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jcapricebasho edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 8 revisions

Replication Event Logging

riak-repl commands


The below are events specifically triggered by customers executing commands via the riak-repl script.

Example Message: MDC-0201 (riak_repl_console) Add Listener riak@ on

Event Function Message
Add Listener add_listener_internal MDC-0201 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Add Listener NodeName on IP:Port.
Delete Listener del_listener MDC-0202 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Delete Listener NodeName on IP:Port.
Add Site add_site MDC-0203 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Add Site SiteName for IP:Port.
Delete Site del_site MDC-0204 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Delete Site SiteName.
Add NAT Listener add_nat_listener_internal MDC-0205 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Add NAT Listener NodeName on IP:Port using Public address PublicIP:PublicPort.
Start Fullsync start_fullsync MDC-0206 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync to all sites.
Cancel Fullsync cancel_fullsync MDC-0207 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Cancel Fullsync to all sites.
Pause Fullsync pause_fullsync MDC-0208 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Pause Fullsync to all sites.
Resume Fullsync resume_fullsync MDC-0209 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Resume Fullsync to all sites.
Event Function Message
Set Replication Modes set_modes MDC-3001 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Set replication mode(s) to Modes.
Set Clustername clustername MDC-3002 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Set cluster name to ClusterName.
Connect to Cluster connect MDC-3003 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Connect to cluster at IP:Port.
Disconnect from Cluster disconnect MDC-3004 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disconnect from cluster at IP:Port.
Disconnect from Cluster disconnect MDC-3005 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disconnect from cluster Remote.
Enable Realtime realtime MDC-3006 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Enable Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Disable Realtime realtime MDC-3007 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disable Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Realtime realtime MDC-3008 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Start Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Realtime realtime MDC-3009 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Start Realtime Replication to all connected clusters.
Stop Realtime realtime MDC-3010 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Stop Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Stop Realtime realtime MDC-3011 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Stop Realtime Replication to all connected clusters.
Enable Fullsync fullsync MDC-3012 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Enable Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Disable Fullsync fullsync MDC-3013 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disable Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Fullsync fullsync MDC-3014 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Fullsync fullsync MDC-3015 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync Replication to all connected clusters.
Stop Fullsync fullsync MDC-3016 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Stop Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Stop Fullsync fullsync MDC-3017 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Stop Fullsync Replication to all connected clusters.
Set Realtime Cascades to Always realtime_cascades MDC-3018 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Enable Realtime Replication cascading.
Set Realtime Cascades to Never realtime_cascades MDC-3019 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disable Realtime Replication cascading.
Add a NAT map add_nat_map MDC-3020 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Add a NAT map from External IP ExternalIP to Internal IP InternalIP.
Delete a NAT map del_nat_map MDC-3021 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Delete a NAT map from External IP ExternalIP to Internal IP InternalIP.
Enable Riak CS proxy GET proxy_get MDC-3022 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Enable Riak CS Proxy GET for Remote
Disable Riak CS proxy GET proxy_get MDC-3023 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Disable Riak CS Proxy GET for Remote
Set Fullsync Workers (node, source) max_fssource_node MDC-3024 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync workers per Source node to NewVal.
Set Fullsync Workers (cluster, source) max_fssource_cluster MDC-3025 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync workers for Source cluster to NewVal.
Set Fullsync Workers (node, sink) max_fssink_node MDC-3026 (?MODULE) COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync works per Sink node to NewVal.


Event Function Message
Replication Modes Set set_modes MDC-3027 (?MODULE) Replication Mode(s) set to NewModes.
Replication Modes Invalid set_modes MDC-3028 (?MODULE) Replication Mode(s) specified (NewModes) are invalid.
Realtime Cascades Set rt_cascades_trans MDC-3042 (?MODULE) Realtime replication cascading set to Val.
Riak CS Proxy GET enabled pg_enable_trans MDC-3043 (?MODULE) Proxy GET enabled for Riak CS.
Riak CS Proxy GET disabled pg_disable_trans MDC-3044 (?MODULE) Proxy GET disabled for Riak CS.
NAT Map Added add_nat_map MDC-3045 (?MODULE) NAT Map added for {ExternalIP, InternalIP} - Mapping.
NAT Nap Deleted del_nat_map MDC-3046 (?MODULE) NAT Map deleted for {ExternalIP, InternalIP} - Mapping.


Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Added ensure_remote_connection MDC-3029 (?MODULE) Connection added for remote cluster Remote.


Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Removed remove_remote_connection MDC-3032 (?MODULE) Connection removed for remote cluster Remote.


Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Established connected MDC-3030 (?MODULE) Connection established to remote cluster RemoteName.
Cluster Connection Failed connect_failed MDC-3031 (?MODULE) Connection failed to remote cluster RemoteName.

riak_core_connection.erl (riak_core)

Event Function Message
Clustername Set set_symbolic_clustername MDC-3033 (?MODULE) Cluster name set to ClusterName.


Event Function Message
Realtime Replication Enabled enable MDC-3034 (?MODULE) Realtime replication enabled for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Disabled disable MDC-3035 (?MODULE) Realtime replication disabled for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Started start MDC-3036 (?MODULE) Realtime replication started for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Stopped stop MDC-3037 (?MODULE) Realtime replication stopped for remote cluster Remote.


Event Function Message
Fullsync Replication Enabled start_coord MDC-3038 (?MODULE) Fullsync replication enabled for remote cluster Remote.
Fullsync Replication Disabled stop_coord MDC-3039 (?MODILE) Fullsync replication disabled for remote cluster Remote.


Event Function Message
Fullsync Replication Started handle_cast(start_fullsync) MDC-3040 (?MODULE) Fullsync replication started for remote cluster State#state.other_cluster.
Fullsync Replication Stopped handle_cast(stop_fullsync) MDC-3041 (?MODULE) Fullsync replication stopped for remote cluster State#state.other_cluster.

Note: RemoteName not available in connected, connect_failed. Use ctrlClientProcess instead?