.32+df3654b390
fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.40+df3654b390
fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.5.0+7c6cd14d90
fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.2.1+27265b3490
fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90
fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.3.6+413cbbc790
fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.34+0d0f210290
fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.3+9244241690
fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.33+562bff6e90
fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.34+df3654b390
fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.24+b6b6abb490
fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.6.4+693ffc0590
fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.37+9244241690
fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.25+5c4fce2890
fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b390
fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.3+1b46dc7890
fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.11+83a8659290
fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.14+9e7660c690
fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.0.6+93d8cb8290
fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.22+33fbc73890
fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.20+c6af733c90
fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.2.10+10eb22f490
fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.27+df3654b390
fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.2.0+d8ef690890
fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.0.13+4d0d570390
fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.0+413cbbc790
fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.31+9244241690
fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.2.0+2e5408b590
fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.7.0+2e5408b590
fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.23+df3654b390
fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.18+6e0787e690
fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.10+4d0d570390
fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.26+df3654b390
fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.12.0+d8ef690890
fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.1.2+aae9039d90
fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.8.3+251d254a90
fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.31+4d0d570390
fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.6+1cc24b1b90
fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.2+c4f28df590
fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.23+aeb40ebe90
fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.1.5+413cbbc790
fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.3.3+08b73de490
fabric-diagonal-panes: Fabric Diagonal Panes 0.6.4
fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.9.0+kotlin.1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.18.5
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.6.4
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.6.4
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.4.1
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.4.1
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.4.1
fabricenchantments: Fabric Enchantments 0.9.0
fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.14.12
fabricshieldlib: Fabric Shield Lib 1.6.1-1.19
mm: Manningham Mills 2.3
farmersdelight: Farmer's Delight 1.19.2-1.3.9
farmersknives: Farmer's Knives 2.4
farmersrespite: Farmer's Respite 2.2.4
porting_lib: Porting Lib 2.1.656+1.19.2
forge_tags: Porting Lib Tags 3.0
porting_lib_base: Porting Lib Base 2.1.656+1.19.2
serialization_hooks: Serialization Hooks 0.3.26
porting_lib_entity: Porting Lib Entity 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_lazy_registration: Porting Lib Lazy Register 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_model_generators: Porting Lib Model Generators 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_models: Porting Lib Models 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_networking: Porting Lib Networking 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_obj_loader: Porting Lib Obj Loader 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_model_loader: Porting Lib Model Loader 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_transfer: Porting Lib Transfer 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_extensions: Porting Lib Extensions 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_accessors: Porting Lib Accessors 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_attributes: Porting Lib Attributes 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_constants: Porting Lib Constants 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_common: Porting Lib Common 2.1.656+1.19.2
fldf: Fast Leaf Decay 1.0.0
flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 1.0.0
forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 4.2.10
com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.6.5
com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.6.5
frame: Frame 0.26.1+1.19-fabric
frame-api-base: Frame Base 0.2.1+906ebc04a9
frame-blocks-v0: Frame Blocks (v0) 0.1.3+233e7428a9
frame-config-v0: Frame Config (v0) 0.3.1+0fa45150a9
frame-content-registries-v0: Frame Content Registries (v0) 0.4.0+2876b511a9
frame-enchantments-v0: Frame Enchantments (v0) 0.1.0+4093105da9
frame-game-rules-v0: Frame Game Rules (v0) 0.2.4+e7ce56a6a9
frame-items-v0: Frame Items (v0) 0.1.3+906ebc04a9
frame-loot-tables-v0: Frame Loot Tables (v0) 0.1.4+4f7341eca9
frame-registries-v0: Frame Registries (v0) 0.1.1+0e0ec74ea9
frame-rendering-v0: Frame Rendering (v0) 0.1.5+906ebc04a9
frame-tabbed-item-groups-v0: Frame Tabbed Item Groups (v0) 0.2.4+0aca9b56a9
frame-toymaker-v0: Frame Data Generation Helpers (v0) 0.6.1+b13741c3a9
frame-woods-v0: Frame Woods (v0) 0.2.1+6a33fbada9
friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 1.6.8
fwaystones: Fabric Waystones 3.0.5+mc1.19.2
geckolib3: Geckolib 3.1.38
com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib: mclib 20
geodes: More Geodes 1.6.3
handcrafted: Handcrafted 2.0.2
jade: Jade 8.7.3
jadeaddons: Jade Addons 3.0.0
jamlib: JamLib 0.6.0+1.19
java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17
justmobheads: Just Mob Heads 7.0
kambrik: Kambrik 4.0-1.19.2
lambdynlights: LambDynamicLights 2.2.0+1.19.2
pride: Pride Lib 1.1.2+1.19
spruceui: SpruceUI 4.1.0+1.19.2
llamarama: Llamarama 1.8.4
mavapi: More Axolotl Variants API 1.0.1
mavm: More Axolotl Variants Mod 1.2.0
mca: Minecraft Comes Alive 7.4.0+1.19.2
mcwpaintings: Macaw's Paintings 1.0.4
mcwpaths: Macaw's Paths and Pavings 1.0.2
midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.0.0
minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2
minelib: mine11lib 0.1.3+1.19
com_sksamuel_scrimage_scrimage-core: scrimage-core 4.0.31
modmenu: Mod Menu 4.1.2
moonlight: Moonlight 1.19.2-2.1.31
more_gems: More Gems 1.4.53
moreachievements: MoreAchievements 1.0.9
moremobvariants: More Mob Variants 1.0.1
morevillagers: More Villagers 4.0.2
mythicmounts: Mythic Mounts 1.19.2-7.1
naturalist: Naturalist 2.1.1
naturescompass: Nature's Compass 1.19.2-2.1.0-fabric
nears: Nears 1.2.3
nethersdelight: Nether's Delight 1.0.1
nets: Not Enough Trinket Slots (NETS)
notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.6.2
npcvariety: NPC Variety 2.2.2
owo: oωo 0.8.5+1.19
blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.1
passiveshield: Passive Shield 3.0
patchouli: Patchouli 1.19.2-77-FABRIC
fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2
platypus: Platypuses 1.0.0
playerex: PlayerEx 3.5.1
net_objecthunter_exp4j: exp4j 0.4.8
opc: Offline Player Cache 0.6.4
placeholder-api: Placeholder API 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
plushies: Plushie Mod 1.2
polymorph: Polymorph 0.46.1+1.19.2
spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.11.0+1.19
probablychests: Probably Chests 0.5.5-1.19.2
puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 4.3.12
relicex: RelicEx 3.2.7
armorrenderlib: Armor Render Lib 0.2.6
resourcegeodes: Resource Geodes 1.0
roughly_enough_loot_tables: Roughly Enough Loot Tables 1.19-1.0
roughly_enough_trades: Roughly Enough Trades 1.19-1.0
roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 9.1.585
error_notifier: Error Notifier 1.0.9
roughlyenoughprofessions: Roughly Enough Professions 1.1.3
roughlyenoughresources: Roughly Enough Resources 2.6.0
simple_backpack: SimpleBackpack 1.3.25
smarterfarmers: Smarter Farmers 1.19.2-1.7.0
sound_physics_remastered: Sound Physics Remastered 1.19.2-1.0.18
spelunkery: Spelunkery 1.19.2-0.1.4
spiderstpo: Spiders 2.0 1.19.2-2.0.3
supplementaries: Supplementaries 1.19.2-2.2.43
tb-bone-drops: Totally Balanced Bone Drops 1.2.0
tectonic: Tectonic 1.1.4
thatched: Thatched 1.2.0
the_bumblezone: The Bumblezone - Fabric 6.6.2+1.19.2
fake-player-api: Fake Player API 0.5.0
totw_additions: Towers of the Wild: Additions 1.2.3
travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack 1.19.2-8.2.10
reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.3.0
trinkets: Trinkets 3.4.2
twigs: Twigs 2.0.0-beta.9+1.19-fabric
unsaddle: Unsaddle 0.1.0+1.17
unsaddle-core: Unsaddle Core 0.1.0
untitledduckmod: Untitled Duck Mod 0.6.1
variant_bookshelves: Variant Bookshelves 1.2.4
variant_grindstones: Variant Grindstones 1.1.2
variant_lanterns: Variant Lanterns 1.0.4
variant_shields: Variant Shields 1.0.3
variantbarrels: Variant Barrels 2.4.5
variantcomposters: Variant Composters 1.0.7
variantcraftingtables: Variant Crafting Tables 3.2.9
wildlife: Wildlife 1.19.2-2.2
windchimes: Windchimes 1.2.1
woof: Woof 3.0.0-1.19
advanced_runtime_resource_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.6.2
worldoffeather: The World Of Feather 0.2.0
xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 22.17.1
xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.28.8
yet-another-config-lib: YetAnotherConfigLib 2.2.0-for-1.19.2
Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.14.12-1.19.2
Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT
Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 526.86, NVIDIA Corporation
Window size: 1920x1013
GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2
GL debug messages:
Using VBOs: Yes
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric'; Server brand changed to 'fabric'
Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
Graphics mode: fancy
Resource Packs: Fabric Mods, charmonium/journeyman
Current Language: English (US)
CPU: 12x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Server Running: true
Player Count: 1 / 8; [class_3222['Librarian996'/20859, l='ServerLevel[New World]', x=-8503.86, y=63.92, z=897.71]]
Data Packs: vanilla, Fabric Mods, Spelunkery Generated Pack, Supplementaries Generated Pack
World Generation: Experimental

And again:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.

Time: 2023-01-27 18:39:33
Description: Rendering Block Entity

java.lang.ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class net.minecraft.class_922 ( and net.minecraft.class_922 are in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @80ec1f8)
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23079(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23081(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23079(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_23081(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(

-- Block Entity Details --
Name: llamarama:statue //
Block: Block{llamarama:statue}[facing=north,hardened=false]
Block location: World: (2563,70,1606), Section: (at 3,6,6 in 160,4,100; chunk contains blocks 2560,-64,1600 to 2575,319,1615), Region: (5,3; contains chunks 160,96 to 191,127, blocks 2560,-64,1536 to 3071,319,2047)
Block: Block{llamarama:statue}[facing=north,hardened=false]
Block location: World: (2563,70,1606), Section: (at 3,6,6 in 160,4,100; chunk contains blocks 2560,-64,1600 to 2575,319,1615), Region: (5,3; contains chunks 160,96 to 191,127, blocks 2560,-64,1536 to 3071,319,2047)
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3554(
at net.minecraft.class_824.method_3555(
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(
at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; [class_746['Librarian996'/198, l='ClientLevel', x=2499.87, y=74.31, z=1607.15]]
Chunk stats: 1521, 989
Level dimension: minecraft:overworld
Level spawn location: World: (0,82,0), Section: (at 0,2,0 in 0,5,0; chunk contains blocks 0,-64,0 to 15,319,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,-64,0 to 511,319,511)
Level time: 2670 game time, 2670 day time
Server brand: fabric
Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
at net.minecraft.class_638.method_8538(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1587(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method_44604(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

-- Last reload --
Reload number: 1
Reload reason: initial
Finished: Yes
Packs: Default, Fabric Mods, charmonium/journeyman, Supplementaries Generated Pack, fabric-diagonal-panes/default

-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2
Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 17.0.3, Microsoft
Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft
Memory: 1414483712 bytes (1348 MiB) / 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB)
CPUs: 12
Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel
Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10
Microarchitecture: Coffee Lake
Frequency (GHz): 2.21
Number of physical packages: 1
Number of physical CPUs: 6
Number of logical CPUs: 12
Graphics card #0 name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
Graphics card #0 vendor: Intel Corporation (0x8086)
Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 1024.00
Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x3e9b
Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=
Graphics card #1 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design
Graphics card #1 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Graphics card #1 VRAM (MB): 4095.00
Graphics card #1 deviceId: 0x1c20
Graphics card #1 versionInfo: DriverVersion=
Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00
Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67
Memory slot #0 type: DDR4
Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00
Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67
Memory slot #1 type: DDR4
Virtual memory max (MB): 30514.28
Virtual memory used (MB): 24769.05
Swap memory total (MB): 14336.00
Swap memory used (MB): 1710.40
JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx4096m -Xms256m
Fabric Mods:
adorn: Adorn 3.8.1+1.19.2
alloy_forgery: Alloy Forgery 2.0.17+1.19
ants: Little Ants 1.2.0
architectury: Architectury 6.4.62
auto_third_person: Auto Third Person 1.2.1
axolotlitemfix: Axolotl Item Fix 1.1.4
basicshields: Basic Shields [Fabric] 1.4.0-1.19.2
crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19
bclib: BCLib 2.1.5
bedspreads: Bedspreads 6.0.0+1.19.2
beekeeperhut: Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut 1.2.0
betteradvancements: Better Advancements
betterend: Better End 2.1.2
betterf3: BetterF3 4.0.0
betternether: Better Nether 7.1.2
betterthirdperson: Better Third Person 1.9.0
bountiful: Bountiful 3.0.0
brewinandchewin: Brewin And Chewin fabric-1.0.5+1.19.2
bushierflowers: Bushier Flowers 0.0.1-1.19.2
cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 5.0.2
cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 5.0.2
cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 5.0.2
carryon: Carry On
com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.2.0-beta.1
cave_enhancements: Cave Enhancements 1.19.2-2.1.7-fabric
charm: Charm 4.4.4
com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j: toml4j 0.7.2
charmonium: Charmonium 4.2.1
chas: Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle 1.19-1.9-Fabric
chimes: Chimes 1.1.4
clickadv: Clickable Advancements Mod 3.0
cloth-config: Cloth Config v8 8.2.88
cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
collective: Collective 6.43
connectiblechains: Connectible Chains 2.1.4+1.19.2
copper_pipe: Simple Copper Pipes 1.11.4
copperhopper: Copper Hopper 0.0.12+1.19.2
crittersandcompanions: Critters and Companions 1.19.2-1.0.3
cull-less-leaves: Cull Less Leaves 1.0.6
conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.3.0
cullleaves: Cull Leaves 3.0.1
culturaldelights: Cultural Delights Fabric 0.14.9+1.19.2
terraform-wood-api-v1: Terraform Wood API (v1) 4.2.0
dataattributes: Data Attributes 1.4.0
decorative_blocks: Decorative Blocks 3.0.0
delightchef: Chef's Delight 1.0.1-1.19.2
structurized-reborn: Structurized Reborn 1.19-01
diagonalfences: Diagonal Fences 4.2.3
disable_custom_worlds_advice: Disable Custom Worlds Advice 3.0
ecologics: Ecologics 2.1.11
edenring: EdenRing 0.6.4
emerald_tools: Emerald Tools 1.4.38
pugh_tools: Pugh Tools 1.3.23
emeraldapple: Emerald Apple 1.0.3
entityculling: EntityCulling-Fabric 1.5.2-mc1.19
com_logisticscraft_occlusionculling: occlusionculling 0.0.6-SNAPSHOT
expandeddelight: Expanded Delight
explorerscompass: Explorer's Compass 1.19.2-2.2.0-fabric
fabric-api: Fabric API 0.73.0+1.19.2
fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.14+6e0787e690
fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.13+93d8cb8290
fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.1.0+82db024a90
fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.2+e415d50e90
fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.23+c6af733c90
fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.4+b35fea8390
fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.15+f71b366f90
fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.0+413cbbc790
fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.32+df3654b390
fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.40+df3654b390
fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.5.0+7c6cd14d90
fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.2.1+27265b3490
fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90
fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.3.6+413cbbc790
fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.34+0d0f210290
fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.3+9244241690
fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.33+562bff6e90
fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.34+df3654b390
fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.24+b6b6abb490
fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.6.4+693ffc0590
fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.37+9244241690
fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.25+5c4fce2890
fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b390
fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.3+1b46dc7890
fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.11+83a8659290
fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.14+9e7660c690
fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.0.6+93d8cb8290
fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.22+33fbc73890
fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.20+c6af733c90
fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.2.10+10eb22f490
fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.27+df3654b390
fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.2.0+d8ef690890
fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.0.13+4d0d570390
fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.0+413cbbc790
fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.31+9244241690
fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.2.0+2e5408b590
fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.7.0+2e5408b590
fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.23+df3654b390
fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.18+6e0787e690
fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.10+4d0d570390
fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.26+df3654b390
fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.12.0+d8ef690890
fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.1.2+aae9039d90
fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.8.3+251d254a90
fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.31+4d0d570390
fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.6+1cc24b1b90
fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.2+c4f28df590
fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.23+aeb40ebe90
fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.1.5+413cbbc790
fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.3.3+08b73de490
fabric-diagonal-panes: Fabric Diagonal Panes 0.6.4
fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.9.0+kotlin.1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.8.0
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.18.5
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.6.4
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.6.4
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.4.1
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.4.1
org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.4.1
fabricenchantments: Fabric Enchantments 0.9.0
fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.14.12
fabricshieldlib: Fabric Shield Lib 1.6.1-1.19
mm: Manningham Mills 2.3
farmersdelight: Farmer's Delight 1.19.2-1.3.9
farmersknives: Farmer's Knives 2.4
farmersrespite: Farmer's Respite 2.2.4
porting_lib: Porting Lib 2.1.656+1.19.2
forge_tags: Porting Lib Tags 3.0
porting_lib_base: Porting Lib Base 2.1.656+1.19.2
serialization_hooks: Serialization Hooks 0.3.26
porting_lib_entity: Porting Lib Entity 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_lazy_registration: Porting Lib Lazy Register 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_model_generators: Porting Lib Model Generators 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_models: Porting Lib Models 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_networking: Porting Lib Networking 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_obj_loader: Porting Lib Obj Loader 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_model_loader: Porting Lib Model Loader 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_transfer: Porting Lib Transfer 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_extensions: Porting Lib Extensions 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_accessors: Porting Lib Accessors 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_attributes: Porting Lib Attributes 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_constants: Porting Lib Constants 2.1.656+1.19.2
porting_lib_common: Porting Lib Common 2.1.656+1.19.2
fldf: Fast Leaf Decay 1.0.0
flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 1.0.0
forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 4.2.10
com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.6.5
com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.6.5
frame: Frame 0.26.1+1.19-fabric
frame-api-base: Frame Base 0.2.1+906ebc04a9
frame-blocks-v0: Frame Blocks (v0) 0.1.3+233e7428a9
frame-config-v0: Frame Config (v0) 0.3.1+0fa45150a9
frame-content-registries-v0: Frame Content Registries (v0) 0.4.0+2876b511a9
frame-enchantments-v0: Frame Enchantments (v0) 0.1.0+4093105da9
frame-game-rules-v0: Frame Game Rules (v0) 0.2.4+e7ce56a6a9
frame-items-v0: Frame Items (v0) 0.1.3+906ebc04a9
frame-loot-tables-v0: Frame Loot Tables (v0) 0.1.4+4f7341eca9
frame-registries-v0: Frame Registries (v0) 0.1.1+0e0ec74ea9
frame-rendering-v0: Frame Rendering (v0) 0.1.5+906ebc04a9
frame-tabbed-item-groups-v0: Frame Tabbed Item Groups (v0) 0.2.4+0aca9b56a9
frame-toymaker-v0: Frame Data Generation Helpers (v0) 0.6.1+b13741c3a9
frame-woods-v0: Frame Woods (v0) 0.2.1+6a33fbada9
friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 1.6.8
fwaystones: Fabric Waystones 3.0.5+mc1.19.2
geckolib3: Geckolib 3.1.38
com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib: mclib 20
geodes: More Geodes 1.6.3
handcrafted: Handcrafted 2.0.2
jade: Jade 8.7.3
jadeaddons: Jade Addons 3.0.0
jamlib: JamLib 0.6.0+1.19
java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17
justmobheads: Just Mob Heads 7.0
kambrik: Kambrik 4.0-1.19.2
lambdynlights: LambDynamicLights 2.2.0+1.19.2
pride: Pride Lib 1.1.2+1.19
spruceui: SpruceUI 4.1.0+1.19.2
llamarama: Llamarama 1.8.4
mavapi: More Axolotl Variants API 1.0.1
mavm: More Axolotl Variants Mod 1.2.0
mca: Minecraft Comes Alive 7.4.0+1.19.2
mcwpaintings: Macaw's Paintings 1.0.4
mcwpaths: Macaw's Paths and Pavings 1.0.2
midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.0.0
minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2
minelib: mine11lib 0.1.3+1.19
com_sksamuel_scrimage_scrimage-core: scrimage-core 4.0.31
modmenu: Mod Menu 4.1.2
moonlight: Moonlight 1.19.2-2.1.31
more_gems: More Gems 1.4.53
moreachievements: MoreAchievements 1.0.9
moremobvariants: More Mob Variants 1.0.1
morevillagers: More Villagers 4.0.2
mythicmounts: Mythic Mounts 1.19.2-7.1
naturalist: Naturalist 2.1.1
naturescompass: Nature's Compass 1.19.2-2.1.0-fabric
nears: Nears 1.2.3
nethersdelight: Nether's Delight 1.0.1
nets: Not Enough Trinket Slots (NETS)
notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.6.2
npcvariety: NPC Variety 2.2.2
owo: oωo 0.8.5+1.19
blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.1
passiveshield: Passive Shield 3.0
patchouli: Patchouli 1.19.2-77-FABRIC
fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2
platypus: Platypuses 1.0.0
playerex: PlayerEx 3.5.1
net_objecthunter_exp4j: exp4j 0.4.8
opc: Offline Player Cache 0.6.4
placeholder-api: Placeholder API 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
plushies: Plushie Mod 1.2
polymorph: Polymorph 0.46.1+1.19.2
spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.11.0+1.19
probablychests: Probably Chests 0.5.5-1.19.2
puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 4.3.12
relicex: RelicEx 3.2.7
armorrenderlib: Armor Render Lib 0.2.6
resourcegeodes: Resource Geodes 1.0
roughly_enough_loot_tables: Roughly Enough Loot Tables 1.19-1.0
roughly_enough_trades: Roughly Enough Trades 1.19-1.0
roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 9.1.585
error_notifier: Error Notifier 1.0.9
roughlyenoughprofessions: Roughly Enough Professions 1.1.3
roughlyenoughresources: Roughly Enough Resources 2.6.0
simple_backpack: SimpleBackpack 1.3.25
smarterfarmers: Smarter Farmers 1.19.2-1.7.0
sound_physics_remastered: Sound Physics Remastered 1.19.2-1.0.18
spelunkery: Spelunkery 1.19.2-0.1.4
spiderstpo: Spiders 2.0 1.19.2-2.0.3
supplementaries: Supplementaries 1.19.2-2.2.43
tb-bone-drops: Totally Balanced Bone Drops 1.2.0
tectonic: Tectonic 1.1.4
thatched: Thatched 1.2.0
the_bumblezone: The Bumblezone - Fabric 6.6.2+1.19.2
fake-player-api: Fake Player API 0.5.0
totw_additions: Towers of the Wild: Additions 1.2.3
travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack 1.19.2-8.2.10
reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.3.0
trinkets: Trinkets 3.4.2
twigs: Twigs 2.0.0-beta.9+1.19-fabric
unsaddle: Unsaddle 0.1.0+1.17
unsaddle-core: Unsaddle Core 0.1.0
untitledduckmod: Untitled Duck Mod 0.6.1
variant_bookshelves: Variant Bookshelves 1.2.4
variant_grindstones: Variant Grindstones 1.1.2
variant_lanterns: Variant Lanterns 1.0.4
variant_shields: Variant Shields 1.0.3
variantbarrels: Variant Barrels 2.4.5
variantcomposters: Variant Composters 1.0.7
variantcraftingtables: Variant Crafting Tables 3.2.9
wildlife: Wildlife 1.19.2-2.2
windchimes: Windchimes 1.2.1
woof: Woof 3.0.0-1.19
advanced_runtime_resource_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.6.2
worldoffeather: The World Of Feather 0.2.0
xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 22.17.1
xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.28.8
yet-another-config-lib: YetAnotherConfigLib 2.2.0-for-1.19.2
Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.14.12-1.19.2
Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT
Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 526.86, NVIDIA Corporation
Window size: 1920x1013
GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2
GL debug messages:
Using VBOs: Yes
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric'; Server brand changed to 'fabric'
Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
Graphics mode: fancy
Resource Packs: Fabric Mods, charmonium/journeyman
Current Language: English (US)
CPU: 12x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Server Running: true
Player Count: 1 / 8; [class_3222['Librarian996'/198, l='ServerLevel[New World]', x=2499.87, y=74.31, z=1607.15]]
Data Packs: vanilla, Fabric Mods, Spelunkery Generated Pack, Supplementaries Generated Pack
World Generation: Experimental

@Libby996 Libby996 added the bug Something isn't working label Jan 27, 2023
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bug Something isn't working
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2 participants