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Table of Contents generated with DocToc

InstantSearch.js logo

A note about the branches used in this project:

  • develop is for the major version in active development (currently v2)
  • maintenance is for the previous major version (currently v1)
  • master is for the main current stable version

You should do the dev and PR according to the target version. No new features will be done on the maintenance version.

Once you make a pull request, a bot will comment with a link to a development version of the website. On it you can find

  1. The generated documentation
  2. A playground for the widgets


To run this project, you will need:


yarn dev:docs

Go to http://localhost:8080 for the example playground.

Go to http://localhost:3000 for the documentation website.


The code for InstantSearch.js is located in src.


We have unit tests written with Jest:

Single run and linting:

yarn test

Watch mode:

yarn test:watch # unit tests watch mode, no lint

Functional tests

We have one functional test ensuring that when we instantiate a full app with a searchBox, we are able to use it and get different hits than initially.

Functional tests are built with, a wrapper around WebDriver API (Selenium). On travis they will run on different browsers using Sauce Labs.

Local setup

Locally it will use a docker image bundling Selenium and browsers.

docker pull elgalu/selenium
# this helps in loading the host website from the container,
# comes from
docker run -d --name=grid -p 4444:24444 -p 6080:26080 -p 5900:25900 \
    -e TZ="US/Pacific" -e NOVNC=true -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --privileged elgalu/selenium

Local run

# We want to access the host machine from the container (to reach the test app web server).
# Needed once per session, this is not persistent:
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
npm run test:functional
# npm run test:functional:dev will reload tests when file changes
# npm run test:functional:dev:debug will load the test website locally for you to open it
# if something goes wrong: docker restart grid && killall node

Locally you can inspect (view) the browser doing the test here: http://localhost:6080/.


In order to check the status of the functional tests on all the platforms we use sauce labs. The first here is to get the credentials of your sauce labs account.

Running the functional tests on sauce labs:

SAUCE_USERNAME=[your login] SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=[your api key] CI=true yarn run test:functional

You can then inspect the status of tests from your dashboard. Check the browsers for which tests are failing. If some are IE or Edge you can download a virtual machine image from the Microsoft website.

Update the config of the dev server (instantsearch.js/scripts/ so that you can access the test page with your VM. Do not commit this change

- webpack-dev-server --config dev/ --hot --inline --no-info &
+ webpack-dev-server --config dev/ --hot --inline --no-info --public [your_ip] &

Then you should be able bebug using the dev setup: yarn run dev and the virtual machine. You can also run the page used for function tests using yarn run test:functional:dev:debug


yarn lint

Files are automatically formatted with prettier.


Main version

For the main version, go on master (git checkout master) and use:

npm run release

Be sure to use $ npm run instead of $ yarn run to avoid issues

Maintenance version

For the maintenance version, go on maintenance (git checkout maintenance) and use:

npm run release-maintenance

Be sure to use $ npm run instead of $ yarn run to avoid issues

Update docs

Documentation website is automatically updated by Travis when master is merged.