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File metadata and controls

123 lines (93 loc) · 4.61 KB


Provides a uniform method for pushing notifications to users.

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Test Coverage

Inline docs


  • Run as a gem inside your application (with an ActiveRecord backend) or stand alone via AWS Lambda (with DynamoDB).
  • Store multiple configurations (each with their own templates) to support a multi-tenant model.
  • Templating:
    • Separate templates for each configuration with versioning.
    • Rendered via Liquid, with support for object interpolations.
    • Optional Premailer processing.
  • Adapters for:



A Request is injected with Config and creates one or more Post records for processing asyncronously.

Each Post is associated with a Channel and a Recipient.

The Channel will inject the Post data into a Content class which optionally uses a Template to render the output. The result is then passed to an Adapter to push out to a third-party system.

Sample Setup

  config = Config.create(
    data: {
      template_version: 'v1',
      channels: {
        # implement {{Channels::Mail}}
        mail: {
          # for use with {{Adapters::Mailing}}
          adapter: { name: 'mailgun', domain: '', api_key: '...' },
          from: 'Notification<>', reply_to: 'Notification<>'
        # Other channels Push/Text via Slack, Twillo etc possible.
        # push: { ... },
        # text: { ... }
      objects: { org_name: 'Org Name' }

  html_template = Template.create(
    config_id:, version: 'v1',
    notification: 'welcome', channel: 'mail', format: 'html',
    data: <<~HTML
      <title>Email Subject</title>
        <p>Welcome {{name}}!</p>
          <a href={{url}}>Go here to start</a>
        <p>- {{org_name}}</p>

  plain_template = Template.create(
    config_id:, version: 'v1',
    notification: 'welcome', channel: 'mail', format: 'plain',
    data: <<~STR
      Subject: Welcome!
      Welcome {{name}}

      Go to {{url}} to get started.

      - {{org_name}}

  result =
    api_key: config.api_key, notification: 'welcome',
    instant: true, # do not queue the processing, return full response for debug purposes.
    debug: false,  # would run everything except the {Adapter#call} and return sample payload.
    recipients: [
      { uid: 1, email: '', objects: { name: 'Bob' } }
    objects: {
      url: ''

If deployed to AWS, you can then invoke the function:

aws lambda invoke --function-name service-notifications-make_request-production --payload '{"instant":true,"api_key":"___AWS_KEY___","notification":"inline","recipients":[{"uid":1,"email":"__TEST_EMAIL__"}],"objects":{"plain":"Plain content","html":"\u003cstrong\u003eHTML\u003c/strong\u003e"}}' /dev/stdout

or via AWS Gateway API:

curl -d '{"instant":true,"api_key":"___AWS_KEY___","notification":"inline","recipients":[{"uid":1,"email":"__TEST_EMAIL__"}],"objects":{"plain":"Plain content","html":"\u003cstrong\u003eHTML\u003c/strong\u003e"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

AWS Deployment

  • See Makefile for setup and deployment.
  • Use AWS=1 guard to run specs against the AWS setup.


  • Separate out gems for ActiveRecord and AWS dependencies (eg service_notifications-active_record) to remove gem dependencies.
  • Better environment/configuration setup (mostly ENV or hardcoded).
  • Documentation
  • DynanmoDB posts table to queue Lamba for backgrounding the processing (currently only works with instant: true processing).