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398 lines (336 loc) · 17.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog and this project loosely adheres to Semantic Versioning.
The version numbering scheme consists of three numbers separated by dots: major.minor.patch. Major versions are incremented when a substantial change in overall functionality of StaG-mwc is introduced. Minor versions are incremented for any modifications to the interface or output files (i.e. changes that would likely lead to different output for end-users when re-running an analysis, either by giving error messages or changing output files), and the patch version is typically incremented for any set of changes committed to the master branch that does not trigger any of the aforementioned situations.

[0.7.1] Unreleased






[0.7.0] 2023-06-13


  • Host removal: Bowtie2 now available as an option for host removal.


  • HUMAnN3: Fixed critical bug leading to entire system-wide temporary directory being emptied after successful HUMAnN run.
  • Singularity: All Singularity definition files should from now on get version bumps in the description labels when conda environments built inside them are updated to reduce the risk of Singularity reusing old cached copies of images instead of download the latest version.


  • Preprocessing summary: Preprocessing summary script can now output a table of read counts regardless of which combination of read QC and host removal is used.



  • AMR++, Groot: All tools for antibiotic resistance gene profiling have been removed entirely because they were out of date and had few active users. Users wanting to perform antibiotic resistance gene profiling are suggested to use the mapper modules with a suitable reference database or run the latest version of AMR++ separately.
  • Assembly: The MetaWRAP-based assembly parts of the workflow have been removed entirely.

[0.6.1] 2023-06-01


  • BBMap: now outputs sorted BAM file, added options keep_sam and keep_bam.
  • Bowtie2: added option keep_bam.


  • KrakenUniq: environment variable LC_ALL has been added to Singularity image to prevent unnecessary warning messages related to it being undefined.
  • KrakenUniq: now able to run when host removal is skipped, solved by adding krakenuniq_merge_reads rule to create a temporary merged fasta file with input data for KrakenUniq to avoid giving KrakenUniq symlinks as input.


  • MetaPhlAn: Updated to v4.0.6
  • HUMAnN3: Updated to v3.7
  • HUMAnN3: Changed the way the temporary directory is resolved, now using Snakemake's built-in resources.tmpdir. This should prevent HUMAnN from creating large temporary directories outside of Slurm job folders so that they cannot be automatically cleaned up if the Slurm job times out or fails before HUMAnN can clean up after itself.
  • KrakenUniq: Concatenate reads with BBMap's with a padding of one N instead of interleaving the paired inputs into a single FASTA to avoid KrakenUniq treating paired reads independently.


  • Kaiju, Kraken2, MetaPhlAn: area plot removed due to repeatedly leading to failed runs in cached Singularity containers. The script still works as intended in newer matplotlib versions and will remain in the scripts folder for potential manual use if desired.


  • Groot: Removed settings related to read length window as that feature was removed in a previous StaG release.

[0.6.0] 2023-04-17


  • Added a new Slurm profile for use on CTMR Gandalf, also intended to be useful as a starting point for creating custom Slurm profiles.
  • Added a README with basic instructions for how to configure the workflow.
  • Added function to disable MetaPhlAn heatmap plots, which may be useful when processing very large numbers of samples.
  • Added MetaPhlAn-style output tables for KrakenUniq.
  • Added Krona plot output for KrakenUniq.


  • Fixed missing interactive Kaiju Krona plots for all samples in final report.
  • Now reusing metaphlan conda environment and biobakery container for running bowtie2 mapping rule to ensure a consistent execution environment for bowtie2.
  • KrakenUniq now works in Singularity, thanks to new custom Singularity image.
  • KrakenUniq rule is now correctly not rerun if keep_kraken or keep_kreport settings are set to false when executing the workflow a second time.
  • Kraken2 rule is now correctly not rerun if keep_kraken or keep_kreport settings are set to false when executing the workflow a second time.


  • Restructured repo to conform to modern Snakemake best practices. This also includes updates to documentation where needed.
  • Hardcoded default thread values for all rules used during local execution without profile. Intended to be overridden by profile.
  • Updated KrakenTools to its latest version (1.2), with a minor custom modification of, changing output column names to taxon_name and reads.
  • Updated all Python packages in the main stag-mwc conda environment to their latest version.
  • Some minor scripts affected by Pandas and Matplotlib updates were modified to work with the latest versions of those libraries.
  • Updated groot to 1.1.2 that brings many performance improvements, but removed the built-in plotting functionality so the groot module no longer produces any plots. Removed size window filtering with BBMap from groot alignment rule, and renamed the groot config variable index to index_dir to better map to --indexDir used in groot CLI.


  • Older Slurm profiles for CTMR Gandalf and UPPMAX Rackham are now considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • MetaWRAP support is considered deprecated and will eventually be replaced by another solution for metagenome assembly in a future release of StaG.


[0.5.1] 2022-12-06


  • Produce Snakemake report in zip format instead of HTML due to the HTML report being broken in the later versions of Snakemake.
  • Add KrakenUniq as taxonomic profiler as an alternative with lower false positive rate than Kraken2.
  • Added samplesheet as alternative input file selection method, this also enables providing custom sample names that are not based on pattern in input filenames.
  • Samplesheet can be used to specify remote input files from S3 or HTTP/HTTPS sources.
  • Added run_krona setting for taxonomic profilers to make it possible to disable Krona table and plot creation.


  • Corrected typo in host_removal rule concerning keep_kreport config flag.
  • Corrected typo in bowtie2 annotation counts output files leading to workflow complaining about missing output files.
  • Removed unintended stdout printouts from various helper scripts and some MetaPhlAn related rules.
  • Removed outdated mentions of MetaPhlAn2 in report.


  • Replaced CircleCI automatic testing workflow with one implemented with Github actions.
  • Updated MetaPhlAn to version 4.0.3.
  • Updated HUMAnN to version 3.6.
  • Modified area and MetaPhlAn heatmap plotting scripts to better deal with MetaPhlAn 4 output formats.
  • Updated the documentation to reflect recent changes in StaG.
  • Updated KrakenTools to v1.2
  • Updated scripts/ to v1.1, which includes support for skipping lines before the header.
  • Improved automatic report generation code in main Snakefile to be more robust. Now works well also when --use-singularity or --jobs are used simultaneously with --report.


  • Removed old unmaintained DB download rules for groot, kaiju, kraken2.

[0.5.0] 2021-11-18


  • Biobakery update: updated MetaPhlAn and HUMAnN to version 3 as well as introducing StrainPhlAn3 for strain-level genomics.
  • Added $TMPDIR variable which can be specified in config.yaml. It is normally not required to specify $TMPDIR but might be necessary to run HUMAnN due to large intermediary files.
  • New internal StaG feature to better handle user messages and defer them for printing after the workflow finished execution so they don't get lost in the verbose log printout from Snakemake.
  • Added new feature to automatically remove intermediaries with the use of keep_ flags in the config file. Currently available for Quality control (fastp), host removal (kraken2), taxonomic profiling with Kraken2 and MetaPhlAn3.
  • Automatic builds of Singularity images using Github actions. Images get uploaded to the Github Package repository at<tag>-<branch>.


  • Updated pandas to 1.2.1 to fix issue with failing.
  • now parses the correct number of unclassified reads.
  • Rule bracken_kreport now correctly produces kreport output file for downstream processing.
  • Fixed typo in count summary output filenames for BBMap.
  • Increased time allocations for host removal in ctmr_gandalf cluster config.
  • Limited job allocations to one node in ctmr_gandalf cluster config.
  • Fixed bug where unspecified kraken2 database did not raise expected WorkflowError.


  • Updated Kraken2 to 2.1.2 and added --minimum-hit-groups setting in config file.
  • Updated fastp to 0.23.0.
  • Updated Kaiju to 1.8.2.
  • Updated BBMap to 38.93.
  • Updated MultiQC to 1.11.


[0.4.1] 2021-02-02


  • Created Singularity images for all conda environments. Run with --use-singularity (do not combine with --use-conda).
  • New cluster profile "pseudo-rules" for anonymous rules for mappers: bbmap and bowtie2 can now accept threads from n in the cluster profile. They still use the time allocation for the __default__ rule, however.
  • Added possibility to use extra: to define additional arguments passed on to Slurm submissions. Useful to request e.g. fat nodes with extra: "-C fat"
  • Added custom reimplementation of AMRPlusPlus v2.0 which can be executed with either --use-singularity or --use-conda.


  • The host removal module now correctly identifies setting host_removal: False in the config file. Thank you chrsb!


  • Do not combine --use-singularity with --use-conda anymore. The new Singularity images already contain all dependencies.
  • All rules now define the number of threads from cluster_config if defined. Old defaults are still used for local execution.
  • The shebang of has been changed to work in more environments.
  • Implemented workaround for error caused by automatic report generation when using Singularity.
  • Disabled taxonomic area plot for Kaiju outputs due to issues processing the output files.


[0.4.0] 2020-02-18


  • Added resource limiter for HUMAnN2 due to its intense use of huge temporary files in the output folder. Activated with --resources humann2=X, where X is the max number of parallel instances of humann2 to run.
  • Added groot report parameters covcutoff and lowcov to config file.
  • Added automatic plot of proportion human reads. Included in report.
  • Added assembly and binning using MetaWRAP.
  • Added the possibility to run in Singularity with conda using --use-singularity --use-conda.
  • Added more MetaPhlAn2 data in output report.
  • Added HUMAnN2 summary tables to output report.
  • Added combined table and Krona plot for Kraken2 to output report.
  • Added metagenomic assembly, binning and "blobology", using MEGAHIT or SPAdes, with binning using CONCOCT and MetaBat (MaxBin2 is not working), implemented via MetaWrap.
  • Added KrakenTools from Jennifer Lu under the MIT license.
  • Added basic syntax and DAG validation test in CircleCI
  • Added possibility to skip read QC and/or host removal: will symlink relevant files files into the relevant output directories so Snakemake can continue without performing read QC and/or host removal.
  • Added MultiQC, mainly to summarize fastp logs.
  • Added Bracken abundance estimation on Kraken2 report files; added Bracken to the StaG conda environment. Also added Bracken abundance filtering rules so users can include/exclude certain taxa.
  • Added "all_samples" summary output files in a more common format for all taxonomic profilers, called mpa_style. They are not identical, but very similar, with full lineage listings for all detected taxa.
  • Added pigz v2.4 to the main StaG conda environment.
  • Added summary with read counts passing preprocessing steps as a table and basic line plot. Only runs if both read QC and host removal are performed.


  • Fixed bug in Slurm profile handling of cancelled/failed jobs.
  • MetaPhlAn2 rule now correctly detect if no database path has been entered in the config file.
  • HUMAnN2 rule now correctly detects if no database path has been entered in the config file.
  • Kraken2 rule now correctly detects if no database is available at the path given in the config file.


  • Updated Python to 3.7 in main stag-mwc conda environment.
  • Updated Kaiju to 1.7.2.
  • Updated BBMap to 38.68.
  • Updated sambamba to 0.7.0.
  • Updated Kraken2 to 2.0.8_beta.
  • Updated seaborn to 0.8.1, added fastcluster to main stag-mwc conda env, installed via pip.
  • Updated MetaPhlAn2 to 2.96.1.
  • Updated HUMAnN2 to 2.8.1.
  • Updated GROOT to v0.8.5.
  • Updated to 0.3.
  • Changed output filenames ending with .tsv to .txt to avoid pretty HTML representations in report.
  • Replaced BBMap-based host removal with Kraken2, substantially reducing time and resources requirements.
  • Added read length window filter before groot alignment step.
  • Change logdir of remove_human rule to LOGDIR/remove_human instead of OUTDIR/logs/remove_human.
  • Improved so it can use TSV annotation files with multiple columns. Added config setting for which columns to include.
  • Cleaned up sketch comparison cluster heatmap plotting script, making it more robust to variations in output from different BBTools versions.
  • Changed the call to due to undocumented CLI change in latest conda version.
  • Changed Kaiju summary report output filenames.
  • Split biobakery environment into metaphlan2 and humann2 so users only interested in MetaPhlAn2 do not have to download the huge HUMAnN2.
  • Replaced the outdated with a custom script.
  • Defined some low-impact summary and plotting rules as localrules.
  • Reworded all rules relating to human removal to "host removal", and changed output folder structure accordingly.
  • Renamed output folder and file names for quality and adapter trimming.
  • Set Kraken2 --confidence to 0.1 by default.
  • Adjusted HUMAnN2 cores to 20 (up from 8).
  • Adjusted MetaPhlAn2 cores to 5 (up from 4).


  • Removed outdated database download rules for Centrifuge, MetaPhlAn2, Kaiju, Kraken2, HUMAnN2.
  • Replaced FastQC + BBDuk with fastp adapter trimming and quality filtering.
  • Removed support for Centrifuge




  • Updated docs regarding HTML execution report generation.
  • Updated GROOT to 0.8.3



  • Fixed MinHash sketch sample similarity plots.



  • Added
  • New functionality to run mappers several times against different databases, based on a list of reference databases to map against in the config file.
  • Functional profiling using HUMAnN2. Will automatically run all MetaPhlAn2-associated rules to produce taxonomic profiles for use in HUMAnN2.
  • Added Overview page to documentation that includes a draft of a simplified graph overview of the workflow (including some unfinished parts).
  • Added rules to run Kraken2.
  • Added onstart, onerror, and onsuccess messages.
  • Added email functionality. The workflow can now automatically send an email after a successful or failed run.
  • Added automatic report generation upon successful workflow completion.


  • Substantial improvements to Rackham Slurm profile, focusing on better Slurm log handling.
  • A few low-impact rules that can be run locally are now declared as localrules.
  • Replaced MEGARes antibiotic resistance gene mapping with Groot resistance gene profiling using gene variation graphs.
  • Increased resource requirements for remove_human step in Rackham cluster profile.
  • Added clustered sketch comparison output heatmap.
  • Updated MetaPhlAn2 to version 2.7.8, with corresponding changes to config file.


  • Fixed error handling if hg19 database is missing for the remove human step.


[0.1.1-dev] - 2018-04-30



  • Started using Python's pathlib module for Snakefile rule input, output, and log file declarations. Some unsightly explicit string conversions still remain, due to Snakemake not being fully compatible with pathlib (yet).
  • Add details about branching structure/strategy to


[0.1.0-dev] - 2018-04-30

First public release


  • First public release of StaG-mwc!
  • Snakemake workflow capable of read preprocessing, rudimentary sequencing depth assessment using kmer uniqueness counting, naive sample comparison using MinHash sketches, mapping to user-defined databases using BBMap or Bowtie2 (with customizable read count summarization per annotated feature), taxonomic profiling using Centrifuge, Kaiju, or MetaPhlAn2, and basics required for antibiotic resistance gene detection using MEGARes.
  • First public draft of docs, available at