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95 lines (76 loc) · 3.12 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (76 loc) · 3.12 KB

Less coupling between formats, components and tools:

  • 2 "exercise" file formats based on markdown:
    • 1 for quizzes: including questions, proposed answers, and right anwsers
    • 1 for code exercises: including text, proposed solution, and an auto-evaluation function to define (where criteria are clearly visible)
  • 1 "raw" student submission file format which only contains the students' copy and submission metadata
  • 1 "graded" student copy file format which would also contain scores for every question + metadata about the grading process (e.g. version of the exercise file, time and context of execution)
  • generation of human-readable copies for each student, which includes actionable feedback, possibly including manual review comments from the educator
  • generation of human-readable exam report, which stats and charts, for quick insights about student understanding, errors, and progress
  • tools to parse, generate, convert files between all those formats
  • a standalone and secure code evaluator that can be run on the educator's laptop, on a web browser or in the cloud
  • several ways to generate exam copies for students: web UI with Google Login, Google Forms, or PDF exports with anonymous student identification.

Evolutions of the markdown-based exercise file format:

  • make it easier for educators to exchange and re-use exercise file without having to combine them
  • if possible, make the code exercises language-agnostic
  • provide a cleaner (e.g. less error-prone) and more flexible way to specify and use variants
  • provide a documented and extensible SDK with higher-level functions, to make auto-evaluation functions simpler to write and easier to read

Draft of new exercise format (inspired by Jekyll):

title:  "Make a HTTP request from Node.js"
type: code
runner: nodejs

# Question

Write a Node.js program that makes a HTTP {{method}} request to {{url}} and displays its response body to the standard output.

# Variants

  - placeholder: "url"
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""
  - placeholder: "method"
      - "GET"
      - "POST"
  # => by combining these variants, we get 6 different versions of this question

# Solution

  (async () => {
    const method = `{{method}}`.toLowerCase();
    const { body } = await http[method](`{{url}}`);

# Solution

  const method = `{{method}}`.toLowerCase();
  http[method](`{{url}}`).then(({ body }) => {

# Evaluator

  const { studentCode, runStudentCode, test } = globals;
  const http = require('http');
  test('use console.log()', (t) => {

  test('use the right http method', (t) => {
    const spiedRequest = t.spy(http, `{{method}}`);
    runStudentCode({ http, console: { log: () => {} } });, 1);

  test('display the body in stdout', (t) => {
    const spiedConsole = t.spy(console, `log`);
    runStudentCode({ http, console });, 1);