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Tonkku edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 44 revisions

Monstercat API Documentation

Not endorsed by Monstercat; community-driven.

(This is a WIP)

Please do not abuse the API functions such as streaming to illegaly download tracks. First, the audio is crappy, second, you don't want the API to go down because of your actions, do you? If the answer is yes, go to hell. Monstercat are kind enough to let us play with it to create great software, please keep it like that.

Also don't do too much requests, no DDoS, so everyone can enjoy the service.

NEW API Changes

  • Log-in and Log-out endpoints changed. Log-in payload changed.
  • Session information is now at /me
  • tbd

Table of contents

Note: The baseURL of the API is All paths in this doc are relative to that URL (unless noted otherwise).

API Wrappers


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