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Luke edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 15 revisions

Creating Playlists

Send a POST to /Playlists?UserId=xxx&Name=xxx

There are two additional params, one of which must be specified:

  • MediaType (Audio/Video)
  • Ids - A comma delimited list of item id's to add to the playlist. MediaType can be omitted is this is supplied.

Retrieving Playlists

Playlists for a user can be queried like any other type. The item type is Playlist.

The MediaType property of the playlist will indicate either Audio or Video.

Playlist Items

There is a dedicated endpoint to retrieve the list of playlist items:


The following params are accepted:

  • Id
  • UserId
  • StartIndex
  • Limit
  • Fields

Each playlist item will have a PlaylistItemId property. This property is required in order to remove the item from the playlist, not the library item id.

Adding to Playlists

Send a POST to /Playlists/{Id}/Items

In addition, supply:

  • Ids - A comma delimited list of item id's to add to the playlist.

Removing from Playlists

Send a DELETE to /Playlists/{Id}/Items

In addition, supply:

  • EntryIds - A comma delimited list of the PlaylistItemId property of each item to remove from the playlist.
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