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Design description


The text below was copied from the README but is outdated:


refined basically consists of two parts, one for refining types with type-level predicates and the other for converting between different refined types.


The refinement machinery is built of:

  • Type-level predicates for refining other types, like UpperCase, Positive, or LessEqual[_2]. There are also higher order predicates for combining proper predicates like And[_, _], Or[_, _], Not[_], Forall[_], or Size[_].

  • A Predicate type class for validating a value of an unrefined type (like Double) against a type-level predicate (like Positive).

  • A function refineT and a macro refineMT that take a predicate P and some value of type T, validate this value with a Predicate[P, T] and return the value with type T @@ P if validation was successful or an error otherwise. The return type of refineT is Either[String, T @@ P] while the refineMT returns a T @@ P or compilation fails. Since refineMT is a macro it only works with literal values or constant predicates.

Inference rules

The type-conversions are built of:

  • An InferenceRule type class that is indexed by two type-level predicates which states whether the second predicate can be logically derived from the first. InferenceRule[Greater[_5], Positive] would be an instance of a valid inference rule while InferenceRule[Greater[_5], Negative] would be an invalid inference rule.

  • An implicit conversion defined as macro that casts a value of type T @@ A to type T @@ B if a valid InferenceRule[A, B] is in scope.

Intro from early smt doc

refined's refinement types are based on type-level predicates and type classes for checking the validity of refinements and for converting between refined types (refinement subtyping). The library comes with a lot of [predefined predicates][provided-predicates] of which many take type parameters to allow for some customisation of their behavior. These predicates mirror ordinary value-level predicates but lifted into the type-level (Greater[N] for example roughly mirrors (x: Int) => x > n or StartsWith[S] mirrors (x: String) => x.startsWith(s)). This lifting of predicates from the value to the type-level is necessary because we can't just use value-level predicates in a position where a type is expected (which is typically only possible in languages with fully [dependent types][dependent-type]).

Using distinct types for predicates has the advantage that we can easily compose predicates via type aliases and that we retain information about the individual parts of composite predicates. That means if we check if a value satisfies a composite predicate, we not only know if the whole predicate passed or failed but also for each individual predicate if it passed or failed.

Here are two examples how predicates can be composed via type aliases:

// checks if a numeric value is in the closed interval [L, H]
type Closed[L, H]
  = GreaterEqual[L] And LessEqual[H] // definition of Closed
  = Not[Less[L]] And Not[Greater[H]] // fully dealiased definition
                                     // in terms primitive predicates

// checks if some element of a collection satisfies the predicate P
type Exists[P] = Not[Forall[Not[P]]]