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Mosquitto Stack by Musuyaba

Table of Contents

About The Project

This project included in my portofolio as IoT Engineer, of course what I can use is basic sample for every stack that I use.



  • Authentication user-password
  • Encryption user password
  • Add user
  • Delete user
  • Logging Mosquitto Broker
  • Securing Connection using OpenSSL
  • Example on C++, Python, and Node.js



  1. Build to generate ssl to ./certs/generated

    docker compose --profile ssl up --build 

    Expected Output:

    ssl | Certificate request self-signature ok
    ssl | subject=C = ID, ST = EastJava, L = MusuyabaHut, O = ServerCertMusuyaba, OU = TestServerCert, CN = mosquitto-broker
    ssl | server.crt: OK
    ssl exited with code 0

  2. Running mosquitto-broker, mosquitto-sub, and mosquitto-pub

    docker compose --profile mosquitto up --build

    Expected Output:

    Attaching to mosquitto-broker, mosquitto-pub, mosquitto-sub

  3. Open new terminal on the same directory and check container that running

    docker compose ps

    Expected Output:

    docker compose ps

  4. Add user + password from mosquitto-broker container

    docker compose exec mosquitto-broker mosquitto_passwd -b /mosquitto/config/password.txt newUser newUser
  5. Restart mosuquitto-broker container

    docker restart mosquitto-broker

    Expected Output:


  6. Publish message from terminal 2 using SSL to topics/iot

    docker compose exec mosquitto-pub mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto-broker -t topics/iot -m "Wellcome to Hell as admin" -u admin -P admin --cafile /mosquitto/certs/generated/ca.crt --tls-version tlsv1.2 -d

    Expected Output on terminal 1 (as subscriber):

    mosquitto-sub | Wellcome to Hell as admin

    Expected Output on terminal 2 (as publisher with debug):

    Client null sending CONNECT
    Client null received CONNACK (0)
    Client null sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'topics/iot', ... (25 bytes))
    Client null sending DISCONNECT

  7. Publish message from terminal 2 without ssl to topics/iot2 (still working because mosquitto-broker config still open port 1883)

    docker compose exec mosquitto-pub mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto-broker -t topics/iot2 -m "Wellcome to Hell as user" -u user -P user -d

    Expected Output on terminal 1 (as subscriber):

    mosquitto-sub | Wellcome to Hell as user

    Expected Output on terminal 2 (as publisher with debug):

    Client null sending CONNECT
    Client null received CONNACK (0)
    Client null sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'topics/iot2', ... (24 bytes))
    Client null sending DISCONNECT

  8. Publish message from terminal 2 using user newUser to topics/iot3

    docker compose exec mosquitto-pub mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto-broker -t topics/iot3 -m "Wellcome to Hell as newUser" -u newUser -P newUser -d

    Expected Output on terminal 1 (as subscriber):

    mosquitto-sub | Wellcome to Hell as newUser

    Expected Output on terminal 2 (as publisher with debug):

    Client null sending CONNECT
    Client null received CONNACK (0)
    Client null sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'topics/iot3', ... (27 bytes))
    Client null sending DISCONNECT

  9. Remove user 'newUser' and restart mosquitto-broker

    docker compose exec mosquitto-broker mosquitto_passwd -D /mosquitto/config/password.txt newUser && docker restart mosquitto-broker
  10. Try again to publish message using user 'newUser'

    docker compose exec mosquitto-pub mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto-broker -t topics/iot -m "Wellcome to Hell as newUser" -u newUser -P newUser

    Expected Output on terminal 2 (as publisher):

    Connection error: Connection Refused: not authorised.
    Error: The connection was refused.

  11. Press Ctrl+C on terminal 1 to shutdown mosquitto-broker, mosquitto-pub, and mosquitto-sub container

    Expected Output on terminal 1:

    Aborting on container exit...
    [+] Stopping 3/3
    ✔ Container mosquitto-pub Stopped
    ✔ Container mosquitto-sub Stopped
    ✔ Container mosquitto-broker Stopped


In Progress

  • CPP Client
  • Node.js Client
  • Python Client

Done ✓

  • Create
  • Docker for OpenSSL
  • Docker for Broker
  • Docker for Subscriber
  • Docker for Publisher


Distributed under the MIT License.


Please, if you had any hestitate contact me on:

Telegram @musuyaba -


No description, website, or topics provided.






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