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LiteKitCore接口文档(for Native C++ API).md

File metadata and controls

executable file
342 lines (273 loc) · 9.59 KB

LiteKitCore接口文档(for Native C++ API)


header文件名:litekit_inference_api.h 说明:包含input/output数据结构的定义、Service的定义、类型枚举的定义、config结构等的定义。

 * LiteKit framework

#include <string>

namespace litekit_framework {
//lite backend Target Type
    enum class LiteKitTargetType : int {
        kUnk = 0,
        kHost = 1,
        kX86 = 2,
        kCUDA = 3,
        kARM = 4,
        kOpenCL = 5,
        kFPGA = 7,
        kNPU = 8,
        kXPU = 9,
        kAny = 6,  // any target
        NUM = 10,  // number of fields.

    /// LiteKit string container
    struct LiteKitString {
        const char *data;
        size_t size;

    struct LiteKitModelBuffer {
        char *model_buffer;
        size_t model_buffer_size;
        char *param_buffer;
        size_t param_buffer_size;

    // LiteKit config params
    struct LiteKitConfig {
        // default model & param file name
        const std::string MODEL_FILE_NAME = "model.mlm";
        const std::string PARAM_FILE_NAME = "params.mlm";

        enum Precision {
            FP32 = 0
        // Machine type,PaddleLite、PaddleiOSGPU
        enum MachineType {
            PaddleLite = 2, PaddleiOSGPU = 3

        // model input data precision
        Precision precision = FP32;

        // model file path
        std::string modelUrl;

        // model & param file name
        std::string model_file_name = "";
        std::string param_file_name = "";

        // backend type
        MachineType machine_type = MachineType::PaddleLite;

        // Paddle lite config
        struct PaddleLiteConfig {
            typedef enum {
                LITE_POWER_HIGH = 0,
                LITE_POWER_LOW = 1,
                LITE_POWER_FULL = 2,
                LITE_POWER_NO_BIND = 3,
                LITE_POWER_RAND_HIGH = 4,
                LITE_POWER_RAND_LOW = 5
            } PaddleLitePowerMode;
            PaddleLitePowerMode powermode = {PaddleLitePowerMode::LITE_POWER_NO_BIND};
            int threads = {1};

            typedef enum {
                LITE_MODEL_FROM_DIR = 0,
                LITE_MODEL_FROM_FILE = 1,
                LITE_MODEL_FROM_BUFFER = 2,
                LITE_MODEL_FROM_MODELBUFFER = 3,
            } PaddleLiteModelType;
            PaddleLiteModelType model_type = {PaddleLiteModelType::LITE_MODEL_FROM_DIR};

            union PaddleLiteModel {
                LiteKitString model_from_file; // used when LITE_MODEL_FROM_FILE
                LiteKitString model_from_buffer; // used whtn LITE_MODEL_FROM_BUFFER
                LiteKitModelBuffer model_buffer; // used when LITE_MODEL_FROM_MODELBUFFER
            PaddleLiteModel model;

        // PaddleiOSGPU special config (ios only)
        struct PaddleiOSGPUConfig {
            //model types,GPU backend will set input data shape automatic, instead of shape in LiteKitData
            enum NetType {
                Default = -1, SuperResolution = 0, MobileNetSSD = 1, Gan = 2, Shuffle = 3
            NetType type = Default;

        // specific machine config
        union MachineConfig {
            PaddleLiteConfig paddle_lite_config;
            PaddleiOSGPUConfig paddle_ios_gpu_config;
        // config for a specific machine
        MachineConfig machine_config = {PaddleLiteConfig()};


    enum LiteKitMachineType {
        // Android support PADDLE_LITE only
        PADDLE_LITE = 1,
        PADDLE_iOSGPU = 2,

    // types control in LiteKitTensor
    using shape_t = std::vector<int64_t>;
    using lod_t = std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>>;

    //LiteKit Tensor,
    class LiteKitTensor {
        explicit LiteKitTensor(void *raw);

        explicit LiteKitTensor(const void *raw);

        LiteKitTensor() = default;

        void *tensor = 0;

        void Resize(const shape_t &shape);

        void SetLoD(const lod_t &lod);

        /// Readonly data. support int \ float \ int8_t \ uint8_t \ int64_t
        template<typename T>
        const T *data() const;

        template<typename T>
        T *mutable_data(LiteKitTargetType type = LiteKitTargetType::kHost) const;

        shape_t shape() const;

        lod_t lod() const;

        bool autoRelease = true;

        // if autoRelease = true,will release rawData when destruct
        virtual ~LiteKitTensor();

        // release rawData,if autoRelease = true,no need to be called
        void release();

    // LiteKit data struct
    struct LiteKitData {
        enum RawDataType {

        struct RawDataShape {
            int n = 1;
            int c = 1;
            int h;
            int w;

            RawDataShape() = default;

            RawDataShape(int n, int c, int h, int w) {
                this->n = n;
                this->c = c;
                this->h = h;
                this->w = w;

        // data prepare to predict,corresponding to
        void *rawData = nullptr;
        // rawData length,unit is byte
        long dataLength;
        RawDataType rawDataType;
        // corresponding to input_tensor.shape,unnecessary
        RawDataShape rawDataShape;
        // if true call release() when destruct
        bool autoRelease = true;
        LiteKitTensor *litekitTensor = 0;

        LiteKitData() = default;

        // if autoRelease=true,will release rawData when destruct
        virtual ~LiteKitData();

        // delete rawData、litekitTensor,if autoRelease=true,no need to be called
        void release();

     * Preprocess/Postproocess Interface
    class LiteKitDataProcessor {
         * Preprocess call back
         * @param preProcessInputData preprocess input data
         * @param preProcessOutputData preprocess output data
         * @return ErrorCode
        virtual int
        preProcess(const LiteKitData &preProcessInputData, LiteKitData *preProcessOutputData) = 0;

         * Postprocess call back
         * @param postProcessInputData postprocess input data
         * @param postProcessOutputData postprocess output data
         * @return ErrorCode
        virtual int
        postProcess(const LiteKitData &postProcessInputData, LiteKitData *postProcessOutputData) = 0;

        virtual ~LiteKitDataProcessor() {};

     * LiteKitMachine Manager。LiteKitMachine means a engine that loaded a kind of inference(for example :PaddleLite)
    class LiteKitMachineService {
        std::unique_ptr<litekit_framework::LiteKitData> getInputData(int i);

        std::unique_ptr<const litekit_framework::LiteKitData> getOutputData(int i);

        std::vector<std::string> getInputNames();

        std::vector<std::string> getOutputNames();

        std::unique_ptr<litekit_framework::LiteKitData> getInputByName(const std::string &name);

        // MachinePredictor pointer
        void *machineHandle = nullptr;
        // MachinePredictor type,like PaddleLite, PaddleiOSGPU..
        LiteKitMachineType litekitMachineType;
        // preprocess/postprocess callback
        LiteKitDataProcessor *mProcessorImpl = nullptr;

         * predict(without preprocess/postprocess)
         * @param modelInputData input data
         * @param modelOutputData output data
         * @return ErrorCode
        int predict(LiteKitData &modelInputData, LiteKitData *modelOutputData);

        int predict();


         *  if autoRelease=true,will release machineHandle when destruct
        bool autoRelease = true;

         * set preprocess/postprocess impl
         * @param processorImpl processor impl
        void setInterceptProcessor(LiteKitDataProcessor *processorImpl);

         * predict function,if InterceptProcessor setted,will call preprocess of InterceptProcessor before predict,
         * then call postprocess of InterceptProcessor after。if InterceptProcessor not setted,will call predict
         * @param inputData input datta
         * @param outputData output data
         * @return ErrorCode
        int run(LiteKitData &inputData, LiteKitData *outputData);

        int run();

         * according to LiteKitConfig,create MachinePredictor,and load model
         * @param config config
         * @return ErrorCode
        int load(const LiteKitConfig &config);

         * if autoRelease=true,will delete mProcessorImpl and predictor of machineHandle when destruct
        virtual ~LiteKitMachineService();

        * release mProcessorImpl and machineHandle,if autoRelease=true,no need to be called
        void release();

     * Errorcode,succeed/param error/engine load error
    enum ErrorCode {
        SUCCESS = 0,
        ERR_PARAM = -1,

        LOAD_ERR_OTHER = -11,
        LOAD_ERR_MACHINE_TYPE = -13,

        RUN_ERR_OTHER = -20,
        RUN_ERR_PREPROECESS = -21,
        RUN_ERR_PREDICT = -23,
        RUN_ERR_MACHINE_TYPE = -24,


    std::shared_ptr<LiteKitMachineService> CreateLiteKitMachineService(LiteKitConfig &config);
