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This RFC proposes a significant redesign of the std::io and std::os modules in preparation for API stabilization. The specific problems addressed by the redesign are given in the Problems section below, and the key ideas of the design are given in Vision for IO.

Note about RFC structure

This RFC was originally posted as a single monolithic file, which made it difficult to discuss different parts separately.

It has now been split into a skeleton that covers (1) the problem statement, (2) the overall vision and organization, and (3) the std::os module.

Other parts of the RFC are marked with (stub) and will be filed as follow-up PRs against this RFC.

Table of contents


The io and os modules are the last large API surfaces of std that need to be stabilized. While the basic functionality offered in these modules is largely traditional, many problems with the APIs have emerged over time. The RFC discusses the most significant problems below.

This section only covers specific problems with the current library; see Vision for IO for a higher-level view. section.

Atomicity and the Reader/Writer traits

One of the most pressing -- but also most subtle -- problems with std::io is the lack of atomicity in its Reader and Writer traits.

For example, the Reader trait offers a read_to_end method:

fn read_to_end(&mut self) -> IoResult<Vec<u8>>

Executing this method may involve many calls to the underlying read method. And it is possible that the first several calls succeed, and then a call returns an Err -- which, like TimedOut, could represent a transient problem. Unfortunately, given the above signature, there is no choice but to simply throw this data away.

The Writer trait suffers from a more fundamental problem, since its primary method, write, may actually involve several calls to the underlying system -- and if a failure occurs, there is no indication of how much was written.

Existing blocking APIs all have to deal with this problem, and Rust can and should follow the existing tradition here. See Revising Reader and Writer for the proposed solution.


The std::io module supports "timeouts" on virtually all IO objects via a set_timeout method. In this design, every IO object (file, socket, etc.) has an optional timeout associated with it, and set_timeout mutates the associated timeout. All subsequent blocking operations are implicitly subject to this timeout.

This API choice suffers from two problems, one cosmetic and the other deeper:

  • The "timeout" is actually a deadline and should be named accordingly.

  • The stateful API has poor composability: when passing a mutable reference of an IO object to another function, it's possible that the deadline has been changed. In other words, users of the API can easily interfere with each other by accident.

See Deadlines for the proposed solution.

Posix and libuv bias

The current io and os modules were originally designed when librustuv was providing IO support, and to some extent they reflect the capabilities and conventions of libuv -- which in turn are loosely based on Posix.

As such, the modules are not always ideal from a cross-platform standpoint, both in terms of forcing Windows programmings into a Posix mold, and also of offering APIs that are not actually usable on all platforms.

The modules have historically also provided no platform-specific APIs.

Part of the goal of this RFC is to set out a clear and extensible story for both cross-platform and platform-specific APIs in std. See Design principles for the details.


Rust has followed the utf8 everywhere approach to its strings. However, at the borders to platform APIs, it is revealed that the world is not, in fact, UTF-8 (or even Unicode) everywhere.

Currently our story for platform APIs is that we either assume they can take or return Unicode strings (suitably encoded) or an uninterpreted byte sequence. Sadly, this approach does not actually cover all platform needs, and is also not highly ergonomic as presently implemented. (Consider os::getev which introduces replacement characters (!) versus os::getenv_as_bytes which yields a Vec<u8>; neither is ideal.)

This topic was covered in some detail in the Path Reform RFC, but this RFC gives a more general account in String handling.


The stdio module provides access to readers/writers for stdin, stdout and stderr, which is essential functionality. However, it also provides a means of changing e.g. "stdout" -- but there is no connection between these two! In particular, set_stdout affects only the writer that println! and friends use, while set_stderr affects panic!.

This module needs to be clarified. See The std::io facade and [Functionality moved elsewhere] for the detailed design.

Overly high-level abstractions

There are a few places where io provides high-level abstractions over system services without also providing more direct access to the service as-is. For example:

  • The Writer trait's write method -- a cornerstone of IO -- actually corresponds to an unbounded number of invocations of writes to the underlying IO object. This RFC changes write to follow more standard, lower-level practice; see Revising Reader and Writer.

  • Objects like TcpStream are Clone, which involves a fair amount of supporting infrastructure. This RFC tackles the problems that Clone was trying to solve more directly; see Splitting streams and cancellation.

The motivation for going lower-level is described in Design principles below.

The error chaining pattern

The std::io module is somewhat unusual in that most of the functionality it proves are used through a few key traits (like Reader) and these traits are in turn "lifted" over IoResult:

impl<R: Reader> Reader for IoResult<R> { ... }

This lifting and others makes it possible to chain IO operations that might produce errors, without any explicit mention of error handling:

                      ^~~~~~~~~~~ can produce an error
      ^~~~ can produce an error

The result of such a chain is either Ok of the outcome, or Err of the first error.

While this pattern is highly ergonomic, it does not fit particularly well into our evolving error story (interoperation or try blocks), and it is the only module in std to follow this pattern.

Eventually, we would like to write


to take advantage of the FromError infrastructure, hook into error handling control flow, and to provide good chaining ergonomics throughout all Rust APIs -- all while keeping this handling a bit more explicit via the ? operator. (See rust-lang#243 for the rough direction).

In the meantime, this RFC proposes to phase out the use of impls for IoResult. This will require use of try! for the time being.

(Note: this may put some additional pressure on at least landing the basic use of ? instead of today's try! before 1.0 final.)

Detailed design

There's a lot of material here, so the RFC starts with high-level goals, principles, and organization, and then works its way through the various modules involved.

Vision for IO

Rust's IO story had undergone significant evolution, starting from a libuv-style pure green-threaded model to a dual green/native model and now to a pure native model. Given that history, it's worthwhile to set out explicitly what is, and is not, in scope for std::io


For Rust 1.0, the aim is to:

  • Provide a blocking API based directly on the services provided by the native OS for native threads.

    These APIs should cover the basics (files, basic networking, basic process management, etc) and suffice to write servers following the classic Apache thread-per-connection model. They should impose essentially zero cost over the underlying OS services; the core APIs should map down to a single syscall unless more are needed for cross-platform compatibility.

  • Provide basic blocking abstractions and building blocks (various stream and buffer types and adapters) based on traditional blocking IO models but adapted to fit well within Rust.

  • Provide hooks for integrating with low-level and/or platform-specific APIs.

  • Ensure reasonable forwards-compatibility with future async IO models.

It is explicitly not a goal at this time to support asynchronous programming models or nonblocking IO, nor is it a goal for the blocking APIs to eventually be used in a nonblocking "mode" or style.

Rather, the hope is that the basic abstractions of files, paths, sockets, and so on will eventually be usable directly within an async IO programing model and/or with nonblocking APIs. This is the case for most existing languages, which offer multiple interoperating IO models.

The long term intent is certainly to support async IO in some form, but doing so will require new research and experimentation.

Design principles

Now that the scope has been clarified, it's important to lay out some broad principles for the io and os modules. Many of these principles are already being followed to some extent, but this RFC makes them more explicit and applies them more uniformly.

What cross-platform means

Historically, Rust's std has always been "cross-platform", but as discussed in Posix and libuv bias this hasn't always played out perfectly. The proposed policy is below. With this policies, the APIs should largely feel like part of "Rust" rather than part of any legacy, and they should enable truly portable code.

Except for an explicit opt-in (see Platform-specific opt-in below), all APIs in std should be cross-platform:

  • The APIs should only expose a service or a configuration if it is supported on all platforms, and if the semantics on those platforms is or can be made loosely equivalent. (The latter requires exercising some judgment). Platform-specific functionality can be handled separately (Platform-specific opt-in) and interoperate with normal std abstractions.

    This policy rules out functions like chown which have a clear meaning on Unix and no clear interpretation on Windows; the ownership and permissions models are very different.

  • The APIs should follow Rust's conventions, including their naming, which should be platform-neutral.

    This policy rules out names like fstat that are the legacy of a particular platform family.

  • The APIs should never directly expose the representation of underlying platform types, even if they happen to coincide on the currently-supported platforms. Cross-platform types in std should be newtyped.

    This policy rules out exposing e.g. error numbers directly as an integer type.

The next subsection gives detail on what these APIs should look like in relation to system services.

Relation to the system-level APIs

How should Rust APIs map into system services? This question breaks down along several axes which are in tension with one another:

  • Guarantees. The APIs provided in the mainline io modules should be predominantly safe, aside from the occasional unsafe function. In particular, the representation should be sufficiently hidden that most use cases are safe by construction. Beyond memory safety, though, the APIs should strive to provide a clear multithreaded semantics (using the Send/Sync kinds), and should use Rust's type system to rule out various kinds of bugs when it is reasonably ergonomic to do so (following the usual Rust conventions).

  • Ergonomics. The APIs should present a Rust view of things, making use of the trait system, newtypes, and so on to make system services fit well with the rest of Rust.

  • Abstraction/cost. On the other hand, the abstractions introduced in std must not induce significant costs over the system services -- or at least, there must be a way to safely access the services directly without incurring this penalty. When useful abstractions would impose an extra cost, they must be pay-as-you-go.

Putting the above bullets together, the abstractions must be safe, and they should be as high-level as possible without imposing a tax.

  • Coverage. Finally, the std APIs should over time strive for full coverage of non-niche, cross-platform capabilities.

Platform-specific opt-in

Rust is a systems language, and as such it should expose seamless, no/low-cost access to system services. In many cases, however, this cannot be done in a cross-platform way, either because a given service is only available on some platforms, or because providing a cross-platform abstraction over it would be costly.

This RFC proposes platform-specific opt-in: submodules of os that are named by platform, and made available via #[cfg] switches. For example, os::unix can provide APIs only available on Unix systems, and os::linux can drill further down into Linux-only APIs. (You could even imagine subdividing by OS versions.) This is "opt-in" in the sense that, like the unsafe keyword, it is very easy to audit for potential platform-specificity: just search for os::anyplatform. Moreover, by separating out subsets like linux, it's clear exactly how specific the platform dependency is.

The APIs in these submodules are intended to have the same flavor as other io APIs and should interoperate seamlessly with cross-platform types, but:

  • They should be named according to the underlying system services when there is a close correspondence.

  • They may reveal the underlying OS type if there is nothing to be gained by hiding it behind an abstraction.

For example, the os::unix module could provide a stat function that takes a standard Path and yields a custom struct. More interestingly, os::linux might include an epoll function that could operate directly on many io types (e.g. various socket types), without any explicit conversion to a file descriptor; that's what "seamless" means.

Each of the platform modules will offer a custom prelude submodule, intended for glob import, that includes all of the extension traits applied to standard IO objects.

The precise design of these modules is in the very early stages and will likely remain #[unstable] for some time.

Proposed organization

The io module is currently the biggest in std, with an entire hierarchy nested underneath; it mixes general abstractions/tools with specific IO objects. The os module is currently a bit of a dumping ground for facilities that don't fit into the io category.

This RFC proposes the revamp the organization by flattening out the hierarchy and clarifying the role of each module:

  env           environment manipulation
  fs            file system
  io            core io abstractions/adapters
    prelude     the io prelude
  net           networking
    unix        platform-specific APIs
    linux         ..
    windows       ..
  os_str        platform-sensitive string handling
  process       process management

In particular:

  • The contents of os will largely move to env, a new module for inspecting and updating the "environment" (including environment variables, CPU counts, arguments to main, and so on).

  • The io module will include things like Reader and BufferedWriter -- cross-cutting abstractions that are needed throughout IO.

    The prelude submodule will export all of the traits and most of the types for IO-related APIs; a single glob import should suffice to set you up for working with IO. (Note: this goes hand-in-hand with removing the bits of io currently in the prelude, as recently proposed.)

  • The root os module is used purely to house the platform submodules discussed above.

  • The os_str module is part of the solution to the Unicode problem; see String handling below.

  • The process module over time will grow to include querying/manipulating already-running processes, not just spawning them.

Revising Reader and Writer

To be added in a follow-up PR.

String handling

To be added in a follow-up PR.


To be added in a follow-up PR.

Splitting streams and cancellation

To be added in a follow-up PR.


Now that we've covered the core principles and techniques used throughout IO, we can go on to explore the modules in detail.


To be added in a follow-up PR.

The std::io facade

To be added in a follow-up PR.


Most of what's available in std::os today will move to std::env, and the signatures will be updated to follow this RFC's Design principles as follows.


  • args: change to yield an iterator rather than vector if possible; in any case, it should produce an OsStrBuf.

Environment variables:

  • vars (renamed from env): yields a vector of (OsStrBuf, OsStrBuf) pairs.

  • var (renamed from getenv): take a value bounded by IntoOsStrBuf, allowing Rust strings and slices to be ergonomically passed in. Yields an Option<OsStrBuf>.

  • set_var (renamed from setenv): takes two IntoOsStrBuf-bounded values.

  • remove_var (renamed from unsetenv): takes a IntoOsStrBuf-bounded value.

  • join_paths: take an IntoIterator<T> where T: IntoOsStrBuf, yield a Result<OsStrBuf, JoinPathsError>.

  • split_paths take a IntoOsStrBuf, yield an Iterator<Path>.

Working directory:

  • current_dir (renamed from getcwd): yields a PathBuf.
  • set_current_dir (renamed from change_dir): takes an AsPath value.

Important locations:

  • home_dir (renamed from homedir): returns home directory as a PathBuf
  • temp_dir (renamed from tmpdir): returns a temporary directly as a PathBuf
  • current_exe (renamed from self_exe_name): returns the full path to the current binary as a PathBuf.

Exit status:

  • get_exit_status and set_exit_status stay as they are, but with updated docs that reflect that these only affect the return value of std::rt::start.

Architecture information:

  • num_cpus, page_size: stay as they are


  • Rename SYSNAME to OS.
  • Remove TMPBUF_SZ.

This brings the constants into line with our naming conventions elsewhere.

Items to move to os::platform

  • pipe will move to os::unix. It is currently primarily used for hooking to the IO of a child process, which will now be done behind a trait object abstraction.

Removed items

  • errno, error_string and last_os_error provide redundant, platform-specific functionality and will be removed for now. They may reappear later in os::unix and os::windows in a modified form.
  • dll_filename: deprecated in favor of working directly with the constants.
  • _NSGetArgc, _NSGetArgv: these should never have been public.
  • self_exe_path: deprecated in favor of current_exe plus path operations.
  • make_absolute: deprecated in favor of explicitly joining with the working directory.
  • all _as_bytes variants: deprecated in favor of yielding OsStrBuf values


To be added in a follow-up PR.


To be added in a follow-up PR.


To be added in a follow-up PR.


Initially, this module will be empty except for the platform-specific unix and windows modules. It is expected to grow additional, more specific platform submodules (like linux, macos) over time.

Odds and ends

To be expanded in a follow-up PR.

The io prelude

The prelude submodule will contain most of the traits, types, and modules discussed in this RFC; it is meant to provide maximal convenience when working with IO of any kind. The exact contents of the module are left as an open question.


This RFC is largely about cleanup, normalization, and stabilization of our IO libraries -- work that needs to be done, but that also represents nontrivial churn.

However, the actual implementation work involved is estimated to be reasonably contained, since all of the functionality is already in place in some form (including os_str, due to @SimonSapin's WTF-8 implementation).


The main alternative design would be to continue staying with the Posix tradition in terms of naming and functionality (for which there is precedent in some other languages). However, Rust is already well-known for its strong cross-platform compatibility in std, and making the library more Windows-friendly will only increase its appeal.

More radically different designs (in terms of different design principles or visions) are outside the scope of this RFC.

Unresolved questions

To be expanded in a follow-up PR.