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EUDI OpenId4VCI library

Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description


Table of contents


This is a Kotlin library, targeting JVM, that supports the OpenId4VCI (draft 13) protocol.

In particular, the library focuses on the wallet's role in and provides the following features:

Feature Coverage
Wallet-initiated issuance
Resolve a credential offer ✅ Unsigned metadata ❌ accept-languagesigned metadata
Authorization code flow
Pre-authorized code flow
mso_mdoc format
SD-JWT-VC format
W3C VC DM VC Signed as a JWT, Not Using JSON-LD
Place credential request ✅ Including automatic handling of invalid_proof
Place batch credential request
Query for deferred credential ✅ Including automatic refresh of access_token
Query for deferred credential at a later time ✅ Including automatic refresh of access_token
Notify credential issuer
Proof ✅ JWT ✅ CWT
Credential response encryption
Pushed authorization requests ✅ Used by default, if supported by issuer
Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)
Wallet authentication currently, only public client


The released software is an initial development release version:

  • The initial development release is an early endeavor reflecting the efforts of a short timeboxed period, and by no means can be considered as the final product.
  • The initial development release may be changed substantially over time, might introduce new features but also may change or remove existing ones, potentially breaking compatibility with your existing code.
  • The initial development release is limited in functional scope.
  • The initial development release may contain errors or design flaws and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss.
  • The initial development release has reduced security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to future releases. This could make the software slower, less reliable, or more vulnerable to attacks than mature software.
  • The initial development release is not yet comprehensively documented.
  • Users of the software must perform sufficient engineering and additional testing in order to properly evaluate their application and determine whether any of the open-sourced components is suitable for use in that application.
  • We strongly recommend to not put this version of the software into production use.
  • Only the latest version of the software will be supported

Use cases supported

Wallet-initiated issuance

As a wallet/caller having an out-of-band knowledge of a credential issuer, use the library to initiate issuance:

  • Fetch and validate the Credential Issuer Metadata
  • Fetch and validate the OAUTH2 or OIDC metadata used by the Credential Issuer
  • Ensure that out-of-band knowledge is valid

This is equivalent as resolving a credential offer, having authorization code grant, without issuer state.

Wallet-initiated issuance preconditions

  • The wallet knows the credential issuer id
  • The wallet knows one or more credential configuration ids
  • The wallet has prepared an issuance configuration, describing the capabilities & policies of the wallet.

Wallet-initiated issuance successful outcome

Same as outcome, as if a equivalent offer was resolved.

Wallet-initiated issuance steps

  1. Wallet/caller using the library to instantiate an Issuer
  2. If checks pass, an Issuer will be returned to the caller.

Wallet-initiated issuance execution


val openId4VCIConfig = ...
val credentialIssuerId: CredentialIssuerId = //known 
val credentialConfigurationIds: List<CredentialConfigurationIdentifier> = // known

val issuer = 

Wallet-initiated issuance next steps

Resolve a credential offer

As a wallet/caller use the library to process a URI that represents a credential offer

  • to make sure that it is a valid offer,
  • comes from an issuer which advertises properly its metadata and that
  • this offer is compatible with wallet configuration.

Resolve a credential offer preconditions

  • The wallet has obtained this URI. Typically, either scanning a QR Code or in response to a custom URI.
  • The wallet has prepared an issuance configuration, describing the capabilities & policies of the wallet.

This resolution includes the following

  • Check and validate the structure of the URI
  • Fetch the actual contents of the offer, in case URI points by reference to the offer
  • Fetch and validate the Credential Issuer Metadata
  • Fetch and validate the OAUTH2 or OIDC metadata used by the Credential Issuer
  • Ensure that credential offer is aligned to both the above metadata & wallet issuance configuration

Resolve a credential offer successful outcome:

An instance of the Issuer interface (the main entry point to the library) will have been initiated. This instance, includes the resolved CredentialOffer and the necessary methods to proceed The resolved offer contains the mandatory elements required for issuance.

  • The issuer's identifier
  • The selected authorization server that will authorize the issuance
  • The specific credentials that will be requested

These elements can be used to populate a wallet view that asks user's consensus to proceed with the issuance. This includes the authorization flow to be used (either authorization code flow, or pre-authorized code)

This concern, though is out of the scope of library

Resolve a credential offer execution

In order to resolve a credential offer wallet/caller must provide configuration options


val openId4VCIConfig = ...
val credentialOfferUri: String = "..."
val issuer = Issuer.make(openId4VCIConfig, credentialOfferUri).getOrThrow()

Resolve a credential offer next steps

Authorize wallet for issuance

As a wallet/caller use the library to obtain an access_token, to be able to access the credential issuer's protected endpoints

Authorize wallet for issuance preconditions

  • A credential offer has been resolved, and as a result
  • An instance of the Issuer interface has been instantiated

There are three distinct cases, depending on the content of the credential offer

  • Use authorization code flow
  • Use pre-authorized code flow
  • A credential offer supporting both flows. In this case, the caller/wallet must select which flow to use. This decision is out of the scope of the library, although pre-authorized code flow perhaps is more convenient since it includes fewer steps.

Authorize wallet for issuance successful outcome:

At the end of the use case, wallet will have an AuthorizedRequest instance.

Depending on the capabilities of the token endpoint of the credential issuer this AuthorizedRequest will be either

  • ProofRequired : That's the case where Token Endpoint provided a c_nonce attribute
  • NoProofRequired : Otherwise.

AuthorizedRequest will contain the access_token (bearer or DPoP), and, if provided, the refresh_token and c_nonce

Authorize wallet for issuance next steps

Authorization code flow

title: Authorization Code Flow state transision diagram
    state c_nonce_returned <<choice>>
    [*] --> AuthorizationRequestPrepared: prepareAuthorizationRequest
    AuthorizationRequestPrepared --> c_nonce_exists: authorizeWithAuthorizationCode
    c_nonce_exists --> c_nonce_returned
    c_nonce_returned --> AuthorizedRequest.ProofRequired : yes
c_nonce_returned --> AuthorizedRequest.NoProofRequired : no

Authorization code flow preconditions

In addition to the common authorization preconditions

  • The credential offer specifies authorization code flow, or
  • Wallet/Caller decides to use this flow

Authorization code flow steps

  1. Wallet/caller using asks the Issuer instance to prepare a URL where the mobile device browser needs to be pointed to. Library prepares this URL as follows
    • If PAR endpoint is advertised it will place a PAR request and assemble the URL for the authorization endpoint
    • If PAR endpoint is not supported (or disabled), it will assemble the URL, as normally, for the authorization endpoint
    • In both case PKCE will be used
  2. Wallet/Caller opens the mobile's browser to the URL calculated in the previous step
  3. User interacts with the authorization server via mobile device agent, typically providing his authorization
  4. On success, authorization redirects to a wallet provided redirect_uri, providing the code and a state parameters
  5. Using the Issuer instance exchange the authorization code for an access_token

In the scope of the library are steps 1 and 5.

Authorization code flow execution


// Step 1
val preparedAuthorizationRequest = 
    with(issuer) {
// Step 2
// Wallet opens mobile's browser and points it to 

// Step 4
// Wallet has extracted from authorization redirect_uri
// the code and state parameters
val (authorizationCode, state) = ... // using url preparedAuthorizationRequest.authorizationCodeURL authenticate via front-channel on authorization server and retrieve authorization code 

// Step 5
val authorizedRequest =
     with(issuer) {
         with(preparedAuthorizationRequest) {

Pre-authorized code flow

title: PreAuthorization Code Flow state transision diagram
    state c_nonce_returned <<choice>>
    [*] --> c_nonce_exists: authorizeWithPreAuthorizationCode
    c_nonce_exists --> c_nonce_returned
    c_nonce_returned --> AuthorizedRequest.ProofRequired : yes
c_nonce_returned --> AuthorizedRequest.NoProofRequired : no

Pre-authorized code flow preconditions

In addition to the common authorization preconditions

  • The credential offer specifies pre-authorized code flow or
  • Wallet/caller decided to use this flow
  • Optionally, wallet has received via another channel a tx_code
  • Wallet has gathered from the user this tx_code value, if needed


  1. Using the Issuer instance exchange the pre-authorized code & optionally the tx_code with an access_token
  2. Library will place an adequate request the token endpoint of the credential issuer
  3. Library will receive token endpoint response and map it to a AuthorizedRequest

Pre-authorized code flow execution


val txCode : Sting? = ... // Pin retrieved from another channel, if needed

val authorizedRequest =  
    with(issuer) {

Place credential request

Wallet/caller wants to place a request against the credential issuer, for one of the credential configurations that were present in the offer, or alternatively for a specific credential identifier in case token endpoint provided an authorization_details.

Place credential request preconditions

  • An instance of the Issuer interface has been instantiated
  • Wallet authorization has been performed and as a result
  • An instance of AuthorizedRequest is available
  • Wallet/Caller has decided for which credential_configuration_id - found in the offer - the request will be placed for
  • Wallet/Caller has decided which credential_identifier - optional attribute found in the AuthorizedRequest - the request will be placed for
  • Wallet/Caller has decided if a subset of the claims will be requested or all.
  • Wallet/Caller is ready to provide a suitable Proof signer for JWT or CWT proofs, if applicable

Place credential request steps

  1. Wallet/caller using the library assemble the request providing a credential_configuration_id and optionally a credential_identifier
  2. Wallet/caller using the Issuer and AuthorizedRequest place the request
  3. Library places the appropriate request against the Credential Endpoint of the Credential Issuer
  4. Library receives the Credential Issuer response and maps it to a SubmissionOutcome
  5. Wallet/caller gets back the SubmissionOutcome for further processing
  6. Wallet/caller may have to introspect the outcome to assemble a fresh AuthorizedRequest carrying possibly a fresh c_nonce

Place credential request outcome

The result of placing a request is represented by a SubmissionOutcome as follows:

  • SubmissionOutcome.Sucess This could represent either the issued credential or a transaction_id in case of deferred issuance, or
  • SubmissionOutcome.Failed indication that credential issuer rejected the request, including the invalid_proof case.

In case of an unexpected error a runtime will be raised.

Place credential request execution


val popSigner: PopSigner? = // optional JWT or CWT signer. Required only if proof are required by issuer
val claimSetToRequest : ClaimSet? = null // null indicates that all claims will be requested    

// Step 1
// Assemble the request    
val request = 
    IssuanceRequestPayload.ConfigurationBased(credentialConfigurationId, claimSetToRequest)

// Place the request
val (updatedAuthorizedRequest, outcome) =
    with(issuer) {
        with(authorizedRequest) {
            requestSingle(request, popSigner)

Important note

The ability of the token endpoint of the credential issuer to provide a c_nonce is an optional feature specified in the OpenId4VCI specification.

According to the specification, the wallet must be able to receive a c_nonce primarily via the credential issuance response, which is represented by SubmissionOutcome in the library.

For this reason, it is not uncommon that the first request to the credential issuance endpoint will have as an outcome Failed with an error InvalidProof. That's typical if credential issuer's token endpoint doesn't provide a c_nonce and proof is required for the requested credential.

The library will automatically try to handle the invalid proof response and place a second request which includes proofs. This can be done only if caller has provided a popSigner while invoking requestSingleAndUpdateState(). In case, that this second request fails with invalid_proof library will report as IrrecoverableInvalidProof.

Place credential request next steps

Query for deferred credential

Wallet/caller wants to query credential issuer for a deferred credential, while still holding an AuthorizedRequest and an Issuer instance.

Query for deferred credential preconditions

Query for deferred credential steps

  1. Wallet/caller issuing the Issuer instance places the query providing AuthorizedRequest and transaction_id
  2. Library checks if access_token in AuthorizedRequest is expired
  3. If access_token is expired it will automatically be refreshed, provided that credential issuer has given a refresh_token
  4. Library places the query against the Deferred Endpoint of the credential issuer
  5. Library gets credential issuer response and maps it into DeferredCredentialQueryOutcome
  6. Caller gets back an AuthorizedRequest and DeferredCredentialQueryOutcome

Query for deferred credential outcome

The outcome of placing this query is a pair comprised of

  • AuthorizedRequest : This represents a possibly updated AuthorizedRequest with a refreshed access_token
  • DeferredCredentialQueryOutcome: This is the response of the deferred endpoint and it could be one of
    • Issued : Deferred credential was issued
    • IssuancePending: Deferred credential was not ready
    • Errored: Credential issuer doesn't recognize the transaction_id

Query for deferred credential execution

val authorizedRequest = // has been retrieved in a previous step
val deferredCredential = // has been retrieved in a previous step. Holds the transaction_id

val (updatedAuthorizedRequest, outcome) =  
    with(issuer) {
        with(authorizedRequest) {

Query for deferred credential next steps

Query for deferred credential at later time

Wallet/caller wants to suspend issuance process, store its context and query issuer at a later time. There are limitations for this use case

  • The lifecycle of transaction_id is bound to the expiration of the access_token.
  • The access_token can be refreshed - library transparently does this - only if credential issuer has provided a refresh_token

This means that wallet/caller can query for a deferred credential as long as it has a non-expired access_token or refresh_token.

Query for deferred credential at later time preconditions

As per query for deferred credential

Query for deferred credential at a later time steps

  1. Wallet/caller using the Issuer instance obtains a DeferredIssuanceContext. That's a minimum set of data (configuration options and state) that are needed to query again the credential issuer
  2. Wallet/caller stores the DeferredIssuanceContext. How this is done is outside the scope of the library
  3. Wallet/caller loads the DeferredIssuanceContext. That's also outside the scope of the library
  4. Wallet/caller queries the credential issuer issuing DeferredIssuer
  5. Library performs all steps defined in Query for deferred credential
  6. Library returns to the caller the DeferredIssuanceContxt? and the DeferredCredentialQueryOutcome
  7. Depending on the outcome, wallet/caller may choose to store the new DeferredIssuanceContxt to query again, later on

Query for deferred credential at later time outcome

The outcome of placing this query is a pair comprised of

  • DeferredIssuanceContext : This represents a possibly new state of authorization carrying a refreshed access_token
  • DeferredCredentialQueryOutcome: This is the response of the deferred endpoint and it could be one of
    • Issued : Deferred credential was issued
    • IssuancePending: Deferred credential was not ready
    • Errored: Credential issuer doesn't recognize the transaction_id

Query for deferred credential at later time execution

val authorizedRequest = // has been retrieved in a previous step
val deferredCredential = // has been retrieved in a previous step. Holds the transaction_id
// Step 1
val deferredCtx = 
    with(issuer) {
        with(authorizedRequest) {

// Store context

// Load context

// Step 4
val (updatedDeferredCtx, outcome) = 

Serializing DeferredIssuanceContext

How waller/caller stores and loads the DeferredIssuanceContext is out of scope of the library.

There is though an indicative implementation that serializes the context as a JSON object.

Notify Credential Issuer

Wallet/caller wants to notify the credential issuer, about the overall outcome of the issuance, using one of the defined notifications:

  • Accepted : Credential was successfully stored in the Wallet
  • Deleted: Unsuccessful Credential issuance was caused by a user action.
  • Failed: Other unsuccessful cases

Notify Credential Issuer preconditions

  • Credential issuer advertises the optional Notification Endpoint
  • Wallet/caller has received a IssuedCredential.Issued with a notificationId
    (via credential, deferred or batch endpoint)
  • Wallet/caller has processed the issued credential (verification & storage)
  • Wallet/caller still has a reference to the Issuer and AuthorizedRequest instances

Notify Credential Issuer outcome

The use case always succeeds, even in the case of an unexpected error.

Notify Credential Issuer steps

  1. Wallet/caller using the library creates a notification event
  2. Wallet/caller using the Issuer instance places the notification to the credential issuer

Notify Credential Issuer execution

val authorizedRequest = // has been retrieved in a previous step
val notificationId = // has been provided by the issuer

// Step 1
// Other events are Deleted and Failed    
val event = 
    CredentialIssuanceEvent.Accepted(notificationId, "Got it!")

// Step 2

Configuration Options

The options available for the Issuer are represented by OpenId4VCIConfig

data class OpenId4VCIConfig(
    val clientId: ClientId,
    val authFlowRedirectionURI: URI,
    val keyGenerationConfig: KeyGenerationConfig,
    val credentialResponseEncryptionPolicy: CredentialResponseEncryptionPolicy,
    val authorizeIssuanceConfig: AuthorizeIssuanceConfig = AuthorizeIssuanceConfig.FAVOR_SCOPES,
    val dPoPSigner: PopSigner.Jwt? = null,
    val parUsage: ParUsage = ParUsage.IfSupported,
    val clock: Clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(),

Options available:

  • clientId: Wallet client_id in the OAUTH2 sense while interacting with the Credential Issuer
  • authFlowRedirectionURI: It is the redirect_uri parameter that will be included in a PAR or simple authorization request.
  • keyGenerationConfig: A way of generating ephemeral keys used for credential_response_encryption
  • credentialResponseEncryptionPolicy: A wallet policy in regard to whether it accepts credentials without credential_response_encyrption or not
  • authorizeIssuanceConfig: Preference on using scope or authorization_details during authorization code flow
  • dPoPSigner: An optional way of singing DPoP JWTs. If not provided DPoP is off. If provided it will be used only if Credential Issuer advertises this feature
  • parUsage: An indication to not use PAR endpoint or use it if advertised by the credential issuer
  • clock: Wallet/Caller clock.

val openId4VCIConfig = OpenId4VCIConfig(
    clientId = "wallet-dev", // the client id of wallet (acting as an OAUTH2 client)
    authFlowRedirectionURI = URI.create("eudi-wallet//auth"), // where the Credential Issuer should redirect after Authorization code flow succeeds
    keyGenerationConfig = KeyGenerationConfig.ecOnly(Curve.P_256), // what kind of ephemeral keys could be generated to encrypt credential issuance response
    credentialResponseEncryptionPolicy = CredentialResponseEncryptionPolicy.SUPPORTED, // policy concerning the wallet's requirements for encryption of credential responses
val credentialOfferUri: String = "..." 
val issuer = Issuer.make(openId4VCIConfig, credentialOfferUri).getOrThrow()

Other features

Pushed authorization requests

Library supports RFC 9126 OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests To use the PAR endpoint

  • wallet configuration shouldn't exclude its use (explicit configuration option) and
  • PAR should be advertised by credential issuer's metadata

Library will automatically use the PAR endpoint during the authorization code flow, otherwise it will fall back to a regular authorization request.

Place batch credential request

Library supports placing request against the Batch Endpoint of the Credential Issuer. Usage of this feature is not recommended since future release of OpenId4VCI will include to the Credential Issuance endpoint for some of the Batch Endpoint capabilities.

Proof Types Supported

The current version of the library supports JWT and CWT proofs

Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)

Library supports RFC9449. In addition to bearer authentication scheme, library can be configured to use DPoP authentication provided that the authorization server, that protects the credential issuer, supports this feature as well.

If wallet configuration provides a DPoP Signer and if the credential issuer advertises DPoP with algorithms supported by wallet's DPoP Signer, then library will transparently request for a DPoP access_token instead of the default Bearer token.

Furthermore, all subsequent interactions will use the correct token type (Bearer or DPoP)

Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients (PKCE)

Library supports RFC7636 by default while performing Authorization code flow. This feature cannot be disabled.

Features not supported

Issuer metadata accept-language

In section 11.2.2 specification recommends the use of header Accept-Language to indicate the language(s) preferred for display. Current version of the library does not support this.

Issuer signed metadata

In section 11.2.3 specification details the metadata an issuer advertises through its metadata endpoint. Current version of the library supports all metadata specified there except signed_metadata attribute.


Specification defines (section 5.1.1) that a credential's issuance can be requested using authorization_details or scope parameter when using authorization code flow. The current version of the library supports usage of both parameters. Though for authorization_details we don't yet support the format attribute and its specializations per profile as specified in Appendix A. Only credential_configuration_id attribute is supported.

The same stands for the token endpoint when (as specified in section 6.2) server response includes authorization_details. In this case too, the library does not support authorization details that include format attribute.

How to contribute

We welcome contributions to this project. To ensure that the process is smooth for everyone involved, follow the guidelines found in


Third-party component licenses

License details

Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.