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File metadata and controls

250 lines (182 loc) · 8.72 KB


Queries are the primary way of retrieving data in ApeECS. Retrieve Entities based on Component composition, specific sets, and reverse references. Most ECS implementations implement a Union query, which ApeECS does through it's query.fromAll() method.

// find all of the entities with both Mass and Point Components/Tags
const entities = world.createQuery().fromAll('Mass', 'Point').execute();

👆 A Queries must include at least one from* method call or init option.

👆 fromAll, fromAny, fromReverse, from, not, only, persist can all be done in the creation factory's init Object.

👆 from*, not, and only methods do not distinguish between Component types and Entity tags.

// functionally equivalent to the previous example
const entities = world.createQuery({ all: ['Mass', 'Point'] }).execute();


There are two Query factories -- world.createQuery and system.createQuery. Each returns a Query instance. The main difference is that a Query created from a System is associated with that system, and thus can be persisted to track changes.

A common pattern is to create your persisted queries in a System init.

class ApplyMove extends ApeECS.System {

  init() {
    this.moveQuery = this.createQuery().fromAll('Sprite', 'Position', 'MoveAction').persist();

  update(tick) {
    for (const entity of this.moveQuery.execute()) {
      for (const action of entity.getComponents('MoveAction')) {
        entity.c.Position.x += action.x;
        entity.c.Position.y += action.y;

Query init object

You can pass an init object to world or system createQuery({})

  • init
    • from: Array, equiv to from()
    • all: Array, equiv to fromAll()
    • any: Array, equiv to fromAny()
    • not Array, equiv to not()
    • only: Array, equiv to only()
    • persist: bool, equiv to persist()
    • trackAdd: bool, track added entities between system runs on persisted query with the query.added Set.
    • trackRemoved: bool, track removed entities between system runs on persisted query with query.removed Set.
    • includeApeDestroy: bool, if world.config.useApeDestoy is true, queries default to removing Entities with the ApeDestroy tag, but you can include them by setting this to true.


Using fromAll adds to the Query execution results Entities with at least all of the Component types/Tags listed. It is literally a set union.


  • ...types: []String|Component class: required, array of strings that are the tags and Component types you require from an entity


  • Query instance for chaining methods.
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('Sprite', 'Position', 'MoveAction');
const query = world.createQuery({
  all: ['Sprite', 'Position', 'MoveAction']


Query execute results include Entities with at least one of the tags or Component types listed.

//must have Character Component type or tag and must have one or more of Sprite, Image, or New.
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('Character').fromAny('Sprite', 'Image', 'New');
const query = world.createQuery({
  all: ['Character'],
  any: ['Sprite', 'Image', 'New']


  • ...types: []String|Component class: required, array of strings that are the tags and Component types you require at least one of from an entity


  • Query instance for chaining methods.


Query execute results must include entities that have Components that reference a given entity with a given Component type.


  • entity: Entity, required, Entity instance that must be refered to by a Component.
  • type: String, required, Component type that contains the reference to the entity.


  • Query instance for chaining methods.
// get all of the entities that have a component indicating that they're in the player's inventory
const entities = world.createQuery().fromReverse(player, 'InInventory').execute();
const query = world.createQuery({
  reverse: {
    entity: player,
    type: 'InInventory'


Limit the Query execute results to only include a subset of these specified entities.


  • ...entities: []Entity, required, Array of entity lists that is a superset of the results


  • Query instance for chaining methods.
const query = world.createQuery().from([player, enemy1]);
const query = world.createQuery({
  from: [player, enemy1]


Limit Query execute results to not include Entities that have any of these Component types or tags. not() filters results, and thus the query must include at least one of from, fromAll or fromAny as well.


  • ...types: []String|Component class, required, Array of Component types and Tags to disqualify result entities


  • Query instance for chaining methods.
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('Character', 'Sprite').not('Invisible', 'MarkedForRemoval');
const query = world.createQuery({
  all: ['Character', Sprite],
  not: ['Invisible', 'MarkedForRemoval']


Limit Query execute results to only include Entities that have at least one of these Component types or tags. only() filters results, and thus the query must include at least one of from, fromAll or fromAny as well.


  • ...types: []String|Component class, required, Array of Component types and Tags to disqualify result entities


  • Query instance for chaining methods.
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('Character', 'Sprite').only('Invisible', 'MarkedForRemoval');
const query = world.createQuery({
  all: ['Character', Sprite],
  only: ['Invisible', 'MarkedForRemoval']


Indicate that the Query should be persisted, turning it into a live index of Entities.


  • trackAdded: Boolean, optional, flag to track new Entity results from the Query since the last system.update
  • trackRemoved: Boolean, optional, flag to track removed Entity results from the Query since the last system.update

The properties query.added and query.removed are Sets that you can check during your system.update if tracked.

👆 A query can be persisted without having to track added or removed. Whenever an Entity changes Component or Tag composition, it's checked against all persisted Queries when the world.tick() or after a system.update(tick) happens.

👆 Peristed queries only update their results after system.update or during world.tick(). If you want to update your persisted queries at other times, run world.updateIndexes().

⚠ Queries cannot be persisted if they use from a static set of Entities, or if they're not created from a System.

💭 If you persist a LOT of Queries, it can have a performance from creating Entities, or adding/removing Components or Tags.


execute will not update results for changed entities, and persisted queries won't update within a single system update. To get new results in these situations, use refresh.

const world.registerTags('A', 'B');
const entity1 = world.createEntity({ tags: ['A'] });
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('A', 'B');
const results1 = query.execute(); // doesn't include entity1
const results2 = query.execute(); // doesn't include entity1
const result3 = query.refresh().execute(); //does include entity1

👆 After each system run and each tick, world.updateIndexes() which will refresh persisted queries from changed entities. You can run this directly as well.


Execute a Query, returning all of the resulting Entities.


  • filter: Object, optional, Filter Entities to results that had Component/tag composition changes since updatedComponents or Component value changes since updatedValues.
const query = world.createQuery().fromAll('Character', 'Sprite');
//only include entities that have been updated last tick or this tick
const entities = query.execute({
  updatedComponents: world.currentTick - 1,
  updatedValues: world.currentTick - 1

⚠ If you neglect to call component.update() when you update the values of a Component, then component.updated and entity.updatedValues will not be updated, and the query filter for updatedValues will not be accurate.