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你好,请创造中文版的C#语言,和.net上的语言 f# vb,请提供它们的中文版.让更多的人用母语实现快速编程,实现想法,创造更丰富的程序.这个行为实现的后果不管是对微软还是中国来说都是双赢. #993

qwas982 opened this issue Oct 12, 2017 · 436 comments


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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

你好,请创造中文版的C#语言,和.net上的语言 f# vb,请提供它们的中文版.让更多的人用母语实现快速编程,实现想法,创造更丰富的程序.



编程是用思想编程.把你的想法告诉计算机.所以,这里存在一个翻译的过程,计算机本来是没有语言的,西方人为了方便使用计算机,所以创造了计算机语言,也就是二进制,计算机里只是一堆电子信号,运行在电路中的电流,西方人通过二进制将这种信号电流格式化为两种状态,也就是正负,开关,也可以说是阴阳,用阿拉伯数字0和1表示,便于使用,但是,对于人来说,电流产生的0和1是海量的,人既无法做到读,也无法做到写,因为电流以光速运行,海量的0和1是以光速改变其状态的.因为电的速度和光的速度在真空中是一样的.那么,鉴于如此情况,西方人需要更人性化的沟通方式,更高效,更简单,于是,他们创造了汇编语言,汇编是与二进制0和1等价的,也就是点对点,一对一,只不过把1000100010001000对应为数字8888.1010对应于字母A.但是西方人很快发现这样的语言还是不够高效也不够简单,要表达一个想法给计算机,还是太繁琐,于是,西方人创造了高级程序语言,也就是市面上看到的c, c++, java, javascript ,python等,这些是某一编程语言的名字.程序就是给海量的二进制0和1编码,编程就是使用这些编码.那么,只要把编码设计为指令,一个指令表达一个简单的意思,然后把多个指令组合起来用某个单词或某个符号或一句简单的日常用语表示,使用这个单词或符号或日常用语就能表达一个复杂的意思,经过解码,计算机就能明白这一堆指令的意思,如此一来,对于人来说已经没什么沟通的障碍了,西方人与计算机沟通就像与一个会说话的人一样沟通,当然,这个"人"的智力水平仅停留在会说话的幼儿阶段,这就是高级语言,虽然还很有缺陷,但是已经足够他们发展出庞大的软件体系程序世界了.所以,这里描述的编码-解码就是翻译的过程.因为目前西方人创造的编程语言相对不完善,所以翻译的责任一部分由计算机自己承担,一部分由使用计算机的人承担,也就是程序员.由计算机承担的一部分被称之为编译器,是一个翻译的机器,由程序员承担的一部分就是编程.编好了后,就是软件产品,用户就能方便的通过软件与计算机做交互,使用程序员预设的功能.所以,实现中文编程,汉语编程的关键是,设计一个中文编译器,汉语翻译器.可以学习西方人设计个简陋的简单的编译器,模仿三岁幼童的语言方式与计算机交流,也可以重新创造一个复杂的,强大的编译器,模仿成年人沟通方式一样与计算机沟通.


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jnm2 commented Oct 12, 2017

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

抱歉,没有翻译, 我翻译一下.
Sorry, no translation, I translated it.

Hello, please create the Chinese version of the C # language, and .net on the language f # vb, please provide their Chinese version. So that more people in the mother tongue to achieve rapid programming, to achieve ideas, to create a richer program.

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

To achieve the idea of ​​universal programming.
 At present, want to master the programming of this skill requires a high learning costs and costs, programming or a small number of patents, ordinary people or people who want to switch jobs to enter this area is a difficult or even impossible to achieve, Because its cost and cost is high.
 So, because of this, so it is necessary to retreat and compromise?
 No, I envisioned a new path. That is - to achieve [Chinese programming], [programming], programming is the main difficulty of English and other Western natural language, but only as long as learning English and other Western natural language can learn programming? No, it is only to reduce the threshold and cost, but ordinary people do not have this time and energy costs, ordinary people are popular, is the most populous general public, this part of the people do not have that cost, it is difficult to afford the cost of learning , I imagine is to learn programming costs and costs and thresholds to a minimum, or even down to 0. Do not underestimate yourself, as long as you have a sound brain, you can easily entry.
 Programming with your mother tongue will undoubtedly be extremely convenient, you omit the cost and cost of learning a bunch of redundant knowledge, the only thing you need to do is exercise your own logical thinking, rational cognitive ability, spatial imagination and time imagination.
 Programming language development to the present, has become increasingly close to the natural language, for English is the mother tongue, the learning cost is almost no, so their starting point is very high, is the direct use of mathematical ideas in programming, which caused if In fact, the computer science is mainly applied to discrete mathematics. In addition to the computer can be calculated in mathematics, but also non-mathematical calculations. Non-mathematical computing is with the math Irrelevant, or far from mathematics, because the people of our country have mastered the 99 multiplication table, the basic four operations are in hand, the use of addition and subtraction is easy, and as long as you master the four operations can Easy to master the computer non-mathematical calculation.Moreover, higher mathematics and more advanced mathematics is based on four operations, into this area, you will enhance your own mathematical ability.
 Programming is a tool that, by programming, you can direct the computer to work according to your wishes and ideas.
 At present, China began to force the semiconductor industry, the future use of programming skills will be more and more. Through programming, you can quickly build a software product, the software products installed in the machine, the machine will follow the software But the technology is all based on the creation of the basis of Westerners.Media of semiconductor technology and information technology is the computer's two main areas, the performance of the semiconductor is the hardware, but also the use of information technology, Information technology is the performance of software.
 Big Data
 artificial intelligence
 Machinery Automation
 These are complementary, and now because of the media publicity, people only see a side of a side, there is no overall observation of this area.To be an analogy, if the human brain compared to computer hardware, then, people's thinking is equivalent to the computer The chip in the chip is equivalent to the nerve cells in the brain (brain cells), the electronic signal running in the transistor is equivalent to the brain between the brain cells to pass the biological signal, the neural network is equivalent to the number of connections To the integrated circuit of the transistor, and mechanical automation is the human body.With the mechanical composition of the machine, or machine composed of mechanical realization of human limb function and organ function.
 Programming is like the construction engineers engaged in the behavior of programming is also built, but is built in the computer and then by the chip implementation, the chip and then drive the implementation of the corresponding action of the machine.Therefore, programming is not difficult to achieve Chinese programming, Chinese programming, On the 99, down to the people who have just have the ability to programming, programming is to display your wisdom, to achieve your ideas, to show your talent, people's inspiration flashed, you have to seize, because the security is missing, If you realize your inspiration, you may be able to change the world, and it will undoubtedly enrich the Chinese program world for the 1.4 million people in China or the native speakers of Chinese or who will use Chinese to master the basic skills. Certainly not so hard and difficult now, the future of the program must be rich and colorful, a hundred schools of thought contend.
 Programming, but also solve the employment, to solve the industry to upgrade, transformation and upgrading, human survival problems, life problems.Future, education, health care, production activities, all can be realized by the machine, the machine has a highly automated function of food and clothing, life and death, all can be The machine is solved, and what you have to do is programming to command the machine how to do it.
 Now, people can not see the prospect of programming, and, because most of the field into the elite scholars, they have thinking curing, that the realization of Chinese programming Chinese programming does not make sense, they have only English programming horse is the first, the English programming is very high , That programming has no other way to go, no other possibilities, so they do not want to study Chinese programming Chinese programming, but will not come to realize, because they have been seriously Westernized, they have to do the next step is to abandon their The mother tongue, and the culture that engages in the mother tongue.When you ask them what they are, they will not know, even if they know the name, they can not tell what is the country.There is a wide range of cultural connotation covered by Guoxue. But also because the Westerners have established a large program world, all the conditions are complete, they used to use, so they are too lazy to do so. Re-establish the new world of the program, yes, it looks like nothing is bad, but, according to the law of conservation of matter, what has been, you have to pay the phase Should the price, you have to lose anything, the world does not have free lunch, the sky will not fall pies. The price is what I said earlier. Lost self, I do not know who is the country, do not know what race, gradually unable to understand So that the people we wake up should follow their ass and fall with them assimilated? No.
 So that there is a translation process, the computer is no language, Westerners in order to facilitate the use of computers, so to create a computer language, that is, binary, the computer is only one Stack the electronic signal, the current running in the circuit, the Westerners through the binary signal current will be formatted into two states, that is, positive and negative, the switch can also be said to be yin and yang, with Arabic numerals 0 and 1 said, easy to use , But for people, the current generated 0 and 1 is massive, people can not be read, can not do to write, because the current run at the speed of light, mass 0 and 1 is the speed of light to change its state. Because the speed of electricity and the speed of light in the vacuum is the same.Then, in view of this situation, Westerners need more humane way of communication, more efficient and more simple, so they created the assembly language, assembly is with binary 0 and 1 is equivalent, that is, point to point, one to one, but the 1000100010001000 corresponds to the number 8888.1010 corresponds to the letter A. But the West soon found that the language is still not efficient enough , To express an idea to the computer, or too cumbersome, so, Westerners to create a high-level programming language, that is, the market to see c, c ++, java, javascript, python, etc. These are the names of a programming language. That is, to the mass of the binary 0 and 1 encoding, programming is to use these codes. So, as long as the code design for the instruction, an instruction to express a simple meaning, and then combine a number of instructions with a word or a symbol or a sentence Simple daily language that the use of the word or symbol or daily language can express a complex meaning, after decoding, the computer will be able to understand the meaning of this pile of instructions, this way, for people who have no communication barriers , The West communicates with the computer as if it were a talking person. Of course, the intelligence level of this "person" is only in the stage of talking, which is high-level language, although it is still flawed, but it is enough The development of a huge software system program world.Therefore, here describes the encoding - decoding is the translation process because the current Westerners to create programming language Relatively imperfect, so part of the responsibility of the translation by the computer itself, part of the use of computer users, that is, programmers. A part of the computer is called the compiler, is a translation of the machine, by the programmer Part of the programming is compiled, that is, software products, users can easily through the software and computer interaction, the use of programmers preset function.Therefore, the realization of Chinese programming, the key to Chinese programming is to design a Chinese compiler You can learn Westerners to design a simple simple compiler, imitate the three-year-old child's language and computer communication, you can also re-create a complex, powerful compiler, mimic the way adults communicate with Computer communication.
 At present, the electronic products have been deep in all aspects of people's lives, with more and more products of the chip, mobile computers do not say, has been too common, household appliances, TV fridge air conditioning, cooking utensils, cars, industrial production, Lathes, etc., have been installed on the chip, as well as national policy, the Internet of Things plans to put all the products can be installed on the chip.Then, that is, these products are programmable, all need applications. The future will develop you can not imagine the electronic products, electrical products, programming prospects are extremely wide.As the programming representative is the human [want] (thinking) extension, you can [think] (thinking) how far, programming on Can go far, and people [think] (thinking) is no limit.

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qrli commented Oct 12, 2017

I'd say, in Chinese forums, this is usually a joke. But there do be a few people pro it.

We generally view it as non-sense. If you really want it, you can create an editor plugin to translate keywords to Chinese and display them.

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

你是中国人吗? 怎么对中文编程的话题这么熟悉?看起来你没明白我表达的重点.你是在抵制中文编程吧.
实现母语编程怎么可能没有意义? C#用的字符已经非常接近英语自然语言,也就是越来越母语化,如果这个星球上的人都能用他们自己的母语编程,软件生态将空前的强大和发展.
我设想的是在编程语言的基础上实现本地化和母语化, 不是用插件实现.

are you Chinese? How is the Chinese programming topic so familiar? It looks like you did not understand the focus of my expression. You are resisting Chinese programming.
How does native language programming do not make sense? C # characters are very close to the English natural language, that is, more and more mother tongue, if the planet can use their own native language programming, software ecology will be unprecedented and development.
You do not know what kind of quality change brought about by quantitative change, it is anxious to deny or negative it? Quantity change to Quality change 量变到质变. Change to qualitative change.
I envisioned localization and native language based on the programming language, not using plug-ins.

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

希望 微软官方的人看到我的建议,并慎重考虑此建议.谢谢.
Hope that Microsoft officials see my advice and take this proposal seriously.

我觉得最重要的是,C# F# VB已经偏向英语自然语言化,说英语的人总共只有那么多,并且这部分人意愿编程的就更少,有意愿的人又有更多选择(其它编程语言),于是能在C#上发展生根的就很稀少了,没人去研究它,又怎么会进步呢,大家去给微软提建议,让它推出中文版的C# ,什么都用中文 用汉字,中国14亿人 就算一半7亿人学会使用C#都是已经了不得的事.
I think the most important thing is that C # F # VB has been biased towards English natural language, speak English people only so much, and this part of the people will be less programming, there are more people to choose (other programming language ), So the development of rooting in the C # is very rare, no one to study it, how will progress it, we go to Microsoft to make recommendations, let it launch the Chinese version of the C #, All characters are use Chinese with Chinese characters, China 1.4 billion people even if half of the 700 million people learn to use C # are also a very large market.

Localization, the mother tongue may be the key to breakthrough, the ecological needs of people to build, first of all people. China will be a small number of English, say people will not see C #. This is really contradictory.

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ufcpp commented Oct 12, 2017

你自己做 Do it yourself!

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qrli commented Oct 12, 2017

@qwas982 Company has to earn money to keep going. If you pay a big bill, someone will do it for you. You cannot ask someone to do you a favor for free.

And, computer language is not natural language. E.g. Your math symbols are not Chinese, your numbers are not Chinese, but you have no problem with them, right?

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jonechenug commented Oct 12, 2017

Just a joke!Please close this valueless issues!

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ufcpp commented Oct 12, 2017


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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017


You are just standing on your own point of view, you do not stand on the perspective of Microsoft's big business and the market point of view.You do not know how ecology is going on, and you want to stop programming Interested and enthusiastic.
Also, Arabic numerals and mathematical symbols are not necessary for Chinese characters.

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

独裁? 专制?



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shisoft commented Oct 12, 2017

It's not justify to let other people wasting their time for you so you just don't need to learn English.
Suppose you have Chinese programming language, what's next?
To build a comprehensive computer software, you still need to learn a lot. Most of those documents, thesis are all written in English. So what, asked them to translate it for you too?

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

@ufcpp 朋友你好,

Hello friend,
I mean, that localization and native language, like an international software will provide a Multi-language version,


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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017


It seems that you are standing on your own point of view to consider the problem, you think you do not need, others do not need.Therefore, you think, you learn English, others should learn English to engage in programming this work.
I'm not thinking about myself. I'm thinking about the market demand.
On the translation of the document you said, I think that people who engage in this industry more, and naturally someone will be translated.

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jonechenug commented Oct 12, 2017

You want this?It is available in csharp!

    class 中文类
        static void Main(string[] args)
        static void 主程序()
        static void 输出(String 字符串)

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017



I'm talking about it further
such as;

                         ```类  中文类 {
                               静态 空 主要(字符串[] 参数) { 
                                静态 空 主程序() {
                                 静态 空 输出(字符串 字符串) {

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shisoft commented Oct 12, 2017

What you are trying to achieve are just symbols, what symbols to form a statement which makes it meaningful to both the compiler and humans.
The purpose of building a programming language is for efficiency and expressive. What language / characters to represent those symbols are irrelevant.
It's also not a problem if you just translating those symbols, but Chinese symbols are inefficient on developing on modern keyboard and fewer people can read it, so what's the point of this?

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qgy123 commented Oct 12, 2017

Friend, there is a dead project called "Yi FeiYang", I think it can round your "dream".

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

@shisoft 你考虑的是面向英语为母语的编程人员,而不是非英语为母语的编程人员.语言和字符的宿主是什么?
不就是文字符号吗?如果你认为 language / characters 是无关紧要的,那么,为什么现在人类编程还是需要输入 language / characters 才能与计算机沟通呢?
第二个问题,你说用中文或其他非英语为母语的文化用键盘开发效率底下,但是你忽略了现在的操作系统都是用软键盘 soft keyboard 完成字符的输入,中文有拼音输入法,输入效率不比输入英语差.

Are you thinking about English-speaking programmers, not non-native speakers? What is the language and character of the host?
If you think language / characters is irrelevant, then why is human programming still need to enter language / characters to communicate with the computer?
The second question, you say in Chinese or other non-native language culture with the keyboard to develop efficiency under, but you ignore the current operating system are using soft keyboard soft keyboard to complete the input characters, the Chinese Pinyin input method, enter Efficiency is not worse than typing in English.

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

朋友,易语言 / 易飞扬 已经停止开发很久了,并且,它们不开源.因为开发[易]系列语言的公司不重视企业应用,和后续发展.所以,没有企业愿意应用它.

现在有很多人对中文编程的概念还停留在非常早期的阶段和水平, 一提中文编程就说易语言等早已停止开发的汉语编程语言.

Friends, yi 易 language / yi 易 to fly has been developed for a long time, and they are not open source. Because the development of [yi 易] series of language companies do not attach importance to enterprise applications, and follow-up development.Therefore, no business is willing to apply it.

Now there are a lot of people on the concept of Chinese programming still remain in the very early stages and levels, a mention of Chinese programming on language yi 易 to stop the development of Chinese programming language.
The impression of the input of Chinese characters still stays in, Pinyin input method did not invent the stage and level before.

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@ufcpp I agree that it's up to Chinese speakers to develop programming languages in Chinese. I heard about なでしこ before, and seems it's very useful for certain user group and certain tasks. I'm also trying to develop a simple script language, hopefully using Chinese grammar/tokens, to solve simple tasks, as a baby step towards Chinese PL.

BTW do you know any open source Japanese programming language that has some popularity?

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MkazemAkhgary commented Oct 12, 2017

@shisoft well china has got more than 1 billion population. even 1% of them (that don't know english) investing here is 1 million developers. (just for fun :))

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well china has got more than 1 billion population. even 1% of them (that don't know english) investing here is 1 million developers

Ahem... 1% of a billion is 10 million :P

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@qwas982 Apologies if it seems that your suggestion is meeting with hostility, but really the choice of English for programming is a completely arbitrary one. While it may be very western-centric, for sure, that's still not an argument to switch to Chinese instead. What about all the other languages out there? Why don't they get a version of C# as well?

You can easily imagine a version in Arabic, Spanish, Russian or Urdu.

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Even if MS were to take up this idea and create a new language based on VB.NET and F# but using Chinese grammar the result would not be C#, nor remotely related to C#.

I'm curious what such a thing would look like. Sure, C# (and many programming languages) use English tokens and maybe a tiny bit of English grammar but it's far from natural language. Even COBOL is stilted, at best. Most of the time those words have little equivalent meaning outside of programming and their combination would be nonsense to an English speaker outside of their context. I can't imagine that a programming language geared towards another written language would be very different.

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Didn't MS do something like this with Visual Basic? I seem to recall that localized version of the keywords were supported. But it then caused problems with identifier names in libraries from one country clashing with keywords in another. Or did I just make that up?

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qwas982 commented Oct 12, 2017

我的意思是增加一种选择,因为这里有更宽广的市场,和无限的可能.在中国,想要学习编程但又不会英语的人有很多,并且,因为受到政府的高压统治和信息封锁,普通的大众并没有机会和精力研究程序设计和程序语言. 编程对普通中国人来说是一件遥远的事.

对于其他自然语言,Arabic, Spanish, Russian 也可以增加这一种选择,也就是本地化,母语化,就像国际化的程序或操作系统一样,提供当地的语言版本.



I do not mean to complete negative programming in English, nor does it complete negative Western culture.
I mean adding a choice because there is a broader market, and infinite possibilities. In China, there are a lot of people who want to learn programming but do not have English, and because of the government's high pressure rule and information blockade , The general public did not have the opportunity and energy to study or research the programming and programming language. Programming for ordinary Chinese people is a distant thing.

I envisage that if you break the barriers to communication, it will allow more ordinary people to learn and use programming. There are many kinds of exchanges, interpersonal communication, communication between people and computers.
For other natural languages, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian can also add this option, that is, localized, native language, like an international program or operating system, providing local language versions.

Programming is to express ideas, then the expression in the mother tongue, will undoubtedly be more efficient and accurate.

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TKT2016 commented Oct 12, 2017




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Glavo commented Oct 17, 2017

@qwas982 您从这个 issue 的标题就开始 命令 仓库的维护者,或者说他们应该听您的?

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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017



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0xDing commented Oct 17, 2017


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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017

1请先对 boblao0714 bctnry 这两个账号讲,谢谢


Report abuse 我?


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Glavo commented Oct 17, 2017




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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017

你是不是傻,你说的那些全是无中生有,全是根据你自己一厢情愿的解读去判断,与我何干?我不想做所谓的 解答.懂?

你才是在撒泼.抹黑祖国? 你能代表祖国? 搞笑.

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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017





深入读懂半导体存储技术及市场,鄙文即可! - 全文

人口资源和市场资源,其实就是优势,这个优势用好了,先机占到了,生态/库 这些问题根本不是问题(可见上面有很多人鼠目寸光).


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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017




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linnaea commented Oct 17, 2017

@rozbo dalao能帮V4FNMADDSS这个指令起个中文名么_(:3_|∠)_

顺便我是觉得这issue应该close as won't fix了,新创个语言干嘛跑人家这里来……

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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017

Summed up the meaning of the realization of cultural C #

Determining the level of productivity is determined by the efficiency of four key elements: the way of production, the way information is exchanged, and the efficiency of logistics and people.

1, China has a huge market, and is three-dimensional.
2, people and more powerful, when the number of participants after the growth index, the economic return to the whole society is also an exponential growth.
3, increase the entropy capacity.Now China's production methods need to be improved, if there is more wisdom (programming) into the manufacturing, will undoubtedly completely change the existing manufacturing status.

Now really enter the industry or too few people;
China's software information industry practitioners reached 4.7 million

This is only the 2014 news, statistics, or 13 years of data, even now it will not exceed 5 million, which is 1.4 billion relative to China, it is too little too little.
Programming and electromechanical integration (intelligent manufacturing, production) hook, will bring unprecedented energy, coupled with China's potential population, the future of China's economy is immeasurable.
So to solve this problem - programming, we must first solve the Chinese programming. Let the technology move, rather than, man-made technology and make use of China's huge population resources and market resources.

The future of China's semiconductor industry will continue to reduce dependence on foreign countries, and now the development of storage semiconductors

In-depth understanding of semiconductor storage technology and market, can be contemplated! - Full text
When the semiconductor development to a certain size is the logic of semiconductor chips.Intel is also the way to go, Intel's first business is to sell memory. After the design is 8008 chip.

When our country has its own hardware industry, will inevitably put forward new demands on the software industry, if we now begin to achieve Chinese programming, will undoubtedly take the initiative .20 years later, China will be born far more than foreign hardware and software enterprise.
Population resources and market resources, in fact, is the advantage, this advantage is good, the initiative accounted for, ecological / library these issues is not a problem (see a lot of people above the slim light).

Our capacity is so big, but only about 5 million people, and this 500 million people, but also not all programming. The actual number of participants is really less.
This situation severely limits our economic development.

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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017




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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017


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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017


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@qwas982 qwas982 changed the title 你好,请创造中文版的C#语言,和.net上的语言 f# vb,请提供它们的中文版.让更多的人用母语实现快速编程,实现想法,创造更丰富的程序. 你好,请创造中文版的C#语言,和.net上的语言 f# vb,请提供它们的中文版.让更多的人用母语实现快速编程,实现想法,创造更丰富的程序.这个行为实现的后果不管是对微软还是中国来说都是双赢. Oct 17, 2017
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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017

不好意思拼音我也不好,但是是从小学开始就学了,总算没白学,学了10年英文对我来说就白学了。其他方面你还不一定赶上我,57分的英语本人照样上大学,照样毕业,还不是在大学生烂大街的年代。单词基本不认识我照样编程。你可知道你眼中的这些程序员花了多少努力达到现在这个水平么这个我还真知道,自学这些年看遍了到处求爷爷告奶奶的问各种各样的简单到不能再简单的问题,为了1个错误鼓捣好几天解决不了。他们就没想想这是为什么,真的有这么难么?学过了就知道根本不是这样,如果没有语言障碍,99%的错误提示都能解决遇到的问题。可惜就是不认识。你说编程或计算机技术的本质是数学,没错,可更多的是业务是逻辑。一个程序涉及到几个核心算法,设计好了框架,剩下的基本就是搬砖工的水平,我看了C# 罗斯林的 全部代码 TS的全部代码还没发现我不能理解的算法,可能是让我设计我做不出来但是理解他是完全够用的,ts编译器10w行代码有7w以上是搬砖工的水平就可以胜任。如果百度,阿里,腾讯的程序是中文代码写的他们的开发成本瞬间下降1半,人工成本不会超过现在的1半。这里一定有人说什么用中文编程就不能应用尖端技术了,就封闭了就跟不上时代了,就与世界不能接轨了。实际上根本就没有关系,英文难道翻译不成中文么,只要1部分框架师级别的能跟上就行了。其他的都是搬砖的就可以了。时间长了中文编程的生态也就出来了,搬砖工也就可以成为框架师了。

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qwas982 commented Oct 17, 2017


兄弟,推荐你搜索 城市小资产阶级精致利己主义.

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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017


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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017


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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017

毕竟程序就是个结构化的文档,自然语言都能翻译了,这种结构化的东西,没半点难度。虽然调整的东西很多,肯定不单单是.net, 甚至要调整MSIL,CLR等等,如果实现了受益的一定不单单是汉语的,日语的,德语的,西班牙语的。哪管只是有这样的接口也行啊,毕竟有些东西是可以社区完成的。

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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017


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htwx commented Oct 17, 2017

就是说你写的程序 不管是用什么语言写的都可以无缝转换,修改CLR就行了。程序语言里的词汇,如果联系上下文语境,翻译起来根本不需要人参与。最多发布方写点注释。自己翻译和机器翻译使用体验还是差距很大,关键是翻译的准确率,有时候中国人写的英文注释看起来更糟糕。早先还有硬件限制,现在连手机都硬件过剩了。需要严格控制体积的就剩病毒了。这个东西增加个选项就好了有这方面需求的就可以转化成母语,你说我是中国的但是就想看英文的也行啊,可能最多在选项里打个勾的事。这个当然不局限于官方的 .net 核心类库,是指所有的运行于.net的语言都能实现。

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Z-Shang commented Oct 17, 2017

@shisoft 我就。。。随便看看(

@Glavo 这位朋友还是别在这个 Issue 上浪费时间了,我觉得提出这个 Issue 的人表现出来的精神状态不是很健康(对事不对人)。。。

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gafter commented Oct 17, 2017

Since this issue is no longer contributing toward a suggestion for the C# language, closing it. If any of the contributors would like to continue the idea, I recommend forking Rolsyn and demonstrating how C# and its IDE can be extended to provide the requested support. We can then look at the PR and evaluate the idea.

@gafter gafter closed this as completed Oct 17, 2017
@dotnet dotnet locked and limited conversation to collaborators Oct 17, 2017
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