From f296030b44b2aafb26fdfc9942d0b524ad2af1bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mark Hoemmen Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 19:03:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] P1673R6: Requires -> Preconditions: Replace "Requires" with "Preconditions," per new wording guidelines. This fixes . --- D1673/ | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) diff --git a/D1673/ b/D1673/ index d9be9a90..f376babf 100644 --- a/D1673/ +++ b/D1673/ @@ -4291,7 +4291,7 @@ constexpr mapping(const Extents& e, const typename Extents::size_type s); ``` -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * If `StorageOrder` is `column_major_t`, then `s` is greater than or equal to `e.extent(0)`. @@ -4330,7 +4330,7 @@ operator() (typename Extents::size_type i, typename Extents::size_type j) const; ``` -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * 0 ≤ `i` < `extent(0)`, and @@ -4524,7 +4524,7 @@ public: constexpr mapping(const Extents& e); ``` -* *Requires:* `e.extent(0)` equals `e.extent(1)`. +* *Preconditions:* `e.extent(0)` equals `e.extent(1)`. * *Effects:* Initializes `extents_` with `e`. @@ -4547,7 +4547,7 @@ operator() (typename Extents::size_type i, typename Extents::size_type j) const; ``` -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * 0 ≤ `i` < `extent(0)`, and @@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ public: }; ``` -* *Requires:* `ScalingFactor` and `Reference` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. +* *Preconditions:* `ScalingFactor` and `Reference` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. * *Constraints:* The expression `scaling_factor * value` is well formed. @@ -4740,7 +4740,7 @@ scaled_scalar(const ScalingFactor& s, Reference v); operator result_type() const; ``` -* *Requires:* This operator may be invoked arbitrarily many times. +* *Preconditions:* This operator may be invoked arbitrarily many times. * *Effects:* Equivalent to `return scaling_factor * value;`. @@ -4777,7 +4777,7 @@ private: }; ``` -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `ScalingFactor` and `Accessor` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. @@ -4952,7 +4952,7 @@ private: }; ``` -* *Requires:* `Reference` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. +* *Preconditions:* `Reference` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. * *Constraints:* The expression `conj(val)` is well formed and is convertible to `ElementType`. *[Note:* This implies that `ElementType` is @@ -4998,7 +4998,7 @@ public: }; ``` -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `Accessor` shall be *Cpp17CopyConstructible*. @@ -5182,7 +5182,7 @@ For `InputExtents` a specialization of `extents`, `OutputExtents::static_extent(r)` for 0 ≤ `r` < `InputExtents::rank()-2`. -* *Requires:* `InputExtents` is a specialization of `extents`. +* *Preconditions:* `InputExtents` is a specialization of `extents`. * *Constraints:* `InputExtents::rank()` equals 2. @@ -5256,7 +5256,7 @@ public: }; ``` -* *Requires:* `Layout` shall meet the `mdspan` layout mapping policy requirements. +* *Preconditions:* `Layout` shall meet the `mdspan` layout mapping policy requirements. * *Constraints:* For all specializations `E` of `extents` with `E::rank()` equal to 2, `typename Layout::template mapping::is_always_unique()` is `true`. @@ -5742,7 +5742,7 @@ the mathematical expressions for the algorithm are `x[i] = c*x[i] + s*y[i]` and `y[i] = c*y[i] - conj(s)*x[i]`. -* *Requires:* `x.extent(0)` equals `y.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `x.extent(0)` equals `y.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `x.static_extent(0)` nor `y.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then `x.static_extent(0)` equals @@ -5772,7 +5772,7 @@ void swap_elements(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, *[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function `xSWAP`. --*end note]* -* *Requires:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, +* *Preconditions:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, `x.extent(r)` equals `y.extent(r)`. * *Constraints:* @@ -5838,7 +5838,7 @@ void copy(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, *[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function `xCOPY`. --*end note]* -* *Requires:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, +* *Preconditions:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, `x.extent(r)` equals `y.extent(r)`. * *Constraints:* @@ -5882,7 +5882,7 @@ void add(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, For `i...` in the domains of `x`, `y`, and `z`, the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `z[i...] = x[i...] + y[i...]`. -* *Requires:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, +* *Preconditions:* For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `x.rank()` - 1, * `x.extent(r)` equals `z.extent(r)`. @@ -5938,7 +5938,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `init = init` plus the sum of `v1[i] * v2[i]` for all `i` in the domain of `v1`. -* *Requires:* `v1.extent(0)` equals `v2.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `v1.extent(0)` equals `v2.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `v1.static_extent(0)` nor `v2.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then @@ -6065,7 +6065,7 @@ sum_of_squares_result vector_sum_of_squares( *[Note:* These functions correspond to the LAPACK function `xLASSQ`. --*end note]* -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `T` shall be *Cpp17MoveConstructible* and *Cpp17LessThanComparable*, and @@ -6124,7 +6124,7 @@ This does not imply a recommended implementation for floating-point types. See *Remarks* below. --*end note]* -* *Requires:* `init + abs(v[0])*abs(v[0])` shall be convertible to `T`. +* *Preconditions:* `init + abs(v[0])*abs(v[0])` shall be convertible to `T`. * *Effects:* Returns the Euclidean norm (also called 2-norm) of the vector `v`. @@ -6188,7 +6188,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `init` plus the sum of `abs(v[i])` for all `i` in the domain of `v`. -* *Requires:* For `i` in the domain of `v`, +* *Preconditions:* For `i` in the domain of `v`, `init + abs(v[i])` shall be convertible to `T`. * *Effects:* Let `N` be `v.extent(0)`: @@ -6240,7 +6240,7 @@ extents<>::size_type idx_abs_max( *[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function `IxAMAX`. --*end note]* -* *Requires:* For `i` in the domain of `v`, +* *Preconditions:* For `i` in the domain of `v`, let `abs_value_type` be `decltype(v[i])`; then, `abs_value_type` shall be *Cpp17LessThanComparable*. @@ -6323,7 +6323,7 @@ T matrix_one_norm( T init); ``` -* *Requires:* `abs(A[0,0])` shall be convertible to `T`. +* *Preconditions:* `abs(A[0,0])` shall be convertible to `T`. * *Effects:* @@ -6377,7 +6377,7 @@ T matrix_inf_norm( T init); ``` -* *Requires:* `abs(A[0,0])` shall be convertible to `T`. +* *Preconditions:* `abs(A[0,0])` shall be convertible to `T`. * *Effects:* @@ -6421,7 +6421,7 @@ auto matrix_inf_norm( The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(1)` equals `x.extent(0)`, @@ -6555,7 +6555,7 @@ for all `j` such that `i,j` is in the domain of `A`. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ but not in the triangle of `A` specified by `t`. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:"* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -6819,7 +6819,7 @@ but not in the triangle of `A` specified by `t`. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -6935,7 +6935,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `y[i] =` the sum of `A[i,j] * y[j]` for all `j` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `y.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `y.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `y.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then `A.static_extent(1)` equals @@ -6991,7 +6991,7 @@ for all `j` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, and @@ -7080,7 +7080,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `A[i,j] * x[j]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(0)` equals `x.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(0)` equals `x.extent(0)`. * *Constraints:* `x.rank()` equals 1 and `b.rank()` equals 1. @@ -7140,7 +7140,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `A[i,j] * b[j]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(0)` equals `b.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(0)` equals `b.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(0)` nor `b.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, @@ -7181,7 +7181,7 @@ For `i,j` in the domain of `A`, the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `A[i,j] += x[i] * y[j]`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `x.extent(0)`, and @@ -7294,7 +7294,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `A[i,j] += x[i] * x[j]` for overloads without an `alpha` parameter, and `A[i,j] += alpha * x[i] * x[j]` for overloads with an `alpha` parameter. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, and @@ -7393,7 +7393,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `A[i,j] += x[i] * conj(x[j])` for overloads without an `alpha` parameter, and `A[i,j] += alpha * x[i] * conj(x[j])` for overloads without an `alpha` parameter. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`; and @@ -7476,7 +7476,7 @@ and in the triangle of `A` specified by `t`, the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `A[i,j] += x[i] * y[j] + y[i] * x[j]`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -7552,7 +7552,7 @@ and in the triangle of `A` specified by `t`, the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `A[i,j] += x[i] * conj(y[j]) + y[i] * conj(x[j])`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -7610,7 +7610,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `C.extent(0)` equals `E.extent(0)` (if applicable), @@ -7729,7 +7729,7 @@ that the input matrix `A` -- not the output matrix -- is symmetric. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -7775,7 +7775,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. The following requirements apply to all overloads of `symmetric_matrix_left_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`, @@ -7803,7 +7803,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all overloads of The following requirements apply to all overloads of `symmetric_matrix_right_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `B.extent(1)` equals `A.extent(0)`, @@ -8007,7 +8007,7 @@ that the input matrix -- not the output matrix -- is Hermitian. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -8057,7 +8057,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. The following requirements apply to all overloads of `hermitian_matrix_left_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`, @@ -8085,7 +8085,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all overloads of The following requirements apply to all overloads of `hermitian_matrix_right_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `B.extent(1)` equals `A.extent(0)`, @@ -8285,7 +8285,7 @@ and in the triangle of `A` specified by `t`. The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `A.extent(1)`, @@ -8337,7 +8337,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. The following requirements apply to all overloads of `triangular_matrix_left_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)` (if applicable), @@ -8365,7 +8365,7 @@ The following requirements apply to all overloads of The following requirements apply to all overloads of `triangular_matrix_right_product`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `B.extent(1)` equals `A.extent(0)` (if applicable), @@ -8461,7 +8461,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is for all `k` such that `i,k` is in the domain of `A` and in the triangle of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `C.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `C.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `C.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, @@ -8539,7 +8539,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is for all `k` such that `k,j` is in the domain of `A` and in the triangle of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `C.extent(1)` equals `A.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `C.extent(1)` equals `A.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `C.static_extent(1)` nor `A.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then `C.static_extent(1)` equals @@ -8706,7 +8706,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `C[i,j] = C[i,j]` plus the sum of `alpha * A[i,k] * A[j,k]` for all `k` such that `i,k` is in the domain of `A`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `C.extent(0)`, and @@ -8811,7 +8811,7 @@ the mathematical expression for the algorithm is `C[i,j] = C[i,j]` plus the sum of `alpha * A[i,k] * conj(A[j,k])` for all `k` such that `i,k` is in the domain of `A`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `C.extent(0)`, and @@ -8897,7 +8897,7 @@ for all `k1` such that `i,k1` is in the domain of `A`, plus the sum of `B[i,k2] * A[j,k2]` for all `k2` such that `i,k2` is in the domain of `B`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `C.extent(0)`, @@ -8975,7 +8975,7 @@ for all `k1` such that `i,k1` is in the domain of `A`, plus the sum of `B[i,k2] * conj(A[j,k2])` for all `k2` such that `i,k2` is in the domain of `B`. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * `A.extent(0)` equals `C.extent(0)`, @@ -9029,7 +9029,7 @@ Reference BLAS does not have a `xTPSM` function. --*end note]* The following requirements apply to all functions in this section. -* *Requires:* +* *Preconditions:* * For all `r` in 0, 1, ..., `B.rank()` - 1, `X.extent(r)` equals `B.extent(r)` (if applicable); and @@ -9130,7 +9130,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `A[i,j] * X[j,k]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `B.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then @@ -9192,7 +9192,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `A[i,j] * B[j,k]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(0)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `B.static_extent(0)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then @@ -9251,7 +9251,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `X[i,j] * A[j,k]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(1)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(1)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `B.static_extent(1)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then @@ -9313,7 +9313,7 @@ where `s` is the sum of `B[i,j] * A[j,k]` for all `j` not equal to `i` in the subset of the domain of `A` specified by `t` and `d`. -* *Requires:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(1)`. +* *Preconditions:* `A.extent(1)` equals `B.extent(1)`. * *Mandates:* If neither `A.static_extent(1)` nor `B.static_extent(1)` equals `dynamic_extent`, then