diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py index 67f2e933f3..bc0cf80801 100644 --- a/docs/source/conf.py +++ b/docs/source/conf.py @@ -278,3 +278,10 @@ # Tell Jinja2 templates the build is running on Read the Docs if os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", "") == "True": html_context["READTHEDOCS"] = True + +# -- Spelling -------------------------------------------------- + +# Avoid running git +spelling_ignore_contributor_names = False + +spelling_word_list_filename = ["spelling_wordlist.txt"] diff --git a/docs/source/spelling_wordlist.txt b/docs/source/spelling_wordlist.txt index 4105b2adb8..a45c2c62cf 100644 --- a/docs/source/spelling_wordlist.txt +++ b/docs/source/spelling_wordlist.txt @@ -1,457 +1,903 @@ -# Core library and programs -PROJ -proj -libproj -projinfo -projsync -geod -gie -cct -cs2cs - -# Short English -db -de -etc -ok -pre -st -nd -rd -th - -# Expanded English accuracies +adams advertized -authorized -authorizes -Authorizing -Behavior -behavior -behaviors -catalog -Center -center -centered -centerline -centers -centimeter -centimetric -centralizes -customized -characterized -decimeter -favorable -favorite -formalization -formalized -generalization -generalized -homology -honored -initialization -initialize -initialized -initializing -instantiation -interpretable -Kilometer -materializes -Millimeter -millimeters -millimetric -minimize -modeling -nanometers -normalized -Optimization -optimization -optimizations -optimized -organization -organizations -organized -parametrize -piecewise -prioritized -realized -realization -realizations -recognize -recognized -selectable -serialization -serialized -specialized -standardize -standardized -synchronizing -synthetize -synthetized -timespan -unrecognized -utilized -utilizing -visualization - -# CRS-related abbreviations -bbox -calcofi -conus -crs -cs -dms -ENU -ETRS -EPSG -epsg -IGNF -lcc -lcca -laea -lat -latlon -latlong -lats -lon -lonlat -longlat -misrsom -nad -NTv -ogc -omerc -OSGeo -osgeo -som -srs -tmerc -towgs -utm -wgs -wkt - -# Names -Aitoff +aea +aeqd +affine +Affine +Agri aitoff +Aitoff Albers -Apian -apian -Badekas -Bertin -bertin -Boaga -Boggs -boggs -Bonne -bonne -cartesian -Cassini -Chamberlin -Chebyshev -clarke -Collignon -Craster -Delaunay -der -Denoyer -Eckert -euler -Eumorphic -Evenden -Fahey -fahey -Fairgrieve -Flamsteed -Foucaut -Goode -goode -Greifendorff -Grinten -Guyou -Hartebeesthoek -Hatano -Hayford -Helmert -helmert -Horner -horner -Hotine -Karney -Kavraisky -Kavrayskiy -Krovak -krovak -Krüger -Laborde -Larrivée -Larrivee -Laskowski -mercator -Mollweide -Molodensky -molodensky -Nicolosi -Ortelius -Putnins -Raphson -Roussilhe -Sanson -Schreiber -Soldner -Tissot -Tobler -Tscherning -Urmaev -Vincenty -Vitkovsky -Warmerdam -Werenskiold -Werner -Winkel - -# Terminology -Affine -affine -aseismic -anamorphosis -antimeridian -aposphere -Authalic -Azimuthal -azimuthal -barycentric -biaxial -bilinear -cadastral -Carrée -carrée -centrographic -Conformal -conformal -conformant -datums -dataset -datasets -dodecahedron -easting -Epicycloidal -Equirectangular -equirectangular -Geoid -geoid -geodesist -geodesists -Geospatial -geospatial -georeferencing -gimbal -Gnomonic -graticule -graticules -gridded -HEALPix -healpix -Homolosine -homolosine -Icosahedral -icosahedron -inhomogeneous -intraplate -Isostatic -isostatic -invertible -kinematically -Landsat -Loximuthal -mapmaking -maximimize -Meridional -meridional -Microradian -Northing -northing -northings -Oblated -parameterising -planetocentric -planetographic -polewards -Polyconic -prolate -proleptic -Pseudoazimuthal -Pseudoconical -pseudoconical -Pseudocylindrical -pseudocylindrical -Quadrilateralized -Quartic -Quincuncial -rasters -rHEALPix -rhealpix -rhumb -roundtrip -Semimajor -semimajor -Semiminor -sexagesimal -Southing -southing -spatiotemporal -Stereographic -stereographic -supersession -tangency -topocentric -triangulations -triaxial -Trimetric -Tripel -unitless -unrotated -Webmercator -westing - -# Locations +Alegre +Aleksejenko +algo +alsk +Altamimi Amersfoort -athens -bern -bogota -brussels -europe -greenwich -jakarta -lisbon -madrid -oslo -paris -Potsdam -Pulkovo -rome -stockholm - -# Technology jargon +ammend analyzer +Analyzer +anamorphosis +andrae +Anmerkungen +antimeridian api +apian +Apian +aposphere +arcminutes +arcseconds argc args argv +artifact +artifacts +asc +aseismic +ast +athens +attemptying +aut +auth +authalic +Authalic +authorized +authorizes +Authorizing +autoclose autoconf -Autotools +Autoconf +Automake +autopromote autotools +Autotools +axisswap +azimuthal +Azimuthal +Badekas +Baja +barycentric basename -boolean -CMake +BaseObject +bashism +Bavnehoj +Bazel +bbildung +bbox +behavior +behaviors +Behrmann +bene +bern +Bernhard +bertin +Bertin +bessel +bilinear +bipc +biquadratic +Biquadratic +Boaga +boggs +Boggs +bogota +Bojan +bonne +Bonne +Boucher +boundcrs +boundCRS +Bregler +brussels +cadastral +cadastre +Cadastre +Calabretta +calcofi +Canoa +CApi +capitalization +carrée +Carrée +cartesian +cartesiennes +cass +Cassini +catalog +ccon +cct +cdn +cea +Celestia +center +centered +Centered +centerline +centers +centimeter +Centimeter +centimetric +centralizes +centrographic +centroid +chamb +Chamberlin +Chapin +characterized +Chebyshev +clarke +clrk cmake -codespace +CMake +collg +Collignon +comill +compat +compilable compoundCRS -Conda +concatenatedOperation conda +Conda +conf +config +conformally +conformant const constexpr +Contig +conus +conveniency +coord +coordinateOperation +CoordinateOperation +coordinateTransformer +coordonnees +coordoperation +coordoperationmethod +coordoperationparam +coordoperationparamusage +coordoperationparamvalue +copenhagen +Corrego +Corriente +corrigendum cpp cppcheck +crast +Craster +createBoundCRSToWGS +createOperations +critcl +crs csv +ctable CTable CTest -ctx cURL -datatype +customizability +customizations +customize +customized +cvs +cvt +Cygwin +czech +Danielsen +datarootdir +dataset +datasets datatypes datumgrid +datums +de +dE +Deakin +Deallocate +deallocated +Deault decimalyear decimalyears +decimeter +Decimeter defmodel +Delaunay +denoy +Denoyer +der +dereference +derivingConversion +derivingConversionRef +des +dev +dh +dialiect +dimensionality +discoverable +dm +dms +Doxygen +doxygenenum +doxygenfunction +doxygengroup +doxygennamespace +doxygenpage +doxygenstruct +doxygentypedef +duplicateBreak +d'utilisation +dx +dy +easting +eastings +Eber +eck +Eckert +ecosphere +eg +egm +ellps +emphasize encodings endian +engsager +Engsager +Entwerfung +ENU +Enum +env +envisionned +Epicycloidal +epsg +EPSG +eq +eqc +eqdc +eqearth +Equirectangular +ercator errno +esri +Esri +et +ETag +etmerc +ETRS +euler +Eumorphic +eur +Eurographics +europe +evenden +Evenden +Evers +eXchange +executables +Exercie +exportToPROJ +exportToPROJString +exportToWKT +expressivity +facto +fahey +Fahey +Fairgrieve +familiarize +fath +favor +favorable +favorably +favorite +ferro +filemanager +Finalize +Flamsteed +flyout +formalization +formalized formatter Fortran +fouc +Foucaut +Francais frontend +ftUS +func +gc gcc +gdalinfo +gencentric +generalization +generalized +geobotanical +geoc +geocent +geocentriques +geod geodata +Geodesie +Geodesique +geodesist +geodesists +geodtest +geogoffset +Geographique +geographiques +geoid geoidgrids -geojson +geokeys +geomatic +Geomatics +georeferencing +geos +Geosciences +geospatial +geotiff +getters GFortran +gg +gie +gimbal +Gitter +gn +gnom +gnomonic +Gnomonic +Golang +goode +googletest +gps +Grafarend +graticule +graticules +greenwich +Greifendorff +Greisen +gridcatalog +gridded +Gridded +Gridname gridshift -gridshifts gridshifting +gridshifts +gridvalue +Grieger +Grinten +GRS +gsb +gstmerc +gtest +GTest +gtiff gtx +GTX +guyou +Guyou +Gxxxx +gz +Häkli hardcoded +hardcodes +hatano +Hatano +Hayford +hBG +healpix +helmert +Helmert +hemi +Hernando hgridshift +Himmelscharten +hoc Homebrew +homolographic +homolosine +Homolosine +horiz +horner +Horner +Hotine hpp html http -https +hydroid +IComparable +Icosahedral +icosahedron +ie +ifdefs +IfPossible +igh +ign +IGNF +imoll +impl +imw +inclinate +inclinated +ingester +inhomogeneous +ini init -interoperability +Init +initialization +initializations +initialized +initializer +Initializer +initializing +instanciating +instanciation +instantiation +instantion +Institut +interoperable +intl +intr +intraplate +Intraplate +inv +invertible +Investigaciones +invgeod +invproj io +isea +Isographic +Isostatic +isw +iteratively +ITRF +Jagiellonian +jakarta +jitter +Jivall +João +json JSON jsonschema +jtsk +JTSK +Karney +kav +Kavraisky +Kavrayskiy +Kilometer +kinematically +kmi +Kolb +Komsta +Konforme +Koper +Kristian +krovak +Krovak +Krüger +Laborde +labrd +laea +lagrng +Lambers +larr +Larrivee +lask +Laskowski +latlon +latlong +Laubscher +lcc +lcca +ld +leac +len +Levallois +Levu libc libcurl libgeotiff +libm libnetcdf +libproj +libproject libsqlite +libstdc libtiff +Lidberg +likeno +linters +lisbon +lon +longlat +lonlat +lookups +losslessly +loxim +Loximuthal +lp +lsat +Macedo macOS +madrid +Maitland +maj +makefile Makefile +Makefiles +mapmaking +materializes +maximimize +maximize +mbt +mbtfpp +mbtfpq +mbtfps +md +Meinesz +Melborne +merc +mercator +meridional +Meridional +Meteosat +Mexicanas +Millimeter +millimeters +millimetric +mingw +Mingw +miniconda +minimize +minimized +minimizing +misrsom +mjd +mnt +modeling +modelisation +Mollweide +molobadekas +molodensky +Molodensky MSVC -multiline +msys +multiarch +multigrids +murd mutex +nad +NAD nadgrids namespace namespaces namespacing NaN +nanometers +naptrans +natearth +natively +nd +nell netCDF +nga +nicol +Nicolosi +Niermann +Nivellement +nkg +nlohmann +nm nmake +NMake nodata +noncircular noop +Nørbech +normalization +normalize +normalized +normalizing +northamerica northing -nullptr -obj -org +northings +norwegian +nsper +ntf +ntv +NTv +nullable +Oblated +ocea +oceania +ocentric +oea +ogc +OGC +ok +omerc +oneOf +onwards +opengeospatial +optimization +optimizations +Optimizations +optimized +optimizer +organization +Organization +organizations +organized +ortel +Ortelius +orth +ortho +orthometric +os +osgeo +oslo +oss +ossfuzz +Ostend +param +parameterising +parametres +parametrize +paris +Paršeliunas +patterson +pc +pconic +peirce +Peirce +perf +photogrammetry +piecewise +Pihlak pj +PJ +planetocentric +planetographic +pluggable +poder +Poder +polewards +Polyconic +polynormal +pre +Pre +preconfigured +preconfiguring printf -pthreads +prioritized +proj +projinfo +projsync +prolate +Pseudoazimuthal +Pseudoconical +pseudocylindrical +Pseudocylindrical +pseudocylindricals +ptr +Pulkovo +Putnins +putp +py +qsc +quadrilateralized +Quadrilateralized quadtree +Quartic +quincuncial +Quincuncial +quincunx +Raphson +rasters +rdellipsoids +realization +realizations +realize +realized +recognize +recognized +reinitialize +reproducibility +reprojecting +reprojection +Reseau reStructuredText +rf +rhealpix +rHEALPix +rhumb +Rittri +Rivière +robustify +rome +rouault +roundtrip +Roundtrip +rouss +Roussilhe +rpoly +Ruffhead runtime +Runtime +Sanson +Savric +Šavrič +sbv +Schreiber +Schwehr +Scripps +searchpath +selectable +Selftest +selftests +semimajor +semiminor +serialization +serverless +sexagesimal +sexualized shapefile +Sillard +sinu +sji +SLO +smv +sniplets +snyder +socio Solaris +Soldner +som +somefilename sourceCRS +southing +spatialys +spatiotemporal +specialization +specializations +specialized +Spectroradiometer +spherification +spx sql sqlite src -std +srs +Standardization +standardize +standardized stderr stdin -Struct +stere +sterea +stereographic +Stereographic +stockholm +Storebælt +Strecha +strided struct +Struct structs -Subclassed subdirectories +subdirectory subgrid subgrids -sublicense -subtype +supersession +symlinks +synchronizing +synthetize +synthetized +Talinn +Tangen +tangency targetCRS +Taves +tcc +tcea +tcl +Teubner +th +TideFree tif +timespan tinshift +Tissot +tmerc +Tobler +tobmerc +topocentric +Topocentric +towgs +tpeqd +tpers +tradeoff +tran +Tranverse +triangulations +triaxial +Trimetric +Tripel +Triptychial +Tscherning +txt typedef -unreferenced +uncommenting +und +Und +unfrequent +unicity +uninitialized +unitconvert +unitless +unref +unrotated +unscaled +untiled +uri url +Urmaev util +utilized +utilizing +utm +uv +vandg +Vanua vcpkg +Vcpkg +VDatum +vendored +Vening +Verey verticalCRS +vertoffset +vetoers vgridshift -xyzgridshift +Vincenty +visionscarto +Visionscarto +visualize +vitk +Vitkovsky +VRP +vsicurl +vto +vunits +Warmerdam +webmerc +Webmercator +webpage +weren +Werenskiold +Werner +westing wget +wgs +WGS whitespace -writable -www +Whitespace +Wimmer +Winkel +winsock +wintri +wkt +ws +XDG +xml +xoff +xxxNNPtr +xxxx +XXXX +xyzgridshift +yoff yyyymmdd +Zajaç +zenodo +zlib +zur +Zusätze