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Georgi Mateev edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 5 revisions

Using the Login form widget, your website users will be able to login to your website. The widget displays a username and password login fields and additional login options that you have configured.

Configure the Login form widget

To setup login on your website, perform the following:

  1. Drag the Login widget on the page and click the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the widget.

    • Select a page where the user will be redirected after login.
    • Select a page with Registration widget on it.
    • Select whether you want the user to see the Remember me checkbox.
    • Select whether the user will be able to reset his password.
  2. When you are finished, click Save.

Create new widget templates

From the backend

To create a new widget template for the Login form widget in the backend:

  1. Navigate to
    Design -> Widget Templates -> Create a template.
  2. From the dropdown menu, choose LoginForm (MVC). NOTE: The name of your template must start with LoginForm.

Once you create the new template, you can use it when you open the Login form widget for editing.

In the file system

You can also create a new widget template by adding it directly into the file system:

  1. Navigate to the project folder -> ~\MVC\Views.
  2. Create a LoginForm folder.
  3. Add a new view as a .cshtml file with "LoginForm" in its name. Once you create the new template, you can use it when you open the Login form widget for editing.
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