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Ben V. Brown edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 23 revisions

Why new software for a soldering iron

The original software for the iron worked really well, except that if you wanted to change most of the settings you had to connect it to a computer via USB and edit a text document.(This has been changed in the new 2.17 firmware)

This software aims to work as a complete re-write of the software for the iron, using the code from miniware as a reference. The project is built using System Workbench for STM32 from Open STM32.

Most of the code for the system has been completely re-written for this implementation, attempting to move to hardware peripherals for all the IO rather than software driven events(as the minidso firmware does).

The firmware is considered stable, and should be great for everyday use (Lots of users already!).

Always more than open to ideas and pull requests to add features / improve things.

Differences at a glance

Feature TS100 TS80 TS80p Pinecil
QC 3.0
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