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Implementing Extensible Application Framework Plugins

This document contains instructions on how to create, debug and deploy plugins for the Extensible Application Framework.

Create and Configure Project

Project References

Plugins are class libraries (.DLL files) whose member classes inherit classes from the ExtensibleFramework.Core namespace. This requires, therefore, that you add a reference to the ExtensibleFramework.Core.dll file in your project.

Follow the process of adding a reference to a project in Visual Studio for the language you are developing in to add a reference to the ExtensibleFramework.Core.dll file.
Optionally, set the Copy To Local of the reference to False. Though the Extensible Framework program is designed to load libraries only when required, doing this will greatly improve the performance of the application.


In order to determine which class libraries are plugins, the extensible framework application scans all directories for files whose names match the expression *.info.txt (e.g.

Each line of this INFO.TXT file should contain the file name of a plugin relative to the directory in which the INFO.TXT file is located but preferably in the same directory as the plugin's .DLL file.

Creating the INFO.TXT File

Though it is fairly easy to create the INFO.TXT file manually, an easier and more robust way of doing this is to have Visual Studio generate the file when building the project using build events.

  1. Right click on the project in Solution Explorer and click on Properties.
  2. Go to the Compile tab and then click on the Build Events button.
  3. Enter the following in the Post-build event command line text box:
    CMD.EXE /C ECHO "$(TargetFileName)" > "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).info.txt"
  4. Click on OK to save the configuration.

With this, an INFO.TXT file with the same name as your output file in the build output directory. The INFO.TXT file will also be automatically populated with the file name of the build output (the DLL file containing the plugin).

Creating the Plugin

All of the classes required to create a fully-functional plugin are in the ExtensibleFramework.Core namespace. Creating a plugin is just a matter of inheriting these classes and modifying the inherited methods to suit your needs.

The plugin descriptor class

The plugin descriptor class serves as the hub of all interaction with your plugin. Ideally, each plugin assembly will have only one plugin descriptor class. However, it is possible to put multiple plugin descriptor classes, and by extension, multiple plugins in one assembly.

Each plugin descriptor must inherit the ExtensibleFramework.Core.Plugin class and implement properties and methods that specify among other things, the name, ID and activities present within the plugin.

Creating a plugin descriptor class

  1. Click on Project > Add Class... and add a new class to your project.
  2. Add the following line after the class definition line to inherit the base plugin descriptor class.
    Inherits ExtensibleFramework.Core.Plugin
  3. Complete the code that was automatically generated when you inherited the Plugin class.
    Optionally, you can override additional methods and properties to fine-tune the way your plugin descriptor (and hence your plugin) works.

The sample implementation of a plugin descriptor class is as shown below.

Imports ExtensibleFramework.Core

Public Class DemoPlugin
    Inherits ExtensibleFramework.Core.Plugin

    Dim launchers() As ActivityLauncher

    ''' <summary>Gets the description of the plugin.</summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String
            Return "Sample Extensible Application Framework plugin"
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>Gets the name of the plugin.</summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Name As String
            Return "Demo Plugin"
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>Gets the launchers for launching activities directly for this plugin.</summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ActivityLaunchers As IEnumerable(Of ActivityLauncher)
            If launchers.Length = 0 Then
                ' create two launchers for the two main activities in the plugin

                Dim launchers(2) As ActivityLauncher

                launchers(0) = New ActivityLauncher("Demo.Plugin.NotepadActivity",
                                                    "Notepad", My.Resources.TextEditor)
                launchers(1) = New ActivityLauncher("Demo.Plugin.SampleActivity",
                                                    "Timer", My.Resources.Clock)
            End If

            Return launchers
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Creates the activity associated with the specified <paramref name="activityID" />.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="activityID">The activity ID of the activity to be created.</param>
    ''' <returns>An instance of <seealso cref="ActivityControl" />.</returns>
    Public Overrides Function CreateActivity(activityID As String) As ActivityControl

        ' create an instance of the activity control whose ID is specified
        Select Case activityID
            Case "Demo.Plugin.SampleActivity"
                Return New SampleActivity()

            Case "Demo.Plugin.NotepadActivity"
                Return New TextEditorActivity()

            Case Else
                Return Nothing
        End Select
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the ID of the <see cref="ActivityControl" /> to use for executing the specified command.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="command">The command to be evaluated.</param>
    ''' <returns>
    ''' The ID of the <see cref="ActivityControl" /> to use for executing <paramref name="command" />.
    ''' </returns><remarks>
    ''' The <paramref name="command" /> parameter will be will be passed to the
    ''' <see cref="Plugin.RunCommand" /> method if a <c>null</c> or empty string is returned.
    ''' </remarks>
    Public Overrides Function GetActivityForCommand(command As String) As String
        ' try to determine if a given command can be run

        If command.StartsWith("run-timer") Then
            Return "Demo.Plugin.SampleActivity"
        ElseIf command.StartsWith("edit-text") Then
            Return "Demo.Plugin.NotepadActivity"
            Return ""
        End If
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Runs the specified command.</summary>
    ''' <param name="command">The command to be run.</param>
    ''' <returns>The result produced from running the command.</returns>
    Public Overrides Function RunCommand(command As String) As Object
        ' no commands are run outside activities so return Nothing for every command that is passed.
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets a value indicating whether the plugin supports the specified command.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="command">The command to be evaluated.</param>
    ''' <returns>
    '''   <c>true</c> if the plugin supports the specified command; else <c>false</c>.
    ''' </returns>
    Public Overrides Function SupportsCommand(command As String) As Boolean
        ' shell off to the GetActivityForCommand() method to determine
        ' whether the plugin supports the given command.

        Return Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.GetActivityForCommand(command))
    End Function
End Class


An activity is a container control hosting one or more controls to perform a specific task.

Activities inherit the ExtensibleFramework.Core.ActivityControl class. This base class implements a set of events and properties that can be used to interact with the user, other activities in the plugin, as well as activities in other plugins.

Creating an Activity

  1. Click on Project > Add New Item....
  2. Select Inherited User Control (Installed > Common Items > Windows Forms), enter the name of the activity and click on Add.
  3. In the Inheritance Picker dialog box that opens, select ActivityControl component (namespace ExtensibleFramework.Core) and then click on OK.
  4. Add controls in the design view to suit your purpose.
  5. Switch to the code view and handle the events you want.

The code below outlines the basic events that can be implemented by an activity in order to interact with the Extensible Application Framework program.

Public Class SampleActivity
    Inherits ExtensibleFramework.Core.ActivityControl

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Initializing(sender As Object, 
                                            e As ExtensibleFramework.Core.InitializingEventArgs) Handles Me.Initializing
        ' the Initializing event is raised when the control is being prepared to be displayed.
        ' it is recommended to load and set default values of controls here.
        ' resource intensive operations should be reserved for the ActivityControl.Started event

        ' initialize the activity text in code; 
        ' it cannot be set in design mode
        Me.Text = "Sample Activity"
    End Sub

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Paused(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Paused
        ' the Paused event is raised when the control's window is minimized or loses focus
        ' pause activities such as rendering and screen updates here 
        '   since the user is not likely to see or interact with them
    End Sub

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Restart(sender As Object, e As ExtensibleFramework.Core.RestartEventArgs) Handles Me.Restart
        ' The Restart event is raised when the activity is started after being previously stopped.
        ' The most likely way this event will be raised is when the user navigates backwards to
        '   ActivityControl.Stopped event will be returned in the RestartedEventArgs.State property.
        '   You can use this to restore the state of your activity.
    End Sub

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Resumed(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resumed
        ' the Resumed event is raised when the control's window regains focus
        '   or is restored after being minimized
        ' Resume rendering and screen updates here for user interaction
    End Sub

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Started(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Started
        ' The Started event is raised when the control has been initialized and is displayed to the 
        '   user for interaction.
    End Sub

    Private Sub SampleActivity_Stopped(sender As Object, e As ExtensibleFramework.Core.StoppedEventArgs) Handles Me.Stopped
        ' This event is raised when this activity has been stopped and removed from the window.
        ' A stopped activity may or may not be resumed so it is recommended to save volatile values 
        '   here. You should also stop all processing in anticipation of termination.
        ' The state of some controls such as caret position, scroll position and focused controls
        '   can be persisted in the StoppedEventArgs.State property in the event of a restart.
        ' The StoppedEventArgs.CleanUp property indicates whether large objects should be disposed of
        '   or not. It is set to True when the user navigates backwards and may not return to this
        '   activity.
    End Sub

    Private Sub TimerActivity_Stopping(sender As Object, e As ExtensibleFramework.Core.StoppingEventArgs) Handles Me.Stopping
        ' Raised just before the activity is stopped. It allows you to prompt user to save open documents, etc.
        ' Setting the StoppingEventArgs.Cancel property to True prevents the activity from being stopped.
    End Sub
End Class