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elenasamuylova edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 21 revisions

Evidently Hacktoberfest 2022

Thanks for your interest in contributing to Evidently!

This page describes how you can contribute during Hacktoberfest (and beyond!).

If you are new to Evidently

evidently reports

Evidently is an open-source Python library for data scientists and ML engineers. It helps evaluate, test, and monitor the performance of ML models from validation to production.

Evidently evaluates different aspects of the data and ML model performance: from data integrity to the ML model quality. You can get the results as interactive dashboards in the Jupyter notebook or export them as JSON or a Python dictionary.

If you have not used Evidently before, you can go through the Getting Started tutorial. It will take you about 10 minutes to understand the basic functionality.

How to contribute

There are different ways how you can contribute to Evidently. You can read our Contribution Guide.

We welcome all improvements or fixes, even the tiny ones, and non-code contributions. Do you see a typo in the documentation? Don’t be shy, and send us a pull request. No contribution is too small!

In addition, during Hacktobfest, we invite you to make a specific type of contribution: help us add new statistical tests and metrics to detect data drift.

add new drift metric

Here is what it means:

  • Evidently helps users detect data drift (to check if the distributions of the input feature remain similar) and prediction drift (to detect when model outputs change).
  • To do this, you typically need to run a statistical test (like Kolmogorov–Smirnov) or calculate statistical distance using a metric like Wasserstein distance. Evidently already has implementations of several tests and metrics inside the library.
  • We invite you to add more metrics and tests as available drift detection methods.

If you want to know more about approaches to data drift detection, here is a blog post.

Why is this useful?

Right now, users can:

Some users rely on custom tests as they have their own preferences or want to use a test they are familiar with. Adding more drift methods to the “library of statistical tests” will give users more options to choose from. This will reduce the need for custom implementations.

Which drift detection methods are already there?

You can see it here in the code.

Which drift detection methods should I contribute?

We added several ideas to the issues. They are labeled as hacktoberfest, or good first issue.

You are welcome to propose your ideas, too. Is there a popular metric we overlooked? Is there something you are using in your work to detect drift? Open an issue to let us know that you want to add a different metric and started working on it!

Instructions to add the new data drift metric

For general instructions (e.g., how to clone the repository), head to the Contribution Guide.

Once you have chosen the drift method you want to implement, take the following steps.

Step 1: Add the new module

Add the new module for drift calculation. It should be located in the following folder:

You need one file for each method.

Step 2: Create the StatTest object

In your module, you should create the StatTest object.

It requires the following:

  • name - this is how users will call the new method in the code; make it short and clear
  • display_name - this name will appear in the visual report; make sure it is complete and looks nice on a dashboard
  • func - the name of the function that performs the calculations
  • allowed_feature_types - list here the feature types your new stattest is suitable for. It can be num (numerical) and/or cat (categorical).

The last part is important, as not all statistical tests and metrics are suitable for both numerical and categorical features. You should specify it correctly. This way, if the user tries to apply the test to the non-suitable feature type, Evidently will return an error.

Step 3: Implement the function

Implement the func that performs the calculations.

It should take the following inputs:

  • Reference pd.Series - a dataset that is the baseline for comparison
  • Current pd.Series - a dataset that is compared to the first one
  • feature_type: str - feature type
  • threshold: float - values above this threshold mean data drift

It should return:

  • score: float - the calculated drift score (e.g., p-value, distance metric value, etc.)
  • drift_detected: bool - the drift detection result (detected / not detected) Don’t forget about the docstrings! We use Google style annotation.

Finally, add this line to register the new test:


You can take one of the tests available in the library as an example:

Step 4: Add software tests

After you’ve implemented your module, the work is not done yet! You need to check that everything works as expected on known corner cases and will continue to work in the future after new changes are added to the library.

Let’s implement the software tests! We use the pytest framework.

You need to add checks like:

  • How will my test work with empty values?
  • What if the current data contains just one value?

You can see the existing software tests here: If you have any questions about implementing the tests, reach out!

Step 5: Apple your new drift detection method

Let's check how your new drift detection method works in practice. Evidently has several interfaces that rely on this method. We suggest creating a test suite.

You need to prepare the datasets to compare and:

  • Create an Evidently test suite (consult the tests user guide if needed)
  • Choose the drift-related tests that you want to include, for example, data or target drift.
  • Create the DataDriftOption object, specify when you want to use your new drift detection method (e.g., apply it only to numerical features), and pass it to TestSuite as a parameter of one or several drift-related tests.

Here is a usage example:

from evidently.options import DataDriftOptions

stat_test_option = DataDriftOptions(all_features_stattest='YOUR_TEST')

suite = TestSuite(tests=[ TestFeatureValueDrift(column_name='education-num', options=stat_test_option), ]), current_data=curr, column_mapping=ColumnMapping(target='target', prediction='preds')) suite

You can set whether your new stattest applies to the for features and/or model output in DataDriftOptions:

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