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Assignment 4

The purpose of this assignment is to solidify your learning of:

  • Log Analytics Workspace
  • Function App
  • Using Data Collection Rule/Endpoint to Ingest Logs
  • API Managment Instance


Please add as a contributor to your subscription, otherwise grading will not be possible.


Complete the following Tutorials and do not clean up resources until assignment is graded.

  1. Create Log Analytics Workspace and Custom Table
  • Log Analytics Workspace Created ❌✅
  • Create Custom Table with columns 'TimeGenerated' (DateTime type)and 'LogLevel' (string type)❌✅
  1. Create a Data Collection Rule and Endpoint
  • Data Collection Endpoint Created ❌✅
  • Custom Table is Created with Data Collection Rule ❌✅ (Using the portal, recreation is required to use DCR on the Custom Table)
  • Data Collection Rule Created ❌✅
  1. Create Function App
  • Function App Created ❌✅

  • Configured Function App Diagnostic setting to the previously created log analytics workspace ❌✅

  • Enable System Assigned identity on Function App ❌✅

  • Add Az.Accounts as a package install by editing the requirements.psd1 app file -

    • Copy SampleResources/Assn4FunctionProj/SendLogs/run.ps1 file contents to your function. Replace the values in the curly braces. The Assn4FunctionProj directory is an example step 1 of creating your local functions project
    • Replace table name, DCE uri, and DCR Immutable Id values in run.ps1 with your values.
  • Created PowerShell Function with Http Inbound and Outbound Bindings

    • See SampleResources/Assn4FunctionProj/SendLogs/function.json for sample
  • Assigned 'Monitoring Metrics Publisher' and 'Contributor' role to the function app managed identity over the scope of your resource group. This identity will be executing the PowerShell function. ❌✅

  • Executed the function through PowerShell commands: $Date = Get-Date ([datetime]::UtcNow) -Format O $Body = @{LogLevel='Error';TimeGenerated=$Date} | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri '' -Body

    • See monitor tab on the function to view requests.
    • If this is a success, your log should be present in your custom table
  • Log Found in your Created Custom Table ❌✅

  1. Create API Management Instance ❌✅
  1. Create a PowerShell script called Assignment4.ps1 on your branch within the Assignment4 folder ❌✅
  • Copy the following text into your PowerShell script and fill in your specific values for the variables
$SubscriptionId = ""
$ResourceGroup = ""
$LogAnalyticsWorkspaceName = ""
$LogAnalyticsTableName = ""
$DataCollectionRuleName = ""
$DataCollectionEndpointName = ""
$FunctionAppName = ""
$ApiManagementGatewayName = ""

Script Grading

You can test if your assignment will pass by running the PS script at Scripts/Assignment4Grading.ps1. Run your Assignment4.ps1 script to set local variables first.

Be sure to install the Az Powershell modules that are listed as dependencies in order to run the script

Extra Credit