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Ollamachad v1.1.0

Chat with any Ollama model or use the prompts to generate/modify text.


This plugin aims to provide a simple interface to chat with any Ollama model or use the prompts to generate/modify text, while being very minimalistic and give the user full control over how to use it.

The Chat can be used with any model. There is a hotkey to switch between any available model found in your ollama instance.

Installation & Configuration

-- lazy
return {
    dependencies = {
    config = function()
        local Chat = require("")
        local gen = require("ollamachad.generate")
        local util = require("ollamachad.util")

        --- call setup if have a special address for your ollama server
            api_url = "",

        --- create a new chat, with optional configuration
        --- these are the defaults
        local chat = Chat:new({
            keymap = {
                clear = "<C-n>",
                send = "<CR>",
                quit = "<ESC>",
                select = "<C-k>",
            cache_file = "~/.cache/nvim/ollamachad", -- persists selected model between sessions
            system_prompt = "", -- provide any context

        --- bind a key to open
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>t", function()
        end, { silent = true })

        --- gen mode without a chat, just a single answer, create for creative text work
        --- create a quick visual select and rewrite generative request
        vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>cr", function()
            local instruction =
            "Please rewrite the following text to improve clarity, coherence while keeping the vibe:",
            local request = {
                model = "mistral",
                prompt = instruction .. util.read_visiual_lines(),
        end, { silent = true })
