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Exercise Documentation

Miles Florence edited this page Apr 24, 2018 · 15 revisions

What is an Exercise?

An exercises is an assessment of standards previously covered by Insights. Exercises are broken down into two sections:

  1. YAML Metadata
    1. Author - m
    2. Type - m
    3. Standards - m
      1. Points - m
    4. Answer
    5. Link - m
    6. Link Type - m
    7. Links
  2. Markdown Content
    1. Title - m


The YAML section of a exercises is contained between two breaks (---) at the top of the document. Once it enters the system, the YAML section will be parsed as key-value pairs, in a JSON object. Headers including an [M] are Mandatory and must be included in an exercise.

Author [M]

This field should specify the username of the user creating the exercise.

The author is specified by the following line:

    author: catalin

Type [M]

For exercises, this field should be set to exercise.

This field should look like:

    type: exercise

Standards [M]

A Topic's standards represent major concepts within the topic that the user should understand. These standards are broken down into more granular ideas as Objectives (See Standards Repo for a comprehensive list of standards). All content should have an associated standard.

Standards are defined with the following syntax:

<topic>.<standard>.<objective #>: <points value>

This exercises, Double and single quotes, is associated with the 2nd objective of the javascript-syntax standard in the js topic, so it will list js.javascript-syntax.2 as one of its standards.

Points [M]

Points are a great way to weight content within a standard.

As a general rule, Exercises and other assessment are worth 1000 points.


Include an answer property if the user is expected to respond to the bot via text. Answers should always be strings.


answer: 42

Link [M]

Not to be confused with links, an Exercise's link designates where a user should be set to in order to assess their skills (ex. SQLFiddle, Codewars, Nodeschool). Link must always be a hyperlink

An exercise's link will look like this:


Link Type [M]

linkType specifies the source of the link property. Link Type is a plaintext property that should be all lowercase with no spaces.


linkType: codewars


The Links field is where you can put additional resources. These links should include:

  • When possible, link to canonical documentation
  • Link to a walkthrough or overview article that goes into depth
  • Link to a free course or book that covers the information in the insight

To attach links, the following format must be used:


      - '[]({website}'

    //  - >-
    //   [short-name](full-url){resource-type}

The following options are available for resource-type

key resource-type emoji
website Catch-all for any resource not otherwise specified 🌎
video Video resource exploring the topic πŸŽ₯
documentation Official docs, including MDN πŸ“š
article An article that discusses the application of a subject (i.e. tutorial) πŸ“„
discussion An online thread related to the subject (StackOverflow) πŸ’¬

Markdown-based data

Title [M]

Titles are Mandatory.

The title should indicate to the user what the Article and *Questions cover. It must be between 4 and 120 characters long. The title can use code blocks inside it.

Title must be placed after the YAM section,preceeded by a #.

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