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import {Meta} from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';

Canvas Kit 5.0 Migration Guide

Below are the breaking changes made in Canvas Kit v5. Please reach out if you have any questions about the update.


We've introduced a new codemod package you can use to automatically update your code to work with a majority of the breaking changes in the migration from Canvas Kit v4 to v5. Simply run:

> npx @workday/canvas-kit-codemod v5 [path]

Note: This codemod only works on .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx extensions. You may need to make some manual changes in other file types (.json, .mdx, .md, etc.).

Note: You may need to run your linter after executing the codemod, as it's resulting formatting (spacing, quotes, etc.) may not match your project's styling.

Breaking changes accounted for by this codemod will be marked with a 🤖.

Please verify all changes made by the codemod. As a safety precaution, we recommend committing the changes from the codemod as a single isolated commit (separate from other changes) so you can rollback more easily if necessary.

Let us know if you encounter any issues or use cases that we've missed. The @workday/canvas-kit-codemod package will help us maintain additional codemod transforms to make future migrations easier.

General Changes

Slash Imports

Rather than having a separate module for each component, we've moved to a slash imports system. All of our React components are now bundled in one of three modules:

  • @workday/canvas-kit-react
  • @workday/canvas-kit-labs-react
  • @workday/canvas-kit-preview-react

Note: See Canvas Kit Preview for more information about the new @workday/canvas-kit-preview-react module.

Consequently, you'll need to update your import statements:

// v4
import {TextInput} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-text-input';

// v5
import {TextInput} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/text-input';

🤖 The codemod will update import statements to use the new slash imports syntax.

Recall that the codemod only works on .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx extensions. Other file types will need to be updated manually.

Canvas Kit Preview

Due to the broad range of stability in Canvas Kit Labs (@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react), we've introduced a new module called Canvas Kit Preview (@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react) to provide consumers with more clarity and confidence when uptaking experimental and upcoming components. The components in Preview have had a full design and accessibility review and are approved for use in product. Their functionality and design are set, but their APIs and/or underlying architecture are still subject to change.

Preview serves as a staging ground for components that are ready to use, but may not be up to the high code standards upheld in the Main @workday/canvas-kit-react module. Think of Labs as a space for alpha components and Preview as a space for beta components.

We've promoted several components from Labs to Preview in v5. See Component Promotions for more details.

Type Deprecations and Hierarchy Updates

Canvas Kit v4 supported two type hierarchies, Beta and Legacy in @workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core and @workday/canvas-kit-react-core respectively. However, v5 replaces those with a new, responsive type hierarchy in @workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens. We are also deprecating and updating our type variants. The v5 codemod handles almost all of these changes for you. That said, you'll want to review the transformation and your UI to ensure everything was updated as you expect.

Automatic Updates

  • 🤖 Type Hierarchy Updates

    All type hierarchy updates are handled by the codemod. The tables below will help you understand the changes and provide a reference as you review your UI. Most teams are using the Beta type tokens in @workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core, but some are using the Legacy type in @workday/canvas-kit-react-core.

    Beta Type (px) Responsive Type (rem)
    brand1 (56px) levels.title.large ( 3.5rem \ 56px)
    brand2 (48px) levels.title.medium ( 3rem \ 48px)
    h1 (40px) levels.title.small ( 2.5rem \ 40px)
    h2 (32px) levels.heading.large ( 2rem \ 32px)
    h3 (24px) levels.heading.small ( 1.5rem \ 24px)
    h4 (20px) levels.body.large ( 1.25rem \ 20px)
    h5 (20px) levels.body.large ( 1.25rem \ 20px)
    body (16px) levels.body.small ( 1rem \ 16px)
    body2 (14px) levels.subtext.large ( 0.875rem \ 14px)
    small (13px) levels.subtext.medium ( 0.75rem \ 12px)
    Legacy Type (px) Responsive Type (rem)
    dataViz1 (56px) levels.title.large (3.5rem \ 56px)
    dataViz2 (34px) levels.heading.large (2rem \ 32px)
    h1 (28px) levels.heading.medium (1.75rem \ 28px)
    h2 (24px) levels.heading.small (1.5rem \ 24px)
    h3 (20px) levels.body.large (1.25rem,) \ 20px
    h4 (16px) levels.body.small (1rem \ 16px)
    h5 (16px) levels.body.small (1rem \ 16px)
    body (14px) levels.subtext.large (0.875rem \ 14px)
    body2 (13px) levels.subtext.medium (0.75rem \ 12px)
    small (12px) levels.subtext.medium (0.75rem \ 12px)
  • 🤖 Property Updates

    All fontFamily, fontSize, and fontWeight property updates are handled by the codemod.

    CSS Property Corresponding Token Notes
    fontFamily default (Roboto) and monospace (Roboto Mono) are available
    fontSize please consult the type hierarchies above to map values
    fontWeight regular (400), medium (500), and bold (700) are available
  • 🤖 Variant Updates

    All variant updates except link are handled by the codemod. Please see the variants section below for more information.

    Variant Transformation Notes
    type.variant.error type.variants.error name change only
    type.variant.hint type.variants.hint name change only
    type.variant.inverse type.variants.inverse name change only
    type.variant.button {fontWeight:} variant deprecated, use type properties
    type.variant.caps {textTransform: 'uppercase', fontWeight:} variant deprecated, use type properties
    type.variant.label {fontWeight:} variant deprecated, use type properties
    type.variant.mono {fontFamily:} variant deprecated, use type properties

Manual Updates

TypeScript Type Updates
  • CanvasType still exists, but the types are quite different and will likely throw errors if you're relying on them.
  • CanvasTypeVariant is now CanvasTypeVariants and has changed signicantly
  • We added CanvasTypeHierarchy (for type levels) and CanvasTypeProperties (for type properties)
Code Deprecations

There are only two type deprecations not covered by the codemod:

  • Type Wrapper components (H1-H5) have been removed
  • link variant has been removed
Type Wrapper Components Migration

To migrate, please refer to the hierachy tables about and use the type hierarchy tokens directly. Detailed usage information is available in the levels section.

Link Variant Migration

To migrate, please use the Hyperlink component instead. Detailed usage information is available in the variants section.

Type Updates In-Depth Overview

The new type tokens introduce a few major changes:

  • Introducing rem units
  • Creating a new type object structure
  • Adding new type properties (fontFamilies, fontSizes, and fontWeights)
  • Updating and replacing variants

Introducing Rem Units

The new type hierarchy uses rem units instead of px. This update follows the guidance from the WCAG spec and provides better support for users who rely on zooming. If you'd like to learn more about rem and relative units, you can review this documentation.

Note: We are using 16px as our base font-size for these values. This is a browser standard and also fairly common across Workday. However, if your body text is set to a value other than 16px, you will need to adjust that value for text to render properly.

New Type Object Structure

The Beta and Legacy type object structures were fairly flat, provided many levels in the type hierarchy, and included quite a few variants. While none of these were bad attributes, our research suggested they created a large amount of confusion. Both designers and engineers were unclear on when to use many of the tokens provided. We restructured the object to help users make more sense of it. The tokens are divided into three main parts:

  • levels (the type hierarchy)
  • properties (fontFamilies, fontSizes, and fontWeights)
  • variants (modifiers for type styles)

Type levels contain our new type hierarchy. When applying type styles, we recommend using these tokens first. Each size applies fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, lineHeight, letterSpacing, and color styles for you, so you can create consistent type quickly and easily. Instead of the previous flat structure, the type hierarchy is now organized in four levels:

  • title (used for large page titles)
  • heading (used for headings and large text)
  • body (used for standard body text)
  • subtext (used for small subtext content or in tight spaces)

And each level has three sizes: large, medium, and small. The previous hierarchy often mapped its levels 1:1 with semantic elements. This would often lead to awkward styling, such as this:

// v4
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';

// Why is an h2 styled with h3 styles? Is this intentional? Is this a mistake? I don't know.
const PageSection = () => {
  return (
      <h2 css={type.h3}>Section Heading</h2>
      <p css={type.levels.body.small}>Section body text</p>

But this new organization allows the hierarchy to be more flexible and create less confusion around usage. Below is an example:

// v5
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';

const PageSection = () => {
  return (
      <h2 css={type.levels.heading.medium}>Section Heading</h2>
      <p css={type.levels.body.small}>Section body text</p>

Most often you will want to reach for levels, but sometimes you only need one or two type values for styling. Previously, you had to use the hierarchy to apply these values, which is clunky and implicit. For example, using: fontSize: type.h2.fontSize, when all you really want is the token for 24px. Type properties give you an atomic-level of control when you want to explicitly set a particular value. Here's an example using fontFamilies, fontSizes, and fontWeights.

Note: fontSizes keys are in pixel values as a convenient reference, but the values are the base-16 rem equivalent. E.g. fontSizes[12] returns 0.75rem.

import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';

const boldTextStyles = {
  fontFamily:, // 'Roboto'
  fontSize:[16], // 1rem (16px)
  fontWeight:, // 700

const mediumMonoStyles = {
  fontFamily:, // 'Roboto Mono'
  fontSize:[12], // 0.75rem (12px)
  fontWeight:, // 500

Supported Variants

We're also reducing and simplifying our variants. In v5 we will only support:

  • error (used for making errors more visible)
  • hint (used for help text and secondary content)
  • inverse (used for any text on a dark or colored background)

Note: The variant key has been renamed to variants to be consistent with our other key names.

import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';

const errorStyles = type.variant.error;
const hintStyles = type.variant.hint;
const inverseStyles = type.variant.inverse;

// v5
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';

const errorStyles = type.variants.error;
const hintStyles = type.variants.hint;
const inverseStyles = type.variants.inverse;

Deprecated Variants

We've deprecated a handful of variants:

  • button
  • caps
  • label
  • link
  • mono

With the exception of link, which is discussed further below, all of these variants can be supported with properties and other styles. Here are examples of how to translate each deprecated variant:

import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';

// button variant styles
const buttonStyles = type.variant.button;
// caps variant styles
const capsStyles = type.variant.caps;
// label variant styles
const labelStyles = type.variant.label;
// mono variant styles
const monoStyles = type.variant.mono;

// v5
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/tokens';

// button variant styles
const buttonStyles = {fontWeight:};
// caps variant styles
const capsStyles = {
  textTransform: 'uppercase',
// label variant styles
const labelStyles = {fontWeight:};
// mono variant styles
const monoStyles = {fontFamily:};

Link Variant

The link variant is also being deprecated in v5. You'll need to use the Hyperlink component instead. This is the only manual update needed for the type updates. Below are some examples:

// v4
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';

const Link = styled('a')(;

return <Link href="">View docs</Link>;

// v5
import {Hyperlink} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/button';

return <Hyperlink href="">View docs</Hyperlink>;

Note: If you're mixing styles from type levels, you'll need to pull out the color style when applying them to Hyperlink. Below is an example.

// v5
import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/tokens';
import {Hyperlink} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/button';

// Remove `color` from type styles to prevent the color from overriding the link color
const {color, ...headingLargeStyles} = type.levels.heading.large;

const HeadingLink = () => (
  <Hyperlink css={headingLargeStyles} href="">
    View docs

Canvas Kit CSS Maintenance Mode

Due to the infrequent use of our CSS modules, we've placed them in maintenance mode in v5. Although we'll continue to support @workday/canvas-kit-css with bug fixes and significant visual updates, it most likely won't be receiving new components or additional features. This will allow us to provide more focused support and to dedicate our efforts to making bigger and better improvements to our most used components: Canvas Kit React. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know.

Component Changes

Component Promotions

Promotions from Labs to Preview

The following components were promoted from Labs to the new Preview module:

  • Breadcrumbs
  • Color Picker
  • Menu
  • Select
  • Side Panel

You'll need to update your imports for promoted components (this is not handled by the codemod):

// v4
import {Breadcrumbs} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-breadcrumbs';

// v5
import {Breadcrumbs} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/breadcrumbs';

Promotions from Labs to Main

Generally, a component will begin in Labs before it's promoted to Preview and eventually to Main (although there is no guarantee a component will advance out of Labs). Given that Preview was just introduced in v5, however, we believe that a few components have incubated long enough in Labs and are ready for Main. The following components have been promoted straight from Labs to Main:

  • Pagination
  • Tabs

These imports will need to be updated manually as well (this is not handled by the codemod):

// v4
import {Pagination} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-pagination';

// v5
import {Pagination} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/pagination';


Remove Labs Core

The Labs core package has been removed. The few utilities in that package were either promoted, deprecated, or found a better home in another package. These changes are listed below, most of which are handled by the v5 codemod.

Automatic Updates
  • 🤖 Move StaticStates component to Main common

    We use StaticStates internally for our visual regression tests. It didn't really make sense to live in core, and it's stable enough to move to Main, so it now lives in common.

    // v4
    import {StaticStates} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';
    // v5
    import {StaticStates} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/common';
  • 🤖 Move type tokens to Main tokens (formerly core)

    This change is described in more detail in the Type Section, but suffice to say all type imports will be automatically migrated to the Main token package by the codemod.

    // v4
    import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';
    // v5
    import {type} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';
Manual Updates
  • Deprecate space in favor of Box

    The space function was a handy little utility that you could apply to styled() components to add space style props. However, with the addition of Box it is no longer needed. Box provides space style props and much more. While this is a manual migration, the process is fairly straight-forward.

    Note: The space props use shorthand prop names for what Box provides. For example, pt maps to paddingTop, mr maps to marginRight, and so on. You can see this in the example below.

    // v4
    import {spaceNumbers} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';
    import {space} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-core';
    // A styled div with space props
    const Box = styled('div')(space);
    const Card = () => <Box p={spaceNumbers.s}>Hello!</Box>;
    // v5
    import {Box} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/common';
    const Card = () => <Box padding="s">Hello!</Box>;

Rename Core to Tokens

The distinction between our core and common packages is often unclear and creates confusion around what should be imported from where. To help alleviate this and better align with our design taxonomy, we've renamed our Main core module to tokens. These changes are listed below, all of which are handled by the v5 codemod.

Automatic Updates
  • 🤖 Rename Main core import statements to tokens

    // v4
    import {colors} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';
    // v5
    import {colors} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';

Input Provider

The InputProvider wrapper component (used to provide CSS-referencable data attributes for the user's current input method) has been moved from @workday/canvas-kit-react-core to @workday/canvas-kit-react/common. After renaming our core package to tokens, it no longer made sense in this location.

// v4
import {InputProvider} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';

// v5
import {InputProvider} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/common';

🤖 The codemod will update your InputProvider imports.



To better align with our design taxonomy, we've renamed our space tokens in our tokens package (formerly in core). Instead of relying on @workday/canvas-space-web to supply our space values, we're now keeping those values in canvas-kit. We've also taken the opportunity to improve the space types (which were too generic) and their JSDoc hints.

The following table describes each update:

Before After Change Description
spacing space name change only
spacingNumbers spaceNumbers name change only
CanvasSpacing CanvasSpace name change and improved types*
CanvasSpacingValue CanvasSpaceValues name change only
CanvasSpacingNumber CanvasSpaceNumbers name change and improved types*
n/a CanvasSpaceNumberValues new type!

* Before, the types were too generic and not very useful. They now better reflect the values they represent.

The codemod will handle almost all of these changes for you.That said, you'll want to review your UI to ensure everything was updated as you expect. Manual Updates below.

Automatic Updates
  • 🤖 Rename spacing and spacingNumbers imports.

    // v4
    import {spacing, spacingNumbers} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';
    // v5
    import {space, spaceNumbers} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';
  • 🤖 Rename CanvasSpacing, CanvasSpacingValue, and CanvasSpacingNumber imports.

    // v4
    import {
    } from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';
    // v5
    import {
    } from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';
  • 🤖 Update token expressions.

    // v4
    const iconPadding = spacing.s;
    // v5
    const iconPadding = space.s;
  • 🤖 Update type expressions.

    // v4
    const getSpace = (value: CanvasSpacingValue) => spacing[value];
    // v5
    const getSpace = (value: CanvasSpaceValue) => space[value];
  • 🤖 Update token properties.

    // v4
    const iconPadding = canvas.spacing.s;
    // v5
    const iconPadding =;
Manual Updates

As previously mentioned, the codemod should handle the vast majority of these updates. However, there are potentially a few changes that will need to be made manually. There may be more beyond what's listed below, but these were the most common issues found in our investigation.

  • Usage outside of .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx files
    • e.g. referencing spacing in documentation (.md files)
  • Usage in code comments or JSDoc comments
    • e.g. // spacing.s = 16px
  • Re-declararation space or spaceNumbers in the same files
    • e.g. importing or declaring a new space or spaceNumbers variable will prevent the codemod from updating the file
  • Aliasing existing variables as spacing or spaceNumbers
    • e.g. import {spacingNumbers as spacing} will prevent the codemod from updating the file

Border Radius

We've updated the border radius zero token value from 0 to "0px" for consistency given that all other border radius tokens use string pixel values. We highly doubt this change will cause any issues, but because the value's type is different, this is technically a breaking change.

// v4
import {borderRadius} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';

console.log(; // returns `0`

// v5
import {borderRadius} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/tokens';

console.log(; // returns "0px"



There has been common confusion around the large number of buttons Canvas supports and when each should be used. To improve the usability of our design system, we've been working to recategorize and simplify our button offering. To align with the recent changes in our Figma libraries, we've reorganized our buttons, renaming a few and removing others.

The majority of button use cases have been simplified into three different components: PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton, and TertiaryButton, each level representing its emphasis and hierarchy in a UI. We hope this makes your usage of our buttons more intentional and clear. We've provided a codemod to make these changes automatically.


  • 🤖 Button has been split into PrimaryButton and SecondaryButton (depending on the variant prop).
  • 🤖 OutlineButton (secondary) is now SecondaryButton. For accessibility reasons, the "outline" styling is the new styling for our secondary buttons.
  • 🤖 OutlineButton (inverse) is now SecondaryButton with an inverse variant.
  • 🤖 TextButton is now TertiaryButton.


  • 🤖 HighlightButton. Use SecondaryButton instead.
  • 🤖 OutlineButton with primary variant. Use PrimaryButton or SecondaryButton instead. The codemod will replace with SecondaryButton.
  • 🤖 DropdownButton. This can be achieved simply using PrimaryButton or SecondaryButton with an icon prop and iconPosition="right".

To see examples of code in v4 versus v5, see our codemod tests.


We've changed some of the Button module's export behavior:

  • 🤖 The beta_Button export was removed. The codemod will rename the import to Button instead, preserving local renaming if it exists.

    // v4
    import {beta_Button as Button} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
    // v5
    import {SecondaryButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/button';
  • 🤖 The default export was removed. The codemod will change default imports to named imports.

    // v4
    import Button from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
    // v5
    import {SecondaryButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/button';


Enums have been removed from all buttons in favor of string literals.

🤖 The codemod will rewrite any usages of an enum to the string literal. If you used an enum as a type, the codemod will expand to a union of string literals. You could change the union manually instead to be something like SecondaryButtonProps['variant'] if you prefer not to duplicate the union of string literals.

// v4
<Button size={Button.Size.Large} />;
interface Props {
  size: ButtonSize;

// v5
<SecondaryButton size="large" />;
interface Props {
  size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large';


Buttons now use the createComponent utility from the common module which forwards ref and allows as to change the underlying element.

// v4
<Button buttonRef={ref} />;

// v5
<SecondaryButton ref={ref} />;

🤖 The codemod will update all buttons to use ref instead of buttonRef.

Button prop interfaces no longer extend directly from React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>. createComponent returns a component that determines the element interface via the as prop. This is why Button props no longer contain an element interface directly. If you extend from a Button prop interface, or have code that uses a Button prop interface and accesses properties like onClick, you'll need to provide the button attribute yourself in order to avoid TypeScript issues (this doesn't affect runtime). This is not code-moddable since intent cannot be pre-determined.

interface MyButtonProps extends ButtonProps {}

// onClick no longer exists in `ButtonProps`, so TypeScript will complain about onClick not
// existing in `MyButtonProps` (`onClick` does exist as a prop on `<Button>`, however)
const MyButton = ({children, onClick}: MyButtonProps) => (
  <Button onClick={onClick}>{children}</Button>

// After
interface MyButtonProps extends ButtonProps, React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {}

// After (alternate fix)
interface MyButtonProps extends ButtonProps {
  onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>;


Card is now a compound component composed of a Card.Body and an optional Card.Heading. This allows direct access to the heading and body elements.

// v4
<Card header="Card Title" headerId="header-id">
  Card Body

// v5
  <Card.Heading id="header-id">Card Title</Card.Heading>
  <Card.Body>Card Body</Card.Body>

🤖 The codemod will attempt to rewrite your JSX to match the new API. Based on what we've seen of how Card has been used, the codemod should handle most of your use cases. It will work if you rename Card in the import or style the Card using styled(Card):

// Handled by the codemod

// Default import
import Card from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-card'

<Card header="Card Title">Card Body</Card>

// Renamed import
import {Card as CanvasCard} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-card'

<CanvasCard header="Card Title">Card Body</CanvasCard>

// Styled card
import {Card} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-card'

const StyledCard = styled(Card)(styles)

<StyledCard header="Card Title">Card Body</StyledCard>

However, the codemod will not work in cases where header or headerId are spreaded as props or if you're importing a re-exported Canvas Kit Card:

// NOT handled by the codemod

// Spread props
import {Card} from '@workday-canvas-kit-card'

const props = {
  header: 'Card Title'
<Card {...props}>Card Body</Card>

// Re-exporting
import {Card} from './Card' // where `Card` is a re-exported Canvas Kit `Card`


All input components in the Main package now support ref forwarding through use of the createComponent utility from the common module. This includes:

  • Checkbox
  • Color Input
  • Color Preview
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Switch
  • Text Input
  • Text Area

Additionally, the Select in Preview (formerly in Labs) has also been updated to support ref forwarding.

Most of these input components previously supported an inputRef prop that could be used to obtain a ref to the component's underlying input element. For example, in v4, if you wanted to obtain a ref to a Text Input's underlying <input type="text" /> element, you could pass a ref to the component using inputRef. In v5, you'll need to use ref instead of inputRef:

const ref = React.useRef(null);

// v4
<TextInput inputRef={ref} />;

// v5
<TextInput ref={ref} />;

🤖 The codemod will update all input components that previously supported inputRef to use ref instead.

For components that previously supported inputRef, ref is now forwarded to the same underlying element that inputRef was applied to previously. Select and Select (Preview) did not support inputRef in v4, but now support ref in v5. See each component's documentation for information on which element ref is forwarded to for that particular component.

Input component prop interfaces no longer extend directly from their underlying element interface (e.g. TextInputProps no longer extends from React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>). createComponent returns a component that determines the element interface via the as prop. This is why input component props no longer contain an element interface directly. If you extend from an input component prop interface, or have code that uses an input component prop interface and accesses properties like onClick, you'll need to provide the input attribute yourself in order to avoid TypeScript issues (this doesn't affect runtime). This is not code-moddable since intent cannot be pre-determined.

interface MyTextInputProps extends TextInputProps {}

// onClick no longer exists in `TextInputProps` so TypeScript will complain about onClick not
// existing in `MyTextInputProps` (onClick does exist as a prop on `<TextInput>`, however)
const MyTextInput = ({onClick}: MyTextInputProps) => <TextInput onClick={onClick} />;

// Fix
interface MyTextInputProps extends TextInputProps, React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {}

// Alternate fix
interface MyTextInputProps extends TextInputProps {
  onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;

As a final note, the following input components were previously class components and, thus, technically supported the ref attribute in v4:

  • Color Input
  • Color Preview
  • Select
  • Select (Preview)
  • Text Input
  • Text Area

Passing ref={ref} to any of these components in v4 would have set ref.current to the mounted instance of the entire component (source) rather than the underlying HTML element represented by the component. This is no longer the case in v5.


In addition to promoting Tabs out of Labs and into the Main module, we've made a few updates to the component in v5:

  • onTabsChange is now onActivateTab and the signature is now:
    function onActivateTab({data: {tab: string}, state: TabsState}): void;
  • The Tabs component no longer accepts the currentTab property. Tabs uses a model now. See the component documentation for more details.


In v4, Popper rendered an empty div element as a child of the element created by the PopupStack and applied ref and elemProps (extra props) to that div element.

We've updated Popper in v5 to instead apply ref directly to the element created by the PopupStack. The PopupStack is not React-specific; there is no easy way to spread extra props to this element as we do for other components, so we've discarded elemProps. If necessary, you can still target the element using ref and modify it using DOM APIs.

There is no codemod for this change.


Popup has transitioned to a compound component, along with all Popup-based behavior hooks. What was a Popup in v4 is now a Popup.Card in v5. The target button and Popper components have also been converted to subcomponents of Popup.


import React from 'react';

import {Button, DeleteButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {
} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-popup';

export const MyPopup = () => {
  const {targetProps, closePopup, popperProps, stackRef} = usePopup();

  useCloseOnOutsideClick(stackRef, closePopup);
  useCloseOnEscape(stackRef, closePopup);

  const onDeleteClick = () => {

  return (
      <DeleteButton {...targetProps}>Delete Item</DeleteButton>
      <Popper placement={'bottom'} {...popperProps}>
          heading={'Delete Item'}
          <p>Are you sure you'd like to delete the item titled 'My Item'?</p>

          <DeleteButton onClick={onDeleteClick}>Delete</DeleteButton>
          <Button onClick={closePopup}>Cancel</Button>


import React from 'react';

import {DeleteButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/button';
import {
} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/popup';

export const MyPopup = () => {
  const model = usePopupModel();

  useInitialFocus(model); // new
  useReturnFocus(model); // new

  const onDeleteClick = () => {

  return (
    <Popup model={model}>
      <Popup.Target as={DeleteButton}>Delete Item</Popup.Target>
      <Popup.Popper placement={'bottom'}>
        <Popup.Card width={400} padding="s">
          <Popup.CloseIcon aria-label="Close" />
          <Popup.Heading>Delete Item</Popup.Heading>
            <p>Are you sure you'd like to delete the item titled 'My Item'?</p>

            <Popup.CloseButton as={DeleteButton} onClick={onDeleteClick}>

Most notably, Popup is now a container component that takes a PopupModel and has several subcomponents like Popup.Target and Popup.CloseButton. These components are hooked up to the PopupModel via React context and have access to state and events. Popup.Card is what the v4 Popup once was.

All behavior hooks, like useCloseOnEscape now take a model instead of variable parameters. This allowed us to fix some subtle bugs. Using the PopupModel means all hooks have access to all Popup state and events without passing in many parameters.

usePopup and usePopupModel

As shown in the example above, usePopupModel should now be used instead of usePopup. All subcomponents have an associated behavior hook. For example, Popup.Target uses a hook called usePopupTarget. If you need to use your own components for any reason, these hooks are available. Popup.Target and Popup.CloseButton do not include any styling. They both render SecondaryButton by default. You can change this via the as prop. For example, the following will render an unstyled button:

<Popup.Target as="button">Show</Popup.Target>

Pass a css prop or a styled button instead to have a custom styled button. You could even pass IconButton if you need an icon button to show a Popup instead!

If you were using usePopup before, here's a list of equivalent APIs:

Before After
const { popperProps, targetProps, closePopup, stackRef } = usePopup() const model = usePopupModel() model.state.visibility !== 'hidden'
stackRef or popperProps.ref model.state.stackRef
popperProps.anchorElement model.state.targetRef.current
targetProps.onClick usePopupTarget(model).onClick

New Focus Management

A common theme we noticed in uses of Popup in the wild was focus management. Developers were manually passing a ref to the target button element and manually returning focus to it when closing the Popup. This use case should now be handled by the new useReturnFocus hook. By default, useReturnFocus will return focus to the targetRef in the model, which is set by Popup.Target. This can be overridden by passing returnFocusRef to the model on creation. returnFocusRef should make your migration easier if Popup.Target cannot be used for whatever reason.

// before
const {closePopup} = usePopup();

// passed to some event handler
const closeAndReturnFocus = () => {

// after
const model = usePopupModel({
  returnFocusRef: buttonRef, // only use if you cannot use `Popup.Target`


Another common use case involved focusing something within the Popup when the Popup was shown. The useInitialFocus hook was created for this purpose. useInitialFocus will set focus to the first focusable element when the Popup becomes visible. This behavior can be overridden by passing initialFocusRef to the model.

// before
const {stackRef, popperProps} = usePopup();

useLayoutEffect(() => {
  if (!open) {

}, []);

// after
const model = usePopupModel({
  initialFocusRef: someRef, // only use if you want to explicitly focus on something. Could be useful for an input.


Managing Positioning

If you'd prefer to manage positioning yourself, you can use Popup.Card on its own. Without the model and behaviors, the following is equivalent:

// v4
<Popup width={width} handleClose={onClose} heading="Popup Heading">
  Popup Content

// v5
<Popup.Card with={width}>
  <Popup.CloseIcon aria-label="Close" onClick={onClose} />
  <Popup.Heading>Popup Heading</Popup.Heading>
  <Popup.Body>Popup Content</Popup.Body>

Popup.Card uses Card, which is now using Box. Consequently, the following props have changed:

Before After
padding={} padding="zero" or padding={}
depth={depth[0]} depth={0}
popupRef={ref} ref={ref}


We noticed Popups were used in two different ways: always rendering and conditional rendering.

// Always rendering
const MyPopup = () => {
  const targetRef = React.useRef(null)
  const {stackRef, popperProps, targetProps, closePopup} = usePopup()

  const handleClose = () => {
    targetRef.current.focus() // focus back on target

  useCloseOnEscape(stackRef, handleClose)

  return (
      <button ref={targetRef} {...targetProps}>Open</button>
      <Popper {...popperProps}>
          {/* content */}
          <button onClick={handleClose}>Close</button>

// Conditional rendering
const MyOpenPopup = ({onClose, targetRef}) => {
  const {popperProps, closePopup} = usePopup()

  const handleClose = () => {
    targetRef.current.focus() // focus back on target

  useCloseOnEscape(stackRef, handleClose)

  return (
    <Popper {...popperProps}>
        {/* content */}
        <button onClick={handleClose}>

const MyPopup = () => {
  const targetRef = React.useRef(null)
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)

  const onClose = () => {

  return (
      <button ref={targetRef} onClick={() => { setOpen(true) }}>
      {open && <MyOpenPopup onClose={onClose} />}

The difference between the two is subtle, but in the always rendering example, the usePopup hook runs on every render. In the conditional rendering example, the usePopup hook only runs when MyPopup renders it. This means hooks like useCloseOnEscape need to function properly in both cases, but open is not passed to the hook. This caused subtle bugs. Now, useCloseOnEscape is passed a PopupModel which has access to the popup's visible state. useCloseOnEscape will now only run when the popup is visible, but this means the conditional rendering example will have to do extra work because the target is out of scope of the MyOpenPopup component. The following is equivalent to the example in v5:

const MyOpenPopup = ({onClose, targetRef}) => {
  const model = usePopupModel({
    initialVisibility: 'visible', // needed for `useCloseOnEscape` and other hooks
    returnFocusRef: targetRef, // determines where return focus goes

  useReturnFocus(model) // handles return focus

  return (
          {/* content */}
          <Popup.CloseButton as="button">Close</Popup.CloseButton>

const MyPopup = () => {
  const targetRef = React.useRef(null)
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)

  const onClose = () => {

  return (
      <button ref={targetRef} onClick={() => { setOpen(true) }}>
      {open && <MyOpenPopup onClose={onClose} />}


Modal has transitioned to a compound component. What was Modal in v4 is now Modal.Card in v5.


import React from 'react';

import {Modal} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-modal';
import {DeleteButton, Button} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

const MyModal = () => {
  const handleDelete = () => {
    console.log('Deleted item');

  const {targetProps, modalProps, closeModal} = useModal();

  return (
      <DeleteButton {...targetProps}>Delete Item</DeleteButton>
      <Modal heading={'Delete Item'} {...modalProps}>
        <p>Are you sure you want to delete the item?</p>
          style={{marginRight: '16px'}}
          onClick={() => {
        <Button onClick={closeModal} variant={Button.Variant.Secondary}>


import React from 'react';

import {Modal} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/modal';
import {DeleteButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/button';
import {HStack} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react';

const MyModal = () => {
  const handleDelete = () => {
    console.log('Deleted item');

  return (
      <Modal.Target as={DeleteButton}>Delete Item</Modal.Target>
          <Modal.CloseIcon aria-label="Close" />
          <Modal.Heading>Delete Item</Modal.Heading>
            <p>Are you sure you want to delete the item?</p>
            <HStack spacing="s">
              <Modal.CloseButton as={DeleteButton} onClick={handleDelete}>

Most notably, Modal is now a container component that takes a ModalModel and has several subcomponents. Modal looks much like the structure of Popups, except Modal has a Modal.Overlay subcomponent instead of a Popup.Popper component. The Modal.Overlay is the component in charge of adding an element to the PopupStack.

We noticed some application code that do custom focus management. There were some subtle issues like #694 (VoiceOver on iOS not returning focus). v5 introduced focus management behaviors like useInitialFocus and useReturnFocus that should work more consistently. Most of the special focus management code could be removed when using v5 the Modal.

useModal and useModalModel

As shown in the example above, useModal has been removed. The Modal container component will provide a pre-configured PopupModel via the useModalModel function. In v4, useModal returned a closeModal callback function that you'd call to close the Modal. In v5, Modal.CloseButton takes care of this for you. If you need to close the Modal outside a button, you can hoist the model and use the model's hide event:

// v4
const {closeModal} = useModal();

// somewhere in your code

// v5
const model = useModalModel();

// somewhere in your code;


In v4, Modal took a handleClose that doubled as a switch to show a close icon and a switch for modal closing for the Escape key and clicking outside the Modal. In v5, the Modal.CloseIcon subcomponent controls the rendering of the icon. If you need to disable the Escape key or clicking outside the Modal, you'll have to create your own PopupModel instead and pass that to the Modal container component.

const model = usePopupModel(); // not `useModalModel`

// disable useCloseOnEscape and useCloseOnOverlayClick

return <Modal model={model}>{/* ... */}</Modal>;


Skeleton was already implemented as a compound component in v4, but we've made changes to its imports and to its animation in v5.

The imports for its subcomponents in v4 (SkeletonHeader, SkeletonText, and SkeletonShape) have been converted to keys on Skeleton in v5 (Skeleton.Header, Skeleton.Text, and Skeleton.Shape). You only need to import the Skeleton component in v5, and you may still compose your own Skeleton using whatever parts you need.

// v4
import {
} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/skeleton';
const MySkeleton = () => (
    <SkeletonHeader />
    <SkeletonText />
    <SkeletonShape width={40} height={40} />

// v5
import {Skeleton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/skeleton';
const MySkeleton = () => (
    <Skeleton.Header />
    <Skeleton.Text />
    <Skeleton.Shape width={40} height={40} />

Additionally, the Skeleton animation has been updated from a diagonal sheen, or shimmer, to fading the opacity of the entire shape(s) in and out.