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email command

Igor Balos edited this page May 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Send an email via Postmark. Authentication is done by server token.

raw [options]

Send an email with the HTML or Text body defined.

$ postmark email raw --from="" --to="" --subject="howdy" --html="<h1>Hi there</h1>" --text="Hi there"

# Options
--from, -f     Email address you are sending from. Must be an address on a
                verified domain or confirmed Sender Signature.
                                                           [string] [required]

--to, -t       Email address you are sending to            [string] [required]
--subject      The subject line of the email               [string] [required]
--html         The HTML version of the email                          [string]
--text         The text version of the email                          [string]

template [options]

Send a templated email.

$ postmark email template --alias="" --from="" --to="" --model='{"name": "Jane"}'

# Options
--id, -i     Template ID                                              [string]
--alias, -a  Template Alias                                           [string]
--from, -f   Email address you are sending from. Must be an address on a
             verified domain or confirmed Sender Signature.[string] [required]
--to, -t     Email address you are sending to              [string] [required]
--model, -m                                                           [string]
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