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Support Files

API Reference

The function passed to defineSupportCode is called with an object as the first argument that exposes the following methods:

defineParameterType({regexp, typeName, transformer})

Add a new transform to convert a capture group into something else.

  • regexp: A regular expression (or array of regular expressions) that match the parameter
  • typeName: string used to refer to this type in cucumber expressions
  • transformer: An optional function which transforms the captured argument from a string into what is passed to the step definition. If no transform function is specified, the captured argument is left as a string. The function can be synchronous or return a Promise of the transformed value.

The built in transforms are:

// Float
  regexp: /-?\d*\.?\d+/,
  transformer: parseFloat,
  typeName: 'float'

// Integer
  regexp: /-?\d+/,
  transformer: parseInt,
  typeName: 'int'

// String in double quotes
  regexp: /"[^"]+"/,
  transformer: JSON.parse,
  typeName: 'stringInDoubleQuotes'

After([options,] fn)

Defines a hook which is run after each scenario.

  • options: An object with the following keys:
    • tags: string tag expression used to apply this hook to only specific scenarios. See cucumber-tag-expressions for more information
    • timeout: A hook-specific timeout, to override the default timeout.
  • fn: A function, defined as follows:
    • The first argument will be a ScenarioResult
    • When using the asynchronous callback interface, have one final argument for the callback function.

options can also be a string as a shorthand for specifying tags.

Multiple After hooks are executed in the reverse order that they are defined.

Before([options,] fn)

Defines a hook which is run before each scenario. Same interface as After.

Multiple Before hooks are executed in the order that they are defined.

defineStep([options,] pattern, fn)

Defines a step.

Aliases: Given, When, Then.

  • pattern: A regex or string pattern to match against a gherkin step.
  • options: An object with the following keys:
    • timeout: A step-specific timeout, to override the default timeout.
  • fn: A function, which should be defined as follows:
    • Should have one argument for each capture in the regular expression.
    • May have an additional argument if the gherkin step has a docstring or data table.
    • When using the asynchronous callback interface, have one final argument for the callback function.

Given(pattern[, options], fn)

Alias of defineStep.

registerHandler(event[, options], fn)

  • event: One of the supported event names listed here.
  • options: An object with the following keys:
    • timeout: A step-specific timeout, to override the default timeout.
  • fn: A function, defined as follows:
    • The first argument is the object as defined here.
    • When using the asynchronous callback interface, have one final argument for the callback function.


Set the default timeout for asynchronous steps. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds.


Set a function used to wrap step / hook definitions. When used, the result is wrapped again to ensure it has the same length of the original step / hook definition.


Set a custom world constructor, to override the default world constructor:

function World({attach, parameters}) {
  this.attach = attach
  this.parameters = parameters
  • attach - a function hooks / steps can use to add attachments
  • parameters - world parameters passed in through the cli

Note: The World constructor was made strictly synchronous in v0.8.0.

Then(pattern[, options], fn)

Alias of defineStep.

When(pattern[, options], fn)

Alias of defineStep.