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the Recipe Collective Testing

The file provides an overview of the testing conducted on the Recipe Collective website. It covers code validation, accessibility, performance, testing on various devices, browser compatibility, testing user stories, and user feedback and improvements. Each section describes the tools used, the issues found (if any), and the corresponding test results.

Table of Content

  1. Code Validation
    1. HTML Validation
    2. CSS Validation
    3. Python Validation
  2. Accessibility
  3. Performance
    1. Desktop Performance
    2. Mobile Performance
  4. Performing tests on various devices
  5. Browser compability
  6. Manual Testing
    1. Testing user stories
    2. User Experience and Improvements
    3. Full testing
  7. Summary

Code Validation

HTML Validation

W3C Markup Validation is a service provided by the W3C that allows you to validate your HTML code against the official specifications. It checks for syntax errors, improper tag usage, and other issues that may affect the structure and semantics of your web pages. Validating your HTML code with W3C Markup Validation helps ensure that your pages are well-formed and adhere to web standards

All pages passed through the validation and the code was pasted in and I used a filter to remove issues related to the Django templating system.

See filterResult

Tested Result View Result Pass
base No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
index No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
about No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
register No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
login No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
profile No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
logout No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
home No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
myrecipes No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
favorites No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
cookbook_links No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
list_card No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
pagination No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
recipe_form No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
recipe_detail No errors
Screenshot of resultResult
recipe_confirmation_delete No errors
Screenshot of resultResult

CSS Validation

W3C Jigsaw is a tool provided by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows you to validate and check the correctness of your HTML and CSS code. It helps ensure that your web pages comply with the standards set by the W3C, promoting interoperability and accessibility.

Tested Result View Result Pass
CSS file No errors Result
Whole webpage When validating the page as a whole, the validator shows some errors linked to Bootstrap v5.0. When validating just my own custom CSS Result

Python Validation

PEP 8 is a style guide for writing Python code to ensure consistency and readability. It provides guidelines on how to format code, naming conventions for variables and functions, and other best practices. Following PEP 8 helps to improve code quality, readability, and maintainability.

The settings file had one URL that was too long, while the other lines exceeding the recommended length were automatically generated by Django.All other files had no errors and were clear of any issues.

Note: The specific details and validation results for each file can be viewed by expanding the corresponding sections.

Tested Result View Result Pass
settings One URL was too long, while the other lines that exceeded the recommended length were automatically generated by Django. Result
views All clear, no errors found Result
cookbook/models 29: E501 line too long (108 > 79 characters) - URL for default image Result
cookbook/views All clear, no errors found Result
users/forms All clear, no errors found Result
users/models One line too long because of URL Result
users/signals All clear, no errors found Result
users/views All clear, no errors found Result

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The WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool was used to assess the accessibility of the website. WAVE helps identify potential accessibility issues and provides guidance on how to improve the accessibility of web content.

During the evaluation, the following issues were identified:

  • Errors: The website generated 5 errors, which are related to the Bootstrap footer.

  • Contrast Warning: I received a contrast warning for my primary button, which has white text against a brownish background. It's worth noting that I intentionally chose this design with white text, as it aligns with my overall aesthetic and branding. While I understand that using black text for better readability on the button, I have decided to maintain the white text as a deliberate design choice.

  • Redundant Link Alert: The tool flagged one alert for a redundant link. This alert is due to the tool misinterpreting the {{}} inserted URL pages, mistakenly assuming they are duplicate links. I want to clarify that these links are not going to the same place. This alert does not impact the functionality or accessibility of my website.

By using the WAVE tool, I gained valuable insights into the accessibility of my website. While I have chosen not to address certain errors at this time, I remain committed to creating an inclusive user experience and will continue to explore ways to improve accessibility in the future.

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The Recipe Collective website was tested using Google Lighthouse in Google Chrome Developer Tools. The performance scores were evaluated for both desktop and mobile devices. Here are the summarized results:

Desktop Performance

  • Average performance score: 92/100
  • The majority of pages received scores above 90/100, indicating excellent performance.
  • The Logout page received a score of 85/100 due to preventing back/forward cache restoration, which is intentional to maintain security.
Tested Performance Score View Result Pass
index 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
about 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
sign up 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
login 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
profile 94 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
logout 85 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
cookbook 83 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
my recipes 95 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
my favorites 99 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
recipe details 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
add recipe 92 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
update recipe 95 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
delete recipe 98 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult

Mobile Performance

  • Average performance score: 77/100
  • The pages showed slightly lower performance compared to desktop, but still maintained a satisfactory score.
  • The Logout page received a score of 71/100 due to preventing back/forward cache restoration, which is intentional to maintain security.
Tested Performance View Result Pass
index 77 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
about 76 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
sign up 77 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
login 72 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
profile 71 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
logout 71 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
cookbook 80 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
my recipes 77 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
my favorites 88 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
recipe details 72 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
add recipe 73 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
update recipe 72 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult
delete recipe 72 / 100
Screenshot of resultResult

Overall, the Recipe Collective website performed well in terms of performance, providing a smooth user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

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Performing tests on various devices

The website was tested on the following devices:

  • Samsung Galaxy Note S20 ultra
  • Samsung Galaxy Note S22 ultra
  • Apple iPhone 12
  • OnePlus 8

In addition, the website was tested using Google Chrome Developer Tools Device Toggeling option for all available device options.

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Browser compability

The website was tested on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Egde

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Manual Testing

Testing user stories

As a first-time user...

User Story Action Expected Result Pass
I can create an account so that I can save my recipes Click on the "Signup" navigation link or the signup button on the landing page The user should be redirected to the signup form
I want to be able to access the About page so that I can learn more about the purpose, features, and benefits of the Recipe Collective without needing to create an account Click on the "About" button in the navigation bar on the landing page The user should be directed to the About page

As a returning user...

User Story Action Expected Result Pass
I can log in to my account Press the login button either on the landing page or in the navbar The user should be directed to the login page
I can log out of my account Press the profile button and then select the logout option The user should be logged out of their account
I can go to my profile page so that I can see my saved recipes and personal information Press the profile button on the right side of the navbar and then on Profile in the drop down menu The user should be redirected to their profile page
I want to be able to navigate through a long list of recipes using pagination so that I can view and interact with the list easily Scroll down to the bottom of the Cookbook, My Recipes, or Favorites section If there are more than 9 recipes, pagination is displayed to navigate through the list
I can view all recipes so that I can find new recipes to try Click on the "Cookbook" link in the navigation bar The user is directed to the recipe list view
I can click on a recipe so that I can get all details and instructions about it Click on the recipe title or the info button The user is taken to the recipe detail page
I can save recipes that I find in my own "cookbook" so that I can find them easily in the future Click on the heart icon on the upper right part of the recipe detail page The recipe is added to the favorites page, and a flash message appears confirming that it has been saved to favorites
I can add a new recipe so that I can share it with others and save it for myself Press the profile button and then "Add recipe in the dropdown navigation bar The user is directed to the recipe form
I can edit my own recipes so that I can update them if needed Click on the "Update" button in the upper right corner of the recipe detail page The user is directed to the recipe form to update the recipe
I can delete my own recipe so that I can remove them if wanted Click the delete button on the recipe detail page The user is taken to a confirmation page to confirm the deletion of the recipe. Upon confirming, the recipe is deleted
I can comment on a recipe so that share my thoughts and suggestions Scroll down to the comment form on the recipe detail card and add a comment The comment is successfully added

As a site owner...

User Story Action Expected Result Pass
I can view and manage user accounts to ensure the security and integrity of the site and its users Access the Django admin section and navigate to the user management section The admin section displays all users and their associated information. The owner can perform actions such as deleting users and managing their comments
I can view and manage recipes to maintain a high standard of content and ensure the quality of the recipes on the site Access the admin page and navigate to the recipe management section The admin page allows the owner to view and manage all recipes, ensuring the quality and standards of the content

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User Experience and improvements

I conducted user testing with 10 individuals to gather feedback on their experience using the website. I asked them to perform the following tasks and provide feedback on their experience:

  • Create an account
  • Update the profile
  • Add a recipe (1 or more)
  • Update a recipe
  • Delete a recipe
  • Mark a recipe as a favorite
  • Comment on a recipe
  • Test links

Each participant was encouraged to provide feedback and report any issues or improvements they encountered during the testing process. Below is the feedback/issues reported.

Feature Feedback Result Pass
Navbar Some users found the initial profile icon (chef's hat) unclear. Both color and icon was changed to make it more clear that this is a button for the user profile section
Screenshot of resultResult
Scrolling Recipes Some users found the sticky footer annoying. The sticky footer was removed, resulting in a better scrolling experience for recipes. Removed the sticky-bottom to footer which gives a better experience when scrolling the recipes in the cookbook

Full testing

Navbar unauthorized user

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Logo Redirects to Clicked on logo index page loads
About Redirects to the about page with login and sign up buttons Clicked on link "About" about page loads and shows the login and signup buttons
Login Redirects to the login page clicked on link "Login" loads the login page and form
Sign up Redirects to to the signup page and form clicked on the link "Sign up" loads the sign up page and form

Navbar authorized user

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Logo Redirects to the collective cookbook Clicked on logo the collective cookbook page loads
About Redirects to the about page with buttons to "Cookbook" and "My Favorites" Clicked on link "About" about page with links to "Cookbook" and "My Favorites" loads
Meal Planner Link not working Clicked on link Nothing happens
Profile image/icon Triggers the dropdown menu Clicked on image The dropdown menu is displayed

Profile drop down menu

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Profile Redirects to the profile page with the user's information and editable form Clicked on "Profile" link The profile page loads, displaying the user's information and an editable form
Add Recipe Redirects to the "Add Recipe" page with the recipe submission form Clicked on "Add Recipe" link The "Add Recipe" page loads, displaying the recipe submission form
My Recipes Redirects to the page displaying the user's uploaded recipes Clicked on the "My Recipes" link The "My Recipes" page loads, showing the user's uploaded recipes
Favorite Recipes Redirects to the page displaying the user's favorite recipes Clicked on the "Favorite Recipes" link The "Favorite Recipes" page loads, displaying the user's favorite recipes
Logout Logs out the user and displays a confirmation message Clicked on "Logout" The user is successfully logged out and redirected to a page confirming the logout

Index page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Sign up button Redirects to the signup page with a registration form Clicked on the "Sign up" button The signup page and form are successfully loaded
Login button Redirects to the login page Clicked on the "Login" button The login page is successfully loaded

About page unauthorized user

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Sign up button Redirects to the signup page with a registration form Clicked on the "Sign up" button The signup page and form are successfully loaded
Login button Redirects to the login page Clicked on the "Login" button The login page is successfully loaded

About page authorized user

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Cookbook button Redirects to the collective cookbook page Clicked on the "Cookbook" button The collective cookbook page is successfully loaded
My Favorites button Redirects to the page that displays the user's favorite recipes, or shows a prompt to add recipes if there are no favorites Clicked on the "My Favorites" button The favorite page is successfully loaded and displays the prompt when no favorite recipes are added

Sign up page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Username Field is required and should be a valid username format Tested with empty field, invalid format Error message displayed prompting the user to provide a valid username
Email Field is required and should be a valid email format Tested with empty field, invalid format Error message displayed prompting the user to provide a valid email address
Password Field is required and should meet password criteria Tested with empty field, invalid criteria Error message displayed prompting the user to provide a valid password
Password confirmation Field is required and should match the entered password Tested with empty field, mismatched passwords Error message displayed prompting the user to confirm the password correctly
Sign up button If the form is valid, the user is redirected to the login page with a flash message confirming successful registration and a prompt to login. If the form is not valid, an error message is displayed. Clicked the button with valid and non-valid formats The button functions as expected, redirecting to the appropriate pages and displaying the corresponding messages
Login text link Redirects to the login page Clicked on the "Login" link The login page and form were successfully loaded

Login page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Username The user enters a username Tested with valid and unvalid username input The username field accepts and saves the valid input. If invalid it displays an error message
Password The user enters a password Tested with valid and unvalidd password input The password field functions correctly, allowing the user to input a valid password and displays an error message when not valid
Sign up text link Clicking the text link redirects to the sign-up page Clicked on the "Sign up" text link Successfully redirected to the sign-up page with the registration form
Login If the login form is valid, the user is logged in and redirected to the appropriate page. If the form is not valid, an error message is displayed. Tested with valid and invalid login form input The login button functions correctly, logging in the user with valid credentials and displaying error messages for invalid credentials

Update profile page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Update When changes are made and the "Update" button is clicked, the changes should be saved, the user should be redirected to the updated form, and a flash message should confirm the update Made changes and clicked on the "Update" button Changes were successfully saved, redirected to the updated form, and a flash message confirmed the update

the Cookbook pages

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
All recipes button Redirects to the page displaying all recipes Clicked on "All recipes" button Successfully redirected to the page displaying all recipes
My recipes button Redirects to the page displaying user's recipes Clicked on "My recipes" button Successfully redirected to the page displaying user's recipes
Favorite recipes button Redirects to the page displaying favorite recipes or prompt to add favorites if none Clicked on "Favorite recipes" button Successfully redirected to the page displaying favorite recipes
Prompt to add favorites Link redirects to the Collective cookbook page Clicked on the "Collective cookbook" text link Successfully redirected to the Collective cookbook page
Add recipe button Redirects to the page with the recipe creation form Clicked on "Add recipe" button Successfully redirected to the page with the recipe creation form
Prompt to add a recipe Link redirects to the add a recipe form Clicked on the "add a recipe" text link Successfully redirected to the add a recipe form
Recipe card title link Redirects to the recipe detail page Clicked on the title link of a recipe card Successfully redirected to the recipe detail page
Recipe card info button Redirects to the recipe detail page Clicked on the info button of a recipe card Successfully redirected to the recipe detail page
Pagination Displays pagination if more than 9 recipes Added more than 9 recipes to the list Pagination is displayed showing the correct number of pages
Page buttons on pagination Navigates to the correct page Clicked on page number/next/previous buttons in pagination Successfully navigated to the correct page based on the button clicked

Recipe Detail page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Comment The comment is displayed with the date and username Added a comment The comment is successfully displayed with the corresponding date and username
Update button Only shown on the user's own recipes. Takes the user to the recipe form with pre-filled fields Clicked on the update button Only shown on user's recipes and successfully redirected to the recipe form with the fields pre-filled
Delete button Only shown on the user's own recipes. Redirects to the delete confirmation page Clicked on the delete button Only shown on user's recipes and successfully redirected to the delete confirmation page
Heart icon Only shown if the recipe is not the user's own recipe. Toggles between adding to favorites and removing from favorites. Displays flash messages to confirm the action Toggled the heart icon Successfully toggled between adding to favorites and removing from favorites. Flash messages confirm the action

Update recipe page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Update When changes are made and the "Update" button is clicked, the changes should be saved, the user should be redirected to the recipe detail page, and a flash message should confirm the update Made changes and clicked on the "Update" button Changes were successfully saved, redirected to the recipe detail page, and a flash message confirmed the update

Delete recipe page

Feature Expected Outcome Testing Performed Result Pass
Delete button Deletes the recipe and redirects to the collective recipe page Clicked on the delete button The recipe was successfully deleted and I was redirected to the collective recipe page
Cancel button Redirects to the recipe detail page Clicked on the Cancel button Successfully redirected to the recipe detail page

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Overall, the Recipe Collective website performed well in in all testings. The issues identified were acknowledged, and some were not addressed at the time due to design choices.