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Unknown66 edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 23 revisions

Here we post some of the more common asked questions regards problems with the bot:

1. Can't see the commands list of the bot while writing:

I know, write some command on the phone is not the best, the command list is on our command wiki, you can add the command list using this format:

help - help
add - add a pokemon
addbyrarity -  add with rarity
clear - clear all the pokemon
rem - remove a pokemon
list - list all the scanned pokemon
save - saves the configuration
load - load a saved configuration
lang - Sets pokemon names language.
radius - Search radius in m
remloc - Clear location data

copy that and paste it to the @botfather after you wrote to him /setcommands

2. Token Invalid Syntax

That's usually because the token inside the config-bot.json file is not added inside the quotation marks, example:

right: { "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": "11.....bvesj", "DEFAULT_LANG": "en" }

wrong: { "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": 11.....bvesj, "DEFAULT_LANG": "en" }

3. sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file

usually that happens for two reasons:

  • because you are using a different user for the database and bot, like root for pogom and user for the bot


  1. chown user:user pogom.db* config.json and run without root (better solution!)
  2. run without sudo
  • because you are not using an absolute path for the pogom folder


For Ubuntu usually is something like /home/user/Download/pogom

For Windows something like D:\\users\\something

4. ImportError: No module named 'telegram'

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 19, in from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, Job ImportError: No module named 'telegram'

That happens when you either run the requirements only with pip instead of pip3 or you forgot to install the requirements

Something else?

If it's a bug please open an Issue If you want to contact the creators write to our telegram group:

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