From a47dc66dd1f46965addc8f96463d94512c4fc109 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SunilSingh Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2024 11:45:26 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Upgrading the API to v2.39 --- .../resources/semp-v2-swagger-action.json | 604 +- .../resources/semp-v2-swagger-config.json | 4308 ++++- .../resources/semp-v2-swagger-monitor.json | 14997 +++++++++------- 3 files changed, 12535 insertions(+), 7374 deletions(-) diff --git a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-action.json b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-action.json index 3188c8b..c0a704f 100644 --- a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-action.json +++ b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-action.json @@ -1226,6 +1226,146 @@ ], "type": "object" }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiver": { + "properties": { + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverClearStats": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks": { + "properties": { + "clearStatsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver's Clear Stats action.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSender": { + "properties": { + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderClearStats": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks": { + "properties": { + "clearStatsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender's Clear Stats action.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, "MsgVpnLinks": { "properties": { "authenticationOauthProfilesUri": { @@ -1264,6 +1404,14 @@ "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Distributed Cache objects.", "type": "string" }, + "kafkaReceiversUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Receiver objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, + "kafkaSendersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Sender objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, "mqttSessionsUri": { "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Session objects.", "type": "string" @@ -2354,7 +2502,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "uri": { - "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response.", + "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response. The URI may be normalized.", "type": "string" } }, @@ -2441,9 +2589,9 @@ "name": "Solace", "url": "" }, - "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`, see note 1) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker.\n\nSEMP uses URIs to address manageable **resources** of the Solace PubSub+ broker. Resources are individual **objects**, **collections** of objects, or (exclusively in the action API) **actions**. This document applies to the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions|See note 2\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing config state|See note 2\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational parameters|See note 2\n\n\n\nResources are always nouns, with individual objects being singular and collections being plural.\n\nObjects within a collection are identified by an `obj-id`, which follows the collection name with the form `collection-name/obj-id`.\n\nActions within an object are identified by an `action-id`, which follows the object name with the form `obj-id/action-id`.\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns ; MsgVpn collection\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a ; MsgVpn object named \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues ; Queue collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues/b ; Queue object named \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/a/queues/b/startReplay ; Action that starts a replay on Queue \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients ; Client collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients/c ; Client object named \"c\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n```\n\n## Collection Resources\n\nCollections are unordered lists of objects (unless described as otherwise), and are described by JSON arrays. Each item in the array represents an object in the same manner as the individual object would normally be represented. In the configuration API, the creation of a new object is done through its collection resource.\n\n## Object and Action Resources\n\nObjects are composed of attributes, actions, collections, and other objects. They are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. The collections and actions of an object are not contained directly in the object's JSON content; rather the content includes an attribute containing a URI which points to the collections and actions. These contained resources must be managed through this URI. At a minimum, every object has one or more identifying attributes, and its own `uri` attribute which contains the URI pointing to itself.\n\nActions are also composed of attributes, and are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. Unlike objects, however, they are not members of a collection and cannot be retrieved, only performed. Actions only exist in the action API.\n\nAttributes in an object or action may have any combination of the following properties:\n\n\nProperty|Meaning|Comments\n:---|:---|:---\nIdentifying|Attribute is involved in unique identification of the object, and appears in its URI|\nConst|Attribute value can only be chosen during object creation|\nRequired|Attribute must be provided in the request|\nRead-Only|Attribute can only be read, not written.|See note 3\nWrite-Only|Attribute can only be written, not read, unless the attribute is also opaque|See the documentation for the opaque property\nRequires-Disable|Attribute cannot be changed while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled|\nAuto-Disable|Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as one or more attributes will be temporarily disabled to apply the change|\nDeprecated|Attribute is deprecated, and will disappear in the next SEMP version|\nOpaque|Attribute can be set or retrieved in opaque form when the `opaquePassword` query parameter is present|See the `opaquePassword` query parameter documentation\n\n\n\nIn some requests, certain attributes may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nRelationship|Meaning\n:---|:---\nRequires|Attribute may only be changed by a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is also provided in the request\nConflicts|Attribute may only be provided in a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is not also provided in the request\n\n\n\nIn the monitoring API, any non-identifying attribute may not be returned in a GET.\n\n## HTTP Methods\n\nThe following HTTP methods manipulate resources in accordance with these general principles. Note that some methods are only used in certain APIs:\n\n\nMethod|Resource|Meaning|Request Body|Response Body|Notes\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nPOST|Collection|Create object|Initial attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are set to default. If object already exists, a 400 error is returned\nPUT|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|If does not exist, the object is first created. Absent attributes are set to default, with certain exceptions (see note 4)\nPUT|Action|Performs action|Action arguments|Action metadata|\nPATCH|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are left unchanged. If the object does not exist, a 404 error is returned\nDELETE|Object|Delete object|Empty|Object metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Object|Get object|Empty|Object attributes and metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Collection|Get collection|Empty|Object attributes and collection metadata|If the collection is empty, then an empty collection is returned with a 200 code\n\n\n\n## Common Query Parameters\n\nThe following are some common query parameters that are supported by many method/URI combinations. Individual URIs may document additional parameters. Note that multiple query parameters can be used together in a single URI, separated by the ampersand character. For example:\n\n```\n; Request for the MsgVpns collection using two hypothetical query parameters\n; \"q1\" and \"q2\" with values \"val1\" and \"val2\" respectively\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?q1=val1&q2=val2\n```\n\n### select\n\nInclude in the response only selected attributes of the object, or exclude from the response selected attributes of the object. Use this query parameter to limit the size of the returned data for each returned object, return only those fields that are desired, or exclude fields that are not desired.\n\nThe value of `select` is a comma-separated list of attribute names. If the list contains attribute names that are not prefaced by `-`, only those attributes are included in the response. If the list contains attribute names that are prefaced by `-`, those attributes are excluded from the response. If the list contains both types, then the difference of the first set of attributes and the second set of attributes is returned. If the list is empty (i.e. `select=`), it is treated the same as if no `select` was provided: all attribute are returned.\n\nAll attributes that are prefaced by `-` must follow all attributes that are not prefaced by `-`. In addition, each attribute name in the list must match at least one attribute in the object.\n\nNames may include the `*` wildcard (zero or more characters). Nested attribute names are supported using periods (e.g. `parentName.childName`).\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n; List of all MsgVpn names\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?select=msgVpnName\n; List of all MsgVpn and their attributes except for their names\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?select=-msgVpnName\n; Authentication attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/finance?select=authentication%2A\n; All attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\" except for authentication attributes\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/finance?select=-authentication%2A\n; Access related attributes of Queue \"orderQ\" of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/finance/queues/orderQ?select=owner,permission\n```\n\n### where\n\nInclude in the response only objects where certain conditions are true. Use this query parameter to limit which objects are returned to those whose attribute values meet the given conditions.\n\nThe value of `where` is a comma-separated list of expressions. All expressions must be true for the object to be included in the response. Each expression takes the form:\n\n```\nexpression = attribute-name OP value\nOP = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='\n```\n\n`value` may be a number, string, `true`, or `false`, as appropriate for the type of `attribute-name`. Greater-than and less-than comparisons only work for numbers. A `*` in a string `value` is interpreted as a wildcard (zero or more characters). Some examples:\n\n```\n; Only enabled MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?where=enabled%3D%3Dtrue\n; Only MsgVpns using basic non-LDAP authentication\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?where=authenticationBasicEnabled%3D%3Dtrue,authenticationBasicType%21%3Dldap\n; Only MsgVpns that allow more than 100 client connections\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?where=maxConnectionCount%3E100\n; Only MsgVpns with msgVpnName starting with \"B\":\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?where=msgVpnName%3D%3DB%2A\n```\n\n### count\n\nLimit the count of objects in the response. This can be useful to limit the size of the response for large collections. The minimum value for `count` is `1` and the default is `10`. There is also a per-collection maximum value to limit request handling time.\n\n`count` does not guarantee that a minimum number of objects will be returned. A page may contain fewer than `count` objects or even be empty. Additional objects may nonetheless be available for retrieval on subsequent pages. See the `cursor` query parameter documentation for more information on paging.\n\nFor example:\n```\n; Up to 25 MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns?count=25\n```\n\n### cursor\n\nThe cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. Cursors are opaque data that should not be created or interpreted by SEMP clients, and should only be used as described below.\n\nWhen a request is made for a collection and there may be additional objects available for retrieval that are not included in the initial response, the response will include a `cursorQuery` field containing a cursor. The value of this field can be specified in the `cursor` query parameter of a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of objects.\n\nApplications must continue to use the `cursorQuery` if one is provided in order to retrieve the full set of objects associated with the request, even if a page contains fewer than the requested number of objects (see the `count` query parameter documentation) or is empty.\n\n### opaquePassword\n\nAttributes with the opaque property are also write-only and so cannot normally be retrieved in a GET. However, when a password is provided in the `opaquePassword` query parameter, attributes with the opaque property are retrieved in a GET in opaque form, encrypted with this password. The query parameter can also be used on a POST, PATCH, or PUT to set opaque attributes using opaque attribute values retrieved in a GET, so long as:\n\n1. the same password that was used to retrieve the opaque attribute values is provided; and\n\n2. the broker to which the request is being sent has the same major and minor SEMP version as the broker that produced the opaque attribute values.\n\nThe password provided in the query parameter must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters.\n\nThe query parameter can only be used in the configuration API, and only over HTTPS.\n\n## Authentication\n\nWhen a client makes its first SEMPv2 request, it must supply a username and password using HTTP Basic authentication, or an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication.\n\nWhen HTTP Basic authentication is used, the broker returns a cookie containing a session key. The client can omit the username and password from subsequent requests, because the broker can use the session cookie for authentication instead. When the session expires or is deleted, the client must provide the username and password again, and the broker creates a new session.\n\nThere are a limited number of session slots available on the broker. The broker returns 529 No SEMP Session Available if it is not able to allocate a session.\n\nIf certain attributes\u2014such as a user's password\u2014are changed, the broker automatically deletes the affected sessions. These attributes are documented below. However, changes in external user configuration data stored on a RADIUS or LDAP server do not trigger the broker to delete the associated session(s), therefore you must do this manually, if required.\n\nA client can retrieve its current session information using the /about/user endpoint and delete its own session using the /about/user/logout endpoint. A client with appropriate permissions can also manage all sessions using the /sessions endpoint.\n\nSessions are not created when authenticating with an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication. If a session cookie is provided, it is ignored.\n\n## Help\n\nVisit [our website]( to learn more about Solace.\n\nYou can also download the SEMP API specifications by clicking [here](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](\n\n## Notes\n\nNote|Description\n:---:|:---\n1|This specification defines SEMP starting in \"v2\", and not the original SEMP \"v1\" interface. Request and response formats between \"v1\" and \"v2\" are entirely incompatible, although both protocols share a common port configuration on the Solace PubSub+ broker. They are differentiated by the initial portion of the URI path, one of either \"/SEMP/\" or \"/SEMP/v2/\"\n2|This API is partially implemented. Only a subset of all objects are available.\n3|Read-only attributes may appear in POST and PUT/PATCH requests. However, if a read-only attribute is not marked as identifying, it will be ignored during a PUT/PATCH.\n4|On a PUT, if the SEMP user is not authorized to modify the attribute, its value is left unchanged rather than set to default. In addition, the values of write-only attributes are not set to their defaults on a PUT, except in the following two cases: there is a mutual requires relationship with another non-write-only attribute, both attributes are absent from the request, and the non-write-only attribute is not currently set to its default value; or the attribute is also opaque and the `opaquePassword` query parameter is provided in the request.\n\n", + "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker. This specification defines the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing configuration\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational state\n\n\n\nFor tutorials, architectural and protocol design documentation, and other information about the SEMP API, consult the [SEMP documentation]( on the Solace website. The SEMP API specifications are also [available for download](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](", "title": "SEMP (Solace Element Management Protocol)", - "version": "2.34" + "version": "2.39" }, "parameters": { "countQuery": { @@ -2683,7 +2831,7 @@ }, "/about/user/msgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { @@ -2730,7 +2878,7 @@ }, "/about/user/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -2776,7 +2924,7 @@ "/certAuthorities": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "getCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -2921,7 +3069,7 @@ }, "/clientCertAuthorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -2968,7 +3116,7 @@ }, "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -3064,7 +3212,7 @@ }, "/configSyncAssertLeaderMsgVpn": { "put": { - "description": "Assert leadership of the specified Config Sync table, forcing any other leader's content to be overwritten with our own. Use whenever a High Availability pair fall out of sync. Config Sync must be a leader for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", + "description": "Assert leadership of the specified Config Sync table, forcing any other leader's content to be overwritten with our own. Use whenever a High Availability pair fall out of sync. Config Sync must be a leader for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", "operationId": "doConfigSyncAssertLeaderMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -3150,7 +3298,7 @@ }, "/configSyncResyncFollowerMsgVpn": { "put": { - "description": "Resync the selected Config Sync table, forcing this follower's content to be overwritten with that from a leader. Config Sync must be a follower for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", + "description": "Resync the selected Config Sync table, forcing this follower's content to be overwritten with that from a leader. Config Sync must be a follower for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", "operationId": "doConfigSyncResyncFollowerMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -3193,7 +3341,7 @@ }, "/configSyncResyncLeaderMsgVpn": { "put": { - "description": "Resync the selected Config Sync table, forcing this leader's content to be overwritten with that from a leader. Config Sync must be a leader for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", + "description": "Resync the selected Config Sync table, forcing this leader's content to be overwritten with that from a leader. Config Sync must be a leader for the selected table.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", "operationId": "doConfigSyncResyncLeaderMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -3365,7 +3513,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { @@ -3412,7 +3560,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN object.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Message VPN object.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -3457,7 +3605,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -3512,7 +3660,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -3625,7 +3773,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviders", "parameters": [ { @@ -3794,7 +3942,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridges", "parameters": [ { @@ -3849,7 +3997,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { @@ -3909,7 +4057,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/clearEvent": { "put": { - "description": "Clear an event for the Bridge so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\neventName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Clear an event for the Bridge so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\neventName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnBridgeClearEvent", "parameters": [ { @@ -4311,7 +4459,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client objects.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Client objects.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClients", "parameters": [ { @@ -4366,7 +4514,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client object.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Client object.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClient", "parameters": [ { @@ -4419,7 +4567,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/clearEvent": { "put": { - "description": "Clear an event for the Client so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\neventName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Clear an event for the Client so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\neventName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnClientClearEvent", "parameters": [ { @@ -4596,7 +4744,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsessionName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsessionName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSessions", "parameters": [ { @@ -4658,7 +4806,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions/{sessionName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsessionName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsessionName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSession", "parameters": [ { @@ -4784,7 +4932,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCaches", "parameters": [ { @@ -4839,7 +4987,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -4892,7 +5040,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusters", "parameters": [ { @@ -4954,7 +5102,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -5014,7 +5162,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstances", "parameters": [ { @@ -5083,7 +5231,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { @@ -5369,7 +5517,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/clearEvent": { "put": { - "description": "Clear an event for the Cache Instance so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\neventName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Clear an event for the Cache Instance so it can be generated anew.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\neventName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceClearEvent", "parameters": [ { @@ -5515,7 +5663,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/deleteMsgs": { "put": { - "description": "Delete messages covered by the given topic in the Cache Instance.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ntopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Delete messages covered by the given topic in the Cache Instance.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceDeleteMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -5732,9 +5880,343 @@ ] } }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceivers", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Kafka Receiver objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/clearStats": { + "put": { + "description": "Clear the statistics for the Kafka Receiver.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "doMsgVpnKafkaReceiverClearStats", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Clear Stats action's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverClearStats" + } + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The action was successfully performed.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The action was not successfully performed.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Clear the statistics for the Kafka Receiver.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenders", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Kafka Sender objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaSender" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Kafka Sender object.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSender", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Kafka Sender object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaSender" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/clearStats": { + "put": { + "description": "Clear the statistics for the Kafka Sender.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "doMsgVpnKafkaSenderClearStats", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Clear Stats action's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderClearStats" + } + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The action was successfully performed.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The action was not successfully performed.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Clear the statistics for the Kafka Sender.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaSender" + ] + } + }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessions", "parameters": [ { @@ -5789,7 +6271,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an MQTT Session object.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get an MQTT Session object.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { @@ -5915,7 +6397,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueues", "parameters": [ { @@ -5970,7 +6452,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue object.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Queue object.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -6141,7 +6623,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/copyMsgFromQueue": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from another Queue to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceQueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from another Queue to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceQueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnQueueCopyMsgFromQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -6200,7 +6682,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/copyMsgFromReplayLog": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from a Replay Log to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceReplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from a Replay Log to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceReplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnQueueCopyMsgFromReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -6259,7 +6741,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/copyMsgFromTopicEndpoint": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from a Topic Endpoint to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceTopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from a Topic Endpoint to this Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceTopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnQueueCopyMsgFromTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -6377,7 +6859,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/msgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Message objects.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Message objects.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -6439,7 +6921,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/msgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Message object.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Queue Message object.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -6624,7 +7106,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogs", "parameters": [ { @@ -6679,7 +7161,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -6732,7 +7214,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/trimLoggedMsgs": { "put": { - "description": "Trim (delete) messages from the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nolderThanTime|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Trim (delete) messages from the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nolderThanTime|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnReplayLogTrimLoggedMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -6791,7 +7273,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -6846,7 +7328,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -6899,7 +7381,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumers", "parameters": [ { @@ -6961,7 +7443,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a REST Consumer object.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a REST Consumer object.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer", "parameters": [ { @@ -7087,7 +7569,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -7142,7 +7624,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -7313,7 +7795,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/copyMsgFromQueue": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from a Queue to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceQueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from a Queue to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceQueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnTopicEndpointCopyMsgFromQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -7372,7 +7854,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/copyMsgFromReplayLog": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from a Replay Log to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceReplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from a Replay Log to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceReplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnTopicEndpointCopyMsgFromReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -7431,7 +7913,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/copyMsgFromTopicEndpoint": { "put": { - "description": "Copy a message from another Topic Endpoint to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x|\nsourceTopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", + "description": "Copy a message from another Topic Endpoint to this Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Required\n:---|:---:\nreplicationGroupMsgId|x\nsourceTopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.29.", "operationId": "doMsgVpnTopicEndpointCopyMsgFromTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -7549,7 +8031,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/msgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Message objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Message objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -7611,7 +8093,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/msgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Message object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Message object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -7796,7 +8278,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactions", "parameters": [ { @@ -7851,7 +8333,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransaction", "parameters": [ { @@ -8081,7 +8563,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -8128,7 +8610,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -8224,7 +8706,7 @@ }, "/sessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of SEMP Session objects.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nsessionId|x|\nsessionUsername|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a list of SEMP Session objects.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nsessionId|x\nsessionUsername|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getSessions", "parameters": [ { @@ -8271,7 +8753,7 @@ }, "/sessions/{sessionUsername},{sessionId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a SEMP Session object.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nsessionId|x|\nsessionUsername|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a SEMP Session object.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nsessionId|x\nsessionUsername|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getSession", "parameters": [ { diff --git a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-config.json b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-config.json index 4821fa8..96042ac 100644 --- a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-config.json +++ b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-config.json @@ -262,12 +262,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "configSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds. The default value is `1`. Available since 2.22.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds. The default value is `1`. Available since 2.22.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "configSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. The default value is `256`. Available since 2.22.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker. The default value is `256`. Available since 2.22.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout": { - "description": "The maximum time, in milliseconds, that can be tolerated for remote acknowledgement of synchronization messages before which the remote system will be considered out of sync. The default value is `10000`. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "The maximum time, in milliseconds, that can be tolerated for remote acknowledgment of synchronization messages before which the remote system will be considered out of sync. The default value is `10000`. Available since 2.18.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode": { - "description": "The replication compatibility mode for the router. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\n\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", + "description": "The replication compatibility mode for the broker. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\n\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", "enum": [ "legacy", "transacted" @@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, "serviceRestIncomingEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the REST service incoming connections on the router. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the REST service incoming connections on the broker. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceRestOutgoingEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the REST service outgoing connections on the router. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the REST service outgoing connections on the broker. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled": { @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable extended SEMP timeouts for paged GETs. When a request times out, it returns the current page of content, even if the page is not full. When enabled, the timeout is 60 seconds. When disabled, the timeout is 5 seconds. The recommended setting is disabled (no legacy-timeout). This parameter is intended as a temporary workaround to be used until SEMP clients can handle short pages. This setting will be removed in a future release. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable extended SEMP timeouts for paged responses. When a request times out, it returns the current page of content, even if the page is not full. When enabled, the timeout is 60 seconds. When disabled, the timeout is 5 seconds. The recommended setting is disabled (no legacy-timeout). This parameter is intended as a temporary workaround to be used until SEMP clients can handle short pages. This setting will be removed in a future release. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempPlainTextEnabled": { @@ -563,14 +563,12 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "tlsServerCertContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the server certificate used for TLS connections. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. The default value is `\"\"`.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the server certificate used for TLS connections. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" }, "tlsServerCertPassword": { - "description": "The password for the server certificate used for TLS connections. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. The default value is `\"\"`.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The password for the server certificate used for TLS connections. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" }, "tlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled": { "description": "Enable or disable the standard domain certificate authority list. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.19.", @@ -996,18 +994,16 @@ "type": "string" }, "authenticationClientCertContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used to login to the remote node. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used to login to the remote node. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" }, "authenticationClientCertEnabled": { "description": "Enable or disable client certificate authentication for Cluster Links. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", "type": "boolean" }, "authenticationClientCertPassword": { - "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" }, "directOnlyEnabled": { "description": "Enable or disable direct messaging only. Guaranteed messages will not be transmitted through the cluster. The default value is `false`.", @@ -1039,7 +1035,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "tlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" } }, @@ -1155,7 +1151,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "source": { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNSName.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IPAddress.\n
\n", + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNS Name.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IP Address.\n
\n", "enum": [ "certificate-thumbprint", "common-name", @@ -1342,7 +1338,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MinMsgBurst": { - "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-3) priority queue, regardless of the `clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", + "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-1) priority queue, regardless of the `clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -1362,7 +1358,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -1372,7 +1368,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileTcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -1381,7 +1377,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "egressFlowWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be sent over the Link before acknowledgement is received by the sender. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be sent over the Link before acknowledgment is received by the sender. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -1426,11 +1422,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "queueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"always\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"always\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -1901,7 +1897,7 @@ "MsgVpn": { "properties": { "alias": { - "description": "The name of another Message VPN which this Message VPN is an alias for. When this Message VPN is enabled, the alias has no effect. When this Message VPN is disabled, Clients (but not Bridges and routing Links) logging into this Message VPN are automatically logged in to the other Message VPN, and authentication and authorization take place in the context of the other Message VPN.\n\nAliases may form a non-circular chain, cascading one to the next. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.14.", + "description": "The name of another Message VPN which this Message VPN is an alias for. When this Message VPN is enabled, the alias has no effect. When this Message VPN is disabled, Clients (but not Bridges and routing Links) logging into this Message VPN are automatically logged in to the other Message VPN, and authentication and authorization take place in the context of the other Message VPN.\n\nAliases may form a non-circular chain, cascading one to the next.\n\nChanges to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.14.", "type": "string" }, "authenticationBasicEnabled": { @@ -1993,7 +1989,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "authorizationLdapTrimClientUsernameDomainEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable client-username domain trimming for LDAP lookups of client connections. When enabled, the value of $CLIENT_USERNAME (when used for searching) will be truncated at the first occurance of the @ character. For example, if the client-username is in the form of an email address, then the domain portion will be removed. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.13.", + "description": "Enable or disable client-username domain trimming for LDAP lookups of client connections. When enabled, the value of $CLIENT_USERNAME (when used for searching) will be truncated at the first occurrence of the @ character. For example, if the client-username is in the form of an email address, then the domain portion will be removed. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.13.", "type": "boolean" }, "authorizationProfileName": { @@ -2022,11 +2018,11 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "bridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" }, "distributedCacheManagementEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable managing of cache instances over the message bus. The default value is `true`. Deprecated since 2.28. Distributed cache mangement is now redundancy aware and thus no longer requires administrative intervention for operational state.", + "description": "Enable or disable managing of cache instances over the message bus. The default value is `true`. Deprecated since 2.28. Distributed cache management is now redundancy aware and thus no longer requires administrative intervention for operational state.", "type": "boolean" }, "dmrEnabled": { @@ -2146,6 +2142,11 @@ "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, + "maxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of simultaneous Kafka Broker connections of the Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default is the maximum value supported by the platform. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { "description": "The maximum message spool usage by the Message VPN, in megabytes. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `0`.", "format": "int64", @@ -2176,7 +2177,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "replicationAckPropagationIntervalMsgCount": { - "description": "The acknowledgement (ACK) propagation interval for the replication Bridge, in number of replicated messages. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `20`.", + "description": "The acknowledgment (ACK) propagation interval for the replication Bridge, in number of replicated messages. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `20`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -2189,14 +2190,12 @@ "type": "string" }, "replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by this bridge to login to the Remote Message VPN. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by this bridge to login to the Remote Message VPN. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword": { - "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "replicationBridgeAuthenticationScheme": { "description": "The authentication scheme for the replication Bridge in the Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"basic\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication Scheme (via username and password).\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication Scheme (via certificate file or content).\n
\n", @@ -2284,7 +2283,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "restTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer. If enabled, the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer. If enabled, the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "sempOverMsgBusAdminClientEnabled": { @@ -2390,7 +2389,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "serviceRestIncomingAuthorizationHeaderHandling": { - "description": "The handling of Authorization headers for incoming REST connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"drop\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"drop\" - Do not attach the Authorization header to the message as a user property. This configuration is most secure.\n\"forward\" - Forward the Authorization header, attaching it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n\"legacy\" - If the Authorization header was used for authentication to the broker, do not attach it to the message. If the Authorization header was not used for authentication to the broker, attach it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", + "description": "The handling of Authorization headers for incoming REST connections. Authorization header handling settings apply only when the Message VPN is in gateway mode. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"drop\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"drop\" - Do not attach the Authorization header to the message as a user property. This configuration is most secure.\n\"forward\" - Forward the Authorization header, attaching it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n\"legacy\" - If the Authorization header was used for authentication to the broker, do not attach it to the message. If the Authorization header was not used for authentication to the broker, attach it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", "enum": [ "drop", "forward", @@ -3037,7 +3036,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "authorizationGroupsClaimStringFormat": { - "description": "The format of the authorization groups claim value when it is a string. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"single\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", + "description": "The format of the authorization groups claim value when it is a string. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"single\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as as single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", "enum": [ "single", "space-delimited" @@ -3646,14 +3645,12 @@ "type": "string" }, "remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by the Bridge to login to the remote Message VPN. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by the Bridge to login to the remote Message VPN. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword": { - "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "remoteAuthenticationScheme": { "description": "The authentication scheme for the remote Message VPN. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"basic\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication Scheme (via username and password).\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication Scheme (via certificate file or content).\n
\n", @@ -3741,7 +3738,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "egressFlowWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the remote Message VPN connection before an acknowledgement is received. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the remote Message VPN connection before an acknowledgment is received. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -3778,7 +3775,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "unidirectionalClientProfile": { - "description": "The Client Profile for the unidirectional Bridge of the remote Message VPN. The Client Profile must exist in the local Message VPN, and it is used only for the TCP parameters. Note that the default client profile has a TCP maximum window size of 2MB. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"#client-profile\"`.", + "description": "The Client Profile for the unidirectional Bridge of the remote Message VPN. The Client Profile must exist in the local Message VPN, and it is used only for the TCP parameters. Note that the default client profile has a TCP maximum window size of 2 MB. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"#client-profile\"`.", "type": "string" } }, @@ -4137,7 +4134,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "source": { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNSName.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IPAddress.\n
\n", + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNS Name.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IP Address.\n
\n", "enum": [ "certificate-thumbprint", "common-name", @@ -4284,7 +4281,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "allowGuaranteedEndpointCreateEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable allowing clients using the Client Profile to create topic endponts or queues. Changing this value does not affect existing client connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "description": "Enable or disable allowing clients using the Client Profile to create topic endpoints or queues. Changing this value does not affect existing client connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", "type": "boolean" }, "allowGuaranteedMsgReceiveEnabled": { @@ -4461,12 +4458,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "queueGuaranteed1MinMsgBurst": { - "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-3) priority queue, regardless of the `queueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", + "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-1) priority queue, regardless of the `queueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `255`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnNoSubscriptionMatchEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the sending of a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to a client using the Client Profile when discarding a guaranteed message due to no matching subscription found. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.2.", + "description": "Enable or disable the sending of a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to a client using the Client Profile when discarding a guaranteed message due to no matching subscription found. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.2.", "type": "boolean" }, "replicationAllowClientConnectWhenStandbyEnabled": { @@ -4518,7 +4515,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "tcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -4528,7 +4525,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "tcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -5422,7 +5419,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "guaranteedReceiveAckTimeout": { - "description": "The timeout for sending the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer), in milliseconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1000`.", + "description": "The timeout for sending the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer), in milliseconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1000`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -5442,12 +5439,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedReceiveWindowSizeAckThreshold": { - "description": "The threshold for sending the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer) as a percentage of `guaranteedReceiveWindowSize`. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `60`.", + "description": "The threshold for sending the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer) as a percentage of `guaranteedReceiveWindowSize`. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `60`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedSendAckTimeout": { - "description": "The timeout for receiving the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages sent by the Publisher (Producer), in milliseconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `2000`.", + "description": "The timeout for receiving the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages sent by the Publisher (Producer), in milliseconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `2000`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -5729,6 +5726,563 @@ ], "type": "object" }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiver": { + "properties": { + "authenticationBasicPassword": { + "description": "The password for the Username. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Receiver uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertContent": { + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by the Kafka Receiver to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"client-certificate\". Alternatively this will be used for other values of authenticationScheme when the Kafka Broker has an `ssl.client.auth` setting of \"requested\" or \"required\" and KIP-684 (mTLS) is supported by the Kafka Broker. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertPassword": { + "description": "The password for the client certificate. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"client-certificate\". Alternatively this will be used for other values of authenticationScheme when the Kafka Broker has an `ssl.client.auth` setting of \"requested\" or \"required\" and KIP-684 (mTLS) is supported by the Kafka Broker. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client ID. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientSecret": { + "description": "The OAuth client secret. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the Kafka Receiver will use to request a token for login to the Kafka broker. Must begin with \"https\". To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme for the Kafka Receiver. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to an appropriately configured and compatible listener port on the Kafka Broker for the given scheme. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"none\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Anonymous Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker PLAINTEXT listener ports.\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"scram\" - Salted Challenge Response Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SSL listener ports.\n\"oauth-client\" - Oauth Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_SSL listener ports.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "basic", + "scram", + "client-certificate", + "oauth-client" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramHash": { + "description": "The hash used for SCRAM authentication. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"sha-512\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sha-256\" - SHA-2 256 bits.\n\"sha-512\" - SHA-2 512 bits.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "sha-256", + "sha-512" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramPassword": { + "description": "The password for the Username. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Receiver uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "batchDelay": { + "description": "Delay (in ms) to wait to accumulate a batch of messages to receive. Batching is done on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `500`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "batchMaxSize": { + "description": "Maximum size of a message batch, in bytes (B). Batching is done on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `fetch.min.bytes` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "bootstrapAddressList": { + "description": "Comma separated list of addresses (and optional ports) of brokers in the Kafka Cluster from which the state of the entire Kafka Cluster can be learned. If a port is not provided with an address it will default to 9092.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `bootstrap.servers` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the Kafka Receiver. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "groupId": { + "description": "The id of the Kafka consumer group for the Receiver.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "groupKeepaliveInterval": { + "description": "The time (in ms) between sending keepalives to the group.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `3000`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "groupKeepaliveTimeout": { + "description": "The time (in ms) until unresponsive group members are removed, triggering a partition rebalance across other members of the group.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `45000`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "groupMembershipType": { + "description": "The membership type of the Kafka consumer group for the Receiver. Static members can leave and rejoin the group (within groupKeepaliveTimeout) without prompting a group rebalance.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"dynamic\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"dynamic\" - Dynamic Membership.\n\"static\" - Static Membership.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "dynamic", + "static" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "groupPartitionSchemeList": { + "description": "The ordered, comma-separated list of schemes used for partition assignment of the consumer group for this Receiver. Both Eager (\"range\", \"roundrobin\") and Cooperative (\"cooperative-sticky\") schemes are supported. The elected group leader will choose the first common strategy provided by all members of the group. Eager and Cooperative schemes must not be mixed. For more information on these schemes, see Kafka documentation.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `partition.assignment.strategy` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"range,roundrobin\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "string" + }, + "metadataTopicExcludeList": { + "description": "A comma-separated list of regular expressions. Any matching topic names will be ignored in broker metadata. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "metadataTopicRefreshInterval": { + "description": "The time between refreshes of topic metadata from the Kafka Cluster. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `30000`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "transportTlsEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable encryption (TLS) for the Kafka Receiver. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT listener ports when disabled, and SSL or SASL_SSL listener ports when enabled. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks": { + "properties": { + "topicBindingsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver's collection of Topic Binding objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding": { + "properties": { + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable this topic binding of the Kafka Receiver. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "initialOffset": { + "description": "The initial offset to consume from the Kafka Topic if no member of the group has consumed and committed any offset already, or if the last committed offset has been deleted. Offsets are unique per partition.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `auto.offset.reset` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"end\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"beginning\" - Start with the earliest offset available.\n\"end\" - Start with new offsets only.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "beginning", + "end" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "string" + }, + "localKey": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the key for each message received from Kafka. This expression can include fields extracted from the metadata of each individual Kafka message as it is received from the Kafka Topic.\n\nIf empty, no key is included for each message as it is published into Solace.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "localTopic": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the Solace Topic for each message received from Kafka. This expression can include data extracted from the metadata of each individual Kafka message as it is received from the Kafka Topic.\n\nIf empty, the Topic Binding will not be operational.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "topicName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Binding object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingsResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSender": { + "properties": { + "authenticationBasicPassword": { + "description": "The password for the Username. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Sender uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertContent": { + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate used by the Kafka Sender to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"client-certificate\". Alternatively this will be used for other values of authenticationScheme when the Kafka Broker has an `ssl.client.auth` setting of \"requested\" or \"required\" and KIP-684 (mTLS) is supported by the Kafka Broker. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertPassword": { + "description": "The password for the client certificate. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"client-certificate\". Alternatively this will be used for other values of authenticationScheme when the Kafka Broker has an `ssl.client.auth` setting of \"requested\" or \"required\" and KIP-684 (mTLS) is supported by the Kafka Broker. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client ID. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientSecret": { + "description": "The OAuth client secret. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the Kafka Sender will use to request a token for login to the Kafka broker. Must begin with \"https\". To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme for the Kafka Sender. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to an appropriately configured and compatible listener port on the Kafka Broker for the given scheme. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"none\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Anonymous Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker PLAINTEXT listener ports.\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"scram\" - Salted Challenge Response Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SSL listener ports.\n\"oauth-client\" - Oauth Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_SSL listener ports.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "basic", + "scram", + "client-certificate", + "oauth-client" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramHash": { + "description": "The hash used for SCRAM authentication. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"sha-512\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sha-256\" - SHA-2 256 bits.\n\"sha-512\" - SHA-2 512 bits.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "sha-256", + "sha-512" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramPassword": { + "description": "The password for the Username. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScramUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Sender uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "batchDelay": { + "description": "Delay (in ms) to wait to accumulate a batch of messages to send. Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `5`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "batchMaxMsgCount": { + "description": "Maximum number of messages sent in a single batch. Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `10000`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "batchMaxSize": { + "description": "Maximum size of a message batch, in bytes (B). Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `batch.size` configuration setting, and should not exceed either the Kafka broker `message.max.bytes` configuration setting, or the per-Topic override of `max.message.bytes`.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1000000`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "bootstrapAddressList": { + "description": "Comma separated list of addresses (and optional ports) of brokers in the Kafka Cluster from which the state of the entire Kafka Cluster can be learned. If a port is not provided with an address it will default to 9092.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `bootstrap.servers` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the Kafka Sender. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "idempotenceEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable idempotence for the Kafka Sender. Idempotence guarantees in order at-least-once message delivery to the remote Kafka Topic, at the expense of performance. When idempotence is enabled the Queue Bindings of the Kafka Sender must have ackMode of \"all\" to be operational.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `enable.idempotence` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "transportCompressionEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable compression for the Kafka Sender. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "transportCompressionLevel": { + "description": "Compression level. The valid range is dependent on the compression type.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `compression.level` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `-1`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "transportCompressionType": { + "description": "Compression type. Only relevant if compression is enabled.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `compression.type` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"gzip\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"gzip\" - GZIP Compression.\n\"snappy\" - Snappy Compression.\n\"lz4\" - LZ4 Compression.\n\"zstd\" - Zstandard Compression.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "gzip", + "snappy", + "lz4", + "zstd" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "transportTlsEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable encryption (TLS) for the Kafka Sender. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT listener ports when disabled, and SSL or SASL_SSL listener ports when enabled. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks": { + "properties": { + "queueBindingsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender's collection of Queue Binding objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding": { + "properties": { + "ackMode": { + "description": "The number of acks required from the remote Kafka Broker. When \"none\" messages are delivered at-most-once. When \"one\" or \"all\" messages are delivered at-least-once but may be reordered. This must be configured as \"all\" for an idempotent Kafka Sender, otherwise the Queue Binding will be operationally down.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `acks` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"all\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - No Acks.\n\"one\" - Leader Ack Only.\n\"all\" - All Replica Acks.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "one", + "all" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable this queue binding of the Kafka Sender. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "partitionConsistentHash": { + "description": "The hash algorithm to use for consistent partition selection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"crc\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"crc\" - CRC Hash.\n\"murmur2\" - Murmer2 Hash.\n\"fnv1a\" - Fowler-Noll-Vo 1a Hash.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "crc", + "murmur2", + "fnv1a" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "partitionExplicitNumber": { + "description": "The partition number to use for explicit partition selection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `0`.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "partitionRandomFallbackEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable fallback to the random partition selection scheme when the consistent partition scheme is being used but no partition key is available for the message. When enabled a random partition will be selected for each unkeyed messages, otherwise some partition will be selected for groups of unkeyed messages. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "partitionScheme": { + "description": "The partitioning scheme used to select a partition of the topic on the Kafka cluster to send messages to.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `partitioner.class` configuration setting.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"consistent\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"consistent\" - Select a consistent partition for each key value. A hash of the key will be used to select the partition number.\n\"explicit\" - Select an explicit partition independent of key value.\n\"random\" - Select a random partition independent of key value.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "consistent", + "explicit", + "random" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteKey": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the key for each message sent to Kafka. This expression can include fields extracted from the metadata of each individual Solace message as it is taken from the Solace Queue.\n\nIf empty, no key is included for each message as it is published into Kafka.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteTopic": { + "description": "The Kafka Topic on the Kafka Cluster to send each message taken from the Solace Queue to.\n\nIf empty, the Queue Binding will not be operational.\n\nModifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingsResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, "MsgVpnLinks": { "properties": { "aclProfilesUri": { @@ -5783,6 +6337,14 @@ "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Topic objects. Available since 2.2.", "type": "string" }, + "kafkaReceiversUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Receiver objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, + "kafkaSendersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Sender objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, "mqttRetainCachesUri": { "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Retain Cache objects. Available since 2.11.", "type": "string" @@ -5791,6 +6353,10 @@ "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Session objects. Available since 2.1.", "type": "string" }, + "proxiesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Proxy objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, "queueTemplatesUri": { "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Queue Template objects. Available since 2.14.", "type": "string" @@ -5933,7 +6499,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "queueConsumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.14.", + "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.14.", "type": "boolean" }, "queueDeadMsgQueue": { @@ -5989,11 +6555,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "queueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as queueRejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as queueRejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -6137,10 +6703,109 @@ ], "type": "object" }, + "MsgVpnProxiesResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxy": { + "properties": { + "authenticationBasicPassword": { + "description": "The password to use with basic authentication. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username to use with basic authentication. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme used to connect to the proxy. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"none\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - No authentication.\n\"basic\" - Username/password authentication.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "basic" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the proxy. When disabled, no connections are initiated to this particular Proxy. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "host": { + "description": "The IP address or host name of the proxy. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "port": { + "description": "The port to connect to on the proxy host. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `0`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "proxyName": { + "description": "The name of the proxy.", + "type": "string" + }, + "proxyType": { + "description": "The type of proxy. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"direct\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"direct\" - Direct connection (no proxy).\n\"http\" - HTTP proxy.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "direct", + "http" + ], + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxyLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Proxy object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxyResponse": { + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, "MsgVpnQueue": { "properties": { "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Queue. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Queue. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", "enum": [ "exclusive", "non-exclusive" @@ -6148,7 +6813,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", + "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", "type": "boolean" }, "deadMsgQueue": { @@ -6219,6 +6884,21 @@ "description": "The Client Username that owns the Queue and has permission equivalent to `\"delete\"`. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", "type": "string" }, + "partitionCount": { + "description": "The count of partitions of the queue. Only relevant for queues with an access type of non-exclusive. When zero, bound clients receive messages round-robin. Otherwise, bound clients receive messages from individually assigned partitions. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `0`. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "partitionRebalanceDelay": { + "description": "The delay (in seconds) before a partition rebalance is started once needed. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `5`. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "partitionRebalanceMaxHandoffTime": { + "description": "The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before handing off a partition while rebalancing. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `3`. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, "permission": { "description": "The permission level for all consumers of the Queue, excluding the owner. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"no-access\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", "enum": [ @@ -6267,16 +6947,16 @@ "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n Available since 2.1.", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n Available since 2.1.", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the respecting of message priority. When enabled, messages contained in the Queue are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest). MQTT queues do not support enabling message priority. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled and ingressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.8.", + "description": "Enable or disable the respecting of message priority. When enabled, messages contained in the Queue are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest). Regardless of this setting, message priority is not respected when browsing the queue, when the queue is used by a bridge, or if the queue is partitioned. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled and ingressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`. Available since 2.8.", "type": "boolean" }, "respectTtlEnabled": { @@ -6385,7 +7065,7 @@ "MsgVpnQueueTemplate": { "properties": { "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", "enum": [ "exclusive", "non-exclusive" @@ -6393,7 +7073,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", + "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", "type": "boolean" }, "deadMsgQueue": { @@ -6468,7 +7148,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "queueNameFilter": { - "description": "A wildcardable pattern used to determine which Queues use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards are supported: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/). Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "description": "A pattern used to determine which Queues use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards can be used in the pattern: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/). Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", "type": "string" }, "queueTemplateName": { @@ -6508,11 +7188,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs prevent the message from being delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs prevent the message from being delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"when-queue-enabled\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -7155,14 +7835,12 @@ "type": "string" }, "authenticationClientCertContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate that the REST Consumer will present to the REST host. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the client certificate that the REST Consumer will present to the REST host. It must consist of a private key and between one and three certificates comprising the certificate trust chain. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "authenticationClientCertPassword": { - "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Changing this attribute requires an HTTPS connection. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", - "type": "string", - "x-requires-https": true + "description": "The password for the client certificate. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.9.", + "type": "string" }, "authenticationHttpBasicPassword": { "description": "The password for the username. This attribute is absent from a GET and not updated when absent in a PUT, subject to the exceptions in note 4. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", @@ -7215,7 +7893,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "authenticationScheme": { - "description": "The authentication scheme used by the REST Consumer to login to the REST host. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"none\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Login with no authentication. This may be useful for anonymous connections or when a REST Consumer does not require authentication.\n\"http-basic\" - Login with a username and optional password according to HTTP Basic authentication as per RFC2616.\n\"client-certificate\" - Login with a client TLS certificate as per RFC5246. Client certificate authentication is only available on TLS connections.\n\"http-header\" - Login with a specified HTTP header.\n\"oauth-client\" - Login with OAuth 2.0 client credentials.\n\"oauth-jwt\" - Login with OAuth (RFC 7523 JWT Profile).\n\"transparent\" - Login using the Authorization header from the message properties, if present. Transparent authentication passes along existing Authorization header metadata instead of discarding it. Note that if the message is coming from a REST producer, the REST service must be configured to forward the Authorization header.\n\"aws\" - Login using AWS Signature Version 4 authentication (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256).\n
\n", + "description": "The authentication scheme used by the REST Consumer to login to the REST host. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"none\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Login with no authentication. This may be useful for anonymous connections or when a REST Consumer does not require authentication.\n\"http-basic\" - Login with a username and optional password according to HTTP Basic authentication as per RFC 2616.\n\"client-certificate\" - Login with a client TLS certificate as per RFC 5246. Client certificate authentication is only available on TLS connections.\n\"http-header\" - Login with a specified HTTP header.\n\"oauth-client\" - Login with OAuth 2.0 client credentials.\n\"oauth-jwt\" - Login with OAuth (RFC 7523 JWT Profile).\n\"transparent\" - Login using the Authorization header from the message properties, if present. Transparent authentication passes along existing Authorization header metadata instead of discarding it. Note that if the message is coming from a REST producer, the REST service must be configured to forward the Authorization header.\n\"aws\" - Login using AWS Signature Version 4 authentication (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256).\n
\n", "enum": [ "none", "http-basic", @@ -7258,6 +7936,10 @@ "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, + "proxyName": { + "description": "The name of the proxy to use. Leave empty for no proxy. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, "remoteHost": { "description": "The IP address or DNS name to which the broker is to connect to deliver messages for the REST Consumer. A host value must be configured for the REST Consumer to be operationally up. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as enabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", "type": "string" @@ -7298,7 +7980,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "tlsTrustedCommonNamesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Trusted Common Name objects. Deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Trusted Common Name objects. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, "uri": { @@ -7402,19 +8084,19 @@ "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName": { "properties": { "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN. Deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, "restConsumerName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Consumer. Deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "The name of the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point. Deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, "tlsTrustedCommonName": { - "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate. Deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" } }, @@ -7635,7 +8317,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "receiverTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `1`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -7645,7 +8327,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "receiverTcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `256`.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -7656,6 +8338,10 @@ "traceEnabled": { "description": "Enable or disable generation of all trace span data messages. When enabled, the state of configured trace filters control which messages get traced. When disabled, trace span data messages are never generated, regardless of the state of trace filters. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `false`.", "type": "boolean" + }, + "traceSendSpanGenerationEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable generation of send spans. For the most complete view of broker message processing, this should be enabled. If the information provided by send spans are not needed, send spans can be disabled to reduce the performance impact of tracing. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" @@ -7938,7 +8624,7 @@ "MsgVpnTopicEndpoint": { "properties": { "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Topic Endpoint. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n Available since 2.4.", + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Topic Endpoint. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as egressEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n Available since 2.4.", "enum": [ "exclusive", "non-exclusive" @@ -7946,7 +8632,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", + "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", "type": "boolean" }, "deadMsgQueue": { @@ -8061,11 +8747,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"never\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Topic Endpoint is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"never\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -8113,7 +8799,7 @@ "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate": { "properties": { "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"exclusive\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", "enum": [ "exclusive", "non-exclusive" @@ -8121,7 +8807,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", + "description": "Enable or disable the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `true`.", "type": "boolean" }, "deadMsgQueue": { @@ -8220,11 +8906,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled will be temporarily set to false to apply the change. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"never\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Topic Endpoint is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"never\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -8237,7 +8923,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "topicEndpointNameFilter": { - "description": "A wildcardable pattern used to determine which Topic Endpoints use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards are supported: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/). Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", + "description": "A pattern used to determine which Topic Endpoints use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards can be used in the pattern: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/). Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is `\"\"`.", "type": "string" }, "topicEndpointTemplateName": { @@ -8349,7 +9035,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "accessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat": { - "description": "The format of the access level groups claim value when it is a string. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"single\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", + "description": "The format of the access level groups claim value when it is a string. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync. The default value is `\"single\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as as single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", "enum": [ "single", "space-delimited" @@ -9185,7 +9871,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "uri": { - "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response.", + "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response. The URI may be normalized.", "type": "string" } }, @@ -9307,9 +9993,9 @@ "name": "Solace", "url": "" }, - "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`, see note 1) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker.\n\nSEMP uses URIs to address manageable **resources** of the Solace PubSub+ broker. Resources are individual **objects**, **collections** of objects, or (exclusively in the action API) **actions**. This document applies to the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing config state|See note 2\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions|See note 2\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational parameters|See note 2\n\n\n\nResources are always nouns, with individual objects being singular and collections being plural.\n\nObjects within a collection are identified by an `obj-id`, which follows the collection name with the form `collection-name/obj-id`.\n\nActions within an object are identified by an `action-id`, which follows the object name with the form `obj-id/action-id`.\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns ; MsgVpn collection\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a ; MsgVpn object named \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues ; Queue collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues/b ; Queue object named \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/a/queues/b/startReplay ; Action that starts a replay on Queue \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients ; Client collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients/c ; Client object named \"c\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n```\n\n## Collection Resources\n\nCollections are unordered lists of objects (unless described as otherwise), and are described by JSON arrays. Each item in the array represents an object in the same manner as the individual object would normally be represented. In the configuration API, the creation of a new object is done through its collection resource.\n\n## Object and Action Resources\n\nObjects are composed of attributes, actions, collections, and other objects. They are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. The collections and actions of an object are not contained directly in the object's JSON content; rather the content includes an attribute containing a URI which points to the collections and actions. These contained resources must be managed through this URI. At a minimum, every object has one or more identifying attributes, and its own `uri` attribute which contains the URI pointing to itself.\n\nActions are also composed of attributes, and are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. Unlike objects, however, they are not members of a collection and cannot be retrieved, only performed. Actions only exist in the action API.\n\nAttributes in an object or action may have any combination of the following properties:\n\n\nProperty|Meaning|Comments\n:---|:---|:---\nIdentifying|Attribute is involved in unique identification of the object, and appears in its URI|\nConst|Attribute value can only be chosen during object creation|\nRequired|Attribute must be provided in the request|\nRead-Only|Attribute can only be read, not written.|See note 3\nWrite-Only|Attribute can only be written, not read, unless the attribute is also opaque|See the documentation for the opaque property\nRequires-Disable|Attribute cannot be changed while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled|\nAuto-Disable|Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as one or more attributes will be temporarily disabled to apply the change|\nDeprecated|Attribute is deprecated, and will disappear in the next SEMP version|\nOpaque|Attribute can be set or retrieved in opaque form when the `opaquePassword` query parameter is present|See the `opaquePassword` query parameter documentation\n\n\n\nIn some requests, certain attributes may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nRelationship|Meaning\n:---|:---\nRequires|Attribute may only be changed by a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is also provided in the request\nConflicts|Attribute may only be provided in a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is not also provided in the request\n\n\n\nIn the monitoring API, any non-identifying attribute may not be returned in a GET.\n\n## HTTP Methods\n\nThe following HTTP methods manipulate resources in accordance with these general principles. Note that some methods are only used in certain APIs:\n\n\nMethod|Resource|Meaning|Request Body|Response Body|Notes\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nPOST|Collection|Create object|Initial attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are set to default. If object already exists, a 400 error is returned\nPUT|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|If does not exist, the object is first created. Absent attributes are set to default, with certain exceptions (see note 4)\nPUT|Action|Performs action|Action arguments|Action metadata|\nPATCH|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are left unchanged. If the object does not exist, a 404 error is returned\nDELETE|Object|Delete object|Empty|Object metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Object|Get object|Empty|Object attributes and metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Collection|Get collection|Empty|Object attributes and collection metadata|If the collection is empty, then an empty collection is returned with a 200 code\n\n\n\n## Common Query Parameters\n\nThe following are some common query parameters that are supported by many method/URI combinations. Individual URIs may document additional parameters. Note that multiple query parameters can be used together in a single URI, separated by the ampersand character. For example:\n\n```\n; Request for the MsgVpns collection using two hypothetical query parameters\n; \"q1\" and \"q2\" with values \"val1\" and \"val2\" respectively\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?q1=val1&q2=val2\n```\n\n### select\n\nInclude in the response only selected attributes of the object, or exclude from the response selected attributes of the object. Use this query parameter to limit the size of the returned data for each returned object, return only those fields that are desired, or exclude fields that are not desired.\n\nThe value of `select` is a comma-separated list of attribute names. If the list contains attribute names that are not prefaced by `-`, only those attributes are included in the response. If the list contains attribute names that are prefaced by `-`, those attributes are excluded from the response. If the list contains both types, then the difference of the first set of attributes and the second set of attributes is returned. If the list is empty (i.e. `select=`), it is treated the same as if no `select` was provided: all attribute are returned.\n\nAll attributes that are prefaced by `-` must follow all attributes that are not prefaced by `-`. In addition, each attribute name in the list must match at least one attribute in the object.\n\nNames may include the `*` wildcard (zero or more characters). Nested attribute names are supported using periods (e.g. `parentName.childName`).\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n; List of all MsgVpn names\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?select=msgVpnName\n; List of all MsgVpn and their attributes except for their names\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?select=-msgVpnName\n; Authentication attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/finance?select=authentication%2A\n; All attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\" except for authentication attributes\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/finance?select=-authentication%2A\n; Access related attributes of Queue \"orderQ\" of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/finance/queues/orderQ?select=owner,permission\n```\n\n### where\n\nInclude in the response only objects where certain conditions are true. Use this query parameter to limit which objects are returned to those whose attribute values meet the given conditions.\n\nThe value of `where` is a comma-separated list of expressions. All expressions must be true for the object to be included in the response. Each expression takes the form:\n\n```\nexpression = attribute-name OP value\nOP = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='\n```\n\n`value` may be a number, string, `true`, or `false`, as appropriate for the type of `attribute-name`. Greater-than and less-than comparisons only work for numbers. A `*` in a string `value` is interpreted as a wildcard (zero or more characters). Some examples:\n\n```\n; Only enabled MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?where=enabled%3D%3Dtrue\n; Only MsgVpns using basic non-LDAP authentication\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?where=authenticationBasicEnabled%3D%3Dtrue,authenticationBasicType%21%3Dldap\n; Only MsgVpns that allow more than 100 client connections\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?where=maxConnectionCount%3E100\n; Only MsgVpns with msgVpnName starting with \"B\":\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?where=msgVpnName%3D%3DB%2A\n```\n\n### count\n\nLimit the count of objects in the response. This can be useful to limit the size of the response for large collections. The minimum value for `count` is `1` and the default is `10`. There is also a per-collection maximum value to limit request handling time.\n\n`count` does not guarantee that a minimum number of objects will be returned. A page may contain fewer than `count` objects or even be empty. Additional objects may nonetheless be available for retrieval on subsequent pages. See the `cursor` query parameter documentation for more information on paging.\n\nFor example:\n```\n; Up to 25 MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns?count=25\n```\n\n### cursor\n\nThe cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. Cursors are opaque data that should not be created or interpreted by SEMP clients, and should only be used as described below.\n\nWhen a request is made for a collection and there may be additional objects available for retrieval that are not included in the initial response, the response will include a `cursorQuery` field containing a cursor. The value of this field can be specified in the `cursor` query parameter of a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of objects.\n\nApplications must continue to use the `cursorQuery` if one is provided in order to retrieve the full set of objects associated with the request, even if a page contains fewer than the requested number of objects (see the `count` query parameter documentation) or is empty.\n\n### opaquePassword\n\nAttributes with the opaque property are also write-only and so cannot normally be retrieved in a GET. However, when a password is provided in the `opaquePassword` query parameter, attributes with the opaque property are retrieved in a GET in opaque form, encrypted with this password. The query parameter can also be used on a POST, PATCH, or PUT to set opaque attributes using opaque attribute values retrieved in a GET, so long as:\n\n1. the same password that was used to retrieve the opaque attribute values is provided; and\n\n2. the broker to which the request is being sent has the same major and minor SEMP version as the broker that produced the opaque attribute values.\n\nThe password provided in the query parameter must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters.\n\nThe query parameter can only be used in the configuration API, and only over HTTPS.\n\n## Authentication\n\nWhen a client makes its first SEMPv2 request, it must supply a username and password using HTTP Basic authentication, or an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication.\n\nWhen HTTP Basic authentication is used, the broker returns a cookie containing a session key. The client can omit the username and password from subsequent requests, because the broker can use the session cookie for authentication instead. When the session expires or is deleted, the client must provide the username and password again, and the broker creates a new session.\n\nThere are a limited number of session slots available on the broker. The broker returns 529 No SEMP Session Available if it is not able to allocate a session.\n\nIf certain attributes\u2014such as a user's password\u2014are changed, the broker automatically deletes the affected sessions. These attributes are documented below. However, changes in external user configuration data stored on a RADIUS or LDAP server do not trigger the broker to delete the associated session(s), therefore you must do this manually, if required.\n\nA client can retrieve its current session information using the /about/user endpoint and delete its own session using the /about/user/logout endpoint. A client with appropriate permissions can also manage all sessions using the /sessions endpoint.\n\nSessions are not created when authenticating with an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication. If a session cookie is provided, it is ignored.\n\n## Help\n\nVisit [our website]( to learn more about Solace.\n\nYou can also download the SEMP API specifications by clicking [here](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](\n\n## Notes\n\nNote|Description\n:---:|:---\n1|This specification defines SEMP starting in \"v2\", and not the original SEMP \"v1\" interface. Request and response formats between \"v1\" and \"v2\" are entirely incompatible, although both protocols share a common port configuration on the Solace PubSub+ broker. They are differentiated by the initial portion of the URI path, one of either \"/SEMP/\" or \"/SEMP/v2/\"\n2|This API is partially implemented. Only a subset of all objects are available.\n3|Read-only attributes may appear in POST and PUT/PATCH requests. However, if a read-only attribute is not marked as identifying, it will be ignored during a PUT/PATCH.\n4|On a PUT, if the SEMP user is not authorized to modify the attribute, its value is left unchanged rather than set to default. In addition, the values of write-only attributes are not set to their defaults on a PUT, except in the following two cases: there is a mutual requires relationship with another non-write-only attribute, both attributes are absent from the request, and the non-write-only attribute is not currently set to its default value; or the attribute is also opaque and the `opaquePassword` query parameter is provided in the request.\n\n", + "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker. This specification defines the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing configuration\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational state\n\n\n\nFor tutorials, architectural and protocol design documentation, and other information about the SEMP API, consult the [SEMP documentation]( on the Solace website. The SEMP API specifications are also [available for download](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](", "title": "SEMP (Solace Element Management Protocol)", - "version": "2.34" + "version": "2.39" }, "parameters": { "countQuery": { @@ -9361,7 +10047,7 @@ "paths": { "/": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Broker object.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ntlsServerCertContent||x||x\ntlsServerCertPassword||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-only\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-only\noauthProfileDefault|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-only\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-only\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-only\ntlsServerCertContent|global/read-only\ntlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled|vpn/read-only\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-only\nwebManagerAllowUnencryptedWizardsEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerCustomization|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpOverrideTlsPort|vpn/read-only\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", + "description": "Get a Broker object.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:\ntlsServerCertContent|x|x\ntlsServerCertPassword|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"vpn/read-only\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nauthClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-only\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-only\noauthProfileDefault|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-only\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-only\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-only\ntlsServerCertContent|global/read-only\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-only\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", "operationId": "getBroker", "parameters": [ { @@ -9399,7 +10085,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Broker object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|||||x||\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|||||x||\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|||||x||\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort||||x|||\nserviceSempTlsListenPort||||x|||\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|||||x||\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|||||x||\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|||||x||\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|||||x||\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|||||x||\ntlsServerCertContent|||x||||x\ntlsServerCertPassword|||x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nBroker|tlsServerCertPassword|tlsServerCertContent|\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nauthClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/admin\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-write\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-write\noauthProfileDefault|global/admin\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-write\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-write\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-write\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-write\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-write\ntlsServerCertContent|global/read-write\ntlsServerCertPassword|global/read-write\ntlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled|global/read-write\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-write\nwebManagerAllowUnencryptedWizardsEnabled|global/read-write\nwebManagerCustomization|vpn/read-write\nwebManagerRedirectHttpEnabled|global/read-write\nwebManagerRedirectHttpOverrideTlsPort|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", + "description": "Update a Broker object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|||x|\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|||x|\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|||x|\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|||x|\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|||x|\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort||x||\nserviceSempTlsListenPort||x||\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|||x|\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|||x|\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|||x|\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|||x|\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|||x|\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|||x|\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|||x|\ntlsServerCertContent|x|||x\ntlsServerCertPassword|x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nBroker|tlsServerCertPassword|tlsServerCertContent|\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"vpn/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nauthClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/admin\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-write\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-write\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-write\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-write\noauthProfileDefault|global/admin\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-write\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-write\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-write\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-write\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-write\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-write\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-write\ntlsServerCertContent|global/admin\ntlsServerCertPassword|global/admin\ntlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled|global/read-write\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-write\nwebManagerAllowUnencryptedWizardsEnabled|global/read-write\nwebManagerRedirectHttpEnabled|global/read-write\nwebManagerRedirectHttpOverrideTlsPort|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", "operationId": "updateBroker", "parameters": [ { @@ -9571,7 +10257,7 @@ }, "/about/user/msgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { @@ -9621,7 +10307,7 @@ }, "/about/user/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -9670,7 +10356,7 @@ "/certAuthorities": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|\ncertContent|||x|\ncrlDayList|||x|\ncrlTimeList|||x|\ncrlUrl|||x|\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled|||x|\nocspOverrideUrl|||x|\nocspTimeout|||x|\nrevocationCheckEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "getCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -9719,7 +10405,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|||x|\ncertContent|||||x|\ncrlDayList|||||x|\ncrlTimeList|||||x|\ncrlUrl|||||x|\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled|||||x|\nocspOverrideUrl|||||x|\nocspTimeout|||||x|\nrevocationCheckEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|x|x\ncertContent||||x\ncrlDayList||||x\ncrlTimeList||||x\ncrlUrl||||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||||x\nocspOverrideUrl||||x\nocspTimeout||||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "createCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -9811,7 +10497,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|\ncertContent|||x|\ncrlDayList|||x|\ncrlTimeList|||x|\ncrlUrl|||x|\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled|||x|\nocspOverrideUrl|||x|\nocspTimeout|||x|\nrevocationCheckEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "getCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -9858,7 +10544,7 @@ }, "patch": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Update a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x|x||||x|\ncertContent||||||x|\ncrlDayList||||||x|\ncrlTimeList||||||x|\ncrlUrl|||||x|x|\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||||||x|\nocspOverrideUrl||||||x|\nocspTimeout||||||x|\nrevocationCheckEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Update a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Auto-Disable|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x||x\ncertContent||||x\ncrlDayList||||x\ncrlTimeList||||x\ncrlUrl|||x|x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||||x\nocspOverrideUrl||||x\nocspTimeout||||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "updateCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -9914,7 +10600,7 @@ }, "put": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Replace a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x||x||||x|\ncertContent|||||||x|\ncrlDayList|||||||x|\ncrlTimeList|||||||x|\ncrlUrl||||||x|x|\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled|||||||x|\nocspOverrideUrl|||||||x|\nocspTimeout|||||||x|\nrevocationCheckEnabled|||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Replace a Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Auto-Disable|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x||x\ncertContent||||x\ncrlDayList||||x\ncrlTimeList||||x\ncrlUrl|||x|x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||||x\nocspOverrideUrl||||x\nocspTimeout||||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "replaceCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -9972,7 +10658,7 @@ "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -10022,7 +10708,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x||x|\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Create an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "createCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -10128,7 +10814,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", + "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -10183,7 +10869,7 @@ }, "/clientCertAuthorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -10231,7 +10917,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Create a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "createClientCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -10321,7 +11007,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -10367,7 +11053,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|||||\ncrlUrl|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Update a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|\ncrlUrl|||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "updateClientCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -10422,7 +11108,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|||||\ncrlUrl||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList|\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Replace a Client Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|\ncrlUrl|||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nClientCertAuthority|crlDayList|crlTimeList\nClientCertAuthority|crlTimeList|crlDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "replaceClientCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -10479,7 +11165,7 @@ }, "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -10528,7 +11214,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|||\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Create an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "createClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -10632,7 +11318,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -10687,7 +11373,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cluster objects.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\ndmrClusterName|x|||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Cluster objects.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\ndmrClusterName|x|||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getDmrClusters", "parameters": [ { @@ -10735,7 +11421,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||\ndmrClusterName|x|x||||\nnodeName|||x|||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||||x||\ndirectOnlyEnabled||x|||||\ndmrClusterName|x|x|x||||\nnodeName||||x|||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createDmrCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -10871,7 +11557,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||x||x||\ndirectOnlyEnabled||x|||||\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\nnodeName||x|||||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Update a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x||\ndirectOnlyEnabled||x|||||\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\nnodeName|||x||||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "updateDmrCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -10926,7 +11612,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||x||\ndirectOnlyEnabled||x||||||\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||||\nnodeName|||x|||||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Replace a Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x||\ndirectOnlyEnabled||x|||||\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\nnodeName|||x||||\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nDmrCluster|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "replaceDmrCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -10983,7 +11669,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRules", "parameters": [ { @@ -11038,7 +11724,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nruleName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||x\nruleName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -11142,7 +11828,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -11195,7 +11881,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\nruleName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x\nruleName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "updateDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -11257,7 +11943,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||||\nruleName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x\nruleName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "replaceDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -11321,7 +12007,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nfilterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nfilterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", "parameters": [ { @@ -11383,7 +12069,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nfilterName|x|x||||\nruleName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||x\nfilterName|x|x|x|\nruleName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -11501,7 +12187,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nfilterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nfilterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -11561,7 +12247,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\nfilterName|x|x|||||\nruleName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x\nfilterName|x|x|\nruleName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "updateDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -11630,7 +12316,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||||\nfilterName|x||x|||||\nruleName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x\nfilterName|x|x|\nruleName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "replaceDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -11701,7 +12387,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\nsource|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditions", "parameters": [ { @@ -11763,7 +12449,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nruleName|x||x|||\nsource|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattribute||x||\ndmrClusterName|x|||x\nexpression||x||\nruleName|x|||x\nsource|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { @@ -11881,7 +12567,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\nsource|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { @@ -11943,7 +12629,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Link objects.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Link objects.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\ndmrClusterName|x||\nremoteNodeName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinks", "parameters": [ { @@ -11998,7 +12684,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||||x|x\ndmrClusterName|x|||x||\nremoteNodeName|x|x|x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterLink", "parameters": [ { @@ -12102,7 +12788,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Link object.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Link object.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\ndmrClusterName|x||\nremoteNodeName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLink", "parameters": [ { @@ -12155,7 +12841,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||x||x||x\nauthenticationScheme|||||x||\ndmrClusterName|x|x|||||\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x||\ninitiator|||||x||\nremoteNodeName|x|x|||||\nspan|||||x||\ntransportCompressedEnabled|||||x||\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Update a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x|\ninitiator|||||x|\nremoteNodeName|x|x||||\nspan|||||x|\ntransportCompressedEnabled|||||x|\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "updateDmrClusterLink", "parameters": [ { @@ -12217,7 +12903,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x||x\nauthenticationScheme||||||x||\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||||\negressFlowWindowSize||||||x||\ninitiator||||||x||\nremoteNodeName|x||x|||||\nspan||||||x||\ntransportCompressedEnabled||||||x||\ntransportTlsEnabled||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Replace a Link object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x|\ninitiator|||||x|\nremoteNodeName|x|x||||\nspan|||||x|\ntransportCompressedEnabled|||||x|\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "replaceDmrClusterLink", "parameters": [ { @@ -12281,7 +12967,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/attributes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|||\nattributeValue|x|||\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttributes", "parameters": [ { @@ -12343,7 +13029,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Link Attribute object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|x||||\nattributeValue|x|x||||\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nremoteNodeName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Create a Link Attribute object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|x|x|\nattributeValue|x|x|x|\ndmrClusterName|x|||x\nremoteNodeName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterLinkAttribute", "parameters": [ { @@ -12468,7 +13154,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Link Attribute object.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|||\nattributeValue|x|||\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a Link Attribute object.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttribute", "parameters": [ { @@ -12537,7 +13223,7 @@ }, "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/remoteAddresses": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteAddress|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteAddress|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddresses", "parameters": [ { @@ -12593,7 +13279,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Remote Address object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|||\nremoteAddress|x|x||||\nremoteNodeName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Remote Address object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||x\nremoteAddress|x|x|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddress", "parameters": [ { @@ -12711,7 +13397,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Address object.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||\nremoteAddress|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Remote Address object.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteAddress|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddress", "parameters": [ { @@ -12774,7 +13460,7 @@ "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|\nremoteNodeName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -12831,7 +13517,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x||x|\nremoteNodeName|x||x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|||x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|||x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "createDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -12951,7 +13637,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x||x|\nremoteNodeName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -13013,7 +13699,7 @@ }, "/domainCertAuthorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -13061,7 +13747,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Create a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "createDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -13151,7 +13837,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -13197,7 +13883,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Update a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "updateDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -13252,7 +13938,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncertAuthorityName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Replace a Domain Certificate Authority object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "replaceDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -13309,7 +13995,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior||x||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior||x||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { @@ -13357,7 +14043,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior||||x||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x|x|||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior||||x||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -13493,7 +14179,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName||||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled||||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|||x||||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|||x||||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|||x||||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|||x||||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||||||x|\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort|||||x||\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort|||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort|||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort|||||x||\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort|||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort|||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nalias|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicProfileName|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicRadiusDomain|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicType|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertCertificateMatchingRulesEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertUsernameSource|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationOauthEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\ndmrEnabled|global/read-write\nexportSubscriptionsEnabled|global/read-write\nmaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxEgressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxEndpointCount|global/read-write\nmaxIngressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nmaxSubscriptionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactedSessionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactionCount|global/read-write\nmqttRetainMaxMemory|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationScheme|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeCompressedDataEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeEgressFlowWindowSize|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeRetryDelay|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeUnidirectionalClientProfileName|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|global/read-write\nreplicationQueueMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nreplicationRole|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminClientEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminDistributedCacheEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusShowEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceSmfMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceWebMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|||x|||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|||x|||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|||x|||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|||x|||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"vpn/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nalias|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicProfileName|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicRadiusDomain|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicType|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertCertificateMatchingRulesEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertUsernameSource|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationOauthEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\ndmrEnabled|global/read-write\nexportSubscriptionsEnabled|global/read-write\nmaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxEgressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxEndpointCount|global/read-write\nmaxIngressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nmaxSubscriptionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactedSessionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactionCount|global/read-write\nmqttRetainMaxMemory|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationScheme|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeCompressedDataEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeEgressFlowWindowSize|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeRetryDelay|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeUnidirectionalClientProfileName|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|global/read-write\nreplicationQueueMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nreplicationRole|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminClientEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminDistributedCacheEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusShowEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceSmfMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceWebMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -13548,7 +14234,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x||||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x||||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior||||x||||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||||x|\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort||||||x||\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort||||||x||\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort||||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort||||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort||||||x||\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort||||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort||||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nalias|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicProfileName|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicRadiusDomain|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicType|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertCertificateMatchingRulesEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertUsernameSource|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationOauthEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\ndmrEnabled|global/read-write\nexportSubscriptionsEnabled|global/read-write\nmaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxEgressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxEndpointCount|global/read-write\nmaxIngressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nmaxSubscriptionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactedSessionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactionCount|global/read-write\nmqttRetainMaxMemory|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationScheme|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeCompressedDataEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeEgressFlowWindowSize|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeRetryDelay|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeUnidirectionalClientProfileName|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|global/read-write\nreplicationQueueMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nreplicationRole|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminClientEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminDistributedCacheEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusShowEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceSmfMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceWebMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName|||||x|\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|||x|||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|||x|||x\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|||x|||\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|||x|||\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|||||x|\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort||||x||\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort||||x||\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\nMsgVpn|authenticationBasicProfileName|authenticationBasicType|\nMsgVpn|authorizationProfileName|authorizationType|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|\nMsgVpn|eventPublishTopicFormatSmfEnabled|eventPublishTopicFormatMqttEnabled|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpn|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|replicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpn|replicationEnabledQueueBehavior|replicationEnabled|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"vpn/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nalias|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicProfileName|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicRadiusDomain|global/read-write\nauthenticationBasicType|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertCertificateMatchingRulesEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertUsernameSource|global/read-write\nauthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosAllowApiProvidedUsernameEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationKerberosEnabled|global/read-write\nauthenticationOauthEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nbridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\ndmrEnabled|global/read-write\nexportSubscriptionsEnabled|global/read-write\nmaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxEgressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxEndpointCount|global/read-write\nmaxIngressFlowCount|global/read-write\nmaxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount|global/read-write\nmaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nmaxSubscriptionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactedSessionCount|global/read-write\nmaxTransactionCount|global/read-write\nmqttRetainMaxMemory|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationBasicPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertContent|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationClientCertPassword|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeAuthenticationScheme|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeCompressedDataEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeEgressFlowWindowSize|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeRetryDelay|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeTlsEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationBridgeUnidirectionalClientProfileName|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabled|global/read-write\nreplicationEnabledQueueBehavior|global/read-write\nreplicationQueueMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-write\nreplicationRole|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-write\nrestTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminClientEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminDistributedCacheEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusAdminEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusEnabled|global/read-write\nsempOverMsgBusShowEnabled|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceMqttPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttTlsWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceMqttWebSocketListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingPlainTextListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestIncomingTlsListenPort|global/read-write\nserviceRestOutgoingMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceSmfMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\nserviceWebMaxConnectionCount|global/read-write\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -13605,7 +14291,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -13661,7 +14347,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -13767,7 +14453,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an ACL Profile object.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get an ACL Profile object.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -13821,7 +14507,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnAclProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -13884,7 +14570,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace an ACL Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnAclProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -13949,7 +14635,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/clientConnectExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -14012,7 +14698,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Client Connect Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|||\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Client Connect Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14132,7 +14818,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14196,7 +14882,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishExceptions": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\npublishExceptionTopic|x||x|\ntopicSyntax|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -14260,7 +14946,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Publish Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x|||x|\ntopicSyntax|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Create a Publish Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x|x||x\ntopicSyntax|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfilePublishException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14389,7 +15075,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\npublishExceptionTopic|x||x|\ntopicSyntax|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14459,7 +15145,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishTopicExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npublishTopicException|x|||\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\npublishTopicException|x\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -14522,7 +15208,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Publish Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npublishTopicException|x|x||||\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Create a Publish Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\npublishTopicException|x|x|x|\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14649,7 +15335,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npublishTopicException|x|||\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\npublishTopicException|x\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14720,7 +15406,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeExceptions": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x||x|\ntopicSyntax|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -14784,7 +15470,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Subscribe Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x|||x|\ntopicSyntax|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Create a Subscribe Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x|x||x\ntopicSyntax|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14913,7 +15599,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x||x|\ntopicSyntax|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", + "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeException", "parameters": [ { @@ -14983,7 +15669,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeShareNameExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|||\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeShareNameException|x\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -15046,7 +15732,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Subscribe Share Name Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|x||||\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Create a Subscribe Share Name Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|x|x|\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameException", "parameters": [ { @@ -15173,7 +15859,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|||\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeShareNameException|x\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameException", "parameters": [ { @@ -15243,7 +15929,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeTopicExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscribeTopicException|x|||\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeTopicException|x\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -15306,7 +15992,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Subscribe Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nsubscribeTopicException|x|x||||\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Create a Subscribe Topic Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nsubscribeTopicException|x|x|x|\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicException", "parameters": [ { @@ -15433,7 +16119,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscribeTopicException|x|||\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeTopicException|x\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicException", "parameters": [ { @@ -15503,7 +16189,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\noauthProfileName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -15559,7 +16245,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noauthProfileName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Create an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret|||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\noauthProfileName|x|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -15665,7 +16351,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\noauthProfileName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -15719,7 +16405,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientSecret|||x||||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Update an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -15782,7 +16468,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientSecret||||x||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Replace an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -15847,7 +16533,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -15910,7 +16596,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|x||||\nclientRequiredClaimValue||x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|x|x|\nclientRequiredClaimValue||x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -16030,7 +16716,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -16093,7 +16779,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -16156,7 +16842,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|x||||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimValue||x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\noauthProfileName|x|||x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|x|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimValue||x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -16276,7 +16962,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -16340,7 +17026,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName|||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||x|\nenabled|||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||x|\njwksUri|||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\noauthProviderName|x||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||x|\nusernameClaimName|||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName|||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||x|\nenabled|||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||x|\njwksUri|||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\noauthProviderName|x||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||x|\nusernameClaimName|||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviders", "parameters": [ { @@ -16397,7 +17083,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName|||||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||||x|\nenabled|||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||||x|\njwksUri|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\noauthProviderName|x|x|||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||||x|\nusernameClaimName|||||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "description": "Create an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName||||||x|\naudienceClaimSource||||||x|\naudienceClaimValue||||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||||||x|\nenabled||||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval||||||x|\njwksUri||||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||x|\noauthProviderName|x|x|x|||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword|||||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||||||x|\nusernameClaimName||||||x|\nusernameClaimSource||||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvider", "parameters": [ { @@ -16560,7 +17246,7 @@ }, "patch": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Update an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naudienceClaimName||||||x|\naudienceClaimSource||||||x|\naudienceClaimValue||||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||||||x|\nenabled||||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval||||||x|\njwksUri||||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||x|\noauthProviderName|x|x||||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword|||x|||x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||||||x|\nusernameClaimName||||||x|\nusernameClaimSource||||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled||||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "description": "Update an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName|||||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||||x|\nenabled|||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||||x|\njwksUri|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\noauthProviderName|x|x|||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||||x|\nusernameClaimName|||||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvider", "parameters": [ { @@ -16624,7 +17310,7 @@ }, "put": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Replace an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naudienceClaimName|||||||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||||||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||||||x|\nenabled|||||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||||||x|\njwksUri|||||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||||x|\noauthProviderName|x||x||||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||||x|||x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||||||x|\nusernameClaimName|||||||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "description": "Replace an OAuth Provider object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName|||||x|\naudienceClaimSource|||||x|\naudienceClaimValue|||||x|\naudienceValidationEnabled|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimName|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource|||||x|\nauthorizationGroupEnabled|||||x|\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled|||||x|\nenabled|||||x|\njwksRefreshInterval|||||x|\njwksUri|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\noauthProviderName|x|x|||x|\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionPassword||||x|x|x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUri|||||x|\ntokenIntrospectionUsername|||||x|\nusernameClaimName|||||x|\nusernameClaimSource|||||x|\nusernameValidateEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvider", "parameters": [ { @@ -16689,7 +17375,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authorizationGroups": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||x||\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||x\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroups", "parameters": [ { @@ -16745,7 +17431,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||||x||\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName|||||x\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName|||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -16851,7 +17537,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an Authorization Group object.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||x||\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get an Authorization Group object.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||x\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -16905,7 +17591,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName|||||x||\nauthorizationGroupName|x|x|||||\nclientProfileName|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName|||x||||\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName|||x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|||||x\nauthorizationGroupName|x|x|||\nclientProfileName|||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||||x|\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -16968,7 +17654,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName||||||x||\nauthorizationGroupName|x||x|||||\nclientProfileName||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||||x||||\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||||x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace an Authorization Group object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|||||x\nauthorizationGroupName|x|x|||\nclientProfileName|||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\norderAfterAuthorizationGroupName||||x|\norderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName\nMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup|orderBeforeAuthorizationGroupName|orderAfterAuthorizationGroupName\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -17033,7 +17719,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridges", "parameters": [ { @@ -17089,7 +17775,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|||||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent|||||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { @@ -17202,7 +17888,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { @@ -17263,7 +17949,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nbridgeName|x|x|||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x|||||\nmaxTtl|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|||||x||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|||x||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent|||x||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|||x||x||\nremoteAuthenticationScheme|||||x||\nremoteDeliverToOnePriority|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x||||\nmaxTtl|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|||||x|\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nremoteAuthenticationScheme|||||x|\nremoteDeliverToOnePriority|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { @@ -17333,7 +18019,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nbridgeName|x||x|||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||||\nmaxTtl||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername||||||x||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x||x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||x||\nremoteAuthenticationScheme||||||x||\nremoteDeliverToOnePriority||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x||||\nmaxTtl|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nremoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|||||x|\nremoteAuthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nremoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nremoteAuthenticationScheme|||||x|\nremoteDeliverToOnePriority|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationBasicPassword|remoteAuthenticationBasicClientUsername\nMsgVpnBridge|remoteAuthenticationClientCertPassword|remoteAuthenticationClientCertContent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { @@ -17405,7 +18091,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteMsgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npassword||x||x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\npassword||x|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { @@ -17469,7 +18155,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x||x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password|\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||x||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\npassword|||||x|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|x|x|||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|x|x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -17617,7 +18303,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npassword||x||x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\npassword||x|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -17699,7 +18385,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nbridgeName|x|x|||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x|||||\nclientUsername|||||x||\ncompressedDataEnabled|||||x||\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\npassword|||x||x||x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|x|||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|x|||||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|x|||||\ntlsEnabled|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password|\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||\nclientUsername|||||x|\ncompressedDataEnabled|||||x|\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x|x|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|x||||\ntlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -17790,7 +18476,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nbridgeName|x||x|||||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||||\nclientUsername||||||x||\ncompressedDataEnabled||||||x||\negressFlowWindowSize||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\npassword||||x||x||x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x||x|||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x||x|||||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x||x|||||\ntlsEnabled||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password|\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Remote Message VPN object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||\nclientUsername|||||x|\ncompressedDataEnabled|||||x|\negressFlowWindowSize|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x|x|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|x||||\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|x||||\ntlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|clientUsername|password\nMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn|password|clientUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { @@ -17883,7 +18569,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteSubscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -17953,7 +18639,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Remote Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|||\ndeliverAlwaysEnabled||x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Remote Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||x\ndeliverAlwaysEnabled||x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -18087,7 +18773,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Subscription object.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Remote Subscription object.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -18158,7 +18844,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -18223,7 +18909,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x||x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|||x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -18359,7 +19045,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x||x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -18429,7 +19115,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRules", "parameters": [ { @@ -18485,7 +19171,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nruleName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nruleName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -18591,7 +19277,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -18645,7 +19331,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nruleName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nruleName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -18708,7 +19394,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nruleName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nruleName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { @@ -18773,7 +19459,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nfilterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", "parameters": [ { @@ -18836,7 +19522,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nruleName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nruleName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -18956,7 +19642,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nfilterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -19017,7 +19703,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nfilterName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nruleName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Update a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nruleName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -19087,7 +19773,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nfilterName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nruleName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "description": "Replace a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nruleName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -19159,7 +19845,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\nsource|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditions", "parameters": [ { @@ -19222,7 +19908,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nruleName|x||x|||\nsource|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Create a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattribute||x||\nexpression||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nruleName|x|||x\nsource|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { @@ -19342,7 +20028,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nruleName|x|||\nsource|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { @@ -19405,7 +20091,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled|||x|\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||x|\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||x|\nclientProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -19461,7 +20147,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled|||||x|\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||x|\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||x|\nclientProfileName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled|||||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||x\nclientProfileName|x|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnClientProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -19567,7 +20253,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Profile object.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled|||x|\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||x|\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||x|\nclientProfileName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Client Profile object.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -19621,7 +20307,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||||||x|\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||||x|\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||||x|\nclientProfileName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||x\nclientProfileName|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnClientProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -19684,7 +20370,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled|||||||x|\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||||x|\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName|||||||x|\nclientProfileName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Client Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||||x\nclientProfileName|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnClientProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -19749,7 +20435,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Username objects.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npassword||x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Username objects.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\npassword||x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernames", "parameters": [ { @@ -19805,7 +20491,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|x|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\npassword|||||x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnClientUsername", "parameters": [ { @@ -19911,7 +20597,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Username object.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\npassword||x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Client Username object.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\npassword||x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsername", "parameters": [ { @@ -19965,7 +20651,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName|||||x||\nclientProfileName|||||x||\nclientUsername|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\npassword|||x||||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|||||x|\nclientProfileName|||||x|\nclientUsername|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnClientUsername", "parameters": [ { @@ -20028,7 +20714,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naclProfileName||||||x||\nclientProfileName||||||x||\nclientUsername|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\npassword||||x||||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Client Username object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|||||x|\nclientProfileName|||||x|\nclientUsername|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\npassword||||x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnClientUsername", "parameters": [ { @@ -20093,7 +20779,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}/attributes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|||\nattributeValue|x|||\nclientUsername|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttributes", "parameters": [ { @@ -20156,7 +20842,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Client Username Attribute object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|x||||\nattributeValue|x|x||||\nclientUsername|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Create a Client Username Attribute object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|x|x|\nattributeValue|x|x|x|\nclientUsername|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnClientUsernameAttribute", "parameters": [ { @@ -20283,7 +20969,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|||\nattributeValue|x|||\nclientUsername|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttribute", "parameters": [ { @@ -20353,7 +21039,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCaches", "parameters": [ { @@ -20409,7 +21095,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|x|\ncacheVirtualRouter||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -20515,7 +21201,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -20569,7 +21255,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x|x|||||\ncacheVirtualRouter||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Update a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|\ncacheVirtualRouter||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -20632,7 +21318,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x||x|||||\ncacheVirtualRouter||x||||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Replace a Distributed Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|\ncacheVirtualRouter||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList\nMsgVpnDistributedCache|scheduledDeleteMsgTimeList|scheduledDeleteMsgDayList\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -20697,7 +21383,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusters", "parameters": [ { @@ -20760,7 +21446,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|||\nclusterName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||x\nclusterName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -20880,7 +21566,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -20941,7 +21627,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x|x|||||\nclusterName|x|x|||||\ndeliverToOneOverrideEnabled|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Update a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|\nclusterName|x|x||\ndeliverToOneOverrideEnabled||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -21011,7 +21697,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x||x|||||\nclusterName|x||x|||||\ndeliverToOneOverrideEnabled||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent|\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent|\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue|\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Replace a Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|\nclusterName|x|x||\ndeliverToOneOverrideEnabled||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nEventThresholdByPercent|clearPercent|setPercent\nEventThresholdByPercent|setPercent|clearPercent\nEventThresholdByValue|clearValue|setValue\nEventThresholdByValue|setValue|clearValue\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -21083,7 +21769,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nhomeClusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusters", "parameters": [ { @@ -21153,7 +21839,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Home Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|||\nclusterName|x||x|||\nhomeClusterName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Home Cache Cluster object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||x\nclusterName|x|||x\nhomeClusterName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -21287,7 +21973,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nhomeClusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeCluster", "parameters": [ { @@ -21357,7 +22043,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}/topicPrefixes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nhomeClusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicPrefix|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicPrefix|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixes", "parameters": [ { @@ -21434,7 +22120,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Topic Prefix object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|||\nclusterName|x||x|||\nhomeClusterName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntopicPrefix|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Topic Prefix object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||x\nclusterName|x|||x\nhomeClusterName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopicPrefix|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefix", "parameters": [ { @@ -21582,7 +22268,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Prefix object.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nhomeClusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicPrefix|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Topic Prefix object.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicPrefix|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefix", "parameters": [ { @@ -21659,7 +22345,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\ninstanceName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstances", "parameters": [ { @@ -21729,7 +22415,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|||\nclusterName|x||x|||\ninstanceName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||x\nclusterName|x|||x\ninstanceName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { @@ -21863,7 +22549,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\ninstanceName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { @@ -21931,7 +22617,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x|x|||||\nclusterName|x|x|||||\ninstanceName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Update a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x\nclusterName|x||x\ninstanceName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { @@ -22008,7 +22694,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x||x|||||\nclusterName|x||x|||||\ninstanceName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Replace a Cache Instance object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x\nclusterName|x||x\ninstanceName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { @@ -22087,7 +22773,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/topics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic objects.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic objects.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopics", "parameters": [ { @@ -22157,7 +22843,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x||x|||\nclusterName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Create a Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||x\nclusterName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -22283,16 +22969,1624 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a Topic object.", + "summary": "Delete a Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "distributedCache" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a Topic object.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", + "in": "path", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The value of the Topic in the form a/b/c.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topic", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "distributedCache" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridges", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of DMR Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nremoteNodeName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Create a DMR Bridge object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges/{remoteNodeName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a DMR Bridge object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a DMR Bridge object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a DMR Bridge object.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a DMR Bridge object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nremoteNodeName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Update a DMR Bridge object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nremoteNodeName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Replace a DMR Bridge object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "dmrBridge" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactories", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of JNDI Connection Factory objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoriesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Create a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories/{connectionFactoryName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a JNDI Connection Factory object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "in": "path", + "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "in": "path", + "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "in": "path", + "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Update a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "in": "path", + "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Replace a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueues", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of JNDI Queue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueuesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Create a JNDI Queue object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues/{queueName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a JNDI Queue object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "in": "path", + "name": "queueName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a JNDI Queue object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a JNDI Queue object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "in": "path", + "name": "queueName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a JNDI Queue object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "in": "path", + "name": "queueName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Update a JNDI Queue object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "in": "path", + "name": "queueName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Replace a JNDI Queue object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopics", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of JNDI Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicsResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopicName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Create a JNDI Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics/{topicName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a JNDI Topic object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a JNDI Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a JNDI Topic object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a JNDI Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntopicName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Update a JNDI Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntopicName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Replace a JNDI Topic object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "jndi" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword||x|x\nkafkaReceiverName|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceivers", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Kafka Receiver objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a Kafka Receiver object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret|||||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword|||||x|x\nkafkaReceiverName|x|x|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Create a Kafka Receiver object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a Kafka Receiver object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a Kafka Receiver object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic object.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nclusterName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopic", + "description": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword||x|x\nkafkaReceiverName|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22302,26 +24596,75 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a Kafka Receiver object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nauthenticationScramHash|||||x|\nauthenticationScramPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScramUsername|||||x|\nbatchDelay|||||x|\nbatchMaxSize|||||x|\nbootstrapAddressList|||||x|\ngroupId|||||x|\ngroupKeepaliveInterval|||||x|\ngroupKeepaliveTimeout|||||x|\ngroupMembershipType|||||x|\ngroupPartitionSchemeList|||||x|\nkafkaReceiverName|x|x||||\nmetadataTopicExcludeList|||||x|\nmetadataTopicRefreshInterval|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The value of the Topic in the form a/b/c.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "topic", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + } + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" }, @@ -22334,9 +24677,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22351,18 +24694,81 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Topic object.", + "summary": "Update a Kafka Receiver object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" + ] + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace a Kafka Receiver object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nauthenticationScramHash|||||x|\nauthenticationScramPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScramUsername|||||x|\nbatchDelay|||||x|\nbatchMaxSize|||||x|\nbootstrapAddressList|||||x|\ngroupId|||||x|\ngroupKeepaliveInterval|||||x|\ngroupKeepaliveTimeout|||||x|\ngroupMembershipType|||||x|\ngroupPartitionSchemeList|||||x|\nkafkaReceiverName|x|x||||\nmetadataTopicExcludeList|||||x|\nmetadataTopicRefreshInterval|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaReceiver|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Replace a Kafka Receiver object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/topicBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridges", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Binding objects.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindings", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22371,6 +24777,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -22392,9 +24805,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of DMR Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Topic Binding objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22409,16 +24822,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Topic Binding objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Create a Topic Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopicName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22428,12 +24841,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" } }, { @@ -22448,9 +24868,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22465,18 +24885,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Create a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges/{remoteNodeName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/topicBindings/{topicName}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete a DMR Bridge object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Delete a Topic Binding object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22486,9 +24906,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", "required": true, "type": "string" } @@ -22515,16 +24942,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Delete a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a DMR Bridge object.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nremoteNodeName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Get a Topic Binding object.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22534,9 +24961,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22552,9 +24986,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22569,16 +25003,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Get a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nremoteNodeName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Update a Topic Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ninitialOffset||||x\nkafkaReceiverName|x||x|\nlocalKey||||x\nlocalTopic||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\ntopicName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22588,19 +25022,26 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" } }, { @@ -22615,9 +25056,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22632,16 +25073,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Update a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a DMR Bridge object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nremoteNodeName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Replace a Topic Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ninitialOffset||||x\nkafkaReceiverName|x||x|\nlocalKey||||x\nlocalTopic||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\ntopicName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22651,19 +25092,26 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes.", + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridge" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" } }, { @@ -22678,9 +25126,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22695,18 +25143,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Replace a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactories", + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword||x|x\nkafkaSenderName|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenders", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22736,9 +25184,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Connection Factory objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Kafka Sender objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoriesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22753,16 +25201,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Create a Kafka Sender object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret|||||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword|||||x|x\nkafkaSenderName|x|x|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22772,12 +25220,12 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" } }, { @@ -22792,9 +25240,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22809,18 +25257,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Create a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories/{connectionFactoryName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete a JNDI Connection Factory object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Delete a Kafka Sender object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22830,9 +25278,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", "required": true, "type": "string" } @@ -22859,16 +25307,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Delete a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Get a Kafka Sender object.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationScramPassword||x|x\nkafkaSenderName|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22878,9 +25326,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22896,9 +25344,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22913,16 +25361,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Get a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nconnectionFactoryName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Update a Kafka Sender object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nauthenticationScramHash|||||x|\nauthenticationScramPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScramUsername|||||x|\nbatchDelay|||||x|\nbatchMaxMsgCount|||||x|\nbatchMaxSize|||||x|\nbootstrapAddressList|||||x|\nidempotenceEnabled|||||x|\nkafkaSenderName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntransportCompressionEnabled|||||x|\ntransportCompressionLevel|||||x|\ntransportCompressionType|||||x|\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22932,19 +25380,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" } }, { @@ -22959,9 +25407,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22976,16 +25424,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Update a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a JNDI Connection Factory object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nconnectionFactoryName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Replace a Kafka Sender object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nauthenticationScramHash|||||x|\nauthenticationScramPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationScramUsername|||||x|\nbatchDelay|||||x|\nbatchMaxMsgCount|||||x|\nbatchMaxSize|||||x|\nbootstrapAddressList|||||x|\nidempotenceEnabled|||||x|\nkafkaSenderName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntransportCompressionEnabled|||||x|\ntransportCompressionLevel|||||x|\ntransportCompressionType|||||x|\ntransportTlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationBasicPassword|authenticationBasicUsername\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnKafkaSender|authenticationScramPassword|authenticationScramUsername\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22995,19 +25443,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" } }, { @@ -23022,9 +25470,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23039,18 +25487,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Replace a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/queueBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueues", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindings", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23059,6 +25507,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -23080,9 +25535,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Queue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Queue Binding objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueuesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23097,16 +25552,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Create a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23116,12 +25571,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" } }, { @@ -23136,9 +25598,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23153,18 +25615,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Create a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues/{queueName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/queueBindings/{queueName}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete a JNDI Queue object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Delete a Queue Binding object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23174,7 +25636,14 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "in": "path", "name": "queueName", "required": true, @@ -23203,16 +25672,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Delete a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Queue object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23222,7 +25691,14 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "in": "path", "name": "queueName", "required": true, @@ -23240,9 +25716,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23257,16 +25733,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Get a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nqueueName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Update a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nackMode||||x\nkafkaSenderName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\npartitionConsistentHash||||x\npartitionExplicitNumber||||x\npartitionRandomFallbackEnabled||||x\npartitionScheme||||x\nqueueName|x|x||\nremoteKey||||x\nremoteTopic||||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23276,19 +25752,26 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "in": "path", "name": "queueName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" } }, { @@ -23303,9 +25786,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23320,16 +25803,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Update a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a JNDI Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nqueueName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Replace a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nackMode||||x\nkafkaSenderName|x||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\npartitionConsistentHash||||x\npartitionExplicitNumber||||x\npartitionRandomFallbackEnabled||||x\npartitionScheme||||x\nqueueName|x|x||\nremoteKey||||x\nremoteTopic||||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23339,19 +25822,26 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "in": "path", "name": "queueName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueue" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" } }, { @@ -23366,9 +25856,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23383,18 +25873,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Replace a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopics", + "description": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCaches", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23424,9 +25914,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of MQTT Retain Cache objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCachesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23441,16 +25931,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntopicName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Create an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23460,12 +25950,12 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" } }, { @@ -23480,9 +25970,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23497,18 +25987,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Create an MQTT Retain Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics/{topicName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches/{cacheName}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete a JNDI Topic object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Delete an MQTT Retain Cache object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23518,9 +26008,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" } @@ -23547,16 +26037,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Delete an MQTT Retain Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Topic object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23566,9 +26056,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23584,9 +26074,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23601,16 +26091,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\ntopicName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Update an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23620,19 +26110,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" } }, { @@ -23647,9 +26137,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23664,16 +26154,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Update an MQTT Retain Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a JNDI Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\ntopicName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.2.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Replace an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23683,19 +26173,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopic" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" } }, { @@ -23710,9 +26200,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23727,18 +26217,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Replace an MQTT Retain Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "mqttRetainCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCaches", + "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23768,9 +26258,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of MQTT Retain Cache objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of MQTT Session objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCachesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23785,16 +26275,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" + "mqttSession" ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", + "description": "Create an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23804,12 +26294,12 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" } }, { @@ -23824,9 +26314,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23841,18 +26331,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create an MQTT Retain Cache object.", + "summary": "Create an MQTT Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" + "mqttSession" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches/{cacheName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete an MQTT Retain Cache object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", + "description": "Delete an MQTT Session object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23862,9 +26352,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", + "name": "mqttSessionClientId", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", + "in": "path", + "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" } @@ -23891,16 +26388,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete an MQTT Retain Cache object.", + "summary": "Delete an MQTT Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" + "mqttSession" ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", + "description": "Get an MQTT Session object.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23910,9 +26407,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", + "name": "mqttSessionClientId", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", + "in": "path", + "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23928,9 +26432,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23945,16 +26449,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.", + "summary": "Get an MQTT Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" + "mqttSession" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", + "description": "Update an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\nqueueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23964,82 +26468,26 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", - "in": "body", - "name": "body", - "required": true, - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" - } - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" - } - ], - "produces": [ - "application/json" - ], - "responses": { - "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" - } - }, - "default": { - "description": "The error response.", - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" - } - } - }, - "security": [ - { - "basicAuth": [] - } - ], - "summary": "Update an MQTT Retain Cache object.", - "tags": [ - "all", - "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" - ] - }, - "put": { - "description": "Replace an MQTT Retain Cache object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ncacheName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", - "parameters": [ - { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", + "name": "mqttSessionClientId", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", + "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" } }, { @@ -24054,9 +26502,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Retain Cache object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24071,18 +26519,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace an MQTT Retain Cache object.", + "summary": "Update an MQTT Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttRetainCache" + "mqttSession" ] - } - }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions": { - "get": { - "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessions", + }, + "put": { + "description": "Replace an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\nqueueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24092,58 +26538,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" - } - ], - "produces": [ - "application/json" - ], - "responses": { - "200": { - "description": "The list of MQTT Session objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionsResponse" - } + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", + "in": "path", + "name": "mqttSessionClientId", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, - "default": { - "description": "The error response.", - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" - } - } - }, - "security": [ - { - "basicAuth": [] - } - ], - "summary": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.", - "tags": [ - "all", - "msgVpn", - "mqttSession" - ] - }, - "post": { - "description": "Create an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x||||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttSession", - "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", + "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24168,7 +26572,7 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" } @@ -24185,7 +26589,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create an MQTT Session object.", + "summary": "Replace an MQTT Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24193,10 +26597,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}": { - "delete": { - "description": "Delete an MQTT Session object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttSession", + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Subscription objects.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24218,6 +26622,21 @@ "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } ], "produces": [ @@ -24225,9 +26644,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24242,16 +26661,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete an MQTT Session object.", + "summary": "Get a list of Subscription objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", "mqttSession" ] }, - "get": { - "description": "Get an MQTT Session object.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSession", + "post": { + "description": "Create a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|||x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24274,6 +26693,15 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" + } + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" }, @@ -24286,9 +26714,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24303,16 +26731,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an MQTT Session object.", + "summary": "Create a Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", "mqttSession" ] - }, - "patch": { - "description": "Update an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x|||||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nowner|||||x||\nqueueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttSession", + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a Subscription object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24336,19 +26766,11 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes.", - "in": "body", - "name": "body", + "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscriptionTopic", "required": true, - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" - } - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + "type": "string" } ], "produces": [ @@ -24356,9 +26778,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24373,16 +26795,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update an MQTT Session object.", + "summary": "Delete a Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", "mqttSession" ] }, - "put": { - "description": "Replace an MQTT Session object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmqttSessionClientId|x||x|||||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nowner||||||x||\nqueueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttSession", + "get": { + "description": "Get a Subscription object.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24406,13 +26828,11 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes.", - "in": "body", - "name": "body", + "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscriptionTopic", "required": true, - "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" - } + "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" @@ -24426,9 +26846,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The MQTT Session object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24443,18 +26863,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace an MQTT Session object.", + "summary": "Get a Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", "mqttSession" ] - } - }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions": { - "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscription objects.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptions", + }, + "patch": { + "description": "Update a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x||x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24478,17 +26896,24 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscriptionTopic", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" + } }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -24498,9 +26923,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24515,16 +26940,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Subscription objects.", + "summary": "Update a Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", "mqttSession" ] }, - "post": { - "description": "Create a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x||x|||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "createMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", + "put": { + "description": "Replace a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x||x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24547,6 +26972,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscriptionTopic", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "description": "The Subscription object's attributes.", "in": "body", @@ -24568,7 +27000,7 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" } @@ -24585,7 +27017,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Create a Subscription object.", + "summary": "Replace a Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24593,10 +27025,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { - "delete": { - "description": "Delete a Subscription object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/proxies": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Proxy objects.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nproxyName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnProxies", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24606,25 +27038,75 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", - "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionClientId", - "required": true, - "type": "string" + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Proxy objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxiesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Proxy objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "proxy" + ] + }, + "post": { + "description": "Create a Proxy object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword|||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\nproxyName|x|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "createMsgVpnProxy", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", - "in": "path", - "name": "subscriptionTopic", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes.", + "in": "body", + "name": "body", "required": true, - "type": "string" + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/opaquePasswordQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } ], "produces": [ @@ -24632,9 +27114,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The request metadata.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes after being created, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24649,16 +27131,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Delete a Subscription object.", + "summary": "Create a Proxy object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttSession" + "proxy" ] - }, - "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscription object.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/proxies/{proxyName}": { + "delete": { + "description": "Delete a Proxy object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnProxy", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24668,23 +27152,57 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", + "description": "The name of the proxy.", "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionClientId", + "name": "proxyName", "required": true, "type": "string" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Delete a Proxy object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "proxy" + ] + }, + "get": { + "description": "Get a Proxy object.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nproxyName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnProxy", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "description": "The name of the proxy.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscriptionTopic", + "name": "proxyName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24700,9 +27218,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24717,16 +27235,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Subscription object.", + "summary": "Get a Proxy object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttSession" + "proxy" ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmqttSessionClientId|x|x|||||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "updateMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", + "description": "Update a Proxy object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\nproxyName|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "updateMsgVpnProxy", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24736,33 +27254,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", + "description": "The name of the proxy.", "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionClientId", + "name": "proxyName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", - "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", - "in": "path", - "name": "subscriptionTopic", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" } }, { @@ -24777,9 +27281,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes after being updated, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24794,16 +27298,16 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Update a Subscription object.", + "summary": "Update a Proxy object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttSession" + "proxy" ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmqttSessionClientId|x||x|||||\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nsubscriptionTopic|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", - "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", + "description": "Replace a Proxy object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationBasicPassword||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\nproxyName|x|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnProxy", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24813,33 +27317,19 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", - "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionClientId", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session.", + "description": "The name of the proxy.", "in": "path", - "name": "mqttSessionVirtualRouter", + "name": "proxyName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", - "in": "path", - "name": "subscriptionTopic", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes.", "in": "body", "name": "body", "required": true, "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" } }, { @@ -24854,9 +27344,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscription object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes after being replaced, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24871,17 +27361,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Replace a Subscription object.", + "summary": "Replace a Proxy object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "mqttSession" + "proxy" ] } }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queueTemplates": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Template objects.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueTemplateName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Template objects.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTemplates", "parameters": [ { @@ -24937,7 +27427,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueTemplateName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Create a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueTemplateName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnQueueTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -25043,7 +27533,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Template object.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueTemplateName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Queue Template object.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -25097,7 +27587,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nqueueTemplateName|x|x|||||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Update a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueTemplateName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnQueueTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -25160,7 +27650,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nqueueTemplateName|x||x|||||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Replace a Queue Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueTemplateName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnQueueTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -25225,7 +27715,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueues", "parameters": [ { @@ -25281,7 +27771,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -25387,7 +27877,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue object.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Queue object.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -25441,7 +27931,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naccessType|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nowner|||||x||\npermission|||||x||\nqueueName|x|x|||||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier|||||x||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior|||||x||\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naccessType||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\npermission||||x\nqueueName|x|x||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||x\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||x\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -25504,7 +27994,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naccessType||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nowner||||||x||\npermission||||||x||\nqueueName|x||x|||||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||||x||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||||x||\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Queue object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naccessType||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\npermission||||x\nqueueName|x|x||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||x\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||x\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||x\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnQueue", "parameters": [ { @@ -25569,7 +28059,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -25632,7 +28122,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Queue Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueName|x||x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Queue Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueName|x|||x\nsubscriptionTopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnQueueSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -25752,7 +28242,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueName|x|||\nsubscriptionTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Queue Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -25815,7 +28305,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplayLogName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", + "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogs", "parameters": [ { @@ -25871,7 +28361,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nreplayLogName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", + "description": "Create a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nreplayLogName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -25977,7 +28467,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplayLogName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", + "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -26031,7 +28521,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nreplayLogName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", + "description": "Update a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nreplayLogName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -26094,7 +28584,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nreplayLogName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", + "description": "Replace a Replay Log object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nreplayLogName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.10.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -26159,7 +28649,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/topicFilterSubscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Filter Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplayLogName|x|||\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Filter Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\ntopicFilterSubscription|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -26222,7 +28712,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Topic Filter Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nreplayLogName|x||x|||\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Create a Topic Filter Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nreplayLogName|x|||x\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -26342,7 +28832,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Filter Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplayLogName|x|||\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a Topic Filter Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\ntopicFilterSubscription|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -26405,7 +28895,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replicatedTopics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replicated Topic objects.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplicatedTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Get a list of Replicated Topic objects.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplicatedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplicatedTopics", "parameters": [ { @@ -26461,7 +28951,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nreplicatedTopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Create a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nreplicatedTopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnReplicatedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -26567,7 +29057,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Replicated Topic object.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreplicatedTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Get a Replicated Topic object.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplicatedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplicatedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -26621,7 +29111,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nreplicatedTopic|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Update a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nreplicatedTopic|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnReplicatedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -26684,7 +29174,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nreplicatedTopic|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Replace a Replicated Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nreplicatedTopic|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnReplicatedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -26749,7 +29239,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -26805,7 +29295,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -26911,7 +29401,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -26965,7 +29455,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientProfileName|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientProfileName||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -27028,7 +29518,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientProfileName||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a REST Delivery Point object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientProfileName||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -27093,7 +29583,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindings", "parameters": [ { @@ -27156,7 +29646,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|x||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueBindingName|x|x|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { @@ -27276,7 +29766,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { @@ -27337,7 +29827,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x|x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueBindingName|x|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { @@ -27407,7 +29897,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x||x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a Queue Binding object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueBindingName|x|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { @@ -27479,7 +29969,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/protectedRequestHeaders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Protected Request Header objects.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|||\nheaderValue||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Get a list of Protected Request Header objects.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x||\nheaderValue||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nqueueBindingName|x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaders", "parameters": [ { @@ -27549,7 +30039,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x||||\nheaderValue||||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueBindingName|x||x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Create a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|x|||\nheaderValue|||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\nqueueBindingName|x|||x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -27683,7 +30173,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Protected Request Header object.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|||\nheaderValue||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Get a Protected Request Header object.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x||\nheaderValue||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nqueueBindingName|x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -27751,7 +30241,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nheaderName|x|x|||||\nheaderValue|||x||||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x|x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Update a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|||\nheaderValue||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\nqueueBindingName|x||x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -27828,7 +30318,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nheaderName|x||x|||||\nheaderValue||||x||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x||x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Replace a Protected Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|||\nheaderValue||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||x||\nqueueBindingName|x||x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -27907,7 +30397,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/requestHeaders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Request Header objects.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Get a list of Request Header objects.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaders", "parameters": [ { @@ -27977,7 +30467,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nqueueBindingName|x||x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Create a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nqueueBindingName|x|||x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28111,7 +30601,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Request Header object.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nqueueBindingName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Get a Request Header object.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28179,7 +30669,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nheaderName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x|x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Update a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueBindingName|x||x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28256,7 +30746,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nheaderName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nqueueBindingName|x||x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Replace a Request Header object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x\nqueueBindingName|x||x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28335,7 +30825,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||x||x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x||x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nrestConsumerName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nrestConsumerName|x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumers", "parameters": [ { @@ -28398,7 +30888,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||||x||x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x||x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nrestConsumerName|x|x||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||||x|\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword|||||x|x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue|||||x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret|||||x|x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey|||||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|||x||\nrestConsumerName|x|x|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer", "parameters": [ { @@ -28518,7 +31008,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a REST Consumer object.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x||\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||x||x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x||x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nrestConsumerName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a REST Consumer object.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||x|\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||x|x\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||x|x\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||x|x\nmsgVpnName|x||\nrestConsumerName|x||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer", "parameters": [ { @@ -28579,7 +31069,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey|||x||||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent|||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword|||x||x||\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword|||x||x||x\nauthenticationHttpBasicUsername|||||x||\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue|||x||||x\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret|||x||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault|||||x||\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey|||x||x||x\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint|||||x||\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault|||||x||\nauthenticationScheme|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\noutgoingConnectionCount|||||x||\nremoteHost|||||x||\nremotePort|||||x||\nrestConsumerName|x|x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x|||||\ntlsCipherSuiteList|||||x||\ntlsEnabled|||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Update a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationHttpBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noutgoingConnectionCount|||||x|\nremoteHost|||||x|\nremotePort|||||x|\nrestConsumerName|x|x||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\ntlsCipherSuiteList|||||x|\ntlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer", "parameters": [ { @@ -28649,7 +31139,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||||x||||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x||x||\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||||x||x||x\nauthenticationHttpBasicUsername||||||x||\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||||x||||x\nauthenticationOauthClientId||||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientScope||||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint||||||x||\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault||||||x||\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||||x||x||x\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint||||||x||\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault||||||x||\nauthenticationScheme||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\noutgoingConnectionCount||||||x||\nremoteHost||||||x||\nremotePort||||||x||\nrestConsumerName|x||x|||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||||\ntlsCipherSuiteList||||||x||\ntlsEnabled||||||x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled|\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Replace a REST Consumer object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Auto-Disable|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationAwsSecretAccessKey||||x||x\nauthenticationClientCertContent||||x|x|x\nauthenticationClientCertPassword||||x|x|\nauthenticationHttpBasicPassword||||x|x|x\nauthenticationHttpBasicUsername|||||x|\nauthenticationHttpHeaderValue||||x||x\nauthenticationOauthClientId|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientScope|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientSecret||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthJwtSecretKey||||x|x|x\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint|||||x|\nauthenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault|||||x|\nauthenticationScheme|||||x|\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noutgoingConnectionCount|||||x|\nremoteHost|||||x|\nremotePort|||||x|\nrestConsumerName|x|x||||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\ntlsCipherSuiteList|||||x|\ntlsEnabled|||||x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires\n:---|:---|:---\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationClientCertPassword|authenticationClientCertContent\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicPassword|authenticationHttpBasicUsername\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|authenticationHttpBasicUsername|authenticationHttpBasicPassword\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|remotePort|tlsEnabled\nMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer|tlsEnabled|remotePort\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer", "parameters": [ { @@ -28721,7 +31211,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/oauthJwtClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Claim objects.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthJwtClaimName|x|||\nrestConsumerName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a list of Claim objects.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthJwtClaimName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -28791,7 +31281,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\noauthJwtClaimName|x|x||||\noauthJwtClaimValue||x||||\nrestConsumerName|x||x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Create a Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\noauthJwtClaimName|x|x|x|\noauthJwtClaimValue||x|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|||x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -28925,7 +31415,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Claim object.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthJwtClaimName|x|||\nrestConsumerName|x|||\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a Claim object.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthJwtClaimName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -28996,7 +31486,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nrestConsumerName|x||x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nrestConsumerName|x|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -29061,7 +31551,7 @@ }, "post": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x||x|\nrestConsumerName|x||x||x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Create a Trusted Common Name object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x|x\nrestConsumerName|x|||x|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|||x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -29134,7 +31624,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames/{tlsTrustedCommonName}": { "delete": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Delete a Trusted Common Name object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Delete a Trusted Common Name object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "deleteMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -29197,7 +31687,7 @@ }, "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nrestConsumerName|x||x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x||x|\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since (will be deprecated in next SEMP version). Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nrestConsumerName|x|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { @@ -29267,7 +31757,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/sequencedTopics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Sequenced Topic objects.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsequencedTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a list of Sequenced Topic objects.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsequencedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnSequencedTopics", "parameters": [ { @@ -29322,7 +31812,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Sequenced Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nsequencedTopic|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Create a Sequenced Topic object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nsequencedTopic|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnSequencedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -29426,7 +31916,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Sequenced Topic object.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsequencedTopic|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", + "description": "Get a Sequenced Topic object.\n\nA Sequenced Topic is a topic subscription for which any matching messages received on the Message VPN are assigned a sequence number that is monotonically increased by a value of one per message.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsequencedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.0.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnSequencedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -29481,7 +31971,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Profile objects.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Profile objects.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -29537,7 +32027,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Create a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTelemetryProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -29643,7 +32133,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Telemetry Profile object.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Telemetry Profile object.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -29697,7 +32187,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Update a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnTelemetryProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -29760,7 +32250,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Replace a Telemetry Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnTelemetryProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -29825,7 +32315,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/receiverAclConnectExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -29888,7 +32378,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|x||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Create a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|x|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException", "parameters": [ { @@ -30008,7 +32498,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException", "parameters": [ { @@ -30071,7 +32561,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Trace Filter objects.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\ntraceFilterName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Trace Filter objects.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilters", "parameters": [ { @@ -30134,7 +32624,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x|||\ntraceFilterName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Create a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||x\ntraceFilterName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -30254,7 +32744,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Trace Filter object.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\ntraceFilterName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Trace Filter object.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -30315,7 +32805,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|x|||||\ntraceFilterName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Update a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x\ntraceFilterName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -30385,7 +32875,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x|||||\ntraceFilterName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Replace a Trace Filter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x\ntraceFilterName|x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -30457,7 +32947,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters/{traceFilterName}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscription|x|||\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\ntraceFilterName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscription|x\nsubscriptionSyntax|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -30527,7 +33017,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\nsubscription|x|x||||\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|x||||\ntelemetryProfileName|x||x|||\ntraceFilterName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Create a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\nsubscription|x|x|x|\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|x|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||x\ntraceFilterName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -30668,7 +33158,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\nsubscription|x|||\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|||\ntelemetryProfileName|x|||\ntraceFilterName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscription|x\nsubscriptionSyntax|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -30745,7 +33235,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpointTemplates": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Template objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Template objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplates", "parameters": [ { @@ -30801,7 +33291,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Create a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -30907,7 +33397,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Template object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Template object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -30961,7 +33451,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior|||||x||\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Update a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -31024,7 +33514,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||||x||\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Replace a Topic Endpoint Template object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -31089,7 +33579,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicEndpointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -31145,7 +33635,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||\ntopicEndpointName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Create a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||x\ntopicEndpointName|x|x|x|\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "createMsgVpnTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -31251,7 +33741,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\ntopicEndpointName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -31305,7 +33795,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naccessType|||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\nowner|||||x||\npermission|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval|||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier|||||x||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior|||||x||\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled|||||x||\ntopicEndpointName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Update a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naccessType||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\npermission||||x\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||x\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||x\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||x\ntopicEndpointName|x|x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "updateMsgVpnTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -31368,7 +33858,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\naccessType||||||x||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\nowner||||||x||\npermission||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||||x||\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||||x||\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||||x||\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||||x||\ntopicEndpointName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", + "description": "Replace a Topic Endpoint object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Auto-Disable\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\naccessType||||x\nmsgVpnName|x||x|\nowner||||x\npermission||||x\nredeliveryDelayEnabled||||x\nredeliveryDelayInitialInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMaxInterval||||x\nredeliveryDelayMultiplier||||x\nrejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior||||x\nrespectMsgPriorityEnabled||||x\ntopicEndpointName|x|x||\n\n\n\nThe following attributes in the request may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nClass|Attribute|Requires|Conflicts\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nEventThreshold|clearPercent|setPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|clearValue|setValue|clearPercent, setPercent\nEventThreshold|setPercent|clearPercent|clearValue, setValue\nEventThreshold|setValue|clearValue|clearPercent, setPercent\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.1.", "operationId": "replaceMsgVpnTopicEndpoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -31433,7 +33923,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x||x\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x|x\noauthProfileName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -31481,7 +33971,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||||x||x\noauthProfileName|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||||x|x\noauthProfileName|x|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -31571,7 +34061,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x||x\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret||x|x\noauthProfileName|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -31617,7 +34107,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientSecret|||x||||x\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\naccessLevelGroupsClaimName|global/admin\naccessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat|global/admin\nclientId|global/admin\nclientRedirectUri|global/admin\nclientRequiredType|global/admin\nclientScope|global/admin\nclientSecret|global/admin\nclientValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\ndefaultGlobalAccessLevel|global/admin\ndisplayName|global/admin\nenabled|global/admin\nendpointAuthorization|global/admin\nendpointDiscovery|global/admin\nendpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointIntrospection|global/admin\nendpointIntrospectionTimeout|global/admin\nendpointJwks|global/admin\nendpointJwksRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointToken|global/admin\nendpointTokenTimeout|global/admin\nendpointUserinfo|global/admin\nendpointUserinfoTimeout|global/admin\ninteractiveEnabled|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForExpiredSession|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForNewSession|global/admin\nissuer|global/admin\noauthRole|global/admin\nresourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredAudience|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredIssuer|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredScope|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredType|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateScopeEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\nsempEnabled|global/admin\nusernameClaimName|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Update an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret|||x|x\noauthProfileName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\naccessLevelGroupsClaimName|global/admin\naccessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat|global/admin\nclientId|global/admin\nclientRedirectUri|global/admin\nclientRequiredType|global/admin\nclientScope|global/admin\nclientSecret|global/admin\nclientValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\ndefaultGlobalAccessLevel|global/admin\ndisplayName|global/admin\nenabled|global/admin\nendpointAuthorization|global/admin\nendpointDiscovery|global/admin\nendpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointIntrospection|global/admin\nendpointIntrospectionTimeout|global/admin\nendpointJwks|global/admin\nendpointJwksRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointToken|global/admin\nendpointTokenTimeout|global/admin\nendpointUserinfo|global/admin\nendpointUserinfoTimeout|global/admin\ninteractiveEnabled|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForExpiredSession|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForNewSession|global/admin\nissuer|global/admin\noauthRole|global/admin\nresourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredAudience|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredIssuer|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredScope|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredType|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateScopeEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\nsempEnabled|global/admin\nusernameClaimName|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "updateOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -31672,7 +34162,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nclientSecret||||x||||x\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\naccessLevelGroupsClaimName|global/admin\naccessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat|global/admin\nclientId|global/admin\nclientRedirectUri|global/admin\nclientRequiredType|global/admin\nclientScope|global/admin\nclientSecret|global/admin\nclientValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\ndefaultGlobalAccessLevel|global/admin\ndisplayName|global/admin\nenabled|global/admin\nendpointAuthorization|global/admin\nendpointDiscovery|global/admin\nendpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointIntrospection|global/admin\nendpointIntrospectionTimeout|global/admin\nendpointJwks|global/admin\nendpointJwksRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointToken|global/admin\nendpointTokenTimeout|global/admin\nendpointUserinfo|global/admin\nendpointUserinfoTimeout|global/admin\ninteractiveEnabled|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForExpiredSession|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForNewSession|global/admin\nissuer|global/admin\noauthRole|global/admin\nresourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredAudience|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredIssuer|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredScope|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredType|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateScopeEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\nsempEnabled|global/admin\nusernameClaimName|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Replace an OAuth Profile object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Write-Only|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientSecret|||x|x\noauthProfileName|x|x||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\naccessLevelGroupsClaimName|global/admin\naccessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat|global/admin\nclientId|global/admin\nclientRedirectUri|global/admin\nclientRequiredType|global/admin\nclientScope|global/admin\nclientSecret|global/admin\nclientValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\ndefaultGlobalAccessLevel|global/admin\ndisplayName|global/admin\nenabled|global/admin\nendpointAuthorization|global/admin\nendpointDiscovery|global/admin\nendpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointIntrospection|global/admin\nendpointIntrospectionTimeout|global/admin\nendpointJwks|global/admin\nendpointJwksRefreshInterval|global/admin\nendpointToken|global/admin\nendpointTokenTimeout|global/admin\nendpointUserinfo|global/admin\nendpointUserinfoTimeout|global/admin\ninteractiveEnabled|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForExpiredSession|global/admin\ninteractivePromptForNewSession|global/admin\nissuer|global/admin\noauthRole|global/admin\nresourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredAudience|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredIssuer|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredScope|global/admin\nresourceServerRequiredType|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateScopeEnabled|global/admin\nresourceServerValidateTypeEnabled|global/admin\nsempEnabled|global/admin\nusernameClaimName|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "replaceOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -31729,7 +34219,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Group Access Level objects.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Group Access Level objects.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroups", "parameters": [ { @@ -31784,7 +34274,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. An access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to create access level groups with a global access level greater than \"none\". Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -31841,7 +34331,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups/{groupName}": { "delete": { - "description": "Delete a Group Access Level object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Delete a Group Access Level object. The deletion of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. An access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to delete access level groups with a global access level greater than \"none\".\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "deleteOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -31888,7 +34378,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Group Access Level object.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Group Access Level object.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -31941,7 +34431,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ngroupName|x|x|||||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Update a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "updateOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -32003,7 +34493,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ngroupName|x||x|||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Replace a Group Access Level object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/read-write\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nglobalAccessLevel|global/admin\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "replaceOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -32067,7 +34557,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups/{groupName}/msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -32129,7 +34619,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x||x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -32247,7 +34737,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|||\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -32307,7 +34797,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ngroupName|x|x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Update a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "updateOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -32376,7 +34866,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\ngroupName|x||x|||||\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Replace a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "replaceOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -32447,7 +34937,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAllowedHosts": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Allowed Host Value objects.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Allowed Host Value objects.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nallowedHost|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAllowedHosts", "parameters": [ { @@ -32502,7 +34992,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an Allowed Host Value object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create an Allowed Host Value object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileClientAllowedHost", "parameters": [ { @@ -32606,7 +35096,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an Allowed Host Value object.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an Allowed Host Value object.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nallowedHost|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAllowedHost", "parameters": [ { @@ -32661,7 +35151,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAuthorizationParameters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Authorization Parameter objects.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Authorization Parameter objects.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameters", "parameters": [ { @@ -32716,7 +35206,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter", "parameters": [ { @@ -32820,7 +35310,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get an Authorization Parameter object.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an Authorization Parameter object.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter", "parameters": [ { @@ -32873,7 +35363,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthorizationParameterName|x|x|||||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Update an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "updateOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter", "parameters": [ { @@ -32935,7 +35425,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nauthorizationParameterName|x||x|||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Replace an Authorization Parameter object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "replaceOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter", "parameters": [ { @@ -32999,7 +35489,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -33054,7 +35544,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|x||||\nclientRequiredClaimValue||x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|x|x|\nclientRequiredClaimValue||x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -33158,7 +35648,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -33213,7 +35703,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -33268,7 +35758,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x|||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -33372,7 +35862,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|||\noauthProfileName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -33425,7 +35915,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x|x|||||\noauthProfileName|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Update a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "updateOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -33487,7 +35977,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nmsgVpnName|x||x|||||\noauthProfileName|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Replace a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x|\noauthProfileName|x||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "replaceOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -33551,7 +36041,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -33606,7 +36096,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x||x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|x||||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimValue||x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Create a Required Claim object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required|Read-Only\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|||x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|x|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimValue||x|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/admin\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "createOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -33710,7 +36200,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|||\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -33766,7 +36256,7 @@ "/systemInformation": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a System Information object.\n\nThe System Information object provides metadata about the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nplatform|||x|\nsempVersion|||x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.2. /systemInformation was replaced by /about/api.", + "description": "Get a System Information object.\n\nThe System Information object provides metadata about the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Deprecated\n:---|:---:\nplatform|x\nsempVersion|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.2. /systemInformation was replaced by /about/api.", "operationId": "getSystemInformation", "parameters": [ { @@ -33807,7 +36297,7 @@ }, "/virtualHostnames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Virtual Hostname objects.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Get a list of Virtual Hostname objects.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "getVirtualHostnames", "parameters": [ { @@ -33855,7 +36345,7 @@ ] }, "post": { - "description": "Create a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Required|Read-Only|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|x||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Create a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value. The creation of instances of this object are synchronized to HA mates via config-sync.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Required\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "createVirtualHostname", "parameters": [ { @@ -33945,7 +36435,7 @@ ] }, "get": { - "description": "Get a Virtual Hostname object.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Write-Only|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Get a Virtual Hostname object.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "getVirtualHostname", "parameters": [ { @@ -33991,7 +36481,7 @@ ] }, "patch": { - "description": "Update a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nvirtualHostname|x|x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Update a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be left unchanged.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const\n:---|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "updateVirtualHostname", "parameters": [ { @@ -34046,7 +36536,7 @@ ] }, "put": { - "description": "Replace a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const|Read-Only|Write-Only|Requires-Disable|Auto-Disable|Deprecated|Opaque\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nvirtualHostname|x||x|||||\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Replace a Virtual Hostname object. Any attribute missing from the request will be set to its default value, subject to the exceptions in note 4.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Const\n:---|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-write\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "replaceVirtualHostname", "parameters": [ { diff --git a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-monitor.json b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-monitor.json index 8783282..01e1ea5 100644 --- a/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-monitor.json +++ b/semp-client/src/main/resources/semp-v2-swagger-monitor.json @@ -360,12 +360,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "configSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds. Available since 2.22.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds. Available since 2.22.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "configSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. Available since 2.22.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker. Available since 2.22.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "guaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatus": { - "description": "Defragmentation status of guaranteed messaging. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"idle\" - Defragmentation is not currently running.\n\"pending\" - Degfragmentation is preparing to run.\n\"active\" - Defragmentation is in progress.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Defragmentation status of guaranteed messaging. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"idle\" - Defragmentation is not currently running.\n\"pending\" - Defragmentation is preparing to run.\n\"active\" - Defragmentation is in progress.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", "type": "string" }, "guaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatusActiveCompletionPercentage": { @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout": { - "description": "The maximum time, in milliseconds, that can be tolerated for remote acknowledgement of synchronization messages before which the remote system will be considered out of sync. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "The maximum time, in milliseconds, that can be tolerated for remote acknowledgment of synchronization messages before which the remote system will be considered out of sync. Available since 2.18.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -528,17 +528,32 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedMsgingOperationalStatus": { - "description": "Operational status of guaranteed messaging. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Disabled.\n\"not-ready\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is NotReady.\n\"standby\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Standby.\n\"activating\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Activating.\n\"active\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Active.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Operational status of guaranteed messaging. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Disabled.\n\"not-ready\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Not Ready.\n\"standby\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Standby.\n\"activating\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Activating.\n\"active\" - The operational status of guaranteed messaging is Active.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", "type": "string" }, "guaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode": { - "description": "The replication compatibility mode for the router. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\n\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", + "description": "The replication compatibility mode for the broker. The default value is `\"legacy\"`. The allowed values and their meaning are:\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"legacy\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site without using transactions.\n\"transacted\" - All transactions originated by clients are replicated to the standby site using transactions.\n
\n Available since 2.18.", "enum": [ "legacy", "transacted" ], "type": "string" }, + "kafkaBrokerConnectionCount": { + "description": "The number of connections to Kafka brokers. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxKafkaBridgeCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of Kafka Bridges (Senders + Receivers) allowed. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of connections to Kafka Brokers allowed. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, "oauthProfileDefault": { "description": "The default OAuth profile for OAuth authenticated SEMP requests. Available since 2.24.", "type": "string" @@ -647,11 +662,11 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, "serviceRestIncomingEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the REST service incoming connections on the router. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the REST service incoming connections on the broker. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceRestOutgoingEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the REST service outgoing connections on the router. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the REST service outgoing connections on the broker. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled": { @@ -659,7 +674,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable extended SEMP timeouts for paged GETs. When a request times out, it returns the current page of content, even if the page is not full. When enabled, the timeout is 60 seconds. When disabled, the timeout is 5 seconds. The recommended setting is disabled (no legacy-timeout). This parameter is intended as a temporary workaround to be used until SEMP clients can handle short pages. This setting will be removed in a future release. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable extended SEMP timeouts for paged responses. When a request times out, it returns the current page of content, even if the page is not full. When enabled, the timeout is 60 seconds. When disabled, the timeout is 5 seconds. The recommended setting is disabled (no legacy-timeout). This parameter is intended as a temporary workaround to be used until SEMP clients can handle short pages. This setting will be removed in a future release. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" }, "serviceSempPlainTextEnabled": { @@ -878,7 +893,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "webManagerRedirectHttpUp": { - "description": "Indicates whether the HTTP redirects will operationally occur. \"True\" indicates the facility is Up and redirects will occur, otherwise it is Down. When \"False\" the webManagerRedirectLastFailureReason will provide further detail. Available since 2.24.", + "description": "Indicates whether the HTTP redirects will operationally occur. \"True\" indicates the facility is Up and redirects will occur, otherwise it is Down. When \"False\" the webManagerRedirectHttpLastFailureReason will provide further detail. Available since 2.24.", "type": "boolean" } }, @@ -1715,7 +1730,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "tlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" }, "up": { @@ -1888,7 +1903,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "source": { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNSName.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IPAddress.\n
\n", + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNS Name.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IP Address.\n
\n", "enum": [ "certificate-thumbprint", "common-name", @@ -2145,7 +2160,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MinMsgBurst": { - "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-3) priority queue, regardless of the `clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value.", + "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-1) priority queue, regardless of the `clientProfileQueueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -2165,7 +2180,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -2175,7 +2190,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "clientProfileTcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -2184,7 +2199,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "egressFlowWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be sent over the Link before acknowledgement is received by the sender.", + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be sent over the Link before acknowledgment is received by the sender.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -2233,11 +2248,11 @@ "type": "integer" }, "queueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", + "never", "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "always" ], "type": "string" }, @@ -2813,7 +2828,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "topologyIssue": { - "description": "The topology issue discovered in the Cluster. A topology issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be misdelivered or lost.", + "description": "The topology issue discovered in the Cluster. A topology issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be undelivered or lost.", "type": "string" } }, @@ -3214,7 +3229,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "bridgingTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.18.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the bridge. If enabled, the name used to connect to the bridge is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.18.", "type": "boolean" }, "configSyncLocalKey": { @@ -3222,19 +3237,19 @@ "type": "string" }, "configSyncLocalLastResult": { - "description": "The result of the last operation on the config sync table of the local Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by 'lastResult' in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", + "description": "The result of the last operation on the config sync table of the local Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by \"lastResult\" in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", "type": "string" }, "configSyncLocalRole": { - "description": "The role of the config sync table of the local Message VPN. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"unknown\" - The role is unknown.\n\"primary\" - Acts as the primary source of config data.\n\"replica\" - Acts as a replica of the primary config data.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by 'role' in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", + "description": "The role of the config sync table of the local Message VPN. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"unknown\" - The role is unknown.\n\"primary\" - Acts as the primary source of config data.\n\"replica\" - Acts as a replica of the primary config data.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by \"role\" in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", "type": "string" }, "configSyncLocalState": { - "description": "The state of the config sync table of the local Message VPN. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"unknown\" - The state is unknown.\n\"in-sync\" - The config data is synchronized between Message VPNs.\n\"reconciling\" - The config data is reconciling between Message VPNs.\n\"blocked\" - The config data is blocked from reconciling due to an error.\n\"out-of-sync\" - The config data is out of sync between Message VPNs.\n\"down\" - The state is down due to configuration.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by 'syncStatus' in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", + "description": "The state of the config sync table of the local Message VPN. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"unknown\" - The state is unknown.\n\"in-sync\" - The config data is synchronized between Message VPNs.\n\"reconciling\" - The config data is reconciling between Message VPNs.\n\"blocked\" - The config data is blocked from reconciling due to an error.\n\"out-of-sync\" - The config data is out of sync between Message VPNs.\n\"down\" - The state is down due to configuration.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by \"syncStatus\" in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", "type": "string" }, "configSyncLocalTimeInState": { - "description": "The amount of time in seconds the config sync table of the local Message VPN has been in the current state. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by 'timeInState' in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", + "description": "The amount of time in seconds the config sync table of the local Message VPN has been in the current state. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been replaced by \"timeInState\" in the ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow object.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -3292,7 +3307,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "distributedCacheManagementEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether managing of cache instances over the message bus is enabled in the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.28. Distributed cache mangement is now redundancy aware and thus no longer requires administrative intervention for operational state.", + "description": "Indicates whether managing of cache instances over the message bus is enabled in the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.28. Distributed cache management is now redundancy aware and thus no longer requires administrative intervention for operational state.", "type": "boolean" }, "dmrEnabled": { @@ -3385,7 +3400,7 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, "exportSubscriptionsEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether exports of subscriptions to other routers in the network over neighbour links is enabled in the Message VPN.", + "description": "Indicates whether exports of subscriptions to other routers in the network over neighbor links is enabled in the Message VPN.", "type": "boolean" }, "failureReason": { @@ -3396,6 +3411,11 @@ "description": "Indicates whether the JNDI access for clients is enabled in the Message VPN.", "type": "boolean" }, + "kafkaBrokerConnectionCount": { + "description": "The number of simultaneous Kafka Broker connections of the Message VPN. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, "loginRxMsgCount": { "description": "The number of login request messages received by the Message VPN. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", @@ -3456,6 +3476,11 @@ "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, + "maxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of simultaneous Kafka Broker connections of the Message VPN. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { "description": "The maximum message spool usage by the Message VPN, in megabytes.", "format": "int64", @@ -3529,12 +3554,12 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRate" }, "replicationAckPropagationIntervalMsgCount": { - "description": "The acknowledgement (ACK) propagation interval for the replication Bridge, in number of replicated messages. Available since 2.12.", + "description": "The acknowledgment (ACK) propagation interval for the replication Bridge, in number of replicated messages. Available since 2.12.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "replicationActiveAckPropTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages propagated to the replication standby remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages propagated to the replication standby remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -3677,12 +3702,12 @@ "type": "string" }, "replicationStandbyAckPropOutOfSeqRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages received out of sequence from the replication active remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages received out of sequence from the replication active remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "replicationStandbyAckPropRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages received from the replication active remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages received from the replication active remote Message VPN. Available since 2.12.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -3737,7 +3762,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "restTlsServerCertValidateNameEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer. If enabled, the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote router. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.17.", + "description": "Enable or disable the standard TLS authentication mechanism of verifying the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer. If enabled, the name used to connect to the remote REST Consumer is checked against the names specified in the certificate returned by the remote broker. Legacy Common Name validation is not performed if Server Certificate Name Validation is enabled, even if Common Name validation is also enabled. Available since 2.17.", "type": "boolean" }, "rxByteCount": { @@ -3959,7 +3984,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "serviceRestIncomingAuthorizationHeaderHandling": { - "description": "The handling of Authorization headers for incoming REST connections. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"drop\" - Do not attach the Authorization header to the message as a user property. This configuration is most secure.\n\"forward\" - Forward the Authorization header, attaching it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n\"legacy\" - If the Authorization header was used for authentication to the broker, do not attach it to the message. If the Authorization header was not used for authentication to the broker, attach it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", + "description": "The handling of Authorization headers for incoming REST connections. Authorization header handling settings apply only when the Message VPN is in gateway mode. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"drop\" - Do not attach the Authorization header to the message as a user property. This configuration is most secure.\n\"forward\" - Forward the Authorization header, attaching it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n\"legacy\" - If the Authorization header was used for authentication to the broker, do not attach it to the message. If the Authorization header was not used for authentication to the broker, attach it to the message as a user property in the same way as other headers. For best security, use the drop setting.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", "enum": [ "drop", "forward", @@ -4923,7 +4948,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "authorizationGroupsClaimStringFormat": { - "description": "The format of the authorization groups claim value when it is a string. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", + "description": "The format of the authorization groups claim value when it is a string. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as as single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", "enum": [ "single", "space-delimited" @@ -6037,7 +6062,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "inboundState": { - "description": "The state of the inbound connection from the Bridge. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"init\" - The bridge is down but is initializing.\n\"disabled\" - The bridge is down. It has been disabled by configuration.\n\"prepare-wait-to-connect\" - The bridge is down. It is waiting to connect to the remote broker.\n\"prepare-fetching-dns\" - The bridge is down. The domain name of the remote  broker is being resolved.\n\"not-ready-connecting\" - The bridge is down. It is in the process of connecting to the remote broker.\n\"not-ready-handshaking\" - The bridge is down. It has connected to the remote broker, and is in the process of negotiating with it.\n\"not-ready-wait-next\" - The bridge is down. It has failed to connect to a remote broker, and is waiting for the configured remote retry delay to expire before retrying.\n\"not-ready-wait-reuse\" - The bridge is down. It established its own connection to  the remote broker, but determined instead that it should use a pre-existing connection established from that remote broker. It is waiting for its own connection to close before reusing the existing connection.\n\"not-ready-wait-bridge-version-mismatch\" - The bridge is down. The connection failed to connect due to the remote broker presenting an unexpected version.\n\"not-ready-wait-cleanup\" - The bridge is down. Its connection has closed and is in the process of being cleaned up.\n\"ready-subscribing\" - The bridge is up and is attracting traffic. It is in the process of adding configured subscriptions to the remote broker.\n\"ready-in-sync\" - The bridge is up and is attracting traffic. All configured subscriptions have been added to the remote router.\n\"stalled\" - The bridge is down. Inbound guaranteed messages are not flowing. Administrative actions may be required to clear this state.\n\"not-applicable\" - The connection is not relevant in the inbound direction.\n
\n", + "description": "The state of the inbound connection from the Bridge. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"init\" - The bridge is down but is initializing.\n\"disabled\" - The bridge is down. It has been disabled by configuration.\n\"prepare-wait-to-connect\" - The bridge is down. It is waiting to connect to the remote broker.\n\"prepare-fetching-dns\" - The bridge is down. The domain name of the remote broker is being resolved.\n\"not-ready-connecting\" - The bridge is down. It is in the process of connecting to the remote broker.\n\"not-ready-handshaking\" - The bridge is down. It has connected to the remote broker, and is in the process of negotiating with it.\n\"not-ready-wait-next\" - The bridge is down. It has failed to connect to a remote broker, and is waiting for the configured remote retry delay to expire before retrying.\n\"not-ready-wait-reuse\" - The bridge is down. It established its own connection to  the remote broker, but determined instead that it should use a pre-existing connection established from that remote broker. It is waiting for its own connection to close before reusing the existing connection.\n\"not-ready-wait-bridge-version-mismatch\" - The bridge is down. The connection failed to connect due to the remote broker presenting an unexpected version.\n\"not-ready-wait-cleanup\" - The bridge is down. Its connection has closed and is in the process of being cleaned up.\n\"ready-subscribing\" - The bridge is up and is attracting traffic. It is in the process of adding configured subscriptions to the  remote broker.\n\"ready-in-sync\" - The bridge is up and is attracting traffic. All configured subscriptions have been added to the remote broker.\n\"stalled\" - The bridge is down. Inbound guaranteed messages are not flowing. Administrative actions may be required to clear this state.\n\"not-applicable\" - The connection is not relevant in the inbound direction.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, "lastTxMsgId": { @@ -6135,7 +6160,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "remoteRouterName": { - "description": "The name of the remote router.", + "description": "The name of the remote broker.", "type": "string" }, "remoteTxFlowId": { @@ -6551,7 +6576,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "egressFlowWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the remote Message VPN connection before an acknowledgement is received.", + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the remote Message VPN connection before an acknowledgment is received.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -6597,7 +6622,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "unidirectionalClientProfile": { - "description": "The Client Profile for the unidirectional Bridge of the remote Message VPN. The Client Profile must exist in the local Message VPN, and it is used only for the TCP parameters. Note that the default client profile has a TCP maximum window size of 2MB.", + "description": "The Client Profile for the unidirectional Bridge of the remote Message VPN. The Client Profile must exist in the local Message VPN, and it is used only for the TCP parameters. Note that the default client profile has a TCP maximum window size of 2 MB.", "type": "string" }, "up": { @@ -7056,7 +7081,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "source": { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNSName.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IPAddress.\n
\n", + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"certificate-thumbprint\" - The attribute is computed as the SHA-1 hash over the entire DER-encoded contents of the client certificate.\n\"common-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"common-name-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Common Name attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"subject-alternate-name-msupn\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Other Name type of the Subject Alternative Name and must have the msUPN signature.\n\"uid\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"uid-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the User Identifier attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's first instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"org-unit-last\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's last instance of the Org Unit attribute in the Subject DN.\n\"issuer\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Issuer DN.\n\"subject\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject DN.\n\"serial-number\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Serial Number.\n\"dns-name\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name DNS Name.\n\"ip-address\" - The attribute is extracted from the certificate's Subject Alt Name IP Address.\n
\n", "enum": [ "certificate-thumbprint", "common-name", @@ -7426,12 +7451,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "mqttPubackRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgement (PUBACK) response packets received from the Client.", + "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK) response packets received from the Client.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "mqttPubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgement (PUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", + "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -7476,12 +7501,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "mqttSubackErrorTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgement (SUBACK) failure response packets transmitted to the Client.", + "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgment (SUBACK) failure response packets transmitted to the Client.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "mqttSubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgement (SUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", + "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgment (SUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -7491,7 +7516,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "mqttUnsubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgement (UNSUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", + "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgment (UNSUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -7932,7 +7957,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "timedRetransmitCount": { - "description": "The number of TCP segments retransmitted due to timeout awaiting an acknowledgement (ACK). See RFC 793 for further details.", + "description": "The number of TCP segments retransmitted due to timeout awaiting an acknowledgment (ACK). See RFC 793 for further details.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -8051,7 +8076,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "allowGuaranteedEndpointCreateDurability": { - "description": "Indicates whether clients using the Client Profile are allowed to create durable and/or non-durable topic endponts or queues. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"all\" - Client can create any type of endpoint.\n\"durable\" - Client can create only durable endpoints.\n\"non-durable\" - Client can create only non-durable endpoints.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", + "description": "Indicates whether clients using the Client Profile are allowed to create durable and/or non-durable topic endpoints or queues. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"all\" - Client can create any type of endpoint.\n\"durable\" - Client can create only durable endpoints.\n\"non-durable\" - Client can create only non-durable endpoints.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", "enum": [ "all", "durable", @@ -8060,7 +8085,7 @@ "type": "string" }, "allowGuaranteedEndpointCreateEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether clients using the Client Profile are allowed to create topic endponts or queues.", + "description": "Indicates whether clients using the Client Profile are allowed to create topic endpoints or queues.", "type": "boolean" }, "allowGuaranteedMsgReceiveEnabled": { @@ -8267,12 +8292,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "queueGuaranteed1MinMsgBurst": { - "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-3) priority queue, regardless of the `queueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value.", + "description": "The number of messages that are always allowed entry into the \"Guaranteed 1\" (G-1) priority queue, regardless of the `queueGuaranteed1MaxDepth` value.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, "rejectMsgToSenderOnNoSubscriptionMatchEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether to send a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to a client using the Client Profile when discarding a guaranteed message due to no matching subscription found.", + "description": "Indicates whether to send a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to a client using the Client Profile when discarding a guaranteed message due to no matching subscription found.", "type": "boolean" }, "replicationAllowClientConnectWhenStandbyEnabled": { @@ -8324,7 +8349,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "tcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds.", + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -8334,7 +8359,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "tcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections.", + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -9364,12 +9389,21 @@ "jndiTopics": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsJndiTopics" }, + "kafkaReceivers": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsKafkaReceivers" + }, + "kafkaSenders": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsKafkaSenders" + }, "mqttRetainCaches": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsMqttRetainCaches" }, "mqttSessions": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsMqttSessions" }, + "proxies": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsProxies" + }, "queueTemplates": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollectionsQueueTemplates" }, @@ -9550,6 +9584,26 @@ }, "type": "object" }, + "MsgVpnCollectionsKafkaReceivers": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the kafkaReceivers collection. Available since 2.36.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnCollectionsKafkaSenders": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the kafkaSenders collection. Available since 2.36.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, "MsgVpnCollectionsMqttRetainCaches": { "properties": { "count": { @@ -9570,6 +9624,16 @@ }, "type": "object" }, + "MsgVpnCollectionsProxies": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the proxies collection. Available since 2.36.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, "MsgVpnCollectionsQueueTemplates": { "properties": { "count": { @@ -11241,7 +11305,7 @@ "type": "boolean" }, "guaranteedReceiveAckTimeout": { - "description": "The timeout for sending the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer), in milliseconds.", + "description": "The timeout for sending the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer), in milliseconds.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -11261,12 +11325,12 @@ "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedReceiveWindowSizeAckThreshold": { - "description": "The threshold for sending the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer) as a percentage of `guaranteedReceiveWindowSize`.", + "description": "The threshold for sending the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages received by the Subscriber (Consumer) as a percentage of `guaranteedReceiveWindowSize`.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, "guaranteedSendAckTimeout": { - "description": "The timeout for receiving the acknowledgement (ACK) for guaranteed messages sent by the Publisher (Producer), in milliseconds.", + "description": "The timeout for receiving the acknowledgment (ACK) for guaranteed messages sent by the Publisher (Producer), in milliseconds.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, @@ -11333,7 +11397,7 @@ "type": "integer" }, "transportKeepaliveEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether application-level keepalive messages are used to maintain a connection with the Router.", + "description": "Indicates whether application-level keepalive messages are used to maintain a connection with the broker.", "type": "boolean" }, "transportKeepaliveInterval": { @@ -11581,704 +11645,916 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnLinks": { + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiver": { "properties": { - "aclProfilesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of ACL Profile objects.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationOauthProfilesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of OAuth Profile objects. Available since 2.25.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationOauthProvidersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of OAuth Provider objects. Deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authorizationGroupsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Authorization Group objects.", + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Receiver uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\".", "type": "string" }, - "bridgesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Bridge objects.", - "type": "string" + "authenticationClientCertConfigTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the client-certificate was configured. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "certMatchingRulesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Certificate Matching Rule objects. Available since 2.27.", + "authenticationClientCertThumbprint": { + "description": "The thumbprint of the client-certificate.", "type": "string" }, - "clientProfilesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client Profile objects.", + "authenticationOauthClientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client ID. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", "type": "string" }, - "clientUsernamesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client Username objects.", + "authenticationOauthClientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", "type": "string" }, - "clientsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client objects. Available since 2.12.", + "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the Kafka Receiver will use to request a token for login to the Kafka broker. Must begin with \"https\". To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", "type": "string" }, - "configSyncRemoteNodesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Config Sync Remote Node objects. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme for the Kafka Receiver. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to an appropriately configured and compatible listener port on the Kafka Broker for the given scheme. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Anonymous Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker PLAINTEXT listener ports.\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"scram\" - Salted Challenge Response Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SSL listener ports.\n\"oauth-client\" - Oauth Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_SSL listener ports.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "basic", + "scram", + "client-certificate", + "oauth-client" + ], "type": "string" }, - "distributedCachesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Distributed Cache objects.", + "authenticationScramHash": { + "description": "The hash used for SCRAM authentication. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sha-256\" - SHA-2 256 bits.\n\"sha-512\" - SHA-2 512 bits.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "sha-256", + "sha-512" + ], "type": "string" }, - "dmrBridgesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of DMR Bridge objects.", + "authenticationScramUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Receiver uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\".", "type": "string" }, - "jndiConnectionFactoriesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", - "type": "string" + "batchDelay": { + "description": "Delay (in ms) to wait to accumulate a batch of messages to receive. Batching is done on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "jndiQueuesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Queue objects.", - "type": "string" + "batchMaxSize": { + "description": "Maximum size of a message batch, in bytes (B). Batching is done on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `fetch.min.bytes` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "jndiTopicsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Topic objects.", + "bootstrapAddressList": { + "description": "Comma separated list of addresses (and optional ports) of brokers in the Kafka Cluster from which the state of the entire Kafka Cluster can be learned. If a port is not provided with an address it will default to 9092.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `bootstrap.servers` configuration setting.", "type": "string" }, - "mqttRetainCachesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Retain Cache objects.", + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client for the Kafka Receiver.", "type": "string" }, - "mqttSessionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Session objects.", - "type": "string" + "connectionCount": { + "description": "The number of connections to remote Kafka Brokers. Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "queueTemplatesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Queue Template objects. Available since 2.14.", - "type": "string" + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "queuesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Queue objects. Available since 2.12.", + "failureReason": { + "description": "Indicates why the Kafka Receiver is not operational.", "type": "string" }, - "replayLogsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replay Log objects.", + "groupId": { + "description": "The id of the Kafka consumer group for the Receiver.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.", "type": "string" }, - "replicatedTopicsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replicated Topic objects. Available since 2.12.", - "type": "string" + "groupKeepaliveInterval": { + "description": "The time (in ms) between sending keepalives to the group.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "restDeliveryPointsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of REST Delivery Point objects.", - "type": "string" + "groupKeepaliveTimeout": { + "description": "The time (in ms) until unresponsive group members are removed, triggering a partition rebalance across other members of the group.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "telemetryProfilesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Telemetry Profile objects. Available since 2.31.", + "groupMembershipType": { + "description": "The membership type of the Kafka consumer group for the Receiver. Static members can leave and rejoin the group (within groupKeepaliveTimeout) without prompting a group rebalance.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `` configuration setting.\n\nThe allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"dynamic\" - Dynamic Membership.\n\"static\" - Static Membership.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "dynamic", + "static" + ], "type": "string" }, - "topicEndpointTemplatesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Topic Endpoint Template objects. Available since 2.14.", + "groupPartitionSchemeList": { + "description": "The ordered, comma-separated list of schemes used for partition assignment of the consumer group for this Receiver. Both Eager (\"range\", \"roundrobin\") and Cooperative (\"cooperative-sticky\") schemes are supported. The elected group leader will choose the first common strategy provided by all members of the group. Eager and Cooperative schemes must not be mixed. For more information on these schemes, see Kafka documentation.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `partition.assignment.strategy` configuration setting.", "type": "string" }, - "topicEndpointsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Topic Endpoint objects. Available since 2.12.", + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "type": "string" }, - "transactionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects. Available since 2.12.", + "lastNotice": { + "description": "Last notice issued for the Kafka Receiver. If recent this may help to diagnose operational problems. Available since 2.39.", "type": "string" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnMqttRetainCache": { - "properties": { - "backupCacheInstance": { - "description": "The name of the backup Cache Instance associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", - "type": "string" + "lastNoticeTime": { + "description": "Timestamp of the last reported notice. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "backupFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason why the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", + "metadataTopicExcludeList": { + "description": "A comma-separated list of regular expressions. Any matching topic names will be ignored in broker metadata.", "type": "string" }, - "backupUp": { - "description": "Indicates whether the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "backupUptime": { - "description": "The number of seconds that the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", + "metadataTopicRefreshInterval": { + "description": "The time between refreshes of topic metadata from the Kafka Cluster.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "cacheCluster": { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "cacheName": { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", - "type": "string" + "rejectedMsgCount": { + "description": "Rejected message count. These messages were received from Kafka but failed to be published to Solace.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "distributedCache": { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", - "type": "string" + "rxMsgByteCount": { + "description": "Received message byte count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether this MQTT Retain Cache is enabled. When the cache is disabled, neither retain messages nor retain requests will be delivered by the cache. However, live retain messages will continue to be delivered to currently connected MQTT clients.", - "type": "boolean" + "rxMsgCount": { + "description": "Received message count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "failureReason": { - "description": "The reason why this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", - "type": "string" + "rxRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Received request byte count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "msgLifetime": { - "description": "The message lifetime, in seconds. If a message remains cached for the duration of its lifetime, the cache will remove the message. A lifetime of 0 results in the message being retained indefinitely, otherwise it must be 3 seconds or more.", + "rxRequestCount": { + "description": "Received request count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" + "transportTlsEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable encryption (TLS) for the Kafka Receiver. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT listener ports when disabled, and SSL or SASL_SSL listener ports when enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "primaryCacheInstance": { - "description": "The name of the primary Cache Instance associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", - "type": "string" + "txMsgByteCount": { + "description": "Sent message byte count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "primaryFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason why the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", - "type": "string" + "txMsgCount": { + "description": "Sent message count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "primaryUp": { - "description": "Indicates whether the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", - "type": "boolean" + "txRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Sent request byte count.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "primaryUptime": { - "description": "The number of seconds that the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", - "format": "int32", + "txRequestCount": { + "description": "Sent request count.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "up": { - "description": "Indicates whether this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", + "description": "Indicates whether the Kafka Receiver is operationally up.", "type": "boolean" }, + "upSinceTime": { + "description": "The timestamp when the Kafka Receiver became up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, "uptime": { - "description": "The number of seconds that the MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", - "format": "int32", + "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the Kafka Receiver was up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Deprecated since 2.39. Replaced by upSinceTime.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections": { - "properties": {}, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollections": { + "properties": { + "remoteBrokers": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollectionsRemoteBrokers" + }, + "topicBindings": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollectionsTopicBindings" + } + }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks": { + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollectionsRemoteBrokers": { "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this MQTT Retain Cache object.", - "type": "string" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the remoteBrokers collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollectionsTopicBindings": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the topicBindings collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttRetainCachesResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" - }, - "type": "array" + "remoteBrokersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver's collection of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "topicBindingsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver's collection of Topic Binding objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Receiver object.", + "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSession": { + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBroker": { "properties": { - "clean": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Client requested a clean (newly created) MQTT Session when connecting. If not clean (already existing), then previously stored messages for QoS 1 subscriptions are delivered.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "clientName": { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Session Client.", - "type": "string" - }, - "counter": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCounter" - }, - "createdByManagement": { - "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session was created by a Management API.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "durable": { - "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session is durable. Disconnected durable MQTT Sessions are deleted when their expiry time is reached. Disconnected non-durable MQTT Sessions are deleted immediately. Available since 2.21.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "expiryTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the disconnected MQTT session expires and is deleted. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). A value of 0 indicates that the session is either connected, or will never expire. Available since 2.21.", + "averageLatency": { + "description": "Average latency (in ms) for the remote broker.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxPacketSize": { - "description": "The maximum size of a packet, including all headers and payload, that the Client has signaled it is willing to accept. A value of zero indicates no limit. Note that there are other broker settings which may further limit packet size. Available since 2.21.", + "connectCount": { + "description": "Connect attempt count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttConnackErrorTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) refused response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttConnackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) accepted response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttConnectRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect (CONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "remoteBroker": { + "description": "The Kafka remote broker name.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttDisconnectRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT disconnect (DISCONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Available since 2.13.", + "rxErrorCount": { + "description": "Received error count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPingreqRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT ping request (PINGREQ) packets received from the Client. Available since 2.23.", + "rxResponseByteCount": { + "description": "Received response byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPingrespTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT ping response (PINGRESP) packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", + "rxResponseCount": { + "description": "Received response count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPubackRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgement (PUBACK) response packets received from the Client. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "state": { + "description": "Remote broker state.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttPubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgement (PUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", + "txErrorCount": { + "description": "Sent error count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPubcompTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBREL packet. These packets are the fourth and final packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", + "txRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Sent request byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos0RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", + "txRequestCount": { + "description": "Sent request count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos0TxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", + "txRetryCount": { + "description": "Sent request retry count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Remote Kafka Brokers object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerCollections" }, - "mqttPublishQos1RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBroker" }, - "mqttPublishQos1TxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerLinks" }, - "mqttPublishQos2RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 2 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokersResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "mqttPubrecTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish received (PUBREC) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBLISH packet with QoS 2. These packets are the second packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBroker" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "mqttPubrelRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish release (PUBREL) packets received from the Client in response to a PUBREC packet. These packets are the third packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "mqttSessionClientId": { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding": { + "properties": { + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable this topic binding of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "failureReason": { + "description": "Indicates why the Topic Binding is not operational.", "type": "string" }, - "mqttSessionVirtualRouter": { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the backup virtual router.\n\"auto\" - The MQTT Session is automatically assigned a virtual router at creation, depending on the broker's active-standby role.\n
\n", + "initialOffset": { + "description": "The initial offset to consume from the Kafka Topic if no member of the group has consumed and committed any offset already, or if the last committed offset has been deleted. Offsets are unique per partition.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka consumer API `auto.offset.reset` configuration setting.\n\nThe allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"beginning\" - Start with the earliest offset available.\n\"end\" - Start with new offsets only.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "primary", - "backup", - "auto" + "beginning", + "end" ], "type": "string" }, - "mqttSubackErrorTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgement (SUBACK) failure response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "kafkaReceiverName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttSubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgement (SUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "lastNotice": { + "description": "Last notice issued for the Topic Binding. If recent this may help to diagnose operational problems. Available since 2.39.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttSubscribeRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe (SUBSCRIBE) request packets received from the Client to create one or more topic subscriptions. Available since 2.23.", + "lastNoticeTime": { + "description": "Timestamp of the last reported notice. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttUnsubackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgement (UNSUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "localKey": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the key for each message received from Kafka. This expression can include fields extracted from the metadata of each individual Kafka message as it is received from the Kafka Topic.\n\nIf empty, no key is included for each message as it is published into Solace.", + "type": "string" }, - "mqttUnsubscribeRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe (UNSUBSCRIBE) request packets received from the Client to remove one or more topic subscriptions. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "localTopic": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the Solace Topic for each message received from Kafka. This expression can include data extracted from the metadata of each individual Kafka message as it is received from the Kafka Topic.\n\nIf empty, the Topic Binding will not be operational.", + "type": "string" }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "owner": { - "description": "The Client Username which owns the MQTT Session.", - "type": "string" - }, - "queueConsumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN are propagated to the standby replication Message VPN. Available since 2.14.", - "type": "boolean" + "rejectedMsgCount": { + "description": "Rejected message count. These messages were received from Kafka but failed to be published to Solace.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "queueDeadMsgQueue": { - "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", + "topicName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic.", "type": "string" }, - "queueEventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "queueEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "queueEventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Binding is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "queueMaxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", + "upSinceTime": { + "description": "The timestamp when the Topic Binding became up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "queueMaxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { - "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", + "uptime": { + "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the Topic Binding was up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Deprecated since 2.39. Replaced by upSinceTime.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Binding object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingCollections" }, - "queueMaxMsgSize": { - "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the MQTT Session Queue, in bytes (B). Available since 2.14.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" }, - "queueMaxMsgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the MQTT Session Queue, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking. Available since 2.14.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks" }, - "queueMaxRedeliveryCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of times the MQTT Session Queue will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever. Available since 2.14.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "queueMaxTtl": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the MQTT Session Queue when `queueRespectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `queueMaxTtl` configured for the MQTT Session Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry. Available since 2.14.", + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiver" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSender": { + "properties": { + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Sender uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"basic\".", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertConfigTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the client-certificate was configured. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the MQTT Session Queue.", + "authenticationClientCertThumbprint": { + "description": "The thumbprint of the client-certificate.", "type": "string" }, - "queueRejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Available since 2.14.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationOauthClientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client ID. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", + "type": "string" }, - "queueRejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { - "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the MQTT Session Queue above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed. Available since 2.14.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "authenticationOauthClientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", + "type": "string" }, - "queueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Indicates whether negative acknowledgements (NACKs) are returned to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", + "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the Kafka Sender will use to request a token for login to the Kafka broker. Must begin with \"https\". To be used when authenticationScheme is \"oauth-client\".", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme for the Kafka Sender. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to an appropriately configured and compatible listener port on the Kafka Broker for the given scheme. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Anonymous Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker PLAINTEXT listener ports.\n\"basic\" - Basic Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"scram\" - Salted Challenge Response Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL listener ports.\n\"client-certificate\" - Client Certificate Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SSL listener ports.\n\"oauth-client\" - Oauth Authentication. Used with Kafka Broker SASL_SSL listener ports.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "always", - "when-queue-enabled", - "never" + "none", + "basic", + "scram", + "client-certificate", + "oauth-client" ], "type": "string" }, - "queueRespectTtlEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the MQTT Session Queue is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ. Available since 2.14.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationScramHash": { + "description": "The hash used for SCRAM authentication. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\". The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sha-256\" - SHA-2 256 bits.\n\"sha-512\" - SHA-2 512 bits.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "sha-256", + "sha-512" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "rxMax": { - "description": "The maximum number of outstanding QoS1 and QoS2 messages that the Client has signaled it is willing to accept. Note that there are other broker settings which may further limit the number of outstanding messasges. Available since 2.21.", - "format": "int64", + "authenticationScramUsername": { + "description": "The username the Kafka Sender uses to login to the remote Kafka broker. To be used when authenticationScheme is \"scram\".", + "type": "string" + }, + "batchDelay": { + "description": "Delay (in ms) to wait to accumulate a batch of messages to send. Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "will": { - "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session has the Will message specified by the Client. The Will message is published if the Client disconnects without sending the MQTT DISCONNECT packet.", - "type": "boolean" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections": { - "properties": { - "subscriptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollectionsSubscriptions" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionCollectionsSubscriptions": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", - "format": "int64", + "batchMaxMsgCount": { + "description": "Maximum number of messages sent in a single batch. Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionCounter": { - "description": "The counters for the MQTT Session. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", - "properties": { - "mqttConnackErrorTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) refused response packets transmitted to the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + }, + "batchMaxSize": { + "description": "Maximum size of a message batch, in bytes (B). Batching is done for all Senders on a per-partition basis.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `batch.size` configuration setting, and should not exceed either the Kafka broker `message.max.bytes` configuration setting, or the per-Topic override of `max.message.bytes`.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "bootstrapAddressList": { + "description": "Comma separated list of addresses (and optional ports) of brokers in the Kafka Cluster from which the state of the entire Kafka Cluster can be learned. If a port is not provided with an address it will default to 9092.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `bootstrap.servers` configuration setting.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client for the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "connectionCount": { + "description": "The number of connections to remote Kafka Brokers. Available since 2.39.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttConnackTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) accepted response packets transmitted to the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "failureReason": { + "description": "Indicates why the Kafka Sender is not operational.", + "type": "string" + }, + "idempotenceEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable idempotence for the Kafka Sender. Idempotence guarantees in order at-least-once message delivery to the remote Kafka Topic, at the expense of performance. When idempotence is enabled the Queue Bindings of the Kafka Sender must have ackMode of \"all\" to be operational.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `enable.idempotence` configuration setting.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "lastNotice": { + "description": "Last notice issued for the Kafka Sender. If recent this may help to diagnose operational problems. Available since 2.39.", + "type": "string" + }, + "lastNoticeTime": { + "description": "Timestamp of the last reported notice. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttConnectRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT connect (CONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "rxMsgByteCount": { + "description": "Received message byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttDisconnectRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT disconnect (DISCONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "rxMsgCount": { + "description": "Received message count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPubcompTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBREL packet. These packets are the fourth and final packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "rxRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Received request byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos0RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "rxRequestCount": { + "description": "Received request count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos0TxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "transportCompressionEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable compression for the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "transportCompressionLevel": { + "description": "Compression level. The valid range is dependent on the compression type.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `compression.level` configuration setting.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "transportCompressionType": { + "description": "Compression type. Only relevant if compression is enabled.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `compression.type` configuration setting.\n\nThe allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"gzip\" - GZIP Compression.\n\"snappy\" - Snappy Compression.\n\"lz4\" - LZ4 Compression.\n\"zstd\" - Zstandard Compression.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "gzip", + "snappy", + "lz4", + "zstd" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "transportTlsEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable encryption (TLS) for the Kafka Sender. The bootstrap addresses must resolve to PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT listener ports when disabled, and SSL or SASL_SSL listener ports when enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "txMsgByteCount": { + "description": "Sent message byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos1RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "txMsgCount": { + "description": "Sent message count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos1TxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "txRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Sent request byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPublishQos2RxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 2 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "txRequestCount": { + "description": "Sent request count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPubrecTxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish received (PUBREC) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBLISH packet with QoS 2. These packets are the second packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Kafka Sender is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "upSinceTime": { + "description": "The timestamp when the Kafka Sender became up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "mqttPubrelRxCount": { - "description": "The number of MQTT publish release (PUBREL) packets received from the Client in response to a PUBREC packet. These packets are the third packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "uptime": { + "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the Kafka Sender was up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Deprecated since 2.39. Replaced by upSinceTime.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollections": { "properties": { - "subscriptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this MQTT Session's collection of Subscription objects.", - "type": "string" + "queueBindings": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollectionsQueueBindings" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this MQTT Session object.", - "type": "string" + "remoteBrokers": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollectionsRemoteBrokers" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollectionsQueueBindings": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the queueBindings collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollectionsRemoteBrokers": { "properties": { - "mqttSessionClientId": { - "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", - "type": "string" - }, - "mqttSessionVirtualRouter": { - "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the backup virtual router.\n\"auto\" - The MQTT Session is automatically assigned a virtual router at creation, depending on the broker's active-standby role.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "primary", - "backup", - "auto" - ], + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the remoteBrokers collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks": { + "properties": { + "queueBindingsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender's collection of Queue Binding objects.", "type": "string" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "remoteBrokersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender's collection of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.", "type": "string" }, - "subscriptionQos": { - "description": "The quality of service (QoS) for the MQTT Session subscription.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "subscriptionTopic": { - "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Kafka Sender object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding": { "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Subscription object.", + "ackMode": { + "description": "The number of acks required from the remote Kafka Broker. When \"none\" messages are delivered at-most-once. When \"one\" or \"all\" messages are delivered at-least-once but may be reordered. This must be configured as \"all\" for an idempotent Kafka Sender, otherwise the Queue Binding will be operationally down.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `acks` configuration setting.\n\nThe allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - No Acks.\n\"one\" - Leader Ack Only.\n\"all\" - All Replica Acks.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "one", + "all" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable this queue binding of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "failureReason": { + "description": "Indicates why the Queue Binding is not operational.", + "type": "string" + }, + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" + }, + "lastNotice": { + "description": "Last notice issued for the Queue Binding. If recent this may help to diagnose operational problems. Available since 2.39.", + "type": "string" + }, + "lastNoticeTime": { + "description": "Timestamp of the last reported notice. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "outstandingAckTime": { + "description": "Indicates how long (in ms) the Queue Binding has been waiting for an ack from the Kafka Cluster for its last publish.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "partitionConsistentHash": { + "description": "The hash algorithm to use for consistent partition selection. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"crc\" - CRC Hash.\n\"murmur2\" - Murmer2 Hash.\n\"fnv1a\" - Fowler-Noll-Vo 1a Hash.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "crc", + "murmur2", + "fnv1a" + ], "type": "string" + }, + "partitionExplicitNumber": { + "description": "The partition number to use for explicit partition selection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "partitionRandomFallbackEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable fallback to the random partition selection scheme when the consistent partition scheme is being used but no partition key is available for the message. When enabled a random partition will be selected for each unkeyed messages, otherwise some partition will be selected for groups of unkeyed messages.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "partitionScheme": { + "description": "The partitioning scheme used to select a partition of the topic on the Kafka cluster to send messages to.\n\nThis corresponds to the Kafka producer API `partitioner.class` configuration setting.\n\nThe allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"consistent\" - Select a consistent partition for each key value. A hash of the key will be used to select the partition number.\n\"explicit\" - Select an explicit partition independent of key value.\n\"random\" - Select a random partition independent of key value.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "consistent", + "explicit", + "random" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteKey": { + "description": "The Substitution Expression used to generate the key for each message sent to Kafka. This expression can include fields extracted from the metadata of each individual Solace message as it is taken from the Solace Queue.\n\nIf empty, no key is included for each message as it is published into Kafka.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteTopic": { + "description": "The Kafka Topic on the Kafka Cluster to send each message taken from the Solace Queue to.\n\nIf empty, the Queue Binding will not be operational.", + "type": "string" + }, + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Queue Binding is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "upSinceTime": { + "description": "The timestamp when the Queue Binding became up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.39.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "uptime": { + "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the Queue Binding was up. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Deprecated since 2.39. Replaced by upSinceTime.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding object.", + "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -12289,23 +12565,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnMqttSessionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -12318,723 +12594,800 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueue": { + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBroker": { "properties": { - "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "exclusive", - "non-exclusive" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "alreadyBoundBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to being already bound.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "averageBindRequestRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the bind request rate received by the Queue, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", + "averageLatency": { + "description": "Average latency (in ms) for the remote broker.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "averageRxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "averageRxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "connectCount": { + "description": "Connect attempt count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "averageTxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "kafkaSenderName": { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "type": "string" }, - "averageTxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" }, - "bindRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of consumer requests to bind to the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "remoteBroker": { + "description": "The Kafka remote broker name.", + "type": "string" }, - "bindRequestRate": { - "description": "The current bind request rate received by the Queue, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", + "rxErrorCount": { + "description": "Received error count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "bindSuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of successful consumer requests to bind to the Queue.", + "rxResponseByteCount": { + "description": "Received response byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "bindTimeForwardingMode": { - "description": "The forwarding mode of the Queue at bind time. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"store-and-forward\" - Deliver messages using the guaranteed data path.\n\"cut-through\" - Deliver messages using the direct and guaranteed data paths for lower latency.\n
\n", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientProfileDeniedDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to being denied by the Client Profile.", + "rxResponseCount": { + "description": "Received response count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "createdByManagement": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Queue was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "deadMsgQueue": { - "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the Queue.", + "state": { + "description": "Remote broker state.", "type": "string" }, - "deletedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages deleted from the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "deliveryCountEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the ability for client applications to query the message delivery count of messages received from the Queue. This is a controlled availability feature. Please contact support to find out if this feature is supported for your use case. Available since 2.19.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "deliveryDelay": { - "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Queue before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", + "txErrorCount": { + "description": "Sent error count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "destinationGroupErrorDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to a destination group error.", + "txRequestByteCount": { + "description": "Sent request byte count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "disabledBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to being disabled.", + "txRequestCount": { + "description": "Sent request count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "disabledDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to it being disabled.", + "txRetryCount": { + "description": "Sent request retry count.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Remote Kafka Brokers object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerCollections" }, - "durable": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Queue is durable and not temporary.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "egressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Queue is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBroker" }, - "eventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerLinks" }, - "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokersResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBroker" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "highestAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue that were acknowledged.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "highestMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollections" }, - "inProgressAckMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages received by the Queue that are in the process of updating and deleting associated guaranteed messages.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" }, - "ingressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Queue is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" }, - "invalidSelectorBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to an invalid selector.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayCompleteTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last completed replay for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last replay failure for the Queue.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastReplayFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replay failure for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayStartTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replay started for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayedMsgTxTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replayed message transmitted by the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "lastSpooledMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last guaranteed message spooled in the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSender" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "lowPriorityMsgCongestionDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to low priority message congestion control.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "lowPriorityMsgCongestionState": { - "description": "The state of the low priority message congestion in the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - Messages are not being checked for priority.\n\"not-congested\" - Low priority messages are being stored and delivered.\n\"congested\" - Low priority messages are being discarded.\n
\n", + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnLinks": { + "properties": { + "aclProfilesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of ACL Profile objects.", "type": "string" }, - "lowestAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue that were acknowledged.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lowestMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "authenticationOauthProfilesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of OAuth Profile objects. Available since 2.25.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "authenticationOauthProvidersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of OAuth Provider objects. Deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxBindCountExceededBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to the maximum bind count being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "authorizationGroupsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Authorization Group objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { - "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "bridgesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Bridge objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxMsgSize": { - "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the Queue, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "certMatchingRulesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Certificate Matching Rule objects. Available since 2.27.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxMsgSizeExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum message size being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "clientProfilesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client Profile objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Queue, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "clientUsernamesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client Username objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxMsgSpoolUsageExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum message spool usage being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "clientsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Client objects. Available since 2.12.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxRedeliveryCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of times the Queue will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "configSyncRemoteNodesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Config Sync Remote Node objects. Deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "distributedCachesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Distributed Cache objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqFailedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "dmrBridgesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of DMR Bridge objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "jndiConnectionFactoriesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtl": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Queue when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "jndiQueuesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Queue objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtlExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) in hops being exceeded. The TTL hop count is incremented when the message crosses a bridge.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "jndiTopicsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of JNDI Topic objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtlExpiredDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "kafkaReceiversUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Receiver objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtlExpiredToDmqFailedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "kafkaSendersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Kafka Sender objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtlExpiredToDmqMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "mqttRetainCachesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Retain Cache objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "msgSpoolPeakUsage": { - "description": "The message spool peak usage by the Queue, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "mqttSessionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of MQTT Session objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "msgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The message spool usage by the Queue, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "proxiesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Proxy objects. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "queueTemplatesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Queue Template objects. Available since 2.14.", "type": "string" }, - "networkTopic": { - "description": "The name of the network topic for the Queue.", + "queuesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Queue objects. Available since 2.12.", "type": "string" }, - "noLocalDeliveryDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to no local delivery being requested.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "replayLogsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replay Log objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "otherBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to other reasons.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "replicatedTopicsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replicated Topic objects. Available since 2.12.", + "type": "string" }, - "owner": { - "description": "The Client Username that owns the Queue and has permission equivalent to `\"delete\"`.", + "restDeliveryPointsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of REST Delivery Point objects.", "type": "string" }, - "permission": { - "description": "The permission level for all consumers of the Queue, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "no-access", - "read-only", - "consume", - "modify-topic", - "delete" - ], + "telemetryProfilesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Telemetry Profile objects. Available since 2.31.", "type": "string" }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "topicEndpointTemplatesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Topic Endpoint Template objects. Available since 2.14.", "type": "string" }, - "redeliveredMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages transmitted by the Queue for redelivery.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "topicEndpointsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Topic Endpoint objects. Available since 2.12.", + "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as soon as possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", - "type": "boolean" + "transactionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN's collection of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects. Available since 2.12.", + "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { - "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttRetainCache": { + "properties": { + "backupCacheInstance": { + "description": "The name of the backup Cache Instance associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", + "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { - "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "backupFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason why the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", + "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { - "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", + "backupUp": { + "description": "Indicates whether the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "backupUptime": { + "description": "The number of seconds that the backup cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "redeliveryEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the queue more than once. Available since 2.18.", - "type": "boolean" + "cacheCluster": { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", + "type": "string" }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", + "cacheName": { + "description": "The name of the MQTT Retain Cache.", + "type": "string" + }, + "distributedCache": { + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", + "type": "string" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether this MQTT Retain Cache is enabled. When the cache is disabled, neither retain messages nor retain requests will be delivered by the cache. However, live retain messages will continue to be delivered to currently connected MQTT clients.", "type": "boolean" }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { - "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the Queue above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", + "failureReason": { + "description": "The reason why this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgLifetime": { + "description": "The message lifetime, in seconds. If a message remains cached for the duration of its lifetime, the cache will remove the message. A lifetime of 0 results in the message being retained indefinitely, otherwise it must be 3 seconds or more.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "always", - "when-queue-enabled", - "never" - ], + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "replayFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of replays that failed for the Queue.", - "format": "int64", + "primaryCacheInstance": { + "description": "The name of the primary Cache Instance associated with this MQTT Retain Cache.", + "type": "string" + }, + "primaryFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason why the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally down, if any.", + "type": "string" + }, + "primaryUp": { + "description": "Indicates whether the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "primaryUptime": { + "description": "The number of seconds that the primary cache associated with this MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "replayStartCount": { - "description": "The number of replays started for the Queue.", - "format": "int64", + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether this MQTT Retain Cache is operationally up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "uptime": { + "description": "The number of seconds that the MQTT Retain Cache has been operationally up.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this MQTT Retain Cache object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections" }, - "replayState": { - "description": "The state of replay for the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"initializing\" - All messages are being deleted from the endpoint before replay starts.\n\"active\" - Subscription matching logged messages are being replayed to the endpoint.\n\"pending-complete\" - Replay is complete, but final accounting is in progress.\n\"complete\" - Replay and all related activities are complete.\n\"failed\" - Replay has failed and is waiting for an unbind response.\n
\n", + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttRetainCachesResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCache" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttRetainCacheLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttSession": { + "properties": { + "clean": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Client requested a clean (newly created) MQTT Session when connecting. If not clean (already existing), then previously stored messages for QoS 1 subscriptions are delivered.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the MQTT Session Client.", "type": "string" }, - "replaySuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of replays that succeeded for the Queue.", + "counter": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCounter" + }, + "createdByManagement": { + "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session was created by a Management API.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "durable": { + "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session is durable. Disconnected durable MQTT Sessions are deleted when their expiry time is reached. Disconnected non-durable MQTT Sessions are deleted immediately. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "enabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "expiryTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the disconnected MQTT session expires and is deleted. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). A value of 0 indicates that the session is either connected, or will never expire. Available since 2.21.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replayedAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Queue and acked by all consumers.", + "maxPacketSize": { + "description": "The maximum size of a packet, including all headers and payload, that the Client has signaled it is willing to accept. A value of zero indicates no limit. Note that there are other broker settings which may further limit packet size. Available since 2.21.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replayedTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Queue.", + "mqttConnackErrorTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) refused response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replicationActiveAckPropTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages propagated by the Queue to the replication standby remote Message VPN.", + "mqttConnackTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) accepted response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replicationStandbyAckPropRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of propagated acknowledgement messages received by the Queue from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "mqttConnectRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect (CONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replicationStandbyAckedByAckPropMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of messages acknowledged in the Queue by acknowledgement propagation from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "mqttDisconnectRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT disconnect (DISCONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replicationStandbyRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of messages received by the Queue from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "mqttPingreqRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT ping request (PINGREQ) packets received from the Client. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages contained in the Queue are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "respectTtlEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the Queue is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", - "type": "boolean" + "mqttPingrespTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT ping response (PINGRESP) packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "rxByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "mqttPubackRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK) response packets received from the Client. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "rxMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "mqttPubackTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "spooledByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Queue, in bytes (B).", + "mqttPubcompTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBREL packet. These packets are the fourth and final packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "spooledMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Queue.", + "mqttPublishQos0RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted by the Queue at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", + "mqttPublishQos0TxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "txByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "mqttPublishQos1RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "txMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "mqttPublishQos1TxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "txSelector": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Queue has consumers with selectors to filter transmitted messages.", - "type": "boolean" + "mqttPublishQos2RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 2 message delivery. Available since 2.13.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "txUnackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages in the Queue that have been transmitted but not acknowledged by all consumers.", + "mqttPubrecTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish received (PUBREC) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBLISH packet with QoS 2. These packets are the second packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "virtualRouter": { - "description": "The virtual router of the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The endpoint belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The endpoint belongs to the backup virtual router.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.31. This attribute has been deprecated. When Guaranteed Messaging is active, this value is always the virtual router for which Guaranteed Messaging is enabled. Otherwise, this value should be ignored.", + "mqttPubrelRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish release (PUBREL) packets received from the Client in response to a PUBREC packet. These packets are the third packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Available since 2.13.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttSessionClientId": { + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueCollections": { - "properties": { - "msgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsMsgs" }, - "priorities": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsPriorities" + "mqttSessionVirtualRouter": { + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the backup virtual router.\n\"auto\" - The MQTT Session is automatically assigned a virtual router at creation, depending on the broker's active-standby role.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "primary", + "backup", + "auto" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "subscriptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsSubscriptions" + "mqttSubackErrorTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgment (SUBACK) failure response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "txFlows": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsTxFlows" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsMsgs": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", + "mqttSubackTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe acknowledgment (SUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsPriorities": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the priorities collection.", + }, + "mqttSubscribeRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT subscribe (SUBSCRIBE) request packets received from the Client to create one or more topic subscriptions. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsSubscriptions": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", + }, + "mqttUnsubackTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgment (UNSUBACK) response packets transmitted to the Client. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsTxFlows": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the txFlows collection.", + }, + "mqttUnsubscribeRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT unsubscribe (UNSUBSCRIBE) request packets received from the Client to remove one or more topic subscriptions. Available since 2.23.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueLinks": { - "properties": { - "msgsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Message objects.", - "type": "string" }, - "prioritiesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Priority objects.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "subscriptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Subscription objects.", + "owner": { + "description": "The Client Username which owns the MQTT Session.", "type": "string" }, - "txFlowsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Transmit Flow objects.", - "type": "string" + "queueConsumerAckPropagationEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN are propagated to the standby replication Message VPN. Available since 2.14.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue object.", + "queueDeadMsgQueue": { + "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueMsg": { - "properties": { - "attachmentSize": { - "description": "The size of the Message attachment, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" }, - "contentSize": { - "description": "The size of the Message content, in bytes (B).", + "queueEventBindCountThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "queueEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "queueEventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "queueMaxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "deliveryEligibleTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message is eligible for delivery. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.22.", - "format": "int32", + "queueMaxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { + "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the MQTT Session Queue. Available since 2.14.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "dmqEligible": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "expiryTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message expires. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "queueMaxMsgSize": { + "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the MQTT Session Queue, in bytes (B). Available since 2.14.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "msgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "queueMaxMsgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the MQTT Session Queue, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking. Available since 2.14.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "priority": { - "description": "The priority level of the Message, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "format": "int32", + "queueMaxRedeliveryCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of times the MQTT Session Queue will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever. Available since 2.14.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "publisherId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message publisher.", + "queueMaxTtl": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the MQTT Session Queue when `queueRespectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `queueMaxTtl` configured for the MQTT Session Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry. Available since 2.14.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "description": "The name of the MQTT Session Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryCount": { - "description": "The number of times the Message has been redelivered.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "queueRejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. Available since 2.14.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "replicatedMateMsgId": { - "description": "The Message identifier (ID) on the replication mate. Applicable only to replicated messages.", + "queueRejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { + "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the MQTT Session Queue above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed. Available since 2.14.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replicationGroupMsgId": { - "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "queueRejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { + "description": "Indicates whether negative acknowledgments (NACKs) are returned to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n Available since 2.14.", + "enum": [ + "never", + "when-queue-enabled", + "always" + ], "type": "string" }, - "replicationState": { - "description": "The replication state of the Message. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"replicated\" - The Message is replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"not-replicated\" - The Message is not being replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"pending-replication\" - The Message is queued for replication to the remote Message VPN.\n
\n", - "type": "string" + "queueRespectTtlEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the MQTT Session Queue is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ. Available since 2.14.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "spooledTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message was spooled in the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "rxMax": { + "description": "The maximum number of outstanding QoS1 and QoS2 messages that the Client has signaled it is willing to accept. Note that there are other broker settings which may further limit the number of outstanding messages. Available since 2.21.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "undelivered": { - "description": "Indicates whether delivery of the Message has never been attempted.", + "will": { + "description": "Indicates whether the MQTT Session has the Will message specified by the Client. The Will message is published if the Client disconnects without sending the MQTT DISCONNECT packet.", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections": { "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Message object.", - "type": "string" + "subscriptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollectionsSubscriptions" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueMsgResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionCollectionsSubscriptions": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsg" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueMsgsResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionCounter": { + "description": "The counters for the MQTT Session. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "mqttConnackErrorTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) refused response packets transmitted to the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsg" - }, - "type": "array" + "mqttConnackTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) accepted response packets transmitted to the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "mqttConnectRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT connect (CONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], + "mqttDisconnectRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT disconnect (DISCONNECT) request packets received from the Client. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPubcompTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBREL packet. These packets are the fourth and final packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPublishQos0RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPublishQos0TxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 0 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPublishQos1RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPublishQos1TxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets transmitted to the Client for QoS 1 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPublishQos2RxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish message (PUBLISH) request packets received from the Client for QoS 2 message delivery. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPubrecTxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish received (PUBREC) packets transmitted to the Client in response to a PUBLISH packet with QoS 2. These packets are the second packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "mqttPubrelRxCount": { + "description": "The number of MQTT publish release (PUBREL) packets received from the Client in response to a PUBREC packet. These packets are the third packet of a QoS 2 protocol exchange. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnMqttSession object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueuePrioritiesResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks": { + "properties": { + "subscriptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this MQTT Session's collection of Subscription objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this MQTT Session object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnMqttSessionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriority" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -13045,57 +13398,60 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueuePriority": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription": { "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "mqttSessionClientId": { + "description": "The Client ID of the MQTT Session, which corresponds to the ClientId provided in the MQTT CONNECT packet.", "type": "string" }, - "priority": { - "description": "The level of the Priority, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "mqttSessionVirtualRouter": { + "description": "The virtual router of the MQTT Session. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The MQTT Session belongs to the backup virtual router.\n\"auto\" - The MQTT Session is automatically assigned a virtual router at creation, depending on the broker's active-standby role.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "primary", + "backup", + "auto" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "spooledByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Queue, in bytes (B).", + "subscriptionQos": { + "description": "The quality of service (QoS) for the MQTT Session subscription.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "spooledMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "subscriptionTopic": { + "description": "The MQTT subscription topic.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Priority object.", + "description": "The URI of this Subscription object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueuePriorityResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriority" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -13106,16 +13462,25 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollections" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueue" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription" + }, + "type": "array" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueLinks" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -13126,50 +13491,25 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueSubscription": { - "properties": { - "createdByManagement": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Subscription topic was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue.", - "type": "string" - }, - "subscriptionTopic": { - "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Subscription object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionResponse": { + "MsgVpnMqttSessionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscription" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSession" + }, + "type": "array" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnMqttSessionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -13180,23 +13520,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnProxiesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscription" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -13209,174 +13549,75 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueTemplate": { + "MsgVpnProxy": { "properties": { - "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", + "authenticationBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username to use with basic authentication.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme used to connect to the proxy. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - No authentication.\n\"basic\" - Username/password authentication.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "exclusive", - "non-exclusive" + "none", + "basic" ], "type": "string" }, - "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the proxy. When disabled, no connections are initiated to this particular Proxy.", "type": "boolean" }, - "deadMsgQueue": { - "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "host": { + "description": "The IP address or host name of the proxy.", "type": "string" }, - "deliveryDelay": { - "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Queue before the messages are eligible for delivery. This attribute does not apply to MQTT queues created from this template, but it may apply in future releases. Therefore, to maintain forward compatibility, do not set this value on templates that might be used for MQTT queues. Available since 2.22.", - "format": "int64", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "port": { + "description": "The port to connect to on the proxy host.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "durabilityOverride": { - "description": "Controls the durability of queues created from this template. If non-durable, the created queue will be non-durable, regardless of the specified durability. If none, the created queue will have the requested durability. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - The durability of the endpoint will be as requested on create.\n\"non-durable\" - The durability of the created queue will be non-durable, regardless of what was requested.\n
\n", + "proxyName": { + "description": "The name of the proxy.", + "type": "string" + }, + "proxyType": { + "description": "The type of proxy. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"direct\" - Direct connection (no proxy).\n\"http\" - HTTP proxy.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "none", - "non-durable" + "direct", + "http" ], "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxyCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxyLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Proxy object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnProxyResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyCollections" }, - "eventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxy" }, - "maxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { - "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxMsgSize": { - "description": "The maximum message size allowed, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxRedeliveryCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of message redelivery attempts that will occur prior to the message being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxTtl": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in a Queue when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "permission": { - "description": "The permission level for all consumers, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "no-access", - "read-only", - "consume", - "modify-topic", - "delete" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "queueNameFilter": { - "description": "A wildcardable pattern used to determine which Queues use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards are supported: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/).", - "type": "string" - }, - "queueTemplateName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue Template.", - "type": "string" - }, - "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as soon as possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { - "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { - "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { - "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the queue more than once. Available since 2.18.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { - "description": "The number of messages of any priority above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs prevent the message from being delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Queue is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "always", - "when-queue-enabled", - "never" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "respectTtlEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the the time-to-live (TTL) for messages is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", - "type": "boolean" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Template object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTemplateResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplate" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -13387,359 +13628,287 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnQueueTemplatesResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueue": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplate" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "accessType": { + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "exclusive", + "non-exclusive" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTxFlow": { - "properties": { - "ackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered and acknowledged by the consumer.", + "alreadyBoundBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to being already bound.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "activationTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the bound Flow became active. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "averageBindRequestRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the bind request rate received by the Queue, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "activityState": { - "description": "The activity state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active-browser\" - The Flow is active as a browser.\n\"active-consumer\" - The Flow is active as a consumer.\n\"inactive\" - The Flow is inactive.\n
\n", - "type": "string" - }, - "activityUpdateState": { - "description": "The state of updating the consumer with the Flow activity. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"in-progress\" - The Flow is in the process of updating the client with its activity state.\n\"synchronized\" - The Flow has updated the client with its activity state.\n\"not-requested\" - The Flow has not been requested by the client to provide activity updates.\n
\n", - "type": "string" - }, - "bindTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Flow bound to the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "averageRxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "clientName": { - "description": "The name of the Client.", - "type": "string" - }, - "consumerRedeliveryRequestAllowed": { - "description": "Indicates whether redelivery requests can be received as negative acknowledgements (NACKs) from the consumer. Applicable only to REST consumers.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "cutThroughAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used cut-through delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", + "averageRxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "deliveryState": { - "description": "The delivery state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"closed\" - The Flow is unbound.\n\"opened\" - The Flow is bound but inactive.\n\"unbinding\" - The Flow received an unbind request.\n\"handshaking\" - The Flow is handshaking to become active.\n\"deliver-cut-through\" - The Flow is streaming messages using direct+guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-input-stream\" - The Flow is streaming messages using guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-memory\" - The Flow throttled causing message delivery from memory (RAM).\n\"deliver-from-spool\" - The Flow stalled causing message delivery from spool (ADB or disk).\n
\n", - "type": "string" - }, - "flowId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Flow.", + "averageTxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "highestAckPendingMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgement.", + "averageTxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message transmitted and acknowledged by the consumer.", + "bindRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of consumer requests to bind to the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastSelectorExaminedMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message examined by the Flow selector.", + "bindRequestRate": { + "description": "The current bind request rate received by the Queue, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lowestAckPendingMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgement.", + "bindSuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of successful consumer requests to bind to the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxUnackedMsgsExceededMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that exceeded the maximum number of delivered unacknowledged messages.", + "bindTimeForwardingMode": { + "description": "The forwarding mode of the Queue at bind time. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"store-and-forward\" - Deliver messages using the guaranteed data path.\n\"cut-through\" - Deliver messages using the direct and guaranteed data paths for lower latency.\n
\n", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientProfileDeniedDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to being denied by the Client Profile.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" + "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "noLocalDelivery": { - "description": "Indicates whether not to deliver messages to a consumer that published them.", + "createdByManagement": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Queue was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", "type": "boolean" }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "deadMsgQueue": { + "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "redeliveredMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were redelivered.", + "deletedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages deleted from the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "redeliveryRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of consumer requests via negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to redeliver guaranteed messages.", + "deliveryCountEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the ability for client applications to query the message delivery count of messages received from the Queue. This is a controlled availability feature. Please contact support to find out if this feature is supported for your use case. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "deliveryDelay": { + "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Queue before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "selector": { - "description": "The value of the Flow selector.", - "type": "string" - }, - "selectorExaminedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages examined by the Flow selector.", + "destinationGroupErrorDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to a destination group error.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "selectorMatchedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Flow selector matched.", + "disabledBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to being disabled.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "selectorNotMatchedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Flow selector did not match.", + "disabledDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to it being disabled.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sessionName": { - "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Flow.", - "type": "string" + "durable": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Queue is durable and not temporary.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "storeAndForwardAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used store and forward delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "egressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Queue is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", + "eventBindCountThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "highestAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue that were acknowledged.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "unackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered but not yet acknowledged by the consumer.", + "highestMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "usedWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages using the available window size.", + "inProgressAckMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages received by the Queue that are in the process of updating and deleting associated guaranteed messages.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "windowClosedCount": { - "description": "The number of times the window for guaranteed messages was filled and closed before an acknowledgement was received.", + "ingressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Queue is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "invalidSelectorBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to an invalid selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "windowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the Flow before an acknowledgement is received.", - "format": "int64", + "lastReplayCompleteTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last completed replay for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Transmit Flow object.", + }, + "lastReplayFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last replay failure for the Queue.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlow" + "lastReplayFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replay failure for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks" + "lastReplayStartTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replay started for the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "lastReplayedMsgTxTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replayed message transmitted by the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlow" - }, - "type": "array" + "lastSpooledMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last guaranteed message spooled in the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "lowPriorityMsgCongestionDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to low priority message congestion control.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnQueuesResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "lowPriorityMsgCongestionState": { + "description": "The state of the low priority message congestion in the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - Messages are not being checked for priority.\n\"not-congested\" - Low priority messages are being stored and delivered.\n\"congested\" - Low priority messages are being discarded.\n
\n", + "type": "string" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueue" - }, - "type": "array" + "lowestAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue that were acknowledged.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "lowestMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRate": { - "description": "The rates for the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpn object.", - "properties": { - "averageRxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "averageRxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxBindCountExceededBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to the maximum bind count being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "averageTxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { + "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "averageTxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxMsgSize": { + "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the Queue, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxMsgSizeExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum message size being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "rxByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Queue, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "rxMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxMsgSpoolUsageExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum message spool usage being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tlsAverageRxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the TLS message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxRedeliveryCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of times the Queue will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tlsAverageTxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the TLS message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxRedeliveryExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tlsRxByteRate": { - "description": "The current TLS message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqFailedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tlsTxByteRate": { - "description": "The current TLS message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Queue due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "txByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxTtl": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Queue when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "txMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "maxTtlExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) in hops being exceeded. The TTL hop count is incremented when the message crosses a bridge.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLog": { - "properties": { - "egressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Replay Log is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" }, - "ingressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Replay Log is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "maxTtlExpiredDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "maxSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum spool usage allowed by the Replay Log, in megabytes (MB). If this limit is exceeded, old messages will be trimmed.", + "maxTtlExpiredToDmqFailedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxTtlExpiredToDmqMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Queue due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgSpoolPeakUsage": { + "description": "The message spool peak usage by the Queue, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, "msgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The spool usage of the Replay Log, in bytes (B).", + "description": "The message spool usage by the Queue, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, @@ -13747,656 +13916,629 @@ "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "replayLogName": { - "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", + "networkTopic": { + "description": "The name of the network topic for the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "topicFilterEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable topic filtering for the Replay Log. Available since 2.27.", - "type": "boolean" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogCollections": { - "properties": { - "msgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsMsgs" - }, - "topicFilterSubscriptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsTopicFilterSubscriptions" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsMsgs": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", + "noLocalDeliveryDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to no local delivery being requested.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsTopicFilterSubscriptions": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the topicFilterSubscriptions collection. Available since 2.27.", + }, + "otherBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Queue bind failures due to other reasons.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogLinks": { - "properties": { - "msgsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replay Log's collection of Message objects.", - "type": "string" }, - "topicFilterSubscriptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replay Log's collection of Topic Filter Subscription objects. Available since 2.27.", + "owner": { + "description": "The Client Username that owns the Queue and has permission equivalent to `\"delete\"`.", "type": "string" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replay Log object.", + "partitionClientName": { + "description": "The name of the client assigned to the partition if the client is currently bound to the queue. Only relevant for queues implementing an individual partition. Available since 2.35.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogMsg": { - "properties": { - "attachmentSize": { - "description": "The size of the message attachment, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" }, - "contentSize": { - "description": "The size of the message content, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", + "partitionCount": { + "description": "The count of partitions of the queue. Only relevant for queues with an access type of non-exclusive. When zero, bound clients receive messages round-robin. Otherwise, bound clients receive messages from individually assigned partitions. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "dmqEligible": { - "description": "Indicates whether the message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", - "type": "boolean" + "partitionNumber": { + "description": "The partition number. Only relevant for queues implementing an individual partition. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "msgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the message.", - "format": "int64", + "partitionOperationalCount": { + "description": "The operational count of partitions of the queue. Only relevant for queues with an access type of non-exclusive. This may not match the configured count while scaling is underway. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "partitionQueueName": { + "description": "The name of our partitioned queue. Only relevant for queues implementing an individual partition. Available since 2.35.", "type": "string" }, - "priority": { - "description": "The priority level of the message.", - "format": "int32", + "partitionRebalanceDelay": { + "description": "The delay (in seconds) before a partition rebalance is started once needed. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "publisherId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the message publisher.", + "partitionRebalanceMaxHandoffTime": { + "description": "The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before handing off a partition while rebalancing. Available since 2.35.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "replayLogName": { - "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", + "partitionRebalanceStatus": { + "description": "The rebalance status of the partitioned queue. Only relevant for queues with an access type of non-exclusive and at least 1 partition. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"ready\" - Rebalancing is complete.\n\"holddown\" - Rebalancing will start after delay.\n\"rebalancing\" - Rebalancing is underway.\n
\n Available since 2.35.", "type": "string" }, - "replicationGroupMsgId": { - "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "partitionScaleStatus": { + "description": "The scale status of the partitioned queue. Only relevant for queues with an access type of non-exclusive and at least 1 partition. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"invalid-exclusive\" - Exclusive queues have no partitions.\n\"ready\" - Partition scaling is complete.\n\"scaling-up\" - Partitions are being added.\n\"scaling-down\" - Partitions are being removed.\n\"max-partitioned-queues-exceeded\" - Maximum number of partitioned queues has been exceeded.\n\"max-partitions-exceeded\" - Maximum number of partitions has been exceeded for this partitioned queue.\n
\n Available since 2.35.", "type": "string" }, - "sequenceNumber": { - "description": "The sequence number assigned to the message. Applicable only to messages received on sequenced topics.", + "partitionStatus": { + "description": "The status of the partition of the partitioned queue. Only relevant for queues implementing an individual partition. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"unassigned\" - Partition is not assigned to a client.\n\"ready\" - Partition is assigned to a client.\n\"paused\" - Partition is being handed off to another client.\n\"unbound\" - Assigned client is not bound.\n
\n Available since 2.35.", + "type": "string" + }, + "permission": { + "description": "The permission level for all consumers of the Queue, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "no-access", + "read-only", + "consume", + "modify-topic", + "delete" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", + "type": "string" + }, + "redeliveredMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages transmitted by the Queue for redelivery.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "spooledTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the message was spooled in the Replay Log. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as soon as possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { + "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsg" + "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { + "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks" + "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { + "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "redeliveryEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the queue more than once. Available since 2.18.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsg" - }, - "type": "array" + "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { + "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the Queue above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollections" + "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "never", + "when-queue-enabled", + "always" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLog" + "replayFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of replays that failed for the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogLinks" + "replayStartCount": { + "description": "The number of replays started for the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription": { - "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "replayState": { + "description": "The state of replay for the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"initializing\" - All messages are being deleted from the endpoint before replay starts.\n\"active\" - Subscription matching logged messages are being replayed to the endpoint.\n\"pending-complete\" - Replay is complete, but final accounting is in progress.\n\"complete\" - Replay and all related activities are complete.\n\"failed\" - Replay has failed and is waiting for an unbind response.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "replayLogName": { - "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", - "type": "string" + "replaySuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of replays that succeeded for the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "topicFilterSubscription": { - "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Filter Subscription object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections" + "replayedAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Queue and acked by all consumers.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription" + "replayedTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks" + "replicationActiveAckPropTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages propagated by the Queue to the replication standby remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "replicationStandbyAckPropRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of propagated acknowledgment messages received by the Queue from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription" - }, - "type": "array" + "replicationStandbyAckedByAckPropMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of messages acknowledged in the Queue by acknowledgment propagation from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "replicationStandbyRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of messages received by the Queue from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages contained in the Queue are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "respectTtlEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the Queue is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rxByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "rxMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "spooledByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Queue, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "spooledMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Queue.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted by the Queue at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "txByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Queue, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "txMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Queue, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "txSelector": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Queue has consumers with selectors to filter transmitted messages.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "txUnackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages in the Queue that have been transmitted but not acknowledged by all consumers.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "virtualRouter": { + "description": "The virtual router of the Queue. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The endpoint belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The endpoint belongs to the backup virtual router.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.31. This attribute has been deprecated. When Guaranteed Messaging is active, this value is always the virtual router for which Guaranteed Messaging is enabled. Otherwise, this value should be ignored.", + "type": "string" + }, + "xaTransactionNotSupportedDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Queue due to XA Transactions not being supported. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplayLogsResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueCollections": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "msgs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsMsgs" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLog" - }, - "type": "array" + "priorities": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsPriorities" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "subscriptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsSubscriptions" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "txFlows": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollectionsTxFlows" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplicatedTopic": { + "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsMsgs": { "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "replicatedTopic": { - "description": "The topic for applying replication. Published messages matching this topic will be replicated to the standby site.", - "type": "string" - }, - "replicationMode": { - "description": "The replication mode for the Replicated Topic. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sync\" - Messages are acknowledged when replicated (spooled remotely).\n\"async\" - Messages are acknowledged when pending replication (spooled locally).\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "sync", - "async" - ], - "type": "string" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections": { - "properties": {}, + "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsPriorities": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the priorities collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsSubscriptions": { "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replicated Topic object.", - "type": "string" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueCollectionsTxFlows": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopic" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the txFlows collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicsResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueLinks": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "msgsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Message objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopic" - }, - "type": "array" + "prioritiesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Priority objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "subscriptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Subscription objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "txFlowsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue's collection of Queue Transmit Flow objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue object.", + "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueMsg": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollections" + "attachmentSize": { + "description": "The size of the Message attachment, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpn" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint": { - "properties": { - "clientName": { - "description": "The name of the Client for the REST Delivery Point.", - "type": "string" + "contentSize": { + "description": "The size of the Message content, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "clientProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Client Profile for the REST Delivery Point.", - "type": "string" + "deliveryEligibleTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message is eligible for delivery. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.22.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the REST Delivery Point is enabled.", + "dmqEligible": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", "type": "boolean" }, - "lastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last REST Delivery Point failure.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Delivery Point failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "expiryTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message expires. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, + "msgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "partitionKey": { + "description": "The partition key of the Message. Available since 2.35.", "type": "string" }, - "service": { - "description": "The name of the service that this REST Delivery Point connects to. Internally the broker does not use this value; it is informational only. Available since 2.19.", + "partitionKeyHash": { + "description": "The partition key hash of the Message. Available since 2.35.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "priority": { + "description": "The priority level of the Message, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "publisherId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message publisher.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "timeConnectionsBlocked": { - "description": "The percentage of time the REST Delivery Point connections are blocked from transmitting data.", + "redeliveryCount": { + "description": "The number of times the Message has been redelivered.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "replicatedMateMsgId": { + "description": "The Message identifier (ID) on the replication mate. Applicable only to replicated messages.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "up": { - "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Delivery Point is up.", - "type": "boolean" + "replicationGroupMsgId": { + "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" }, - "vendor": { - "description": "The name of the vendor that this REST Delivery Point connects to. Internally the broker does not use this value; it is informational only. Available since 2.19.", + "replicationState": { + "description": "The replication state of the Message. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"replicated\" - The Message is replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"not-replicated\" - The Message is not being replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"pending-replication\" - The Message is queued for replication to the remote Message VPN.\n
\n", "type": "string" + }, + "spooledTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message was spooled in the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "undelivered": { + "description": "Indicates whether delivery of the Message has never been attempted.", + "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections": { - "properties": { - "queueBindings": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsQueueBindings" - }, - "restConsumers": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsRestConsumers" - } - }, + "MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections": { + "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsQueueBindings": { + "MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the queueBindings collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Message object.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsRestConsumers": { + "MsgVpnQueueMsgResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the restConsumers collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsg" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueMsgsResponse": { "properties": { - "queueBindingsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point's collection of Queue Binding objects.", - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "restConsumersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point's collection of REST Consumer objects.", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsg" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point object.", - "type": "string" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueMsgLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding": { + "MsgVpnQueuePrioritiesResponse": { "properties": { - "gatewayReplaceTargetAuthorityEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the authority for the request-target is replaced with that configured for the REST Consumer remote.", - "type": "boolean" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "lastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last REST Delivery Point queue binding failure.", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriority" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "lastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Delivery Point queue binding failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnQueuePriority": { + "properties": { "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "postRequestTarget": { - "description": "The request-target string being used when sending requests to a REST Consumer.", - "type": "string" - }, - "queueBindingName": { - "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "requestTargetEvaluation": { - "description": "The type of evaluation to perform on the request target. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Do not evaluate substitution expressions on the request target.\n\"substitution-expressions\" - Evaluate substitution expressions on the request target.\n
\n Available since 2.23.", - "enum": [ - "none", - "substitution-expressions" - ], - "type": "string" + "priority": { + "description": "The level of the Priority, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "up": { - "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Delivery Point queue binding is up.", - "type": "boolean" + "spooledByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Queue, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "uptime": { - "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the REST Delivery Point queue binding was up.", + "spooledMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections": { + "MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks": { "properties": { - "protectedRequestHeaders": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsProtectedRequestHeaders" - }, - "requestHeaders": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsRequestHeaders" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Priority object.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsProtectedRequestHeaders": { + "MsgVpnQueuePriorityResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the protectedRequestHeaders collection. Available since 2.30.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsRequestHeaders": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the requestHeaders collection. Available since 2.23.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriority" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueuePriorityLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueResponse": { "properties": { - "protectedRequestHeadersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding's collection of Protected Request Header objects. Available since 2.30.", - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollections" }, - "requestHeadersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding's collection of Request Header objects. Available since 2.23.", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueue" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding object.", - "type": "string" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader": { + "MsgVpnQueueSubscription": { "properties": { - "headerName": { - "description": "The name of the protected HTTP request header.", - "type": "string" + "createdByManagement": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Subscription topic was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", + "type": "boolean" }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "queueBindingName": { - "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "subscriptionTopic": { + "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections": { + "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Protected Request Header object.", + "description": "The URI of this Queue Subscription object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscription" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -14407,23 +14549,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeadersResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscription" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueSubscriptionLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -14436,54 +14578,174 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader": { + "MsgVpnQueueTemplate": { "properties": { - "headerName": { - "description": "The name of the HTTP request header.", + "accessType": { + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "exclusive", + "non-exclusive" + ], "type": "string" }, - "headerValue": { - "description": "A substitution expression for the value of the HTTP request header.", + "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "deadMsgQueue": { + "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "type": "string" + }, + "deliveryDelay": { + "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Queue before the messages are eligible for delivery. This attribute does not apply to MQTT queues created from this template, but it may apply in future releases. Therefore, to maintain forward compatibility, do not set this value on templates that might be used for MQTT queues. Available since 2.22.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "durabilityOverride": { + "description": "Controls the durability of queues created from this template. If non-durable, the created queue will be non-durable, regardless of the specified durability. If none, the created queue will have the requested durability. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - The durability of the endpoint will be as requested on create.\n\"non-durable\" - The durability of the created queue will be non-durable, regardless of what was requested.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "non-durable" + ], "type": "string" }, + "eventBindCountThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "maxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { + "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxMsgSize": { + "description": "The maximum message size allowed, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxRedeliveryCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of message redelivery attempts that will occur prior to the message being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxTtl": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in a Queue when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Queue, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "queueBindingName": { - "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", + "permission": { + "description": "The permission level for all consumers, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "no-access", + "read-only", + "consume", + "modify-topic", + "delete" + ], "type": "string" }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "queueNameFilter": { + "description": "A pattern used to determine which Queues use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards can be used in the pattern: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/).", + "type": "string" + }, + "queueTemplateName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue Template.", + "type": "string" + }, + "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as soon as possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { + "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { + "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { + "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the queue more than once. Available since 2.18.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { + "description": "The number of messages of any priority above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs prevent the message from being delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-queue-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "never", + "when-queue-enabled", + "always" + ], "type": "string" + }, + "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "respectTtlEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the the time-to-live (TTL) for messages is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", + "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections": { + "MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Request Header object.", + "description": "The URI of this Queue Template object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueTemplateResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplate" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -14494,23 +14756,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeadersResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueTemplatesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplate" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTemplateLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -14523,485 +14785,179 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueTxFlow": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding" + "ackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered and acknowledged by the consumer.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer": { - "properties": { - "authenticationAwsAccessKeyId": { - "description": "The AWS access key id. Available since 2.26.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationAwsRegion": { - "description": "The AWS region id. Available since 2.26.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationAwsService": { - "description": "The AWS service id. Available since 2.26.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationClientCertConfigTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the client-certificate was configured. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.28.", + "activationTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the bound Flow became active. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationClientCertThumbprint": { - "description": "The thumbprint of the client-certificate. Available since 2.28.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationHttpBasicUsername": { - "description": "The username that the REST Consumer will use to login to the REST host.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationHttpHeaderName": { - "description": "The authentication header name. Available since 2.15.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationOauthClientId": { - "description": "The OAuth client ID. Available since 2.19.", + "activityState": { + "description": "The activity state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active-browser\" - The Flow is active as a browser.\n\"active-consumer\" - The Flow is active as a consumer.\n\"inactive\" - The Flow is inactive.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "authenticationOauthClientLastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the most recent OAuth token retrieval failure. Available since 2.19.", + "activityUpdateState": { + "description": "The state of updating the consumer with the Flow activity. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"in-progress\" - The Flow is in the process of updating the client with its activity state.\n\"synchronized\" - The Flow has updated the client with its activity state.\n\"not-requested\" - The Flow has not been requested by the client to provide activity updates.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "authenticationOauthClientLastFailureTime": { - "description": "The time of the last OAuth token retrieval failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.19.", + "bindTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Flow bound to the Queue. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthClientScope": { - "description": "The OAuth scope. Available since 2.19.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { - "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the REST Consumer will use to request a token for login to the REST host. Must begin with \"https\". Available since 2.19.", + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client.", "type": "string" }, - "authenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault": { - "description": "The default expiry time for a token, in seconds. Only used when the token endpoint does not return an expiry time. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. Available since 2.30.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "consumerRedeliveryRequestAllowed": { + "description": "Indicates whether redelivery requests can be received as negative acknowledgments (NACKs) from the consumer. Applicable only to REST consumers.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "authenticationOauthClientTokenLifetime": { - "description": "The validity duration of the OAuth token. Available since 2.19.", + "cutThroughAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used cut-through delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthClientTokenRetrievedTime": { - "description": "The time at which the broker requested the token from the OAuth token endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.19.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "authenticationOauthClientTokenState": { - "description": "The current state of the current OAuth token. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"valid\" - The token is valid.\n\"invalid\" - The token is invalid.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", - "type": "string" - }, - "authenticationOauthJwtLastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the most recent OAuth token retrieval failure. Available since 2.21.", + "deliveryState": { + "description": "The delivery state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"closed\" - The Flow is unbound.\n\"opened\" - The Flow is bound but inactive.\n\"unbinding\" - The Flow received an unbind request.\n\"handshaking\" - The Flow is handshaking to become active.\n\"deliver-cut-through\" - The Flow is streaming messages using direct+guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-input-stream\" - The Flow is streaming messages using guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-memory\" - The Flow throttled causing message delivery from memory (RAM).\n\"deliver-from-spool\" - The Flow stalled causing message delivery from spool (ADB or disk).\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtLastFailureTime": { - "description": "The time of the last OAuth token retrieval failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.21.", - "format": "int32", + "flowId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Flow.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint": { - "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the REST Consumer will use to request a token for login to the REST host. Available since 2.21.", - "type": "string" + "highestAckPendingMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgment.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault": { - "description": "The default expiry time for a token, in seconds. Only used when the token endpoint does not return an expiry time. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. Available since 2.30.", - "format": "int32", + "lastAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message transmitted and acknowledged by the consumer.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtTokenLifetime": { - "description": "The validity duration of the OAuth token. Available since 2.21.", + "lastSelectorExaminedMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message examined by the Flow selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtTokenRetrievedTime": { - "description": "The time at which the broker requested the token from the OAuth token endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.21.", - "format": "int32", + "lowestAckPendingMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgment.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationOauthJwtTokenState": { - "description": "The current state of the current OAuth token. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"valid\" - The token is valid.\n\"invalid\" - The token is invalid.\n
\n Available since 2.21.", - "type": "string" + "maxUnackedMsgsExceededMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that exceeded the maximum number of delivered unacknowledged messages.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "authenticationScheme": { - "description": "The authentication scheme used by the REST Consumer to login to the REST host. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Login with no authentication. This may be useful for anonymous connections or when a REST Consumer does not require authentication.\n\"http-basic\" - Login with a username and optional password according to HTTP Basic authentication as per RFC2616.\n\"client-certificate\" - Login with a client TLS certificate as per RFC5246. Client certificate authentication is only available on TLS connections.\n\"http-header\" - Login with a specified HTTP header.\n\"oauth-client\" - Login with OAuth 2.0 client credentials.\n\"oauth-jwt\" - Login with OAuth (RFC 7523 JWT Profile).\n\"transparent\" - Login using the Authorization header from the message properties, if present. Transparent authentication passes along existing Authorization header metadata instead of discarding it. Note that if the message is coming from a REST producer, the REST service must be configured to forward the Authorization header.\n\"aws\" - Login using AWS Signature Version 4 authentication (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256).\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "http-basic", - "client-certificate", - "http-header", - "oauth-client", - "oauth-jwt", - "transparent", - "aws" - ], + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "counter": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCounter" - }, - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the REST Consumer is enabled.", + "noLocalDelivery": { + "description": "Indicates whether not to deliver messages to a consumer that published them.", "type": "boolean" }, - "httpMethod": { - "description": "The HTTP method to use (POST or PUT). This is used only when operating in the REST service \"messaging\" mode and is ignored in \"gateway\" mode. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"post\" - Use the POST HTTP method.\n\"put\" - Use the PUT HTTP method.\n
\n Available since 2.17.", - "enum": [ - "post", - "put" - ], + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "type": "string" }, - "httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer to close the connection. Available since 2.13.", + "redeliveredMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were redelivered.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that are waiting for a response. Available since 2.13.", + "redeliveryRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of consumer requests via negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to redeliver guaranteed messages.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that have timed out. Available since 2.13.", + "selector": { + "description": "The value of the Flow selector.", + "type": "string" + }, + "selectorExaminedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages examined by the Flow selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpRequestTxByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Available since 2.13.", + "selectorMatchedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Flow selector matched.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpRequestTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", + "selectorNotMatchedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Flow selector did not match.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP client/server error response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", + "sessionName": { + "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Flow.", + "type": "string" + }, + "storeAndForwardAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used store and forward delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpResponseRxByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Available since 2.13.", + "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpResponseRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", + "unackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered but not yet acknowledged by the consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP successful response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", + "usedWindowSize": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages using the available window size.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastConnectionFailureLocalEndpoint": { - "description": "The local endpoint at the time of the last connection failure.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastConnectionFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last connection failure between local and remote endpoints.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastConnectionFailureRemoteEndpoint": { - "description": "The remote endpoint at the time of the last connection failure.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastConnectionFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last connection failure between local and remote endpoints. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "windowClosedCount": { + "description": "The number of times the window for guaranteed messages was filled and closed before an acknowledgment was received.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last REST Consumer failure.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Consumer failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "localInterface": { - "description": "The interface that will be used for all outgoing connections associated with the REST Consumer. When unspecified, an interface is automatically chosen.", - "type": "string" - }, - "maxPostWaitTime": { - "description": "The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for an HTTP POST response from the REST Consumer. Once this time is exceeded, the TCP connection is reset.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "outgoingConnectionCount": { - "description": "The number of concurrent TCP connections open to the REST Consumer.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "remoteHost": { - "description": "The IP address or DNS name for the REST Consumer.", - "type": "string" - }, - "remoteOutgoingConnectionUpCount": { - "description": "The number of outgoing connections for the REST Consumer that are up.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "remotePort": { - "description": "The port associated with the host of the REST Consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "restConsumerName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Consumer.", - "type": "string" - }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", - "type": "string" - }, - "retryDelay": { - "description": "The number of seconds that must pass before retrying the remote REST Consumer connection.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "tlsCipherSuiteList": { - "description": "The colon-separated list of cipher suites the REST Consumer uses in its encrypted connection. The value `\"default\"` implies all supported suites ordered from most secure to least secure. The list of default cipher suites is available in the `tlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneDefaultList` attribute of the Broker object in the Monitoring API. The REST Consumer should choose the first suite from this list that it supports.", - "type": "string" - }, - "tlsEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether encryption (TLS) is enabled for the REST Consumer.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "up": { - "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Consumer is up.", - "type": "boolean" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections": { - "properties": { - "oauthJwtClaims": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsOauthJwtClaims" - }, - "tlsTrustedCommonNames": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsTlsTrustedCommonNames" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsOauthJwtClaims": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the oauthJwtClaims collection. Available since 2.21.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsTlsTrustedCommonNames": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the tlsTrustedCommonNames collection. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCounter": { - "description": "The counters for the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "properties": { - "httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer to close the connection. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that are waiting for a response. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that have timed out. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpRequestTxByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpRequestTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP client/server error response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpResponseRxByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpResponseRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of HTTP successful response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", + "windowSize": { + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the Flow before an acknowledgment is received.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks": { - "properties": { - "oauthJwtClaimsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Claim objects. Available since 2.21.", - "type": "string" - }, - "tlsTrustedCommonNamesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Trusted Common Name objects. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "type": "string" - }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim": { - "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "oauthJwtClaimName": { - "description": "The name of the additional claim. Cannot be \"exp\", \"iat\", or \"jti\".", - "type": "string" - }, - "oauthJwtClaimValue": { - "description": "The value of the additional claim, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", - "type": "string" - }, - "restConsumerName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Consumer.", - "type": "string" - }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections": { + "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks": { + "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Claim object.", + "description": "The URI of this Queue Transmit Flow object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlow" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15012,23 +14968,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimsResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueueTxFlowsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlow" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueTxFlowLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -15041,16 +14997,25 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerResponse": { + "MsgVpnQueuesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueue" + }, + "type": "array" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnQueueLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15061,79 +15026,234 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName": { + "MsgVpnRate": { + "description": "The rates for the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpn object.", "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "type": "string" + "averageRxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "restConsumerName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "type": "string" + "averageRxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "restDeliveryPointName": { - "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "type": "string" + "averageTxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "tlsTrustedCommonName": { - "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections": { - "properties": {}, + "averageTxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "rxByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "rxMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tlsAverageRxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the TLS message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tlsAverageTxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the TLS message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tlsRxByteRate": { + "description": "The current TLS message rate received by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tlsTxByteRate": { + "description": "The current TLS message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "txByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in bytes per second (B/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "txMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Message VPN, in messages per second (msg/sec). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpn object.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks": { + "MsgVpnReplayLog": { + "properties": { + "egressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Replay Log is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "ingressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Replay Log is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "maxSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum spool usage allowed by the Replay Log, in megabytes (MB). If this limit is exceeded, old messages will be trimmed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The spool usage of the Replay Log, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "replayLogName": { + "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", + "type": "string" + }, + "topicFilterEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable topic filtering for the Replay Log. Available since 2.27.", + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogCollections": { + "properties": { + "msgs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsMsgs" + }, + "topicFilterSubscriptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsTopicFilterSubscriptions" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsMsgs": { "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogCollectionsTopicFilterSubscriptions": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the topicFilterSubscriptions collection. Available since 2.27.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogLinks": { + "properties": { + "msgsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Replay Log's collection of Message objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "topicFilterSubscriptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Replay Log's collection of Topic Filter Subscription objects. Available since 2.27.", + "type": "string" + }, "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Trusted Common Name object.", + "description": "The URI of this Replay Log object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogMsg": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections" + "attachmentSize": { + "description": "The size of the message attachment, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName" + "contentSize": { + "description": "The size of the message content, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks" + "dmqEligible": { + "description": "Indicates whether the message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "type": "boolean" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "msgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the message.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "priority": { + "description": "The priority level of the message.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "publisherId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the message publisher.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "replayLogName": { + "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", + "type": "string" + }, + "replicationGroupMsgId": { + "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" + }, + "sequenceNumber": { + "description": "The sequence number assigned to the message. Applicable only to messages received on sequenced topics.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "spooledTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the message was spooled in the Replay Log. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsg" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15144,23 +15264,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumersResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogMsgsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsg" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogMsgLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -15173,25 +15293,16 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointsResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLog" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15202,189 +15313,158 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfile": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription": { "properties": { - "aclProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile ACL Profile.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile Client Profile.", - "type": "string" - }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "queueEventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "replayLogName": { + "description": "The name of the Replay Log.", + "type": "string" }, - "queueEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "queueMaxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Queue.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "queueMaxMsgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Queue, in megabytes (MB).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "queueName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile Queue.", - "type": "string" - }, - "receiverAclConnectDefaultAction": { - "description": "The default action to take when a receiver client connects to the broker. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"allow\" - Allow client connection unless an exception is found for it.\n\"disallow\" - Disallow client connection unless an exception is found for it.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "allow", - "disallow" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "receiverEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the ability for receiver clients to consume from the #telemetry queue.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "receiverEventConnectionCountPerClientUsernameThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" - }, - "receiverMaxConnectionCountPerClientUsername": { - "description": "The maximum number of receiver connections per Client Username.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpCongestionWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP initial congestion window size for clients using the Client Profile, in multiples of the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS). Changing the value from its default of 2 results in non-compliance with RFC 2581. Contact support before changing this value.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpKeepaliveCount": { - "description": "The number of TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile before declaring that it is not available.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpKeepaliveIdleTime": { - "description": "The amount of time a client connection using the Client Profile must remain idle before TCP begins sending keepalive probes, in seconds.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpKeepaliveInterval": { - "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgement is received, in seconds.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpMaxSegmentSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum segment size for clients using the Client Profile, in bytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "receiverTcpMaxWindowSize": { - "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "telemetryProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "topicFilterSubscription": { + "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", "type": "string" - }, - "traceEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable generation of all trace span data messages. When enabled, the state of configured trace filters control which messages get traced. When disabled, trace span data messages are never generated, regardless of the state of trace filters.", - "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks": { "properties": { - "receiverAclConnectExceptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsReceiverAclConnectExceptions" - }, - "traceFilters": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsTraceFilters" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Filter Subscription object.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsReceiverAclConnectExceptions": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the receiverAclConnectExceptions collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsTraceFilters": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionsResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the traceFilters collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks": { + "MsgVpnReplayLogsResponse": { "properties": { - "receiverAclConnectExceptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile's collection of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.", - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "traceFiltersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile's collection of Trace Filter objects.", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLog" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile object.", - "type": "string" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplayLogLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException": { + "MsgVpnReplicatedTopic": { "properties": { "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "receiverAclConnectExceptionAddress": { - "description": "The IP address/netmask of the receiver connect exception in CIDR form.", + "replicatedTopic": { + "description": "The topic for applying replication. Published messages matching this topic will be replicated to the standby site.", "type": "string" }, - "telemetryProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "replicationMode": { + "description": "The replication mode for the Replicated Topic. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"sync\" - Messages are acknowledged when replicated (spooled remotely).\n\"async\" - Messages are acknowledged when pending replication (spooled locally).\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "sync", + "async" + ], "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections": { + "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks": { + "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.", + "description": "The URI of this Replicated Topic object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopic" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15395,23 +15475,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnReplicatedTopicsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopic" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnReplicatedTopicLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -15424,16 +15504,16 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileResponse": { + "MsgVpnResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfile" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpn" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15444,130 +15524,248 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint": { "properties": { + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client for the REST Delivery Point.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Client Profile for the REST Delivery Point.", + "type": "string" + }, "enabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the trace filter. When the filter is disabled, the filter's subscriptions will not trigger a message to be traced.", + "description": "Indicates whether the REST Delivery Point is enabled.", "type": "boolean" }, + "lastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last REST Delivery Point failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "lastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Delivery Point failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "telemetryProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", "type": "string" }, - "traceFilterName": { - "description": "A name used to identify the trace filter. Consider a name that describes the subscriptions contained within the filter, such as the name of the application and/or the scenario in which the trace filter might be enabled, such as \"appNameDebug\".", + "service": { + "description": "The name of the service that this REST Delivery Point connects to. Internally the broker does not use this value; it is informational only. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "string" + }, + "timeConnectionsBlocked": { + "description": "The percentage of time the REST Delivery Point connections are blocked from transmitting data.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Delivery Point is up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "vendor": { + "description": "The name of the vendor that this REST Delivery Point connects to. Internally the broker does not use this value; it is informational only. Available since 2.19.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections": { "properties": { - "subscriptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollectionsSubscriptions" + "queueBindings": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsQueueBindings" + }, + "restConsumers": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsRestConsumers" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollectionsSubscriptions": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsQueueBindings": { "properties": { "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", + "description": "The total number of objects in the queueBindings collection.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollectionsRestConsumers": { "properties": { - "subscriptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Trace Filter's collection of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.", + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the restConsumers collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks": { + "properties": { + "queueBindingsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point's collection of Queue Binding objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "restConsumersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point's collection of REST Consumer objects.", "type": "string" }, "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Trace Filter object.", + "description": "The URI of this REST Delivery Point object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections" + "gatewayReplaceTargetAuthorityEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the authority for the request-target is replaced with that configured for the REST Consumer remote.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter" + "lastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last REST Delivery Point queue binding failure.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks" + "lastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Delivery Point queue binding failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "postRequestTarget": { + "description": "The request-target string being used when sending requests to a REST Consumer.", + "type": "string" + }, + "queueBindingName": { + "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "requestTargetEvaluation": { + "description": "The type of evaluation to perform on the request target. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Do not evaluate substitution expressions on the request target.\n\"substitution-expressions\" - Evaluate substitution expressions on the request target.\n
\n Available since 2.23.", + "enum": [ + "none", + "substitution-expressions" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "type": "string" + }, + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Delivery Point queue binding is up.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "uptime": { + "description": "The amount of time in seconds since the REST Delivery Point queue binding was up.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections": { "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "protectedRequestHeaders": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsProtectedRequestHeaders" + }, + "requestHeaders": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsRequestHeaders" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsProtectedRequestHeaders": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the protectedRequestHeaders collection. Available since 2.30.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollectionsRequestHeaders": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the requestHeaders collection. Available since 2.23.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks": { + "properties": { + "protectedRequestHeadersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding's collection of Protected Request Header objects. Available since 2.30.", "type": "string" }, - "subscription": { - "description": "Messages matching this subscription will follow this filter's configuration.", + "requestHeadersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding's collection of Request Header objects. Available since 2.23.", "type": "string" }, - "subscriptionSyntax": { - "description": "The syntax of the trace filter subscription. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"smf\" - Subscription uses SMF syntax.\n\"mqtt\" - Subscription uses MQTT syntax.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "smf", - "mqtt" - ], + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Queue Binding object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader": { + "properties": { + "headerName": { + "description": "The name of the protected HTTP request header.", "type": "string" }, - "telemetryProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "traceFilterName": { - "description": "A name used to identify the trace filter. Consider a name that describes the subscriptions contained within the filter, such as the name of the application and/or the scenario in which the trace filter might be enabled, such as \"appNameDebug\".", + "queueBindingName": { + "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.", + "description": "The URI of this Protected Request Header object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15578,23 +15776,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeadersResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaderLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -15607,25 +15805,54 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFiltersResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader": { + "properties": { + "headerName": { + "description": "The name of the HTTP request header.", + "type": "string" + }, + "headerValue": { + "description": "A substitution expression for the value of the HTTP request header.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "queueBindingName": { + "description": "The name of a queue in the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Request Header object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -15636,23 +15863,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTelemetryProfilesResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeadersResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfile" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaderLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -15665,681 +15892,592 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpoint": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingResponse": { "properties": { - "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "exclusive", - "non-exclusive" - ], - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections" }, - "alreadyBoundBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to being already bound.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding" }, - "averageBindRequestRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the bind request rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks" }, - "averageRxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "averageRxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "averageTxByteRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "averageTxMsgRate": { - "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections" }, - "bindRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of consumer requests to bind to the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint" }, - "bindRequestRate": { - "description": "The current bind request rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks" }, - "bindSuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of successful consumer requests to bind to the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer": { + "properties": { + "authenticationAwsAccessKeyId": { + "description": "The AWS access key id. Available since 2.26.", + "type": "string" }, - "bindTimeForwardingMode": { - "description": "The forwarding mode of the Topic Endpoint at bind time. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"store-and-forward\" - Deliver messages using the guaranteed data path.\n\"cut-through\" - Deliver messages using the direct and guaranteed data paths for lower latency.\n
\n", + "authenticationAwsRegion": { + "description": "The AWS region id. Available since 2.26.", "type": "string" }, - "clientProfileDeniedDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to being denied by the Client Profile.", - "format": "int64", + "authenticationAwsService": { + "description": "The AWS service id. Available since 2.26.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationClientCertConfigTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the client-certificate was configured. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.28.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationClientCertThumbprint": { + "description": "The thumbprint of the client-certificate. Available since 2.28.", + "type": "string" }, - "createdByManagement": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationHttpBasicUsername": { + "description": "The username that the REST Consumer will use to login to the REST host.", + "type": "string" }, - "deadMsgQueue": { - "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the Topic Endpoint.", + "authenticationHttpHeaderName": { + "description": "The authentication header name. Available since 2.15.", "type": "string" }, - "deletedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages deleted from the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", + "authenticationOauthClientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client ID. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientLastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the most recent OAuth token retrieval failure. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientLastFailureTime": { + "description": "The time of the last OAuth token retrieval failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.19.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "deliveryCountEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the ability for client applications to query the message delivery count of messages received from the Topic Endpoint. This is a controlled availability feature. Please contact support to find out if this feature is supported for your use case. Available since 2.19.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationOauthClientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "string" }, - "deliveryDelay": { - "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Topic Endpoint before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", - "format": "int64", + "authenticationOauthClientTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the REST Consumer will use to request a token for login to the REST host. Must begin with \"https\". Available since 2.19.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientTokenExpiryDefault": { + "description": "The default expiry time for a token, in seconds. Only used when the token endpoint does not return an expiry time. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. Available since 2.30.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "destinationGroupErrorDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to a destination group error.", + "authenticationOauthClientTokenLifetime": { + "description": "The validity duration of the OAuth token. Available since 2.19.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "destinationTopic": { - "description": "The destination topic of the Topic Endpoint.", + "authenticationOauthClientTokenRetrievedTime": { + "description": "The time at which the broker requested the token from the OAuth token endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.19.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "authenticationOauthClientTokenState": { + "description": "The current state of the current OAuth token. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"valid\" - The token is valid.\n\"invalid\" - The token is invalid.\n
\n Available since 2.19.", "type": "string" }, - "disabledBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to being disabled.", - "format": "int64", + "authenticationOauthJwtLastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the most recent OAuth token retrieval failure. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthJwtLastFailureTime": { + "description": "The time of the last OAuth token retrieval failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.21.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "disabledDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to it being disabled.", + "authenticationOauthJwtTokenEndpoint": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint URL that the REST Consumer will use to request a token for login to the REST host. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authenticationOauthJwtTokenExpiryDefault": { + "description": "The default expiry time for a token, in seconds. Only used when the token endpoint does not return an expiry time. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. Available since 2.30.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "authenticationOauthJwtTokenLifetime": { + "description": "The validity duration of the OAuth token. Available since 2.21.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "durable": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint is durable and not temporary.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationOauthJwtTokenRetrievedTime": { + "description": "The time at which the broker requested the token from the OAuth token endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.21.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "egressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Topic Endpoint is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "authenticationOauthJwtTokenState": { + "description": "The current state of the current OAuth token. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"valid\" - The token is valid.\n\"invalid\" - The token is invalid.\n
\n Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" }, - "eventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "authenticationScheme": { + "description": "The authentication scheme used by the REST Consumer to login to the REST host. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - Login with no authentication. This may be useful for anonymous connections or when a REST Consumer does not require authentication.\n\"http-basic\" - Login with a username and optional password according to HTTP Basic authentication as per RFC 2616.\n\"client-certificate\" - Login with a client TLS certificate as per RFC 5246. Client certificate authentication is only available on TLS connections.\n\"http-header\" - Login with a specified HTTP header.\n\"oauth-client\" - Login with OAuth 2.0 client credentials.\n\"oauth-jwt\" - Login with OAuth (RFC 7523 JWT Profile).\n\"transparent\" - Login using the Authorization header from the message properties, if present. Transparent authentication passes along existing Authorization header metadata instead of discarding it. Note that if the message is coming from a REST producer, the REST service must be configured to forward the Authorization header.\n\"aws\" - Login using AWS Signature Version 4 authentication (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256).\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "http-basic", + "client-certificate", + "http-header", + "oauth-client", + "oauth-jwt", + "transparent", + "aws" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "counter": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCounter" }, - "eventSpoolUsageThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "enabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the REST Consumer is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "highestAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that were acknowledged.", + "httpMethod": { + "description": "The HTTP method to use (POST or PUT). This is used only when operating in the REST service \"messaging\" mode and is ignored in \"gateway\" mode. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"post\" - Use the POST HTTP method.\n\"put\" - Use the PUT HTTP method.\n
\n Available since 2.17.", + "enum": [ + "post", + "put" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer to close the connection. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "highestMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint.", + "httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that are waiting for a response. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "inProgressAckMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages received by the Topic Endpoint that are in the process of updating and deleting associated guaranteed messages.", + "httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that have timed out. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "ingressEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Topic Endpoint is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "httpRequestTxByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Available since 2.13.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "invalidSelectorBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to an invalid selector.", + "httpRequestTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastReplayCompleteTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last completed replay for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last replay failure for the Topic Endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "lastReplayFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replay failure for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayStartTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replay started for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastReplayedMsgTxTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last replayed message transmitted by the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP client/server error response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastSelectorExaminedMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message examined by the Topic Endpoint selector.", + "httpResponseRxByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lastSpooledMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last guaranteed message spooled in the Topic Endpoint.", + "httpResponseRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lowPriorityMsgCongestionDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to low priority message congestion control.", + "httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP successful response messages received from the REST Consumer. Available since 2.13.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "lowPriorityMsgCongestionState": { - "description": "The state of the low priority message congestion in the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - Messages are not being checked for priority.\n\"not-congested\" - Low priority messages are being stored and delivered.\n\"congested\" - Low priority messages are being discarded.\n
\n", + "lastConnectionFailureLocalEndpoint": { + "description": "The local endpoint at the time of the last connection failure.", "type": "string" }, - "lowestAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that were acknowledged.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "lastConnectionFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last connection failure between local and remote endpoints.", + "type": "string" }, - "lowestMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "lastConnectionFailureRemoteEndpoint": { + "description": "The remote endpoint at the time of the last connection failure.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", + "lastConnectionFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last connection failure between local and remote endpoints. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "maxBindCountExceededBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to the maximum bind count being exceeded.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "lastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last REST Consumer failure.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { - "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", + "lastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last REST Consumer failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "maxEffectiveBindCount": { - "description": "The effective maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Topic Endpoint.", + "localInterface": { + "description": "The interface that will be used for all outgoing connections associated with the REST Consumer. When unspecified, an interface is automatically chosen.", + "type": "string" + }, + "maxPostWaitTime": { + "description": "The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for an HTTP POST response from the REST Consumer. Once this time is exceeded, the TCP connection is reset.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "maxMsgSize": { - "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "outgoingConnectionCount": { + "description": "The number of concurrent TCP connections open to the REST Consumer.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "maxMsgSizeExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum message size being exceeded.", + "proxyName": { + "description": "The name of the proxy to use. Leave empty for no proxy. Available since 2.36.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteHost": { + "description": "The IP address or DNS name for the REST Consumer.", + "type": "string" + }, + "remoteOutgoingConnectionUpCount": { + "description": "The number of outgoing connections for the REST Consumer that are up.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxMsgSpoolUsageExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum message spool usage being exceeded.", + "remotePort": { + "description": "The port associated with the host of the REST Consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxRedeliveryCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of times the Topic Endpoint will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", - "format": "int64", + "restConsumerName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Consumer.", + "type": "string" + }, + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", + "type": "string" + }, + "retryDelay": { + "description": "The number of seconds that must pass before retrying the remote REST Consumer connection.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", + "tlsCipherSuiteList": { + "description": "The colon-separated list of cipher suites the REST Consumer uses in its encrypted connection. The value `\"default\"` implies all supported suites ordered from most secure to least secure. The list of default cipher suites is available in the `tlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneDefaultList` attribute of the Broker object in the Monitoring API. The REST Consumer should choose the first suite from this list that it supports.", + "type": "string" + }, + "tlsEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether encryption (TLS) is enabled for the REST Consumer.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "up": { + "description": "Indicates whether the operational state of the REST Consumer is up.", + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections": { + "properties": { + "oauthJwtClaims": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsOauthJwtClaims" + }, + "tlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsTlsTrustedCommonNames" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsOauthJwtClaims": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the oauthJwtClaims collection. Available since 2.21.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqFailedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollectionsTlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the tlsTrustedCommonNames collection. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - }, - "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCounter": { + "description": "The counters for the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. All attributes in this object have been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", + "properties": { + "httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer to close the connection. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Topic Endpoint, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", + "httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that are waiting for a response. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxTtl": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Topic Endpoint when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Topic Endpoint, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", + "httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer that have timed out. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxTtlExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) in hops being exceeded. The TTL hop count is incremented when the message crosses a bridge.", + "httpRequestTxByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxTtlExpiredDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", + "httpRequestTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP request messages transmitted to the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxTtlExpiredToDmqFailedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP client/server error response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxTtlExpiredToDmqMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", + "httpResponseRxByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer, in bytes (B). Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgSpoolPeakUsage": { - "description": "The message spool peak usage by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", + "httpResponseRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The message spool usage by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", + "httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of HTTP successful response messages received from the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.13. This attribute has been moved to the MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer object.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks": { + "properties": { + "oauthJwtClaimsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Claim objects. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" + }, + "tlsTrustedCommonNamesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer's collection of Trusted Common Name objects. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "type": "string" }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this REST Consumer object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim": { + "properties": { "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "networkTopic": { - "description": "The name of the network topic for the Topic Endpoint.", + "oauthJwtClaimName": { + "description": "The name of the additional claim. Cannot be \"exp\", \"iat\", or \"jti\".", "type": "string" }, - "noLocalDeliveryDiscardedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to no local delivery being requested.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "otherBindFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to other reasons.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "owner": { - "description": "The Client Username that owns the Topic Endpoint and has permission equivalent to `\"delete\"`.", + "oauthJwtClaimValue": { + "description": "The value of the additional claim, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", "type": "string" }, - "permission": { - "description": "The permission level for all consumers of the Topic Endpoint, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "no-access", - "read-only", - "consume", - "modify-topic", - "delete" - ], + "restConsumerName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Consumer.", "type": "string" }, - "redeliveredMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint for redelivery.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as-soon-as-possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { - "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { - "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { - "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the topic-endpoint more than once. Available since 2.18.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { - "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the Topic Endpoint above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Topic Endpoint is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "always", - "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", - "never" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "replayFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of replays that failed for the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replayStartCount": { - "description": "The number of replays started for the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replayState": { - "description": "The state of replay for the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"initializing\" - All messages are being deleted from the endpoint before replay starts.\n\"active\" - Subscription matching logged messages are being replayed to the endpoint.\n\"pending-complete\" - Replay is complete, but final accounting is in progress.\n\"complete\" - Replay and all related activities are complete.\n\"failed\" - Replay has failed and is waiting for an unbind response.\n
\n", - "type": "string" - }, - "replaySuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of replays that succeeded for the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replayedAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint and acked by all consumers.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replayedTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicationActiveAckPropTxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of acknowledgement messages propagated by the Topic Endpoint to the replication standby remote Message VPN.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicationStandbyAckPropRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of propagated acknowledgement messages received by the Topic Endpoint from the replication active remote Message VPN.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicationStandbyAckedByAckPropMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of messages acknowledged in the Topic Endpoint by acknowledgement propagation from the replication active remote Message VPN.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicationStandbyRxMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of messages received by the Topic Endpoint from the replication active remote Message VPN.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages contained in the Topic Endpoint are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "respectTtlEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the Topic Endpoint is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "rxByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "rxMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "rxSelector": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint has a selector to filter received messages.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "selector": { - "description": "The value of the receive selector for the Topic Endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "selectorExaminedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages examined by the Topic Endpoint selector.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "selectorMatchedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Topic Endpoint selector matched.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "selectorNotMatchedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Topic Endpoint selector did not match.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "spooledByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "spooledMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "topicEndpointName": { - "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted by the Topic Endpoint at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "txByteRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "txMsgRate": { - "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "txUnackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that have been transmitted but not acknowledged by all consumers.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "virtualRouter": { - "description": "The virtual router used by the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The endpoint belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The endpoint belongs to the backup virtual router.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.31. This attribute has been deprecated. When Guaranteed Messaging is active, this value is always the virtual router for which Guaranteed Messaging is enabled. Otherwise, this value should be ignored.", + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks": { "properties": { - "msgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsMsgs" - }, - "priorities": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsPriorities" - }, - "txFlows": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsTxFlows" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Claim object.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsMsgs": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsPriorities": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimsResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the priorities collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaimLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsTxFlows": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the txFlows collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName": { "properties": { - "msgsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Message objects.", - "type": "string" - }, - "prioritiesUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Priority objects.", - "type": "string" - }, - "txFlowsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow objects.", - "type": "string" - }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg": { - "properties": { - "attachmentSize": { - "description": "The size of the Message attachment, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "contentSize": { - "description": "The size of the Message content, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "deliveryEligibleTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message is eligible for delivery. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.22.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "dmqEligible": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "expiryTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message expires. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "msgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, - "priority": { - "description": "The priority level of the Message, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "publisherId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message publisher.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryCount": { - "description": "The number of times the Message has been redelivered.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicatedMateMsgId": { - "description": "The Message identifier (ID) on the replication mate. Applicable only to replicated messages.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "replicationGroupMsgId": { - "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "restConsumerName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Consumer. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, - "replicationState": { - "description": "The replication state of the Message. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"replicated\" - The Message is replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"not-replicated\" - The Message is not being replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"pending-replication\" - The Message is queued for replication to the remote Message VPN.\n
\n", + "restDeliveryPointName": { + "description": "The name of the REST Delivery Point. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" }, - "spooledTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Message was spooled in the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "topicEndpointName": { - "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", + "tlsTrustedCommonName": { + "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate. Deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "type": "string" - }, - "undelivered": { - "description": "Indicates whether delivery of the Message has never been attempted.", - "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Message object.", + "description": "The URI of this Trusted Common Name object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -16350,23 +16488,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgsResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonName" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNameLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -16379,23 +16517,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPrioritiesResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumersResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumer" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -16408,77 +16546,25 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority": { - "properties": { - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "priority": { - "description": "The level of the Priority, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "spooledByteCount": { - "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "spooledMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Topic Endpoint.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "topicEndpointName": { - "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Priority object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointResponse": { + "MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpoint" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint" + }, + "type": "array" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks" + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnRestDeliveryPointLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -16489,166 +16575,193 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfile": { "properties": { - "accessType": { - "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to all bound consumer flows in a round-robin fashion.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "exclusive", - "non-exclusive" - ], + "aclProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile ACL Profile.", "type": "string" }, - "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgements (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "deadMsgQueue": { - "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "clientProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile Client Profile.", "type": "string" }, - "deliveryDelay": { - "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Topic Endpoint before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "eventBindCountThreshold": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" }, - "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "queueEventBindCountThreshold": { "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "queueEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "maxBindCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { - "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow.", + "queueMaxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Queue.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxMsgSize": { - "description": "The maximum message size allowed, in bytes (B).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { - "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", + "queueMaxMsgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Queue, in megabytes (MB).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "maxRedeliveryCount": { - "description": "The maximum number of message redelivery attempts that will occur prior to the message being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "queueName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile Queue.", + "type": "string" }, - "maxTtl": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Topic Endpoint when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Topic Endpoint, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "permission": { - "description": "The permission level for all consumers, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", + "receiverAclConnectDefaultAction": { + "description": "The default action to take when a receiver client connects to the broker. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"allow\" - Allow client connection unless an exception is found for it.\n\"disallow\" - Disallow client connection unless an exception is found for it.\n
\n", "enum": [ - "no-access", - "read-only", - "consume", - "modify-topic", - "delete" + "allow", + "disallow" ], "type": "string" }, - "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as-soon-as-possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", + "receiverEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the ability for receiver clients to consume from the #telemetry queue.", "type": "boolean" }, - "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { - "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", + "receiverEventConnectionCountPerClientUsernameThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" + }, + "receiverMaxConnectionCountPerClientUsername": { + "description": "The maximum number of receiver connections per Client Username.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { - "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", + "receiverTcpCongestionWindowSize": { + "description": "The TCP initial congestion window size for clients using the Client Profile, in multiples of the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS). Changing the value from its default of 2 results in non-compliance with RFC 2581. Contact support before changing this value.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { - "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", - "format": "int32", + "receiverTcpKeepaliveCount": { + "description": "The number of TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile before declaring that it is not available.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "redeliveryEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the topic-endpoint more than once. Available since 2.18.", - "type": "boolean" + "receiverTcpKeepaliveIdleTime": { + "description": "The amount of time a client connection using the Client Profile must remain idle before TCP begins sending keepalive probes, in seconds.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", - "type": "boolean" + "receiverTcpKeepaliveInterval": { + "description": "The amount of time between TCP keepalive retransmissions to a client using the Client Profile when no acknowledgment is received, in seconds.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { - "description": "The number of messages that are permitted before low priority messages are rejected.", + "receiverTcpMaxSegmentSize": { + "description": "The TCP maximum segment size for clients using the Client Profile, in bytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { - "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"always\" - Always return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - Only return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard when the Topic Endpoint is enabled.\n\"never\" - Never return a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to the sending client on message discard.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "always", - "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", - "never" - ], + "receiverTcpMaxWindowSize": { + "description": "The TCP maximum window size for clients using the Client Profile, in kilobytes. Changes are applied to all existing connections. This setting is ignored on the software broker.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "telemetryProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", "type": "string" }, - "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "traceEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable generation of all trace span data messages. When enabled, the state of configured trace filters control which messages get traced. When disabled, trace span data messages are never generated, regardless of the state of trace filters.", "type": "boolean" }, - "respectTtlEnabled": { - "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", + "traceSendSpanGenerationEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable generation of send spans. For the most complete view of broker message processing, this should be enabled. If the information provided by send spans are not needed, send spans can be disabled to reduce the performance impact of tracing. Available since 2.36.", "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections": { + "properties": { + "receiverAclConnectExceptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsReceiverAclConnectExceptions" }, - "topicEndpointNameFilter": { - "description": "A wildcardable pattern used to determine which Topic Endpoints use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards are supported: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/).", + "traceFilters": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsTraceFilters" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsReceiverAclConnectExceptions": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the receiverAclConnectExceptions collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollectionsTraceFilters": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the traceFilters collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks": { + "properties": { + "receiverAclConnectExceptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile's collection of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.", "type": "string" }, - "topicEndpointTemplateName": { - "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint Template.", + "traceFiltersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile's collection of Trace Filter objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Profile object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException": { + "properties": { + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "receiverAclConnectExceptionAddress": { + "description": "The IP address/netmask of the receiver connect exception in CIDR form.", + "type": "string" + }, + "telemetryProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Template object.", + "description": "The URI of this Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateResponse": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -16659,23 +16772,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplatesResponse": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptionLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -16688,146 +16801,150 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileResponse": { "properties": { - "ackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered and acknowledged by the consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections" }, - "activityState": { - "description": "The activity state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active-browser\" - The Flow is active as a browser.\n\"active-consumer\" - The Flow is active as a consumer.\n\"inactive\" - The Flow is inactive.\n
\n", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfile" }, - "bindTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the Flow bound to the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks" }, - "clientName": { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter": { + "properties": { + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the trace filter. When the filter is disabled, the filter's subscriptions will not trigger a message to be traced.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "consumerRedeliveryRequestAllowed": { - "description": "Indicates whether redelivery requests can be received as negative acknowledgements (NACKs) from the consumer. Applicable only to REST consumers.", - "type": "boolean" + "telemetryProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "type": "string" }, - "cutThroughAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used cut-through delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", + "traceFilterName": { + "description": "A name used to identify the trace filter. Consider a name that describes the subscriptions contained within the filter, such as the name of the application and/or the scenario in which the trace filter might be enabled, such as \"appNameDebug\".", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections": { + "properties": { + "subscriptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollectionsSubscriptions" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollectionsSubscriptions": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the subscriptions collection.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks": { + "properties": { + "subscriptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Trace Filter's collection of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "deliveryState": { - "description": "The delivery state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"closed\" - The Flow is unbound.\n\"opened\" - The Flow is bound but inactive.\n\"unbinding\" - The Flow received an unbind request.\n\"handshaking\" - The Flow is handshaking to become active.\n\"deliver-cut-through\" - The Flow is streaming messages using direct+guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-input-stream\" - The Flow is streaming messages using guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-memory\" - The Flow throttled causing message delivery from memory (RAM).\n\"deliver-from-spool\" - The Flow stalled causing message delivery from spool (ADB or disk).\n
\n", + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Trace Filter object.", "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections" }, - "flowId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Flow.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter" }, - "highestAckPendingMsgId": { - "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgement.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastAckedMsgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message transmitted and acknowledged by the consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lowestAckPendingMsgId": { - "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgement.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "maxUnackedMsgsExceededMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that exceeded the maximum number of delivered unacknowledged messages.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks" }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription": { + "properties": { "msgVpnName": { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "noLocalDelivery": { - "description": "Indicates whether not to deliver messages to a consumer that published them.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "redeliveredMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were redelivered.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "redeliveryRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of consumer requests via negative acknowledgements (NACKs) to redeliver guaranteed messages.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "sessionName": { - "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Flow.", + "subscription": { + "description": "Messages matching this subscription will follow this filter's configuration.", "type": "string" }, - "storeAndForwardAckedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used store and forward delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "topicEndpointName": { - "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", + "subscriptionSyntax": { + "description": "The syntax of the trace filter subscription. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"smf\" - Subscription uses SMF syntax.\n\"mqtt\" - Subscription uses MQTT syntax.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "smf", + "mqtt" + ], "type": "string" }, - "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "unackedMsgCount": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered but not yet acknowledged by the consumer.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "usedWindowSize": { - "description": "The number of guaranteed messages using the available window size.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "windowClosedCount": { - "description": "The number of times the window for guaranteed messages was filled and closed before an acknowledgement was received.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "telemetryProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the Telemetry Profile.", + "type": "string" }, - "windowSize": { - "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the Flow before an acknowledgement is received.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "traceFilterName": { + "description": "A name used to identify the trace filter. Consider a name that describes the subscriptions contained within the filter, such as the name of the application and/or the scenario in which the trace filter might be enabled, such as \"appNameDebug\".", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow object.", + "description": "The URI of this Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowResponse": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -16838,23 +16955,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptionLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -16867,23 +16984,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTopicEndpointsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFiltersResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpoint" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -16896,1085 +17013,737 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTransaction": { + "MsgVpnTelemetryProfilesResponse": { "properties": { - "clientId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Client.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "clientName": { - "description": "The name of the Client.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientUsername": { - "description": "The username of the Client.", - "type": "string" - }, - "idleTimeout": { - "description": "The number of seconds before an idle Transaction may be automatically rolled back and freed.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "replicated": { - "description": "Indicates whether the Transaction is replicated.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "sessionName": { - "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Transaction.", - "type": "string" - }, - "state": { - "description": "The state of the Transaction. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active\" - The Transaction was started.\n\"suspended\" - The Transaction was suspended.\n\"idle\" - The Transaction was ended.\n\"prepared\" - The Transaction was prepared.\n\"complete\" - The Transaction was committed or rolled back.\n
\n", - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "timeInState": { - "description": "The number of seconds the Transaction has remained in the current state.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfile" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "type": { - "description": "The type of Transaction. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"xa\" - The Transaction is an XA Transaction.\n\"local\" - The Transaction is a local Transaction.\n
\n", - "type": "string" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTelemetryProfileLinks" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "xid": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", - "type": "string" + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "MsgVpnTransactionCollections": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpoint": { "properties": { - "consumerMsgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsConsumerMsgs" + "accessType": { + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows bound to the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "exclusive", + "non-exclusive" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "publisherMsgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsPublisherMsgs" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsConsumerMsgs": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the consumerMsgs collection.", + "alreadyBoundBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to being already bound.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsPublisherMsgs": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the publisherMsgs collection.", + }, + "averageBindRequestRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the bind request rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg": { - "properties": { - "endpointName": { - "description": "The name of the Queue or Topic Endpoint source.", - "type": "string" }, - "endpointType": { - "description": "The type of endpoint source. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"queue\" - The Message is from a Queue.\n\"topic-endpoint\" - The Message is from a Topic Endpoint.\n
\n", - "type": "string" + "averageRxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "msgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "averageRxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" + "averageTxByteRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "replicationGroupMsgId": { - "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", - "type": "string" + "averageTxMsgRate": { + "description": "The one minute average of the message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "xid": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Transaction Consumer Message object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections" + "bindRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of consumer requests to bind to the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg" + "bindRequestRate": { + "description": "The current bind request rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in binds per second (binds/sec). Available since 2.25.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks" + "bindSuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of successful consumer requests to bind to the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "bindTimeForwardingMode": { + "description": "The forwarding mode of the Topic Endpoint at bind time. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"store-and-forward\" - Deliver messages using the guaranteed data path.\n\"cut-through\" - Deliver messages using the direct and guaranteed data paths for lower latency.\n
\n", + "type": "string" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg" - }, - "type": "array" + "clientProfileDeniedDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to being denied by the Client Profile.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionLinks": { - "properties": { - "consumerMsgsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction's collection of Transaction Consumer Message objects.", - "type": "string" + "createdByManagement": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint was created by a management API (CLI or SEMP).", + "type": "boolean" }, - "publisherMsgsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction's collection of Transaction Publisher Message objects.", + "deadMsgQueue": { + "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) used by the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg": { - "properties": { - "msgId": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "deletedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages deleted from the Topic Endpoint.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "type": "string" + "deliveryCountEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable the ability for client applications to query the message delivery count of messages received from the Topic Endpoint. This is a controlled availability feature. Please contact support to find out if this feature is supported for your use case. Available since 2.19.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "topic": { - "description": "The topic destination of the Message.", - "type": "string" + "deliveryDelay": { + "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Topic Endpoint before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "xid": { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Transaction Publisher Message object.", + "destinationGroupErrorDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to a destination group error.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "destinationTopic": { + "description": "The destination topic of the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg" + "disabledBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to being disabled.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks" + "disabledDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to it being disabled.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "durable": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint is durable and not temporary.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg" - }, - "type": "array" + "egressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the transmission of messages from the Topic Endpoint is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "eventBindCountThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollections" + "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransaction" + "eventSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionLinks" + "highestAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that were acknowledged.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnTransactionsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "highestMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransaction" - }, - "type": "array" + "inProgressAckMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages received by the Topic Endpoint that are in the process of updating and deleting associated guaranteed messages.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "ingressEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the reception of messages to the Topic Endpoint is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "MsgVpnsResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollections" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpn" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnLinks" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfile": { - "properties": { - "accessLevelGroupsClaimName": { - "description": "The name of the groups claim.", - "type": "string" - }, - "accessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat": { - "description": "The format of the access level groups claim value when it is a string. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", - "enum": [ - "single", - "space-delimited" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "active": { - "description": "Indicates whether the profile is active. An enabled profile may not be active if discovery is not complete, if there is no issuer specified, or if there is another profile with the same issuer. Available since 2.26.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "clientId": { - "description": "The OAuth client id.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientRedirectUri": { - "description": "The OAuth redirect URI.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientRequiredType": { - "description": "The required value for the TYP field in the ID token header.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientScope": { - "description": "The OAuth scope.", - "type": "string" - }, - "clientValidateTypeEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable verification of the TYP field in the ID token header.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "completeExpiredStateCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint with an expired state token.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "completeInvalidStateCount": { - "description": "The number of request to the broker OAuth completion endpoint with an invalid state token.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "completeRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint (successful and unsuccessful).", + "invalidSelectorBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to an invalid selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "completeSuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of successful requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint. Successful requests have authenticated the user and established a browser session.", - "format": "int64", + "lastReplayCompleteTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last completed replay for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "defaultGlobalAccessLevel": { - "description": "The default global access level for this OAuth profile. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to global data.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to global data.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most global data.\n\"admin\" - User has read-write access to all global data.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write", - "admin" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevel": { - "description": "The default message VPN access level for the OAuth profile. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "discoveryLastRefreshFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last discovery endpoint refresh failure.", + "lastReplayFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last replay failure for the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" }, - "discoveryLastRefreshFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last discovery endpoint refresh failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "lastReplayFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replay failure for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "discoveryLastRefreshTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last discovery endpoint refresh success. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "lastReplayStartTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replay started for the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "discoveryNextScheduledRefreshTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the next scheduled discovery endpoint refresh. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "lastReplayedMsgTxTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last replayed message transmitted by the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "discoveryRefreshFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of discovery endpoint refresh failures.", + "lastSelectorExaminedMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message examined by the Topic Endpoint selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "displayName": { - "description": "The user friendly name for the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" - }, - "enabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable the OAuth profile.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "endpointAuthorization": { - "description": "The OAuth authorization endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointAuthorizationOperational": { - "description": "The operational OAuth authorization endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointDiscovery": { - "description": "The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint or OAuth Authorization Server Metadata endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval": { - "description": "The number of seconds between discovery endpoint requests.", - "format": "int32", + "lastSpooledMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last guaranteed message spooled in the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "endpointIntrospection": { - "description": "The OAuth introspection endpoint.", - "type": "string" + "lowPriorityMsgCongestionDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to low priority message congestion control.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "endpointIntrospectionOperational": { - "description": "The operational OAuth introspection endpoint.", + "lowPriorityMsgCongestionState": { + "description": "The state of the low priority message congestion in the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"disabled\" - Messages are not being checked for priority.\n\"not-congested\" - Low priority messages are being stored and delivered.\n\"congested\" - Low priority messages are being discarded.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "endpointIntrospectionTimeout": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a token introspection request is allowed to take.", - "format": "int32", + "lowestAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that were acknowledged.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "endpointJwks": { - "description": "The OAuth JWKS endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointJwksOperational": { - "description": "The operational OAuth JWKS endpoint.", - "type": "string" + "lowestMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "endpointJwksRefreshInterval": { - "description": "The number of seconds between JWKS endpoint requests.", - "format": "int32", + "maxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "endpointToken": { - "description": "The OAuth token endpoint.", - "type": "string" + "maxBindCountExceededBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to the maximum bind count being exceeded.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "endpointTokenOperational": { - "description": "The operational OAuth token endpoint.", - "type": "string" + "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { + "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow for the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "endpointTokenTimeout": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a token request is allowed to take.", + "maxEffectiveBindCount": { + "description": "The effective maximum number of consumer flows that can bind to the Topic Endpoint.", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "endpointUserinfo": { - "description": "The OpenID Connect Userinfo endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointUserinfoOperational": { - "description": "The operational OpenID Connect Userinfo endpoint.", - "type": "string" - }, - "endpointUserinfoTimeout": { - "description": "The maximum time in seconds a userinfo request is allowed to take.", + "maxMsgSize": { + "description": "The maximum message size allowed in the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "inactiveReason": { - "description": "The reason the profile is not active. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"profile-disabled\" - The OAuth profile is disabled.\n\"missing-issuer\" - The issuer has not been discovered or configured.\n\"duplicate-issuer\" - Another OAuth profile already has the same issuer.\n\"none\" - The OAuth profile is active.\n
\n Available since 2.26.", - "type": "string" - }, - "initiateInvalidErrorLinkCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that had an invalid error_link_uri parameter.", + "maxMsgSizeExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum message size being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "initiateInvalidHostCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that did not have a valid Host header. See the Allowed Host configuration setting.", + "maxMsgSpoolUsageExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum message spool usage being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "initiateInvalidTargetLinkCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that had an invalid target_link_uri parameter.", + "maxRedeliveryCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of times the Topic Endpoint will attempt redelivery of a message prior to it being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "initiateRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint (successful and unsuccessful).", + "maxRedeliveryExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "initiateSuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that successfully redirected to the OAuth provider's authorization endpoint.", + "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqFailedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable interactive logins via this OAuth provider.", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "interactiveGroupsFoundInTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of times the groups were successfully found in the ID token or access token for interactive authentication.", + "maxRedeliveryExceededToDmqMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum redelivery attempts being exceeded.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionMissingCount": { - "description": "The number of failures during interactive authentication due to missing introspection configuration (a introspection request was required but no introspection endpoint was configured).", + "maxSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed by the Topic Endpoint, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionMissingGroupsCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection request made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the access token or the introspection response.", + "maxTtl": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Topic Endpoint when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Topic Endpoint, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionMissingUsernameCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the access token or introspection response.", + "maxTtlExceededDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) in hops being exceeded. The TTL hop count is incremented when the message crosses a bridge.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests made to the introspection endpoint during interactive authentication.", + "maxTtlExpiredDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionResponseInvalidCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection responses during interactive authentication that couldn't be parsed.", + "maxTtlExpiredToDmqFailedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring and failing to move to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionStatusOkCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "maxTtlExpiredToDmqMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) by the Topic Endpoint due to the maximum time-to-live (TTL) timestamp expiring.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionStatusOtherCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "msgSpoolPeakUsage": { + "description": "The message spool peak usage by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveIntrospectionTokenNotActiveCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection responses indicating that the provided token was not active.", + "msgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The message spool usage by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactivePromptForExpiredSession": { - "description": "The value of the prompt parameter provided to the OAuth authorization server for login requests where the session has expired.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "interactivePromptForNewSession": { - "description": "The value of the prompt parameter provided to the OAuth authorization server for login requests where the session is new or the user has explicitly logged out.", + "networkTopic": { + "description": "The name of the network topic for the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" }, - "interactiveUserinfoMissingCount": { - "description": "The number of failures due to missing Userinfo configuration (a Userinfo request was required but no Userinfo endpoint was configured) during interactive authentication.", + "noLocalDeliveryDiscardedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages discarded by the Topic Endpoint due to no local delivery being requested.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveUserinfoMissingGroupsCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo request made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the ID token or the Userinfo response.", + "otherBindFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of Topic Endpoint bind failures due to other reasons.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveUserinfoMissingUsernameCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the ID token or Userinfo response.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "owner": { + "description": "The Client Username that owns the Topic Endpoint and has permission equivalent to `\"delete\"`.", + "type": "string" }, - "interactiveUserinfoRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests made to the Userinfo endpoint during interactive authentication.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "permission": { + "description": "The permission level for all consumers of the Topic Endpoint, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "no-access", + "read-only", + "consume", + "modify-topic", + "delete" + ], + "type": "string" }, - "interactiveUserinfoResponseInvalidCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with responses that couldn't be parsed.", + "redeliveredMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint for redelivery.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveUserinfoStatusOkCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as-soon-as-possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "interactiveUserinfoStatusOtherCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", - "format": "int64", + "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { + "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveUserinfoSubjectMismatchCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with subject claims that did not match the subject from the ID token.", - "format": "int64", + "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { + "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "interactiveUsernameFoundInTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of time the username was successfully found in the ID token or access token for interactive authentication.", - "format": "int64", + "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { + "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "introspectionAverageTime": { - "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token introspection, in milliseconds (ms).", - "format": "int32", + "redeliveryEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the topic-endpoint more than once. Available since 2.18.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { + "description": "The number of messages of any priority in the Topic Endpoint above which low priority messages are not admitted but higher priority messages are allowed.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "introspectionLastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the introspection endpoint request failure.", + "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "never", + "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", + "always" + ], "type": "string" }, - "introspectionLastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last introspection endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "replayFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of replays that failed for the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "issuer": { - "description": "The Issuer Identifier for the OAuth provider.", - "type": "string" + "replayStartCount": { + "description": "The number of replays started for the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "issuerOperational": { - "description": "The operational Issuer Identifier for the OAuth provider.", + "replayState": { + "description": "The state of replay for the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"initializing\" - All messages are being deleted from the endpoint before replay starts.\n\"active\" - Subscription matching logged messages are being replayed to the endpoint.\n\"pending-complete\" - Replay is complete, but final accounting is in progress.\n\"complete\" - Replay and all related activities are complete.\n\"failed\" - Replay has failed and is waiting for an unbind response.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "jwksLastRefreshFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last JWKS public key refresh failure.", - "type": "string" + "replaySuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of replays that succeeded for the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "jwksLastRefreshFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last JWKS public key refresh failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "replayedAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint and acked by all consumers.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "jwksLastRefreshTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last JWKS public key refresh success. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "replayedTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of replayed messages transmitted by the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "jwksNextScheduledRefreshTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the next scheduled JWKS public key refresh. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", + "replicationActiveAckPropTxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of acknowledgment messages propagated by the Topic Endpoint to the replication standby remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "jwksRefreshFailureCount": { - "description": "The number of JWKS public key refresh failures.", + "replicationStandbyAckPropRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of propagated acknowledgment messages received by the Topic Endpoint from the replication active remote Message VPN.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" + "replicationStandbyAckedByAckPropMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of messages acknowledged in the Topic Endpoint by acknowledgment propagation from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "oauthRole": { - "description": "The OAuth role of the broker. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"client\" - The broker is in the OAuth client role.\n\"resource-server\" - The broker is in the OAuth resource server role.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "client", - "resource-server" - ], - "type": "string" + "replicationStandbyRxMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of messages received by the Topic Endpoint from the replication active remote Message VPN.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "resourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable parsing of the access token as a JWT.", + "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages contained in the Topic Endpoint are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", "type": "boolean" }, - "resourceServerRequiredAudience": { - "description": "The required audience value.", - "type": "string" - }, - "resourceServerRequiredIssuer": { - "description": "The required issuer value.", - "type": "string" - }, - "resourceServerRequiredScope": { - "description": "A space-separated list of scopes that must be present in the scope claim.", - "type": "string" - }, - "resourceServerRequiredType": { - "description": "The required TYP value.", - "type": "string" - }, - "resourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable verification of the audience claim in the access token or introspection response.", + "respectTtlEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages in the Topic Endpoint is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", "type": "boolean" }, - "resourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable verification of the issuer claim in the access token or introspection response.", - "type": "boolean" + "rxByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "resourceServerValidateScopeEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable verification of the scope claim in the access token or introspection response.", - "type": "boolean" + "rxMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate received by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "resourceServerValidateTypeEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable verification of the TYP field in the access token header.", + "rxSelector": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Topic Endpoint has a selector to filter received messages.", "type": "boolean" }, - "sempEnabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable authentication of SEMP requests with OAuth tokens.", - "type": "boolean" + "selector": { + "description": "The value of the receive selector for the Topic Endpoint.", + "type": "string" }, - "sempExpiredTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of SEMP requests with an expired OAuth token.", + "selectorExaminedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages examined by the Topic Endpoint selector.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempGroupsFoundInTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of times the groups were successfully found in the ID token or access token for SEMP request authentication.", + "selectorMatchedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Topic Endpoint selector matched.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionMissingCount": { - "description": "The number of failures during SEMP request authentication due to missing introspection configuration (a introspection request was required but no introspection endpoint was configured).", + "selectorNotMatchedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages for which the Topic Endpoint selector did not match.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionMissingGroupsCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection request made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the access token or the introspection response.", + "spooledByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionMissingUsernameCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the access token or introspection response.", + "spooledMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were spooled in the Topic Endpoint.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests made to the introspection endpoint during SEMP request authentication.", + "topicEndpointName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted by the Topic Endpoint at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionResponseInvalidCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection responses during SEMP request authentication that couldn't be parsed.", + "txByteRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes per second (B/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempIntrospectionStatusOkCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "sempIntrospectionStatusOtherCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "sempIntrospectionTokenNotActiveCount": { - "description": "The number of introspection responses indicating that the provided token was not active.", + "txMsgRate": { + "description": "The current message rate transmitted by the Topic Endpoint, in messages per second (msg/sec).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempInvalidTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of SEMP requests with an invalid OAuth token.", + "txUnackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages in the Topic Endpoint that have been transmitted but not acknowledged by all consumers.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of SEMP requests (successful and unsuccessful) using this OAuth profile.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "virtualRouter": { + "description": "The virtual router used by the Topic Endpoint. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"primary\" - The endpoint belongs to the primary virtual router.\n\"backup\" - The endpoint belongs to the backup virtual router.\n
\n Deprecated since 2.31. This attribute has been deprecated. When Guaranteed Messaging is active, this value is always the virtual router for which Guaranteed Messaging is enabled. Otherwise, this value should be ignored.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections": { + "properties": { + "msgs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsMsgs" }, - "sempSuccessCount": { - "description": "The number of successful SEMP authentications using this OAuth profile.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "priorities": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsPriorities" }, - "sempUserinfoMissingCount": { - "description": "The number of failures due to missing Userinfo configuration (a Userinfo request was required but no Userinfo endpoint was configured) during SEMP request authentication.", + "txFlows": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsTxFlows" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsMsgs": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the msgs collection.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - }, - "sempUserinfoMissingGroupsCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo request made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the ID token or the Userinfo response.", + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsPriorities": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the priorities collection.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - }, - "sempUserinfoMissingUsernameCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the ID token or Userinfo response.", + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollectionsTxFlows": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the txFlows collection.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks": { + "properties": { + "msgsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Message objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "sempUserinfoRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of requests made to the Userinfo endpoint during SEMP request authentication.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "prioritiesUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Priority objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "sempUserinfoResponseInvalidCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with responses that couldn't be parsed.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "txFlowsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint's collection of Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "sempUserinfoStatusOkCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg": { + "properties": { + "attachmentSize": { + "description": "The size of the Message attachment, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempUserinfoStatusOtherCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "contentSize": { + "description": "The size of the Message content, in bytes (B).", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "sempUserinfoSubjectMismatchCount": { - "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with subject claims that did not match the subject from the ID token.", - "format": "int64", + "deliveryEligibleTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message is eligible for delivery. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time). Available since 2.22.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "sempUsernameFoundInTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of time the username was successfully found in the ID token or access token for SEMP request authentication.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "dmqEligible": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Message is eligible for the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", + "type": "boolean" }, - "tokenEndpointAverageTime": { - "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token request, in milliseconds (ms).", + "expiryTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message expires. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "tokenEndpointInvalidTokenCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile that returned tokens that couldn't be verified.", + "msgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tokenEndpointLastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the last token endpoint request failure.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "tokenEndpointLastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last token endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "priority": { + "description": "The priority level of the Message, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "tokenEndpointOtherErrorCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile that returned an unexpected error not accounted for in the other failure statistics.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "tokenEndpointRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "tokenEndpointStatusBadRequestCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with 400 status responses.", + "publisherId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message publisher.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "tokenEndpointStatusOkCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", - "format": "int64", + "redeliveryCount": { + "description": "The number of times the Message has been redelivered.", + "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "tokenEndpointStatusOtherCount": { - "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200 or 400.", + "replicatedMateMsgId": { + "description": "The Message identifier (ID) on the replication mate. Applicable only to replicated messages.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" }, - "userinfoAverageTime": { - "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token userinfo request, in milliseconds (ms).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" + "replicationGroupMsgId": { + "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this Message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" }, - "userinfoLastFailureReason": { - "description": "The reason for the userinfo endpoint request failure.", + "replicationState": { + "description": "The replication state of the Message. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"replicated\" - The Message is replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"not-replicated\" - The Message is not being replicated to the remote Message VPN.\n\"pending-replication\" - The Message is queued for replication to the remote Message VPN.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "userinfoLastFailureTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of the last userinfo endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "spooledTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Message was spooled in the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", "format": "int32", "type": "integer" }, - "usernameClaimName": { - "description": "The name of the username claim.", + "topicEndpointName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" + }, + "undelivered": { + "description": "Indicates whether delivery of the Message has never been attempted.", + "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup": { - "properties": { - "description": { - "description": "A description for the group.", - "type": "string" - }, - "globalAccessLevel": { - "description": "The global access level for this group. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to global data.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to global data.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most global data.\n\"admin\" - User has read-write access to all global data.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write", - "admin" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "groupName": { - "description": "The name of the group.", - "type": "string" - }, - "msgVpnAccessLevel": { - "description": "The default message VPN access level for this group. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" - } - }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections": { + "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks": { "properties": { - "msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollectionsMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Message object.", + "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollectionsMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions collection.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks": { - "properties": { - "msgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this Group Access Level's collection of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.", - "type": "string" - }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Group Access Level object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException": { - "properties": { - "accessLevel": { - "description": "The message VPN access level. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write" - ], - "type": "string" - }, - "groupName": { - "description": "The name of the group.", - "type": "string" - }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the message VPN.", - "type": "string" - }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -17987,43 +17756,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup" - }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks" - }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPrioritiesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18036,42 +17785,57 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAllowedHost": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority": { "properties": { - "allowedHost": { - "description": "An allowed value for the Host header.", + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "priority": { + "description": "The level of the Priority, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "spooledByteCount": { + "description": "The amount of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Topic Endpoint, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "spooledMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages at this Priority spooled by the Topic Endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "topicEndpointName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Allowed Host Value object.", + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Priority object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHost" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorityLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18082,25 +17846,16 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections" }, "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHost" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpoint" }, "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18111,125 +17866,166 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate": { "properties": { - "authorizationParameterName": { - "description": "The name of the authorization parameter.", + "accessType": { + "description": "The access type for delivering messages to consumer flows. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"exclusive\" - Exclusive delivery of messages to the first bound consumer flow.\n\"non-exclusive\" - Non-exclusive delivery of messages to bound consumer flows in a round-robin (if partition count is zero) or partitioned (if partition count is non-zero) fashion.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "exclusive", + "non-exclusive" + ], "type": "string" }, - "authorizationParameterValue": { - "description": "The authorization parameter value.", - "type": "string" + "consumerAckPropagationEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the propagation of consumer acknowledgments (ACKs) received on the active replication Message VPN to the standby replication Message VPN is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Authorization Parameter object.", + "deadMsgQueue": { + "description": "The name of the Dead Message Queue (DMQ).", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter" + "deliveryDelay": { + "description": "The delay, in seconds, to apply to messages arriving on the Topic Endpoint before the messages are eligible for delivery. Available since 2.22.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks" + "eventBindCountThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParametersResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "eventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter" - }, - "type": "array" + "eventRejectLowPriorityMsgLimitThreshold": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/EventThreshold" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "maxBindCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of consumer flows that can bind.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim": { - "properties": { - "clientRequiredClaimName": { - "description": "The name of the ID token claim to verify.", + "maxDeliveredUnackedMsgsPerFlow": { + "description": "The maximum number of messages delivered but not acknowledged per flow.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxMsgSize": { + "description": "The maximum message size allowed, in bytes (B).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxMsgSpoolUsage": { + "description": "The maximum message spool usage allowed, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 only allows spooling of the last message received and disables quota checking.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxRedeliveryCount": { + "description": "The maximum number of message redelivery attempts that will occur prior to the message being discarded or moved to the DMQ. A value of 0 means to retry forever.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxTtl": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a message can stay in the Topic Endpoint when `respectTtlEnabled` is `\"true\"`. A message expires when the lesser of the sender assigned time-to-live (TTL) in the message and the `maxTtl` configured for the Topic Endpoint, is exceeded. A value of 0 disables expiry.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "clientRequiredClaimValue": { - "description": "The required claim value, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", + "permission": { + "description": "The permission level for all consumers, excluding the owner. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"no-access\" - Disallows all access.\n\"read-only\" - Read-only access to the messages.\n\"consume\" - Consume (read and remove) messages.\n\"modify-topic\" - Consume messages or modify the topic/selector.\n\"delete\" - Consume messages, modify the topic/selector or delete the Client created endpoint altogether.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "no-access", + "read-only", + "consume", + "modify-topic", + "delete" + ], "type": "string" }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "redeliveryDelayEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable a message redelivery delay. When false, messages are redelivered as-soon-as-possible. When true, messages are redelivered according to the initial, max and multiplier. This should only be enabled when redelivery is enabled. Available since 2.33.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "redeliveryDelayInitialInterval": { + "description": "The delay to be used between the first 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryDelayMaxInterval": { + "description": "The maximum delay to be used between any 2 redelivery attempts. This value is in milliseconds. Due to technical limitations, some redelivery attempt delays may slightly exceed this value. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryDelayMultiplier": { + "description": "The amount each delay interval is multiplied by after each failed delivery attempt. This number is in a fixed-point decimal format in which you must divide by 100 to get the floating point value. For example, a value of 125 would cause the delay to be multiplied by 1.25. Available since 2.33.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable message redelivery. When enabled, the number of redelivery attempts is controlled by maxRedeliveryCount. When disabled, the message will never be delivered from the topic-endpoint more than once. Available since 2.18.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the checking of low priority messages against the `rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit` is enabled.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "rejectLowPriorityMsgLimit": { + "description": "The number of messages that are permitted before low priority messages are rejected.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscardBehavior": { + "description": "Determines when to return negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to sending clients on message discards. Note that NACKs cause the message to not be delivered to any destination and Transacted Session commits to fail. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"never\" - Silently discard messages.\n\"when-topic-endpoint-enabled\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, except messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n\"always\" - NACK each message discard back to the client, including messages that are discarded because an endpoint is administratively disabled.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "never", + "when-topic-endpoint-enabled", + "always" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "respectMsgPriorityEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether message priorities are respected. When enabled, messages are delivered in priority order, from 9 (highest) to 0 (lowest).", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "respectTtlEnabled": { + "description": "Indicates whether the time-to-live (TTL) for messages is respected. When enabled, expired messages are discarded or moved to the DMQ.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "topicEndpointNameFilter": { + "description": "A pattern used to determine which Topic Endpoints use settings from this Template. Two different wildcards can be used in the pattern: * and >. Similar to topic filters or subscription patterns, a > matches anything (but only when used at the end), and a * matches zero or more characters but never a slash (/). A > is only a wildcard when used at the end, after a /. A * is only allowed at the end, after a slash (/).", + "type": "string" + }, + "topicEndpointTemplateName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint Template.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Required Claim object.", + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Template object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18240,23 +18036,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplatesResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplateLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18269,134 +18065,146 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileCollections": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow": { "properties": { - "accessLevelGroups": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsAccessLevelGroups" + "ackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered and acknowledged by the consumer.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "clientAllowedHosts": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientAllowedHosts" + "activityState": { + "description": "The activity state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active-browser\" - The Flow is active as a browser.\n\"active-consumer\" - The Flow is active as a consumer.\n\"inactive\" - The Flow is inactive.\n
\n", + "type": "string" }, - "clientAuthorizationParameters": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientAuthorizationParameters" + "bindTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the Flow bound to the Topic Endpoint. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "clientRequiredClaims": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientRequiredClaims" + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client.", + "type": "string" }, - "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions" + "consumerRedeliveryRequestAllowed": { + "description": "Indicates whether redelivery requests can be received as negative acknowledgments (NACKs) from the consumer. Applicable only to REST consumers.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "resourceServerRequiredClaims": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsResourceServerRequiredClaims" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsAccessLevelGroups": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the accessLevelGroups collection.", + "cutThroughAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used cut-through delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsClientAllowedHosts": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the clientAllowedHosts collection.", + }, + "deliveryState": { + "description": "The delivery state of the Flow. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"closed\" - The Flow is unbound.\n\"opened\" - The Flow is bound but inactive.\n\"unbinding\" - The Flow received an unbind request.\n\"handshaking\" - The Flow is handshaking to become active.\n\"deliver-cut-through\" - The Flow is streaming messages using direct+guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-input-stream\" - The Flow is streaming messages using guaranteed delivery.\n\"deliver-from-memory\" - The Flow throttled causing message delivery from memory (RAM).\n\"deliver-from-spool\" - The Flow stalled causing message delivery from spool (ADB or disk).\n
\n", + "type": "string" + }, + "flowId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Flow.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsClientAuthorizationParameters": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the clientAuthorizationParameters collection.", + }, + "highestAckPendingMsgId": { + "description": "The highest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgment.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsClientRequiredClaims": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the clientRequiredClaims collection.", + }, + "lastAckedMsgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the last message transmitted and acknowledged by the consumer.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions collection.", + }, + "lowestAckPendingMsgId": { + "description": "The lowest identifier (ID) of message transmitted and waiting for acknowledgment.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileCollectionsResourceServerRequiredClaims": { - "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects in the resourceServerRequiredClaims collection.", + }, + "maxUnackedMsgsExceededMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that exceeded the maximum number of delivered unacknowledged messages.", "format": "int64", "type": "integer" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException": { - "properties": { - "accessLevel": { - "description": "The message VPN access level. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", - "enum": [ - "none", - "read-only", - "read-write" - ], - "type": "string" }, "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The name of the message VPN.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + "noLocalDelivery": { + "description": "Indicates whether not to deliver messages to a consumer that published them.", + "type": "boolean" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + "redeliveredMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were redelivered.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "redeliveryRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of consumer requests via negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to redeliver guaranteed messages.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sessionName": { + "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Flow.", + "type": "string" + }, + "storeAndForwardAckedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that used store and forward delivery and are acknowledged by the consumer.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "topicEndpointName": { + "description": "The name of the Topic Endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "transportRetransmitMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages that were retransmitted at the transport layer as part of a single delivery attempt. Available since 2.18.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "unackedMsgCount": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages delivered but not yet acknowledged by the consumer.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "usedWindowSize": { + "description": "The number of guaranteed messages using the available window size.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "windowClosedCount": { + "description": "The number of times the window for guaranteed messages was filled and closed before an acknowledgment was received.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "windowSize": { + "description": "The number of outstanding guaranteed messages that can be transmitted over the Flow before an acknowledgment is received.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18407,23 +18215,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlowLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18436,79 +18244,171 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileLinks": { + "MsgVpnTopicEndpointsResponse": { "properties": { - "accessLevelGroupsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Group Access Level objects.", + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpoint" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTopicEndpointLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTransaction": { + "properties": { + "clientId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Client.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "clientName": { + "description": "The name of the Client.", "type": "string" }, - "clientAllowedHostsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Allowed Host Value objects.", + "clientUsername": { + "description": "The username of the Client.", "type": "string" }, - "clientAuthorizationParametersUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Authorization Parameter objects.", + "idleTimeout": { + "description": "The number of seconds before an idle Transaction may be automatically rolled back and freed.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "type": "string" }, - "clientRequiredClaimsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Required Claim objects.", + "replicated": { + "description": "Indicates whether the Transaction is replicated.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "sessionName": { + "description": "The name of the Transacted Session for the Transaction.", "type": "string" }, - "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.", + "state": { + "description": "The state of the Transaction. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"active\" - The Transaction was started.\n\"suspended\" - The Transaction was suspended.\n\"idle\" - The Transaction was ended.\n\"prepared\" - The Transaction was prepared.\n\"complete\" - The Transaction was committed or rolled back.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "resourceServerRequiredClaimsUri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Required Claim objects.", + "timeInState": { + "description": "The number of seconds the Transaction has remained in the current state.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "type": { + "description": "The type of Transaction. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"xa\" - The Transaction is an XA Transaction.\n\"local\" - The Transaction is a local Transaction.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile object.", + "xid": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim": { + "MsgVpnTransactionCollections": { "properties": { - "oauthProfileName": { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "consumerMsgs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsConsumerMsgs" + }, + "publisherMsgs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsPublisherMsgs" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsConsumerMsgs": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the consumerMsgs collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTransactionCollectionsPublisherMsgs": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the publisherMsgs collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg": { + "properties": { + "endpointName": { + "description": "The name of the Queue or Topic Endpoint source.", "type": "string" }, - "resourceServerRequiredClaimName": { - "description": "The name of the access token claim to verify.", + "endpointType": { + "description": "The type of endpoint source. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"queue\" - The Message is from a Queue.\n\"topic-endpoint\" - The Message is from a Topic Endpoint.\n
\n", "type": "string" }, - "resourceServerRequiredClaimValue": { - "description": "The required claim value, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", + "msgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "replicationGroupMsgId": { + "description": "An ID that uniquely identifies this message within this replication group. Available since 2.21.", + "type": "string" + }, + "xid": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections": { + "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections": { "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks": { + "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks": { "properties": { "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Required Claim object.", + "description": "The URI of this Transaction Consumer Message object.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18519,23 +18419,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18548,108 +18448,69 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfileResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionLinks": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollections" - }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfile" + "consumerMsgsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction's collection of Transaction Consumer Message objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileLinks" + "publisherMsgsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction's collection of Transaction Publisher Message objects.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.", + "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "OauthProfilesResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg": { "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "msgId": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Message.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfile" - }, - "type": "array" + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "topic": { + "description": "The topic destination of the Message.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + "xid": { + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the Transaction.", + "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], "type": "object" }, - "SempError": { + "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks": { "properties": { - "code": { - "description": "The error code which uniquely identifies the error that has occurred.", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "description": { - "description": "The verbose description of the problem.", - "type": "string" - }, - "status": { - "description": "The terse status string associated with `code`.", + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Transaction Publisher Message object.", "type": "string" } }, - "required": [ - "code", - "status", - "description" - ], "type": "object" }, - "SempMeta": { + "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgResponse": { "properties": { - "count": { - "description": "The total number of objects requested, irrespective of page size. This may be a count of all objects in a collection or a filtered subset. It represents a snapshot in time and may change when paging through results.", - "format": "int64", - "type": "integer" - }, - "error": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempError" + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections" }, - "paging": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempPaging" + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg" }, - "request": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempRequest" + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks" }, - "responseCode": { - "description": "The HTTP response code, one of 200 (success), 4xx (client error), or 5xx (server error).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - } - }, - "required": [ - "request", - "responseCode" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "SempMetaOnlyResponse": { - "properties": { "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } @@ -18659,85 +18520,45 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "SempPaging": { + "MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgsResponse": { "properties": { - "cursorQuery": { - "description": "The cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. Use this as the `cursor` query parameter of the next request.", - "type": "string" + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgCollections" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "nextPageUri": { - "description": "The URI of the next page of objects. `cursorQuery` is already embedded within this URI.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "required": [ - "cursorQuery", - "nextPageUri" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "SempRequest": { - "properties": { - "method": { - "description": "The HTTP method of the request which resulted in this response.", - "type": "string" + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg" + }, + "type": "array" }, - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response.", - "type": "string" + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" } }, "required": [ - "method" + "meta" ], "type": "object" }, - "Session": { - "properties": { - "createTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the session was created. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "lastActivityTime": { - "description": "The timestamp of when the last activity on the session occurred. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", - "format": "int32", - "type": "integer" - }, - "sessionId": { - "description": "The unique identifier for the session.", - "type": "string" - }, - "sessionUsername": { - "description": "The username used for authorization.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "SessionCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "SessionLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this SEMP Session object.", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "SessionResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollections" }, "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/Session" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransaction" }, "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionLinks" }, "meta": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" @@ -18748,23 +18569,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "SessionsResponse": { + "MsgVpnTransactionsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/Session" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransaction" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnTransactionLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18777,23 +18598,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "StandardDomainCertAuthoritiesResponse": { + "MsgVpnsResponse": { "properties": { "collections": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCollections" }, "type": "array" }, "data": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthority" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpn" }, "type": "array" }, "links": { "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnLinks" }, "type": "array" }, @@ -18806,189 +18627,2286 @@ ], "type": "object" }, - "StandardDomainCertAuthority": { + "OauthProfile": { "properties": { - "certAuthorityName": { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "accessLevelGroupsClaimName": { + "description": "The name of the groups claim.", "type": "string" }, - "certContent": { - "description": "The PEM formatted content for the trusted root certificate of a standard domain Certificate Authority.", + "accessLevelGroupsClaimStringFormat": { + "description": "The format of the access level groups claim value when it is a string. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"single\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as as single group.\n\"space-delimited\" - When the claim is a string, it is interpreted as a space-delimited list of groups, similar to the \"scope\" claim.\n
\n Available since 2.32.", + "enum": [ + "single", + "space-delimited" + ], "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Standard Domain Certificate Authority object.", + }, + "active": { + "description": "Indicates whether the profile is active. An enabled profile may not be active if discovery is not complete, if there is no issuer specified, or if there is another profile with the same issuer. Available since 2.26.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "clientId": { + "description": "The OAuth client id.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "StandardDomainCertAuthorityResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthority" + "clientRedirectUri": { + "description": "The OAuth redirect URI.", + "type": "string" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks" + "clientRequiredType": { + "description": "The required value for the TYP field in the ID token header.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientScope": { + "description": "The OAuth scope.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientValidateTypeEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable verification of the TYP field in the ID token header.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "completeExpiredStateCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint with an expired state token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "completeInvalidStateCount": { + "description": "The number of request to the broker OAuth completion endpoint with an invalid state token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "completeRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint (successful and unsuccessful).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "completeSuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of successful requests to the broker OAuth completion endpoint. Successful requests have authenticated the user and established a browser session.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "defaultGlobalAccessLevel": { + "description": "The default global access level for this OAuth profile. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to global data.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to global data.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most global data.\n\"admin\" - User has read-write access to all global data.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write", + "admin" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevel": { + "description": "The default message VPN access level for the OAuth profile. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "discoveryLastRefreshFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last discovery endpoint refresh failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "discoveryLastRefreshFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last discovery endpoint refresh failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "discoveryLastRefreshTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last discovery endpoint refresh success. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "discoveryNextScheduledRefreshTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the next scheduled discovery endpoint refresh. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "discoveryRefreshFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of discovery endpoint refresh failures.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "displayName": { + "description": "The user friendly name for the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "VirtualHostname": { - "properties": { "enabled": { - "description": "Enable or disable Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.", + "description": "Enable or disable the OAuth profile.", "type": "boolean" }, - "msgVpnName": { - "description": "The message VPN to which this virtual hostname is mapped.", + "endpointAuthorization": { + "description": "The OAuth authorization endpoint.", "type": "string" }, - "virtualHostname": { - "description": "The virtual hostname.", + "endpointAuthorizationOperational": { + "description": "The operational OAuth authorization endpoint.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "VirtualHostnameCollections": { - "properties": {}, - "type": "object" - }, - "VirtualHostnameLinks": { - "properties": { - "uri": { - "description": "The URI of this Virtual Hostname object.", + }, + "endpointDiscovery": { + "description": "The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint or OAuth Authorization Server Metadata endpoint.", "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "VirtualHostnameResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameCollections" }, - "data": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostname" + "endpointDiscoveryRefreshInterval": { + "description": "The number of seconds between discovery endpoint requests.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameLinks" + "endpointIntrospection": { + "description": "The OAuth introspection endpoint.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "VirtualHostnamesResponse": { - "properties": { - "collections": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameCollections" - }, - "type": "array" + "endpointIntrospectionOperational": { + "description": "The operational OAuth introspection endpoint.", + "type": "string" }, - "data": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostname" - }, - "type": "array" + "endpointIntrospectionTimeout": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a token introspection request is allowed to take.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" }, - "links": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameLinks" - }, - "type": "array" + "endpointJwks": { + "description": "The OAuth JWKS endpoint.", + "type": "string" }, - "meta": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" - } - }, - "required": [ - "meta" - ], - "type": "object" - } - }, - "host": "", - "info": { - "contact": { - "email": "", - "name": "Solace", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`, see note 1) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker.\n\nSEMP uses URIs to address manageable **resources** of the Solace PubSub+ broker. Resources are individual **objects**, **collections** of objects, or (exclusively in the action API) **actions**. This document applies to the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational parameters|See note 2\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose|Comments\n:---|:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions|See note 2\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing config state|See note 2\n\n\n\nResources are always nouns, with individual objects being singular and collections being plural.\n\nObjects within a collection are identified by an `obj-id`, which follows the collection name with the form `collection-name/obj-id`.\n\nActions within an object are identified by an `action-id`, which follows the object name with the form `obj-id/action-id`.\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns ; MsgVpn collection\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a ; MsgVpn object named \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues ; Queue collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/a/queues/b ; Queue object named \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/action/msgVpns/a/queues/b/startReplay ; Action that starts a replay on Queue \"b\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients ; Client collection in MsgVpn \"a\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/a/clients/c ; Client object named \"c\" in MsgVpn \"a\"\n```\n\n## Collection Resources\n\nCollections are unordered lists of objects (unless described as otherwise), and are described by JSON arrays. Each item in the array represents an object in the same manner as the individual object would normally be represented. In the configuration API, the creation of a new object is done through its collection resource.\n\n## Object and Action Resources\n\nObjects are composed of attributes, actions, collections, and other objects. They are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. The collections and actions of an object are not contained directly in the object's JSON content; rather the content includes an attribute containing a URI which points to the collections and actions. These contained resources must be managed through this URI. At a minimum, every object has one or more identifying attributes, and its own `uri` attribute which contains the URI pointing to itself.\n\nActions are also composed of attributes, and are described by JSON objects as name/value pairs. Unlike objects, however, they are not members of a collection and cannot be retrieved, only performed. Actions only exist in the action API.\n\nAttributes in an object or action may have any combination of the following properties:\n\n\nProperty|Meaning|Comments\n:---|:---|:---\nIdentifying|Attribute is involved in unique identification of the object, and appears in its URI|\nConst|Attribute value can only be chosen during object creation|\nRequired|Attribute must be provided in the request|\nRead-Only|Attribute can only be read, not written.|See note 3\nWrite-Only|Attribute can only be written, not read, unless the attribute is also opaque|See the documentation for the opaque property\nRequires-Disable|Attribute cannot be changed while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled|\nAuto-Disable|Modifying this attribute while the object (or the relevant part of the object) is administratively enabled may be service impacting as one or more attributes will be temporarily disabled to apply the change|\nDeprecated|Attribute is deprecated, and will disappear in the next SEMP version|\nOpaque|Attribute can be set or retrieved in opaque form when the `opaquePassword` query parameter is present|See the `opaquePassword` query parameter documentation\n\n\n\nIn some requests, certain attributes may only be provided in certain combinations with other attributes:\n\n\nRelationship|Meaning\n:---|:---\nRequires|Attribute may only be changed by a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is also provided in the request\nConflicts|Attribute may only be provided in a request if a particular attribute or combination of attributes is not also provided in the request\n\n\n\nIn the monitoring API, any non-identifying attribute may not be returned in a GET.\n\n## HTTP Methods\n\nThe following HTTP methods manipulate resources in accordance with these general principles. Note that some methods are only used in certain APIs:\n\n\nMethod|Resource|Meaning|Request Body|Response Body|Notes\n:---|:---|:---|:---|:---|:---\nPOST|Collection|Create object|Initial attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are set to default. If object already exists, a 400 error is returned\nPUT|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|If does not exist, the object is first created. Absent attributes are set to default, with certain exceptions (see note 4)\nPUT|Action|Performs action|Action arguments|Action metadata|\nPATCH|Object|Update object|New attribute values|Object attributes and metadata|Absent attributes are left unchanged. If the object does not exist, a 404 error is returned\nDELETE|Object|Delete object|Empty|Object metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Object|Get object|Empty|Object attributes and metadata|If the object does not exist, a 404 is returned\nGET|Collection|Get collection|Empty|Object attributes and collection metadata|If the collection is empty, then an empty collection is returned with a 200 code\n\n\n\n## Common Query Parameters\n\nThe following are some common query parameters that are supported by many method/URI combinations. Individual URIs may document additional parameters. Note that multiple query parameters can be used together in a single URI, separated by the ampersand character. For example:\n\n```\n; Request for the MsgVpns collection using two hypothetical query parameters\n; \"q1\" and \"q2\" with values \"val1\" and \"val2\" respectively\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?q1=val1&q2=val2\n```\n\n### select\n\nInclude in the response only selected attributes of the object, or exclude from the response selected attributes of the object. Use this query parameter to limit the size of the returned data for each returned object, return only those fields that are desired, or exclude fields that are not desired.\n\nThe value of `select` is a comma-separated list of attribute names. If the list contains attribute names that are not prefaced by `-`, only those attributes are included in the response. If the list contains attribute names that are prefaced by `-`, those attributes are excluded from the response. If the list contains both types, then the difference of the first set of attributes and the second set of attributes is returned. If the list is empty (i.e. `select=`), it is treated the same as if no `select` was provided: all attribute are returned.\n\nAll attributes that are prefaced by `-` must follow all attributes that are not prefaced by `-`. In addition, each attribute name in the list must match at least one attribute in the object.\n\nNames may include the `*` wildcard (zero or more characters). Nested attribute names are supported using periods (e.g. `parentName.childName`).\n\nSome examples:\n\n```\n; List of all MsgVpn names\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?select=msgVpnName\n; List of all MsgVpn and their attributes except for their names\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?select=-msgVpnName\n; Authentication attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/finance?select=authentication%2A\n; All attributes of MsgVpn \"finance\" except for authentication attributes\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/finance?select=-authentication%2A\n; Access related attributes of Queue \"orderQ\" of MsgVpn \"finance\"\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/finance/queues/orderQ?select=owner,permission\n```\n\n### where\n\nInclude in the response only objects where certain conditions are true. Use this query parameter to limit which objects are returned to those whose attribute values meet the given conditions.\n\nThe value of `where` is a comma-separated list of expressions. All expressions must be true for the object to be included in the response. Each expression takes the form:\n\n```\nexpression = attribute-name OP value\nOP = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='\n```\n\n`value` may be a number, string, `true`, or `false`, as appropriate for the type of `attribute-name`. Greater-than and less-than comparisons only work for numbers. A `*` in a string `value` is interpreted as a wildcard (zero or more characters). Some examples:\n\n```\n; Only enabled MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?where=enabled%3D%3Dtrue\n; Only MsgVpns using basic non-LDAP authentication\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?where=authenticationBasicEnabled%3D%3Dtrue,authenticationBasicType%21%3Dldap\n; Only MsgVpns that allow more than 100 client connections\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?where=maxConnectionCount%3E100\n; Only MsgVpns with msgVpnName starting with \"B\":\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?where=msgVpnName%3D%3DB%2A\n```\n\n### count\n\nLimit the count of objects in the response. This can be useful to limit the size of the response for large collections. The minimum value for `count` is `1` and the default is `10`. There is also a per-collection maximum value to limit request handling time.\n\n`count` does not guarantee that a minimum number of objects will be returned. A page may contain fewer than `count` objects or even be empty. Additional objects may nonetheless be available for retrieval on subsequent pages. See the `cursor` query parameter documentation for more information on paging.\n\nFor example:\n```\n; Up to 25 MsgVpns\n/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns?count=25\n```\n\n### cursor\n\nThe cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. Cursors are opaque data that should not be created or interpreted by SEMP clients, and should only be used as described below.\n\nWhen a request is made for a collection and there may be additional objects available for retrieval that are not included in the initial response, the response will include a `cursorQuery` field containing a cursor. The value of this field can be specified in the `cursor` query parameter of a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of objects.\n\nApplications must continue to use the `cursorQuery` if one is provided in order to retrieve the full set of objects associated with the request, even if a page contains fewer than the requested number of objects (see the `count` query parameter documentation) or is empty.\n\n### opaquePassword\n\nAttributes with the opaque property are also write-only and so cannot normally be retrieved in a GET. However, when a password is provided in the `opaquePassword` query parameter, attributes with the opaque property are retrieved in a GET in opaque form, encrypted with this password. The query parameter can also be used on a POST, PATCH, or PUT to set opaque attributes using opaque attribute values retrieved in a GET, so long as:\n\n1. the same password that was used to retrieve the opaque attribute values is provided; and\n\n2. the broker to which the request is being sent has the same major and minor SEMP version as the broker that produced the opaque attribute values.\n\nThe password provided in the query parameter must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters.\n\nThe query parameter can only be used in the configuration API, and only over HTTPS.\n\n## Authentication\n\nWhen a client makes its first SEMPv2 request, it must supply a username and password using HTTP Basic authentication, or an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication.\n\nWhen HTTP Basic authentication is used, the broker returns a cookie containing a session key. The client can omit the username and password from subsequent requests, because the broker can use the session cookie for authentication instead. When the session expires or is deleted, the client must provide the username and password again, and the broker creates a new session.\n\nThere are a limited number of session slots available on the broker. The broker returns 529 No SEMP Session Available if it is not able to allocate a session.\n\nIf certain attributes\u2014such as a user's password\u2014are changed, the broker automatically deletes the affected sessions. These attributes are documented below. However, changes in external user configuration data stored on a RADIUS or LDAP server do not trigger the broker to delete the associated session(s), therefore you must do this manually, if required.\n\nA client can retrieve its current session information using the /about/user endpoint and delete its own session using the /about/user/logout endpoint. A client with appropriate permissions can also manage all sessions using the /sessions endpoint.\n\nSessions are not created when authenticating with an OAuth token or tokens using HTTP Bearer authentication. If a session cookie is provided, it is ignored.\n\n## Help\n\nVisit [our website]( to learn more about Solace.\n\nYou can also download the SEMP API specifications by clicking [here](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](\n\n## Notes\n\nNote|Description\n:---:|:---\n1|This specification defines SEMP starting in \"v2\", and not the original SEMP \"v1\" interface. Request and response formats between \"v1\" and \"v2\" are entirely incompatible, although both protocols share a common port configuration on the Solace PubSub+ broker. They are differentiated by the initial portion of the URI path, one of either \"/SEMP/\" or \"/SEMP/v2/\"\n2|This API is partially implemented. Only a subset of all objects are available.\n3|Read-only attributes may appear in POST and PUT/PATCH requests. However, if a read-only attribute is not marked as identifying, it will be ignored during a PUT/PATCH.\n4|On a PUT, if the SEMP user is not authorized to modify the attribute, its value is left unchanged rather than set to default. In addition, the values of write-only attributes are not set to their defaults on a PUT, except in the following two cases: there is a mutual requires relationship with another non-write-only attribute, both attributes are absent from the request, and the non-write-only attribute is not currently set to its default value; or the attribute is also opaque and the `opaquePassword` query parameter is provided in the request.\n\n", - "title": "SEMP (Solace Element Management Protocol)", - "version": "2.34" - }, - "parameters": { - "countQuery": { - "default": 10, - "description": "Limit the count of objects in the response. See the documentation for the `count` parameter.", - "in": "query", - "minimum": 1, - "name": "count", - "required": false, - "type": "integer" - }, - "cursorQuery": { - "description": "The cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. See the documentation for the `cursor` parameter.", - "in": "query", - "name": "cursor", - "required": false, - "type": "string" - }, - "selectQuery": { - "collectionFormat": "csv", - "description": "Include in the response only selected attributes of the object, or exclude from the response selected attributes of the object. See the documentation for the `select` parameter.", - "in": "query", - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "name": "select", - "required": false, - "type": "array" - }, - "whereQuery": { - "collectionFormat": "csv", - "description": "Include in the response only objects where certain conditions are true. See the the documentation for the `where` parameter.", - "in": "query", - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "name": "where", - "required": false, - "type": "array" - } - }, - "paths": { - "/": { - "get": { - "description": "Get a Broker object.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes require greater access scope/level:\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\naverageRxByteRate|global/read-only\naverageRxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageRxMsgRate|global/read-only\naverageRxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxMsgRate|global/read-only\naverageTxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-only\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncLastFailureReason|global/read-only\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncUp|global/read-only\ncspfVersion|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationEstimatedFragmentation|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationEstimatedRecoverableSpace|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastCompletedOn|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastCompletionPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastExitCondition|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastExitConditionInformation|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatus|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatusActiveCompletionPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingOperationalStatus|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-only\noauthProfileDefault|global/read-only\nrxByteCount|global/read-only\nrxByteRate|global/read-only\nrxCompressedByteCount|global/read-only\nrxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nrxCompressionRatio|global/read-only\nrxMsgCount|global/read-only\nrxMsgRate|global/read-only\nrxUncompressedByteCount|global/read-only\nrxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-only\ntelemetryTraceDemoExpiryTime|vpn/read-only\ntelemetryTraceDemoState|vpn/read-only\ntelemetryTraceMode|vpn/read-only\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-only\ntlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled|vpn/read-only\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-only\ntlsVersionSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntxByteCount|global/read-only\ntxByteRate|global/read-only\ntxCompressedByteCount|global/read-only\ntxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\ntxCompressionRatio|global/read-only\ntxMsgCount|global/read-only\ntxMsgRate|global/read-only\ntxUncompressedByteCount|global/read-only\ntxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nwebManagerAllowUnencryptedWizardsEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerCustomization|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpLastFailureReason|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpOverrideTlsPort|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpUp|vpn/read-only\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", - "operationId": "getBroker", - "parameters": [ + "endpointJwksOperational": { + "description": "The operational OAuth JWKS endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "endpointJwksRefreshInterval": { + "description": "The number of seconds between JWKS endpoint requests.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "endpointToken": { + "description": "The OAuth token endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "endpointTokenOperational": { + "description": "The operational OAuth token endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "endpointTokenTimeout": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a token request is allowed to take.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "endpointUserinfo": { + "description": "The OpenID Connect Userinfo endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "endpointUserinfoOperational": { + "description": "The operational OpenID Connect Userinfo endpoint.", + "type": "string" + }, + "endpointUserinfoTimeout": { + "description": "The maximum time in seconds a userinfo request is allowed to take.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "inactiveReason": { + "description": "The reason the profile is not active. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"profile-disabled\" - The OAuth profile is disabled.\n\"missing-issuer\" - The issuer has not been discovered or configured.\n\"duplicate-issuer\" - Another OAuth profile already has the same issuer.\n\"none\" - The OAuth profile is active.\n
\n Available since 2.26.", + "type": "string" + }, + "initiateInvalidErrorLinkCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that had an invalid error_link_uri parameter.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "initiateInvalidHostCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that did not have a valid Host header. See the Allowed Host configuration setting.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "initiateInvalidTargetLinkCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that had an invalid target_link_uri parameter.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "initiateRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint (successful and unsuccessful).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "initiateSuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of requests to the broker OAuth initiation endpoint that successfully redirected to the OAuth provider's authorization endpoint.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable interactive logins via this OAuth provider.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "interactiveGroupsFoundInTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of times the groups were successfully found in the ID token or access token for interactive authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionMissingCount": { + "description": "The number of failures during interactive authentication due to missing introspection configuration (a introspection request was required but no introspection endpoint was configured).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionMissingGroupsCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection request made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the access token or the introspection response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionMissingUsernameCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the access token or introspection response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests made to the introspection endpoint during interactive authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionResponseInvalidCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection responses during interactive authentication that couldn't be parsed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionStatusOkCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionStatusOtherCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveIntrospectionTokenNotActiveCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection responses indicating that the provided token was not active.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactivePromptForExpiredSession": { + "description": "The value of the prompt parameter provided to the OAuth authorization server for login requests where the session has expired.", + "type": "string" + }, + "interactivePromptForNewSession": { + "description": "The value of the prompt parameter provided to the OAuth authorization server for login requests where the session is new or the user has explicitly logged out.", + "type": "string" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoMissingCount": { + "description": "The number of failures due to missing Userinfo configuration (a Userinfo request was required but no Userinfo endpoint was configured) during interactive authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoMissingGroupsCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo request made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the ID token or the Userinfo response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoMissingUsernameCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the ID token or Userinfo response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests made to the Userinfo endpoint during interactive authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoResponseInvalidCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with responses that couldn't be parsed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoStatusOkCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoStatusOtherCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUserinfoSubjectMismatchCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during interactive authentication for this OAuth profile with subject claims that did not match the subject from the ID token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "interactiveUsernameFoundInTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of time the username was successfully found in the ID token or access token for interactive authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "introspectionAverageTime": { + "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token introspection, in milliseconds (ms).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "introspectionLastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the introspection endpoint request failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "introspectionLastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last introspection endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "issuer": { + "description": "The Issuer Identifier for the OAuth provider.", + "type": "string" + }, + "issuerOperational": { + "description": "The operational Issuer Identifier for the OAuth provider.", + "type": "string" + }, + "jwksLastRefreshFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last JWKS public key refresh failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "jwksLastRefreshFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last JWKS public key refresh failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "jwksLastRefreshTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last JWKS public key refresh success. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "jwksNextScheduledRefreshTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the next scheduled JWKS public key refresh. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "jwksRefreshFailureCount": { + "description": "The number of JWKS public key refresh failures.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthRole": { + "description": "The OAuth role of the broker. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"client\" - The broker is in the OAuth client role.\n\"resource-server\" - The broker is in the OAuth resource server role.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "client", + "resource-server" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerParseAccessTokenEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable parsing of the access token as a JWT.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredAudience": { + "description": "The required audience value.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredIssuer": { + "description": "The required issuer value.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredScope": { + "description": "A space-separated list of scopes that must be present in the scope claim.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredType": { + "description": "The required TYP value.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerValidateAudienceEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable verification of the audience claim in the access token or introspection response.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "resourceServerValidateIssuerEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable verification of the issuer claim in the access token or introspection response.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "resourceServerValidateScopeEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable verification of the scope claim in the access token or introspection response.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "resourceServerValidateTypeEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable verification of the TYP field in the access token header.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "sempEnabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable authentication of SEMP requests with OAuth tokens.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "sempExpiredTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of SEMP requests with an expired OAuth token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempGroupsFoundInTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of times the groups were successfully found in the ID token or access token for SEMP request authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionMissingCount": { + "description": "The number of failures during SEMP request authentication due to missing introspection configuration (a introspection request was required but no introspection endpoint was configured).", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionMissingGroupsCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection request made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the access token or the introspection response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionMissingUsernameCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the access token or introspection response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests made to the introspection endpoint during SEMP request authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionResponseInvalidCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection responses during SEMP request authentication that couldn't be parsed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionStatusOkCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionStatusOtherCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempIntrospectionTokenNotActiveCount": { + "description": "The number of introspection responses indicating that the provided token was not active.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempInvalidTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of SEMP requests with an invalid OAuth token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of SEMP requests (successful and unsuccessful) using this OAuth profile.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempSuccessCount": { + "description": "The number of successful SEMP authentications using this OAuth profile.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoMissingCount": { + "description": "The number of failures due to missing Userinfo configuration (a Userinfo request was required but no Userinfo endpoint was configured) during SEMP request authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoMissingGroupsCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo request made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured groups claim wasn't found in the ID token or the Userinfo response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoMissingUsernameCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile where the configured username claim wasn't found in the ID token or Userinfo response.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of requests made to the Userinfo endpoint during SEMP request authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoResponseInvalidCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with responses that couldn't be parsed.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoStatusOkCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoStatusOtherCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUserinfoSubjectMismatchCount": { + "description": "The number of Userinfo requests made from the broker during SEMP request authentication for this OAuth profile with subject claims that did not match the subject from the ID token.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sempUsernameFoundInTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of time the username was successfully found in the ID token or access token for SEMP request authentication.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointAverageTime": { + "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token request, in milliseconds (ms).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointInvalidTokenCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile that returned tokens that couldn't be verified.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointLastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the last token endpoint request failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "tokenEndpointLastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last token endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointOtherErrorCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile that returned an unexpected error not accounted for in the other failure statistics.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointStatusBadRequestCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with 400 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointStatusOkCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with 200 status responses.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "tokenEndpointStatusOtherCount": { + "description": "The number of token endpoint requests made from the broker for this OAuth profile with status responses other than 200 or 400.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "userinfoAverageTime": { + "description": "The one minute average of the time required to complete a token userinfo request, in milliseconds (ms).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "userinfoLastFailureReason": { + "description": "The reason for the userinfo endpoint request failure.", + "type": "string" + }, + "userinfoLastFailureTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of the last userinfo endpoint request failure. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "usernameClaimName": { + "description": "The name of the username claim.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup": { + "properties": { + "description": { + "description": "A description for the group.", + "type": "string" + }, + "globalAccessLevel": { + "description": "The global access level for this group. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to global data.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to global data.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most global data.\n\"admin\" - User has read-write access to all global data.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write", + "admin" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "groupName": { + "description": "The name of the group.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnAccessLevel": { + "description": "The default message VPN access level for this group. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections": { + "properties": { + "msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollectionsMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollectionsMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks": { + "properties": { + "msgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this Group Access Level's collection of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Group Access Level object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException": { + "properties": { + "accessLevel": { + "description": "The message VPN access level. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "groupName": { + "description": "The name of the group.", + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroup" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileAccessLevelGroupLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAllowedHost": { + "properties": { + "allowedHost": { + "description": "An allowed value for the Host header.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Allowed Host Value object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHost" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAllowedHostsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHost" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAllowedHostLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter": { + "properties": { + "authorizationParameterName": { + "description": "The name of the authorization parameter.", + "type": "string" + }, + "authorizationParameterValue": { + "description": "The authorization parameter value.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Authorization Parameter object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParametersResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameterLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim": { + "properties": { + "clientRequiredClaimName": { + "description": "The name of the ID token claim to verify.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientRequiredClaimValue": { + "description": "The required claim value, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Required Claim object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaim" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileClientRequiredClaimLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollections": { + "properties": { + "accessLevelGroups": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsAccessLevelGroups" + }, + "clientAllowedHosts": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientAllowedHosts" + }, + "clientAuthorizationParameters": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientAuthorizationParameters" + }, + "clientRequiredClaims": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsClientRequiredClaims" + }, + "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredClaims": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollectionsResourceServerRequiredClaims" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsAccessLevelGroups": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the accessLevelGroups collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsClientAllowedHosts": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the clientAllowedHosts collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsClientAuthorizationParameters": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the clientAuthorizationParameters collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsClientRequiredClaims": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the clientRequiredClaims collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileCollectionsResourceServerRequiredClaims": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects in the resourceServerRequiredClaims collection.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException": { + "properties": { + "accessLevel": { + "description": "The message VPN access level. The allowed values and their meaning are:\n\n
\n\"none\" - User has no access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-only\" - User has read-only access to a Message VPN.\n\"read-write\" - User has read-write access to most Message VPN settings.\n
\n", + "enum": [ + "none", + "read-only", + "read-write" + ], + "type": "string" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The name of the message VPN.", + "type": "string" + }, + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileLinks": { + "properties": { + "accessLevelGroupsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Group Access Level objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientAllowedHostsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Allowed Host Value objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientAuthorizationParametersUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Authorization Parameter objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "clientRequiredClaimsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Required Claim objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptionsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredClaimsUri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile's collection of Required Claim objects.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this OAuth Profile object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim": { + "properties": { + "oauthProfileName": { + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredClaimName": { + "description": "The name of the access token claim to verify.", + "type": "string" + }, + "resourceServerRequiredClaimValue": { + "description": "The required claim value, which must be a string containing a valid JSON value.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Required Claim object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfileResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfile" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "OauthProfilesResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfile" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/OauthProfileLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SempError": { + "properties": { + "code": { + "description": "The error code which uniquely identifies the error that has occurred.", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "description": { + "description": "The verbose description of the problem.", + "type": "string" + }, + "status": { + "description": "The terse status string associated with `code`.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "required": [ + "code", + "status", + "description" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SempMeta": { + "properties": { + "count": { + "description": "The total number of objects requested, irrespective of page size. This may be a count of all objects in a collection or a filtered subset. It represents a snapshot in time and may change when paging through results.", + "format": "int64", + "type": "integer" + }, + "error": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempError" + }, + "paging": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempPaging" + }, + "request": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempRequest" + }, + "responseCode": { + "description": "The HTTP response code, one of 200 (success), 4xx (client error), or 5xx (server error).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + } + }, + "required": [ + "request", + "responseCode" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SempMetaOnlyResponse": { + "properties": { + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SempPaging": { + "properties": { + "cursorQuery": { + "description": "The cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. Use this as the `cursor` query parameter of the next request.", + "type": "string" + }, + "nextPageUri": { + "description": "The URI of the next page of objects. `cursorQuery` is already embedded within this URI.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "required": [ + "cursorQuery", + "nextPageUri" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SempRequest": { + "properties": { + "method": { + "description": "The HTTP method of the request which resulted in this response.", + "type": "string" + }, + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of the request which resulted in this response. The URI may be normalized.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "required": [ + "method" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "Session": { + "properties": { + "createTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the session was created. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "lastActivityTime": { + "description": "The timestamp of when the last activity on the session occurred. This value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).", + "format": "int32", + "type": "integer" + }, + "sessionId": { + "description": "The unique identifier for the session.", + "type": "string" + }, + "sessionUsername": { + "description": "The username used for authorization.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "SessionCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "SessionLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this SEMP Session object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "SessionResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Session" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "SessionsResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Session" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SessionLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "StandardDomainCertAuthoritiesResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthority" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "StandardDomainCertAuthority": { + "properties": { + "certAuthorityName": { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "type": "string" + }, + "certContent": { + "description": "The PEM formatted content for the trusted root certificate of a standard domain Certificate Authority.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Standard Domain Certificate Authority object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "StandardDomainCertAuthorityResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthority" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/StandardDomainCertAuthorityLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "VirtualHostname": { + "properties": { + "enabled": { + "description": "Enable or disable Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "msgVpnName": { + "description": "The message VPN to which this virtual hostname is mapped.", + "type": "string" + }, + "virtualHostname": { + "description": "The virtual hostname.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "VirtualHostnameCollections": { + "properties": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "VirtualHostnameLinks": { + "properties": { + "uri": { + "description": "The URI of this Virtual Hostname object.", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "VirtualHostnameResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameCollections" + }, + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostname" + }, + "links": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameLinks" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + }, + "VirtualHostnamesResponse": { + "properties": { + "collections": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameCollections" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "data": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostname" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "links": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualHostnameLinks" + }, + "type": "array" + }, + "meta": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMeta" + } + }, + "required": [ + "meta" + ], + "type": "object" + } + }, + "host": "", + "info": { + "contact": { + "email": "", + "name": "Solace", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "SEMP (starting in `v2`) is a RESTful API for configuring, monitoring, and administering a Solace PubSub+ broker. This specification defines the following API:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nMonitoring|/SEMP/v2/monitor|Querying operational state\n\n\n\nThe following APIs are also available:\n\n\nAPI|Base Path|Purpose\n:---|:---|:---\nAction|/SEMP/v2/action|Performing actions\nConfiguration|/SEMP/v2/config|Reading and writing configuration\n\n\n\nFor tutorials, architectural and protocol design documentation, and other information about the SEMP API, consult the [SEMP documentation]( on the Solace website. The SEMP API specifications are also [available for download](\n\nIf you need additional support, please contact us at [](", + "title": "SEMP (Solace Element Management Protocol)", + "version": "2.39" + }, + "parameters": { + "countQuery": { + "default": 10, + "description": "Limit the count of objects in the response. See the documentation for the `count` parameter.", + "in": "query", + "minimum": 1, + "name": "count", + "required": false, + "type": "integer" + }, + "cursorQuery": { + "description": "The cursor, or position, for the next page of objects. See the documentation for the `cursor` parameter.", + "in": "query", + "name": "cursor", + "required": false, + "type": "string" + }, + "selectQuery": { + "collectionFormat": "csv", + "description": "Include in the response only selected attributes of the object, or exclude from the response selected attributes of the object. See the documentation for the `select` parameter.", + "in": "query", + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "name": "select", + "required": false, + "type": "array" + }, + "whereQuery": { + "collectionFormat": "csv", + "description": "Include in the response only objects where certain conditions are true. See the the documentation for the `where` parameter.", + "in": "query", + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "name": "where", + "required": false, + "type": "array" + } + }, + "paths": { + "/": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Broker object.\n\nThis object contains global configuration for the message broker.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation. Requests which include the following attributes may require greater access scope/level than \"global/none\":\n\n\nAttribute|Access Scope/Level\n:---|:---:\nauthClientCertRevocationCheckMode|global/read-only\naverageBindRequestRate|global/read-only\naverageRxByteRate|global/read-only\naverageRxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageRxMsgRate|global/read-only\naverageRxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\naverageTxMsgRate|global/read-only\naverageTxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nbindRequestRate|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertMaxChainDepth|global/read-only\nconfigSyncAuthenticationClientCertValidateDateEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpInitialCongestionWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveCount|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveIdle|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpKeepaliveInterval|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMaxWindow|global/read-only\nconfigSyncClientProfileTcpMss|global/read-only\nconfigSyncEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncLastFailureReason|global/read-only\nconfigSyncSynchronizeUsernameEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nconfigSyncUp|global/read-only\ncspfVersion|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationEstimatedFragmentation|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationEstimatedRecoverableSpace|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastCompletedOn|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastCompletionPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastExitCondition|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationLastExitConditionInformation|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleDayList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationScheduleTimeList|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatus|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationStatusActiveCompletionPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdFragmentationPercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdMinInterval|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingDefragmentationThresholdUsagePercentage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEnabled|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventCacheUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDeliveredUnackedThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventDiskUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEgressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventEndpointCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventIngressFlowCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolFileCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventMsgSpoolUsageThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactedSessionResourceCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingEventTransactionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxCacheUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMaxMsgSpoolUsage|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredMsgAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingMsgSpoolSyncMirroredSpoolFileAckTimeout|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingOperationalStatus|global/read-only\nguaranteedMsgingTransactionReplicationCompatibilityMode|global/read-only\nkafkaBrokerConnectionCount|global/read-only\nmaxKafkaBridgeCount|global/read-only\nmaxKafkaBrokerConnectionCount|global/read-only\noauthProfileDefault|global/read-only\nrxByteCount|global/read-only\nrxByteRate|global/read-only\nrxCompressedByteCount|global/read-only\nrxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nrxCompressionRatio|global/read-only\nrxMsgCount|global/read-only\nrxMsgRate|global/read-only\nrxUncompressedByteCount|global/read-only\nrxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceAmqpTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceHealthCheckTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMateLinkListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceMqttEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceMsgBackboneEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRedundancyFirstListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceRestEventOutgoingConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceRestIncomingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceRestOutgoingEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempCorsAllowAnyHostEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempLegacyTimeoutEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionIdleTimeout|global/read-only\nserviceSempSessionMaxLifetime|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSempTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfCompressionListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceSmfEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceSmfPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfRoutingControlListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceSmfTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.clearValue|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setPercent|global/read-only\nserviceTlsEventConnectionCountThreshold.setValue|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportEnabled|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportPlainTextListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportTlsListenPort|global/read-only\nserviceWebTransportWebUrlSuffix|global/read-only\ntelemetryTraceDemoExpiryTime|vpn/read-only\ntelemetryTraceDemoState|vpn/read-only\ntelemetryTraceMode|vpn/read-only\ntlsBlockVersion11Enabled|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteManagementSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteMsgBackboneSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellDefaultList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellList|global/read-only\ntlsCipherSuiteSecureShellSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntlsCrimeExploitProtectionEnabled|global/read-only\ntlsStandardDomainCertificateAuthoritiesEnabled|vpn/read-only\ntlsTicketLifetime|global/read-only\ntlsVersionSupportedList|vpn/read-only\ntxByteCount|global/read-only\ntxByteRate|global/read-only\ntxCompressedByteCount|global/read-only\ntxCompressedByteRate|global/read-only\ntxCompressionRatio|global/read-only\ntxMsgCount|global/read-only\ntxMsgRate|global/read-only\ntxUncompressedByteCount|global/read-only\ntxUncompressedByteRate|global/read-only\nwebManagerAllowUnencryptedWizardsEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerCustomization|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpEnabled|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpLastFailureReason|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpOverrideTlsPort|vpn/read-only\nwebManagerRedirectHttpUp|vpn/read-only\n\n\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", + "operationId": "getBroker", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Broker object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/BrokerResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Broker object.", + "tags": [ + "all" + ] + } + }, + "/about": { + "get": { + "description": "Get an About object.\n\nThis provides metadata about the SEMP API, such as the version of the API supported by the broker.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", + "operationId": "getAbout", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The About object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get an About object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "about" + ] + } + }, + "/about/api": { + "get": { + "description": "Get an API Description object.\n\nThe API Description object provides metadata about the SEMP API.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getAboutApi", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The API Description object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutApiResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get an API Description object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "about" + ] + } + }, + "/about/user": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a User object.\n\nSession and access level information about the user accessing the SEMP API.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getAboutUser", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The User object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a User object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "about" + ] + } + }, + "/about/user/msgVpns": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpns", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of User Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserMsgVpnsResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "about" + ] + } + }, + "/about/user/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpn", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The User Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserMsgVpnResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a User Message VPN object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "about" + ] + } + }, + "/certAuthorities": { + "get": { + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlLastDownloadTime||x\ncrlLastFailureReason||x\ncrlLastFailureTime||x\ncrlNextDownloadTime||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUp||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspLastFailureReason||x\nocspLastFailureTime||x\nocspLastFailureUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "operationId": "getCertAuthorities", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthoritiesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "certAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { + "get": { + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlLastDownloadTime||x\ncrlLastFailureReason||x\ncrlLastFailureTime||x\ncrlNextDownloadTime||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUp||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspLastFailureReason||x\nocspLastFailureTime||x\nocspLastFailureUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", + "operationId": "getCertAuthority", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Certificate Authority object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "certAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "get": { + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", + "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "certAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames/{ocspTlsTrustedCommonName}": { + "get": { + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", + "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The expected Trusted Common Name of the OCSP responder remote certificate.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ocspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "certAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/clientCertAuthorities": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorities", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Client Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthoritiesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "clientCertAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getClientCertAuthority", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Client Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "clientCertAuthority" + ] + } + }, + "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -18998,9 +20916,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Broker object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/BrokerResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19015,17 +20933,32 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Broker object.", + "summary": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.", "tags": [ - "all" + "all", + "clientCertAuthority" ] } }, - "/about": { + "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames/{ocspTlsTrustedCommonName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an About object.\n\nThis provides metadata about the SEMP API, such as the version of the API supported by the broker.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.13.", - "operationId": "getAbout", + "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "in": "path", + "name": "certAuthorityName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The expected Trusted Common Name of the OCSP responder remote certificate.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ocspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -19035,9 +20968,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The About object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19052,18 +20985,27 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an About object.", + "summary": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.", "tags": [ "all", - "about" + "clientCertAuthority" ] } }, - "/about/api": { + "/configSyncLocalDatabaseRows": { "get": { - "description": "Get an API Description object.\n\nThe API Description object provides metadata about the SEMP API.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getAboutApi", + "description": "Get a list of Config Sync Local Database objects.\n\nConfig Sync Local Database Rows contains information about the status of the table for this Broker or a local Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nname|x\ntype|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation. A minimum access scope/level of global/read-only is required to view the router table.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", + "operationId": "getConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRows", "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -19073,9 +21015,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The API Description object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Config Sync Local Database objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutApiResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRowsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19090,18 +21032,32 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an API Description object.", + "summary": "Get a list of Config Sync Local Database objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "about" + "configSyncLocalDatabaseRow" ] } }, - "/about/user": { + "/configSyncLocalDatabaseRows/{type},{name}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a User object.\n\nSession and access level information about the user accessing the SEMP API.\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getAboutUser", + "description": "Get a Config Sync Local Database object.\n\nConfig Sync Local Database Rows contains information about the status of the table for this Broker or a local Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nname|x\ntype|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation. A minimum access scope/level of global/read-only is required to view the router table.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", + "operationId": "getConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The type of the row. Can be one of \"router\" or \"vpn\". There is one \"router\" row and one row for each configured \"vpn\". Each row represents a table of information that is synchronized between Config Sync and replication mates.", + "in": "path", + "name": "type", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name is \"site\" when the row type is \"router\", otherwise it is the Message VPN name.", + "in": "path", + "name": "name", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -19111,9 +21067,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The User object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Config Sync Local Database object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRowResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19128,17 +21084,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a User object.", + "summary": "Get a Config Sync Local Database object.", "tags": [ "all", - "about" + "configSyncLocalDatabaseRow" ] } }, - "/about/user/msgVpns": { + "/dmrClusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpns", + "description": "Get a list of Cluster objects.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusters", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" @@ -19158,9 +21114,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of User Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserMsgVpnsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClustersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19175,22 +21131,22 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of User Message VPN objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Cluster objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "about" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/about/user/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a User Message VPN object.\n\nThis provides information about the Message VPN access level for the username used to access the SEMP API.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getAboutUserMsgVpn", + "description": "Get a Cluster object.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrCluster", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19203,9 +21159,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The User Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/AboutUserMsgVpnResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19220,19 +21176,25 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a User Message VPN object.", + "summary": "Get a Cluster object.", "tags": [ "all", - "about" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/certAuthorities": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlLastDownloadTime||x\ncrlLastFailureReason||x\ncrlLastFailureTime||x\ncrlNextDownloadTime||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUp||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspLastFailureReason||x\nocspLastFailureTime||x\nocspLastFailureUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", - "operationId": "getCertAuthorities", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRules", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -19251,9 +21213,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthoritiesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRulesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19268,23 +21230,29 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Authority objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "certAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\ncertContent||x\ncrlDayList||x\ncrlLastDownloadTime||x\ncrlLastFailureReason||x\ncrlLastFailureTime||x\ncrlNextDownloadTime||x\ncrlTimeList||x\ncrlUp||x\ncrlUrl||x\nocspLastFailureReason||x\nocspLastFailureTime||x\nocspLastFailureUrl||x\nocspNonResponderCertEnabled||x\nocspOverrideUrl||x\nocspTimeout||x\nrevocationCheckEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities and domainCertAuthorities.", - "operationId": "getCertAuthority", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the rule.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19297,9 +21265,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19314,26 +21282,38 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Authority object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.", "tags": [ "all", - "certAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", - "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nfilterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the rule.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" }, @@ -19346,9 +21326,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFiltersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19363,30 +21343,36 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "certAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/certAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames/{ocspTlsTrustedCommonName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters/{filterName}": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|x\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.19. Replaced by clientCertAuthorities.", - "operationId": "getCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nfilterName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The expected Trusted Common Name of the OCSP responder remote certificate.", + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "ocspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "name": "ruleName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the filter.", + "in": "path", + "name": "filterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19399,9 +21385,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/CertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19416,18 +21402,32 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.", "tags": [ "all", - "certAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/clientCertAuthorities": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorities", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditions", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the rule.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ruleName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -19446,9 +21446,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthoritiesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19463,22 +21463,36 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Certificate Authority objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "clientCertAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions/{source}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.\n\nClients can authenticate with the message broker over TLS by presenting a valid client certificate. The message broker authenticates the client certificate by constructing a full certificate chain (from the client certificate to intermediate CAs to a configured root CA). The intermediate CAs in this chain can be provided by the client, or configured in the message broker. The root CA must be configured on the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getClientCertAuthority", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "ruleName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute.", + "in": "path", + "name": "source", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19491,9 +21505,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Condition object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19508,25 +21522,31 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Certificate Authority object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.", "tags": [ "all", - "clientCertAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "description": "Get a list of Link objects.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinks", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" }, @@ -19539,9 +21559,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Link objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinksResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19556,29 +21576,29 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Link objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "clientCertAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/clientCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}/ocspTlsTrustedCommonNames/{ocspTlsTrustedCommonName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.\n\nWhen an OCSP override URL is configured, the OCSP responder will be required to sign the OCSP responses with certificates issued to these Trusted Common Names. A maximum of 8 common names can be configured as valid response signers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\nocspTlsTrustedCommonName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "description": "Get a Link object.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLink", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "dmrClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The expected Trusted Common Name of the OCSP responder remote certificate.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", "in": "path", - "name": "ocspTlsTrustedCommonName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19591,9 +21611,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Link object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ClientCertAuthorityOcspTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19608,18 +21628,32 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an OCSP Responder Trusted Common Name object.", + "summary": "Get a Link object.", "tags": [ "all", - "clientCertAuthority" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/configSyncLocalDatabaseRows": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/attributes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Config Sync Local Database objects.\n\nConfig Sync Local Database Rows contains information about the status of the table for this Broker or a local Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nname|x|\ntype|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", - "operationId": "getConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRows", + "description": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttributes", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -19638,9 +21672,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Config Sync Local Database objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Link Attribute objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRowsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkAttributesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19655,29 +21689,43 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Config Sync Local Database objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "configSyncLocalDatabaseRow" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/configSyncLocalDatabaseRows/{type},{name}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/attributes/{attributeName},{attributeValue}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Config Sync Local Database object.\n\nConfig Sync Local Database Rows contains information about the status of the table for this Broker or a local Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nname|x|\ntype|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/none\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.22.", - "operationId": "getConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRow", + "description": "Get a Link Attribute object.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttribute", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The type of the row. Can be one of \"router\" or \"vpn\". There is one \"router\" row and one row for each configured \"vpn\". Each row represents a table of information that is synchronized between Config Sync and replication mates.", + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "type", + "name": "dmrClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name is \"site\" when the row type is \"router\", otherwise it is the Message VPN name.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", "in": "path", - "name": "name", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Attribute.", + "in": "path", + "name": "attributeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The value of the Attribute.", + "in": "path", + "name": "attributeValue", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19690,9 +21738,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Config Sync Local Database object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Link Attribute object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigSyncLocalDatabaseRowResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkAttributeResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19707,18 +21755,32 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Config Sync Local Database object.", + "summary": "Get a Link Attribute object.", "tags": [ "all", - "configSyncLocalDatabaseRow" + "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/channels": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cluster objects.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusters", + "description": "Get a list of Cluster Link Channels objects.\n\nA Channel is a connection between this broker and a remote node in the Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkChannels", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "dmrClusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -19737,9 +21799,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Cluster Link Channels objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClustersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkChannelsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19754,17 +21816,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Cluster objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Cluster Link Channels objects.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/channels/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cluster object.\n\nA Cluster is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains global DMR configuration parameters.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrCluster", + "description": "Get a Cluster Link Channels object.\n\nA Channel is a connection between this broker and a remote node in the Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkChannel", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -19773,6 +21835,20 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -19782,9 +21858,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Cluster Link Channels object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkChannelResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19799,17 +21875,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Cluster object.", + "summary": "Get a Cluster Link Channels object.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/remoteAddresses": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRules", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteAddress|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddresses", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -19819,10 +21895,11 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" @@ -19836,9 +21913,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Address objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRulesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkRemoteAddressesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19853,17 +21930,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/remoteAddresses/{remoteAddress}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given link.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRule", + "description": "Get a Remote Address object.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\nremoteAddress|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddress", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -19873,9 +21950,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The FQDN or IP address (and optional port) of the remote node. If a port is not provided, it will vary based on the transport encoding: 55555 (plain-text), 55443 (encrypted), or 55003 (compressed).", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteAddress", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -19888,9 +21972,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Address object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkRemoteAddressResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19905,17 +21989,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Address object.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nfilterName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -19925,18 +22010,12 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" }, @@ -19949,9 +22028,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFiltersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -19966,17 +22045,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters/{filterName}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames/{tlsTrustedCommonName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a link attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nfilterName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -19986,16 +22066,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the filter.", + "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate.", "in": "path", - "name": "filterName", + "name": "tlsTrustedCommonName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20008,9 +22088,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20025,17 +22105,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.", + "summary": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/topologyIssues": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nruleName|x|\nsource|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditions", + "description": "Get a list of Cluster Topology Issue objects.\n\nA Cluster Topology Issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be undelivered or lost.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\ntopologyIssue|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterTopologyIssues", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -20044,13 +22124,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the rule.", - "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -20069,9 +22142,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Cluster Topology Issue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterTopologyIssuesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20086,17 +22159,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Cluster Topology Issue objects.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions/{source}": { + "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/topologyIssues/{topologyIssue}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a link attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nruleName|x|\nsource|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterCertMatchingRuleCondition", + "description": "Get a Cluster Topology Issue object.\n\nA Cluster Topology Issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be undelivered or lost.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x\ntopologyIssue|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getDmrClusterTopologyIssue", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Cluster.", @@ -20106,16 +22179,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", - "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute.", + "description": "The topology issue discovered in the Cluster. A topology issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be undelivered or lost.", "in": "path", - "name": "source", + "name": "topologyIssue", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20128,9 +22194,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Condition object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Cluster Topology Issue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterCertMatchingRuleConditionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterTopologyIssueResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20145,25 +22211,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.", + "summary": "Get a Cluster Topology Issue object.", "tags": [ "all", "dmrCluster" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links": { + "/domainCertAuthorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Link objects.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinks", + "description": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ - { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -20182,9 +22241,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Link objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Domain Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinksResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DomainCertAuthoritiesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20199,29 +22258,22 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Link objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "domainCertAuthority" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}": { + "/domainCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Link object.\n\nA Link connects nodes (either within a Cluster or between two different Clusters) and allows them to exchange topology information, subscriptions and data.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLink", + "description": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "certAuthorityName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20234,9 +22286,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Link object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Domain Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/DomainCertAuthorityResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20251,32 +22303,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Link object.", + "summary": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "domainCertAuthority" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/attributes": { + "/msgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|\nattributeValue|x|\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttributes", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName||x\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\nconfigSyncLocalKey||x\nconfigSyncLocalLastResult||x\nconfigSyncLocalRole||x\nconfigSyncLocalState||x\nconfigSyncLocalTimeInState||x\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.tlsRxByteCount||x\ncounter.tlsTxByteCount||x\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageTxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsTxByteRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpns", "parameters": [ - { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", - "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -20295,9 +22333,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Link Attribute objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkAttributesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20312,43 +22350,22 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Link Attribute objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/attributes/{attributeName},{attributeValue}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Link Attribute object.\n\nA Link Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a DMR Cluster Link, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|\nattributeValue|x|\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkAttribute", + "description": "Get a Message VPN object.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName||x\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\nconfigSyncLocalKey||x\nconfigSyncLocalLastResult||x\nconfigSyncLocalRole||x\nconfigSyncLocalState||x\nconfigSyncLocalTimeInState||x\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.tlsRxByteCount||x\ncounter.tlsTxByteCount||x\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageTxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsTxByteRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", - "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Attribute.", - "in": "path", - "name": "attributeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The value of the Attribute.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "attributeValue", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20361,9 +22378,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Link Attribute object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkAttributeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20378,29 +22395,22 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Link Attribute object.", + "summary": "Get a Message VPN object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/channels": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cluster Link Channels objects.\n\nA Channel is a connection between this broker and a remote node in the Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkChannels", + "description": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfiles", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20422,9 +22432,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Cluster Link Channels objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of ACL Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkChannelsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20439,36 +22449,30 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Cluster Link Channels objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/channels/{msgVpnName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cluster Link Channels object.\n\nA Channel is a connection between this broker and a remote node in the Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkChannel", + "description": "Get an ACL Profile object.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfile", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20481,9 +22485,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Cluster Link Channels object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The ACL Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkChannelResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20498,32 +22502,39 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Cluster Link Channels object.", + "summary": "Get an ACL Profile object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/remoteAddresses": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/clientConnectExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteAddress|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddresses", + "description": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptions", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" }, @@ -20536,9 +22547,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Remote Address objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Connect Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkRemoteAddressesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20553,36 +22564,37 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Remote Address objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/remoteAddresses/{remoteAddress}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/clientConnectExceptions/{clientConnectExceptionAddress}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Address object.\n\nEach Remote Address, consisting of a FQDN or IP address and optional port, is used to connect to the remote node for this Link. Up to 4 addresses may be provided for each Link, and will be tried on a round-robin basis.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\nremoteAddress|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkRemoteAddress", + "description": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectException", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The FQDN or IP address (and optional port) of the remote node. If a port is not provided, it will vary based on the transport encoding: 55555 (plain-text), 55443 (encrypted), or 55003 (compressed).", + "description": "The IP address/netmask of the client connect exception in canonical CIDR form.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteAddress", + "name": "clientConnectExceptionAddress", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20595,9 +22607,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Remote Address object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Connect Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkRemoteAddressResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20612,33 +22624,40 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Remote Address object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishExceptions": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptions", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" }, @@ -20651,9 +22670,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Publish Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20668,37 +22687,45 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/links/{remoteNodeName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames/{tlsTrustedCommonName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishExceptions/{topicSyntax},{publishExceptionTopic}": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Link are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonName", + "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishException", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the Link.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate.", + "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", "in": "path", - "name": "tlsTrustedCommonName", + "name": "topicSyntax", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "in": "path", + "name": "publishExceptionTopic", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20711,9 +22738,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Publish Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterLinkTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20728,22 +22755,30 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.", + "summary": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/topologyIssues": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishTopicExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cluster Topology Issue objects.\n\nA Cluster Topology Issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be misdelivered or lost.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntopologyIssue|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterTopologyIssues", + "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\npublishTopicException|x\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptions", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20765,9 +22800,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Cluster Topology Issue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Publish Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterTopologyIssuesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20782,29 +22817,44 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Cluster Topology Issue objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/dmrClusters/{dmrClusterName}/topologyIssues/{topologyIssue}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishTopicExceptions/{publishTopicExceptionSyntax},{publishTopicException}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cluster Topology Issue object.\n\nA Cluster Topology Issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be misdelivered or lost.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ndmrClusterName|x|\ntopologyIssue|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getDmrClusterTopologyIssue", + "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\npublishTopicException|x\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicException", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "dmrClusterName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topology issue discovered in the Cluster. A topology issue indicates incorrect or inconsistent configuration within the DMR network. Such issues will cause messages to be misdelivered or lost.", + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "topologyIssue", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "in": "path", + "name": "publishTopicExceptionSyntax", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "in": "path", + "name": "publishTopicException", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20817,9 +22867,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Cluster Topology Issue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Publish Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DmrClusterTopologyIssueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20834,18 +22884,34 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Cluster Topology Issue object.", + "summary": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", - "dmrCluster" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/domainCertAuthorities": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthorities", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptions", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -20864,9 +22930,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Domain Certificate Authority objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DomainCertAuthoritiesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20881,22 +22947,45 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Domain Certificate Authority objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "domainCertAuthority" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/domainCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeExceptions/{topicSyntax},{subscribeExceptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nCertificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", - "operationId": "getDomainCertAuthority", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeException", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Certificate Authority.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "certAuthorityName", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicSyntax", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscribeExceptionTopic", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -20909,9 +22998,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Domain Certificate Authority object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscribe Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/DomainCertAuthorityResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20926,18 +23015,33 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Domain Certificate Authority object.", + "summary": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", - "domainCertAuthority" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeShareNameExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName||x\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\nconfigSyncLocalKey||x\nconfigSyncLocalLastResult||x\nconfigSyncLocalRole||x\nconfigSyncLocalState||x\nconfigSyncLocalTimeInState||x\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.tlsRxByteCount||x\ncounter.tlsTxByteCount||x\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageTxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsTxByteRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpns", + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeShareNameException|x\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptions", "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -20956,9 +23060,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -20973,17 +23077,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Message VPN objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", - "msgVpn" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeShareNameExceptions/{subscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax},{subscribeShareNameException}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN object.\n\nMessage VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow for the segregation of topic space and clients. They also group clients connecting to a network of message brokers, such that messages published within a particular group are only visible to that group's clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthenticationOauthDefaultProviderName||x\nbridgingTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\nconfigSyncLocalKey||x\nconfigSyncLocalLastResult||x\nconfigSyncLocalRole||x\nconfigSyncLocalState||x\nconfigSyncLocalTimeInState||x\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.tlsRxByteCount||x\ncounter.tlsTxByteCount||x\ndistributedCacheManagementEnabled||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsAverageTxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsRxByteRate||x\nrate.tlsTxByteRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\nrestTlsServerCertEnforceTrustedCommonNameEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpn", + "description": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeShareNameException|x\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameException", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -20992,6 +23097,27 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The syntax of the subscribe share name for the exception to the default action taken.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The subscribe share name exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscribeShareNameException", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -21001,9 +23127,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscribe Share Name Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21018,17 +23144,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Message VPN object.", + "summary": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", - "msgVpn" + "msgVpn", + "aclProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeTopicExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfiles", + "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeTopicException|x\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21037,6 +23164,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "in": "path", + "name": "aclProfileName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21055,9 +23189,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of ACL Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21072,7 +23206,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of ACL Profile objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -21080,10 +23214,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeTopicExceptions/{subscribeTopicExceptionSyntax},{subscribeTopicException}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an ACL Profile object.\n\nAn ACL Profile controls whether an authenticated client is permitted to establish a connection with the message broker or permitted to publish and subscribe to specific topics.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfile", + "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\naclProfileName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscribeTopicException|x\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicException", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21099,6 +23233,20 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscribeTopicExceptionSyntax", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscribeTopicException", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -21108,9 +23256,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The ACL Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Subscribe Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21125,7 +23273,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an ACL Profile object.", + "summary": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -21133,10 +23281,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/clientConnectExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21145,13 +23293,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21170,9 +23311,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Connect Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of OAuth Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfilesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21187,18 +23328,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Connect Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/clientConnectExceptions/{clientConnectExceptionAddress}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.\n\nA Client Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile connects to the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nclientConnectExceptionAddress|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectException", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21208,16 +23349,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The IP address/netmask of the client connect exception in canonical CIDR form.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientConnectExceptionAddress", + "name": "oauthProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21230,9 +23364,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Connect Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The OAuth Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileClientConnectExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21247,19 +23381,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Connect Exception object.", + "summary": "Get an OAuth Profile object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21269,9 +23402,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", + "name": "oauthProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21293,9 +23426,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Publish Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Required Claim objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaimsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21310,19 +23443,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishExceptions/{topicSyntax},{publishExceptionTopic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims/{clientRequiredClaimName}": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\npublishExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by publishTopicExceptions.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishException", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21332,23 +23464,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicSyntax", + "name": "oauthProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "description": "The name of the ID token claim to verify.", "in": "path", - "name": "publishExceptionTopic", + "name": "clientRequiredClaimName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21361,9 +23486,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Publish Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Required Claim object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaimResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21378,18 +23503,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.", + "summary": "Get a Required Claim object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishTopicExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\npublishTopicException|x|\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21399,9 +23524,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", + "name": "oauthProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21423,9 +23548,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Publish Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Required Claim objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21440,18 +23565,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Publish Topic Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/publishTopicExceptions/{publishTopicExceptionSyntax},{publishTopicException}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims/{resourceServerRequiredClaimName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.\n\nA Publish Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile publishes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\npublishTopicException|x|\npublishTopicExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicException", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21461,23 +23586,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "publishTopicExceptionSyntax", + "name": "oauthProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "description": "The name of the access token claim to verify.", "in": "path", - "name": "publishTopicException", + "name": "resourceServerRequiredClaimName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21490,9 +23608,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Publish Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Required Claim object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfilePublishTopicExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21507,19 +23625,19 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Publish Topic Exception object.", + "summary": "Get a Required Claim object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName||x\naudienceClaimSource||x\naudienceClaimValue||x\naudienceValidationEnabled||x\nauthenticationSuccessCount||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||x\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||x\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||x\nenabled||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureReason||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureTime||x\njwksLastRefreshTime||x\njwksNextScheduledRefreshTime||x\njwksRefreshFailureCount||x\njwksRefreshInterval||x\njwksUri||x\nloginFailureIncorrectAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAuthorizationGroupValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidJwtSignatureCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidUsernameValueCount||x\nloginFailureMismatchedUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureMissingAudienceCount||x\nloginFailureMissingJwkCount||x\nloginFailureMissingOrInvalidTokenCount||x\nloginFailureMissingUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureTokenExpiredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionErroredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionFailureCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionHttpsErrorCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionInvalidCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionTimeoutCount||x\nloginFailureTokenNotValidYetCount||x\nloginFailureUnsupportedAlgCount||x\nmissingAuthorizationGroupCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||x\ntokenIntrospectionAverageTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureReason||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||x\ntokenIntrospectionSuccessCount||x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||x\ntokenIntrospectionUri||x\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||x\nusernameClaimName||x\nusernameClaimSource||x\nusernameValidateEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviders", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21528,13 +23646,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21553,9 +23664,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of OAuth Provider objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvidersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21570,19 +23681,19 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProvider" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeExceptions/{topicSyntax},{subscribeExceptionTopic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders/{oauthProviderName}": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nsubscribeExceptionTopic|x|x\ntopicSyntax|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.14. Replaced by subscribeTopicExceptions.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeException", + "description": "Get an OAuth Provider object.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName||x\naudienceClaimSource||x\naudienceClaimValue||x\naudienceValidationEnabled||x\nauthenticationSuccessCount||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||x\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||x\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||x\nenabled||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureReason||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureTime||x\njwksLastRefreshTime||x\njwksNextScheduledRefreshTime||x\njwksRefreshFailureCount||x\njwksRefreshInterval||x\njwksUri||x\nloginFailureIncorrectAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAuthorizationGroupValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidJwtSignatureCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidUsernameValueCount||x\nloginFailureMismatchedUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureMissingAudienceCount||x\nloginFailureMissingJwkCount||x\nloginFailureMissingOrInvalidTokenCount||x\nloginFailureMissingUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureTokenExpiredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionErroredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionFailureCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionHttpsErrorCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionInvalidCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionTimeoutCount||x\nloginFailureTokenNotValidYetCount||x\nloginFailureUnsupportedAlgCount||x\nmissingAuthorizationGroupCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||x\ntokenIntrospectionAverageTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureReason||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||x\ntokenIntrospectionSuccessCount||x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||x\ntokenIntrospectionUri||x\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||x\nusernameClaimName||x\nusernameClaimSource||x\nusernameValidateEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvider", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21592,23 +23703,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", - "in": "path", - "name": "topicSyntax", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "description": "The name of the OAuth Provider.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscribeExceptionTopic", + "name": "oauthProviderName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21621,9 +23718,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscribe Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The OAuth Provider object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21638,18 +23735,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.", + "summary": "Get an OAuth Provider object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authenticationOauthProvider" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeShareNameExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authorizationGroups": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroups", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21658,13 +23755,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21683,9 +23773,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Authorization Group objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthorizationGroupsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21700,18 +23790,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Share Name Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authorizationGroup" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeShareNameExceptions/{subscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax},{subscribeShareNameException}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authorizationGroups/{authorizationGroupName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Share Name Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a share-name subscription in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscribeShareNameException|x|\nsubscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameException", + "description": "Get an Authorization Group object.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21721,23 +23811,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The syntax of the subscribe share name for the exception to the default action taken.", - "in": "path", - "name": "subscribeShareNameExceptionSyntax", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The subscribe share name exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "description": "The name of the Authorization Group. For LDAP groups, special care is needed if the group name contains special characters such as '#', '+', ';', '=' as the value of the group name returned from the LDAP server might prepend those characters with '\\'. For example a group name called 'test#,lab,com' will be returned from the LDAP server as 'test\\#,lab,com'.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscribeShareNameException", + "name": "authorizationGroupName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21750,9 +23826,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscribe Share Name Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Authorization Group object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeShareNameExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthorizationGroupResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21767,18 +23843,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Subscribe Share Name Exception object.", + "summary": "Get an Authorization Group object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "authorizationGroup" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeTopicExceptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscribeTopicException|x|\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptions", + "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.rxByteCount||x\ncounter.rxMsgCount||x\ncounter.txByteCount||x\ncounter.txMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridges", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21787,13 +23863,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21812,9 +23881,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21829,18 +23898,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Subscribe Topic Exception objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Bridge objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/aclProfiles/{aclProfileName}/subscribeTopicExceptions/{subscribeTopicExceptionSyntax},{subscribeTopicException}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.\n\nA Subscribe Topic Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a client using the ACL Profile subscribes to a topic in the Message VPN. Exceptions must be expressed as a topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naclProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscribeTopicException|x|\nsubscribeTopicExceptionSyntax|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicException", + "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.rxByteCount||x\ncounter.rxMsgCount||x\ncounter.txByteCount||x\ncounter.txMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridge", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21850,23 +23919,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ACL Profile.", - "in": "path", - "name": "aclProfileName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The syntax of the topic for the exception to the default action taken.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscribeTopicExceptionSyntax", + "name": "bridgeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic for the exception to the default action taken. May include wildcard characters.", + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscribeTopicException", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21879,9 +23941,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Subscribe Topic Exception object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAclProfileSubscribeTopicExceptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21896,18 +23958,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Subscribe Topic Exception object.", + "summary": "Get a Bridge object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "aclProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/localSubscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfiles", + "description": "Get a list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects.\n\nA Local Subscription is a topic subscription used by a remote Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from this broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nlocalSubscriptionTopic|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21916,6 +23978,20 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -21934,9 +24010,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of OAuth Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfilesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -21951,18 +24027,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/localSubscriptions/{localSubscriptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfile", + "description": "Get a Bridge Local Subscriptions object.\n\nA Local Subscription is a topic subscription used by a remote Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from this broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nlocalSubscriptionTopic|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -21972,9 +24048,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProfileName", + "name": "bridgeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic of the Bridge local subscription.", + "in": "path", + "name": "localSubscriptionTopic", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -21987,9 +24077,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The OAuth Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Bridge Local Subscriptions object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22004,18 +24094,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an OAuth Profile object.", + "summary": "Get a Bridge Local Subscriptions object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteMsgVpns": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaims", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x\nremoteMsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpns", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22025,17 +24115,18 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProfileName", + "name": "bridgeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" - }, - { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" @@ -22049,9 +24140,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Required Claim objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaimsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpnsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22066,18 +24157,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims/{clientRequiredClaimName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteMsgVpns/{remoteMsgVpnName},{remoteMsgVpnLocation},{remoteMsgVpnInterface}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", + "description": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x\nremoteMsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22087,16 +24178,37 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProfileName", + "name": "bridgeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the ID token claim to verify.", + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientRequiredClaimName", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the remote Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteMsgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The location of the remote Message VPN as either an FQDN with port, IP address with port, or virtual router name (starting with \"v:\").", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteMsgVpnLocation", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The physical interface on the local Message VPN host for connecting to the remote Message VPN. By default, an interface is chosen automatically (recommended), but if specified, `remoteMsgVpnLocation` must not be a virtual router name.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteMsgVpnInterface", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22109,9 +24221,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Required Claim object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileClientRequiredClaimResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpnResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22126,18 +24238,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Required Claim object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteSubscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaims", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22147,9 +24259,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProfileName", + "name": "bridgeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22171,9 +24290,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Required Claim objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22188,18 +24307,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims/{resourceServerRequiredClaimName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteSubscriptions/{remoteSubscriptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.25.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", + "description": "Get a Remote Subscription object.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nbridgeName|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22209,16 +24328,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth profile.", + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProfileName", + "name": "bridgeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the access token claim to verify.", + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "resourceServerRequiredClaimName", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic of the Bridge remote subscription.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteSubscriptionTopic", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22231,9 +24357,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Required Claim object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaimResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22248,19 +24374,19 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Required Claim object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProfile" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName||x\naudienceClaimSource||x\naudienceClaimValue||x\naudienceValidationEnabled||x\nauthenticationSuccessCount||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||x\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||x\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||x\nenabled||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureReason||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureTime||x\njwksLastRefreshTime||x\njwksNextScheduledRefreshTime||x\njwksRefreshFailureCount||x\njwksRefreshInterval||x\njwksUri||x\nloginFailureIncorrectAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAuthorizationGroupValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidJwtSignatureCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidUsernameValueCount||x\nloginFailureMismatchedUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureMissingAudienceCount||x\nloginFailureMissingJwkCount||x\nloginFailureMissingOrInvalidTokenCount||x\nloginFailureMissingUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureTokenExpiredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionErroredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionFailureCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionHttpsErrorCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionInvalidCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionTimeoutCount||x\nloginFailureTokenNotValidYetCount||x\nloginFailureUnsupportedAlgCount||x\nmissingAuthorizationGroupCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||x\ntokenIntrospectionAverageTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureReason||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||x\ntokenIntrospectionSuccessCount||x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||x\ntokenIntrospectionUri||x\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||x\nusernameClaimName||x\nusernameClaimSource||x\nusernameValidateEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviders", + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22270,10 +24396,18 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, { - "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "in": "path", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" @@ -22287,9 +24421,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of OAuth Provider objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvidersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22304,31 +24438,45 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of OAuth Provider objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProvider" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authenticationOauthProviders/{oauthProviderName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/tlsTrustedCommonNames/{tlsTrustedCommonName}": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get an OAuth Provider object.\n\nOAuth Providers contain information about the issuer of an OAuth token that is needed to validate the token and derive a client username from it.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\naudienceClaimName||x\naudienceClaimSource||x\naudienceClaimValue||x\naudienceValidationEnabled||x\nauthenticationSuccessCount||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimName||x\nauthorizationGroupClaimSource||x\nauthorizationGroupEnabled||x\ndisconnectOnTokenExpirationEnabled||x\nenabled||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureReason||x\njwksLastRefreshFailureTime||x\njwksLastRefreshTime||x\njwksNextScheduledRefreshTime||x\njwksRefreshFailureCount||x\njwksRefreshInterval||x\njwksUri||x\nloginFailureIncorrectAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAudienceValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidAuthorizationGroupValueCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidJwtSignatureCount||x\nloginFailureInvalidUsernameValueCount||x\nloginFailureMismatchedUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureMissingAudienceCount||x\nloginFailureMissingJwkCount||x\nloginFailureMissingOrInvalidTokenCount||x\nloginFailureMissingUsernameCount||x\nloginFailureTokenExpiredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionErroredCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionFailureCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionHttpsErrorCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionInvalidCount||x\nloginFailureTokenIntrospectionTimeoutCount||x\nloginFailureTokenNotValidYetCount||x\nloginFailureUnsupportedAlgCount||x\nmissingAuthorizationGroupCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\noauthProviderName|x|x\ntokenIgnoreTimeLimitsEnabled||x\ntokenIntrospectionAverageTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureReason||x\ntokenIntrospectionLastFailureTime||x\ntokenIntrospectionParameterName||x\ntokenIntrospectionSuccessCount||x\ntokenIntrospectionTimeout||x\ntokenIntrospectionUri||x\ntokenIntrospectionUsername||x\nusernameClaimName||x\nusernameClaimSource||x\nusernameValidateEnabled||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.25. Replaced by authenticationOauthProfiles.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProvider", + "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonName", "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", + "name": "bridgeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the OAuth Provider.", + "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "oauthProviderName", + "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate.", + "in": "path", + "name": "tlsTrustedCommonName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22341,9 +24489,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The OAuth Provider object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthenticationOauthProviderResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22358,18 +24506,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an OAuth Provider object.", + "summary": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authenticationOauthProvider" + "bridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authorizationGroups": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroups", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRules", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22396,9 +24544,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Authorization Group objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthorizationGroupsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRulesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22413,18 +24561,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Authorization Group objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authorizationGroup" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/authorizationGroups/{authorizationGroupName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an Authorization Group object.\n\nTo use client authorization groups configured on an external server to provide client authorizations, Authorization Group objects must be created on the Message VPN that match the authorization groups provisioned on the external server. These objects must be configured with the client profiles and ACL profiles that will be assigned to the clients that belong to those authorization groups. A newly created group is placed at the end of the group list which is the lowest priority.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationGroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnAuthorizationGroup", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22434,9 +24582,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Authorization Group. For LDAP groups, special care is needed if the group name contains special characters such as '#', '+', ';', '=' as the value of the group name returned from the LDAP server might prepend those characters with '\\'. For example a group name called 'test#,lab,com' will be returned from the LDAP server as 'test\\#,lab,com'.", + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "authorizationGroupName", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22449,9 +24597,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Authorization Group object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnAuthorizationGroupResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22466,18 +24614,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get an Authorization Group object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "authorizationGroup" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Bridge objects.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.rxByteCount||x\ncounter.rxMsgCount||x\ncounter.txByteCount||x\ncounter.txMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridges", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nfilterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22486,6 +24634,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the rule.", + "in": "path", + "name": "ruleName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -22504,9 +24659,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFiltersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22521,18 +24676,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Bridge objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters/{filterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Bridge object.\n\nBridges can be used to link two Message VPNs so that messages published to one Message VPN that match the topic subscriptions set for the bridge are also delivered to the linked Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\ncounter.controlRxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.controlTxByteCount||x\ncounter.controlTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataRxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.dataTxByteCount||x\ncounter.dataTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.discardedTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.loginTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.msgSpoolRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.rxByteCount||x\ncounter.rxMsgCount||x\ncounter.txByteCount||x\ncounter.txMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageTxByteRate||x\nrate.averageTxMsgRate||x\nrate.rxByteRate||x\nrate.rxMsgRate||x\nrate.txByteRate||x\nrate.txMsgRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridge", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nfilterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22542,16 +24697,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the filter.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "name": "filterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22564,9 +24719,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22581,18 +24736,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Bridge object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/localSubscriptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects.\n\nA Local Subscription is a topic subscription used by a remote Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from this broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nlocalSubscriptionTopic|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptions", + "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22602,16 +24757,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22633,9 +24781,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22650,18 +24798,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Bridge Local Subscriptions objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/localSubscriptions/{localSubscriptionTopic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions/{source}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Bridge Local Subscriptions object.\n\nA Local Subscription is a topic subscription used by a remote Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from this broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nlocalSubscriptionTopic|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscription", + "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nruleName|x\nsource|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleCondition", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22671,23 +24819,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the rule.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "name": "ruleName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic of the Bridge local subscription.", + "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute.", "in": "path", - "name": "localSubscriptionTopic", + "name": "source", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22700,9 +24841,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Bridge Local Subscriptions object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Condition object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeLocalSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22717,18 +24858,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Bridge Local Subscriptions object.", + "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "certMatchingRule" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteMsgVpns": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpns", + "description": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfiles", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22738,18 +24879,10 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", - "required": true, - "type": "string" + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" @@ -22763,9 +24896,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Remote Message VPN objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpnsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientProfilesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22780,18 +24913,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Remote Message VPN objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteMsgVpns/{remoteMsgVpnName},{remoteMsgVpnLocation},{remoteMsgVpnInterface}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientProfiles/{clientProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.\n\nThe Remote Message VPN is the Message VPN that the Bridge connects to.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteMsgVpnInterface|x|\nremoteMsgVpnLocation|x|\nremoteMsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpn", + "description": "Get a Client Profile object.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfile", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22801,37 +24934,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the remote Message VPN.", - "in": "path", - "name": "remoteMsgVpnName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The location of the remote Message VPN as either an FQDN with port, IP address with port, or virtual router name (starting with \"v:\").", - "in": "path", - "name": "remoteMsgVpnLocation", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The physical interface on the local Message VPN host for connecting to the remote Message VPN. By default, an interface is chosen automatically (recommended), but if specified, `remoteMsgVpnLocation` must not be a virtual router name.", + "description": "The name of the Client Profile.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteMsgVpnInterface", + "name": "clientProfileName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22844,9 +24949,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Remote Message VPN object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteMsgVpnResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientProfileResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22861,18 +24966,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Remote Message VPN object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Profile object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientProfile" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteSubscriptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptions", + "description": "Get a list of Client Username objects.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernames", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -22881,20 +24986,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -22913,9 +25004,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Remote Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Username objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernamesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22930,44 +25021,30 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Remote Subscription objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Username objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientUsername" ] } - }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/remoteSubscriptions/{remoteSubscriptionTopic}": { - "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Subscription object.\n\nA Remote Subscription is a topic subscription used by the Message VPN Bridge to attract messages from the remote message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteSubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscription", - "parameters": [ - { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Client Username object.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsername", + "parameters": [ { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic of the Bridge remote subscription.", + "description": "The name of the Client Username.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteSubscriptionTopic", + "name": "clientUsername", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -22980,9 +25057,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Remote Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Username object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeRemoteSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -22997,19 +25074,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Remote Subscription object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Username object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientUsername" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}/attributes": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNames", + "description": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttributes", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23019,18 +25095,17 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Client Username.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", + "name": "clientUsername", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", - "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", - "required": true, - "type": "string" + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" @@ -23044,9 +25119,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Trusted Common Name objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Username Attribute objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNamesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameAttributesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23061,19 +25136,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientUsername" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/bridges/{bridgeName},{bridgeVirtualRouter}/tlsTrustedCommonNames/{tlsTrustedCommonName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}/attributes/{attributeName},{attributeValue}": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the Bridge are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote node. They must include the common name of the remote node's server certificate or client certificate, depending upon the initiator of the connection.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nbridgeName|x|x\nbridgeVirtualRouter|x|x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.18. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonName", + "description": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nattributeName|x\nattributeValue|x\nclientUsername|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttribute", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23083,23 +25157,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Client Username.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeName", + "name": "clientUsername", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The virtual router of the Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Attribute.", "in": "path", - "name": "bridgeVirtualRouter", + "name": "attributeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The expected trusted common name of the remote certificate.", + "description": "The value of the Attribute.", "in": "path", - "name": "tlsTrustedCommonName", + "name": "attributeValue", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23112,9 +25186,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Trusted Common Name object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Username Attribute object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnBridgeTlsTrustedCommonNameResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameAttributeResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23129,18 +25203,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Trusted Common Name object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "bridge" + "clientUsername" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRules", + "description": "Get a list of Client objects.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClients", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23167,9 +25241,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRulesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23184,18 +25258,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule is a collection of conditions and attribute filters that all have to be satisfied for certificate to be acceptable as authentication for a given username.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRule", + "description": "Get a Client object.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClient", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23205,9 +25279,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23220,9 +25294,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23237,18 +25311,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule object.", + "summary": "Get a Client object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/connections": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilters", + "description": "Get a list of Client Connection objects.\n\nA Client Connection represents the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection the Client uses to communicate with the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientAddress|x\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientConnections", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23258,9 +25332,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23282,9 +25356,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Connection objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFiltersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientConnectionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23299,18 +25373,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Connection objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/attributeFilters/{filterName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/connections/{clientAddress}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Attribute Filter compares a username attribute to a string.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nfilterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.28.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilter", + "description": "Get a Client Connection object.\n\nA Client Connection represents the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection the Client uses to communicate with the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientAddress|x\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientConnection", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23320,16 +25394,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the filter.", + "description": "The IP address and TCP port on the Client side of the Client Connection.", "in": "path", - "name": "filterName", + "name": "clientAddress", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23342,9 +25416,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Connection object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleAttributeFilterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientConnectionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23359,18 +25433,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Attribute Filter object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Connection object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/rxFlows": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\nsource|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditions", + "description": "Get a list of Client Receive Flow objects.\n\nClient Receive Flows are used by clients to publish Guaranteed messages to a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientRxFlows", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23380,9 +25454,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23404,9 +25478,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Receive Flow objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientRxFlowsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23421,18 +25495,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Certificate Matching Rule Condition objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Receive Flow objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/certMatchingRules/{ruleName}/conditions/{source}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/rxFlows/{flowId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.\n\nA Cert Matching Rule Condition compares data extracted from a certificate to a username attribute or an expression.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nruleName|x|\nsource|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnCertMatchingRuleCondition", + "description": "Get a Client Receive Flow object.\n\nClient Receive Flows are used by clients to publish Guaranteed messages to a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientRxFlow", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23442,16 +25516,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the rule.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "ruleName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "Certificate field to be compared with the Attribute.", + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the flow.", "in": "path", - "name": "source", + "name": "flowId", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23464,9 +25538,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Certificate Matching Rule Condition object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Receive Flow object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnCertMatchingRuleConditionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientRxFlowResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23481,18 +25555,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Certificate Matching Rule Condition object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Receive Flow object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "certMatchingRule" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientProfiles": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfiles", + "description": "Get a list of Client Subscription objects.\n\nOnce clients are authenticated on the message broker they can add and remove Client Subscriptions for Direct messages published to the Message VPN to which they have connected.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23501,6 +25575,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Client.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clientName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -23519,9 +25600,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Profile objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientProfilesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientSubscriptionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23536,18 +25617,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Profile objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Subscription objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientProfile" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientProfiles/{clientProfileName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Profile object.\n\nClient Profiles are used to assign common configuration properties to clients that have been successfully authorized.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowCutThroughForwardingEnabled||x\napiQueueManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\napiTopicEndpointManagementCopyFromOnCreateName||x\nclientProfileName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientProfile", + "description": "Get a Client Subscription object.\n\nOnce clients are authenticated on the message broker they can add and remove Client Subscriptions for Direct messages published to the Message VPN to which they have connected.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientSubscription", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23557,9 +25638,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client Profile.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientProfileName", + "name": "clientName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", + "in": "path", + "name": "subscriptionTopic", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23572,9 +25660,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Profile object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientProfileResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientSubscriptionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23589,18 +25677,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Profile object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Subscription object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientProfile" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Username objects.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernames", + "description": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsessionName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSessions", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23609,6 +25697,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Client.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clientName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -23627,9 +25722,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Username objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Transacted Session objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernamesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTransactedSessionsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23644,18 +25739,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Username objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientUsername" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions/{sessionName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Username object.\n\nA client is only authorized to connect to a Message VPN that is associated with a Client Username that the client has been assigned.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientUsername|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsername", + "description": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsessionName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSession", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23665,9 +25760,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client Username.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientUsername", + "name": "clientName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Transacted Session.", + "in": "path", + "name": "sessionName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23680,9 +25782,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Username object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Transacted Session object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTransactedSessionResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23697,18 +25799,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Username object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientUsername" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}/attributes": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/txFlows": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|\nattributeValue|x|\nclientUsername|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttributes", + "description": "Get a list of Client Transmit Flow objects.\n\nClient Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTxFlows", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23718,9 +25820,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client Username.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientUsername", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23742,9 +25844,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Username Attribute objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Client Transmit Flow objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameAttributesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTxFlowsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23759,18 +25861,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Username Attribute objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Client Transmit Flow objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientUsername" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}/attributes/{attributeName},{attributeValue}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/txFlows/{flowId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.\n\nA ClientUsername Attribute is a key+value pair that can be used to locate a client username, for example when using client certificate mapping.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nattributeName|x|\nattributeValue|x|\nclientUsername|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientUsernameAttribute", + "description": "Get a Client Transmit Flow object.\n\nClient Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientName|x\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTxFlow", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23780,23 +25882,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client Username.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clientUsername", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Attribute.", + "description": "The name of the Client.", "in": "path", - "name": "attributeName", + "name": "clientName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The value of the Attribute.", + "description": "The identifier (ID) of the flow.", "in": "path", - "name": "attributeValue", + "name": "flowId", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23809,9 +25904,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Username Attribute object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Client Transmit Flow object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientUsernameAttributeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTxFlowResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23826,18 +25921,19 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Username Attribute object.", + "summary": "Get a Client Transmit Flow object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "clientUsername" + "client" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/configSyncRemoteNodes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client objects.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClients", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a list of Config Sync Remote Node objects.\n\nA Config Sync Remote Node object contains information about the status of the table for this Message VPN with respect to a remote node.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nlastMsgRxTime||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\nrole||x\nstale||x\nstate||x\ntimeInState||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodes", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23864,9 +25960,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Config Sync Remote Node objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23881,18 +25977,19 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Config Sync Remote Node objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "configSyncRemoteNode" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/configSyncRemoteNodes/{remoteNodeName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client object.\n\nApplications or devices that connect to message brokers to send and/or receive messages are represented as Clients.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClient", + "deprecated": true, + "description": "Get a Config Sync Remote Node object.\n\nA Config Sync Remote Node object contains information about the status of the table for this Message VPN with respect to a remote node.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nlastMsgRxTime||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\nrole||x\nstale||x\nstate||x\ntimeInState||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNode", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23902,9 +25999,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Config Sync Remote Node.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -23917,9 +26014,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Config Sync Remote Node object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodeResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23934,18 +26031,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client object.", + "summary": "Get a Config Sync Remote Node object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "configSyncRemoteNode" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/connections": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Connection objects.\n\nA Client Connection represents the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection the Client uses to communicate with the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientAddress|x|\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientConnections", + "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCaches", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -23954,13 +26051,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Client.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -23979,9 +26069,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Connection objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Distributed Cache objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientConnectionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCachesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -23996,18 +26086,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Connection objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/connections/{clientAddress}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Connection object.\n\nA Client Connection represents the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection the Client uses to communicate with the message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientAddress|x|\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientConnection", + "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCache", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24017,16 +26107,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The IP address and TCP port on the Client side of the Client Connection.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientAddress", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24039,9 +26122,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Connection object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Distributed Cache object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientConnectionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24056,18 +26139,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Connection object.", + "summary": "Get a Distributed Cache object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/rxFlows": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Receive Flow objects.\n\nClient Receive Flows are used by clients to publish Guaranteed messages to a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientRxFlows", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusters", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24077,9 +26160,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24101,9 +26184,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Receive Flow objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientRxFlowsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClustersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24118,18 +26201,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Receive Flow objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/rxFlows/{flowId}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Receive Flow object.\n\nClient Receive Flows are used by clients to publish Guaranteed messages to a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientRxFlow", + "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24139,16 +26222,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the flow.", + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "flowId", + "name": "clusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24161,9 +26244,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Receive Flow object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientRxFlowResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24178,18 +26261,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Receive Flow object.", + "summary": "Get a Cache Cluster object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/subscriptions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Subscription objects.\n\nOnce clients are authenticated on the message broker they can add and remove Client Subscriptions for Direct messages published to the Message VPN to which they have connected.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientSubscriptions", + "description": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusters", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24199,9 +26282,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24223,9 +26313,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Subscription objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Home Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientSubscriptionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClustersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24240,18 +26330,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Subscription objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Subscription object.\n\nOnce clients are authenticated on the message broker they can add and remove Client Subscriptions for Direct messages published to the Message VPN to which they have connected.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientSubscription", + "description": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeCluster", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24261,16 +26351,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The topic of the Subscription.", + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "subscriptionTopic", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "homeClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24283,9 +26380,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Subscription object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Home Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientSubscriptionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24300,18 +26397,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Subscription object.", + "summary": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}/topicPrefixes": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsessionName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSessions", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicPrefix|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixes", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24321,9 +26418,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "homeClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24345,9 +26456,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Transacted Session objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Topic Prefix objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTransactedSessionsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24362,18 +26473,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Transacted Session objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/transactedSessions/{sessionName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}/topicPrefixes/{topicPrefix}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.\n\nTransacted Sessions enable clients to group multiple message send and/or receive operations together in single, atomic units known as local transactions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsessionName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTransactedSession", + "description": "Get a Topic Prefix object.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicPrefix|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefix", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24383,16 +26494,30 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "homeClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Transacted Session.", + "description": "A topic prefix for global topics available from the remote Home Cache Cluster. A wildcard (/>) is implied at the end of the prefix.", "in": "path", - "name": "sessionName", + "name": "topicPrefix", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24405,9 +26530,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Transacted Session object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Prefix object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTransactedSessionResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24422,18 +26547,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Transacted Session object.", + "summary": "Get a Topic Prefix object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/txFlows": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Client Transmit Flow objects.\n\nClient Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTxFlows", + "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ncounter.msgCount||x\ncounter.msgPeakCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthPeakCount||x\ncounter.topicCount||x\ncounter.topicPeakCount||x\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageDataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxRate||x\nrate.dataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxByteRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.requestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.requestRxRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstances", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24443,9 +26568,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24467,9 +26599,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Client Transmit Flow objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Cache Instance objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTxFlowsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstancesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24484,18 +26616,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Client Transmit Flow objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clients/{clientName}/txFlows/{flowId}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Client Transmit Flow object.\n\nClient Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a message broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientName|x|\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnClientTxFlow", + "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ncounter.msgCount||x\ncounter.msgPeakCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthPeakCount||x\ncounter.topicCount||x\ncounter.topicPeakCount||x\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageDataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxRate||x\nrate.dataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxByteRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.requestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.requestRxRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24505,16 +26637,23 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Client.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "clientName", + "name": "cacheName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The identifier (ID) of the flow.", + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", "in": "path", - "name": "flowId", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "in": "path", + "name": "instanceName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24527,9 +26666,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Client Transmit Flow object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Cache Instance object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnClientTxFlowResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24544,19 +26683,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Client Transmit Flow object.", + "summary": "Get a Cache Instance object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "client" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/configSyncRemoteNodes": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Config Sync Remote Node objects.\n\nA Config Sync Remote Node object contains information about the status of the table for this Message VPN with respect to a remote node.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nlastMsgRxTime||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\nrole||x\nstale||x\nstate||x\ntimeInState||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodes", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Remote Home Cache Cluster is a Home Cache Cluster that the Cache Instance is communicating with in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24565,6 +26703,27 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", + "in": "path", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "in": "path", + "name": "instanceName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -24583,9 +26742,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Config Sync Remote Node objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClustersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24600,19 +26759,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Config Sync Remote Node objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "configSyncRemoteNode" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/configSyncRemoteNodes/{remoteNodeName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}": { "get": { - "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a Config Sync Remote Node object.\n\nA Config Sync Remote Node object contains information about the status of the table for this Message VPN with respect to a remote node.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nlastMsgRxTime||x\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nremoteNodeName|x|x\nrole||x\nstale||x\nstate||x\ntimeInState||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.22. This attribute has been deprecated.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNode", + "description": "Get a Remote Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Remote Home Cache Cluster is a Home Cache Cluster that the Cache Instance is communicating with in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nhomeClusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeCluster", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24622,9 +26780,30 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Config Sync Remote Node.", + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "in": "path", + "name": "instanceName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "homeClusterName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -24637,9 +26816,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Config Sync Remote Node object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Home Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnConfigSyncRemoteNodeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClusterResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24654,18 +26833,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Config Sync Remote Node object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Home Cache Cluster object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "configSyncRemoteNode" + "distributedCache" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteTopics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCaches", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Topic objects.\n\nA Remote Topic is a topic for which the Cache Instance has cached messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopics", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24674,6 +26853,27 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", + "in": "path", + "name": "cacheName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "in": "path", + "name": "instanceName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -24692,9 +26892,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Distributed Cache objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCachesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopicsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24709,7 +26909,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Distributed Cache objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Topic objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24717,10 +26917,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteTopics/{topic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Distributed Cache object.\n\nA Distributed Cache is a collection of one or more Cache Clusters that belong to the same Message VPN. Each Cache Cluster in a Distributed Cache is configured to subscribe to a different set of topics. This effectively divides up the configured topic space, to provide scaling to very large topic spaces or very high cached message throughput.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCache", + "description": "Get a Remote Topic object.\n\nA Remote Topic is a topic for which the Cache Instance has cached messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\ninstanceName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopic", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24736,6 +26936,27 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "in": "path", + "name": "instanceName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The value of the remote Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topic", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -24745,9 +26966,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Distributed Cache object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopicResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24762,7 +26983,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Distributed Cache object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Topic object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24770,10 +26991,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/topics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusters", + "description": "Get a list of Topic objects.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopics", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24789,6 +27010,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "in": "path", + "name": "clusterName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -24807,9 +27035,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClustersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24824,7 +27052,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Cache Cluster objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Topic objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24832,10 +27060,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/topics/{topic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Cache Cluster is a collection of one or more Cache Instances that subscribe to exactly the same topics. Cache Instances are grouped together in a Cache Cluster for the purpose of fault tolerance and load balancing. As published messages are received, the message broker message bus sends these live data messages to the Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster. This enables client cache requests to be served by any of Cache Instances in the Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheCluster", + "description": "Get a Topic object.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nclusterName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopic", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24858,6 +27086,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The value of the Topic in the form a/b/c.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topic", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" } @@ -24867,9 +27102,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24884,7 +27119,7 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Cache Cluster object.", + "summary": "Get a Topic object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", @@ -24892,10 +27127,10 @@ ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusters", + "description": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridges", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24904,20 +27139,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -24936,9 +27157,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Home Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of DMR Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClustersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -24953,18 +27174,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Home Cache Cluster objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "dmrBridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges/{remoteNodeName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Home Cache Cluster is a Cache Cluster that is the \"definitive\" Cache Cluster for a given topic in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeCluster", + "description": "Get a DMR Bridge object.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteNodeName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridge", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -24974,23 +27195,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", "in": "path", - "name": "homeClusterName", + "name": "remoteNodeName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25003,9 +27210,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Home Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25020,18 +27227,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Home Cache Cluster object.", + "summary": "Get a DMR Bridge object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "dmrBridge" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}/topicPrefixes": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicPrefix|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixes", + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactories", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25040,27 +27247,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "homeClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -25079,9 +27265,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Topic Prefix objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of JNDI Connection Factory objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoriesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25096,18 +27282,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Topic Prefix objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}/topicPrefixes/{topicPrefix}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories/{connectionFactoryName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Prefix object.\n\nA Topic Prefix is a prefix for a global topic that is available from the containing Home Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicPrefix|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefix", + "description": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25117,30 +27303,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "homeClusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "A topic prefix for global topics available from the remote Home Cache Cluster. A wildcard (/>) is implied at the end of the prefix.", + "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicPrefix", + "name": "connectionFactoryName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25153,9 +27318,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Topic Prefix object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterGlobalCachingHomeClusterTopicPrefixResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25170,18 +27335,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Topic Prefix object.", + "summary": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ncounter.msgCount||x\ncounter.msgPeakCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthPeakCount||x\ncounter.topicCount||x\ncounter.topicPeakCount||x\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageDataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxRate||x\nrate.dataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxByteRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.requestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.requestRxRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstances", + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueues", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25190,20 +27355,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -25222,9 +27373,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Cache Instance objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of JNDI Queue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstancesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueuesResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25239,18 +27390,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Cache Instance objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues/{queueName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Cache Instance object.\n\nA Cache Instance is a single Cache process that belongs to a single Cache Cluster. A Cache Instance object provisioned on the broker is used to disseminate configuration information to the Cache process. Cache Instances listen for and cache live data messages that match the topic subscriptions configured for their parent Cache Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ncounter.msgCount||x\ncounter.msgPeakCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthCount||x\ncounter.requestQueueDepthPeakCount||x\ncounter.topicCount||x\ncounter.topicPeakCount||x\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrate.averageDataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxByteRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.averageDataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.averageRequestRxRate||x\nrate.dataRxBytePeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxByteRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataRxMsgRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgPeakRate||x\nrate.dataTxMsgRate||x\nrate.requestRxPeakRate||x\nrate.requestRxRate||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstance", + "description": "Get a JNDI Queue object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueue", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25260,23 +27411,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", "in": "path", - "name": "instanceName", + "name": "queueName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25289,9 +27426,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Cache Instance object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25306,18 +27443,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Cache Instance object.", + "summary": "Get a JNDI Queue object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects.\n\nA Remote Home Cache Cluster is a Home Cache Cluster that the Cache Instance is communicating with in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters", + "description": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopics", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25326,27 +27463,6 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, - { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", - "in": "path", - "name": "instanceName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -25365,9 +27481,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of JNDI Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClustersResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25382,18 +27498,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Remote Home Cache Cluster objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteGlobalCachingHomeClusters/{homeClusterName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics/{topicName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Home Cache Cluster object.\n\nA Remote Home Cache Cluster is a Home Cache Cluster that the Cache Instance is communicating with in the context of the Global Caching feature.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nhomeClusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeCluster", + "description": "Get a JNDI Topic object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopic", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25403,30 +27519,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", - "in": "path", - "name": "instanceName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the remote Home Cache Cluster.", + "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", "in": "path", - "name": "homeClusterName", + "name": "topicName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25439,9 +27534,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Remote Home Cache Cluster object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteGlobalCachingHomeClusterResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25456,44 +27551,23 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Remote Home Cache Cluster object.", + "summary": "Get a JNDI Topic object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "jndi" ] - } - }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteTopics": { - "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Remote Topic objects.\n\nA Remote Topic is a topic for which the Cache Instance has cached messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopics", - "parameters": [ - { - "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", - "in": "path", - "name": "msgVpnName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceivers", + "parameters": [ { - "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", "in": "path", - "name": "instanceName", + "name": "msgVpnName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25515,9 +27589,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Remote Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Kafka Receiver objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopicsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiversResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25532,18 +27606,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Remote Topic objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Receiver objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/instances/{instanceName}/remoteTopics/{topic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Remote Topic object.\n\nA Remote Topic is a topic for which the Cache Instance has cached messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\ninstanceName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopic", + "description": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.\n\nA Kafka Receiver receives messages from a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiver", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25553,30 +27627,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", - "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Instance.", - "in": "path", - "name": "instanceName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The value of the remote Topic.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "topic", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25589,9 +27642,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Remote Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Receiver object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterInstanceRemoteTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25606,18 +27659,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Remote Topic object.", + "summary": "Get a Kafka Receiver object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/topics": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/remoteBrokers": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic objects.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopics", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.\n\nA remote Kafka broker used by the Kafka Receiver.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteBroker|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokers", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25627,16 +27680,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25658,9 +27704,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25675,18 +27721,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of Topic objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/distributedCaches/{cacheName}/clusters/{clusterName}/topics/{topic}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/remoteBrokers/{remoteBroker}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic object.\n\nThe Cache Instances that belong to the containing Cache Cluster will cache any messages published to topics that match a Topic Subscription.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nclusterName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopic", + "description": "Get a Remote Kafka Brokers object.\n\nA remote Kafka broker used by the Kafka Receiver.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteBroker|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBroker", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25696,23 +27742,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the Distributed Cache.", - "in": "path", - "name": "cacheName", - "required": true, - "type": "string" - }, - { - "description": "The name of the Cache Cluster.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "clusterName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The value of the Topic in the form a/b/c.", + "description": "The Kafka remote broker name.", "in": "path", - "name": "topic", + "name": "remoteBroker", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25725,9 +27764,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Kafka Brokers object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDistributedCacheClusterTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverRemoteBrokerResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25742,18 +27781,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a Topic object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Kafka Brokers object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "distributedCache" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/topicBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridges", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Binding objects.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindings", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25762,6 +27801,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -25780,9 +27826,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of DMR Bridge objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Topic Binding objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25797,18 +27843,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of DMR Bridge objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Topic Binding objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/dmrBridges/{remoteNodeName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaReceivers/{kafkaReceiverName}/topicBindings/{topicName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a DMR Bridge object.\n\nA DMR Bridge is required to establish a data channel over a corresponding external link to the remote node for a given Message VPN. Each DMR Bridge identifies which external link the Message VPN should use, and what the name of the equivalent Message VPN at the remote node is.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nremoteNodeName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnDmrBridge", + "description": "Get a Topic Binding object.\n\nA Topic Binding receives messages from a remote Kafka Topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaReceiverName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25818,9 +27864,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the node at the remote end of the DMR Bridge.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Receiver.", "in": "path", - "name": "remoteNodeName", + "name": "kafkaReceiverName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Topic.", + "in": "path", + "name": "topicName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25833,9 +27886,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The DMR Bridge object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Topic Binding object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnDmrBridgeResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaReceiverTopicBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25850,18 +27903,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a DMR Bridge object.", + "summary": "Get a Topic Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "dmrBridge" + "kafkaReceiver" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactories", + "description": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenders", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25888,9 +27941,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Connection Factory objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Kafka Sender objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoriesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSendersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25905,18 +27958,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Connection Factory objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Kafka Sender objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiConnectionFactories/{connectionFactoryName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Connection Factory objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nconnectionFactoryName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiConnectionFactory", + "description": "Get a Kafka Sender object.\n\nA Kafka Sender sends messages to a Kafka Cluster.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSender", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25926,9 +27979,9 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The name of the JMS Connection Factory.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "connectionFactoryName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -25941,9 +27994,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Connection Factory object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Kafka Sender object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiConnectionFactoryResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -25958,18 +28011,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Connection Factory object.", + "summary": "Get a Kafka Sender object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/queueBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueues", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindings", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -25978,6 +28031,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -25996,9 +28056,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Queue objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Queue Binding objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueuesResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingsResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -26013,18 +28073,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Queue objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiQueues/{queueName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/queueBindings/{queueName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Queue object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Queue objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiQueue", + "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding sends messages from a local Solace Queue to a remote Kafka topic.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nuptime||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -26034,7 +28094,14 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Queue.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the Queue.", "in": "path", "name": "queueName", "required": true, @@ -26049,9 +28116,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Queue object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Queue Binding object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiQueueResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderQueueBindingResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -26066,18 +28133,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Queue object.", + "summary": "Get a Queue Binding object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/remoteBrokers": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopics", + "description": "Get a list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.\n\nA remote Kafka broker used by the Kafka Sender.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteBroker|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokers", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -26086,6 +28153,13 @@ "required": true, "type": "string" }, + { + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", + "in": "path", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, { "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" }, @@ -26104,9 +28178,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The list of JNDI Topic objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicsResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokersResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -26121,18 +28195,18 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a list of JNDI Topic objects.", + "summary": "Get a list of Remote Kafka Brokers objects.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, - "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/jndiTopics/{topicName}": { + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/kafkaSenders/{kafkaSenderName}/remoteBrokers/{remoteBroker}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a JNDI Topic object.\n\nThe message broker provides an internal JNDI store for provisioned Topic objects that clients can access through JNDI lookups.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", - "operationId": "getMsgVpnJndiTopic", + "description": "Get a Remote Kafka Brokers object.\n\nA remote Kafka broker used by the Kafka Sender.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nkafkaSenderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nremoteBroker|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBroker", "parameters": [ { "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", @@ -26142,9 +28216,16 @@ "type": "string" }, { - "description": "The JNDI name of the JMS Topic.", + "description": "The name of the Kafka Sender.", "in": "path", - "name": "topicName", + "name": "kafkaSenderName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The Kafka remote broker name.", + "in": "path", + "name": "remoteBroker", "required": true, "type": "string" }, @@ -26157,9 +28238,9 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "The JNDI Topic object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "description": "The Remote Kafka Brokers object's attributes, and the request metadata.", "schema": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnJndiTopicResponse" + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnKafkaSenderRemoteBrokerResponse" } }, "default": { @@ -26174,17 +28255,17 @@ "basicAuth": [] } ], - "summary": "Get a JNDI Topic object.", + "summary": "Get a Remote Kafka Brokers object.", "tags": [ "all", "msgVpn", - "jndi" + "kafkaSender" ] } }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of MQTT Retain Cache objects.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCaches", "parameters": [ { @@ -26239,7 +28320,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttRetainCaches/{cacheName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncacheName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get an MQTT Retain Cache object.\n\nUsing MQTT retained messages allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. An MQTT Retain Cache processes all retained messages for a Message VPN.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncacheName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttRetainCache", "parameters": [ { @@ -26292,7 +28373,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncounter.mqttConnackErrorTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttConnackTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttConnectRxCount||x\ncounter.mqttDisconnectRxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubcompTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos0RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos0TxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos1RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos1TxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos2RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubrecTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubrelRxCount||x\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of MQTT Session objects.\n\nAn MQTT Session object is a virtual representation of an MQTT client connection. An MQTT session holds the state of an MQTT client (that is, it is used to contain a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets and any undelivered QoS 1 messages).\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncounter.mqttConnackErrorTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttConnackTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttConnectRxCount||x\ncounter.mqttDisconnectRxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubcompTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos0RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos0TxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos1RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos1TxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPublishQos2RxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubrecTxCount||x\ncounter.mqttPubrelRxCount||x\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessions", "parameters": [ { @@ -26407,7 +28488,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Subscription objects.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Subscription objects.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -26476,7 +28557,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/mqttSessions/{mqttSessionClientId},{mqttSessionVirtualRouter}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Subscription object.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x|\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Subscription object.\n\nAn MQTT session contains a client's QoS 0 and QoS 1 subscription sets. On creation, a subscription defaults to QoS 0.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmqttSessionClientId|x\nmqttSessionVirtualRouter|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnMqttSessionSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -26541,9 +28622,117 @@ ] } }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/proxies": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a list of Proxy objects.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nproxyName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnProxies", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/countQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/cursorQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/whereQuery" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The list of Proxy objects' attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxiesResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a list of Proxy objects.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "proxy" + ] + } + }, + "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/proxies/{proxyName}": { + "get": { + "description": "Get a Proxy object.\n\nProxy objects define the connection parameters for a proxy server. To use a proxy for a particular connection such as a REST Consumer, select the proxy by name in the configuration for that object.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nproxyName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.36.", + "operationId": "getMsgVpnProxy", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "The name of the Message VPN.", + "in": "path", + "name": "msgVpnName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "description": "The name of the proxy.", + "in": "path", + "name": "proxyName", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/selectQuery" + } + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "The Proxy object's attributes, and the request metadata.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/MsgVpnProxyResponse" + } + }, + "default": { + "description": "The error response.", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/SempMetaOnlyResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "basicAuth": [] + } + ], + "summary": "Get a Proxy object.", + "tags": [ + "all", + "msgVpn", + "proxy" + ] + } + }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queueTemplates": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Template objects.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueTemplateName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Template objects.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTemplates", "parameters": [ { @@ -26598,7 +28787,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queueTemplates/{queueTemplateName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Template object.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueTemplateName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Queue Template object.\n\nA Queue Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created queues.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -26651,7 +28840,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nvirtualRouter||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue objects.\n\nA Queue acts as both a destination that clients can publish messages to, and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nvirtualRouter||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueues", "parameters": [ { @@ -26759,7 +28948,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/msgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Message objects.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Message objects.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -26821,7 +29010,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/msgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Message object.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Queue Message object.\n\nA Queue Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -26881,7 +29070,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/priorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Priority objects.\n\nQueues can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\npriority|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Priority objects.\n\nQueues can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\npriority|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 10.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueuePriorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -26943,7 +29132,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/priorities/{priority}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Priority object.\n\nQueues can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\npriority|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Queue Priority object.\n\nQueues can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\npriority|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueuePriority", "parameters": [ { @@ -27003,7 +29192,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -27065,7 +29254,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\nsubscriptionTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Queue Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Queue Subscriptions can be added to a durable queue so that Guaranteed messages published to matching topics are also delivered to and spooled by the queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\nsubscriptionTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -27125,7 +29314,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/txFlows": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Transmit Flow objects.\n\nQueue Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Transmit Flow objects.\n\nQueue Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTxFlows", "parameters": [ { @@ -27187,7 +29376,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/txFlows/{flowId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Transmit Flow object.\n\nQueue Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Queue Transmit Flow object.\n\nQueue Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Queue.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnQueueTxFlow", "parameters": [ { @@ -27247,7 +29436,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Replay Log objects.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogs", "parameters": [ { @@ -27302,7 +29491,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Replay Log object.\n\nWhen the Message Replay feature is enabled, message brokers store persistent messages in a Replay Log. These messages are kept until the log is full, after which the oldest messages are removed to free up space for new messages.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLog", "parameters": [ { @@ -27355,7 +29544,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/msgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message objects.\n\nA Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers. Messages are the central units of information that clients exchange using the message broker and which are cached in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Message objects.\n\nA Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers. Messages are the central units of information that clients exchange using the message broker and which are cached in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -27417,7 +29606,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/msgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Message object.\n\nA Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers. Messages are the central units of information that clients exchange using the message broker and which are cached in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Message object.\n\nA Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers. Messages are the central units of information that clients exchange using the message broker and which are cached in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -27477,7 +29666,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/topicFilterSubscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Filter Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Filter Subscription objects.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\ntopicFilterSubscription|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -27539,7 +29728,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replayLogs/{replayLogName}/topicFilterSubscriptions/{topicFilterSubscription}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Filter Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplayLogName|x|\ntopicFilterSubscription|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", + "description": "Get a Topic Filter Subscription object.\n\nOne or more Subscriptions can be added to a replay-log so that only guaranteed messages published to matching topics are stored in the Replay Log.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplayLogName|x\ntopicFilterSubscription|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.27.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplayLogTopicFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -27599,7 +29788,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replicatedTopics": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replicated Topic objects.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplicatedTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Replicated Topic objects.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplicatedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplicatedTopics", "parameters": [ { @@ -27654,7 +29843,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/replicatedTopics/{replicatedTopic}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Replicated Topic object.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreplicatedTopic|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Replicated Topic object.\n\nTo indicate which messages should be replicated between the active and standby site, a Replicated Topic subscription must be configured on a Message VPN. If a published message matches both a replicated topic and an endpoint on the active site, then the message is replicated to the standby site.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreplicatedTopic|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnReplicatedTopic", "parameters": [ { @@ -27707,7 +29896,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Delivery Point objects.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -27762,7 +29951,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a REST Delivery Point object.\n\nA REST Delivery Point manages delivery of messages from queues to a named list of REST Consumers.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPoint", "parameters": [ { @@ -27815,7 +30004,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of Queue Binding objects.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindings", "parameters": [ { @@ -27877,7 +30066,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a Queue Binding object.\n\nA Queue Binding for a REST Delivery Point attracts messages to be delivered to REST consumers. If the queue does not exist it can be created subsequently, and once the queue is operational the broker performs the queue binding. Removing the queue binding does not delete the queue itself. Similarly, removing the queue does not remove the queue binding, which fails until the queue is recreated or the queue binding is deleted.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBinding", "parameters": [ { @@ -27937,7 +30126,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/protectedRequestHeaders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Protected Request Header objects.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Get a list of Protected Request Header objects.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeaders", "parameters": [ { @@ -28006,7 +30195,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/protectedRequestHeaders/{headerName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Protected Request Header object.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", + "description": "Get a Protected Request Header object.\n\nA protected request header to be added to the HTTP request. Unlike a non-protected request header, the header value cannot be displayed after it is set.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.30.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingProtectedRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28073,7 +30262,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/requestHeaders": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Request Header objects.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Get a list of Request Header objects.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeaders", "parameters": [ { @@ -28142,7 +30331,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}/requestHeaders/{headerName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Request Header object.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nheaderName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nqueueBindingName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", + "description": "Get a Request Header object.\n\nA request header to be added to the HTTP request.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nheaderName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nqueueBindingName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.23.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointQueueBindingRequestHeader", "parameters": [ { @@ -28209,7 +30398,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncounter.httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTxByteCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseRxByteCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", + "description": "Get a list of REST Consumer objects.\n\nREST Consumer objects establish HTTP connectivity to REST consumer applications who wish to receive messages from a broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncounter.httpRequestConnectionCloseTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestOutstandingTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTimedOutTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTxByteCount||x\ncounter.httpRequestTxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseErrorRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseRxByteCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseRxMsgCount||x\ncounter.httpResponseSuccessRxMsgCount||x\nmsgVpnName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.11.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumers", "parameters": [ { @@ -28331,7 +30520,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/oauthJwtClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Claim objects.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthJwtClaimName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a list of Claim objects.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthJwtClaimName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -28400,7 +30589,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/oauthJwtClaims/{oauthJwtClaimName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Claim object.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthJwtClaimName|x|\nrestConsumerName|x|\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a Claim object.\n\nA Claim is added to the JWT sent to the OAuth token request endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthJwtClaimName|x\nrestConsumerName|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerOauthJwtClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -28468,7 +30657,7 @@ "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/restConsumers/{restConsumerName}/tlsTrustedCommonNames": { "get": { "deprecated": true, - "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nrestConsumerName|x|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", + "description": "Get a list of Trusted Common Name objects.\n\nThe Trusted Common Names for the REST Consumer are used by encrypted transports to verify the name in the certificate presented by the remote REST consumer. They must include the common name of the remote REST consumer's server certificate.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|x\nrestConsumerName|x|x\nrestDeliveryPointName|x|x\ntlsTrustedCommonName|x|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been deprecated since 2.17. Common Name validation has been replaced by Server Certificate Name validation.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnRestDeliveryPointRestConsumerTlsTrustedCommonNames", "parameters": [ { @@ -28599,7 +30788,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Profile objects.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Profile objects.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -28654,7 +30843,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Telemetry Profile object.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Telemetry Profile object.\n\nUsing the Telemetry Profile allows trace spans to be generated as messages are processed by the broker. The generated spans are stored persistently on the broker and may be consumed by the Solace receiver component of an OpenTelemetry Collector.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -28707,7 +30896,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/receiverAclConnectExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Receiver ACL Connect Exception objects.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -28769,7 +30958,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/receiverAclConnectExceptions/{receiverAclConnectExceptionAddress}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Receiver ACL Connect Exception object.\n\nA Receiver ACL Connect Exception is an exception to the default action to take when a receiver connects to the broker. Exceptions must be expressed as an IP address/netmask in CIDR form.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nreceiverAclConnectExceptionAddress|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileReceiverAclConnectException", "parameters": [ { @@ -28829,7 +31018,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Trace Filter objects.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\ntraceFilterName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Trace Filter objects.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilters", "parameters": [ { @@ -28891,7 +31080,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters/{traceFilterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Trace Filter object.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\ntraceFilterName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Trace Filter object.\n\nA Trace Filter controls which messages received by the broker will be traced. If an incoming message matches an enabled tracing filter's subscription, the message will be traced as it passes through the broker.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilter", "parameters": [ { @@ -28951,7 +31140,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters/{traceFilterName}/subscriptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscription|x|\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\ntraceFilterName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a list of Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription objects.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscription|x\nsubscriptionSyntax|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscriptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -29020,7 +31209,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/telemetryProfiles/{telemetryProfileName}/traceFilters/{traceFilterName}/subscriptions/{subscription},{subscriptionSyntax}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nsubscription|x|\nsubscriptionSyntax|x|\ntelemetryProfileName|x|\ntraceFilterName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", + "description": "Get a Telemetry Trace Filter Subscription object.\n\nTrace filter subscriptions control which messages will be attracted by the tracing filter.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nsubscription|x\nsubscriptionSyntax|x\ntelemetryProfileName|x\ntraceFilterName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.31.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTelemetryProfileTraceFilterSubscription", "parameters": [ { @@ -29094,7 +31283,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpointTemplates": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Template objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Template objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplates", "parameters": [ { @@ -29149,7 +31338,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpointTemplates/{topicEndpointTemplateName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Template object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Template object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Template provides a mechanism for specifying the initial state for client created topic endpoints.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointTemplateName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.14.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTemplate", "parameters": [ { @@ -29202,7 +31391,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\nvirtualRouter||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint attracts messages published to a topic for which the Topic Endpoint has a matching topic subscription. The topic subscription for the Topic Endpoint is specified in the client request to bind a Flow to that Topic Endpoint. Queues are significantly more flexible than Topic Endpoints and are the recommended approach for most applications. The use of Topic Endpoints should be restricted to JMS applications.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\nvirtualRouter||x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpoints", "parameters": [ { @@ -29310,7 +31499,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/msgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Message objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Message objects.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -29372,7 +31561,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/msgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Message object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Message object.\n\nA Topic Endpoint Message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers using the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -29432,7 +31621,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/priorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Priority objects.\n\nTopic Endpoints can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\npriority|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Priority objects.\n\nTopic Endpoints can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\npriority|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 10.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointPriorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -29494,7 +31683,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/priorities/{priority}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Priority object.\n\nTopic Endpoints can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\npriority|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Priority object.\n\nTopic Endpoints can optionally support priority message delivery; all messages of a higher priority are delivered before any messages of a lower priority. A Priority object contains information about the number and size of the messages with a particular priority in the Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\npriority|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointPriority", "parameters": [ { @@ -29554,7 +31743,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/txFlows": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow objects.\n\nTopic Endpoint Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow objects.\n\nTopic Endpoint Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlows", "parameters": [ { @@ -29616,7 +31805,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/topicEndpoints/{topicEndpointName}/txFlows/{flowId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow object.\n\nTopic Endpoint Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nflowId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\ntopicEndpointName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Topic Endpoint Transmit Flow object.\n\nTopic Endpoint Transmit Flows are used by clients to consume Guaranteed messages from a Topic Endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nflowId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\ntopicEndpointName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTopicEndpointTxFlow", "parameters": [ { @@ -29676,7 +31865,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction objects.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactions", "parameters": [ { @@ -29731,7 +31920,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Replicated Local Transaction or XA Transaction object.\n\nTransactions can be used to group a set of Guaranteed messages to be published or consumed or both as an atomic unit of work.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransaction", "parameters": [ { @@ -29784,7 +31973,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}/consumerMsgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Transaction Consumer Message objects.\n\nA Transaction Consumer Message is a message that will be consumed as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Transaction Consumer Message objects.\n\nA Transaction Consumer Message is a message that will be consumed as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -29846,7 +32035,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}/consumerMsgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Transaction Consumer Message object.\n\nA Transaction Consumer Message is a message that will be consumed as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Transaction Consumer Message object.\n\nA Transaction Consumer Message is a message that will be consumed as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactionConsumerMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -29906,7 +32095,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}/publisherMsgs": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Transaction Publisher Message objects.\n\nA Transaction Publisher Message is a message that will be published as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a list of Transaction Publisher Message objects.\n\nA Transaction Publisher Message is a message that will be published as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsgs", "parameters": [ { @@ -29968,7 +32157,7 @@ }, "/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/transactions/{xid}/publisherMsgs/{msgId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Transaction Publisher Message object.\n\nA Transaction Publisher Message is a message that will be published as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgId|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\nxid|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", + "description": "Get a Transaction Publisher Message object.\n\nA Transaction Publisher Message is a message that will be published as part of this Transaction once the Transaction is committed.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgId|x\nmsgVpnName|x\nxid|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"vpn/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.12.", "operationId": "getMsgVpnTransactionPublisherMsg", "parameters": [ { @@ -30028,7 +32217,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of OAuth Profile objects.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfiles", "parameters": [ { @@ -30075,7 +32264,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an OAuth Profile object.\n\nOAuth profiles specify how to securely authenticate to an OAuth provider.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfile", "parameters": [ { @@ -30120,7 +32309,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Group Access Level objects.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Group Access Level objects.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroups", "parameters": [ { @@ -30174,7 +32363,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups/{groupName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Group Access Level object.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Group Access Level object.\n\nThe name of a group as it exists on the OAuth server being used to authenticate SEMP users.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroup", "parameters": [ { @@ -30226,7 +32415,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups/{groupName}/msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -30287,7 +32476,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/accessLevelGroups/{groupName}/msgVpnAccessLevelExceptions/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ngroupName|x|\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nMessage VPN access-level exceptions for members of this group.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ngroupName|x\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileAccessLevelGroupMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -30346,7 +32535,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAllowedHosts": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Allowed Host Value objects.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Allowed Host Value objects.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nallowedHost|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAllowedHosts", "parameters": [ { @@ -30400,7 +32589,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAllowedHosts/{allowedHost}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an Allowed Host Value object.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nallowedHost|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an Allowed Host Value object.\n\nA valid hostname for this broker in OAuth redirects.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nallowedHost|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAllowedHost", "parameters": [ { @@ -30452,7 +32641,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAuthorizationParameters": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Authorization Parameter objects.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Authorization Parameter objects.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameters", "parameters": [ { @@ -30506,7 +32695,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientAuthorizationParameters/{authorizationParameterName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get an Authorization Parameter object.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get an Authorization Parameter object.\n\nAdditional parameters to be passed to the OAuth authorization endpoint.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nauthorizationParameterName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientAuthorizationParameter", "parameters": [ { @@ -30558,7 +32747,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -30612,7 +32801,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/clientRequiredClaims/{clientRequiredClaimName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the ID token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nclientRequiredClaimName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileClientRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -30664,7 +32853,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Message VPN Access-Level Exception objects.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions", "parameters": [ { @@ -30718,7 +32907,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/defaultMsgVpnAccessLevelExceptions/{msgVpnName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x|\noauthProfileName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Message VPN Access-Level Exception object.\n\nDefault message VPN access-level exceptions.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nmsgVpnName|x\noauthProfileName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileDefaultMsgVpnAccessLevelException", "parameters": [ { @@ -30770,7 +32959,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a list of Required Claim objects.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaims", "parameters": [ { @@ -30824,7 +33013,7 @@ }, "/oauthProfiles/{oauthProfileName}/resourceServerRequiredClaims/{resourceServerRequiredClaimName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\noauthProfileName|x|\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", + "description": "Get a Required Claim object.\n\nAdditional claims to be verified in the access token.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\noauthProfileName|x\nresourceServerRequiredClaimName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.24.", "operationId": "getOauthProfileResourceServerRequiredClaim", "parameters": [ { @@ -30876,7 +33065,7 @@ }, "/sessions": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of SEMP Session objects.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nsessionId|x|\nsessionUsername|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a list of SEMP Session objects.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nsessionId|x\nsessionUsername|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getSessions", "parameters": [ { @@ -30923,7 +33112,7 @@ }, "/sessions/{sessionUsername},{sessionId}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a SEMP Session object.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nsessionId|x|\nsessionUsername|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", + "description": "Get a SEMP Session object.\n\nAdministrative sessions for configuration and monitoring.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nsessionId|x\nsessionUsername|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.21.", "operationId": "getSession", "parameters": [ { @@ -30975,7 +33164,7 @@ }, "/standardDomainCertAuthorities": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Standard Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nStandard Certificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a list of Standard Domain Certificate Authority objects.\n\nStandard Certificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 100.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getStandardDomainCertAuthorities", "parameters": [ { @@ -31022,7 +33211,7 @@ }, "/standardDomainCertAuthorities/{certAuthorityName}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Standard Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nStandard Certificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", + "description": "Get a Standard Domain Certificate Authority object.\n\nStandard Certificate Authorities trusted for domain verification.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\ncertAuthorityName|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.19.", "operationId": "getStandardDomainCertAuthority", "parameters": [ { @@ -31067,7 +33256,7 @@ }, "/virtualHostnames": { "get": { - "description": "Get a list of Virtual Hostname objects.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Get a list of Virtual Hostname objects.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThe maximum number of objects that can be returned in a single page is 500.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "getVirtualHostnames", "parameters": [ { @@ -31114,7 +33303,7 @@ }, "/virtualHostnames/{virtualHostname}": { "get": { - "description": "Get a Virtual Hostname object.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying|Deprecated\n:---|:---:|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x|\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", + "description": "Get a Virtual Hostname object.\n\nA Virtual Hostname is a provisioned object on a message broker that contains a Virtual Hostname to Message VPN mapping.\n\nClients which connect to a global (as opposed to per Message VPN) port and provides this hostname will be directed to its corresponding Message VPN. A case-insentive match is performed on the full client-provided hostname against the configured virtual-hostname.\n\nThis mechanism is only supported for hostnames provided through the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension of TLS.\n\n\nAttribute|Identifying\n:---|:---:\nvirtualHostname|x\n\n\n\nA SEMP client authorized with a minimum access scope/level of \"global/read-only\" is required to perform this operation.\n\nThis has been available since 2.17.", "operationId": "getVirtualHostname", "parameters": [ {